HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-2024 Agenda (2)Planning Commission Meeting
October 8, 2024 - 6:30 P M
City Hall Council Chambers
A .P ublic P articipation I nformation
The City of A uburn P lanning Commission Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 8,
2024, at 6:30 p.m., will be held in-person and virtually. To attend the meeting virtually,
please click one of the links below, or call into the meeting at one of the phone numbers
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Comment from the audience on any proposal for action by the Commission. I f the comment
is related to an action subsequently listed here as a public hearing, the comment should be
provided at the time of the public hearing.
A .A ugust 20, 2024 Minutes from the P lanning Commission Meeting
Page 1 of 1151
A .P arks and Recreation P R O S P lan (Gouk)
P lanning Commission deliberation and action on the proposed changes to the P R O S
P lan.
B .P roposed Amendments to Title 14 (Teague)
S taff to present key changes to Title 14 "Project Review". P lanning Commission
deliberation and action on the proposed changes to Title 14 Zoning to implement the
P eriodic Comprehensive P lan Update.
A .P roposed Amendments to T itle 18 (Teague)
S taff to present key changes to Title 18 Zoning to implement the Periodic
Comprehensive P lan Update.
The City of Auburn Planning Commission is a seven member advisory body that provides
recommendations to the Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land
use plans and related codes such as zoning. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the
Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Actions taken by the Planning Commission, other than approvals or amendments to the
Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, are not final decisions; they are in the form of
recommendations to the city council which must ultimately make the final decision.
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Agenda Subject:
August 20, 2024 Minutes from the Planning Commission
September 19, 2024
Community Development
August 20, 2024 Draft Minutes
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrativ e Recommendation:
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:
Rev iewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember:Staff:Alexandria Teague
Meeting Date:October 8, 2024 Item Number:
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Planning Commission Meeting
August 20, 2024 - 6:30 P M
City Hall Council Chambers
A .P ublic P articipation I nformation
The City of A uburn P lanning Commission Meeting was held in person and
Chair J udi Roland called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street.
Commissioners present: Chair J udi Roland, Vice Chair P hillip S tephens,
K ent Sprague, W illiam Stewart, and A aron Vanderpol. Commissioner J ulie
B erry and, Commissioner Lynn Walters were excused.
S taff members present: P lanning S ervices Manager A lexandria Teague,
Deputy City Attorney Paul B yrne, P lanner Alyssa Tatro, P lanner Owen
Goode, City Clerk S hawn Campbell, and Acting Deputy City Clerk Gerri
B lackwell.
Chair Roland led those in attendance in the P ledge of A llegiance.
There was no public comment.
A .J uly 2, 2024 Minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting
Commissioner Sprague moved and Vice Chair Stephens seconded to
approve the J uly 2, 2024 P lanning Commission Meeting Minutes.
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A .P roposed Amendments to T itle 18
S taff to present key changes to Title 18 Zoning to implement the Periodic
Comprehensive P lan Update.
P lanning S ervices Manager Teague presented an overview on key
changes to the A uburn City Code (A C C) Title 18 regarding Z oning, she
explained the changes are needed to implement the Periodic
Comprehensive P lan Update. S he discussed the Code update overview,
2024 Comprehensive Plan E lements, L and Use Element updates,
Housing Element updates, Z oning Code changes, S ubdivision Code
updates, Middle Housing standards, updated housing terms, growth
centers, A C C Title 17 unit lot subdivisions, and House Bill (HB ) 5290
mandates on how the City processes permits.
The Commissioners discussed Middle Housing language change, how
changes effect adult family homes, multiple homes on single lots, new
regulation requirements by the State, usable space definitions, Zoning
changes, and the Tree P reservation Code.
P lanning S ervices Manager Teague provided an update on the Auburn
Avenue T heater destruction scheduled for September, and Diamond
Valley development construction phases.
The Commissioners discussed the A uburn Avenue Theater destruction,
land located next to the T heater, and land clearing at the Diamond Valley
There being no further business to come before the P lanning Commission,
the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
A P P R O V E D this 17th day of S eptember, 2024.
___________________ ________________________________
J UD I R O L A ND, C HA I R Gerri B lackwell, A cting Deputy City Clerk
The City of Auburn Planning Commission is a seven member advisory body that provides
recommendations to the Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land
use plans and related codes such as zoning. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the
Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Actions taken by the Planning Commission, other than approvals or amendments to the
Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, are not final decisions; they are in the form of
recommendations to the city council which must ultimately make the final decision.
Page 2 of 2Page 5 of 1151
Agenda Subject:
Parks and Recreation PROS Plan (Gouk)
September 30, 2024
Community Development
PROS Plan Memorandum
Attachment A - Parks and Recreation PROS
Attachment B - Parks Department Pres entation
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrativ e Recommendation:
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:
See attached Memorandum.
Rev iewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember:Staff:Thaniel Gouk
Meeting Date:October 8, 2024 Item Number:PH.1
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To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members
From: Alexandria Teague, Planning Services Manager, Comm. Dev. Dept
Date: September 20, 2024
Re: 2024 Comprehensive Plan – PROS Plan
Each city and county in Washington state is required to conduct a periodic update of its
comprehensive plan and development regulations per RCW 36.70A.130 (The Growth
Management Act or GMA). In general, the purpose is to ensure consistency with the Puget
Sound Regional Council Vision 2050, the Countywide Planning Policies (for Auburn this means
both Pierce and King County), any changes in state laws over the intervening time, and to
respond to changing conditions within the local community.
Tonight, Planning Commission will deliberate and take action on acceptance of the Parks and
Recreation Pros Plan. This plan is listed under “Package 2”. Future Planning Commission
deliberation and action (recommendation to City Council) on remaining Elements and Systems
Plans, under “Package 2”, is expected at the October 23, 2024, meeting.
This meeting is open to the public and has been advertised appropriately as a regular meeting.
The table below illustrates current, past, and upcoming Planning Commission meetings for the
Comprehensive Plan update, as well as subject.
Subject Public
Deliberation and
Planning Commission – Package 1
Land Use
July 16
Housing July 16
Historic Preservation July 16
Economic Development July 16
Climate July 16
Planning Commission – Package 2
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Sewer Plan
September 17
Stormwater Plan
Parks and Open Space Element
Parks PROS Plan September 17 October 8 October 23
Stormwater Plan
Capital Facilities October 23
Water System Plan October 23 TBD
Utilities Element
October 23
Planning Commission Action – Recommendation for Adoption to City Council
Package 1
Package 2 TBD
For reference, the current adopted Comprehensive Plan Elements can be found here.
Feel free to contact Alexandria Teague, Planning Services Manager, at
ateague@auburnwa.gov or 253-931-3003 with any questions.
Included Attachments:
Attachment A – Parks and Recreation PROS Plan
Attachment B – Parks Dept. Presentation
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Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails Plan
September 2024
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Overview 2 2
Project Information
Project: Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails Plan Update
Prepared for: City of Auburn
Reviewing Agency
Jurisdiction: City of Auburn
WA State Recreation & Conservation Office
Project Representative
Prepared by: SCJ Alliance
Contact: Chris Overdorf, ASLA PLA Project Manager & Principal Parks Planner
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Over view 4 4
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................9
Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................10
Regulatory Requirements ....................................................................................................................11
Process ................................................................................................................................................................13
Inventory & Assessment .........................................................................13
INVENTORY & ASSESSMENT............................................................................................14
Planning Context ........................................................................................................................................15
Physical Context ..........................................................................................................................................15
DEMOGRAPHIC CONTEXT .................................................................................................................17
System Inventory ........................................................................................................................................19
Public Involvement ....................................................................................42
Engagement Goals ..................................................................................................................................43
Public Engagement Plan Overview ...........................................................................................44
Age Range ....................................................................................................................................46
Ethnicity .........................................................................................................................................46
Household Size ..........................................................................................................................46
Home Location..........................................................................................................................47
Neighborhood of Residence ............................................................................................47
Frequency ....................................................................................................................................48
Length of Visit ...........................................................................................................................48
Season ............................................................................................................................................48
Types of Facilities Used .......................................................................................................48
Recreational Facility Use .......................................................................49
Recreational Facilities Outside Auburn ....................................................................51
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Overview 5 5
Barriers to Use ...................................................................................................................................51
The City Needs... ...............................................................................................................................52
Demand & Needs ............................................................................................54
Quantifications vs Qualifications ............................................................................................................55
Park Equity & Access .........................................................................................................................................56
The “10-Min Walk” Metric ..............................................................................................................................56
Recreation Trends................................................................................................................................................56
Level-of-Service (LOS) ......................................................................................................................................63
Goals & Objectives ............................................................................................71
Capital Improvement Program ................................................................77
Developing The Capital Improvement Program ......................................................................79
Park Impact Fee Analysis............................................................................103
Approvals ..............................................................................................................107
Adoption Process ...............................................................................................................................................108
Council Resolution .............................................................................................................................................109
A - Terms & Definitions .................................................................................117
B - Standards & Guidelines .........................................................................119
C - Park Needs & Assessment Survey Comments .......................122
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Over view 7 7
The City of Auburn’s Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan is an ambitious and visionary blueprint designed to elevate the city’s parks and recreation facilities to meet the evolving needs of its vibrant community. This comprehensive plan, which spans from 2024 to 2030, is the result of extensive public engagement, reflecting the community’s collective aspirations for a higher quality of life through enhanced recreational services and access to diverse outdoor opportunities.
The PROS Plan outlines a strategic Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that prioritizes both immediate enhancements and long-term projects, ensuring that Auburn’s parks and open spaces continue to be cherished assets for generations to come. It reaffirms the city’s commitment to fostering a healthy, walkable community, promoting environmental
stewardship, and creating spaces that inspire connection, well-being, and a sense of place.
To bring this vision to life, the plan is designed with flexibility, allowing for adjustments as community needs evolve, new opportunities arise, and funding sources become available. The city is committed to leveraging a mix of municipal budgets, grants, and the passionate efforts of community volunteers to realize these improvements. Through ongoing review and adaptive management, Auburn aims to create a parks and recreation system that not only meets the current needs of its residents but also anticipates and shapes the future, ensuring that the city remains a dynamic, engaging, and inclusive place to live, work, and play.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Over view 7
Auburn is proud of its public parks, arts and recreation programs and facilities which include over 50 parks, community, teen and senior centers, the 18-hole Auburn Golf Course, Postmark Center for the Arts, White River Valley Museum and Mary Olson Farm, as well as two beautiful cemeteries. Our parks include something for everyone, from picnic areas to sports fields. The whole family can enjoy our extensive recreation trail system, enjoy community events such as Petpaloozza, Kids Day, Veterans Day Parade, Farmers Market as well as participate in youth and adult recreation programs as well as our beautiful open spaces and trails.
This PROS Plan is used to develop strategies to deliver the “right parks and programs in the right places” and bring those places to life through events and public programming. Active use of our Parks, Arts and Recreation system improves your health as well as the health of our community.
We continue to grow and change for the betterment of our community and the enjoyment of our citizens, visitors, and patrons. I invite you to visit our parks and facilities and enjoy the quality of life they offer – the benefits are endless.
Daryl Faber
Director of Auburn
Parks, Arts and Recreation
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Overview 9 | Overview 9City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails Plan
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Over view 10
Welcome to the City of Auburn’s Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan Update (PROS Plan). This document fulfills the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), ensuring the City’s eligibility for funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) and other sources over the next six to ten years. It provides a comprehensive overview of Auburn’s parks, recreation areas, open spaces, and non-motorized trails.
The PROS Plan incorporates public input gathered through surveys, outreach, and online tools to assess recreational needs and preferences. It evaluates the current conditions of the city’s parks and open spaces, establishing a vision and goals based on community demand.
A critical component of this document is the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Upon approval, the CIP will finalize the PROS Plan by recommending enhancements aimed at improving services for Auburn residents over the next six years and beyond. These recommendations are strategically linked to potential grant funding sources, guiding the City in prioritizing projects that align with the community’s desired quality of life.
In Washington State, communities like Auburn rely on Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plans to shape the future of their outdoor spaces, serving as vital roadmaps for growth, development, and preservation. These plans are not just state mandates;
they are essential tools for balancing growth with environmental protection and enhancing residents’ quality of life.
For Auburn, the PROS Plan is crucial for complying with the Growth Management Act (GMA), which ensures thoughtful planning to accommodate growth while protecting the environment and enhancing residents’ quality of life.
However, the PROS Plan goes beyond mere compliance. It embodies a vision and a commitment to community engagement, providing a platform for residents to express their needs and desires for parks, trails, and recreational areas. Through surveys, outreach, and online tools, the city gathers valuable input to ensure the plan reflects the diverse interests and aspirations of its people.
At its core, the PROS Plan is about dreaming big while remaining practical. It sets ambitious goals for improving access to recreational amenities, enhancing existing facilities, and expanding green spaces. These goals are not just lofty ideals; they are actionable steps toward creating a community where residents can live, work, and play.
Within the PROS Plan is the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), a strategic blueprint for turning vision into action. The CIP outlines specific projects and improvements designed to enhance services for Auburn’s residents over the next six years and beyond. These projects are carefully aligned with the community’s goals and values, ensuring that every dollar spent brings tangible benefits.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Overview 11
In essence, the PROS Plan is Auburn’s promise to its residents: a commitment to vibrant parks, thriving green spaces, and abundant opportunities for outdoor adventure. It is a testament to the city’s dedication to building a sustainable future where nature and community flourish together.
Growth Management Act
RCW 36.70A.140, known as the Growth Management Act (GMA), is crucial to all Comprehensive Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plans in Washington State. This law mandates that local governments, such as cities and counties, plan for growth through comprehensive plans that consider natural resources, economic development, and residents’ quality of life.
Specifically, the GMA requires local governments to adopt comprehensive plans that address various aspects, including parks and recreation. Additionally, it outlines the requirements for a Capital Facilities Plan (CIP) that includes:
An inventory of existing public facilities, including green spaces.
Forecasts for future needs of these facilities.
Plans for expanding or building new facilities.
A six-year funding plan with identified public funding sources.
A requirement to reassess plans if funding falls short, ensuring all elements are coordinated. Parks and recreation facilities are integral to the CIP.
The Parks and Recreation element of the GMA further specifies that the plan should include:
Estimates of park and recreation demand for at least ten years.
An evaluation of existing facilities and service needs.
Exploration of opportunities for regional collaboration on park and recreation services.
In the context of a PROS Plan, RCW 36.70A.140 provides the legal framework for integrating parks, recreation, and open space considerations into overall planning. The PROS Plan becomes a specific component of the broader comprehensive plan, focusing on developing, maintaining, and enhancing
these aspects within the community.
By adhering to RCW 36.70A.140, cities like Auburn ensure their PROS Plans align with state goals for sustainable growth and development. Compliance with the GMA is essential for Auburn to access state funding and effectively manage its parks, recreation, and open spaces.
Washington Recreation and
Conservation Office (RCO)
The Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) promotes outdoor recreation and conservation in Washington State through grants and technical assistance, ensuring that all residents have access to well-maintained parks and protected natural spaces. However, their role extends beyond funding.
1. The RCO recognizes the importance of well-planned park systems, which not only serve local communities but also contribute to a statewide network of parks and open spaces. A well-implemented Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan acts as a roadmap for a city’s park system, communicating the current state of parks, recreation facilities, budgeting, and programs to the RCO. It identifies gaps in current and future service levels and develops an actionable vision for the community’s future. This roadmap assures the RCO that grant money will be used effectively to meet community needs aligned with statewide goals.
The RCO requires a PROS Plan, updated every six years, to comply with the Growth Management Act (GMA). These plans should cover the following key elements:
2. Existing Conditions & Baseline Analysis: Establishes the groundwork by reviewing past plans, demographics, and park system trends.
3. Community & Systems Needs Assessment: Identifies gaps and needs in park infrastructure, assesses facility conditions, and sets service level benchmarks.
4. Priorities, Strategies, and Implementation Plan: Compiles the analyses and proposes recommendations. It prioritizes goals, outlines implementation strategies, and establishes a potential capital improvement plan for park development.
By following RCO’s guidelines and creating a strong PROS Plan, Auburn can secure grant funding, improve its park system, and enhance the quality of life for its residents. To ensure compliance with RCO’s framework
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Over view 12
and alignment with the GMA, communities must submit the PROS Plan along with the RCO’s Self-Certification Form (see Approvals Section). By adhering to this framework, Washington communities can develop a robust vision for their parks and recreation systems and strengthen their grant applications by demonstrating clear vision and strategic priorities.
More information can be found in RCO’s Manual 2: Planning Guidelines (January 2024), available at:
While RCO has no specific requirements for the number of pages, number of chapters, or format for comprehensive parks plans, it is expected that the plan will capture the needs of the organization and, more importantly, the quality of life desired by the community.
The process used to develop the City of Auburn’s Park’s PROS Plan Update is modeled after six minimum elements noted in RCO Manual 2: Planning Policies & Guidelines. Whether this plan supports a grant application for a capital project (facility development and land acquisition) or a non-capital project (architectural, engineering, planning, etc.,) the organization of this plan and the process followed is purposefully designed to capture the elements expected by RCO.
Aside from this, the first section, the project overview, this plan is structured around six primary sections or elements needed for an effective comprehensive parks plan:
Existing Conditions
(Systems Inventory)
A description of the planning or service area, including the physical setting, the community profile, other mutually supportive planning efforts, and a summary of conditions of the complete inventory of each existing outdoor recreation asset or program.
Public Involvement
A description of how the planning process gave the public ample opportunity to be involved in plan development and adoption.
Demand & Needs Analysis
An analysis that takes your inventory work and public involvement into consideration, balancing
public demand with your organization’s current capacity and future expectations.
Goals and
The plan must support the applicant’s park and recreation mission, including the current project, with broad statements of intent, or goals that capture a community’s desired outdoor recreation resources.
A list of the desired capital improvements or capital facility programs of at least 6 years that lists and prioritizes desired land acquisition, development, renovation, and restoration projects.
A resolution, ordinance, or other adoption instrument showing formal approval of the plan and planning process by the governing entity.
The process diagram below identifies the priority sections needed to develop a GMA-compliant and RCO-certified PROST plan, however, many steps ran concurrently.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Inventor y & Assessment 13 | Inventor y & Assessment 13City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails Plan
Inventory &
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Inventor y & Assessment 14
This section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current conditions of Auburn’s parks, recreation programs, open space, and trail system. It examines the condition of the City’s parks system, the population served by these parks, and the regional context and planning efforts that shape the system.
The City of Auburn manages a diverse range of parks and recreation assets, including 10 neighborhood parks, 14 community parks, 6 parcels of dedicated open space, 13 pocket parks and tot lots, and 16 special use facilities, including a golf course and trail systems. Given Auburn’s current population of 90,096 in 2024, this equates to approximately 11.8 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. This ratio aligns Auburn with other communities across the country, which have a median of 11.2 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. A more detailed analysis of the composition of Auburn’s parks and recreation system is provided in the Demand & Needs section of this report.
The inventory and assessment section, and the information that follows, is divided into four distinct contexts that capture the structure upon which the parks system is a part of.
Physical Context
Demographic Context
Planning Context
Site Evaluations
Pocket Parks
21st Street Playground • North Tapps Estates
Riversands Park • Terminal Park
Village Square Park • Ballard Park
Dorothy Bothell Park • Dykstra Park
Edgeview Park • Forest Villa Tot Lot
Gaines Park • Indian Tom Park • Jordana Park
Auburndale 2 Park • Shaughnessy Park
Auburndale Park • Cameron Park
Cedar Lanes Park • Evergreen Park
Lakeland Hills Park • Riverpoint Park
Scootie Brown Park • Trail Run
104th Ave SE • Brannan Park • Fulmer Park
Game Farm Park • Game Farm Wilderness
GSA Park • Isaac Evans Park
Jacobsen Tree Farm (und.) • Lea Hill Park
Les Gove Park • Mill Pond Park • Roegner Park
Sunset Park • Veterans Memorial Park
Auburn Environmental • Clark Property
Game Farm Open Space • Golf Course
Lakeland Nature Area • Mary Olson Farm
West Auburn Lake
B Street Plaza • Bicentennial Park
Centennial Viewpoint Park • City Hall Plaza
Clark Plaza • Community Garden A
Community Garden B • Environmental Park
Fenster Nature Park • Fly-in Lion
Mary Olson Farm • Mountain View Cemetery
Pioneer Cemetery • Plaza Park
Slaughter Memorial
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Inventor y & Assessment 15
Planning Context
Auburn: A History of
The Auburn area has a rich history of human settlement, with indigenous populations being the first inhabitants. Tribal groups such as the Skopamish, Smalhkamish, and Stkamish thrived at the confluence of local rivers, establishing trade routes over the Cascade Mountains, interacting with eastern tribes, and using the waterways for resource gathering and commerce with coastal groups.
In the mid-1800s, the first European pioneers arrived in the White River Valley. The following decades, particularly the 1880s, saw the arrival of railroads, which attracted settlers from various regions, including the eastern and Midwestern United States, Europe, and Asia. Early European and Japanese farmers began cultivating the fertile land, leading to bountiful harvests and establishing the White River Valley as a prominent agricultural center.
Auburn’s central location between Seattle and Tacoma played a significant role in its development. The construction of a hydroelectric power plant on the upper White River in 1911 provided electricity for Auburn, Seattle, and Tacoma, and powered the Interurban Railway. Additionally, the selection of Auburn by the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1910 as the site for its western freight terminal spurred a population boom, driven by the influx of permanent rail workers in need of housing.
World War II had a profound impact on Auburn’s trajectory. The federal government’s wartime relocation of Japanese American citizens to internment camps resulted in the loss of numerous businesses, homes, and farms. Unfortunately, most of these families never returned.
Although Auburn remained an agricultural hub for some time, the city began transitioning towards increased industrialization in the post-war period. In the 1960s, the establishment of a Boeing aircraft plant in the city marked a pivotal shift. Efforts to address historical flooding issues, including the construction of Mud Mountain and Howard Hanson Dams by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, further supported Auburn’s transformation from a frontier settlement to a developed industrial center.
Auburn’s strategic position within south King County made it a desirable location during the 1990s, a period coinciding with a population surge across the Puget Sound region. The city’s population, estimated to be around 30,000 in 1990, grew significantly over the next few decades, reaching approximately 76,347 by 2014—a 154.5% increase. However, from around 2014 onward, growth slowed to approximately 11%, marking a
significant deceleration from the previous pace.
This slowdown during the 2000s can be attributed to a combination of economic and demographic factors. The region faced the aftermath of the dot-com bust and the early 2000s economic recession, which impacted job creation and investment. Additionally, the housing market crisis that culminated in the 2008 financial crash significantly affected real estate development and home purchases, leading to a decrease in population influx. Infrastructure limitations and congestion also played a role, as the city’s capacity to accommodate rapid growth was stretched thin, particularly considering its physical context. Moreover, competition from nearby cities offering more attractive amenities or better economic opportunities may have diverted potential residents and businesses away from Auburn. These factors collectively contributed to a period of slower growth for the city during that decade.
Today, Auburn remains an attractive community known for its family-oriented, small-town atmosphere. With more affordable housing compared to most of King County, convenient highway access, and a charming small-town feel, Auburn is poised for continued, stable, and sustainable growth. This growth will increase the demand for quality of life elements that the community expects, including the demand for and access to recreational facilities.
Physical Context
Auburn’s location in the Puget Sound region has profoundly influenced its historical development and future growth. The city’s geography has been central to its evolution, with its proximity to rivers making it an essential transportation hub for both Native Americans and early settlers. The fertile valley attracted cultivation, and railways were later built to transport crops and timber from Auburn to larger cities like Tacoma and Seattle.
Today, Auburn is traversed by two major rivers, the White River and the Green River, along with two critical transportation corridors, SR-167 and SR-18. These natural and man-made features divide the city, with a flat valley floor surrounded by steep ascents leading to the West Hill and East Hill. The valley is further segmented by Highway 167 and distinct zoning designations, creating identifiable areas such as Downtown and the Industrial Valley.
The Green River is fed by numerous creeks that carve through the East Hill, forming ravines and preserving natural spaces, which in turn limit mobility within this region. East Hill is primarily a residential area with pockets of retail, and it is crossed by major roads like Highway 515 and E James Street. In contrast, West
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Hill is somewhat isolated from the rest of the city, bounded by the Green River and Highway 516, and further divided by I-5.
Nestled within the Puget Sound Lowland region of the Pacific Northwest, Auburn is a city shaped by the enduring legacy of ancient glacial epochs and the ongoing influence of geological forces. Positioned between the eastern foothills of the Cascade Range and the shores of Puget Sound, Auburn features a diverse range of terrain types.
To the east, the Cascade foothills rise gradually, giving the landscape a gentle undulation that ascends toward the towering peaks of the Cascade Range. These foothills provide a rich tapestry of topographical variety, offering panoramic vistas and numerous recreational opportunities.
The city’s landscape is marked by a broad, flat valley bordered by the Green River and Lea Hill to the east, and West Hill to the west. These green slopes define Auburn’s contours, creating natural boundaries within the urban expanse while offering breathtaking views of the Cascade Range and the iconic silhouette of Mount Rainier.
To the west, Auburn’s proximity to Puget Sound imparts a maritime character to its climate and geography. Located near the southern edge of the sound, the city benefits from easy access to waterfront areas and the thriving marine ecosystems they support. This maritime influence moderates the climate, resulting in milder winters and cooler summers compared to the more extreme conditions experienced further inland.
Auburn’s intricate network of rivers and creeks holds deep significance for the community, serving a variety of crucial functions and enriching the local landscape. These waterways act as natural drainage systems, contribute to flood mitigation, provide vital habitats for diverse fish and wildlife, offer scenic beauty, hold historical importance, and create opportunities for recreation.
The history of Auburn’s watercourses, particularly the White River, highlights the complex interaction between natural forces and human intervention. Before 1906, the White River flowed through King County, merging with the Green River before emptying into Elliot Bay. However, a significant debris blockage in 1906 altered the river’s course, diverting floodwaters away from King County and redirecting them down
the Stuck River into the Puyallup River. To manage this change, a permanent diversion wall was built at Game Farm Park in Auburn, directing the White River to its current path.
Today, the White River in southern Auburn serves as a natural boundary, separating the more developed urban core from the rural areas beyond. Historically, the city developed within the river valley, where many of its parks are located. However, with the valley reaching its developmental capacity, urban growth has expanded into newly annexed areas to the west, east, and south. Various water bodies, including the Green River, Mill Creek, Bowman Creek, Olson Creek, Mill Pond, and White Lake, have significantly influenced Auburn’s spatial development. The wetlands along much of Mill Creek have limited extensive urbanization in that area, though some industrial properties have been established.
Among Auburn’s water features, White Lake and West Auburn Lake are the only naturally occurring lakes or ponds. West Auburn Lake, acquired by the city within the past decade, offers recreational opportunities within a highly urbanized setting. In contrast, White Lake, located south of Highway 18, remains privately owned and inaccessible to the public, preserving its natural state.
Nestled within a temperate maritime climate, Auburn experiences a nuanced interplay of meteorological forces, shaping its seasonal identity with distinct variability.
Summer (June to August) brings warmth to the region, with temperatures typically ranging from 75°F to 85°F (24°C to 29°C). While the season is mostly dry, occasional light rainfall may punctuate the otherwise arid conditions.
Autumn (September to November) ushers in cooler temperatures, settling between 60°F and 70°F (15°C to 24°C). During this period, Auburn transitions to a wetter climate, with more frequent showers that cast the familiar Pacific Northwest veil of precipitation over the landscape.
Winter (December to February) sees temperatures dip to an average of 45°F to 50°F (7°C to 10°C). While cold air intrusions can briefly push temperatures below freezing, such occurrences are typically short-lived. Precipitation increases during the winter months, and although snowfall is rare, it occasionally blankets the city. When snow is accompanied by freezing rain, it can significantly impact local traffic.
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Spring (March to May) signals a gradual warming, with temperatures rising to a moderate 55°F to 65°F (13°C to 18°C). Intermittent showers persist, remnants of the previous seasons’ precipitation, as the landscape undergoes its annual rejuvenation.
Auburn receives approximately 37 inches (940 mm) of annual precipitation, evenly distributed across the seasons, reflecting its maritime influence. The city’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean helps moderate extreme temperatures, tempering both the summer heat and winter chill.
Auburn’s diverse topography, with its varying elevations and water bodies like the Green River, fosters the development of microclimates within the city. These microclimates create subtle weather patterns and temperature differences, adding richness and complexity to Auburn’s overall climate.
Auburn, Washington, is a vibrant city with a diverse demographic profile. Based on the latest U.S. Census data, here is a detailed breakdown of key demographic aspects:
Population Size & Growth
Auburn is a mid-sized city in King County, Washington, with a population of approximately 90,096 as of July 2023. The city has experienced steady growth, reflecting broader trends in the Seattle metropolitan area. Since 2000, Auburn’s population has increased by 54.4%. With a population density of about 3,046 people per square mile, the city continues to see urban development and residential expansion.
In recent years, Auburn’s growth rate has moderated. Between 2020 and 2023, the population grew at an annual rate of about 0.99%. Looking ahead, the growth rate is projected to decelerate to approximately 0.31% annually from 2023 to 2028.
Auburn’s economy is diverse, with key industries including retail, manufacturing, healthcare, education, and various service sectors. Major employers in the city reflect this diversity. Among them are Boeing, which operates a significant aerospace manufacturing facility in Auburn, employing thousands of workers and playing a central role in the city’s industrial base. Multicare Health System and CHI Franciscan Health are also significant employers, providing a wide range of healthcare services to the region.
In addition to these, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe is a major contributor to the local economy, not only through its government operations but also through its enterprises, such as the Muckleshoot Casino and Muckleshoot Bingo. Auburn School District is another key employer, reflecting the city’s strong focus on education.
Many residents of Auburn work within the city, benefiting from the presence of these major employers. However, a significant portion of the population commutes to nearby employment hubs such as Seattle, Tacoma, and Bellevue, which are easily accessible due to Auburn’s strategic location and robust transportation infrastructure, including major highways and rail services.
Auburn’s accessibility and central location make it a vital center for both residential living and employment opportunities within the Puget Sound region. The combination of local employment and the city’s position within a broader regional economy enhances Auburn’s role as both a residential community and a significant economic hub.
Race and Ethnicity
Auburn stands out for its notable ethnic and racial diversity, which is somewhat unique compared to other cities in Washington State. According to recent data, the racial composition of Auburn’s population is approximately 59.7% White, 11.6% Asian, 7.3% Black or African American, 2.1% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 2.8% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Additionally, 16.5% of the population identifies as Hispanic or Latino. The city’s diversity is further highlighted by the fact that 21.4% of Auburn’s residents are foreign-born, a figure that exceeds the state average.
Auburn’s significant Asian and Hispanic or Latino populations are particularly noteworthy. While many cities in Washington have diverse communities, Auburn’s proportion of Asian residents stands out, reflecting broader trends in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue metropolitan area, yet distinguishing itself from smaller or less urban areas in the state.
Moreover, Auburn is home to a significant population of Marshall Islanders, who have migrated to the United States primarily under the Compact of Free Association (COFA). This treaty allows citizens of the Marshall Islands, along with those from Micronesia and Palau, to live and work in the U.S. without visas. Auburn has become a notable center for Marshallese migrants, following Arkansas, which hosts the largest population on the mainland.
The migration of Marshallese to the U.S. has been driven
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by various factors, including economic opportunities and better access to healthcare. Additionally, many Marshallese migrate due to environmental degradation and health issues linked to the legacy of nuclear testing conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands during the mid-20th century. This has resulted in health concerns such as cancer and other chronic diseases, prompting many to seek better healthcare in the U.S.
In Auburn, the Marshallese community has maintained strong cultural ties, frequently gathering in local churches and community events to support one another and preserve their traditions. This tight-knit community aspect is crucial as they navigate the challenges of migration, including language barriers and economic adjustments.
Auburn’s demographic diversity is rooted in its historical development as a key agricultural and industrial hub, which has attracted various immigrant communities over the years. This has created a rich cultural fabric that continues to shape the city’s identity today.
While English is the primary language spoken in Auburn, with 69.36% of residents speaking it exclusively, the city’s cultural diversity means that a variety of languages can be heard in everyday life. Spanish is the most common non-English language, spoken by 13.28% of the population. Additionally, other languages, including various Slavic languages, contribute to the city’s linguistic landscape.
The Auburn School District reflects this diversity, with over 80 languages spoken in the homes of its students. More than 40% of students use multiple languages in their daily lives. The district’s Multilingual Learner Program is designed to help students develop English language skills while also promoting the preservation of their home languages. Although the exact number of students speaking each language at home is not disclosed due to privacy concerns, the fact that the district’s Multilingual Learners department serves students from over 80 different language backgrounds illustrates the rich tapestry of languages spoken in Auburn.
Moreover, the district offers translation services for a variety of languages, including Afrikaans, Burmese, Hmong, Marshallese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian. While this is not an exhaustive list, it highlights some of the prominent languages spoken in the community alongside English.
These languages likely represent just a portion of Auburn’s diverse linguistic landscape. However, by examining the languages supported by the school
district, we can gain insight into the multilingual character of the city.
Auburn has a diverse age distribution among its population of approximately 90,096 people. The largest age group consists of residents aged 35 to 54, comprising about 27% of the population. This is followed by children and teenagers (ages 5 to 17), who make up roughly 18%. Young adults aged 25 to 34 represent around 15%, while those in the 55 to 64 age bracket account for approximately 12%. The senior population (over 65 years) comprises about 13% of the population, and those aged 18 to 24 constitute around 9%. The youngest segment, children under 5 years old, represents about 7% of Auburn’s population.
Recent trends in Auburn’s age distribution have shown relative stability across the different age groups. However, there has been a slight increase in the senior population, mirroring broader national trends of an aging demographic. This shift suggests a growing need for services and amenities that cater to older residents, while also maintaining support for families and younger adults.
GenderAuburn’s gender distribution is close to an even split between males and females, with a slightly higher percentage of males. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, Auburn has approximately 46,922 males (52.1%) and 43,174 females (47.9%), indicating a clear majority of males over females in the city. This trend is somewhat uncommon in many parts of the United States, where women typically outnumber men.
Auburn’s residents represent a wide range of income levels, reflecting the diverse economic profiles of its neighborhoods and communities. While some areas of Auburn are affluent, others have a higher percentage of lower-income households. The city’s economic structure includes a mix of blue-collar and white-collar workers, contributing to this diversity. As of the most recent data, the median household income in Auburn is approximately $83,881, with a per capita income around $41,440. The city’s poverty rate is 10.7%, and 14.9% of children live below the poverty line. Housing is a significant aspect of the local economy, with the median home value around $561,000 (per 2024 Zillow Home Value Index). This reflects a community with varied economic experiences, encompassing both substantial earning potential and areas in need of economic support.
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Auburn is served by a variety of educational institutions, including both public and private schools. The Auburn School District is a key provider, operating numerous elementary, middle, and high schools, such as Auburn High School, Auburn Riverside High School, and Auburn Mountainview High School, along with various elementary and middle schools spread throughout the city. The district serves a substantial student population, with an enrollment of over 17,000 students.
Private education options in Auburn include Valley Christian School, which offers a Christian-centered education from preschool through 12th grade, and Auburn Adventist Academy, a Seventh-day Adventist high school. Additionally, the Muckleshoot Tribal School, managed by the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, provides education from kindergarten through high school, addressing the specific needs of its tribal community.
Green River College is a notable public institution in the area, offering a range of associate degrees, certificates, and transfer programs. Collectively, these educational institutions contribute to the diverse and comprehensive learning environment in Auburn.
Auburn’s housing market is diverse, featuring a mix of single-family homes, apartments, and affordable housing options. As of mid-2024, the median home price in Auburn is approximately $621,000 (per 2024 Zillow Home Value Index), reflecting a 5.5% increase over the past year. The market remains highly competitive, with homes typically selling within a week of listing. Rental prices are also significant, with median rents around $1,919 per month. The city supports a range of affordable housing programs through the King County Housing Authority, including Section 8 vouchers and subsidized housing designed for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.
This varied housing landscape influences Auburn’s parks and recreation system by increasing the demand for accessible and inclusive recreational spaces. The presence of affordable housing communities, such as Burndale Homes and Firwood Circle, which offer on-site services and are located near parks, highlights the importance of maintaining and expanding public recreational facilities. These parks provide essential amenities and green spaces for residents of all income levels, promoting community well-being and environmental sustainability.
Auburn is often considered a commuter city due to its strategic location in the Puget Sound region and its proximity to major employment centers such as Seattle, Tacoma, and Bellevue. The city’s population fluctuates during the day as residents commute to jobs in these areas. The average one-way commute time for Auburn residents is approximately 31.6 minutes, covering an average distance of around 10.75 miles.
Here’s an overview of key cities to which Auburn residents commonly commute for work and the respective employment opportunities:
1. Tacoma is a major city in the Puget Sound region offering a wide range of employment opportunities across various industries.
2. As a neighboring city, Puyallup provides job options in retail, healthcare, education, and other sectors.
3. Although farther from Auburn, some residents commute to Seattle for jobs in tech, finance, healthcare, and various other industries.
4. Located to the north, Kent offers job opportunities in logistics, manufacturing, and retail.
5. Also north of Auburn, Renton is home to companies in aerospace, technology, healthcare, and other industries.
6. To the west, Federal Way has a diverse job market, including opportunities in retail, healthcare, and education.
System Inventory
Auburn takes great pride in its expansive parks system, designed to cater to a variety of recreational interests while preserving the natural beauty of the area. Among the many parks throughout the city, Les Gove Park stands out as a tranquil oasis in downtown Auburn, offering verdant green spaces, meandering pathways, and designated picnic areas, providing a peaceful retreat amid the urban bustle. Game Farm Park, a premier destination for sports enthusiasts and families alike, spans 80 acres and features sports fields for soccer, baseball, and softball, along with tennis courts, a skate park, and playgrounds. Isaac Evans Park, located along the scenic Green River, delights visitors with riverside trails, scenic viewpoints, and inviting picnic spots, allowing nature lovers to immerse themselves in a serene environment. Brannan Park, near the Green River, is a picturesque spot for outdoor recreation, offering walking trails, picnic shelters, and a boat launch for water enthusiasts. For those seeking a more botanical experience, Soos Creek Botanical
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Garden (privately owned) showcases a stunning array of native and exotic flora, inviting visitors to explore its themed gardens, winding paths, and tranquil ponds.
Auburn’s park system extends beyond recreation to include educational and environmental initiatives. Auburn Environmental Park combines recreational amenities with interactive exhibits and interpretive trails, serving as a platform for environmental education and awareness. These programs enrich the community’s understanding of local ecosystems and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world. In essence, Auburn’s parks system is more than just a collection of green spaces; it’s a vibrant tapestry of recreational opportunities, natural wonders, and educational endeavors that enrich the lives of residents and visitors alike.
Auburn prioritizes the development of park spaces that align with the community’s values. To determine what improvements are needed or desired, the first step is to catalog and assess the current conditions of all the city’s existing parks, open spaces, and trail resources. This process involves identifying the assets that Auburn currently owns, manages, and maintains, and evaluating them to ensure they meet or exceed park development standards, safety criteria, liability and risk concerns, recreational trends, aesthetic appeal (placemaking), and landscape and climate change resiliency objectives.
To effectively plan for budgeting and resource allocation based on each park’s level of service or area of influence, parks are also assessed to determine the individual contributions they provide to the community.
Physical & Mental Health: Assessing a park by expected or projected use helps visitors know what to expect and allows park managers to establish rules and guidelines that ensure visitors’ safety and preserve the park’s resources.
Ecological Diversity: Parks often vary in terms of their ecosystems and biodiversity. Assessing parks based on their ecological features can aid in understanding and protecting these unique natural environments.
Cultural and Historical Significance: Some parks are often assessed based on their cultural or historical importance. These designations help preserve and showcase sites of cultural heritage, such as historical landmarks, archaeological sites, and areas with indigenous significance.
Tourism & Branding Benefits: Classifying parks can aid in promoting tourism and attracting visitors. Visitors often have varying interests, so categorizing parks allows tourism agencies to target specific audiences with appropriate marketing strategies.
Educational and Interpretive Benefits: Classification helps in developing educational programs and interpretive materials tailored to the park’s unique characteristics. This enhances visitor experiences by providing relevant information about the park’s natural, cultural, and historical attributes.
Research and Conservation Planning: Scientists and conservationists can use classification systems to prioritize research efforts and develop conservation plans. By understanding the different types of parks and their specific features, they can focus on areas that are most in need of study and protection.
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Categorized Recreation
The City of Auburn offers a wide range of recreation programs designed to meet the diverse interests and needs of its community members. These programs, categorized by age group and activity type, provide opportunities for fitness, personal growth, social engagement, and community involvement.:
Fitness Programs:
• Fitness memberships
• Fitness classes
• Open gym sessions
• Equipment and weight room access at the Auburn Community & Event Center
Preschool Programs (Ages 1-5):
• Indoor playground
• Classes and programs
• Birthday party packages
• Youth Programs (Ages 6-12):
• Rec n Roll (mobile recreation unit)
• Summer camps
• Classes and programs
• Family programs
• Birthday party packages
Teen Programs (Ages 13-18):
• The REC Teen Center
• Classes and programs
• Camps
• MakerSpace
Adult Programs (Ages 18+):
• Ar t classes
• MakerSpace
• Fitness classes
• Open gym
Senior Programs (Ages 50+):
• Senior Activity Center
• Fitness classes
• Social activities
• Educational workshops
Family Programs:
• Various family-oriented activities and events
Specialized Recreation:
• Programs for individuals with disabilities
• Sports & Athletics:
• Youth leagues
• Youth sports classes
Community Events and Special
• Auburn Farmers Market (June-September at Les Gove Park)
• National Recreation and Park Month events Various special events throughout the year
Cultural Arts Programs:
• Performing arts
• Public art installations
Outdoor Recreation:
• MTB Trailblazers biking program
• Hiking and trail activities
Volunteer Opportunities:
• Community service and volunteer programs
Facility Rentals:
• Athletic fields
• Campground
• Meeting and banquet rooms
• Picnic shelters
Overall, the City of Auburn’s diverse array of programs and services supports a healthy, active, and engaged community and highlights Auburn’s commitment to providing diverse and inclusive recreational opportunities for its residents, promoting community well-being and engagement
Existing Parks & Recreation
The City of Auburn offers a wide array of recreational opportunities and park spaces for both residents and visitors, with a strong emphasis on developing park spaces that align with the community’s values. Auburn’s park system currently encompasses approximately 980 acres of mostly developed or partially developed parklands, along with non-contiguous trail segments along the White River that aim to connect to the downtown core.
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To identify necessary or desired improvements, the City first catalogs and assesses the current conditions of all its existing parks, open spaces, and trail resources. This assessment process involves identifying and evaluating the assets that the City of Auburn owns, manages, and maintains, ensuring they meet or exceed park development standards, safety criteria, and liability and risk concerns. Additionally, this evaluation addresses recreational trends, enhances aesthetic appeal through placemaking, and supports landscape resiliency.
Assessment Methodology
Modeled after RCO’s suggested Level-of-Service (LOS) grading system and NRPA’s “system level” approach, a custom assessment methodology was used in this study to inventory and assess the current range of recreation and open space opportunities within any particular area. The methodology used in this report is ranked on a scale of 5 to 0, from high to low, across a number of different criteria, including:
Park Classification
Facility Age
Funding Encumbrances or Regulatory Framework
Condition of Individual Components & Amenities
Maintenance / Known Issues
Please note that park areas developed by private entities e.g., a HOA, or and public or private schools were not included on the overall City Park map, therefore they were not part of the assessment procedure.
The following steps were executed to capture the institutional knowledge of City staff, while allowing the consultant team to assess each park and trail component.
1. Inventory and build maps of the existing parks.
2. Develop a detailed inventory of each park from the previous planning process and geospatial sources, including encumbrances research and park / funding histories.
3. Distribute inventory information to City for review.
Park Classifications
Classification systems provide a standardized method to develop, organize, operate, and manage parks based on certain criteria, which can include factors such as their size, ecological importance, recreational opportunities provided, historical or cultural significance, placemaking potential, economic development, and ability to support conservation & climate resiliency goals.
Washington State Parks & RCO use different classification definitions but are built on the same premise - consistent methodology is critical to best manage our public spaces and to ensure the public are active and able to enjoy a quality mix of structured and natural environments and all the benefits that they provide.
There are six basic park and greenspace facility types typically classified and utilized by municipalities the size of Auburn of which are currently exhibited:
Pocket Parks / Mini-Parks / Tot Lots
Pocket parks are very small and serve a limited radius (up to ¼-mile) from the site; they provide passive and play-oriented recreational opportunities. Examples of pocket parks can include a tot lot with play equipment such as a climber, slide or swings; a viewpoint; or waterfront access areas such as at street ends.
Table 2-1: Assessment Rankings
to Low)
0 n/a - Not Present
1 Major liability and structural failures present and imminent. Needs to be closed.
2 Condition is poor with major structural, cosmetic, maintenance, and liability issues observed.
3 Condition is moderate with some major cosmetic or maintenance issues that create minor liability concerns.
4 Condition is very nice with only minor cosmetic or maintenance issues observed.
5 Perfect condition with a long life cycle and no risk or liability issues.
Table 2-2: Park
C Community
N Neighborhood
O Natural Areas & Greenspaces (Open Space)
S Special Use Facilities
P Pocket Parks / Mini-Parks / Tot Lots
T Trails, Bikeways & Pathways
* to be used when referring to the parks system key map, Figure 2-1.
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A small urban plaza or civic recognition project may also be considered a pocket park. Parking is not often provided at pocket parks, although lighting may be used for security and safety.
Neighborhood (Local) Park
Generally considered the basic unit of traditional park systems, neighborhood or local parks are small park areas designed for unstructured play and limited active and passive recreation. They are generally up to around 5 acres in size, but can be larger depending on a variety of factors including neighborhood need, physical location and opportunity, and should meet a minimum size of 2 acre in size when possible.
Community Park
Larger multi-acre sites developed for organized play, contain a wider array of facilities and, as a result, appeal to a more diverse group of users. Community parks are generally 20 to 50 acres in size, meet a minimum size of 20 acres when possible and serve residents within a 1-mile radius of the site.
Natural Areas (Open Space)
Natural areas are those which are preserved to maintain the natural character of the site and are managed to protect valuable ecological systems, such as riparian corridors and wetlands, and to preserve native habitat and biodiversity. In managing for their ecological value, these natural areas may contain a diversity of native vegetation that provides fish and wildlife habitat and embodies the beauty and character of the local landscape. Low-impact activities, such as walking, nature observation, and fishing are allowed, where appropriate, and horseback riding is also permitted on certain sites.
Trails, Bikeways & Pathways
Trails are non-motorized transportation networks separated from roads. Trails can be developed to accommodate multiple uses or shared uses, such as pedestrians, in line skaters, bicyclists, and equestrians. Bikeways are different than trails in that their principal focus is on safe and efficient non-motorized transportation. Bikeways & pathways serve distinctly different user groups than trail users. For shared-use trails, it is important that the alignment and cross sections be designed with flexibility to accommodate higher speeds, passing zones and greater widths. Surfaces will vary with intended use and environmental considerations.
More information on the other classification types not used can be found in Appendix B.
Current Inventory
Over its 133-year history, Auburn, WA, has developed a robust park system under the guidance of its past and present Mayors and City Councils. The City has expanded its parkland through various means, including donations, dedications, and purchases. Each park undergoes regular evaluations and renovations to ensure they align with evolving recreational trends, aesthetic standards, safety protocols, and government regulations. To meet the needs of both current and future residents, Auburn must continue to acquire new parkland while also maintaining and enhancing its existing parks and facilities.
This section provides an overview of each park and open space, detailing the neighborhood it is located in, its year of establishment, classification, and acreage. As a prelude, the following table identifies the quantity and total acreage of the entire system, based on its classification.
Parks, Open Space & Special Use
The core of Auburn, WA’s parks system is characterized by its diverse parklands, expansive open spaces, and specialized use facilities, all of which contribute to the community’s recreational and aesthetic needs.
Auburn’s parklands consist of a variety of mini-parks, neighborhood parks, community parks, open spaces, and special use facilities that provide residents with access to green spaces for leisure, sports, and recreational activities. These parks are equipped with amenities such as playgrounds, sports fields, picnic areas, and walking trails, ensuring they cater to the needs of individuals and families alike. Open spaces offer residents opportunities for passive recreation,
such as hiking, bird-watching, and enjoying the scenic beauty of nature. The city’s commitment to maintaining these open spaces ensures that natural resources are protected and accessible to the community.
Table 2-3: Existing Parks & Open Spaces
Key Classification Count Acres
C Community 14 283.30
N Neighborhood 10 51.23
O Open Space 6 321.42
S Special Use Facilities 14 307.69
P Tot-Lots 13 16.71
Totals:57 980.35*
* does not include other non-park related properties, or other landbanked right-of-ways and easements.
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Table 2-4: Existing Parks Inventory
Key Name Classification Acres Rating
Subototals 14 283.31
Subototals 10 51.23
Subototal:s 6 321.42
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Table 2-4: Existing Parks Inventory
Subototal:s 13 16.71
Subototal:s 14 307.69
Totals:57 980.35
* does not include other non-park related properties, or other landbanked right-of-ways and easements.
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21st Street Playground
405 21st Street SE
0.17 acres – Dedicated in 2006
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
This small pocket park is situated adjacent to a City stormwater detention pond. Park amenities include a playground, picnic table, and benches. The park is on a short list of parks that need to go through the naming process.
Auburndale Park
31700 108th ST SE
9.74 acres –Transferred in 2003
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Auburndale Park falls into the neighborhood park category, and like many in this classification, is underused. The City recently constructed an entrance on the east side of the park in order to provide better access to the surrounding neighborhoods in an effort to increase use in the park. The main feature of the park is a natural wooded area with a loop trail. There is a play area, picnic tables and barbecue grill.
Auburndale Park II
29725 118th ST SE
9.34 acres – Transferred in 2003
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Undeveloped
Auburndale II is an undeveloped park with a mix of native over-story, and an under-story that is dominated by Himalayan blackberry and scotch b room. A future trail connecting Lea Hill to the valley floor is being considered, which would likely run east to west along the northern boundary of the park.
Ballard Park
1612 37th Way SE
0.68 acres - Dedicated in 1966
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
Ballard Park is a neighborhood park with a distinctive stone picnic shelter. In 2003, a new playground and irrigation system was installed, as well as pathways and an entrance gate. Two new tables and benches were installed and a new concrete fence constructed at that same time. Ballard Park is situated high above the White River and benefits from an appealing view of the river. There is not direct river access.
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Cameron Park
3727 Lemon Tree Lane
3.85 acres – Dedicated in 1989
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Cameron Park is a nestled between two rows of houses, east of the Muckleshoot Indian Reservation. The park has two entrances, one near the intersection of Lemon Tree Lane SE and Academy Drive SE, and the other off of Lemon Tree Lane SE. Visitors can take an asphalt path into the heart of the park that winds through a large grassy open field, planted with occasional trees. A colorful play structure is located in the northeast corner of the park. Picnic tables next to the playground provide seating for picnics or for caretakers of young children. The layout of the path provides a good opportunity to integrate the play area into the rest of the park using landscaping to create a more lush and cohesive setting. A limiting factor in achieving this is the utility easement of Northwest Pipeline, which reduces the ability to landscape and improve some parts of the park.
Cedar Lanes Park
1002 25th Street SE
8.36 acres – Dedicated in 1969
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Cedar Lanes Park is a unique combination of native woodland, well-kept lawn, and a formal playground. The forested area contains a mix of western red cedar, big leaf maple, and cottonwood trees. The park includes a bike skills park with drop zones, a flow track and other features that was constructed in 2023. In 2024 an asphalt pump track, new restroom, and storage/shelter were constructed.
Dorothy Bothell Park
1087 Evergreen Way SE
4.35 acres – Dedicated in 2009
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
Located adjacent to the Lakeland Hill Community Center, Dorothy Bothell Park is a an attractive neighborhood park in Lakeland Hills. Park amenities include a playground, climbing boulders, and a trail that connects with other trails beyond the park. Dinosaur bones have been buried in the play area for the kids to uncover.
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Dykstra Park
1487 22nd Street NE
1.67 acres – Dedicated in 1979
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Dykstra Park is a small, attractive park along the Green River. Its linkage to the larger Isaac Evans Park via a suspension bridge increases its value to the community. The bridge was substantially repaired in 2002, with major structural repair completed on the north end of the structure.
Dykstra is primarily a playground neighborhood park, and its proximity to the river also makes it popular with walkers and wildlife lovers. A new playground was installed in April 2015 made possible by a Dr. Pepper/ Kaboom! Playground grant. The playground was constructed using volunteer labor during the City’s annual Clean Sweep volunteer event. In addition to the three new playground pieces, approximately 150 cubic yards of playground fiber wood chips were placed within the play area.
Forest Villa Park
1647 Fir St. SE
0.23 acres – Dedicated in 1971
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
The Forest Villa Park is located on a single lot in a single family residential neighborhood. The play structure is the primary focus of the park.
Gaines Park
1008 Pike Street NW
1.33 acres – Dedicated in 1999
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Gaines Park is located in the Vistaria/Sunning Hills residential area. This park is a joint project between the City’s Storm Water Division and Parks and Recreation. There is a short section of boardwalk through a wetland area on the east edge of the park. The park has a picnic area, play area, ½ basketball court, and a walking trail through the park.
Indian Tom Park
1316 6th Street NE
0.42 acres – Deeded to the City in 1979 from King County
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
This small park is located on a single lot in the middle of a residential block. A playground was installed in April 2014 made possible by a Dr. Pepper/ Kaboom! Playground grant. The playground was constructed using volunteer labor at the City’s annual Clean Sweep volunteer event.
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Jornada Park
1433 U Court. NW
1.89 acres – Dedicated in 2004
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
This small park is located on a single lot in the middle of a residential block. It contains a play structure, climbing wall, picnic tables and a short loop trail.
Evergreen Park
5480 Charlotte Ave. SE
2.73 acres – Dedicated in 2014
Classification:Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
This park was constructed to meet level of service needs for a neighborhood park within in newly developed Kersey III neighborhood. A paved walking trail with picnic tables and benches connects the ball field, to the playground and the basketball court.
Edge View Park
1433 U Court. NW
0.79 acres – Dedicated in 2014
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
This park has similar features and amenities as nearby Evergreen Park, but on a smaller scale.
Lakeland Hills Park
1401 Evergreen Way SE
5.06 acres – Dedicated in 1993
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Lakeland Hills Park serves the Lakeland development in south Auburn. This five-acre park is nestled into a wooded hillside, where many native trees were saved and integrated into the design of the park. The park provides active recreation facilities at a neighborhood scale, and also a paved trail around the circumference of the park. Restroom facilities were built in this park and share a common structure with some water utility equipment.
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Lea Hill Tennis Courts
32121 105th Pl. SE.
1.18 acres
Classification: Special Use Facility
Status: Developed
The Lea Hill Tennis Court has a unique location on top of a City of Auburn water reservoir. Originally, two courts were constructed, but one of these is now being used as a basketball court. The court is on Lea Hill, surrounded by an adjacent apartment complex. Standing water is evident in several low areas.
Riverpoint Park
1450 32nd St. NE
3.8 acres – Dedicated in 2005
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Built in 2005, the park is adjacent to the Green River and provides an access point to the Green River Trail.
Trail Run
5014 Pike Street NE
1.76 acres – Dedicated in 2015
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
This pocket neighborhood park located is along the Green River near the northern City Limits. Visitors can gain direct access from the park to a bridge across the river that connects to the City of Kent’s S. 277th Street Trail (1.1 miles). The future Green River Trail will run along the eastern boundary of the park if the trail is ever extended through Auburn.
Rotary Park
2635 Alpine Street SE
3.89 acres – Dedicated in 1966
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Rotary Park was developed in 1966 by the Auburn Rotary Club. At first glance the playground is the only apparent facility here. The rolling topography, unusual shape of the site and the location of conifers obscure the presence of the other major recreation facilities, including the basketball court and informal softball field. An additional acre, and a half-court basketball was added to Rotary Park in connection with the development of the Riverwalk neighborhood.
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Scootie Brown Park
1403 Henry Road NE
1.68 acres – Dedicated in 1973
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
The park is located at a junction between commercial and residential zones. Bounded on the north by 8th Street N.E., the park has a busy, open feel, with minimal landscaping. The City’s youth baseball programs use this park for practice.
Shaughnessy Park
3302 21st Street SE
3.46 acres – Dedicated in 1973
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Shaughnessy Park is located in an attractive setting of mature Douglas Firs on a quiet residential street. Several recreational courts are located in close proximity to the street. An open play field with a backstop is in a corner of the park and is not readily apparent from other parts of the park and street. The adjacent residential neighbors have erected fences between their backyards and the playing field. Recent park improvements were made possible by a Neighborhood Block Grant in the amount of $50,000.
Terminal Park
1292 C Street SE
1.22 acres – Dedicated in 1913
Classification: Neighborhood Park
Status: Developed
Terminal Park is a small park along a quiet residential street. The newly renovated playground at the center of the park is the focal point here. The remainder of the park contains a slightly rolling lawn, with mature trees scattered throughout. Improved irrigation has also been added. In 2013 broken patio pavers were replaced with colored concrete in the patio adjacent to the playground.
Village Square
12111 SE 310th Street
1.10 acres – Transferred in 2007
Classification: Pocket Park
Status: Developed
This is a small pocket park is located in the middle of an apartment complex. The park has a short loop trail with a small grassy area in the middle. Access to the park can either be gained from the adjacent apartment complex or from SE 310th Street.
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104th Ave SE
31495 104th Ave. SE
14.73 acres – Transferred in 2006
Classification: Community Park
Status: Undeveloped
This undeveloped riverside property is comprised of two parcels along the Green River. A nice sandy beach along the Green River is popular for swimmers in the summer, and fishermen in the fall and winter months. Nearly two-thirds of the park is located within the 100-year floodplain so given the location of the park along the river and regulatory constraints, the park will likely be designed as a passive use nature park.
Brannan Park
1019 28th St. NE
21.68 acres – Dedicated in 1973
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Brannan Park contains one of Auburn’s most heavily used sports complexes. The City sponsors many sports events at Brannan Park; Cascade Middle School users and a variety of organizations – youth soccer leagues, and Little League - also use the playing fields extensively. Brannan Park is on a flat, open site, with the Green River forming the park’s eastern boundary. The remaining sides are bounded by residential housing to the north and west, and Cascade Middle School to the south.
Fulmer Park
1005 5th Street NE
5.04 acres – Dedicated in 1979
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Fulmer Park is primarily an active sports facility. In 2015 an undeveloped area on the north side of the park was bladed, all of the blackberry bushes were removed, and a new perimeter fence was installed. New irrigation, perimeter landscaping, and grass seed was added in 2014. New backstops, fencing, dugouts and drinking fountains, as well as scorekeeper tables, were added to the park in 1998. A new playground was installed in 2023.
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Game Farm Park
3030 R ST SE
57.20 acres – Dedicated in 1988
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Game Farm Park continues to be one of the largest and most frequented parks in Auburn. The park contains a wide variety of facilities for organized sports activities as well as a distinctive natural setting. The hillside backdrop and the White River along its southern edge create an intimate setting for park for users to enjoy. The park with its many courts, fields and picnic facilities is heavily used. Game Farm Park was dedicated in 1988 and exhibits many successful design features. Designing and building the park in one phase resulted in functional architectural features and site layout. Passive uses such as trails or open grassy slopes are located where the park abuts residences. Good pedestrian access is available to the surrounding neighborhood at several points along the park’s perimeter. A trail head off of Forest Ridge Drive SE provides access to a relatively unimproved gravel trail along the river in the eastern portion of the park. A pedestrian bridge was constructed in 2024 connecting the two Game Farm parks across the White River.
Game Farm Wilderness Park
2407 Stuck River Dr. SE 48.50acres –
Dedicated in 1989
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Game Farm Wilderness Park emphasizes a connection between park users and the natural environment. It has limited development and has preserved most of the native woodland along the White River. The White River Trail continues along the river on the north side of the park from Kersey Way beyond the east end of the park. The park is designed for both overnight and daytime visitors. The camping area is designed to accommodate recreation vehicles, providing each unit with water and power hook-ups. An 18-hole disc golf course is located in the wooded area between the campground and White River.
GSA Park
413 15th St. SW
5.31 acres – Dedicated in 1966
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
The land for GSA Park was donated to the City by the U.S. General Services Administration. Its location in a heavily trafficked industrial zone has resulted in an atypical park setting. Currently the park has two youth softball/baseball fields, a parks maintenance building, and dugouts. New dugout covers were recently added, made possible by donations from Auburn Little League. A greenhouse is located on the property near the maintenance that is used by the City’s horticulturist to propagate new plants. The two ball fields were completed in 2003, including drinking fountains and an asphalt trail to the ball fields.
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Isaac Evans Park
29827 Green River Road SE
19.87 acres – Dedicated in 1989
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Isaac Evans Park is a riverfront park providing valuable passive recreation opportunities for the citizens of Auburn. The park’s connection to Dykstra Park via the suspension bridge increases its accessibility to local residents and is an appealing feature for visitors. The pedestrian bridge may also accommodate future trail connections between the eastern and western sides of the river. A internal paved trail runs around the circumference of the park. The forested riparian area along the Green River remains in a natural condition with recent restoration plantings added to accommodate the Reddington Levee Setback project located across the river from the park. Scattered throughout the grassy space on the inside of the trail are clusters of picnic tables, a picnic shelter, restroom facilities, and playground equipment.
Jacobsen Tree Farm Park
29387 132nd Ave. SE
29.30 acres – Transferred in 2003
Classification: Community Park
Status: Undeveloped
The Jacobsen Tree Farm property is an undeveloped park located in the Lea Hill area of Auburn. The City went through a master planning process for the future park, which was completed in 2010. Future elements of the park include soccer fields, baseball fields, play grounds, and passive recreational opportunities. The park is adjacent to Arthur Jacobsen Elementary and Auburn Mountainview High School, and has magnificent views of Mount Rainier. A bond or levy will be needed in order to develop this large community park property.
Lea Hill Park
31693 124th Ave. SE
5.26 acres –Dedicated in 2013
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Lea Hill Park is a community park that serves the Lea Hill neighborhood and is located adjacent to the Green River Community College Campus. Park amenities include a skate park, pervious walking pathways, a rentable picnic shelter, an amphitheater, baseball field, free game synthetic sport area, half basketball court, and a play area featuring a tractor and climbing toys. An ADA accessible restroom facility with two unisex bathrooms and drinking fountains was completed in the spring 2015.
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Les Gove Park/Les Gove Community Campus
910 9th St. SE
26.07 acres –Dedicated in 1966
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Les Gove Park is a recreational and educational facility serving the entire community. The Library, Parks and Recreation Administration Building, Community Center, Teen Center, Senior Center, the White River Valley Museum, and a variety of recreational features make Les Gove a very popular destination.
Mill Pond Park
4582 Mill Pond Dr. SE
4.20 acres – Dedicated in 1997
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Mill Pond is unique in several ways. The park is a joint project between the Parks and Public Works Departments, the Auburn School District, and the developer of Lakeland Hills. All of these groups came together to create a park with a dual purpose: to provide a recreational experience in a natural setting, and to provide stormwater detention and filtering for a 400 acre area. The site includes a permanent pond, a grass-lined bio-swale that becomes a temporary pond during storms, a 1/4 mile paved trail around the circumference of the ponds, and a fishing dock. Fishing in the pond is limited to children under 15.
Roegner Park
601 Oravetz Road SE
19.22 acres – Dedicated in 1994
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
This community park is located along the banks of the White River, adjacent to Auburn Riverside High School. A trail system includes both hard and soft-surfaced sections that meet the needs of many different users, including equestrians from the near- by Hidden Valley neighborhood. Trail construction began in 1997 from the east side of Roegner Park to Kersey Way, and continuing east along the river to Game Farm Wilderness Park. An approximate ½- acre off-leash fenced dog park is located near the trail, and can be easily accessed from the parking area off of Oravitz Road. Commissioned artwork for the park includes a uniquely designed bench with a salmon motif, placed to allow views of the river.
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Sunset Park
1420 69th St. SE
15.15 acres – Dedicated in 2003
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Sunset Park was developed by the developer in Lakeland Hills. It is unique in several ways. The community park serves the Lakeland Hills neighborhood but also the community. The site includes a picnic shelter, two youth baseball/softball fields, trails, basketball court and skate park.
Veterans Memorial Park
405 E St. NE
7.67 acres – Dedicated in 1926
Classification: Community Park
Status: Developed
Veteran’s Memorial Park, formerly City Park, is a popular community park located close to downtown Auburn and adjacent to Auburn High School’s Memorial Stadium. The park is distinctive for its Veterans Memorial structure, shady woods and underlying expanse of green lawn. The Veterans Memorial structure was funded with donations and fund-raising events by local veterans groups. Its design and construction were accomplished with use of volunteer labor.
Special use facilities include unique recreational and cultural amenities that serve specific community interests. This includes the Auburn Golf Course, the White River Valley Museum, and various sports complexes and community centers, all enhancing the quality of life for Auburn residents.
Trails, Bikeways & Pathways
Auburn’s parks system is designed to offer a balanced mix of recreational opportunities, natural preservation, and specialized facilities, which fosters a vibrant and active community. The city’s mild climate, combined with a strong culture of outdoor activities, significantly contributes to the high usage and support of its extensive trail network.
The city categorizes its trails into three primary types:
1. Recreational loop trails
2. Linear trails
3. Recreation/transportation trails.
Recreational loop trails are typically short paths that form loops within a single park or site. These trails are designed for activities such as walking, bicycling, hiking, or skating, and they often connect various activity areas within a park or provide access to natural preserves or nearby neighborhoods. These trails can be constructed
with either hard surface materials and are usable in all weather conditions, while soft surface trails offer a more rustic and natural experience.
Linear trails in Auburn are designed to connect different areas of the city or activity centers, leading to key destinations. These trails are generally hard-surfaced, making them suitable for activities like walking, bicycling, and skating, even in varying weather conditions. Notable examples of linear trails include the Green River (Reddington) Trail, Lakeland Hills Linear Trail, Lake Tapps Parkway Trail, and the White River Trail. The White River Trail, for example, stretches from Game Farm Wilderness Park through Roegner Park and ends at A Street SE, featuring both paved sections and soft surface areas that accommodate a variety of users, including mountain bikers, horseback riders, and hikers.
Recreation/transportation trails serve a dual purpose by connecting various parts of the city or activity centers for both recreational and transportation uses. Refer to Table 2-6 for the primary or major examples of these trails. These trails are typically linear, hard-surfaced, and designed to accommodate a variety of transportation modes, such as walking, bicycling, and skating. Sometimes referred to as “multi-modal trails,” they are built to stricter standards and are generally designed for two-way traffic.
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Table 2-5: Existing Trails
Park/Trail Description
Loop Trails
Total (miles)
Recreation /
Trails Total
Auburndale Park Paved loop path around park 0.41 0.14
Auburn Environmental Park Board Walk Trail 0.23 0.23
Brannan Park Paved loop path around Park to Reddington levee. A paved surface linear trail extends along the levee.1.7 0.72 2.42
C’ Street SE Trail Ellington Rd. SW to 15th Street SW 1.6 1.6
Cameron Park Paved loop path through park and loops through Lemon Tree Lane 0.33 0.33
Cedar Lanes Park Informal path through wooded area 0.25 0.25
Dorothy Bothell Loop trail 0.25 0.25
Game Farm Park Paved loop path around meadow, play structure, ball fields. Extensive sidewalk throughout park 3.3 3.3
Game Farm Wilderness Park Paved trail along the White River and around the group camp area.See White R. Trail
Interurban Trail Paved 12’ wide trail runs alongside the Union Pacific railroad, from the city’s northern to southern limits 4.5 4.5
Isaac Evans Park Paved loop through wood and along the Green River 1.07 1.07
Jornada Park Paved loop through wood and around park 0.1 0.1
Lakeland Hills Linear Extensive sidewalk path on Lake- land Hills Way from Evergreen Way to Lake Tapps Parkway 0.73 0.73
Lakeland Hills Park Trail Paved loop path around recreational fields 0.39 0.39
Lake Tapps Pkwy Trail Paved sidewalk and asphalt trail 1.62 1.62
Les Gove Park Trail Paved loop path around open space 0.58 0.58
Mill Pond Park Trail Paved loop path around pond. Connects to Lakeland Hills Trail.0.29 0.29
PSE (Lakeland)0.4 0.4
Roegner Park Both hard and soft surface trails are present in the park. A paved loop path is marked.See White River Trail Below
Sunset Park Paved loop path around park.1.19 1.19
West Auburn Lake 0.25 0.25
White River Trail Paved and soft surface trail 3.5 2.3
Total 7.95 9.11 6.1 23.16
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The Interurban Trail is managed by King County Parks for the sections outside specific municipal boundaries. However, within Auburn’s city limits, the Auburn Parks Department is responsible for maintaining the segment of the trail that runs through the city. This collaborative effort ensures the trail remains well-maintained and accessible throughout its route. On the other hand, the White River Trail is primarily maintained by the City of Auburn Parks Department, which ensures its upkeep and accessibility as it connects several key parks within the city. The Interurban Trail is a prominent example of this type, serving as a major non-motorized route that runs north to south through several cities, including Tukwila, Kent, Auburn, Algona, and Pacific. This 12-foot-wide path follows the Puget Power right-of-way and parallels the Union Pacific Railroad for much of its length, making it a key transportation and recreational asset. The trail also provides access to several of Auburn’s major employers, including Boeing, GSA, the Outlet Collection, and Auburn Environmental Park. Located less than half a mile from downtown Auburn, the Interurban Trail is a vital link for the community.
Both the Interurban Trail and the White River Trail are also designed to accommodate equestrians, making them versatile for a range of users. Additionally, informal trails in the open space areas of southeast Auburn and the shoulders of some rural roads are also used by equestrians, although these are not specifically designed or managed for this purpose. Auburn’s commitment to providing diverse and accessible recreational options ensures that the city’s parks and trails continue to meet the needs of its growing population.
Schools & Other Outdoor
Recreation Amenities
In Auburn, recreational opportunities extend beyond city parks, encompassing other public lands and private facilities, which play a crucial role in assessing the adequacy of the City’s park system. Among these, schools are one of the largest contributors to recreational space outside of city-managed parks.
Schools naturally serve as neighborhood gathering places and are often within walking distance of most
homes in the city. School grounds typically feature sports fields, open grassy areas for play, playground equipment, and basketball courts. However, the accessibility and availability of these school facilities can vary. During the school year, these spaces are primarily used by the schools throughout the day and often during after-school hours, limiting their availability for individual use or non-school sports leagues. Additionally, some sports fields may be too small or not maintained to the standards required for organized league play. Therefore, while school facilities are valuable components of the community’s overall recreational resources, they cannot substitute for a robust public park system.
Table 2-7 in the following pages summarizes the recreational facilities available at Auburn School District properties. It’s important to note that the Auburn School District’s boundaries extend beyond the Auburn city limits, resulting in a service area that does not fully align with that of the City of Auburn. As a result, the availability and utilization of these school facilities for Auburn residents may vary based on geographic and jurisdictional differences.
In addition to school properties, several other lands used informally for recreation are owned by other public entities. The Auburn Water Utility manages several watershed areas with restricted access to maintain water quality. The Coal Creek Spring Watershed in south Auburn is the city’s primary water source, while the West Hill Watershed serves as a secondary source. Despite the proximity of these areas to neighborhoods, public access is generally discouraged to protect water quality.
King County Parks also owns several developed and undeveloped properties near Auburn. While Auburn’s parks are more convenient for residents, many recreational users also utilize nearby King County parks, regardless of civic boundaries. A significant regional project, the Green River Trail, managed by King County, spans over 19 miles from Cecil Moses Park near Seattle’s southern boundary to North Green River Park near Auburn. Extending the Green River Trail south from Kent has indeed faced challenges due to private property issues. However, plans are still in development to continue this extension through Auburn and eventually to Flaming Geyser State Park at the Green River Gorge. The project remains in the design and planning stages, with ongoing efforts to resolve these challenges and facilitate the trail’s expansion further south.
Additionally, the State of Washington owns an easement along certain sections of the west side of the Green River within the city. This easement, which runs directly behind several residences, permits access for fishing only, limiting broader public use.
Table 2-6: Auburn Maintained Trails
Type Length
Interurban Trail (South)4.5 mi
White River Trail 3.5 mi
Green River Trail*TBD
8.0 mi
* Future proposed extension
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Table 2-7: Auburn School District Facilities
School Available Facilities
Elementary Schools
Alpac 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Chinook 4 youth baseball/softball fields
Evergreen Heights 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Gildo Rey 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Ilalko 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Lakeview 3 youth baseball/softball fields
Lea Hill 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Dick Scobee 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Pioneer 3 youth baseball/softball fields
Terminal Park 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Washington 2 youth baseball/softball fields
Middle Schools
Cascade 1 Football Field with Track,
Gymnasium with 1 basketball court, Annex 2 Baseball/Softball Fields, 90’ & 65’ fields
Mt. Baker 1 Football Field with Track, 2 Gymnasium
3 Baseball Fields, 90’ & 65’ fields
3 Softball Fields
Olympic 1 Football Field, Track,
Gymnasium with 1 basketball court
2 Baseball/Softball Fields, 90’ & 65’ fields
Rainier 1 Football Field, Track
Gymnasium with 2 basketball court
2 Baseball/Softball Fields, 90’ & 65’ fields
Senior High Schools
Auburn Riverside High 1 Football Field synthetic turf with Track (Lighted), 8 Tennis Courts
5 Gymnasiums
1 Baseball Field, 90’ infield, 3 softball fields
Auburn Senior High 1 Football Field synthetic turf with Track (Lighted), 8 Lighted Tennis Courts
Gymnasium with 2 basketball court 1 Baseball Field, 90’ infield
Auburn Mountain View High 1 Football Field with Track,
6 Gymnasiums, 8 Tennis Courts
2 Baseball Fields, 90’ & 65’ fields, 2 Softball Fields
West Auburn High 1 Baseball/Softball Field, 65’ infield
1 Gymnasium
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Existing Major Public Art Projects
The City of Auburn Parks Department plays a vital role in maintaining the city’s vibrant public art installations. These installations not only enhance the beauty of public spaces but also reflect the cultural and artistic spirit of the community. Below is a list of the major public art installations that the Auburn Parks Department is responsible for maintaining, ensuring they remain in excellent condition for all residents and visitors to enjoy.
Table 2-8: Existing Public Art Inventory
Year Artist Piece Location
1989 Meg Pettibone Steelhead Isaac Evans Park
1991 Richard Beyer
Children Playing Train at the Switch City Hall
1993 Michele Van Slyke
Every Year the Salmon Return Roegner Park
1994 Nancy Hammer
Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge
Auburn Way S & Hwy 18
1995 Garth Edwards B Street Plaza E Main & B St. SE
1996 Timothy Siciliano Bus Shelter Murla 15th St SW
1996 Gerald Tsutukawa Sun Circle Game Farm Park
1997 Timothy Siciliano
The Equine Amusement 15th St. NE @ Metro P&R
1998 Deborah Merksy
Pioneer Cemetery Entryway Auburn Way N & 8th St. NE
1999 Kulzer & Spitzer
Xtreme AtmosFearic Oscillator
Auburn Skate Park
2000 Evans & Mee
Mnemosyne’s Opus King County Library
2001 Phillip Levine Threshold Les Gove Park
2001 Ries Niemi
5 Moments Senior Center Les Gove Park
2003 Paul Sorey Running Figures Sound Transit Plaza
2004 Brandon Zebold Sighting
LL Hills Way & Evergreen Way
2004 Sidney Genette Blue Neutron Auburn Justice Center
2005 Ingrid Lahti
Les Gove Community Campus Sign
Auburn Way S & F Street
2006 Darel Grothaus
Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery: Seattle, WA
Cemetery Admin Building
2007 Greg Boudreau Veteran’s Day Parade
Veteran’s Memorial Building
2008 Tom Askman Le Anne Lake Tobu Bo West Main Street
2008 Jesse Brown
Urban Art Works Mural
233 W. Main Street (A1 Collision Building)
2009 Susan Zoccola Swing and Flight
Auburn Golf Course
2011 Bruce Meyers
Auburn Valley Topography Les Gove Park
2011 Sheila Klein Civic Lanterns 25 W. Main, City Hall
2011 Rachael Dotson Utility Boxes
Various–Throughout Down- town
2011 Mauricia Robalino Ride the Wave 116 A Street
2012 Chris Sharp
Railroads our Beginning Mural 364 W Main Street
1013 Michael Laughlin Strawberry Calf Lea Hill Park
2013 Lin McJunkin Riparian Totem
Auburn Justice Center
2013 Patricia Vader Watch My Tail 4910 A Street SE
2014 Kenneth Hall
Origami #2 – Fuchia Sunset Park
2016 Virginia Paquette
Confluence/Community 9910 Ninth Street SE
2016 Steve Tyree Hawk Game Farm Park
2017 David Varnau Joie de Vivre
Auburn Community & Event Center
2019 Jacob Novinger Heirloom Hare Les Gove Park
2019 Peter Reiquam Crow with Fries Les Gove Park
2019 Nicholas Goettling Pillow Fight Mural F Street Bridge Underpass
2021 MacRae Wylde Truth
Postmark Center for the Arts
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Public Involvement
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The successful development and implementation of a community’s parks system ultimately relies on listening to the needs, demands, and ideas the community has to improve or suggest new additions to the system. Knowing that “the people who show up get to make the decisions”, it was imperative that a successful public involvement process be implemented that allowed Auburn’s citizens, and its visitors, multiple opportunities to inform the process and results. These opportunities hosted during this planning process included:
Community Needs Assessment Survey
Community Visioning Survey
With grant programs and other decision makers focusing on understanding a community’s desired quality of life, public involvement is the most crucial and time-consuming element of the PROS planning process, allowing a correct assessment of a community’s desired quality of life. This is where the public and users can share their ideas, goals, and objectives for their parks system and communicate these needs and desires to the City.
The intention behind the public involvement approach was to maximize an equitable distribution of needs, wishes, and ideas from the public. To ensure that
the PROS Plan is reflective of the Auburn community and their interests, needs, and priorities, a series of engagement goals and methodologies were discussed and developed.
Engagement Goals
As this process began and continued through the COVID-19 pandemic, many public events were canceled or postponed due to safety concerns and government restrictions, leading to a substantial decline or, in many cases, the elimination of in-person participation. To adapt, more focus was placed on virtual engagement techniques, which provided a safer alternative for community engagement, though they could not fully replace in-person experiences. There was also a notable increase in the use of parks and outdoor spaces as people sought safe ways to engage in recreational activities while maintaining social distancing, with activities like hiking, biking, and outdoor fitness classes gaining popularity. The pandemic prompted a reevaluation of public health and safety practices, resulting in changes to engagement planning and execution. As restrictions eased, participation rates began to recover gradually, although some individuals still remained cautious about returning to large in-person events. Additionally, there was an increased focus on health
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and wellness, driving interest in related programs offered by parks and recreation departments and encouraging the development of more diverse and inclusive programming to meet community needs. Overall, COVID-19 brought about significant changes in public participation, with a lasting impact on how events are conducted and attended. To overcome this potential lack of participation, a series of goals for the engagement plan was developed.
1. Continue to Build On or Validate
Public Sentiment From Previous
The goal is to recognize that in communities like Auburn, public communication often relies heavily on informal channels such as word-of-mouth and conversations among neighbors. This approach is effective for disseminating information and fostering discussions about local events. Auburn also has other planning processes, such as the Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Master Plan, ongoing during this time. The current planning effort aims to incorporate a review of these past surveys to identify relevant data that can inform the understanding of the community’s desired quality of life.
2. Ensure equitable distribution of new
survey results throughout the city.
To gain a holistic understanding of a city’s diverse communities and their needs, conducting surveys at the neighborhood level is crucial. This approach ensures that the concept of “quality of life” is not skewed towards a specific demographic. Ideally, the surveys are designed to capture respondents’ residential locations within the city. This allows for the identification of localized needs and the development of tailored strategies for equitable resource allocation, targeted interventions, and effective community engagement. Using a GIS-based tool to identify the locations of comments will ensure we can achieve a desired level of response equity across all neighborhoods of Auburn.
3. Deploy multiple engagement
opportunities The inclusion of multiple participation methods effectively broadens the reach of the survey and addresses potential accessibility challenges. In addition to online and virtual surveys, the public is invited to participate in multiple engagement events online and complete paper surveys distributed at designated locations like City Hall, the Senior Center, and the Museum. This multi-modal approach ensures inclusivity by catering to residents with varying technological access and preferences.
4. Provide a broad range of
constituents the ability to supply both
broad and specific action-oriented
The goal is to transcend the collection of broad public needs and desires by implementing an online map-based engagement tool that uniquely incorporates opportunities for residents to actively participate in the “design” of their parks, generating site-specific suggestions. This approach will align with the principles of an inclusive planning framework, emphasizing citizen engagement in shaping service delivery. The aim is to create avenues for the public to contribute “real” ideas and concepts, fostering a sense of ownership and impact. Additionally, measures will be taken to ensure participant demographics accurately reflect the Auburn community profile.
Public Engagement Plan
The engagement plan was organized around a series of both virtual and in-person events, noting the specific time dates. With the primary goal of the City always being to engage with the public about its park and recreation needs, the City developed a public engagement plan centered around two different kinds of virtual engagement techniques: 1) an online Needs & Assessment Survey, and 2) an online map-based project.
A successful engagement process harnesses the community’s energy and inspires community ownership of the process, while also adapting to new insights and feedback. Stakeholders and community members supply the local knowledge, context, and information necessary to make informed project decisions.
As part of this engagement process, public comment was collected via an online community needs assessment survey, conducted in the Fall of 2022 and linked through the City’s website. The project team will use the collected input, summarized in this report, to inform and drive the PROS Plan update.
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Kickoff Meeting
SCJ met with City of Auburn Staff to conduct a kickoff meeting. At this meeting, the following was reviewed and discussed:
1. Determine the current parks, recreation, and open space issues
2. Brainstorm and finalize stakeholder interview list
3. Share and finalize the Public Engagement Plan
Engagement Marketing
With a primary goal of the City to always be engaging with the public about its park & recreation needs, the City developed a public engagement plan centered around two different kinds of virtual engagement techniques, 1) A online Needs & Assessment Survey, and 2) a on-line map-based project
A successful engagement process harnesses the community’s energy and inspires community ownership of the process, while also adapting to new insights and feedback. Stakeholders and community members supply the local knowledge, context, and information necessary to make informed project decisions.
As part of this engagement process, public comment was collected via an online community needs assessment survey, conducted in the Fall of 2022 and linked through the City’s website. The project team will use the collected input, summarized in this report, to inform and drive the PROS Plan update.
Note that all the engagement marketing, flyers, and surveys were all translated and offer in multiple languages, including Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. A Marshaleese translator was found but was not able to process the survey information in time.
Parks Needs & Assessment
To assess how people were using Auburn’s park and trail system, an online survey was conducted in the fall of 2022. This initiative aimed to gather valuable insights from both residents and visitors. The survey specifically focused on understanding current usage patterns of existing parks and trails, identifying any barriers that hinder their use, and gauging resident interest in adding or removing specific park and recreation features. The online survey consisted of both multiple-choice and open-ended questions focusing on community needs and issues with regards to Auburn’s park facilities and recreation programs.
Additionally, the survey sought to identify the most popular parks and amenities among residents and visitors. To ensure broad participation, the survey was offered in both English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian.
The list of questions asked, minus typical demographic inquiries, included:
How frequently do you use the City’s park and recreation facilities?
How long is your average visit to these facilities?
What are the existing barriers to your use of parks in
The survey was live for several months in the Fall of 2022, and a total of 619 completed surveys were received in that time. A summary of the responses to each question is provided on the following pages.
How much do you or would you use specific recreational elements?
What does Auburn need more or less of?
What is your connection to Auburn?
Other typical demographic questions were asked as well, in order to better understand the survey audience, identify any trends and ensure that a balanced representation was captured.
Full survey results are found in Appendix C, with key takeaways and highlights summarized here.
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Age Range
When asked the question, “What age range are you in?” the largest percentage (33%) were in the 35–49 age range. Another 30% were in the 50–64 range, and 28% were 65 or over. Only 10% of respondents were under the age of 35.
Demographic information was collected to help ensure survey responses are representative of the community and amenities are tailored to patrons and residents. All responses were voluntary and were collected anonymously.
When asked “What is your ethnicity?” the largest percentage (78%) identified as “White”, with another 5% identifying as “Hispanic/Latino” and 5% identifying as “Asian.”
“American Indian or Alaska Native,” “Black/African American,” and “Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander” each accounted for less than 2% of the respondent population, and about 7% of respondents identified as “Other.”
Household Size
Nearly half of respondents (46%) indicated their household consists of only 1 to 2 people, and another 40% indicated their household consists of 3 to 4 people.
1.3%under 18
65 or over
What is your ethnicity?
1.5% American Indian or Alaska Native
4.7% Asian
1.5% Black/African American
5.2% Hispanic/Latino
1.7% Native Hawaiian
or Pacific Islander
1 to 2 people
3 to 4 people
7 or more people11.8%
5 to 6 people
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Home Location
A majority of survey participants (79.5%) indicated they live in the City of Auburn. In order to better understand where Auburn’s park users live, survey participants were also asked what zip code they live in. Nearly 40% of participants responded that they live in zip code 98092 (Auburn – east), with another third of participants in 98002 (Auburn – central) and 12% in 98001 (Auburn – I-5 corridor). The survey also saw a significant number of participants who lived in Bonney Lake, Covington, Maple Valley, Federal Way, and Pacific.
Neighborhood of Residence
Of the 507 survey participants who indicated they live in the City of Auburn, the highest percentages live in the Lea Hill (21%) and Lakeland (20%) neighborhoods. The Downtown (8%), SE Auburn (6%), and Plateau (5%) neighborhoods had the smallest numbers of participants.
Yes –
I live in the
City of Auburn
No –
I don’t live in the
City of Auburn
98443 98372
Maple Valley
Bonney Lake
Federal Way
Des Moines
0 50 100 150 200 250
number of respondents
98047 PACIFIC 1.0%
98003 FEDERAL WAY 1.0%
98038 MAPLE VALLEY 1.0%
98042 COVINGTON 1.5%
98391 BONNEY LAKE 3.1%
98001 AUBURN I5 CORRIDOR 12.4%
OTHER 6.7%
98023 FEDERAL WAY 0.8%
98002 AUBURN CENTRAL 33.3%
98092 AUBURN EAST 39.0%respondent home zip code0 20 40 60 80 100 120
number of respondents
LEA HILL 20.9%
SE AUBURN 6.1%respondent home neighborhoodPage 53 of 1151
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Use of Auburn’s
Existing Facilities
Summer 19.3%Fall
2.1%Winter57.7 %%
9.3%3 to 4 hours1 to 2
hours 2.1%4 to 5 hours
1.9%more than 5 hours66.2 %20.5%less than 1 hour
Weekly 14.2%
6.0%Rarely/Never41.1 %14.0%Daily%Frequency
Survey participants were asked, “How frequently do you visit the parks or recreational facilities within the City of Auburn?” Over 40% indicated they visit Auburn’s parks weekly, with another 22% visiting monthly.
Length of Visit
When asked, “How long is your average visit to a park or recreational facility within the City of Auburn?” nearly two-thirds of participants responded with 1 to 2 hours, with another 21% indicating their average visits last less than 1 hour. Only 13% of respondents indicated their average visits were longer than 2 hours.
Participants were asked, “What is your favorite season to visit parks and recreational facilities in the City of Auburn?” Summer was the favorite time to visit for 58% of respondents, with Spring and Fall each garnering about 20% of the vote. Only 2% of respondents indicated winter was their favorite season for a parks visit.
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Recreational Facility Use
0 100 200 300 400 500
OTHER 7.8%
number of respondents
(see breakdown at right)
Bocce courts
Disc golf course
Camping areas
Areas to ly model aircrat
Pickleball courts
Rock climbing wall
of all respondents identified
paved walking/biking trails as
one of the recreational facilities
they use most regularly
Types of Facilities Used
Respondents were asked to select from a multiple-choice list to answer the question, “What are the types of recreational amenities/facilities that you most regularly use?” Respondents could select as many choices as applicable for them/their household, regardless of whether the facilities were located in Auburn or not.
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Recreational Facility Use
Recreational Facilities Outside Auburn
As a follow-up question to what types of recreational amenities/facilities they use most regularly, survey participants were asked, “Do you currently travel outside the City of Auburn for any of these amenities?” They were then asked to list the facilities they currently travel outside the City of Auburn to use. The open-ended answers provided by participants can be broadly broken into the categories below.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
POOLS 1.5%
number of responses
Please list the facilities you currently travel outside the City of Auburn
to use.
of all respondents indicated they
travel outside of Auburn to access
the recreational amenities/facilities
they use most frequently
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Recreational Facility Use
Barriers to Use
Survey participants were asked to select from a multiple-choice list to answer the question, “What are some of the existing barriers or reasons why you may not use available recreational facilities or participate in parks and recreational programs within the City of Auburn?” Participants were invited to select as many choices as applied for them/their household. Security/safety concerns (57%) were the top barrier to participants’ use of existing facilities, followed by maintenance/cleanliness (31%) and overcrowded/booked facilities (20%).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
number of respondents
OTHER 13.6%
COST 5.2%
of respondents reported that
security/safety concerns are a barrier
to their use of the City’s available
recreational facilities or programs
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Parks and Recreation Needs
0 20 40 60 80 100
percent of respondents
Strongly Agree Agree No Preference Disagree Strongly Disagree
The City Needs...
Survey participants were provided with a list of recreational facilities and amenities, each framed as a statement (“The City needs [facility/amenity]”). Participants were asked to select how strongly they agreed or disagreed with each statement on a sliding scale of one to five (5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = no preference, 2 = disagree, 1 = strongly disagree). Responses are summarized in the above chart.
At the top of the list, over 90% of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that the City needs more urban trails/sidewalks (non-motorized). Strong support was also given for undeveloped natural areas/open space, splash/spray parks, off-leash dog parks, community center/indoor facilities, and more youth programs/camps.
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Key Takeaways
The project team will use the input collected through the community survey to inform and drive the PROS Plan update. Key takeaways from the survey data include:
Survey respondents’ most-used recreational facilities include paved walking/biking trails (used by 75% of respondents), large community parks (51%), small community parks (47%), small neighborhood parks (47%), natural areas/nature parks (45%), and playgrounds (42%).
Survey respondents’ least-used recreational facilities include skateboarding areas (used by 4% of respondents), outdoor fitness equipment (6%), football/lacrosse/hockey fields (7%), and youth softball fields (7%).
63% of survey participants indicated they travel outside of Auburn to access the recreational amenities/facilities they use most frequently. These facilities include other (nearby) city parks (29%), walking/hiking trails (17%), water access (8%), and indoor community centers (6%). These responses suggest there could be a need for more of these facility types in the City of Auburn, or a need to improve those that already exist within the city.
Barriers to use indicate existing issues that need to be addressed by the City in order to improve Auburn parks users’ experience. The largest barriers to use of the City’s available recreation facilities or programs, as reported by survey respondents, are security/safety concerns (57% of respondents), poor maintenance/cleanliness (31%), and overcrowded/booked facilities (20%).
According to survey respondents, the City of Auburn’s biggest parks and recreation needs include:
• More non-motorized urban trails/sidewalks (92.5% of respondents)
• Undeveloped natural areas/open space (86.4%)
• Community centers/indoor facilities (84.5%)
• Splash/spray parks (80.2%)
• More youth programs/camps (77.9%)
• Off-leash dog parks (69.9%)
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Demand & Needs
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The purpose of the demand and needs analysis is to evaluate, quantify, and understand the current and future demand for recreational facilities and parkland. This analysis also identifies the existing and anticipated needs for providing parkland, facilities, and open spaces, both now and in the future. “Needs” in this context includes both the preservation of existing services and resources, as well as the projected future requirements based on population forecasts and economic outlooks.
This update reflects the community’s needs, desires, and recommended priorities, establishing a foundation for the next 6 to 10 years. It also outlines longer-term aspirations for the next 15 to 20 years.
Quantifications vs
Traditionally, quantitative standards have been used to assess the need for and identify potential actions to acquire or develop additional parks and recreation elements. Based on the National Recreation and Park Association’s (NRPA) guidelines and its online database “Park Metrics,” simple comparisons of adequate land, derived from normalized averages across the country, were used to determine the minimum amount of
parkland required to effectively provide parks and recreation services.
While this plan is primarily focused on the needs identified by the public, it also evaluates the recreational demands of the City of Auburn using traditional level-of-service (LOS) standards, recreation trends, and a gap analysis of access within the current park system.
However, while quantifiable metrics allow for straightforward comparisons, they fall short when it comes to understanding the “quality” of life that a community expects or demands. Developing strong strategies and identifying potential improvements requires engaging with community members through surveys, public meetings, and other forms of public consultation. The previous section of this report outlines this process in detail.
This section concludes with a comparison of the quantitative and qualitative findings to refine a methodology for testing and ultimately selecting improvements that will enhance Auburn’s quality of life, aligned with its demonstrated values and preferences.
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Park Equity & Access
To better understand where the demand and need for park lands should occur, a service area map was created on the following pages that identifies the current service area of each existing park and the new service areas created by proposed improvements.
To develop the service maps, Open Street Map data was used to identify and verify known sidewalk data and the City’s transportation grid that the City of Auburn provided. Sidewalks are considered to be safe walking routes. All the existing access points to each existing park and/or trail space were digitized and a network analysis of the safe walking routes to each access point was developed. The analysis would initially stop even if the end of a sidewalk was encountered before the 10-min range (approximately 1/2 mile) was reached.
A second analysis ignored the known sidewalks and trails but followed the City’s existing transportation grid, essentially identifying known gaps in the walkshed that could be addressed by extending existing sidewalks.
Additional maps on pages 60 and 61 highlight specific areas of the City where residents identified gaps in the current park system, with a particular emphasis on the need for more sports fields, courts, and other recreational amenities, as indicated through public involvement responses.
The “10-Min Walk” Metric
A 10-minute walk is considered an important park access metric for several reasons. A 10-minute walk (approximately 1/2 mile on level ground) as a park access metric is important because it promotes physical activity, equity, sustainability, social interaction, and overall community well-being (see ‘Benefits of the 10-min Walk’ on the next page.) It aligns with various health, environmental, and social goals the City has and should encourage staff and policymakers to prioritize accessible green spaces as a fundamental part of Auburn’s development and the community’s desired quality of life.
The figure on the following page identifies the service areas, AKA the 10-minute “walksheds”, for each existing park as well as showing the current gaps on the page after that.
Gap Analysis
As outlined in the Goals & Objectives and related policies, ensuring that residents have fair and easy
access to parks located within a half-mile of their homes is crucial for the overall health and well-being of the community. This previous figure offer insights into population density and conducts a network analysis of park accessibility. This analysis examines each property’s ability to reach a nearby park within a half-mile, either via a street or a trail. The service area maps are designed to demonstrate how accessible parks with various amenities are to the community and how accessibility could be enhanced through improvements to parks that currently offer limited amenities. It’s worth noting that these accessibility gaps can be reduced by ensuring safe access to parks can be increased with new sidewalks and transportation improvements.
City of Auburn Projections
The City of Auburn, out of 635 named cities and populated areas, is currently ranked #14 in the list of cities in the State of Washington based on population size, and is located in the county with the highest desnity of people living per sq mile.
The Office of Financial Management (OFM) predicts population projections under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to accommodate growth over the next 20 years. While the most recent census data available is from 2020, it shows the population has grown to over 88,000. The rapid growth experienced during the ‘90’s and ‘00’s may have slowed, but Auburn remains an attractive community known for its family-oriented, small-town atmosphere. With affordable housing compared to most of King County, convenient highway access, and a charming small-town feel, Auburn is poised for continued, stable growth that will support the demand for recreational facilities.
Recreation Trends
Outdoor recreation is on the rise nationwide, and Washington State and all its communities is no exception. Since 2019, and especially throughout the Covid pandemic, outdoor recreation equipment sales saw a significant increase across all major product categories. In Washington, there has been a notable surge in the participation rates of 20 outdoor activities since 2017. Among these activities, non-motorized trails, nature and wildlife viewing, camping, paddling, winter recreation, and leisure activities in nearby parks are consistently in high demand among Washington residents. With an expected statewide population increase of 2 million residents in the next 25 years, it’s more critical for cities such as Auburn to plan for the future demand on outdoor recreation facilities.
Outdoor recreation not only supports local economies
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but also connects people with the natural world, promoting physical and mental well-being. With the rise of work-from-home arrangements post-pandemic and housing shifts from larger cities to smaller communities, residents are increasingly seeking convenient access to a variety of outdoor experiences, both developed and primitive, that allow them to integrate nature-based recreation into their busy schedules while avoiding crowds and traffic.
However, striking a balance between providing access to outdoor recreation and safeguarding natural and cultural resources remains a significant concern statewide. The heavy concentration of outdoor recreation at popular sites has led to resource degradation and reduced user satisfaction. Many communities face disparities in access to meaningful outdoor recreation opportunities, and residents often struggle with the time, cost, and information needed to support their outdoor pursuits. As the state aims to promote equitable access to the social, health, and economic benefits of outdoor recreation, a careful approach to outdoor recreation management is essential to ensure the protection of natural and cultural resources.
2030 Statewide
Comprehensive Outdoor
Recreation Plan
The 2023 Recreation and Conservation Plan, or commonly referred to as the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), is a comprehensive document outlining the state’s vision for outdoor recreation and public land conservation. Developed by the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), the plan guides investments for the next 5-10 years. It considers challenges and benefits of outdoor recreation, assesses current demand, and inventories existing opportunities. By establishing statewide priorities and goals, the plan serves a crucial role in securing funding, guiding investments strategically, and fostering collaboration between land managers. Public input through surveys and outreach ensures the plan reflects the needs of Washington residents. Ultimately, the WA State RCO SCORP Plan serves as a blueprint for a sustainable future where outdoor recreation and public lands are preserved and accessible for all.
RCO’s 2022 Assessment of
Resident Demand
In the 2022 Assessment of Resident Demand report, participation rates for 45 activities were compared to 2017. All but two of those activities (Technology-based
games and Collecting or Gathering Things in Nature) showed an increase in participation. Activities that had the greatest increase in participation include the following:
Wildlife or nature viewing increased by 28%
Paddle sports increased by 28%
Visiting outdoor cultural or historical facility increased by 27%
Tent camping (undeveloped area) increased by 26%
Backpacking increased by 25%
Playing yard games (in a park) increased by 25%
Snowshoeing increased by 23%
Tent camping (developed area) increased by 19%
Hanging out (in a park) increased by 19%
Mountain biking increased by 18%
The SCORP document classifies Auburn within the ‘Seattle King” region, encompassing King CVounty soley. Note that a portion of Auburn stretches into Pierce County. Regardless, the SCORP survey reveals a significant trend – “walking in a park or trail setting” that boasts the highest participation rate in the region (92% compared to the statewide average of 82%). This preference for walking holds true across diverse demographics, including age, gender, race, and income groups.
An interesting observation is the increasing popularity of walking as a recreational activity since the previous RCO survey in 2012. Additionally, participation in boating and swimming has also risen, with swimming now ranking among the top 10 recreational activities in the Seattle King region. Other favored activities include nature-based pursuits like visiting rivers, streams, and beaches, wildlife viewing, attending outdoor events like farmer’s markets and fairs, and day hiking. These findings from the SCORP planning outreach program align with the trends identified in state-level surveys, underscoring the importance of walking/hiking opportunities and nature-based recreation in King County.
Trails, both within parks and connecting parks, schools, shops, and destinations are generally the top demand seen across the country. Providing trail connections between these popular destinations enhances a community’s walkability and encourages active lifestyles. Trail usage has seen a significant uptick in recent years, with data suggesting a surge starting in 2020. Recent studies by both American Trails report increases ranging from 79% to 171% and can
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attributed to several factors, especially as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With access to traditional forms of exercise and leisure activities significantly impacted due to closures and safety concerns, many people turned to outdoor recreation, including hiking and other trail-based activities as safe and accessible options. This trend has continued post-pandemic, with increased trail use likely due, in part, to the population continuing to seek alternative ways to exercise and maintain mental well-being.
While some pandemic restrictions have eased, evidence from the National Parks Service and the Washington State SCORP suggests a continued rise, or at least a steady hold, in trail use. This trend underscores the growing importance of well-maintained trail networks. This applies not just within parks themselves, but also in connecting parks and open spaces together. As demand for these outdoor spaces rises, so too does the need for additional supporting infrastructure to ensure their continued enjoyment by all.
The trend of dog ownership in the United States is experiencing a significant upswing, with estimates suggesting a population exceeding 89 and 94 million canine companions nationwide. This surge translates to a parallel rise in demand for designated dog parks across the country. These parks, particularly larger facilities, have become popular destinations, attracting dog owners and potentially boosting agency revenue through user fees and contributing to tourism.
In Washington State, the growing human-canine bond is likely influencing public land use plans. With dogs increasingly viewed as cherished family members, especially in urban environments, families are actively seeking opportunities to include their furry companions in outdoor activities. Cities are likely taking note of this trend, potentially leading to the inclusion of designated dog walking areas or off-leash spaces within their planning strategies.
Pickleball & Padel
The participation in pickleball has witnessed a remarkable surge, growing by 159% in just three years, reaching 8.9 million participants in 2022, as reported by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association.
This swift expansion has presented challenges for public parks and recreation departments, which must strike a balance between the competing interests of diverse recreational activities while working within
constraints of limited space and budgets. Parks agencies are becoming more confronted with the task of accommodating pickleball enthusiasts, who favor this tennis-like sport with a smaller court, without causing discomfort or inconvenience to others. The noise and disruption generated by pickleball is becoming more a source of frustration for some neighbors, tennis enthusiasts, parents with young children, and other community members.
In various towns and cities, homeowners’ associations and local residents have begun to impose restrictions on pickleball activities and thwart the construction of new courts. They have initiated petitions, pursued legal actions, and voiced their concerns at council and town hall meetings, all in an effort to temper the widespread enthusiasm for pickleball and its unique auditory characteristics.
Similar to pickleball, Padel is a racket sport of Mexican origin gaining popularity across the United States. This game is a cross between tennis, racquetball, and squash. It’s currently estimated that Padel has over 100,000 players in the United States, and the number of courts has more than doubled in the last two years, expecting to grow to 30,000 courts by 2030. It is expected that the sport will grow substantially in communities with growing Hispanic populations, including Auburn.
Youth Sports
Participation in youth sports leagues has undergone a complex transformation in recent years. While traditional team sports remain popular, data suggests a decline in children (ages 6-12) consistently playing on teams. The Aspen Project reports a drop from 45% in 2008 to 38% in 2018, and the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) confirms this trend with a 6% decline in core participation (ages 6-17) between 2019 and 2022. This translates to roughly 1.2 million fewer participants. Several factors may contribute to this decline, including the financial burden of participation fees, equipment, and travel expenses, concerns about over-specialization leading to burnout, and time constraints due to competing academic and extracurricular demands.
This changing landscape has potential implications for the need for large regional sports facilities. While the decline in regular participation suggests a decreased demand for facilities solely focused on traditional team sports, total team sports participation (including those playing at least once a year) remained stable between 2019 and 2022, suggesting a potential shift towards less structured forms of sports involvement. Basketball continues to be the most popular sport, with nearly a
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quarter of youth (ages 6-17) participating at least once in 2022.
Multi-sport facilities catering to a wider range of activities and hosting tournaments or events attracting teams from a broader area are expected to see continued use. Well-designed facilities could also become community hubs, offering recreational activities for all ages and potentially incorporating amenities like fitness centers or indoor walking tracks that would noit be affected by inclement weather.
The future of youth sports will require adaptation in programs. Focusing on fun and inclusivity, offering flexible scheduling and shorter seasons, implementing strategies to reduce financial barriers, e.g. developing parks districts to help cover long-term operating & maintenance costs, and promoting foundational athletic skills applicable to various sports are all crucial considerations. By adapting to these trends, youth sports programs can ensure they continue to play a vital role in promoting physical activity, social development, and positive health outcomes for children.
Playground Trends
Modern playground design reflects a growing emphasis on inclusivity, fostering connections with nature, and catering to a wider range of users. A key trend to note is the creation of inclusive playgrounds, ensuring accessibility for children with various abilities through features like ramps, sensory panels, and equipment that accommodates different physical and cognitive needs.
Playgrounds are also increasingly designed to mimic natural environments, incorporating elements like logs, boulders, and water features. This reconnection with nature encourages open-ended and imaginative play.
The concept of multigenerational playgrounds is also gaining traction, offering adult fitness equipment and interactive features that promote intergenerational play within families and communities. Grant programs such as AARP’s FitLot program is a great example.
Sensory play experiences are being actively integrated through musical instruments, textured panels, and fragrant plants. These elements stimulate different senses, enriching the play experience and catering to children with special needs.
While still emerging, some playgrounds are exploring seamless technology integration through augmented reality or interactive elements, adding a new layer to physical play.
Recognizing the limitations of shrinking green spaces in downtown cores or within communities, there’s a growing focus on “playgrounds within reach.” This involves maximizing the play value of smaller spaces through multifunctional equipment, innovative design, and better integration with surrounding areas.
Overall, these trends highlight a shift towards playgrounds that are not just fun, but also inclusive, educational, and promote holistic development in children.
As electric technology develops, maintenance equipment, vehicles, mowers, and other equipment used in parks and recreation are transitioning from gas powered resources to electric assets. This transition provides long-term cost savings, environmental benefits, and decreased noise. Additionally, parks and trailheads should consider the addition of EV charging stations in parking lots, as the number of EV cars on the road continues to grow. Washington State has led this transition to electric vehicles, with over 18% of new cars sold in the first half of 2023 being fully electric or plug-in hybrids according to the Seattle Times. Vehicle chargers located at park facilities enable drivers to engage with park facilities while waiting for a full charge.
Climate Resiliency
The concept of electrification pertains to growing needs for climate resilience and the ways in which future park implementations can accommodate the increase of hotter days and nights, as well as the increase of storm and wildfire impacts. Parks create a great opportunity to address these goals through smart design and engineering. Parks and open space can mitigate urban heat islands, absorb flood and stormwater, and create fire breaks through green space and linear trail corridors. Climate change, stormwater/flooding implementations, and tree canopy coverage should be considered in future park renovations to increase resiliency.
Funding Threats &
Funding for parks and municipal recreation services has been forced into a creative shift as municipalities have been forced to seek additional ways to fund operation and improvements. Long-standing grant and funding assistance programs have repeatedly come under threat at both the federal and state level. Congress let the Land and Water Conservation
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Fund (LWCF) expire in 2015 for the first time in 50 years. In response to public outcry, several members in Congress fought for a short-term solution: an emergency authorization of three years. In 2016, Congress had another opportunity to permanently reauthorize LWCF, thanks to legislation championed by Washington’s own Senator Maria Cantwell in the Energy Bill. While LWCF initially failed under the past administration, in September 2021, LWCF was permanently authorized with full funding through the Dingell Act. This act directed a significant portion of offshore oil and gas royalties to the LWCF for the preservation of public lands, waters, and recreational opportunities.
Since then, specific funding levels and appropriations for the LWCF have varied from year to year as part of the federal budgeting process. Funding for the LWCF depends on annual appropriations by Congress, hence the program’s budget and funding levels can be subject to changes and priorities set by the federal government.
Investments in Parks Will
Across other municipal agencies statewide, investment in state and local infrastructure, which had been depressed since the Great Recession of 2008, and especially since the COVID-related stimulus packages, e.g., ARPA, increased federal funding has helping that fund public works and park and recreation infrastructure improvements, such as buildings, restrooms, and roads.
State and local spending is up nearly 10 percent from last year, according to data from the Commerce Department, and spending on capital outlays continues to grow. The Commerce Department data also show that spending on amusement and recreation facilities is up 31 percent from a year ago. It appears that economic conditions will remain favorable for new investments in park and recreation infrastructure if local and state tax collections continue to rise and interest rates remain relatively low. Building on the momentum of the past few years, local and state governments will make even more park and recreation infrastructure investments in buildings, playground equipment, roads and bridges, and capital repairs to aging infrastructure, topping the highest level of infrastructure spending since the recession of 2008.
Level-of-Service (LOS)
To evaluate how different types of parks align with a community’s desires, the National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) developed and maintains simple demand standards as a guideline for identifying the number of park facilities potentially needed per community. While there are various methods to assess the service standards of a park system, the NRPA’s standards focus primarily on comparing population size to the number and types of parks or recreational amenities offered.
Traditionally, the ratio of land acres per thousand people has been a widely adopted measure. However, this metric provides only a limited evaluation of a park system. A more comprehensive approach to determining service standards should consider the distribution of land and facilities throughout the community, the per capita value of the system, the availability of programs for all demographics, the characteristics of the park user base, the quality and upkeep of facilities, and, most importantly, public perception of the park system as an indicator of quality of life.
Recognizing that the vision, values, and needs of each community are unique, planners have acknowledged that simply applying local level-of-service (LOS) standards to a national benchmark is not an effective means of evaluating a community’s specific needs and vision. Consequently, NRPA’s LOS standards have evolved in recent decades, now recommending that each community develop its own standards based on local goals, priorities, and conditions.
NRPA Recommendations
The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) provides guidelines for Level of Service (LOS) standards, which help communities determine appropriate targets for parks and recreational facilities based on population. However, it’s important to note that NRPA has moved away from prescribing specific numeric LOS standards (traditional benchmarks) for all communities, recognizing that each community has unique needs and contexts. Instead, they emphasize using data-driven approaches, including benchmarking against similar communities, community input, and local conditions to determine the appropriate LOS.
For communities with populations of 85,000 to 100,000 residents, the NRPA suggests the following general recommendations:
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Total Parkland per 1,000
Traditional Benchmark: Historically, a common benchmark was to provide around 10 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. However, this is no longer a one-size-fits-all recommendation. Communities are encouraged to set their own targets based on factors such as geographic constraints, population density, and specific recreational needs.
Contemporary Approach: Communities might set goals ranging from 5 to 20 acres per 1,000 residents, depending on their unique circumstances and priorities.
Park Access and Distribution
Accessibility: NRPA recommends that all residents should have access to a park or green space within a 10-minute walk (approximately 0.5 miles) from their home. This focus on accessibility ensures that park benefits are equitably distributed across the community.
Distribution: For larger communities, ensure that parks are evenly distributed across different neighborhoods and are easily accessible by diverse modes of transportation, especially safe walkable routes.
Programming and Services
Diversity: Communities should offer a wide range of recreational programs that meet the diverse needs of their population, including youth, adults, seniors, and special populations. This may include sports leagues, fitness classes, arts and culture programs, and environmental education.
Staffing Levels
Staffing is crucial for maintaining facilities and delivering quality programming. NRPA provides guidance on staffing ratios, often suggesting a mix of full-time, part-time, and seasonal staff based on the size and scope of the park system.
Staffing by Park Acreage Benchmark: NRPA recommends approximately 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) maintenance staff member per 10 to 20 acres of developed parkland. This number can vary depending on the complexity of the park, the intensity of maintenance required, and the specific facilities within the park (e.g., sports fields, playgrounds, trails).
Programming and Operations Staff: For every 50 to 100 acres of parkland, NRPA suggests having 1 FTE dedicated to programming and operations. This staff is responsible for organizing events, managing facilities,
and overseeing day-to-day operations.
Staffing by Number of Parks: NRPA recommends approximately 1 FTE staff member (including maintenance, administrative, and programming roles) per park, assuming the park is of average size and complexity. Smaller parks might not require a full-time staff member and could be maintained by part-time
Budget and Funding
NRPA annually surveys parks organizations across the country to provide quantitative data on several budget and funding metrics:
Per Capita Spending: NRPA Park Metrics reports suggest that the average spending per capita by park and recreation agencies across the U.S. is around $85-$90 per resident. However, this can vary significantly depending on the size of the city, regional cost of living, and specific needs of the community.
Operating Budget Per Acre: NRPA’s Park Metrics also indicate that the median operating expenditure is around $6,000 to $8,000 per park acre. This includes costs for maintenance, staffing, utilities, and other operational needs.
Capital Expenditures: A common benchmark is that capital expenses (new developments, major renovations, etc.) should be a significant portion of the overall budget. A rough guideline is allocating 20-30% of the total budget to capital projects, though this can fluctuate based on current needs and existing infrastructure.
Auburn’s Quantitative LOS
With NRPA’s recommendations in mind, a straightforward quantitative analysis of the City’s Level of Service (LOS) can be conducted. The following section evaluates Auburn’s current park system against expected NRPA benchmarks to identify current performance and future needs. Ultimately, these quantitative findings will be integrated with the public involvement findings to develop a customized set of LOS standards. This approach, grounded in extensive community engagement, ensures that Auburn’s parks and recreation system reflects the community’s priorities, whether that means more green spaces, enhanced sports facilities, expanded trails, or additional cultural amenities.
LOS Standards & Overview
Table 4.1 presents the current Level of Service (LOS) based on Auburn’s park classifications and recreational amenities inventory. The LOS analysis utilizes assumed low to median values for each category, considering
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Auburn’s current population of 90,096 (as of 2024) and a projected population of 114,540 by 2044. Below is an overview and guideline for LOS quantifications, structured around common park classifications and key recreational elements.
Total Parkland LOS Analysis
Overview: Currently, the City of Auburn boasts a diverse portfolio of parks and recreation assets, totaling 57 sites and covering over 980 acres. This exceeds the lower end of the expected range for parkland based on NRPA guidelines. The NRPA typically recommends between 10 to 20 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents as a general standard. With Auburn’s current population of 90,096 (as of 2024), the expected median total acreage of parkland would range from approximately 900 to 1,800 acres. Auburn’s park system is therefore well-aligned with these recommendations, supporting the recreational needs of its residents today.
Table 4-1: Existing Facility Type & LOS Targets
Facility Type Current Recommended
Park Classification
Mini-Parks (Pocket Parks)16.71 acres 0.25 to 0.5 acres 0.19 -0.06 -0.1
Neighborhood Parks 51.23 acres 1 to 2 acres 0.57 -0.43 -0.55
Community Parks 283.31 acres 5 to 8 acres 3.14 -1.86 -3.14
Open Space 321.42 acres 5 to 10 acres 3.57 -1.43 -2.19
Special Use Areas 307.69 acres Variable
Total Parkland 980.35 acres 10 acres 10.88 +0.88 -1.44
Total # of Parks 57 1 park per 2000 46 +11 -
Trails 21.96**.25 to .5 miles 0.24 --6.67
Recreation Amenity
Baseball/Softball Fields 7 1 per 5,000 18.02 -9 -13
Soccer Fields 4 1 per 10,000 9.01 -5 -11
Football Fields 2 1 per 20,000 to 25,000 3.6 -2 -4
Multi-use Fields 6 1 per 10,000 9.01 -3 -5
Basketball Courts 18 1 per 5,000 18.02 --5
Tennis Courts 8 1 per 4,000 22.52 -13 -20
Playgrounds 33 1 per 1,000 children under 12***18 +15 +3
Pickleball Courts 16 1 per 4,000 22.52 -6 -12
Volleyball Courts 2 1 per 10,000 9.01 -7 -9
Recreation Centers 1 1 per 25,000 3.6 -2.6 +3.5
Splash Pads 2 1 per 25,000 3.6 -1.6 -2.5
Dog Parks 2 1 per 50,000 1.8 --
Skate Parks 4 1 per 25,000 3.6 --.5
Golf Courses (18-hole)1 1 per 50,000 1.8 -1 -1
Community Gardens (Plots)16 1 per 10,000 9.01 +7 +5
Amphitheaters 1 1 per 50,000 1.8 -0.8 -1
* measured as acres per 1000 population
** Includes other trails maintained by others
*** Projected 2044 Population = 114,540
**** Assumed # of childen under 12 approximately 20% of overall population
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Total Number: 57 parks
NRPA Target Number of Parks Based on Population: 57 Parks
Total Acreage: 980.35 acres
Average Size: 21.97 acres
NRPA Target Acreage Based on Population: 10-20 acres per 1000
Current LOS: 10.88 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected LOS: 8.56 acres per 1,000 residents
Auburn Target LOS: 10 acres per 1,000 residents or additional 164 acres of total parkland by 2024
Conclusion/Recommendations: Auburn’s current total acreage of parkland is generally within the expected range for a community of its size and physical context. However, when analyzing the distribution and average size of its park types, especially neighborhood and community parks, there are notable discrepancies compared to national standards.
According to the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), the recommended level of service (LOS) for community parks is between 5 to 8 acres per 1,000 residents. Auburn currently averages only 3.14 acres per 1,000 residents, which is below this recommended standard. For neighborhood parks, the NRPA suggests an LOS of 1 to 2 acres per 1,000 residents, but Auburn’s current average is just 0.57 acres per 1,000 residents. This indicates a significant shortfall in the provision of both neighborhood and community parks relative to the city’s population.
Furthermore, the NRPA recommends 5 to 10 acres of open space per 1,000 residents, yet Auburn currently provides only 3.57 acres per 1,000 residents. When factoring in land managed by other organizations, such as King County’s Department of Natural Resources, this figure improves and aligns more closely with the recommended range.
Auburn exceeds expectations in total acreage due to the significant footprint of its Special-Use Facilities. This surplus is largely attributed to the inclusion of extensive environmental areas and the golf course, both of which are managed differently from traditional parks and offer limited access to the general public. While reclassifying the golf course as open space might enhance Auburn’s Level of Service (LOS) for open space, the specific use, management practices, and limited public access associated with the golf course support its continued classification as a special-use area.
In summary, while the overall size of Auburn’s park system aligns with general recommendations, there is a clear shortfall in the distribution of neighborhood and community parks. Additionally, while the city
maintains over 30 beautification areas that enhance its aesthetic appeal, these spaces do not replace the need for more neighborhood and community parks to meet national standards and adequately serve the recreational needs of Auburn’s residents.
Parklets / Mini Parks / Tot-Lots LOS
Overview: These parks serve small areas, often a single neighborhood or part of one. They typically feature amenities like playgrounds, benches, and small open spaces with no restrooms. incorporating more parklets and mini-parks can be an effective strategy for addressing Level of Service (LOS) deficiencies, especially in urban areas where space is limited. These smaller parks can provide critical, but disconnected, green space, recreational opportunities, and social gathering spots within densely populated neighborhoods. They are often easier and quicker to implement than larger parks, making them a practical solution to improve accessibility and equity in park distribution. However, they generally require the same level of maintenance and operational purview as larger local or neighborhood parks and, factoring in the increased travel time, can potentially become a lrger burden on park staff.
Number: 13 parks
Acreage: 16.71 acres
Average Size: 1.28 acres
Target Size: Typically less than 1 acre
NRPA Target LOS: 0.25 to 0.5 acres per 1,000 residents
Current LOS (2024): 0.19 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected LOS (2044): 0.15 acres per 1,000 residents
Draft NEW LOS: 0.25 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected Deficit (Acres): 11.29 acres
Service Radius: 1/4 mile or less
Conclusion/Recommendations: To address the projected decline in the Level of Service (LOS) for mini-parks, parklets, and tot-lots, it is recommended that the City prioritize the strategic addition of these smaller park facilities only as opportunities arise. Currently, the LOS stands at approximately 0.19 acres per 1,000 residents, which close to NRPA’s minimum of .25, but without intervention, this will decrease to 0.15 acres per 1,000 residents by 2044. To maintain an adequate LOS, the City should aim to add approximately 11 acres of new park areas in this classification by 2044, ensuring continued access to these essential recreational spaces for the growing population.
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Neighborhood Parks LOS Analysis
Overview: Local or neighborhood parks serve as the recreational and social hubs of a neighborhood. These parks are designed to be accessible by foot or bicycle and typically feature amenities such as playgrounds, athletic fields, picnic areas, sports courts, and open play areas. Some parks may also include restrooms and other supportive facilities. Currently, there is a shortage of local or neighborhood parks based on current park classifications, but the total parkland acreage across the city exceeds the cumulative standard.
Number: 10 parks
Acreage: 51.23 acres
Average Size: 5.12 acres
Target Size: Generally 5 to 10 acres
NRPA Target LOS: 1 to 2 acres per 1,000 residents
Current LOS (2024): 0.57 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected LOS (2044): 0.45 acres per 1,000 residents
NEW LOS: 1 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected Deficit (Acres): 63.31 acres
Service Radius: 1/4 to 1/2 mile
Conclusion/Recommendations: The current Level of Service (LOS) for neighborhood parks in Auburn is 0.57 acres per 1,000 residents, which is projected to decline to 0.45 acres per 1,000 residents by 2044. This projected LOS falls significantly below the recommended minimum standard of 1 acre per 1,000 residents. To meet this new standard by 2044, Auburn will need to add approximately 63 acres of new neighborhood parks. This strategic addition is critical to ensuring that the growing population has sufficient access to neighborhood park facilities, maintaining a high quality of life and community well-being.
Community Park Inventory and
Needs Analysis
A community park is planned primarily to provide active and structured recreation op- portunities for young people and adults. They often exceed 10 acres in size and may have sports fields, water bodies, gardens, nature trails or similar features as the central focus of the park. Community parks can also provide indoor facilities to meet a wide range of recre- ation interests. They require more support facilities such as parking and restrooms than neighborhood parks. Community parks serve a much larger area than neighborhood parks and offer more facilities. Where there are no neighborhood parks, the community park can also serve the neighborhood park function. The
community park service area covers a one to two mile radius.
Community Parks LOS Analysis
Overview: Community parks serve broader community needs, often featuring larger facilities or arrays of facilities types, e.g., tournament baseball field complexes, and a wider range of amenities, such as swimming pools, and community centers that are intended to support the entire community. The number of community parks a city like Auburn, WA, should have depends on several factors, including NRPA guidelines, local demand, and geographic considerations. The target acreage for community parks typically ranges from 20 to 50 acres per park or 5-8 acres per 1000 residents, according to NRPA guidelines. Using those metrics, Auburn, WA, should have about 2 to 4 community parks based on its population, with an ideal total acreage between 40 - 200 acres. This ensures that the parks are large enough to accommodate a variety of amenities, such as sports fields, playgrounds, walking trails, and open spaces, while serving a significant portion of the population effectively.
Number: 14 parks
Acreage: 283.31 acres
Average Size: 20.2 acres
Target Size: Generally 20 to 50 acres
NRPA Target LOS: 5 to 8 acres per 1,000 residents
Current LOS (2024): 3.14 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected LOS (2044): 2.47 acres per 1,000 residents
NEW LOS: 3.5 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected Deficit (Acres): 116.69 acres
Service Radius: 1 to 2 miles
Conclusion/Recommendations: The current Level of Service (LOS) for community parks in Auburn is 3.14 acres per 1,000 residents, but it is projected to decline to 2.47 acres per 1,000 residents by 2044. This anticipated reduction highlights a significant shortfall, with a projected deficit of over 116 acres in this park classification. To meet the needs of Auburn’s growing population and maintain the recommended LOS, the City will need to prioritize the addition of these 116 acres of new community parks by 2044.
Future community park sites should be strategically selected in areas like West Hill and Lea Hill, where development is ongoing, and large gaps exist between existing parks. Additionally, other residential areas, particularly in the northeast and southeast corners of the City, are on the edges of existing service areas and will require new community park acquisitions and development as population growth continues.
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Two key sites, Jacobsen Tree Farm and the 104th Ave SE property along the Green River, offer significant potential for development into community parks. These sites account for 44 acres of undeveloped land that will be crucial in addressing the City’s parkland needs. The development of these areas into community parks will help close the gap in service coverage and ensure that Auburn’s residents continue to have access to ample recreational spaces, supporting the overall quality of life in the community.
Special Use Parks LOS Analysis
Overview: Unlike other recreational classifications, special use facilities serve very unique, often singular functions and include unique features that add depth and variety to the city’s recreational and open space amenities. By integrating these specialized spaces, Auburn creates a vibrant public landscape that reflects the city’s identity and enhances recreational opportunities for the community. Examples of these facilities include pocket landscape areas, community gardens, streetscapes, unique sections of the Environmental Park, viewpoints, historic sites, public art installations, and traffic islands.
Number: 14
Acreage: 307.69 acres
Auburn Average Size: 21.9 acres
Target Quanitity & Size: Varies depending on the facility type and use
Target LOS: Depends on community needs; not typically defined by a strict LOS but considered based on demand.
Service Radius: Typically serves the entire community or region.
Conclusion/Recommendations: Past and more recent survey comments indicate that residents have a strong desire to enhance the City’s aesthetics by increasing the planting of street trees, flowers, and other greenery. Integrating these beautification efforts, along with the development of additional special-use areas as opportunities arise, presents a valuable chance to improve the overall appearance of the community.
However, there are currently no specific targets or goals for purposefully developing more special-use areas. Introducing a significant number of small, specialized facilities could result in higher-than-expected maintenance and operational costs for the department. As development continues and additional land is acquired—including smaller, less usable areas within the public right-of-way—it is essential to remain vigilant in assessing these opportunities. Evaluating them for their unique, heritage, natural, and activity-centric qualities that could provide community value is recommended.
The Parks Department should continue collaborating with relevant departments to ensure that landscaping standards support the inclusion of street trees and other plantings, further integrating existing green spaces and improving their connectivity. This will not only enhance the city’s aesthetics but also contribute to public safety. Additionally, encouraging the development of boulevard-style streets in key locations can further improve the visual appeal and functionality of the urban environment.
Natural Resource Areas and
Greenways (Open Space)
Overview: Open space areas are vital for protecting and preserving natural landscapes, wildlife habitats, and green corridors. The purpose of these amenities is to maintain natural landscapes, safeguard wildlife habitats, and protect critical natural infrastructure, while also providing residents with opportunities for passive recreation and environmental education, such as hiking and birdwatching.
NRPA provides general guidelines for the amount and size of open space and natural areas within a community. Typically, these guidelines recommend that a city should maintain between 7 to 10 acres of open space and natural areas per 1,000 residents. For a city the size of Auburn, with a population of 90,096 (as of 2024), this would equate to approximately 630 to 900 acres of open space and natural areas. Currently, Auburn has 321 acres of dedicated open space areas. However, when considering other greenways and open spaces within the city that are not maintained by the City of Auburn, the total approaches the minimum target of 630 acres.
Given Auburn’s current inventory of open space areas available to residents, the city is close to meeting the lower range of the NRPA’s recommendations for open space and natural areas. Auburn’s commitment to preserving these areas aligns well with NRPA guidelines, and the city’s existing acreage of natural areas and open spaces is well-positioned to support the ecological and recreational needs of its residents. This ensures that Auburn continues to provide valuable natural amenities as the community grows.
Number: 6 Open Space and Natural Areas
Total Acreage: 321.42
Average Size: 53.57 acres
Target Acreage: 630-900 acres
NRPA Target LOS: 5 to 10 acres per 1,000 residents
Current LOS (2024): 3.57 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected LOS (2044): 2.81 acres per 1,000 residents
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NEW LOS: 4 acres per 1,000 residents
Projected Deficit (Acres): 136.58 acres
Service Radius: Typically regional, with users traveling farther to access these areas
Conclusion/Recommendations: Auburn’s current Level of Service (LOS) for open space areas is 3.57 acres per 1,000 residents as of 2024. However, with the city’s projected population growth, this LOS is expected to decline to 2.81 acres per 1,000 residents by 2044. This decrease places Auburn below both the National Recreation and Park Association’s (NRPA) target LOS of 5 to 10 acres per 1,000 residents and the City’s draft new LOS standard of 4 acres per 1,000 residents.
The decision to increase the LOS for open space reflects a growing recognition of the critical role these areas play in promoting climate change resiliency, managing flood hazards, supporting wildlife habitats, and mitigating the effects of urban heat on aging populations. As climate change continues to impact weather patterns, open spaces can serve as vital buffers, absorbing excess rainfall and reducing the risk of flooding, particularly in vulnerable areas along rivers and low-lying regions.
Furthermore, open spaces provide essential habitats for wildlife, helping to preserve biodiversity within the city. These natural areas are increasingly important as urbanization encroaches on green spaces, putting pressure on local ecosystems. By expanding and protecting open space, Auburn can help ensure that wildlife populations continue to thrive, maintaining ecological balance and enhancing the natural beauty of the community.
In addition to their environmental benefits, open spaces are crucial for the health and well-being of Auburn’s residents, especially as the population ages. Access to nature has been shown to reduce the effects of heat islands in urban areas, where concrete and asphalt trap heat, leading to higher temperatures. These elevated temperatures can be particularly harmful to older adults, who are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Expanding open space provides shaded areas and cooling effects that are vital for protecting vulnerable populations.
To meet the new LOS standard of 4 acres per 1,000 residents by 2044, Auburn will need to acquire and develop an additional 136.58 acres of open space. This strategic expansion is essential not only to meet recreational needs but also to ensure the city’s resilience in the face of climate change and urbanization. By investing in open spaces, Auburn can enhance its ability to manage environmental challenges, protect its natural heritage, and promote the long-term health and well-being of all its residents.
Trails LOS Analysis
Auburn, WA, boasts an extensive network of trails that weave through the city’s diverse landscapes, offering residents and visitors a range of recreational opportunities. These trails, often referred to as linear parks, typically follow natural and man-made features such as stream corridors, abandoned railroads, or power line easements. They serve multiple purposes, including providing pathways for walking, running, and biking, as well as creating interpretive areas, open spaces, and landscaped zones.
The city’s trail system is designed with minimal development to preserve the natural environment, focusing on essentials such as trailheads, educational signage, benches, and picnic tables. However, in areas with more space, like wide power line easements, there is potential for more extensive development, allowing for a broader range of recreational uses while still maintaining the primary function of these linear parks.
Auburn currently has 21 different trail segments of varying purposes covering a total of 21.96 miles across the city, however 6.75 miles of those trails are within existing parks (see Table 2-5.)
Total Miles of Trails (All): .25 to .5 miles per 1,000 residents
Total Miles of Trails (All): .25 to .5 miles per 1,000 residents
Expected NRPA Standard: .25 to .5 miles per 1,000 residents
Existing Ratio: Total: 0.28 miles per 1,000 residents
E xisting Inventory: 21.96 miles
Current Need: 0.0 miles
Future Need (2044): 6.69 miles
NEW LOS: 0.125 miles per 1,000 residents
Conclusion/Recommendations: Auburn’s current ratio of 0.24 miles of developed trail parkland per 1,000 residents aligns closely with the minimum expected average. However, with the projected population increase, there is an anticipated need for an additional 6 miles of trails by 2044. Given the existing opportunities for new trail development and the high level of public interest in trails, it is recommended to slightly adjust the standard to 0.125 miles of developed trail parkland per 1,000 residents. Although Auburn’s current inventory of trails already exceeds the adopted standards, further expansion and development are essential to ensure connectivity across different areas of the city and beyond. The demand for an interconnected trail system is expected to grow, particularly as residents, especially post-pandemic, continue to express a strong interest in trails for
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recreation and as an alternative means of commuting, as identified in the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). This underscores the importance of enhancing Auburn’s trail network to meet the evolving needs of its community.
Future Trails/Linear Park Development:
There are several opportunities to develop additional trails and linear parks in Auburn providing local and regional trail systems. Considering the interest in trail activities as demonstrated by public invovlement results and national recreation trends, these additional trails are worth pursuing. Identified locations for potential loop trails within parks, new linear parks, or extensions of existing linear parks include:
BPA Power Line Easement (Lea Hill to Green River Road)
Green River TRail (Planned)
White River Trail (A Street to Interurban Trail)
Mill Creek Corridor
Rotary Park
Shaughnessy Park
Fulmer Park
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Goals & Objectives
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The Auburn Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department is dedicated to preserving the city’s natural beauty through a vibrant and well-maintained system of parks, open spaces, and trails. Our mission is to enrich the lives of Auburn’s residents by providing diverse recreational and cultural opportunities that foster a strong sense of community, promote health and well-being, and celebrate the unique natural landscapes that define our city.
The goals and objectives outlined in this chapter have been meticulously crafted to align with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and are the result of an extensive and thoughtful planning process. This process drew upon a range of valuable resources, including insights from the 2015
Park, Arts, and Recreation Open Space Plan, findings from the 2023 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Survey, and input from dedicated Parks and Recreation staff. Additionally, we carefully analyzed recreation trends, participation rates, and the current state of our parks to ensure that these goals are both forward-looking and responsive to the evolving needs of our community.
Through this comprehensive approach, we aim to create a park system that not only meets the present demands but also anticipates future growth and challenges. Our commitment is to maintain and enhance Auburn’s parks and recreation offerings, ensuring that they continue to serve as vital community assets for generations to come.
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Goal 2: Provide a balanced mix
of passive and active recreation
opportunities to promote healthy
and balanced activities.
The Auburn Parks and Recreation Department recognizes the importance of offering diverse recreational opportunities that cater to all residents. To promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle, our goal is to provide a well-rounded mix of both active and passive recreation options. This approach ensures that everyone, regardless of their activity level, can enjoy and benefit from the City’s parks and recreational facilities.
Goal 2: Objectives
2A. Develop a park system that provides facilities for social, cultural and physical activities.
2B. Provide parks areas that accommodate passive recreation opportunities such as picnicking and walking.
2C. Provide park areas that accommodate active recreation such as ballfields, skate parks, spray parks, sports courts, etc.
2D. Track changing trends at the local, state, and national levels. Respond with appropriate programs and facilities to meet changing needs as funding and budgets are available and meet the level of service expectations of the residents of Auburn.
2E. Provide access to healthy foods through the continued operation of the Auburn Farmer’s Market and Community Gardens.
GOAL 1: Serve all residents and provide
a broad range of programs and
facilities in order to serve all residents
regardless of age or ability.
The Auburn Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department is committed to providing accessible leisure and recreational programs for all residents, with a focus on accommodating special needs. To ensure awareness of these programs, the City has adapted its marketing strategies, blending innovative social media with traditional outreach to engage the community effectively.
Goal 1: Objectives
1A. Provide a variety of recreation facilities and programs that will improve the physical and mental well being of community members.
1B. Provide a system of neighborhood and community parks so that residents live within a half mile walking distance to a developed park.
1C. Develop multi-use facilities to increase flexibility to meet recreational trends as demonstrated by community input.
1D. Continue to identify under-served segments of the population and develop programs that will satisfy unmet needs.
1E. Develop marketing strategies allowing the widest possible distribution of information concerning park facilities and recreation programs.
1F. Provide programs and facilities designed for maximum affordability to local residents.
1G. Continue to improve upon and expand the Fee Waiver and Scholarship Programs, where possible, to allow more low income youth and seniors to participate at reduced rates.
1H. Continue to improve access for the disabled and seniors by providing wheelchair ramps and other appropriate facilities in parks where they do not currently exist.
1I. Continue to maintain an open decision-making process that allows opportunity for resident input.
1J. Parks and Recreation Department staffing levels shall be sufficient to maintain and improve the existing cultural and recreation programs. As programs expand or additional parks are developed, the impact on current staff levels and the need for additional staff will be evaluated.
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Goal 3: Provide a system of high
quality parks that are well
maintained and aesthetically
Parks are one of the most visible public features in a City, their design and maintenance can influence people’s perceptions of the community. Long term maintenance, good design, and the use of high quality materials will all affect the appearance of a park for years to come.
Goal 3: Objectives
3A. Develop Level of Service Standards that are consistent with NRPA standards to assure that residents’ expectations are met.
3B. Parks shall be intentionally designed to require low maintenance, and low water and energy consumption. Higher maintenance features like fountains or annual beds are reserved for high visibility locations or as appropriate.
3C. Select environmentally friendly materials that are durable and aesthetically pleasing.
3D. Parks shall exhibit a “cared for” appearance through close attention to maintenance.
3E. In order to maintain parks in a safe and attractive condition, maintenance staff levels will be evaluated with additions of new park land or facilities.
3F. Renovate deteriorating features. Identify conditions that require redesign or construction of new facilities; schedule and budget necessary changes in the City’s Capital Facilities Plan.
3G. Conduct regularly scheduled inspections to identify necessary repairs and upgrades to ensure safe conditions.
Goal 4: Provide a park system that
contributes to a positive city image
for Auburn.
Auburn’s Comprehensive Plan contains goals and objectives to enhance the City’s identity by ensuring a quality visual environment. Parks are an effective tool in improving visual appearance, but many of Auburn’s parks are tucked away in residential neighborhoods, unseen and unknown except to residents. This lack of visibility hinders the parks from effectively contributing to the city’s overall appearance. Increased visibility and high quality design are paramount to “advertising” our community as a good place in which to live and work.
Goal 4: Objectives
4A. Select new park sites with high visibility and access. This may be accomplished by locating at least one side of larger parks along arterial streets.
4B. Increase the quantity of trees, shrubs and ground covers in parks.
4C. Continue to work on Tree City USA goals for better Urban Forestry design and tree preservation.
4D. Create a green spaces in the downtown core that will be a focal point for community activities and stimulate economic growth.
4E. Incorporate artwork as part of new park development or when upgrading existing parks or other public facilities.
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Goal 5: Acquire and manage
important open spaces in the City of
Undeveloped open spaces contribute to the well-being of our community in many ways. We value them for their ability to provide buffers from urban encroachment; to provide opportunities for recreation; to provide public access to creeks, rivers and other water bodies; to create distinctive settings within the city; to provide connections between different areas for both people and wildlife; as well as offering health and safety benefits.
Goal 5: Objectives
5A. Maintain and protect a system of forested corridors and buffers to provide separation between natural areas and urban land uses.
5B. Target significant open space areas in the City, with emphasis on their planning and acquisition. Target areas include the land along the Green and White Rivers, steep hillsides, Mill Creek Corridor and West Hill Watershed.
5C. Explore all possible funding mechanisms to enable the acquisition of open space on a regular basis to identify properties as they become available.
5D. City owned open space lands shall be accessible to the public wherever possible and appropriate.
5E. Provide adequate management and maintenance of public open spaces, ensuring their ability to provide environmental benefits and wildlife habitat.
5F. When mitigation is required, develop a monitoring and maintenance plan to ensure successful establishment.
5G. Involve the community in habitat restoration activities through the City’s annual Clean Sweep event, community service days, and an adopt a park program.
5H. Determine the ecosystem service value reach open space and park space continues to address climate resiliency goals.
Goal 6: Provide a network of
pedestrian and bicycle trails.
To enhance Auburn’s recreational and transportation infrastructure, we aim to create a comprehensive network of bike and pedestrian trails that serves both commuters and recreational users. This network will be strategically developed to connect key areas within the city and extend to neighboring communities. By prioritizing the acquisition of land, especially along the Green River, and focusing on trail designs that highlight Auburn’s unique natural landscapes, we can offer diverse experiences to residents and visitors alike. Our commitment also includes ensuring accessibility for all users, enhancing safety through thoughtful design, and implementing a cohesive wayfinding system. To sustain this network, securing ongoing funding for maintenance will be essential. Through these objectives, Auburn will establish a robust and interconnected trail system that promotes active transportation, environmental stewardship, and community well-being.
Goal 6: Objectives
6A. Develop a network of trails created or extended to provide adequate coverage for both commuting and recreational cyclists. Locations for east/west trails shall be identified and developed.
6B. Acquisition of land for the proposed Green River Trail shall continue to be a priority.
6C. Trail design and layout shall take advantage of unique natural locations and provide access to a variety of landscapes and habitats.
6D. Participate in planning activities for regional trails in South King County and North Pierce County.
6E. Explore possibilities for new trail connections between Auburn and neighboring communities.
6F. Develop and maintain trails to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act.
6G. Provide safe trail system by discouraging crime through environmental design concepts.
6H. Develop a standardized interpretive and way-finding program to be used through- out our trail system.
6I. Identify and provide funding to maintain existing trail systems.
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Goal 8: Establish park and trail levels
of service provided in the PROS plan.
To ensure Auburn’s parks and recreational spaces continue to meet the needs of a growing population, we are committed to maintaining a consistent level of investment per capita. Currently, the City provides over 10 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents, a standard we aim to uphold even as our community expands. By sustaining this investment, Auburn will preserve its high quality of life and ensure that all residents have ample access to well-maintained and accessible parks and green spaces.
Goal 8: Objectives
8A. Fields, Courts, Tracks, Gyms: Improve the
equivalent population per Auburn facility type based
on expected demand and need ideintified by public survey responses.
8B. Informal Recreation Facilities: Increase the number of Picnic Shelters, Off Leash Areas, Playgrounds, Paths, Community Gardens, Flexible Open Turf Areas, Gathering Spaces and Amphitheaters: Resident equivalent population per facility consistent with the current ratio.
8C. Trails: Increase the number of per trail miles to be consistent with .25 miles per 1000 residents.
8D. Parks: Maintain a minimum total parkland Level of Service (LOS) of over 10 acres per 1,000 residents, regardless of park classification.
Goal 7: Expand our existing park
inventory where level of service
standards are not being met, with an
emphasis on the West Hill and Lea Hill
areas of the City.
Our goal is to prioritize the development of community and linear parks with trail systems, focusing on larger, multi-use spaces to meet Auburn’s diverse needs. We will actively pursue funding to acquire and preserve key parklands, emphasizing shoreline properties for public access. To minimize land use conflicts, particularly in residential areas, we will implement thoughtful design and strategic placement. High-quality design standards will guide new park developments, supported by comprehensive Master Plans and public input. Additionally, we aim to create vibrant public gathering spaces in the downtown core to enhance community life.
Goal 7: Objectives
7A. Make the development of community parks and linear parks with trail systems a priority over small neighborhood parks when possible and appropriate.
7B. Apply for King County Conservation Futures and Recreation & Conservation Office grants and other available funding sources to acquire and preserve park land and natural areas.
7C. Acquisition of community amenities, such as shoreline property, shall be emphasized, to preserve or allow public access to these special places.
7D. Minimize land use conflicts between parks and other uses, and use sensitive design measures when locating parks in residential neighborhoods.
7E. Criteria for new park development ensures consistent high quality design meeting the needs of the community.
7F. Develop Master Plans for undeveloped park properties and incorporate future park development costs into the Capital Facilities plan as appropriate.
7G. Schedule public meetings as a part of the Master Planning process to ensure that residents’ voices are heard and needs are met when developing new parks.
7H. Develop public gathering spaces in the downtown core.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Goals & Objectives 77 | Goals & Objectives 77City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails Plan
Capital Improvement
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 78
The vision articulated in this PROS Plan is not only a mandate of the Growth Management Act but is also essential to enhancing the quality of life and driving economic development in the City of Auburn. This plan is both pragmatic, addressing the immediate needs of current residents, and forward-looking, preparing the park system to meet future demands while delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits. This section outlines the City’s approach to incorporating public feedback through a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program (CIP), presented initially in tabular form and followed by detailed descriptions of conceptual improvements planned for the next six years.
Serving as a crucial blueprint, this plan significantly impacts residents’ quality of life via Auburn’s Parks & Recreation system. The effective administration of these services by the City’s limited staff requires a committed allocation of budget resources. Realizing this vision also depends on grant funding and the continued dedication of community volunteers. Annual investments in personnel, equipment, and supplies are vital for maintaining a diverse range of outdoor recreational opportunities, ensuring safety, and meeting public expectations.
Aligned with Auburn’s strategic goals and integrated
into the principles of the Comprehensive Plan, this PROS Plan promotes a safe, healthy, and walkable community, cultural enrichment, and environmental conservation, reflecting the aspirations and quality of life desired by the city’s residents.
This section emphasizes Auburn’s commitment to addressing public feedback and improving system deficiencies by detailing a comprehensive CIP. This program includes specific park-related projects and broader recommendations aimed at closing service gaps. The proposals, summarized in tables and elaborated upon in detail, outline enhancements and conceptual improvements scheduled for implementation over the next six years. Additionally, the inclusion of long-term visionary projects shows a readiness to seize opportunistic improvements based on market conditions or funding availability.
At the core of this plan are key recommendations designed to address current challenges, anticipate future needs, maximize funding flexibility, and align with public preferences. It thoroughly considers the range of parks and recreation amenities available within the city, ensuring that Auburn’s park system evolves in a balanced and sustainable manner.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 79
Developing The Capital
Improvement Program
This plan spans a six-year period from 2024 through 2030, aiming to guide park and recreation improvements while also presenting a conceptual vision for additional long-term enhancements aligned with Auburn’s projected growth. It is designed to be flexible and dynamic, recognizing that funding availability, public needs, and political priorities may shift over time. As such, the plan is not a rigid script but rather a strategic guide adaptable to unforeseen opportunities that may better serve the public.
The listed capital improvement projects are initially categorized into six-year and long-term (20-year) CIP lists based on specific recommendations. However, the implementation timeline is subject to various factors, including design and permitting durations, other critical public works projects, grant funding cycles, available budgets, and city staff capacity. These timelines are for planning purposes only and do not represent a commitment to implementation in any particular year. The plan should remain a living document, continually updated as conditions evolve.
The CIP project list reflects public demand and needs, validated through input from city staff, commission members, and the City Council. The actual implementation over the next six years will depend on available funding, success in securing grants, and essential maintenance and repair needs. In developing the CIP, several aspects were considered to ensure it is robust yet flexible, capable of adapting to changing circumstances and opportunities.
Strategic Project Development
and Funding Opportunities
Improving the parks system is a collaborative effort, not solely reliant on city funding. Auburn should actively pursue grants and donations from various sources to maximize public investment in parks, recreation, and open space facilities. Specific improvements should be matched with appropriate Recreation Conservation Office programs, such as the Youth Athletic Field or Land Water Conservation Fund grants, which have a history of being funded. Additionally, many trail and access projects can integrate with Safe Route to School grants and other transportation-related projects. Combining park projects with transportation and economic development initiatives will enhance implementation flexibility and open up further funding opportunities from county, state, and federal programs.
Auburn’s Fiscal Sources
Auburn, WA’s parks budget is supported by a diverse mix of funding sources. The City’s General Fund, which includes revenues from property and sales taxes, is a primary source of funding for the Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department. Additional revenue comes from fees collected for recreational programs, facility rentals, and special events. The City also actively pursues grants from sources like the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), King County Conservation Futures, and federal programs such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). To address the demands of population growth, Auburn charges impact fees on new developments to fund the expansion of parks and recreational facilities. The budget is further supplemented by a portion of the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) and a dedicated sales tax, which is 1/10th of 1% of the countywide sales tax. Occasionally, the City issues bonds for large-scale park projects, which are repaid over time. Additional funding comes from donations, sponsorships, and partnerships with local businesses, non-profits, and other governmental agencies, all of which contribute to maintaining and enhancing Auburn’s park system.
Estimate of Probable Cost
This CIP includes preliminary estimates of construction costs for recommended improvements at each park and city-wide. These estimates are intended for budgeting and scoping future design and construction projects and are subject to change based on site conditions, final design, and market circumstances. The estimates are based on current park master planning projects and include considerations for inflation, annual cost escalators, design contingencies, permitting, and other soft costs. However, staff time costs are not included in these estimates.
Performance and Monitoring
Auburn’s plan addresses the level of service and needs for parks, recreation, open spaces, and trails identified at the time of the plan’s creation. Recognizing the dynamic nature of communities and outdoor spaces, this plan is designed to be flexible and adaptable in its implementation. To monitor progress and adapt to changing circumstances, including new grant and funding sources, the following actions should be taken annually during the capital improvement budgeting cycle:
Annual Prioritization Review:
City staff and volunteers should conduct annual evaluations to determine if any changes to the park system are necessary, especially considering funding availability or demographic shifts.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 80
Plan Update:
Beginning in early-to-mid 2030, a formal update process should engage Auburn residents, staff, and committee members to review changing service needs, propose new capital improvements, and renew eligibility for the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) programs for the next performance period. By maintaining this proactive and adaptive approach, Auburn can ensure that its parks and recreational facilities continue to meet the evolving needs of its community.
Park Development:
The development of more mini-parks (under one or two acres) is not encouraged. Mini-parks have not been found to be as successful as larger community parks, because they tend to serve very small populations and are difficult and expensive to maintain. Developers may have the opportunity to develop neighborhood parks that are maintained by the local homeowners association but meet the City’s park standards.
Unforeseen Threats to the CIP
Several unforeseen threats could impact the strategy and implementation of Auburn’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP):
Economic Downturns:
A significant economic recession could reduce available funding from local, state, and federal sources, impacting the ability to finance planned projects. Natural Disasters: Events such as earthquakes, floods, or wildfires could damage existing infrastructure and necessitate reallocation of funds for emergency repairs and rebuilding efforts. Pandemics or Public Health Crises: Situations similar to the COVID-19 pandemic could disrupt project timelines, reduce workforce availability, and shift funding priorities towards health and safety measures. Policy and Regulatory Changes: New laws or regulations at the local, state, or federal level could alter funding eligibility, increase costs, or impose new requirements on project implementation. Environmental Issues: Unforeseen environmental challenges, such as soil contamination or endangered species habitats, could delay or complicate project execution. Community Opposition: Public opposition or legal challenges to specific projects could result in delays or necessitate project modifications. Technological Changes: Rapid advancements in technology may require updates to project plans or could render certain planned improvements obsolete.
Market Fluctuations: Changes in the cost of materials and labor due to market volatility can significantly impact project budgets and timelines. Considering these potential threats, the CIP must remain adaptable, ensuring that Auburn can respond effectively to changing conditions and continue to meet the needs of its residents.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 81
Table 5-1: Capita;l Facilities Plan Projects & Financing
Municipal Parks Construction Fund
(See the Capital Facilities Plan sheets for details on the following numbers.)
Capacity Projects:2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Auburndale Park II
Capital Costs - - $125,000 - $2,000,000 - $2,125,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - $1,000,000 - $1,000,000
Other (TBD) - - $125,000 - $1,000,000 - $1,125,000
BPA Trail on Lea Hill
Capital Costs - - - - 150,000 - $150,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - 150,000 - $150,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - - -
KC Prop 2 - - - - - - -
Fulmer Park Turf Fields
Capital Costs - - - - - - -
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 1,800,000 - - - 1,800,000
Park Impact Fees - - - - - - -
KC Prop 2 - - - - - - -
Game Farm Park Improvements
Capital Costs 200,000 - - - - - 200,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) 200,000 1,500,000 - - - - 1,700,000
Park Impact Fees - 500,000 - - - - 500,000
Jacobsen Tree Farm Development
Capital Costs 125,000 5,000,000 - - 5,000,000 - 10,125,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - 2,000,000
KC Prop 2 - - - - - - -
Other (TBD) - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 - 4,000,000
Park Impact Fees 125,000 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 - 4,125,000
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 82
Table 5-1: Capita;l Facilities Plan Projects & Financing
Municipal Parks Construction Fund
(See the Capital Facilities Plan sheets for details on the following numbers.)
Capacity Projects:2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Lakeland Hills Nature Area
Capital Costs - - 400,000 - - - 400,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 200,000 - - - 200,000
Park Impact Fees - - 200,000 - - - 200,000
Miscellaneous Parks Improvements
Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - - -
KC Prop 2 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000
Park Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 400,000
Park Acquisitions/Development
Capital Costs 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 750,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - - -
KC Prop 2 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 750,000
Sunset Park Improvements
Capital Costs - - - - - - -
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Park Impact Fees 350,000 - 1,500,000 - - - 1,850,000
Other (TBD) - - 500,000 - - - 500,000
West Hill Park Acquisition and Development
Capital Costs - - 750,000 1,000,000 - - 1,750,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - 400,000 500,000 - - 900,000
Park Impact Fees - - 350,000 500,000 - - 850,000
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Capital Improvement Progra 83
Table 5-1: Capita;l Facilities Plan Projects & Financing
Municipal Parks Construction Fund
(See the Capital Facilities Plan sheets for details on the following numbers.)
Capacity Projects:2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Subtotal, Capacity Projects:
Capital Costs 600,000 5,275,000 1,550,000 1,275,000 7,425,000 275,000 16,400,000
Non-Capacity Projects:
Dykstra Footbridge
Capital Costs - - - - - - -
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
ARPA funding 40,000 - - - - - 40,000
Other (TBD) - - - - - - -
Fairway Drainage Improvement
Capital Costs 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance - - - - - - -
Grants (Fed,State,Local) - - - - - - -
REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Capacity Projects:2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Capacity Projects 600,000 5,275,000 1,550,000 1,275,000 7,425,000 275,000 16,400,000
Non-Capacity Projects 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Total Costs 630,000 5,305,000 1,580,000 1,305,000 7,455,000 305,000 16,580,000
Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 450,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local) 200,000 2,500,000 2,400,000 500,000 2,000,000 - 7,600,000
Grants - Private - - - - - - -
KC Prop 2 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 1,650,000
ARPA funding 40,000 - - - - - 40,000
Park Impact Fees 575,000 2,600,000 2,100,000 550,000 2,050,000 50,000 7,925,000
REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Other (TBD) - 2,000,000 625,000 - 3,000,000 - 5,625,000
Total Funding 1,170,000 7,455,000 5,480,000 1,405,000 7,555,000 405,000 23,470,000
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2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Capacity Projects:
gpbd05 Auburndale Park II
Capital Costs -------
Unsecured Capital Costs --125,000 -2,000,000 -2,125,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Unsecured Grants --125,000 -2,000,000 -2,125,000
gpbd23 BPA Trail on Lea Hill
Capital Costs ----150,000 -150,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance ----150,000 -150,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
KC Prop 2 -------
cpxxxx Brannan Park Improvements
Capital Costs -----500,000 500,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 300,000 ----1,000,000 1,300,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Park Impact Fees -----500,000 500,000
Unsecured Grants 300,000 ----1,000,000 1,300,000
ms2405, cpxxxxDowntown Plaza and Alleyway Improvements
Capital Costs 1,200,000 -----1,200,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)1,200,000 -----1,200,000
KC Prop 2 -------
cp2416 Game Farm Park Improvements (Lighting)
Capital Costs -500,000 ----500,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 200,000 1,500,000 ----1,700,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Park Impact Fees -500,000 ----500,000
Unsecured Grants 200,000 1,500,000 ----1,700,000
cpxxxx Golf Course Maintenance Building
Capital Costs ---650,000 --650,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance ---350,000 --350,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
REET 2 ---300,000 --300,000
cp2020 Jacobsen Tree Farm Development -Phase 2
Capital Costs 125,000 2,000,000 --2,000,000 -4,125,000
Unsecured Capital Costs -3,000,000 --3,000,000 -6,000,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
KC Prop 2 -------
Park Impact Fees 125,000 2,000,000 --2,000,000 -4,125,000
Unsecured Grants -3,000,000 --3,000,000 -6,000,000
gpbd11 Lakeland Hills Nature Area
Capital Costs --400,000 ---400,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Taxes)--200,000 ---200,000
Park Impact Fees --200,000 ---200,000
cp2232 Les Gove Park Improvements
Capital Costs --1,500,000 ---1,500,000
Unsecured Capital Costs --750,000 ---750,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Park Impact Fees --750,000 ---750,000
REET 2 --750,000 ---750,000
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Unsecured Grants --750,000 ---750,000
gpbd03 Miscellaneous Parks Improvements
Capital Costs 300,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,600,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
KC Prop 2 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000
Park Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 400,000
gpbd04 Park Acquisitions/Development
Capital Costs -------
Unsecured Capital Costs 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 750,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
KC Prop 2 -------
Unsecured Grants 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 750,000
gpbd06 Sunset Park Improvements
Capital Costs 350,000 -2,000,000 ---2,350,000
Unsecured Capital Costs --1,500,000 ---1,500,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Park Impact Fees 350,000 -1,500,000 ---1,850,000
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Taxes)--500,000 ---500,000
Unsecured Grants --1,500,000 ---1,500,000
Subtotal, Capacity Projects:
Secured Capital Costs 1,975,000 2,800,000 4,150,000 900,000 2,400,000 750,000 12,975,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 625,000 4,625,000 2,500,000 125,000 5,125,000 1,125,000 14,125,000
Total Capital Costs 2,600,000 7,425,000 6,650,000 1,025,000 7,525,000 1,875,000 27,100,000
Non-Capacity Projects:
cp2214 Dykstra Footbridge
Capital Costs -------
Unsecured Capital Costs 40,000 -----40,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
Unsecured Grants 40,000 -----40,000
gpbd19 Fairway Drainage Improvement
Capital Costs 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
gpbd32 Mary Olson Farm Mobile Home Replacement
Capital Costs 40,000 -----40,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 40,000 -----40,000
Funding Sources:
Fund Balance -------
Grants (Fed,State,Local)-------
KC Prop 2 40,000 -----40,000
Unsecured Grants 40,000 -----40,000
Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects:
Capital Costs 70,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 80,000 -----80,000
Total Capital Costs 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 300,000
2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Total
Capacity Projects 1,975,000 2,800,000 4,150,000 900,000 2,400,000 750,000 12,975,000
Non-Capacity Projects 70,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000
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Capital Costs (Secured)2,045,000 2,830,000 4,180,000 930,000 2,430,000 780,000 13,195,000
Unsecured Capital Costs 705,000 4,625,000 2,500,000 125,000 5,125,000 1,125,000 14,205,000
Total 2,750,000 7,455,000 6,680,000 1,055,000 7,555,000 1,905,000 27,400,000
Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 400,000 200,000 50,000 800,000
Grants (Fed,State,Local)1,200,000 -----1,200,000
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Taxes)--700,000 ---700,000
KC Prop 2 190,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 940,000
Park Impact Fees 575,000 2,600,000 2,500,000 50,000 2,050,000 550,000 8,325,000
REET 2 30,000 30,000 780,000 330,000 30,000 30,000 1,230,000
Total Funding (Secured)2,045,000 2,830,000 4,180,000 930,000 2,430,000 780,000 13,195,000
Unsecured Funding 705,000 4,625,000 2,500,000 125,000 5,125,000 1,125,000 14,205,000
Total 2,750,000 7,455,000 6,680,000 1,055,000 7,555,000 1,905,000 27,400,000
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Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Auburndale Park II
Project No:gpbd05
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gouk
Develop a Master Plan, improve the existing trail system and install signage and play structure.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Increased utility costs of $2,000 per year once the park is fully developed.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET -----
Impact Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET -----
Impact Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Funding Sources:2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
RCO Local Parks Grant --125,000 2,000,000 2,125,000
Total Funding Sources:--125,000 2,000,000 2,125,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design --125,000 -125,000
Right of Way -----
Construction ---2,000,000 2,000,000
Total Expenditures:--125,000 2,000,000 2,125,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
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Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: BPA Trail on Lea Hill
Project No:gpbd23
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gouk
Develop a feasibility study related to constructability of a pedestrian trail linking the Jacobsen Tree Farm site to the west end of Lea Hill.
This trail would follow the alignment of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) transmission lines from 132nd to 108th Avenue SE.
Construction would be in phases based on constructability.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET -----
Other (KC Prop. 2)-----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance --150,000 -150,000
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET -----
Other (KC Prop. 2)-----
Total Funding Sources:--150,000 -150,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign --25,000 -25,000
Design --125,000 -125,000
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:--150,000 -150,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 94 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Brannan Park Improvements
Project No:cpxxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gouk
Court upgrades, trail improvements, and new synthetic fields.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Lessened maintenance requirements and water for grass fields, savings of approx. $10,000/year.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Impact Fees -----
REET -----
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Impact Fees ---500,000 500,000
REET -----
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:---500,000 500,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design ---50,000 50,000
Right of Way -----
Construction ---450,000 450,000
Total Expenditures:---500,000 500,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Funding Sources:2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
Recreation Conservation Office (RCO) Youth
Athletic Facilities and Community Outdoor
Athletic Facilities Grants
300,000 --1,000,000 1,300,000
Total Funding Sources:300,000 --1,000,000 1,300,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 300,000 --1,000,000 1,300,000
Total Expenditures:300,000 --1,000,000 1,300,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 95 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title:Downtown Plaza and Alleyway Improvements
Project No:ms2405, cpxxxx
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager: Thaniel Gouk
Create a new open space plaza in the downtown area near the Auburn Avenue Theater site. A portion of the project would be contingent
on receiving King County Grant funds to purchase a property and demolishing a building. Also included would be alleyway improvements
to the area between the Postmark Center for the Arts and theater building.
Progress Summary:
An application has been submitted for a King County Conservation Futures grant; a decision will be made in Fall of 2024 by KC Council. A
portion of the funding would be from the direct appropriation monies for the rebuild of the theater.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Increased utility costs of $1,000.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)--250,000 -250,000
Grants- Unsecured (King County CFT)--950,000 -950,000
REET -----
KC Parks Prop Levy -10,000 --10,000
Total Funding Sources:-10,000 1,200,000 -1,210,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -10,000 --10,000
Design --75,000 -75,000
Acquisition --700,000 -700,000
Construction --425,000 -425,000
Total Expenditures:-10,000 1,200,000 -1,210,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)----250,000
Grants- Unsecured (King County CFT)----950,000
REET -----
KC Parks Prop Levy -----
Total Funding Sources:----1,200,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design ----75,000
Acquisition ----700,000
Construction ----425,000
Total Expenditures:----1,200,000
Grants / Other Sources:King County Conservation Futures Grant & RCO Grant
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 96 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Game Farm Park Improvements (Lighting)
Project No:cp2416
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Improve interior lighting and pathways and provide access from the newly acquired property on southwest corner of the park. The
project will also add lighting to pickleball and basketball court. New turf infields.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET 1 -----
Park Impact Fees ---500,000 500,000
Total Funding Sources:---500,000 500,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design ---150,000 150,000
Right of Way -----
Construction ---350,000 350,000
Total Expenditures:---500,000 500,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET 1 -----
Park Impact Fees ----500,000
Total Funding Sources:----500,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design ----150,000
Right of Way -----
Construction ----350,000
Total Expenditures:----500,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Funding Sources:2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
RCO Youth Athletic Facilities Grant -1,000,000 --1,000,000
KC Youth and Amatuer Sports Grant 200,000 500,000 --700,000
Total Funding Sources:200,000 1,500,000 --1,700,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 200,000 1,500,000 --1,700,000
Total Expenditures:200,000 1,500,000 --1,700,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 97 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Golf Course Maintenance Building
Project No:cpxxxx
Project Type: Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gouk
Replace dilapidated mechanics building (built in 1970) at the Auburn Golf Course. A new approx. 1,000 sq.-ft. building would provide
mechanics space for the Golf Course Fleet.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET 2 -----
Park Impact Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -350,000 --350,000
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET 2 -300,000 --300,000
Park Impact Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:-650,000 --650,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -50,000 --50,000
Right of Way -----
Construction -600,000 --600,000
Total Expenditures:-650,000 --650,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 98 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Jacobsen Tree Farm Development -Phase 2
Project No:cp2020
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Develop the 29.3 acre site into a Community Park. Phase 1 would include a new Master Plan (to replace 2009 plan); Phase 2 would
include parking and frontage improvements, some park amenities; Phase 3 would include building out the property with expanded
parking, restrooms, and sport fields.
Progress Summary:
A master plan was completed in 2009, however, is out of date and Phase 1 would include updating this plan for a more modern park
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
No significant impact due to master plan. Future park development will result in maintenance and utility expenses
undeterminable at this time.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -333,500 --333,500
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
King County Prop 2 14,165 ----
Park Impact Fees --125,000 2,000,000 2,125,000
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:14,165 333,500 125,000 2,000,000 2,458,500
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design 14,165 333,500 125,000 500,000 958,500
Right of Way -----
Construction ---1,500,000 1,500,000
Total Expenditures:14,165 333,500 125,000 2,000,000 2,458,500
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
King County Prop 2 -----
Park Impact Fees --2,000,000 -4,125,000
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:--2,000,000 -4,125,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design --500,000 -1,125,000
Right of Way -----
Construction --1,500,000 -3,000,000
Total Expenditures:--2,000,000 -4,125,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
RCO WA Wildlife & Recreation Prgm.-1,000,000 --1,000,000
King County Parks Grant -2,000,000 --2,000,000
RCO Community Outdoor Athletic Funds ---1,500,000 1,500,000
RCO Youth Athletic Facilities Grant ---1,500,000 1,500,000
Total Funding Sources:-3,000,000 -3,000,000 6,000,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -3,000,000 -3,000,000 6,000,000
Total Expenditures:-3,000,000 -3,000,000 6,000,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 99 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Lakeland Hills Nature Area
Project No:gpbd11
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Complete Master Plan to include the development and construction of an environmental community park. Trails, fencing, parking and
visitor amenities are included in the project.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Increased maintenance costs of $5,000
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Taxes)-----
Park Impact Fees -25,000 --25,000
Park Mitigation Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:-25,000 --25,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -25,000 --25,000
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-25,000 --25,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Taxes)200,000 ---200,000
Park Impact Fees 200,000 ---200,000
Park Mitigation Fees -----
Total Funding Sources:400,000 ---400,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 400,000 ---400,000
Total Expenditures:400,000 ---400,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 100 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Les Gove Park Improvements
Project No:cp2232
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gouk
Construction of a covered multi-use pavilion building at the south end of Les Gove Park. Uses could include pickleball and farmers market,
among others.
Progress Summary:
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Future impacts are undeterminable at this time. Potential impacts include general building maintenance.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund 15,259 79,430 --79,430
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-100,000 --100,000
Park Impact Fees -----
REET 2 -----
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:15,259 179,430 --179,430
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 15,259 179,430 --179,430
Total Expenditures:15,259 179,430 --179,430
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Park Impact Fees 750,000 ---750,000
REET 2 750,000 ---750,000
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:1,500,000 ---1,500,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design 100,000 ---100,000
Right of Way -----
Construction 1,400,000 ---1,400,000
Total Expenditures:1,500,000 ---1,500,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
KC Parks Capital and Open Space Grant --750,000 -750,000
Total Funding Sources:--750,000 -750,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction --750,000 -750,000
Total Expenditures:--750,000 -750,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 101 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Miscellaneous Parks Improvements
Project No:gpbd03
Project Type:Capacity/Non-Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Minor park improvements including shelters, roofs, playgrounds, irrigation and restrooms.
Progress Summary:
Completed projects include: security cameras at Mary Olson Farm. At Les Gove installed gates at 12th Street parking lot,
added a bench, art pedestals, poem etching, senior center walkway, and improvements at the spray park and playground. At
Auburndale park added new playground and replaced dilapidated pathway. New split rail fence at Isaac Evans.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -247,700 50,000 50,000 347,700
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Prop 2 -100,000 150,000 150,000 400,000
Park Impact Fees -213,869 100,000 100,000 413,869
Total Funding Sources:-561,569 300,000 300,000 1,161,569
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design --50,000 50,000 100,000
Right of Way -----
Construction -561,569 250,000 250,000 1,061,569
Total Expenditures:-561,569 300,000 300,000 1,161,569
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Prop 2 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000
Park Impact Fees 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 400,000
Total Funding Sources:250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,600,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000
Right of Way -----
Construction 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,100,000
Total Expenditures:250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,600,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 102 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Park Acquisitions/Development
Project No:gpbd04
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Land and other property acquisitions to occur based on demand and deficiencies including parks, open space, trails,
corridors and recreational facilities.
Progress Summary:
The City purchased the Auburn Avenue Theater and the Qares property in 2020. The City will be purchasing a downtown
open space plaza.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Prop 2 -195,000 --195,000
REET1 -----
Other Sources -----
Total Funding Sources:-195,000 --195,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Acquisition -195,000 --195,000
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-195,000 --195,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Prop 2 -----
REET1 -----
Other Sources -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Acquisition -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
Local Grant KC Conservation Futures 125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 750,000
Total Funding Sources:125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 750,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Acquisition 125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 750,000
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 750,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 103 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Sunset Park Improvements
Project No:gpbd06
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Phase 2 improvements to include looking at options for new or modified court uses (e.g. pickleball). Phase 3 to include
replacing the grass base/softball fields with new multi-sport synthetic turf fields.
Progress Summary:
RCO Community Outdoor Athletic Funds grant applied for in Spring 2024; decision expected Fall 2024. Phase 1 included
drainage improvements to the playground area and were completed in 2022.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Less water use (Bonney Lake Water) for fields would save money for the City.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Park Impact Fees -88,161 350,000 -438,161
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Tax)-----
Total Funding Sources:-88,161 350,000 -438,161
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -88,161 350,000 -438,161
Total Expenditures:-88,161 350,000 -438,161
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)----
Park Impact Fees 1,500,000 ---1,850,000
Other (Pierce Co. Zoo Tax)500,000 ---500,000
Total Funding Sources:2,000,000 ---2,350,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design 50,000 ---50,000
Right of Way -----
Construction 1,950,000 ---2,300,000
Total Expenditures:2,000,000 ---2,350,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
Local Grant KC Conservation Futures --1,500,000 -1,500,000
Total Funding Sources:--1,500,000 -1,500,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction --1,500,000 -1,500,000
Total Expenditures:--1,500,000 -1,500,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 104 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Dykstra Footbridge
Project No:cp2214
Project Type:Non-Capacity
Project Manager:Faber
Engineering study was completed and results were better then expected. Most fixes have already been completed and
remaining items to be done by a contractor.
Progress Summary:
Minor fixes by mainteance staff completed in 2023; remaining items will be completed in 2024 & 2025.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET -----
Other (ARPA)10,582 ----
Total Funding Sources:10,582 ----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design 10,582 ----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:10,582 ----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
REET -----
Other (ARPA)-----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
King County 40,000 ---40,000
Total Funding Sources:40,000 ---40,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 40,000 ---40,000
Total Expenditures:40,000 ---40,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 105 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Fairway Drainage Improvement
Project No:gpbd19
Project Type:Non-capacity
Project Manager:Daryl Faber
Apply top dressing sand to the approaches to numerous holes in order to firm up these landing areas so that the holes are playable year-
round. Emphasis will also be on the practice area to increase our lesson program and prepare for the driving range. Sand will be applied
with a three-yard top dressing machine.
Progress Summary:
Drainage improvements have greatly impacted the increase in play during the winter months as well as the quality of the turf
year around. Continuing with the practice will ensure quality course conditions as well as an increase in rounds.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET 2 -30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:-30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
Total Expenditures:-30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Municipal Parks Construction Fund -----
Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)-----
Bond Proceeds -----
REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Other -----
Total Funding Sources:30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Total Expenditures:30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
Page 106 of 1151
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Mary Olson Farm Mobile Home Replacement
Project No:gpbd32
Project Type:Non-Capacity
Project Manager:Thaniel Gauk
This project consists of removing and replacing the 25+ year old mobile home (caretaker's residence) with a new/slightly used mobile
home to be relocated on the existing pad. The existing caretaker residence is past its anticipated lifespan and in need of extensive
repairs, that are not financially prudent as the repair costs are in excess of 50% of the replacement cost.
Progress Summary:
The existing mobile home condition has been accessed. Numerous repairs are required that are not financially prudent.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Parks Prop Levy --40,000 -40,000
Total Funding Sources:--40,000 -40,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Construction --40,000 -40,000
Total Expenditures:--40,000 -40,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance -----
Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)-----
KC Parks Prop Levy ----40,000
Total Funding Sources:----40,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Construction ----40,000
Total Expenditures:----40,000
Unsecured Non-Budgeted Funding
Unsecured Grants 2025 2026 2027 2028-2030 2025-20230
King County Open Doors 40,000 ---40,000
Total Funding Sources:40,000 ---40,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Construction 40,000 ---40,000
Total Expenditures:40,000 ---40,000
Grants / Other Sources:
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.Page 107 of 1151
LOCAL REVITALIZATION FUND (330)Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Capital Projects Fund
Project Title: Downtown Infrastructure Improvements (Incl. Theater Pre-Design)
Project No: cp2321
Project Type: Non-Capacity
Project Manager: Matt Larson
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Unrestricted 102 Funds 3,963 - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
Local Revitalization Fund 330 656 438,642 - - 438,642
Grants- Secured - 1,598,650 - - 1,598,650
REET 2 - 550,000 - - 550,000
WCIA - 46 - - 46
ARPA 33,857 2,081,866 - - 2,081,866
Transfer In - (General Fund)- 261,400 - - 261,400
38,476 4,930,604 1,000,000 - 5,930,604
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign - - - - -
Design 38,476 900,000 - - 900,000
Right of Way - - - - -
Construction - 2,525,553 1,000,000 - 3,525,553
38,476 3,425,553 1,000,000 - 4,425,553
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Unrestricted 102 Funds - - - - 1,000,000
Local Revitalization Fund 330 - - - - -
Grants- Secured - - - - -
REET 2 - - - - -
WCIA - - - - -
ARPA - - - - -
Transfer In - (General Fund)- - - - -
- - - - 1,000,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign - - - - -
Design - - - - -
Right of Way - - - - -
Construction - - - - 1,000,000
- - - - 1,000,000
Grants / Other Sources:Grants: 2024 $100k King County, $1,498,650 WA Dept of Commerce
Total Expenditures:
Total Funding Sources:
Total Expenditures:
Forecasted Project Cost:
Total Funding Sources:
The purpose of this project is to construct infrastructure improvements in Downtown Auburn that will support existing
development and future re-development activities and to replace infrastructure that is at or near the end of its useful service
life. Specifically, this project will remove overhead utilities and poles from the alley between the existing Auburn Ave Theater
and the Postmark Center for the Arts, construct a new sewer line in Auburn Avenue and East Main Street, construct a new
water main on East Main Street, re-construct the traffic signal at the intersection of East Main Street/Auburn Ave, re-construct
the roadway and sidewalks on East Main Street from Auburn Ave to the B Street Plaza, and re-construct the B Street Plaza.
East Main Street and the B Street Plaza will be constructed with overhead crossing decorative lights and other features to
enhance the areas. The project also includes preliminary design of the Auburn Avenue Theater replacement. Full design and
construction of the new theater is included as a separate project listed in the General Municipal Buildings (328 Fund).
Progress Summary:
Prior to this project, Project CP1616 added catenary lighting and planters to the B Street Plaza as short/medium term
improvement to increase safety and to create visual interest. In 2022, the City identified ARPA funding to be used in the
downtown to complete infrastructure improvements to address economic and equity impacts from the pandemic. In addition,
the fire and subsequent demo of the Max House property have created a potential opportunity for re-development within the
downtown area that may require infrastructure investments to be successful. In 2022, Construction of the Heritage Building
(Divine Court) began and is anticipated to be completed in late 2023. Due to all of these factors, the remaining improvements
that were originally planned to be part of Project CP1616 have been re-scoped to include additional improvements beyond the
re-configuration of the City's parking lot adjacent to Safeway and have become this current project CP2321
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
None anticipated.
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs .
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CEMETERY FUND (436)Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Enterprise Funds
Project Title: Cemetery Development -10th addition
Project No:cp2228
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Immer Chevalier
Develop 1 acre of existing property to add 1,200 new grave sites to the cemetery.
Progress Summary:
Landscape design to begin in 2022 with land development started in May 2024 and it's currently in progress. Trees have been cut down
and debris are being removed. Next step would be the removal of huge boulders, grading, irrigation, grass seeding and plotting the area.
It is expected to be completed in 2025.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This project will create additional revenues for the cemetery.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue 54,362 150,000 50,000 -200,000
Grants -----
Bond Proceeds -----
Cemetery Endowed Care -----
Total Funding Sources:54,362 150,000 50,000 -200,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Pre-Construction & Construction 54,362 150,000 50,000 -200,000
Total Expenditures:54,362 150,000 50,000 -200,000
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue ----50,000
Grants -----
Bond Proceeds -----
Cemetery Endowed Care -----
Total Funding Sources:----50,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Pre-Construction & Construction ----50,000
Total Expenditures:----50,000
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
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CEMETERY FUND (436)Capital Facilities Plan
Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Enterprise Funds
Project Title: Forest Walk -Phase 3b
Project No:cmxxxx
Project Type:Capacity
Project Manager:Immer Chevalier
Develop existing cemetery property to add approximately 1,500 new cremation sites. The project was divided in two parts, Phase III-A
and Phase III-B.
Progress Summary:
ForestWalk III work was started in March 2023. Phase III-A is expected to be completed in 2024. Phase III-B will be initiated in 2030.
Future Impact on Operating Budget:
This new development will create future revenue through sales with no significant impact on operating budget.
Funding Sources:Prior to 2024*2024 Budget 2025 Budget 2026 Budget 2024-2026
Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue -----
Grants -----
Bond Proceeds -----
Cemetery Endowed Care -----
Total Funding Sources:-----
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction -----
Total Expenditures:-----
Forecasted Project Cost:
Funding Sources:2027 2028 2029 2030 2025-2030
Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue ---350,000 350,000
Grants -----
Bond Proceeds -----
Cemetery Endowed Care -----
Total Funding Sources:---350,000 350,000
Capital Expenditures:
Predesign -----
Design -----
Right of Way -----
Construction ---350,000 350,000
Total Expenditures:---350,000 350,000
* Funding and expenditures prior to 2024 are not shown for on-going programs.
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Park Impact Fee
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Park Impact Fees (PIFs) are charges imposed on new residential developments to fund the acquisition, improvement, and expansion of public parks and recreational facilities. These fees are collected by local governments from developers or property owners when they construct new homes or residential units. The primary purpose of PIFs is to ensure that as communities grow, there are sufficient parks and recreational spaces to meet the needs of the increasing population.
The calculation of PIFs typically involves various factors, including the size and type of the new residential development, the projected increase in population, and the costs associated with providing additional park services to the new residents. Local governments often use specific formulas or criteria to determine the fee amount. The revenue generated from PIFs is earmarked for specific purposes related to parks and recreation, such as purchasing land for new parks, developing new recreational facilities, upgrading existing parks.
Implemented through local ordinances, PIFs are part of broader parks, recreation, and open space plans that outline the level of service standards for parks and recreational facilities. These standards ensure that the funds are used effectively to meet community needs. The underlying philosophy of PIFs is that
growth should pay for growth, meaning that the financial burden of expanding public infrastructure to accommodate new residents should be borne by those who contribute to the growth, rather than existing residents. Overall, Park Impact Fees are a crucial tool for cities and municipalities to manage urban growth sustainably and ensure that all residents have access to quality parks and recreational facilities.
This document specifically addresses the impact fees related to parks and recreational facilities in Auburn. These fees are applied to all residential developments to ensure that the city’s parks and recreational infrastructure can support the demands of a growing population.
Regulatory Framework for
Impact Fees
Pursuant to state statute (RCW 82.02.050 - 82.02.100), Washington counties and cities, including Auburn, are authorized to collect impact fees to “ensure adequate facilities are available to serve new growth and development.” These fees are designed to fund public facilities that support new developments, ensuring that the infrastructure required by a growing population is adequately financed.
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Impact fees must be spent on projects related to the impacts of new development and cannot be used to correct pre-existing deficiencies or to pay for maintenance costs. They also cannot exceed a development’s proportionate share of the total cost for system improvements. The fees must be based on a formula or other method that calculates this fair share, ensuring equity and effectiveness in funding public infrastructure.
Impact fees can be collected for four types of public facilities: public streets and roads, publicly owned parks, open spaces and recreational facilities, school facilities, and fire protection facilities (in areas not served by a fire district), as specified in RCW 82.02.050(2) and (4), and RCW 82.02.090(7). These fees must be used for “system improvements” that serve the broader community rather than “project improvements” specific to individual developments, as outlined in RCW 82.02.050(3)(a) and RCW 82.02.090(6) and (9).
Local governments must establish reasonable service areas and develop impact fee rate categories for various land uses, as mandated by RCW 82.02.060(6). The improvements funded by these fees must benefit new development and be reasonably related to it, ensuring that the new infrastructure meets the needs generated by growth.
In 2011, the Washington Legislature extended the period during which impact fees must be spent from six to ten years. According to RCW 82.02.070(3), if impact fees are not spent within ten years following their collection, they must be refunded. This extension provides local governments with more flexibility in planning and implementing necessary infrastructure projects to support new development.
By incorporating these statutes, Auburn ensures that its impact fees are used effectively to fund essential public facilities, maintaining a high quality of life for its residents while accommodating growth.
Auburn Municipal Code:
Chapter 19.08 of the Auburn Municipal Code establishes the legal framework for assessing parks impact fees, as authorized by RCW 82.02. These fees are imposed on new residential developments to ensure that adequate parks and recreational facilities are available to support growth. The assessment of these fees is based on a specific schedule and is typically due at the time of building permit issuance. The funds collected must be used exclusively for improvements to parks and recreational facilities that serve the new development, and cannot be used for maintenance or to address existing deficiencies. A dedicated account is established
for managing these funds, with stringent reporting and management requirements to ensure transparency. The code also provides for refunds if the impact fees are not spent within ten years, as well as adjustments and credits under certain conditions, such as when developers provide on-site recreational facilities. Additionally, there are provisions for exemptions and an appeals process for disputing fee assessments.
Assessing the Need for
Impact Fees
To establish appropriate impact fee rates in Auburn, several critical factors must be considered. These include determining which public facilities the city is responsible for, identifying the demand for additional parks and recreational spaces, securing the necessary revenue to support these facilities, and understanding the benefits these amenities bring to new developments.
The City of Auburn is responsible for its parks and recreational facilities, and impact fees can only be applied to public facilities, including those managed by other government entities, as outlined in RCW 82.02.090(7). Evaluating the need for new parks involves comparing current service levels with future demands based on population growth, identifying any gaps, and ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. Auburn’s approach includes analyzing per capita investment in existing facilities to determine the need for additional parks and recreational spaces.
Revenue from impact fees is crucial for funding the development and maintenance of these facilities, ensuring that new developments contribute to the infrastructure they require. This process involves evaluating current funding levels and forecasting the additional revenue needed to support Auburn’s growth. New parks and recreational facilities not only enhance the attractiveness of new developments but also improve residents’ quality of life and provide significant economic and social benefits. Therefore, ensuring that new developments contribute to these amenities is essential for sustainable and balanced growth in the city.
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Evaluating the Benefit of Impact
Fees in Auburn
Impact fee laws in Auburn ensure that the fees imposed on new developments are justified and beneficial through several key principles and tests. These principles ensure that the fees are fair, equitable, and directly related to the needs generated by new development.
Rational Nexus Test
The rational nexus test requires a clear connection between the need for new public facilities and the development being charged the impact fees. In Auburn, this means that the fees must be used to fund improvements that directly address the impacts of new development. This test ensures that the impact fees are justified and applied appropriately.
Proportionality Test
The proportionality test ensures that the amount of the impact fee is proportional to the development’s impact on public facilities. This means that the fees collected in Auburn should not exceed the cost of the facilities needed to accommodate the new development. The fees must be fair and reflect the actual cost of providing the necessary public services and infrastructure.
Specific Benefit
Auburn’s impact fee laws require that the fees collected provide a specific benefit to the new development paying the fees. This ensures that the improvements funded by the impact fees directly enhance the facilities and services available to the new development, supporting growth in a way that benefits those contributing developments.
Compliance with Statutory
Requirements Impact fees in Auburn must comply with statutory requirements, which include detailed documentation and analysis to support the fees. This includes identifying existing deficiencies, reserve capacity, and new capacity needs. These statutory requirements ensure transparency and accountability in the use of impact fees.
In summary, Auburn’s impact fee laws evaluate the benefit provided by these fees through the rational nexus and proportionality tests, ensuring that the fees are directly related to and proportional to the impact of new development. The laws also mandate that the fees provide a specific benefit to the development and comply with statutory requirements to maintain fairness, transparency, and accountability.
Methodology and Relationship to
Capital Facilities Plan
In the City of Auburn, the calculation of impact fees for parks and recreational facilities is anchored in the per capita value of the city’s capital improvements for these amenities. The purpose is to ensure that new housing and other private and public developments contribute their fair share of the investment necessary to support, often needing to improve, the city’s level of service objectives for its parks and recreational facilities. This investment is typically supported by a combination of general revenue, capital improvement funds, grant funding, and impact fees.
To determine the amount of the impact fee, Auburn multiplies the average number of residents per dwelling unit by the per capita investment needed for new development. This per capita investment reflects the cost of future parks projects identified in the City’s Capital Facilities Plan. By using this approach, Auburn ensures that the infrastructure required to support population growth is adequately financed and fairly shared.
This method is consistent with Auburn’s municipal regulations and complies with RCW 82.02, which mandates that impact fees be equitable, proportional, and dedicated to system improvements that benefit new developments. This ensures transparency and fairness in funding the necessary expansions and enhancements to Auburn’s parks and recreational facilities.
Current Impact Fee Summary
The City of Auburn, WA, has implemented impact fees to finance necessary infrastructure improvements due to new developments, ensuring that the cost of growth is shared equitably among developers. These fees cover transportation, schools, and parks, with a special focus on park impact fees. Park impact fees are authorized by RCW 82.02.090 (7) and are designed to support the acquisition, expansion, and development of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities. In Auburn, “parks” include both developed recreational facilities and open spaces preserved for their natural and ecological value.
The impact fees are calculated based on the type and intensity of new development, ensuring a proportional distribution of costs. Different land uses, such as residential, commercial, and industrial developments, are assessed varying fees. Residential developments are categorized similarly to the transportation impact fee system for ease of understanding and administration. The City of Auburn ensures proper administration of these fees through regular updates, transparency, and accountability, with funds earmarked for specific park projects. The benefits of park impact fees include equitable cost distribution, enhanced quality of life, and sustainable growth.
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Projected Growth and Density per
Dwelling Unit Population Growth:
Between 2024 and 2044, Auburn, WA, is projected to experience significant population growth. The population is expected to increase from approximately 90,096 residents in 2024 to around 114,540 residents by 2044, the projected population growth rate for Auburn between 2024 and 2044 is approximately 27.13%, representing an addition of approximately 24,444 residents over the 20-year period, which will significantly impact housing demand and density. This growth underscores ongoing urban development, rising housing demand, and Auburn’s attractiveness as a residential and economic hub in the region. To sustain the quality of life for both current and future residents, this projected growth necessitates careful planning and substantial investment in infrastructure, including parks and recreational facilities.
Per Unit Occupancy:
The most recent estimates from the Washington State Office of Financial Management indicate the following average number of occupants per dwelling unit for Auburn:
Single-Family Residential: 2.864 persons per unit Multi-Family Residential: 1.907 persons per unit Using these OFM estimates and the City’s existing inventory of single-family and multi-family residential units, we have calculated a weighted average occupancy of 2.559 persons per unit. This average is used for a uniform impact fee calculation, ensuring equitable distribution of costs associated with accommodating the city’s growth.
Using these estimates and the city’s current inventory of single-family and multi-family residential units, the weighted average number of persons per unit is calculated to be approximately 2.545 persons. This figure is instrumental in calculating uniform impact fees and supporting future planning needs as Auburn continues to grow.
Level of Service Standards for Parks,
Recreation, and Open Space
Auburn’s previous Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan Update (2015) included a comprehensive demand and needs analysis including specific recreation facility t ypes, that were used to develop proposed Level of Service (LOS) standards established within the same plan. After further review, and as detailed in this plan’s Demand & Needs, it was determined these standards are no longer aligned with Auburn’s current demographics, community needs, and future parks development plans. Consequently, this plan is adopting and revising the following recommended LOS standards:
Neighborhood Parks: 1.25 acres per 1,000 population Community Parks: 5 acres per 1,000 population
Trails: 0.25 miles per 1,000 population
The following analysis includes an update to the parks impact fees based on the updated standards. Importantly, as outlined in the Capital Improvement Program section, the City of Auburn has identified the need to exclude football fields and indoor pool facilities from the impact fee cost basis, as there are no immediate plans to develop additional amenities of this type. City staff determined that excluding these facilities more accurately reflects the current and future recreational needs of Auburn’s residents, ensuring that the impact fees are aligned with planned improvements and community priorities.
Projected Costs for Parks and Facilities,
and Total Cost Basis for the Parks
Impact Fees
Based on this detailed analysis to update its parks impact fees, based on revised Level of Service (LOS) standards needed for this parks, recreation, and open space update, the 2002 standards were found to be outdated and not reflective of the city’s current demographics, needs, or future development plans. As a result, the City adopted new standards, including 1.25 acres of neighborhood park per 1,000 residents, 5 acres of community park per 1,000 residents, and 0.25 miles of multi-use trail per 1,000 residents.
The total cost required to meet these standards through 2044, included developing 63.31 acres of neighborhood parks, 116 acres of community parks, and 6.68 miles of multi-use trails, had an estimated total cost of almost $56M.
After adjusting the total cost by accounting for external funding sources, including transfers from the General Fund and sales tax, as well as anticipated grant money. After these adjustments, the net cost basis for the parks impact fees was calculated to be approximately $6.134 million. This cost was then used to determine the per-household impact fee, ensuring that new developments contribute their fair share towards maintaining Auburn’s parks and recreational facilities at the revised LOS standards.
Using the number of parks facilities needed to meet the revised standards for growth over the next six years and the unit cost estimates, the total cost of the growth was calculated. Based on the information provided and the calculations we discussed earlier, the calculated impact fee per household is approximately $4,612.
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This fee was determined by dividing the net cost basis of $6.134 million (after accounting for grants and other funding sources) by the projected population growth, and then calculating the fee on a per-household basis using the average occupancy of 2.545 persons per household.
Comparison Analysis
With an updated park impact fee of $4,612 per household, Auburn is positioned competitively compared to similar-sized communities in the region. This fee closely aligns with those charged by cities like Kent and Federal Way, reflecting a similar commitment to funding park infrastructure. Auburn’s fee is slightly higher than those in Renton, Puyallup, and Lakewood, indicating a modestly greater investment in parks to accommodate future growth. However, it remains significantly lower than the fees in areas like Redmond, where higher development costs drive more substantial impact fees. Overall, Auburn’s impact fee ensures a balanced approach to maintaining and enhancing park services while staying competitive within the region.
Table 6-: PIF Analysis
Renton 108,555 140,000 28.97 $2,915 $1,978
Tukwila 21,798 30,000 37.63 $3,006 $2,618
Woodinville 14,330 20,000 39.57 $3,175 $3,175
Auburn 83,870 120,000 43.08 $3,500 $3,500
University Place 35,500 50,000 40.85 $3,644 $2,660
Puyallup 42,861 65,000 51.65 $3,675 $3,675
Shoreline 61,353 80,000 30.39 $4,692 $3,077
Redmond 80,280 110,000 37.02 $5,124 $3,557
Kirkland 91,194 120,000 31.59 $5,629 $4,278
Lynnwood 40,592 60,000 47.81 $5,899 $4,238
Sammamish 65,116 90,000 38.21 $6,739 $4,362
Issaquah 40,380 70,000 73.35 $9,107 $5,590
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Adoption Process
In order for this Plan to be formally adopted, the plan must be reviewed by several bodies, including the public, ultimately culminating with a resolution, ordinance, or other adoption instrument showing formal approval of the plan and planning process by the governing entity. Only after RCO approves the plan, may the organization may apply for grants for up to six calendar years from the date when the governing body adopted the plan.
With the depth of public and staff involvement made over the execution of this planning process, the following review and approvals have been included:
1. City Council Ordinance
2. RCO Self-Certification Checklist
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Council Resolution
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Planning Eligibility Self-Certification Form
Use this form to certify that the need for any grant projects have been developed through an appropriate planning process. Provide the completed form with the subject plans and adoption documentation to RCO via e-mail or other means of electronic access (i.e. Web link, Box.com, etc.).
Organization Name:
Contact Name:
Adoption Date of Submitted Documents:
Seeking Eligibility for: Recreation Grants Conservation Grants Both
Initial Each
to Certify
Completion Plan Element Certification
Document and
Page Number
Location of Information
1.Goals, objectives: The attached plan supports our project with
broad statements of intent (goals) and measures that describe
when these intents will be attained (objectives). Goals mayinclude a higher level of service.
2.Inventory: The plan includes a description of the service area’sfacilities, lands, programs, and their condition. (This may be done
in a quantitative format or in a qualitative/narrative format.)
3.Public involvement: The planning process gave the public
ample opportunity to be involved in plan development and
4a. Demand and need analysis: In the plans:
•An analysis defines priorities, as appropriate, for acquisition,
development, preservation, enhancement, management, etc.,and explains why these actions are needed.
•The process used in developing the analysis assessed
community desires for parks, recreation, open space, and/or
habitat, as appropriate, in a manner appropriate for the service
area (personal observation, informal talks, formal survey(s),workshops, etc.).
4b. Level of Service assessment (optional): An assessment of the
criterion appropriate to your community. Possibly establish a
higher level of service as a plan goal (above).
5.Capital Improvement Program: The plan includes a capitalimprovement/facility program that lists land acquisition,
development, and renovation projects by year of anticipated
implementation; include funding source. The program includes
any capital project submitted to the Recreation and
Conservation Funding Board for funding.
6.Adoption: The plan and process has received formal governing
body approval (that is, city/county department head, district
ranger, regional manager/supervisor, etc., as appropriate). Attachsigned resolution, letter, or other adoption instrument.
City of Auburn
Thaniel Gouk
September, 2024
TG 73
TG 15
TG 44
TG 56
TG 65
TG 79
TG 110
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Certification Signature
I certify that this information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Print/Type Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Signature (Hand Written or Digital): ___________________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thaniel Gouk
Parks Planning & Development Manager
August 30, 2024
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 117
Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) has found that many terms commonly used in recreation planning do not have consistent definitions from one plan to another. RCO suggests, but does not require, the following definitions compiled from various sources, including Washington Administrative Code, Department of Natural Resources, and Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission used in this master parks plan include:
A - Terms & Definitions
Table A1: Terms & Definitions
Term Definition#
Access The public’s ability to physically use land or water.
Active Recreation Predominately human muscle powered recreational activities.
Camping An overnight stay in a tent or other non-permanent structure.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)A list or description of proposal capital projects.
Capital Project A project that results in redevelopment of an existing property, acquisition of new property, or a new built facility with a budget that excess $10,000.00
Consumptive Recreation that physically consumes resources; examples include berry picking, shellfish harvest, hunting, fishing.
Development A development project is construction or work resulting in new elements, including but not limited to structures, facilities, and/or materials to enhance outdoor recreation resources.
Dispersed Recreation that is scattered or spread across the landscape and not concentrated at a specific site. Examples include trail uses, camping, walking, cycling, and jogging.
Impact (Low, Medium, High)The effect that recreational uses have on resources including but not limited to soils, water, species, habitat, sites, and facilities.
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Table A1: Terms & Definitions
Term Definition#
Improve Expanding an existing site or facility to serve more uses or more types of use.
Level of Service Measure of the current status of a park and recreation system as a whole based on either quantitative or qualitative characteristics.
Maintain To maintain existing areas and facilities through repairs and upkeep for the benefit of outdoor recreationists.
Multiple-use Use by more than one type of recreation on the same facility.
Non-consumptive Resource recreation that depends on, but does not consume, resources; for example, photographing wildlife.
Land or an area set aside for a special purpose, but particularly for leisure or recreation.
• Totlot/Mini-Park/Pocket Park – a small local park or civic space accessible to the general public without the capacity for large outdoor recreation activities like field sports and often associated with playground equipment for toddlers and young children.
• Neighborhood Park – a local-scale park with a service area of a reasonable walking distance, typically ½ mile, but up to 1 mile.
• Community Park – a community-scale park facility has a service area typically of 1-5 miles that includes the city limits of a town or city.
• Regional Park – a larger park facility intended to serve populations and uses from multiple jurisdictions.
• State Park – a park facility owned and managed by the State of Washington.
• Marine Park – a state or regional park facility intended to serve populations spanning multiple jurisdictions with primary access via watercraft .
• Day-use Park – any kind of park facility that does not allow overnight uses such as camping.
• Seasonal Parks – any kind of parks intended for use in specific seasons.
Passive Activities usually conducted in place and requiring minimal physical exertion such as picnicking, watching a sports event, sun bathing, or relaxing.
Qualitative An adjective relating to the quality of something interpreted by its intrinsic non-numerical characteristics other than some quantity or measured value.
Quantitative Relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something obtained using a numerical measurement process.
Recreation Activities of a voluntary and leisure time Nature that aid in promoting entertainment, pleasure, play, relaxation, or instruction.
Renovate (Renovation)The activities intended to improve an existing site or structure in order to increase its useful service life beyond original expectations or functions. This does not include maintenance activities to maintain the facility for its originally expected useful life.
Restoration Bringing a site back to its historic function as part of a natural ecosystem or improving the ecological functionality of a site.
Shared Use Use by more than one type of recreation on the same facility.
According to the Washington State Trails Plan (RCO, 2013):
“…a path, route, way, right-of-way, or corridor posted, signed, or designated as open for travel or passage by the general public but not normally designated as open for the transportation of commercial goods or services by motorized vehicles.”
A trail is a recreational facility that also can serve as a non-motorized route for transportation.
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There are six basic park and greenspace facility types typically utilized by municipalities:
Pocket Parks / Mini-Parks / Tot Lots
Neighborhood Parks
Community Parks
Natural Areas & Greenspaces
Trails, Bikeways & Paths
Special Facilities
B - Standards & Guidelines
TOT LOTS Generally, developed neighborhood parks typically include amenities such as pedestrian paths, picnic tables, benches, play equipment, a multi-use open field for youth soccer and baseball, sport courts or multi-purpose paved areas, landscaping and irrigation. Restrooms are not provided due to high construction and maintenance costs. Parking is also not usually provided; however, on-street, ADA accessible parking stall(s) may be included.
Neighborhood park development may proceed in phases.
Pocket parks are very small and serve a limited radius (up to ¼-mile) from the site; they provide passive and play-oriented recreational opportunities. Examples of pocket parks can include a tot lot with play equipment such as a climber, slide or swings; a viewpoint; or waterfront access areas such as at street ends.
A small urban plaza or civic recognition project may also be considered a pocket park. Parking is not often provided at pocket parks, although lighting may be used for security and safety.
Neighborhood parks are generally considered the basic unit of traditional park systems. They are small park areas designed for unstructured play and limited active and passive recreation. They are generally 3-5 acres in size, depending on a variety of factors including neighborhood need, physical location and opportunity, and should meet a minimum size of 2 acre in size when possible.
Neighborhood parks are intended to serve residential areas within short walking distance (up to ½-mile radius) of the park and should be geographically distributed throughout the community. Access is mostly pedestrian, and park sites should be located so that persons living within the service area will not have to cross a major arterial street or other significant natural or man-made barrier, such as ravines and railroad tracks, to get to the site.
Additionally, these parks should be located along road frontages to improve visual access and community awareness of the sites.
Community parks are larger sites developed for organized play, contain a wider array of facilities and, as a result, appeal to a more diverse group of users. Community parks are generally 20 to 50 acres in size, meet a minimum size of 20 acres when possible and serve residents within a 1-mile radius of the site.
In areas without neighborhood parks, community parks can also serve as local neighborhood parks. In general, community park facilities are designed for organized or intensive recreational activities and sports, although passive components such as pathways, picnic areas and natural areas are highly encouraged and complementary to active use facilities.
Since community parks serve a larger area and offer more facilities than neighborhood parks, parking and restroom facilities are provided. Community parks may also incorporate community facilities, such as community centers, senior centers or aquatic facilities.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 120
Natural areas are those which are preserved to maintain the natural character of the site and are managed to protect valuable ecological systems, such as riparian corridors and wetlands, and to preserve native habitat and biodiversity. In managing for their ecological value, these natural areas may contain a diversity of native vegetation that provides fish and wildlife habitat and embodies the beauty and character of the local landscape. Low-impact activities, such as walking, nature observation, and fishing are allowed, where appropriate, and horseback riding is also permitted on certain sites.
Greenspaces are passive-use open spaces and turf areas without developed amenities or structured functions.
Trails are non-motorized transportation networks separated from roads. Trails can be developed to accommodate multiple uses or shared uses, such as pedestrians, in line skaters, bicyclists, and equestrians. Trail alignments aim to emphasize a strong relationship with the natural environment and may not provide the most direct route from a practical transportation viewpoint.
Bikeways are different than trails in that their principal focus is on safe and efficient non-motorized transportation. Bikeways serve distinctly different user groups than trail users. Typical bikeway user groups would include bicycle commuters, fitness enthusiasts and competitive athletes. Their emphasis is on speed, which can create conflicts with recreation-type trails and their respective user groups.
For shared-use trails, it is important that the alignment and cross sections be designed with flexibility to accommodate higher speeds, passing zones and greater widths. Surfaces will vary with intended use and environmental considerations. Additionally, parking, consistent signage (wayfinding, access, use hierarchy) and interpretive markers or panels should be provided as appropriate.
Special facilities include single-purpose recreational areas such as skateparks and display gardens, along with community centers, aquatic centers and public plazas in or near the downtown core. Additionally, publicly-accessible sport fields and play areas of public schools are classified as special facilities; while they often serve as proxies to public parks, school sites have restricted daytime access and offer limited recreational use during non-school hours. No standards are proposed concerning special facilities, since facility size is a function of the specific use.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 121
C - Park Needs & Assessment Survey
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 122Additional Comments | 10Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
resources, costs and good staff who maintain the massive areas. Thank you for planning to address continuing future needs.”
“Auburn has one of the best senior activity centers in King County. Keep up the good work.”
“Bring parks to the west hill!!!”
“Did you miss my request for a park on West Hill with a playground???? Please please please. I’ve been asking for 4 years. My kids will be out of the house by the time it happens. You’ve been goldilocksing a park up here since you acquired West Hill 14 years ago. The lake park isn’t for kids, theres no where for them to play. I know it’s expensive but it’s never going to be perfect or the right time, just get us a playground please!!!!!”
“Disability friendly off leash park with safe and secure parking area! Needs to be large enough to throw a ball, not a tiny fenced in area.”
“Do better to rid the drug activity, homelessness n make trails more wheelchair friendly “
“Do whatever needs to be done so people will feel safe spending time at the parks. I know young mothers who would never come without their husbands to certain parks. Also, prioritize the needs and desires of law abiding citizens over those of the homeless.”
“Doing a great job. Would like to see more open spaces. Thank you.“
“Emphasis on sports for elementary age kids. I called recently and was told basketball is not offered. “
“For an indigenous people to have an identity, we must have land on which we can reclaim our ancestral ways. Not “borrowed” day use land by portioned out indigenous owned and indigenous tended land. Auburn has PLENTY of open natural land that can be up for “reclaiming” by indigenous groups of people. Some king of process towards ownership. Open natural space for planting, harvesting, inipi temazcal (sweat ceremony) other relevant ceremonies around our calendar, outdoor kitchens ie stone, mud, brick, yurts, overnight amenities. A communal space for healing and reclaiming the ways of our ancestors.“
“I absolutely love the community center and the activities they provide”
“I am a 72 year old active person and I love to walk, bike and hike, go to the gym for exercise. So, don’t forget that older folks are sometimes a lot more active than younger folks. I have many neighbors that do not encourage their children to go or play outside. We need to get them out there. I think being inside all the time, and rushing from one activity to the next is causing societal stress. The out doors, green space, and activity is perfect for stress reduction and a healthy life.”
“I am happy with the park facilities but do not feel safe at most community areas anymore. I have been robbed, my car window broken out well playing at a park with my family and most recently
I appreciate all the community
events and the close,
friendly collaboration with the
Muckleshoot Tribe.
I absolutely love the community
center and the activities
they provide.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 123Additional Comments | 11Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
confronted by a homeless drug addicted man yelling at me to get him cigarettes. I no longer visit a majority of parks in the city as it’s just not safe. “
“I am in my second career as a high school teacher and coach. I became a high school teacher and coach because I saw the need. I care about kids in my community and I want to help them be as successful as possible. They are the literal future. As a teacher I’m able to see behind the scenes at what our most at risk kids need. Please steward our money wisely. I see a crisis on the horizon and right now there is something we can do about it. Thank you! “
“I appreciate all the community events and the close, friendly collaboration with the Muckleshoot Tribe.”
“I appreciate the recreational opportunities Auburn provides. One thing I don’t like is maintaining so much grass and would like to see more of that converted to planting beds. Reducing fertilizing and mowing would be good for our city.“
“I believe Auburn Parks to be the best part of Auburn. Thank you for all that you do.”
“I just wanted to share with you my appreciation for being asked for input on this. Having safe, welcoming spaces is a hallmark of a healthy community.”
“I live in West Hill Auburn, and I feel like we are almost a forgotten area. We are sometimes closer to Federal Way for things, but our address is Auburn, and our school district is Federal Way, so it makes being a part of a community difficult when we are sorta spread out.”
“I love all the free activities you have for children!”
“I love Auburn parks. Lets keep them safe and beautiful!”
“I love our parks and hope they are around for my grandkids to enjoy many years from now”
“I love the parks we have, but they are starting to feel unsafe and dirty. “
“I really appreciate that the parks department put a walkway in our neighborhood park. The park gets a lot more use since we don’t have to get shoes wet on the grassy. Also the increased foot traffic makes the park safer. It would be fantastic if the park department would bring summer programs for kids to our local park. Arts and crafts or a nature education would be fabulous for our neighborhood kids.”
“I really love Auburn and their Parks and Rec department, as a single mother on a tight budget it helps me out so much to have so many free and low-cost activities available for me and my 8 year old. Keep up the good work!”
“I think the biggest concern for all of Auburn residents is the safety issues because of the crime
I live in West Hill Auburn, and I
feel like we are almost a
forgotten area.
As a single mother on a tight
budget it helps me out so much
to have so many free and low-cost
activities available for me and my
8 year old.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 124Additional Comments | 12Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
rate associated with the homeless drug problem plaguing our once safe city.”
“I work in Auburn so I like to use your parks and facilities before and after work.”
“I would love more lighting on darker streets, especially this time of year when it’s dark and cold. We’ve lived here for 5 years after over 15 years in Seattle, I was surprised at the slow response to the traffic lights for pedestrians, especially on Auburn Way, I hit the button and wait FOREVER, and often no traffic or people driving like 50MPH because the lights aren’t requiring them to stop. I don’t feel safe standing on the corners with my toddlers/stroller etc. When it’s cold and rainy, the pedestrian WALK light response should be faster. Traffic should stop and pedestrians should be able to cross and not stand and wait. Your traffic control people should talk to the Seattle planners because they are so pedestrian focused. I think I would opt to walk more if it wasn’t clear the automobiles have priority.“
“I’d like to see a park in the downtown core, close to coffee shop. There was benches at train station but have been removed. No homeless but nobody else. I use to see lots of folks visiting.“
“In the last couple of years, there is a new trend to run motorized vehicles on our walking trails, mostly motorbikes. Either people don’t read or ignore the no motorized vehicle signs. Its multiple times a week I’m seeing this, i get the police is busy but its getting pretty bad”
“It would be nice if the City of Auburn worked with the YMCA to provide more services and facilities for senior citizens to keep physically active at a cost that is affordable. Thanks for listening.”
“I’ve lived here in Auburn all my life and have always enjoyed our beautiful parks. Thank you to the Auburn parks employees”
“Keep growing the parks and public spaces. We love the free summer events or low cost including music, movies, art.”
“Keep parks safer. Add better lighting. Deter homeless and drug users. Update equipment. Replace/repair missing/broken equipment. Les Gove was amazing when it opened- its horrible now.”
“Keep prioritizing the needs of the citizens. :) And thanks for asking.“
“Keep up the good work. Thanks for all you do.”
“Lea Hill seems to be the area most ignored. The high school is the only place with nice fields and they are constantly locked.“
“Les Gove and Game Farm get way too crowded during events and parking is impossible. Offering shuttles to events would be great.”
“Lights in a dog park!!”
“Loved your Farmer’s Market!”
“Make our parks safe again, please. We have some great recreation areas but they’re just not safe anymore.“
“Maybe a way to link the parks and such facilities to the walking trail along the rail road tracks/!!”
“More biking classes and ninja classes for kids would be so wonderful. It’s really needed. Look at marymor park in Redmond. They are a perfect
Keep parks safer. Add better
lighting. Deter homeless and drug
users. Update equipment. Replace/
repair missing/broken equipment.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 125Additional Comments | 13Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
example. A bike track for riders would be a full family and healthy sport. “
“More safety efforts, more community outreach, more public and community focused events“
“More support for agricultural businesses. More care needed for some of historic mature trees. Both trees and agriculture are part of the city’s culture, so the cultural staff need to be kept in the loop and have input on these issues.”
“My grandchildren and I love and appreciate the parks in Lakeland Hills! Thank you!”
“Our kids need more contact with mentors and good role models. The Scouts are having a hard time finding a permanent place to meet.”
“Overall, we have a great park system in Auburn. Keep up the good efforts to sustain and improve the wonderful parks we have.”
“perhaps list pickleball as an activity”
“Please build a playground a fulner asap”
“Please continue to work on the homeless problem. I know it is a very complex issue. I would like to see a more permanent solution. The camps have been cleared out by the Green River three times now. Within days they all move back. Stolen cars are routinely dumped and stripped there and the garbage just piles up again and again. I am also concerned about the river being polluted by all this as well as human waste. Shootings
are a regular occurrence. I have had to call 911 numerous times while golfing on our City Golf Course because of gun shots during my golf game. One person was shot and killed on the road there. This is just so unsafe!!!“
“Please work to build the park maintenance crew as they are very understaffed from what I have learned this year. Also, it’s VERY difficult for me to report concerns as I see them. I used to tell Mike Miller direct via text / cell but now I have no one to call and I have left numerous messages for the new head of maintenance and parks, with zero returned calls. I am disappointed.”
“Safety, graffiti, equipment repair needs to be done in a more expeditious fashion. Parks and rec and the city police and City Hall need to work more closely together to make our community safer and cleaner”
“Shout out for all the work Auburn already does to provide great parks and recreation. Thanks for making these spaces and activities available to all.”
“Thank you for asking for public opinion! I will feel safer using Auburn parks when the homeless/drug addict situation is under control.”
“Thank you for creating this survey. I think that the main question Auburn should be concerned with is whether we can handle all the incoming people successfully as a city. It seems that the homeless population is growing exponentially, as is the low income population. We need to make sure that there are adequate jobs and services available
Overall, we have a great park
system in Auburn. Keep up the
good efforts to sustain and improve
the wonderful parks we have.
Parks and rec and the city police
and City Hall need to work more
closely together to make our
community safer and cleaner.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 126Additional Comments | 14Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
before we add any more folks who need them, if we want to have a safe and successful city.”
“Thank you for having recreational facilities available as well as a way for the community to provide feedback.”
“Thank you for putting out this survey, please consider Lea Hill Area for development and please look at safety. Slow down the vehicles before there is a serious accident. Walking and biking options are not provided”
“The farmers market is the place I most enjoy. and I appreciate how it has grown. To that end I would like to see the market manager get some needed help.”
“The more Green Space available for people of any age, the more we can beautify our city!”
“The summer kids activities at the parks are great: disc golf, parkour, inflatable water slide.”
“The trail along the White river is nice but too flat. Need more trails with some variety.”
“The youth and adult tennis programs are very good. I appreciate the level of coaching.“
“This is a well-designed and thoughtful survey! Before I retired I developed surveys for state government and school districts, so I appreciate the care that went into this. I especially liked the use of the map to identify where in Auburn we live. Please have more opportunities for local artists. Right now, unless the Auburn Arts Commission already knows you, there is
slim chance of having your artwork posted or displayed. I know this is beyond the scope of this survey, but Renton and Burien, for example, are much friendlier to their community artists. Unfortunately, Auburn Arts Commission seems a bit clique-ish to me. There could be better use of the REC, for example, to display artwork. The Senior Center displays art but usually not from the people who take art classes there or have taken them there. Too much competition to get your artwork shown!!”
“We appreciate all of the programming and fun activities that you provide year round - thank you!”
“We appreciate seeing how Auburn takes care of itself and wants to be a place for community.”
“We love Auburn parks and nice maintenance all the time. Sometimes I see homeless people at parking lots or next to green river. We wish we could do something for them, we hope we can kind a share each other those parks or trails nicely.”
“We love Auburn. I love that there are a lot of community events and activities and the parks are great. Would love to see even more additions and/or improvements to make them even better!”
“We need to find ways to acknowledge and welcome the full diversity of our neighbors. The unsheltered neighbor is still my neighbor! As I would not seek to remove my trailer house living neighbor, nor apartment living, nor too fancy
The more green space available
for people of any age, the
more we can beautify our city!
I love that there are a lot of
community events and
the parks are great.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 127Additional Comments | 15Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
home for my taste neighbor – nor do I seek to remove these neighbors. How to help us be better neighbors to one another is a real question! What would help them to be better neighbors to me? Restrooms, showers, places to stay warm, cook food, share healthy interactions, places for dumping
garbage, transportation opportunities .... hmmmm... hope we are finding a way to positively seek all these neighbors input on these vital questions! Thank you”
“Working parents need options that are available during non work hours. And toddlers need places to play especially with the COVID baby boom”
“Would like to see the farmers market back on main street”
“Would like to use the parks/facilities again without fearing for my safety or theft.”
“Would love an indoor playground near the Lea Hill area”
Working parents need options
that are available during
non-work hours.
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City of Auburn Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan Update | Appendix 128Key Takeaways | 16Auburn PROS Plan Community Survey #1 – Results and Summary
The project team will use the input collected through the community survey to inform and drive the PROS Plan update. Key takeaways from the survey data include:
Survey respondents’ most-used recreational facilities include paved walking/biking trails (used by 75% of respondents), large community parks (51%), small community parks (47%), small neighborhood parks (47%), natural areas/nature parks (45%), and playgrounds (42%).
Survey respondents’ least-used recreational facilities include skateboarding areas (used by 4% of respondents), outdoor fitness equipment (6%), football/lacrosse/hockey fields (7%), and youth softball fields (7%).
63% of survey participants indicated they travel outside of Auburn to access the recreational amenities/facilities they use most frequently. These facilities include other (nearby) city parks (29%), walking/hiking trails (17%), water access (8%), and indoor community centers (6%). These responses suggest there could be a need for more of these facility types in the City of Auburn, or a need to improve those that already exist within the city.
Barriers to use indicate existing issues that need to be addressed by the City in order to improve Auburn parks users’ experience. The largest barriers to use of the City’s available recreation facilities or programs, as reported by survey respondents, are security/safety concerns (57% of respondents), poor maintenance/cleanliness (31%), and overcrowded/booked facilities (20%).
According to survey respondents, the City of Auburn’s biggest parks and recreation needs include:
• More non-motorized urban trails/sidewalks (92.5% of respondents)
• Undeveloped natural areas/open space (86.4%)
• Community centers/indoor facilities (84.5%)
• Splash/spray parks (80.2%)
• More youth programs/camps (77.9%)
• Off-leash dog parks (69.9%)
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OCTOBER 8, 2024
Parks Department
Parks ⚫ Arts & Events ⚫ Recreation ⚫ Cemetery ⚫ Golf Course ⚫ Senior Center ⚫ Museum
Page 139 of 1151
Auburn Comprehensive Plan Elements
Core Plan (Community Development)
Land Use Element (Community Development)
Housing Element (Community Development)
Historic Preservation (Community Development)
Climate Change – NEW (Community Development)
Economic Development (Community Development)
Capital Facilities Element (Public Works)
Transportation Element (Public Works)
Utilities Element (Public Works)
Parks, Arts & Recreation (Parks)
Citywide effort involving all departments coordinating together to create a
cohesive, consistent, and forward -thinking Plan covering range of subject areas
2Page 140 of 1151
What is the PROS Plan?
The PROS plan provides a:
▪Goals & Objectives
▪Identify Short & Long -Term Projects
▪Funding Strategies
One element of the City’s overall
Comprehensive Plan
Required document to be
eligible for State and Federal
What does it include?
What Public Outreach was
City -wide online surveys – text &
map -based
E -blasts to 34,000 subscribers
w/12,000 opened
Social media postings to promote
Signage with QR code to survey in
EVERY park
Surveys available in 7 languages
619 survey responses
Page 141 of 1151
Inventory & Assessment
▪Methodology / Assessment
▪Based on Parks Staff & Public
▪Updates to parks based on
additions / changes since 2015
Projected Parks and Rec
▪Public outreach and input drives
new Capital Facility projects
Recreation Trends
▪Changed over the last 10 years
▪More outdoor activities
▪Pickleball, dog parks, etc.
▪Inclusive playgrounds and facilities
▪Multi -generational, nature -focused,
Levels of Service (LOS)
▪New guidance from NRPA and RCO
▪City is slightly deficient in most
LOS ratio categories – OK overall
Page 142 of 1151
Proposed LOS Levels – lower, but
more attainable.
E.g. – Community Parks
dropping from 4.5 to 3.5?
Currently at 3.14, but 3.5
still requires 120 new
Page 143 of 1151
Goals & Policies
▪Reflective of public input
▪Make facilities / parks:
▪More inclusive
▪Lower maintenance
▪More diverse amenities and visual
appearance (e.g. art in parks,
locate in areas with easy access)
▪Trail connections
Capital Improvement Program
▪Based on public needs and input
▪Projects based on 6 -year (near
term) & 30 -year (long term)
▪Explore add’l grant opportunities
▪Potential impacts to CIP funds
▪List of 2025 -2030 projects and
funding sources
Page 144 of 1151
Park Impact Fees
▪Charged to new Residential
▪Ensures parks keep up with
population growth
▪Current fee $3500/res. unit
▪Proposed $4612 / res. unit
▪Based on 6 -year project costs (
approx. $6.134 mil.) divided by
projected population growth (~90k)
divided by 2.545 persons per
household (27.13% growth)
▪Park Impact Fee Comparison to
nearby cities:Table 6 -: PIF Analysis
Renton 108,555 140,000 28.97 $2,915
Tukwila 21,798 30,000 37.63 $3,006
Woodinville 14,330 20,000 39.57 $3,175
Auburn 83,870 120,000 43.08 $3,500
University Place 35,500 50,000 40.85 $3,644
Puyallup 42,861 65,000 51.65 $3,675
Shoreline 61,353 80,000 30.39 $4,692
Redmond 80,280 110,000 37.02 $5,124
Kirkland 91,194 120,000 31.59 $5,629
Lynnwood 40,592 60,000 47.81 $5,899
Sammamish 65,116 90,000 38.21 $6,739
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•Resolution for
•Draft Plan
Discussion with
Oct –Nov
•RCO Review
•Planning Commission
Public Hearing and
Deliberation – Tonight
8Page 146 of 1151
Any Questions?
9Page 147 of 1151
Agenda Subject:
Proposed Amendments to Title 14 (Teague)
September 19, 2024
Community Development
Planning Commission Staff Report
Exhibit 1 - SB 5290 Related Text Amendment
(strikeout-underline version)
Exhibit 2 - SB 5290 Related Text Amendment
(clean vers ion)
5290 Code Updates Presentation
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrativ e Recommendation:
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:
See attached Staff Report
Rev iewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember:Staff:Alexandria Teague
Meeting Date:October 8, 2024 Item Number:PH.2
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TO: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission
Philip Stevens, Vice-Chair, Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members
FROM: Guardians of the Timeline
Department of Community Development
DATE: September 12, 2024
RE: City File No. ZOA24-0001 – SB 5290 Related Code Update
Staff is proposing to amend Chapters 14.01 (Purpose and Scope), 14.02 (Definitions), 14.03
(Types of Project Permit Decisions), 14.04 (Pre-Application Conferences), 14.05 (Applications),
14.06 (Notice of Determination of Completeness), 14.07 (Notice of Application), 14.11 (Notice of
Final Decision), 14.13 (Administrative Appeals), 14.14 (Exclusions), 14.15 (Project Review Time
Periods), and 14.18 (Water and Sewer Availability Certificates) of Title 14 (the Project Review
Ordinance). Staff also proposes to amend Chapter 17.01 (User Guide) of Title 17 (the Land
Adjustments and Divisions Ordinance), and Chapters 18.59 (the “Marijuana” chapter) and 18.76
(the “Lakeland Hills South PUD” chapter) of Title 18 (the Zoning Ordinance). The purpose of the
text amendment is to update the City’s existing permit review timelines, requirements, and
processes to conform with Senate Bill 5290. This bill was passed by the State Legislature in 2023
and modifies RCW 36.70B, the state code that regulates permit review by local jurisdictions.
Chapter 14.01 “Purpose and Scope”
• Minor revisions to punctuation and grammar.
Chapter 14.02 “Definitions”
• Revise the definition of “Project permit or project permit application” to conform with
changes to same in SB 5290.
Chapter 14.03 “Types of Project Permit Decisions”
• Revise 14.03.010 “Type I Decisions” to reflect current permit name (Construction permit)
and remove a permit name that is no longer used (Special permit).
• Revise 14.03.020 “Type II Decisions” to include new language introduced by SB 5290.
• Move “Public facility extension agreement” permits from “Type II Decisions” to “Type III
Decisions”. Page 149 of 1151
Staff Member: Guardians of the Timeline Date: September 12, 2024
Page 2 of 5
• Minor punctuation revision in 14.03.020.
Chapter 14.04 “Pre-application Conferences”
• Revise Chapter 14.04 “Pre-application Conferences” title to “Pre-application
Conferences and Project Review Meetings”.
• Revised 14.04.010 “Availability” to state that pre-application meeting conferences are
optional for all project permit types and are not required for any project permit type.
• Added subsection (B) to 14.04.010 “Availability” to define project review meeting
availability, purpose, and process.
Chapter 14.05 “Applications”
• Revise 14.05.010 “Designation” to include current email address as a basic application
• Minor revisions to 14.05.020 “Submittal Requirements” updating language to reflect
current application processes.
Chapter 14.06 “Notice of Determination of Completeness”
• Minor revisions to 14.06.010 “Notice to Applicant” updating language to reflect current
application processes.
• Revised 14.06.010 “Notice to Applicant” to clarify language about notification timeline
following resubmittals after a determination of incompleteness.
Chapter 14.07 “Notice of Application”
• Revise 14.07.030 “Notice if open record predecision hearing required” to make text
consistent with RCW 36.70B.110.
Chapter 14.11 “Notice of Final Decision”
• Revise 14.11.010 “Time limits” to expand section and incorporate the new time limits for
each project type as required by SB 5290.
• Add sections to 14.11.010 “Time limits” to include new language introduced by SB 5290
outlining the conditions where restarting or suspending the new time limits is allowable.
• Add sections to 14.11.020 “Exceptions” defining the permit types for facility extension
agreements and grading permits and establishing the review timelines these applications
are subject to.
• Relocated text from 14.15.010 “Weekends and holidays” to 14.11.050 “Weekends and
holidays” for consistency and clarity.
Chapter 14.13 “Administrative Appeals”
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Staff Member: Guardians of the Timeline Date: September 12, 2024
Page 3 of 5
• Revised 14.13.010 “Administrative appeals” to clarify the process and timeline extension
required to appeal SEPA Determinations of Non-Significance.
Chapter 14.14 “Exclusions”
• Revise 14.14.010 “Permit process exclusions” to clarify language and remove approvals
relating to the use of public areas or facilities as being excluded from the consolidated
permit process and any time periods established in Chapter 14.06.
Chapter 14.15 “Project Review Time Periods”
• Delete Chapter 14.15 “Project Review Time Periods” to consolidate text with Chapter
14.11 “Notice of Final Decision”.
Chapter 14.18 “Water and Sewer Availability Certificates”
• Revise 14.18.010 “Preapplication conference” to reflect current application process, and
to clarify that preapplication conferences are optional rather than required.
• Revise title of 14.18.020 “Application, submittal and contents” to be “Water and Sewer
Availability Certificates” in order to clarify purpose of section.
Chapter 17.01 “User Guide”
• Revise 17.01.030 “How is a plat reviewed?” to make pre-application conferences
associated with plats as being optional and recommended instead of required.
Chapter 18.59 “Development Standards for Marijuana Related Businesses”
• Revise 18.59.100 “Pre-application conference meeting required” to make pre-
application conferences optional and recommended instead of required for business
license applications for all marijuana related businesses within the City.
Chapter 18.76 “Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South
• Revise 18.76.090 “Application for approval of major amendment to the PUD” to make
pre-application conferences associated with major amendments to the Lakeland Hills
South PUD as being optional and recommended instead of required.
• Revise 18.76.090 “Site plan approval” to make pre-application conferences associated
with site plan approval within the Lakeland Hills South PUD as being optional and
recommended instead of required.
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Staff Member: Guardians of the Timeline Date: September 12, 2024
Page 4 of 5
Background Summary:
1. In 2023 Senate Bill (SB) 5290 was introduced into the Washington State Legislature. The bill was
passed on April 20, 2023, and signed into law by the Governor on May 8, 2023. SB 5290 became
effective on July 23, 2023.
2. SB 5290 amends RCW 36.70B.140, 36.70B.020, 36.70B.070, 36.70B.080, and 36.70B.160;
reenacts and amends RCW 36.70B.110; and adds new sections to Chapter 36.70B RCW.
3. Chapter 36.70B RCW “Local Project Review” was established in 1995 following the passage of
the Growth Management Act (GMA). This Chapter establishes regulations and requirements for
local government land use planning and development permitting.
4. Auburn City Code Title 14 “Project Review” was established by Ordinance 4835 in 1996 to
comply with the requirements of Chapter 36.70B RCW “Local Project Review”.
5. Title 14 establishes standard procedures for all project permit decisions made by the City. This
includes establishing permit types, permit review timelines, and procedures related to combining
the environmental review process with project permit decisions.
6. In order to remain in compliance Chapter 36.70B RCW following the changes enacted by SB
5290, the City must revise Auburn City Code Title 14 “Project Revie w”.
7. City staff with the Department of Community Development have prepared draft revisions to Title
14 to update City code to meet the new requirements established by SB 5290. Additional
revisions of Titles 17 (“Land Adjustments and Divisions”) and 18 (“Zoning”) have been prepared to
meet additional, optional, provisions of SB 5290.
8. The overall goals of the changes are to maintain compliance with Chapter 36.70B RCW without
impacting project permitting services, correct minor grammatical and spelling errors in existing
City code, and introduce new optional provisions from SB 5290 that help mitigate penalties
incurred by exceeding new timelines established in the bill.
9. The text amendment will be discussed with the Planning Commission on October 8, 2024. On the
same evening, Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the text amendment.
Procedural Steps:
1. Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 36.70A, the text amendment was transmitted to
the Washington State Department of Commerce on August 16, 2024. The 60-day notice period
ends October 15, 2024.
2. A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) non-project environmental checklist was prepared that
evaluates the environmental impacts of the text amendment.
3. A SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS), City File No. SEP24-0012, was issued on
August 30, 2024, and the City observed a fourteen-day public comment period, which expired on
September 13, 2024. No comments were received. The appeal period ends September 27, 2024.
4. A Notice of Public Hearing (NOH) was issued on September 17, 2024. Pursuant to Chapter 18.68
ACC, the following methods of noticing for the Planning Commission public hearing were
a. The NOH was published in the Seattle Times on September 17, 2021.
b. The NOH was posted in two general public locations (City Hall, City Annex, and the City’s
Public Land Use Notice webpage).
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Staff Member: Guardians of the Timeline Date: September 12, 2024
Page 5 of 5
Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and recommend the City Council to review and
adopt the text amendment to the project review regulations of Titles 14, 17, and 18, Auburn's
Project Review, Land Adjustments, and Zoning Codes, specifically Chapter 14.01 Auburn City
Code (ACC) "Purpose and Scope", Chapter 14.02 ACC “Definitions”, Chapter 14.03 ACC "Types
of Project Permit Decisions", Chapter 14.04 ACC “Preapplication Conferences”, Chapter 14.05
ACC “Applications”, Chapter 14.06 ACC “Notice of Determination of Completeness”, Chapter
14.07 ACC “Notice of Application”, Chapter 14.11 ACC “Notice of Final Decision”, Chapter 14.13
ACC “Administrative Appeals”, Chapter 14.14 ACC “Exclusions”, Chapter 14.18 ACC “Water and
Sewer Availability Certificates”, Chapter 17.01 ACC “User Guide”, Chapter 18.59 ACC
“Development Standards for Marijuana Related Businesses”, and Chapter 18.76 ACC “Planned
Unit Development District (PUD)-Lakeland Hills South.
Exhibit 1 – SB 5290 Related Text Amendment (strikeout-underline version)
Exhibit 2 – SB 5290 Related Text Amendment (clean version)
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Title 14
14.01 Purpose and Scope
14.02 Definitions
14.03 Types of Project Permit Decisions
14.04 Preapplication Conferences and Project Review Meetings
14.05 Applications
14.06 Notice of Determination of Completeness
14.07 Notice of Application
14.08 Project Review Determinations
14.09 Issuance of Single Report
14.10 Hearings
14.11 Notice of Final Decision
14.12 Optional Consolidated Project Permit Process
14.13 Administrative Appeals
14.14 Exclusions
14.15 Project Review Time Periods
14.16 Immunity from Damage Claims
14.17 Judicial Review of Land Use Decisions Made by Local Jurisdictions
14.18 Water and Sewer Availability Certificates
14.20 Mobile Home Park Closure
14.21 Repealed
14.22 Comprehensive Plan
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Chapter 14.01
14.01.010 Purpose and scope.
14.01.010 Purpose and scope.
The purpose and scope of this title is to establish standard procedures for all project permit
decisions made by the city of Auburn. The intent of the procedures is to combine the
environmental review process, both procedural and substantive, with procedures for review of
project permit decisions and, except for the appeal of a determination of significance as
provided in RCW 43.21C.075, provide for consolidation of appeal processes for permit
decisions. The goals are to allow for informed public participation, reduce redundancy in the
application, permit review, and appeal processes, thereby minimizing delays and expense, and
implementing the city’s goals as set forth in the comprehensive plan.
Any project permit application submitted on or after April 1, 1996, shall be processed as
provided in this title. If any requirements contained in this newly created Title 14 are in conflict
with provisions or requirements contained in other titles of the Auburn City Code, a request for
interpretation regarding applicability may be submitted to the director of the department which
has authority to administer the provision, code, regulation, plan, rule or manual. The
department director will provide a written response within 10 working days after receipt of the
request. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.02
14.02.001 Generally.
14.02.010 Administrative decision.
14.02.020 Closed record appeal.
14.02.030 Optional consolidated permit review.
14.02.040 Development regulations.
14.02.050 Legislative decision.
14.02.060 Open record hearing.
14.02.070 Project permit or project permit application.
14.02.080 Public meeting.
14.02.090 Quasi-judicial decision.
14.02.100 Record.
14.02.001 Generally.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout
this title and the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.010 Administrative decision.
An “administrative decision” is one which is made by one of the city’s department heads or
designee. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.020 Closed record appeal.
“Closed record appeal” means an administrative appeal to the city council or any agency
thereof, as specified in applicable codes, of a decision or recommendation issued by the
hearing examiner following an open record hearing conducted by the hearing examiner on a
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project permit application. The appeal is on the record with no or limited new evidence or
information allowed to be submitted. Argument of the appeal is allowed from the record; this
may include comments from the record or questions regarding the record. (Ord. 6184 § 1, 2008;
Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.030 Optional consolidated permit review.
“Optional consolidated permit review” means review and decision on two or more project
permits relating to a proposed project action, including a single application review and approval
process covering all of the project permits requested by an applicant for either all or part of a
project action. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.040 Development regulations.
“Development regulations” means the controls placed on development or land use activities by
the city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline
master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances (if permitted by city
code) and subdivision ordinances together with any amendments thereto. A development
regulation does not include a decision to approve a project permit application, as defined in
ACC 14.02.070, even though the decision may be expressed in a resolution or ordinance of the
city. (Ord. 6187 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5991 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.050 Legislative decision.
A “legislative decision” is one which is an action which affects broad classes of people of the
whole city. These actions include adopting, amending, or revising comprehensive, community,
or neighborhood plans or other land use planning documents or the adoption of area wide
zoning ordinances or the adoption of a zoning amendment that is area wide in significance.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.02.060 Open record hearing.
“Open record hearing” means a hearing, conducted by a single hearing body or officer
authorized by the city to conduct such hearings, that creates the city’s record through
testimony and submission of evidence and information under procedures prescribed by the
city by ordinance or resolution. An open record hearing may be held prior to a decision by the
city on a project permit, to be known as an “open record predecision hearing.” An open record
hearing may be held on an appeal, to be known as an “open record appeal hearing,” if no open
record predecision hearing has been held on the project permit. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.070 Project permit or project permit application.
“Project permit” or “project permit application” means any land use or environmental permit or
license required from the city for a project action, including but not limited to building permits,
subdivisions, planned unit developments, conditional uses, shoreline substantial development
permits, site plan review, permits or approvals required by critical area ordinances, site-specific
rezones which do not require a comprehensive plan amendment authorized by the
comprehensive plan or subarea plan, but excluding the adoption or amendment of the
comprehensive plan, subarea plan, or development regulations except as otherwise specifically
included in this subsection. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.080 Public meeting.
“Public meeting” means an informal meeting, workshop, or other public gathering of people to
obtain comments from the public or other agencies on a proposed project permit prior to the
city’s decision. A public meeting may include, but is not limited to, a scoping meeting on a draft
environmental impact statement. A public meeting does not include an open record hearing.
The proceedings at a public meeting may be recorded and a report or recommendation may be
included in the city’s project permit application file. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.02.090 Quasi-judicial decision.
A “quasi-judicial decision” is one where action is taken by the hearing examiner or city council
or any agency thereof, which determines the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties
and which may be contested. (Ord. 6184 § 2, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.100 Record.
“Record” means everything submitted by the city, applicant, public or outside agencies,
including but not limited to all testimony, exhibits, studies, information, and maps accepted by
the hearing examiner at the open record hearing. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.03
14.03.001 Generally.
14.03.010 Type I decisions.
14.03.020 Type II decisions.
14.03.030 Type III decisions.
14.03.040 Type IV decisions.
14.03.050 Reserved.
14.03.060 Legislative nonproject decisions.
14.03.001 Generally.
Project permit decisions are classified into four types, based on whether a director, the hearing
examiner or the city council makes the decision and the process by which that decision is made.
(Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.010 Type I decisions.
Type I decisions are administrative decisions made by the city which are not subject to
environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) codified at Chapter
43.21C RCW. Type I decisions include, but are not limited to, the following project applications:
A. Building permit;
B. Plumbing permit;
C. Mechanical permit;
D. Utility permit;
E. Special permit;
EF. Excavation Construction permit;
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GF. Land clearing permit;
HG. Grading permit;
IH. Floodplain development permit;
JI. Public facility extension agreement;
KJ. Right-of-way use permit;
LK. Boundary line adjustment or boundary line elimination;
ML. Home occupation permit;
MN. Temporary use permit (administrative);
NO. Administrative use permit;
OP. Short subdivision (plat);
PQ. Mobile home closure plans;
QR. Extensions or minor amendment to an approved master plan;
RS. Final plat. (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6385 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 2, 2003; Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
14.03.020 Type II decisions.
Type II decisions are administrative decisions made by the city which include threshold
determinations under SEPA. are subject to environmental review and threshold
determination under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) codified at Chapter 43.21C RCW.
Type II decisions include, but are not limited to, the following project applications:
A. Building permit;
B. Grading permit;
C. Land clearing permit;
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D. Public facility extension agreement;
E. Administrative use permit;
F. Short subdivision (plat);
G. Floodplain development permit. (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.030 Type III decisions.
Type III decisions are quasi-judicial final decisions made by the hearing examiner following a
recommendation by staff. Type III decisions include, but are not limited to, the following project
A. Temporary use permit;
B. Substantial shoreline development permit;
C. Variance;
D. Special exceptions;
E. Special home occupation permit;
F. Preliminary plat;
G. Conditional use permit;
H. Surface mining permit;
I. Master plan;. (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6385 § 2, 2011; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184 § 3, 2008; Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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14.03.040 Type IV decisions.
Type IV decisions are quasi-judicial decisions made by the city council following a
recommendation by the hearing examiner. Type IV decisions include, but are not limited to, the
following project applications:
Site-Specific Rezone, Category 1. (Ord. 6779 § 5, 2020; Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184
§ 4, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.050 Reserved.
(Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184 § 5, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.060 Legislative nonproject decisions.
Legislative nonproject decisions made by the city council under its authority to establish
policies and regulations are not classified as a “type” of project permit decision. Legislative
nonproject decisions include, but are not limited to, the following legislative actions:
A. Amendments to the text and map of the comprehensive plan or development regulations.
B. Amendments to the zoning map (rezones) on a city-wide or area-wide basis. (Ord. 6654 § 1,
2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.04
14.04.010 Availability.
14.04.010 Availability.
A. A preapplication conference is available and encouraged prior to project permit application
submittal. submitting an application for a project permit. Preapplication conferences are
optional, and are not a requirement for any project permit type. Preapplication conferences
are optional, and are not a requirement for any project permit type. of permit application
submittal for any permit type. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
B. Project review meetings are available to applicants during the review process. The purpose
of the project review meeting is to assist the applicant in interpreting and addressing
outstanding City comments so that the project meets all City requirements and is approvable
by the City.
1. Project review meetings shall be scheduled within 14 days following the return of
comments from the second project permit review to the applicant.
2. If the responses to comments from the third submittal do not resolve outstanding
City comments for the submittal the City shall issue a decision of approval or denial of
the project permit application.
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Chapter 14.05
14.05.010 Designation.
14.05.020 Submittal requirements.
14.05.010 Designation.
Each applicant submitting a project permit to the city shall designate a single person or entity to
receive determinations and notices under this title. The applicant shall include the name,
current address, current email address, and current telephone number of the designated
person or entity. The applicant shall be responsible for immediately notifying the city of any
change of name, address, email address, or telephone number of the designated person or
entity. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.05.020 Submittal requirements.
A. The city shall specify submittal requirements, including, but not limited to, the type of
project permit application, detail required in application and application submittal
processnumber of application copies. The city, at its sole discretion, may waive specific
submittal requirements which it determines to be unnecessary for review of an application.
Applicants may obtain application materials from the city.
B. The city may require additional material from applicants, including, but not limited to, maps,
studies or models when the city determines such material(s) is needed to adequately assess the
proposed project.
C. Applicants seeking approval of permits must submit a complete permit application through
the application process defined by the city complete an application form furnished by the city
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and comply with any requirements set forth in applicable city ordinances, adopted codes and
any referenced design standards manuals. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.06
14.06.010 Notice to applicant.
14.06.010 Notice to applicant.
A. Within 28 days after receiving accepting a project permit application, the city shall mail or
provide in person a written determination to the applicant or applicant’s designee to such
person or entity designated in applicant’s application to receive determination and notices that
the application is complete, or that it is incomplete and what is necessary to make the
application complete.
B. The city’s determination shall identify other agencies with jurisdiction over the project
permit application, to the extent known by the city.
C. If the city does not provide a written determination within the 28-day period following the
city’s receipt of the project permit application as provided in subsection A above, the
application shall be deemed to be complete.
D. When additional information has been provided by the applicant following a determination
of incompleteness the city shall notify the applicant or the applicant’s designee within 14 days
whether the project permit application is complete or what additional information is necessary
to make the application complete. If additional information or studies is required to make the
application complete, within 14 days after an applicant has submitted the additional
information identified by the city as necessary the city shall notify the applicant, or to such
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person or entity designated in the applicant’s project permit application, whether the
application is complete and if not, what additional information is needed.
E. If the city determines that the additional information submitted by the applicant is
insufficient, the city shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the procedures under
subsection D of this section shall apply as if a new request for information had been made.
F. An application is complete for purposes of this section when it meets the submittal
requirements established in the Auburn City Code, and the ordinances of the city, the project
permit application, and is sufficient for continued processing, even though additional
information might be required or project modifications might be undertaken subsequently. The
determination of completeness shall not preclude the city from requesting additional
information or studies either at the time of the notice of completeness or subsequently, if new
information is required to complete the review of the application or if substantial changes in
the permit application occur or are proposed.
G. An application will be considered withdrawn if the city does not receive the requested
necessary additional information within 60 days of notice(s) to the applicant, or to such person
or entity designated in the applicant’s project permit application, that the application is not
complete, unless the city and applicant have agreed in writing to an extension of time. (Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.07
14.07.010 Notice to public and departments and agencies with jurisdiction.
14.07.020 Requirements.
14.07.030 Notice, when if open record predecision hearing required.
14.07.040 Methods of providing notice.
14.07.050 Integration of permit procedures with environmental review
14.07.060 Exemptions.
14.07.070 Applicant deemed participant.
14.07.080 Administrative interpretation of city’s code and/or development
14.07.010 Notice to public and departments and agencies with
The city shall provide a notice of application to the public and the departments and agencies
with jurisdiction as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.020 Requirements.
Within 14 days after issuance of a determination of completeness, the city shall provide notice
of the application which shall include the following:
A. The date of application, date of notice of completeness, and the date of notice of
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B. A description of the proposed project action and a list of the project permits included in the
application and, if applicable, a list of any studies requested under Chapter 14.06 or 14.11 ACC;
C. Identification of other permits not included in the application to the extent known by the
D. Identification of existing environmental documents that evaluate the proposed project, and,
if not otherwise stated on the document providing the notice of application, the location where
the application and any studies can be reviewed;
E. A statement of the public comment period, which shall be 15 days following the date of the
notice of application together with a statement of the right of any person to comment on the
application, receive notice of and participate in any hearings, request a copy of the decision
once made, and any appeal rights. The city may accept public comments at any time prior to
the closing of the record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record
predecision hearing is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit;
F. If applicable and scheduled at the time of the notice of application, the date, time, location
and type of hearing;
G. A statement of preliminary determination, if one has been made at the time of notice of
application, of those development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and of
consistency as provided in Chapter 14.08 ACC;
H. Any other information determined to be appropriate by the city. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.030 Notice, when if open record predecision hearing required.
A notice of application shall not be required for project permits that are categorically exempt
under chapter 43.21C RCW, unless an open record predecision hearing is required. If an open
record predecision hearing is required for the requested project permits, the notice of
application shall be provided at least 15 days prior to the open record hearing. (Ord. 4835 § 1,
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14.07.040 Methods of providing notice.
Unless otherwise required in the city’s code, the city shall use at a minimum the following
methods to give notice of application to the public and agencies with jurisdiction:
A. Mailing notice to owners of real property within 300 feet of the project site.
B. Requiring the subject property posted in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Chapter 1.27 ACC (for site-specific applications).
C. Publishing in a newspaper of general circulation of the area.
D. Mailing notice of application with information included in this section to each person who
has requested such notice and paid any applicable fee as established by the city. (Ord. 5811 § 2,
2003; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.050 Integration of permit procedures with environmental
review procedures.
A. If the city has made a determination of significance under Chapter 43.21C RCW concurrently
with the notice of application, the notice of application shall be combined with the
determination of significance and scoping notice. Nothing in this chapter prevents a
determination of significance and scoping notice from being issued prior to the notice of
B. Except for a determination of significance, the city may not issue its threshold
determination, or issue a decision or a recommendation on a project permit, until the
expiration of the public comment period on the notice of application.
C. The city shall issue its threshold determination at least 15 days prior to the open record
predecision hearing if the city’s threshold determination requires public notice under Chapter
43.21C RCW.
D. Any comments shall be as specific as possible. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.07.060 Exemptions.
A notice of application shall not be required for project permits that are categorically exempt
under SEPA, unless a public comment period or open record predecision hearing is required.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.070 Applicant deemed participant.
The applicant for a project permit is deemed to be a participant in any comment period, open
record hearing or closed record appeal. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.080 Administrative interpretation of city’s code and/or
development regulations.
An administrative interpretation of the city’s code and/or development regulations may be
obtained by submitting a written request to the director of the department which has authority
to administer the code and/or development regulations. The department director will provide a
written response within 10 working days after receipt of the request unless another time period
is agreed upon in writing between the parties. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.08
14.08.010 Required elements.
14.08.020 Determination of consistency.
14.08.010 Required elements.
A. During project review, the city or any subsequent reviewing body shall determine whether
the following items are defined in the development regulations applicable to the proposed
project or, in the absence of applicable regulations, the city’s adopted comprehensive plan. At a
minimum, such applicable regulations or plans shall be determinative of the:
1. Type of land use permitted at the site, including uses which may be allowed under
certain circumstances, such as planned unit developments (if permitted by the city code)
and conditional and special uses, if the criteria for their approval have been satisfied;
2. Density of residential development in urban growth areas; and
3. Availability and adequacy of public facilities identified in the comprehensive plan, if the
plan or development regulations provide for funding of these facilities as required by
Chapter 36.70A RCW.
B. During project review, the city or any subsequent reviewing body shall not re-examine
alternatives to or hear appeals on the items identified in subsection A of this section, except for
issues of code interpretation.
C. Nothing in this section limits the authority of the city to approve, condition, or deny a
project as provided in its development regulations under Chapter 36.70A RCW and in its
policies adopted under RCW 43.21C.060. Project review shall be used to identify specific project
design and conditions relating to the character of development, such as the details of site plans,
curb cuts, drainage swales, transportation demand management, payment of impact fees or
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other measures to mitigate a proposal’s probable adverse environmental impacts, if applicable.
(Ord. 6187 § 2, 2008; Ord. 5991 § 2, 2006; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.08.020 Determination of consistency.
A. A proposed project’s consistency with the city’s development regulations adopted under
Chapter 36.70A RCW, or, in the absence of applicable development regulations, the appropriate
elements of the comprehensive plan or subarea plan adopted under Chapter 36.70A RCW shall
be determined by consideration of:
1. The type of land use;
2. The level of development, such as units per acre or other measures of density;
3. Infrastructure, including public facilities and services needed to serve the development;
4. Character of the development, such as development standards.
B. In determining consistency, the determinations made pursuant to ACC 14.08.010(A) shall be
C. For purposes of this section, the term “consistency” shall include all terms used in this
chapter and Chapter 36.70A RCW to refer to performance in accordance with this title and
Chapter 36.70A RCW, including but not limited to compliance, conformity, and consistency.
D. Nothing in this section requires documentation, dictates an agency’s procedures for
considering consistency, or limits the city from asking more specific or related questions with
respect to any of the four main categories listed in ACC 14.08.020 (A). (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.09
14.09.010 Consolidation.
14.09.010 Consolidation.
A single report shall be issued stating all the decisions made as of the date of the report on all
project permits included in the consolidated permit process that do not require an open record
predecision hearing and any recommendations on project permits that do require an open
record predecision hearing. The report shall state any mitigation required or proposed under
the city’s development regulations or the city’s authority under RCW 43.21C.060. The report
may be the local permit. If a threshold determination other than a determination of significance
has not been issued previously by the city, the report shall include or append this
determination. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.10
14.10.010 Limitations.
14.10.020 Multijurisdictional hearings.
14.10.010 Limitations.
Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, the city
provides no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal. (Ord. 4835 § 1,
14.10.020 Multijurisdictional hearings.
A. The city may combine any hearing on a project permit with any hearing that may be held by
another local, state, regional, federal, or other agency; provided, that the hearing is held within
the geographic boundary of the city. Hearings shall be combined if requested by an applicant,
as long as the joint hearing can be held within the time periods specified in Chapter 14.11 ACC
or the applicant agrees in writing to a different schedule in the event that additional time is
needed in order to combine the hearings. The city and all state agencies participating in a
combined hearing are authorized to issue joint hearing notices and develop a joint format,
select a mutually acceptable hearing body or officer, and take such other actions as may be
necessary to hold joint hearings consistent with each jurisdiction’s respective statutory
B. All state and local agencies shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the city in
holding a joint hearing if requested to do so, as long as:
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1. The agency is not expressly prohibited by statute from doing so;
2. Sufficient notice of the hearing is given to meet each of the agencies’ adopted notice
requirements as set forth in statute, ordinance or rule; and
3. The agency has received the necessary information about the proposed project from
the applicant to hold its hearing at the same time as the city’s hearing.
C. Any public meeting or required open record hearing may be combined with any public
meeting or open record hearing that may be held on the project by another local, state,
regional, federal, or other agency, in accordance with Chapters 14.11 and 14.07 ACC. (Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.11
14.11.010 Time limits.
14.11.020 Exceptions.
14.11.030 Late issuance of final decision.
14.11.040 Distribution.
14.11.050 Weekends and holidays.
14.11.010 Time limits.
A. Except as provided in ACC 14.11.020, the city shall issue a notice of final decision on a project
permit application within the following Type of project permit timelines 120 days after the
applicant is notified in writing that the application is complete as provided in Chapter 14.06
ACC. The time period for the issuance of a final decision shall be the longest of the project
permit application time periods of all associated permits for the project.
1. Type I decisions: 65 days.
2. Type II decisions: 100 days.
3. Type III decisions: 170 days.
B. The following periods of time are excluded in determining the number of days which have
elapsed: The number of days shall be calculated by counting every calendar day and excluding
the following time periods:
1. Any period during which the applicant has been requested to correct plans, perform
required studies, or provide additional required information. The period is calculated from
the date the applicant is notified of the need for additional information until the earlier of:
(1) the date the city determines whether the additional information satisfies the request for
information, or (2) 14 days after the date the information has been provided. If the
information submitted by the applicant under this subsection is insufficient, the city shall
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notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the procedures described above shall apply as if
a new request for studies had been made.
2. Any period during which an EIS is being prepared following a determination of
significance pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW. The city and applicant will agree in writing on
the time period for completion of an EIS.
3. Any period for administrative appeals of project permits, if an open record appeal
hearing or closed record appeal, or both, are allowed. The time period shall not exceed: (1)
90 days for an open record appeal hearing; and (2) 60 days for a closed record appeal. The
parties may agree in writing to extend the applicable time periods for appeal.
4. Any extension of time mutually agreed upon in writing by the applicant and city.
5. Any period after an applicant informs the local government, in writing, that they would
like to temporarily suspend review of the project permit application until the time that the
applicant notifies the local government, in writing, that they would like to resume the
application. A local government may set conditions for the temporary suspension of a
permit application. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
6. For quasi-judicial decisions by the Hearing Examiner, any period of time after staff
recommendations have been provided to the Hearing Examiner until such time that the
Hearing Examiner issues a formal written decision.
C. The time periods for a local government to process a permit shall start over if an applicant
proposes a change in use that adds or removes commercial or residential elements from the
original application that would make the application fail to meet the determination of
procedural completeness for the new use, as required by the local government under RCW
D. If, at any time, an applicant informs the local government, in writing, that the applicant would
like to temporarily suspend the review of the project for more than 60 days, or if an applicant is
not responsive for more than 60 consecutive days after the county or city has notified the
applicant, in writing, that additional information is required to further process the application,
an additional 30 days may be added to the time periods for local government action to issue a
final decision for each type of project permit that is subject to this chapter. Any written notice
from the local government to the applicant that additional information is required to further
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process the application must include a notice that nonresponsiveness for 60 consecutive days
may result in 30 days being added to the time for review. For the purposes of this subsection,
"nonresponsiveness" means that an applicant is not making demonstrable progress on
providing additional requested information to the local government, or that there is no ongoing
communication from the applicant to the local government on the applicant's ability or
willingness to provide the additional information.
14.11.020 Exceptions.
A. The time limits established above do not apply to the followingif a project application:
1. A. Project applications Rrequiringes an amendment to the comprehensive plan or a
development regulation;
2. B. Project applications Rrequiringes approval of a new fully contained community as
provided in RCW 36.70A.350, a master planned resort as provided in RCW 36.70A.360, or
the siting of an essential public facility as provided in RCW 36.70A.200; or
3. C. Project applications that areIs substantially revised by the applicant, in which case the
time period shall start from the date at which the revised project application is determined
complete under Chapter 14.06 ACC.; or. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
B. D. Requires approvalApprovals relating to the use of public areas or facilities, including the
extension of public utilities and road facilities under a facility extension agreement permit, are
subject to a Type III review deadline. .
C. Grading permit approvals that exclude the use or extension of public areas or facilities are
subject to a Type II review deadline.
14.11.030 Late issuance of final decision.
If the city is unable to issue the final decision within the prescribed time limits, the city shall
provide written notice of this fact to the applicant. The notice shall include a statement of the
reasons why the time limits have not been met and an estimated date for issuance of the notice
of decision. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.11.040 Distribution.
The notice of decision shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the
rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted comments on the
application. The notice shall be provided as specified in ACC 14.07.040. It shall include a
statement of any threshold determination and procedures for administrative appeal, if
applicable. It may be a copy of the report or decision on the project permit application. (Ord.
4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.115.050 Weekends and holidays.
Regardless of whether any period is minimum or maximum, when any permit review, notice or
decision time limit of this title terminates upon a weekend or city holiday, such time limit shall
automatically be extended to the first weekday following the weekend or city holiday.
Chapter 14.12
14.12.010 Applicant option.
14.12.020 Hearing/appeal.
14.12.030 Public meeting.
14.12.040 Single report.
14.12.010 Applicant option.
A. An applicant may request an integrated and consolidated review and decision on two or
more project permits relating to a proposed project action. The city will provide a single
application review and approval process to cover all project permits requested by an applicant
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for all or part of a project action. The city will provide a designated permit coordinator upon
request of the applicant.
B. If an applicant elects the consolidated permit review process, the determination of
completeness, notice of application and notice of final decision will include all project permits
being reviewed in the consolidated process. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.12.020 Hearing/appeal.
A. The consolidated review process shall include no more than one consolidated open record
hearing and one closed record appeal/hearing. If an open record predecision hearing is
provided prior to the decision on a project permit, the process shall not allow a subsequent
open record appeal hearing.
B. The consolidated permit review may combine an open record predecision hearing on one
or more permits with an open record appeal hearing on other permits. The project permits, if
any, which are subject to a closed record appeal are determined pursuant to Auburn City Code.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.12.030 Public meeting.
Any public meeting or required open record hearing may be combined with any public meeting
or open record hearing that may be held on the project by another local, state, regional,
federal, or other agency in accordance with provisions of Chapters 14.07 and 14.11 ACC. (Ord.
4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.12.040 Single report.
The city shall provide a single report stating all the decisions made as of the date of the report
on all project permits included in the consolidated permit process that do not require an open
record predecision hearing and any recommendations on project permits that do require an
open record predecision hearing. The report shall state any mitigation required or proposed
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under the development regulations or the city’s authority under RCW 43.21C.060. The report
may be the permit. If a threshold determination other than a determination of significance has
not been issued previously by the city, the report shall include or append this determination.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.13
14.13.010 Administrative appeals.
14.13.020 Threshold determination appeals.
14.13.010 Administrative appeals.
Any administrative appeal of the project decision, combined with any environmental
determinations, which are provided by the city shall be filed within 14 days after the notice of
the decision or after other notice that the decision has been made and is appealable. In order
to allow public comment on a Determination of Non-Significance prior to requiring an
administrative appeal to be filed, this appeal period shall be extended for an additional seven
days if the appeal is of a Determination of Non-SignificanceDNS for which public comment is
required under Chapter 43.21C RCW or under county/city rules adopted under SEPA. For
threshold determinations issued prior to a decision on a project action, any administrative
appeal allowed by a county/city shall be filed within fourteen days after notice that the
determination has been made and is appealable. The city shall extend the appeal period for an
additional seven days, if state or city rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW allow
public comment on a determination of nonsignificance issued as part of an appealable project
permit decision. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.13.020 Threshold determination appeals.
Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, the city
provides for no more than one consolidated open record hearing on such appeal. Any appeal
provided after the open record hearing shall be appealed to the superior court of the county in
which the property subject of the threshold decision is located. (Ord. 6184 § 6, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1,
Chapter 14.14
14.14.010 Permit process exclusions.
14.14.010 Permit process exclusions.
A. The following project permits are excluded from the provisions of the integrated and
consolidated permit process, any time periods in development regulations and Chapters 14.06,
14.07, 14.11 and 14.12 ACC:
1. Landmark designations;
2. Street Right-of-way vacations;
3. Other approvals relating to use of public areas or facilities, including but not limited to
utility permit applications for water service, fire hydrant, fire hydrant use, sanitary sewer
connections, storm drainage systems, right-of-way use permits and public facility extension
agreements if categorically exempt under Chapter 43.21C RCW; or
4. Other project permits which the city determines present special circumstances that
warrant a review process different from that provided in this subsection, including but not
limited to special permit applications for sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter, excavation
and floodplain development permits not subject to SEPA.
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B. The following project permits are excluded from the provisions of the integrated and
consolidated permit process and the requirements of Chapters 14.07, 14.11 and 14.12 ACC:
1. Lot line adjustments;
2. Building and other construction permits or similar administrative approvals, including but
not limited to building, grading, land clearing permits and administrative temporary use
permits, which are categorically exempt from environmental review under Chapter 43.21C
RCW, or for which environmental review has been completed in connection with other project
permits. (Ord. 6295 § 13, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.15
14.15.010 Weekends and holidays.
14.15.010 Weekends and holidays.
Regardless of whether any period is minimum or maximum, when any permit review, notice or
decision time limit of this title terminates upon a weekend or city holiday, such time limit shall
automatically be extended to the first weekday following the weekend or city holiday. (Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.16
14.16.010 City liability.
14.16.010 City liability.
Pursuant to the Regulatory Reform Act, Chapter 403, Section 421 of the Laws of the State of
Washington 1995, the city is not liable for damages due to the city’s failure to make a final
decision within the time limits established in Chapter 14.11 ACC. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.17
14.17.010 Requirements – Exceptions.
14.17.010 Requirements – Exceptions.
Judicial review of land use decisions shall be brought pursuant to the requirements contained
in Chapter 36.70C RCW except for the following:
A. Judicial review of:
1. Land use decisions made by bodies that are not part of a local jurisdiction;
2. Land use decisions of a local jurisdiction that are subject to review by a quasi-judicial
body created by state law, such as the shorelines hearings board or the growth
management hearings board; and
B. Judicial review of applications for a writ of mandamus or prohibition; or
C. Claims provided by any law for monetary damages or compensation. If one or more claims
for damages or compensation are set forth in the same complaint with a land use petition
brought under Chapter 36.70C RCW, the claims are not subject to the procedures and
standards, including deadlines, provided in Chapter 36.70C RCW for review of the petition. The
judge who hears the land use petition may, if appropriate, preside at a trial for damages or
compensation. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.18
14.18.002 Purpose.
14.18.004 Property adjacent to city limits.
14.18.006 Definitions.
14.18.010 Preapplication conference meeting recommended.
14.18.020 Application, submittal and contents. Water and Sewer Availability
14.18.030 Public hearing.
14.18.040 Administrative review.
14.18.050 Hearing examiner.
14.18.060 City council review.
14.18.070 Findings of fact.
14.18.074 Conditions of approval.
14.18.080 Notice of decision to applicant.
14.18.090 Adjustments of an approved development agreement.
14.18.094 Compliance with this chapter and the terms of a development
14.18.100 Time limitations.
14.18.002 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that all development that occurs in unincorporated
areas, that receives either water or sanitary sewer from the city of Auburn, is consistent with
the development standards of the city of Auburn. In so doing the property at the time of
annexation will be consistent with city development standards making it is less likely that the
city will have to expend public funds to address a substandard development after annexation.
An additional purpose is to ensure the property is obligated to annex to the city at the
appropriate time as determined by the city. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
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14.18.004 Property adjacent to city limits.
If the property that is requesting water and/or sanitary sewer service is adjacent to the Auburn
city limits, the subject property shall be annexed to the city prior to receiving water and/or
sanitary sewer from the city. If it is determined by the city of Auburn that it would not be
practical to immediately annex subject property due to constraints in providing adequate city
services or for other reasons that would make the annexation impractical, at the present time,
then a development agreement is required pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.006 Definitions.
A. “Development” means any construction to include excavation, filling, grading, paving, new
construction or expansion of a building, structure or use or any change in the use of a building
or structure, or any change in the use of land.
B. “Development agreement” means an agreement between the city of Auburn and the
property owner(s)/developer(s) of land located outside the incorporated boundaries of the city
of Auburn. The development agreement shall be in a form as prepared by the city attorney and
shall contain provisions requiring the property owner(s)/developer(s) to conform to all
applicable city development standards. The development agreement shall also provide to the
city of Auburn a nonrevocable power of attorney that authorizes the city of Auburn to include
the subject property in an annexation at any time.
C. “Development standards” mean standards or comprehensive plan policies adopted by the
city of Auburn that regulate development of property and include but are not limited to those
related to zoning, subdivision, shorelines, utilities, streets, parks, land use, or sensitive areas.
(Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.010 Preapplication conference meeting recommended.
A preapplication conference is available and encouraged prior to project permit application
submittal. Preapplication conferences are optional, and are not a requirement for any project
permit type. Persons considering making application for water and/or sewer availability
certificates other than for individual single-family homes are encouraged to request that a
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preapplication conference be held with appropriate city staff. Such request shall be directed to
the planning director, and upon its receipt the director shall schedule a conference between the
prospective applicant and appropriate city staff. The purpose of a preapplication conference is
for the prospective applicant and city staff to gain a common understanding of the proposed
development, and any procedures, rules, standards and policies which may apply. The
prospective applicant is encouraged to bring to the conference whatever information deemed
appropriate to help describe the existing nature of the site and its surroundings and the
proposed nature of the contemplated and subsequent development. Such information may
include photographs, sketches, and maps. The director or the prospective applicant may
request that an additional conference or conferences be held to further the purpose of this
section. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.020 Application, submittal and contentsWater and Sewer
Availability Certificates.
Application for water and/or sewer availability certificates shall be submitted to the department
of planning and development, shall be accompanied by applicable fees as established by
ordinance and shall include the following:
A. A completed application form., blank copies of which are available from the department;
B. Legal Description of the Property. Description must be described with a “metes and bounds”
legal description, unless the property is part of a recorded subdivision. Along with the legal
description, the parcel number (tax I.D. number) must also be provided;
C. Site Plan.
1. Seven copies of the site plan or plat map including the following information:
a. Vicinity map;
b. Boundaries and dimensions of property;
c. Adjacent public and private streets;
d. Easements, existing and proposed;
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e. Location of all fire hydrants;
f. Location of building, including setbacks;
g. Topography of site and surrounding area.
2. If application is for development other than an individual single-family home, the
following additional information is necessary:
a. Boundaries and dimensions of any existing or proposed lots;
b. Proposed public and private streets with a typical cross-section and the proposed
grade of the street;
c. Location and size of all existing and proposed utilities;
d. Location and layout of off-street parking;
e. Any additional information required by the planning director that may be needed
to determine if the project is consistent with city development standards.
D. If, for some reason, the development cannot meet city development standards the property
owner(s)/developer(s) may request a modification to the development standard as it applies to
the particular development. The property owner(s)/developer(s) shall submit a letter to the city
planning director requesting said modification that describes the particular circumstance and
the development standard that cannot be met together with an explanation of why it cannot be
met. The request for modification shall be considered as part of the public hearing required by
ACC 14.18.030 and cannot be granted unless it is consistent with the findings of fact as outlined
in ACC 14.18.070(B);
E. Filing Fees.
1. Individual single-family home: none;
2. All others: $250.00. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5147 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1,
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14.18.030 Public hearing.
A. Upon determination of a complete application for development, other than an individual
single-family home, the director shall tentatively set a date for a public hearing to be held
before the city’s hearing examiner. Every hearing held for the purposes of this chapter shall be
open to the public, and a record of the hearing shall be kept and made available for public
B. Any notice of public hearing required by this section shall include the hour, date and
location of the hearing and a description of the property. The description may be in the form of
either a vicinity location sketch or a written description other than a legal description.
C. The planning director shall cause notice of the hearing to be given in the following manner:
1. Notice shall be published not less than 10 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of
general circulation within the county where the real property is located;
2. Requiring the subject property posted in accordance with the applicable requirements
of Chapter 1.27 ACC. (Ord. 6532 § 20, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5811 § 3, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1,
1999; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.040 Administrative review.
The director shall forward to appropriate city departments and divisions one copy of the
application for water and/or sewer availability, together with copies of any appropriate
accompanying documents. The city departments and divisions shall review the proposal as to
the availability of water and sewer, the conformance of the proposal to any plans, city policies
or regulations pertaining to streets, utilities; and any other issues related to the interests and
responsibilities of the department or division. The application will then be processed in the
following manner:
A. Individual Single-Family Home. If upon review by city departments and divisions, it is found
that the single-family home meets all relevant city development standards, a development
agreement shall be prepared and signed by the city and the applicant(s). The development
agreement must be recorded by the county assessor’s office and returned to the city prior to
the issuance of the water and/or sanitary sewer availability certificates. If it is found that, for
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any reason, the individual single-family home cannot meet city development standards, the
application shall be processed as an “other development” as described below.
B. All Other Developments. If upon completion of review by city departments and divisions it is
found that the development meets or is capable of meeting all relevant city development
standards, a development agreement will be drafted. If there are modifications to development
standards those modifications shall be reflected in the agreement. The agreement will then be
forwarded to the planning and development committee for a public hearing as outlined in ACC
14.18.030 and 14.18.050. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1,
14.18.050 Hearing examiner.
The hearing examiner, following the closure of the public hearing, shall recommend to the city
council that the city sign a development agreement with the applicant or to not sign a
development agreement with the applicant. The hearing examiner shall not recommend
approval of the development agreement unless it finds the proposal is in conformance with the
findings of fact as outlined in ACC 14.18.070(A). (Ord. 6532 § 21, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 4872
§ 1, 1996.)
14.18.060 City council review.
A. Upon receipt of the hearing examiner’s recommendation, the city council shall, at its next
public meeting, approve, remand the recommendation to the hearing examiner or schedule a
closed record hearing. Any aggrieved person may request the council to conduct its own closed
record hearing. The council can only amend or reject the hearing examiner’s recommendation.
B. If the council holds its own closed record hearing on a proposed development agreement,
the council shall consider the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the hearing
examiner’s public hearing. After conducting its own closed record hearing the council may
approve, approve with conditions, reject or return the application to the applicant for
corrections or modifications.
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C. When the council makes its decision on the development agreement, it shall pass a
resolution prepared by the city attorney. A resolution prepared under this subsection shall
include formal findings of fact and conclusions supporting the decision. If the development
meets all city development standards, the findings shall affirm that the development conforms
with all applicable city development standards. If the development agreement allows
modifications from some city standards, the modifications shall be specified in the resolution.
(Ord. 6532 § 22, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5785 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.070 Findings of fact.
A. The development agreement shall be recommended for signing only if findings of fact are
drawn to support the following:
1. The development is consistent with city development standards; and
2. The development is consistent with the city comprehensive plan; and
3. The property cannot be annexed immediately.
B. Modifications to city development standards may be granted only if findings of fact are
drawn to support the following:
1. That special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location or
surroundings of the subject property do not provide the owner with the development
rights and privileges permitted to other similar properties in the vicinity and in the zoning
district in which the subject property is located; or
2. That, because of the special circumstances, the development of the property in strict
conformity with city standards will not allow a reasonable and harmonious use of the
property; or
3. When applying city standards will result in a distinct “discontinuity” with adjacent
development which was previously approved or constructed to county standards; or
4. When applying city standards puts the developer in a position where the county will not
allow that development to take place. (Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
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14.18.074 Conditions of approval.
In order to ensure compliance with the terms of this chapter conditions of approval may be
required as part of the development agreement. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.080 Notice of decision to applicant.
A. Following passage of a resolution approving or rejecting a development agreement, the
director shall notify the applicant of the decision. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of
the passed resolution. If the resolution is to approve the development agreement, the notice
shall advise the applicant that the development agreement must be signed by the applicant and
recorded by the county assessor’s office. The development agreement must be returned to the
city prior to the issuance of the water and/or sewer availability certificates.
B. The development agreement must be approved by the city prior to any application, plans or
other submittals that are submitted to the county. Any such submittal shall be consistent with
the requirements of the development agreement. (Ord. 5785 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5170
§ 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.090 Adjustments of an approved development agreement.
A. Minor Adjustments. Minor adjustments may be made and approved by the planning director.
Minor adjustments are those which do not violate the terms of the development agreement.
B. Major Adjustments. Major adjustments are those which, when determined by the planning
director, violate the terms of the development agreement. When the planning director
determines a change constitutes a major adjustment, an amendment to the development
agreement is required and the process is the same as a new application. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord.
4872 § 1, 1996.)
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14.18.094 Compliance with this chapter and the terms of a
development agreement.
The city of Auburn reserves the right to withhold or terminate water and/or sanitary service to a
development that does not comply with the terms of its development agreement and/or the
provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.100 Time limitations.
A. A development agreement shall run with the title of the property.
B. Water and sewer availability certificates expire in one year, but are renewable. It is not
necessary to sign a new development agreement provided all of the terms of the original
agreement can still be met. (Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.20
14.20.010 Purpose.
14.20.020 Scope.
14.20.030 Enforcement – Inspection.
14.20.040 Exceptions.
14.20.050 Penalties.
14.20.060 Liability.
14.20.070 Eviction notices for change of use or closure of a mobile home park.
14.20.080 Relocation report and plan.
14.20.090 Certificate of completion of the relocation report and plan.
14.20.100 Notice of provisions.
14.20.110 Administration.
14.20.120 Appeal.
14.20.130 Closure and government sponsorship.
14.20.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, and standards for
the closure or change of use of mobile home parks in the city, insuring that the public health,
safety, and general welfare of the city shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth,
development, and proper use of land shall be insured; and that conformance with provisions
set forth in the city comprehensive plan are followed. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.020 Scope.
This chapter applies to the closure or change in use of mobile home parks. This chapter shall
apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the city. Where this chapter imposes
greater restrictions or higher standards upon the development of land than other laws,
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ordinances, codes or restrictive covenants, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. (Ord. 5746
§ 1, 2003.)
14.20.030 Enforcement – Inspection.
Regarding the closure of mobile home parks, it shall be the duty of the planning director to
enforce the applicable provisions of this chapter. The planning director and/or designee may
inspect any mobile home park in order to verify compliance with this chapter. Failure to make
such inspection shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this chapter. For
inspection purposes, the planning director and/or their duly authorized representative shall
have the right and is hereby empowered to enter any mobile home park. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.040 Exceptions.
Upon proper application by the affected property owner to the city’s hearing examiner,
pursuant to the provisions of the Auburn City Code (ACC), and following a public hearing on the
application, the hearing examiner may grant an exception from the requirements of this
chapter when undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with the
provisions of this chapter. In deciding any exception, the hearing examiner may prescribe
conditions that they deem necessary to or desirable for the public interest. No exceptions shall
be granted unless the hearing examiner finds that:
A. There are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the
strict application of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of the reasonable
use or development of their land; and
B. The exception is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by
other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; and
C. The granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare
or injurious to the property in the vicinity. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
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14.20.050 Penalties.
Any person, firm, corporation or association, or any agent of any person, firm, corporation or
association who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 for each such violation, or
imprisonment for a period not to exceed 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord.
5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.060 Liability.
This chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person
closing a mobile home park in the city for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in
person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the city or any agent thereof be held as
assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any
permits or certificates authorized herein. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.070 Eviction notices for change of use or closure of a mobile
home park.
A. Before a mobile home park owner may issue eviction notices pursuant to a closure or
change of use under Chapter 59.21 RCW, the mobile home park owner must first submit to the
planning and development department a relocation report and plan that meets the
requirements of ACC 14.20.080. If applying for a change of use, the mobile home park owner
shall submit the relocation report and plan together with all other necessary applications. Once
the planning director determines that the relocation report and plan meets the requirements of
ACC 14.20.080, the planning director shall approve the relocation report and plan and return a
copy of the approved plan to the mobile home park owner. If the planning director determines
that the relocation report and plan does not meet the requirements of ACC 14.20.080, the
planning director may require the mobile home park owner to amend or supplement the
relocation report and plan as necessary to comply with this chapter before approving it.
B. No sooner than upon approval of the relocation report and plan, the owner of the mobile
home park may issue the 12-month closure notice to the mobile home park tenants. The
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closure notice shall comply with RCW 59.20.080 and 59.21.030, as amended. No mobile home
owner who rents a mobile home lot may be evicted until the 12-month notice period expires,
except pursuant to the State Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act, Chapter 59.20 RCW. (Ord. 6287
§ 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.080 Relocation report and plan.
A. The relocation report and plan shall describe how the mobile home park owner intends to
comply with Chapters 59.20 and 59.21 RCW, relating to mobile home relocation assistance, and
with ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120. The relocation report and plan must provide that the
mobile home park owner will assist each mobile home park tenant household to relocate, in
addition to making any state or federal required relocation payments. Such assistance must
include providing tenants an inventory of relocation resources, referring tenants to alternative
public and private subsidized housing resources, helping tenants obtain and complete the
necessary application forms for state-required relocation assistance, and helping tenants to
move the mobile homes from the mobile home park. Further, the relocation report and plan
shall contain the following information:
1. The name, address, and family composition for each mobile home park tenant
household, and the expiration date of the lease for each household;
2. The condition, size, ownership status, HUD and/or State Department of Labor and
Industries certification status, and probable mobility of each mobile home occupying a
mobile home lot;
3. Copies of all lease or rental agreement forms the mobile home park owner currently
has in place with mobile home park tenants;
4. To the extent mobile home park tenants voluntarily make such information available, a
confidential listing of current monthly housing costs, including space rent, mobile home
rent or other payments and utilities, for each mobile home park tenant household;
5. To the extent mobile home park tenants voluntarily make such information available, a
confidential listing of gross annual income for each mobile home park tenant household;
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6. An inventory of relocation resources, including available mobile home spaces in King,
Snohomish, Kitsap and Pierce Counties, as well as mobile home age or size restrictions
each park may have in place;
7. Actions the mobile home park owner will take to refer mobile home park tenants to
alternative public and private subsidized housing resources;
8. Actions the mobile home park owner will take to assist mobile home park tenants to
move the mobile homes from the mobile home park;
9. Other actions the owner will take to minimize the hardship mobile home park tenant
households suffer as a result of the closure or conversion of the mobile home park; and
10. A statement of the anticipated timing for park closure.
B. The planning director may require the mobile home park owner to designate a relocation
coordinator to administer the provisions of the relocation report and plan and work with the
mobile home park tenants, the planning and development department, and other city and state
offices to ensure compliance with the relocation report and plan and with state laws governing
mobile home park relocation assistance, eviction notification, and landlord/tenant
C. The owner shall make available to any mobile home park tenant residing in the mobile
home park copies of the proposed relocation report and plan, with confidential information
deleted. Within 14 days of the planning director’s approval of the relocation report and plan, a
copy of the approved relocation report and plan shall be mailed by the owner to each mobile
home park tenant.
D. The mobile home park owner shall update with the planning and development department
the information required under this section to include any change of circumstances occurring
after submission of the relocation report and plan that affects the relocation report and plan’s
implementation. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
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14.20.090 Certificate of completion of the relocation report and plan.
No mobile home park owner may close a mobile home park, or obtain final approval of a
comprehensive plan or zoning redesignation until the mobile home park owner obtains a
certificate of completion from the planning and development department. The planning
director shall issue a certificate of completion only if satisfied that the owner has complied with
the provisions of an approved relocation report and plan, the eviction notice requirements of
RCW 59.20.080 and 59.21.030, the relocation assistance requirements of RCW 59.21.021, and
any additional requirements imposed in connection with required city applications. (Ord. 6287
§ 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.100 Notice of provisions.
It is unlawful for any party who is required to submit a relocation report and plan to the city
pursuant to this chapter to sell, lease or rent any mobile home or mobile home park rental
space without providing a copy of such relocation report and plan to the prospective purchaser,
lessee, or renter, and advising the same, in writing, of the provisions of ACC 14.20.070 through
14.20.120 and the status of such relocation report and plan. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.110 Administration.
The planning director shall administer and enforce ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120.
Whenever an owner or an owner’s agent fails to comply with the provisions of ACC 14.20.070
through 14.20.120, the following may occur:
A. The planning director may deny, revoke, or condition a certificate of completion, a permit,
or another approval;
B. Any other city permits or approvals may be conditioned on the owner’s successful
completion of remedial actions deemed necessary by the planning director to carry out the
purposes of ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
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14.20.120 Appeal.
Any appeal from an administrative determination under ACC 14.20.070(A), 14.20.090, and
14.20.110(A) shall be filed within 14 days of the determination and shall be processed in
accordance with the procedures established for appeals of administrative decisions under ACC
18.70.050. (Ord. 6184 § 7, 2008; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.130 Closure and government sponsorship.
A. If an eminent domain action by a federal, state or local agency causes closure of a mobile
home park and the procedures set forth in the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 USC 4601 et seq., and the regulations of 49 CFR Part 24 or
the Relocation Assistance – Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of Chapter 8.26 RCW and the
regulations of Chapter 468-100 WAC are followed, the requirements of those acts and
regulations will supersede the requirements of ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120.
B. If a condemnation action of the city causes closure of a mobile home park, the city will be
responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the standards contained herein. If the city chooses
to follow portions of the state act and regulations and the planning director determine that
there is a conflict or redundancy between the portions of the state act and regulations being
followed by the city, and the standards contained herein, the state act shall take precedence in
such areas of conflict or redundancy. If the state act is followed in all respects, such act will
supersede the requirements of this section and the standards contained herein. (Ord. 5746 § 1,
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Chapter 14.22
14.22.010 Purpose.
14.22.020 Comprehensive plan adopted.
14.22.030 Early and continuous public participation.
14.22.040 Definitions.
14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
14.22.060 Amendments and exceptions.
14.22.070 Periodic assessment.
14.22.080 Docketing.
14.22.090 Proposals for amendments.
14.22.100 Public hearing required by planning commission.
14.22.110 Decision criteria for plan amendments.
14.22.010 Purpose.
The city of Auburn comprehensive plan establishes the principles, goals, objectives and policies
guiding future development of the city in compliance with Chapter 36.70A RCW, the Washington
State Growth Management Act. The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures and
review criteria for amending the comprehensive plan and to provide provisions for public
participation in the planning process. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.020 Comprehensive plan adopted.
The city of Auburn comprehensive plan, as amended in April 1995 to comply with the Growth
Management Act and as may subsequently be amended thereafter, consisting of the following
elements, is hereby adopted by reference:
A. Chapters of the Comprehensive Plan.
1. Core Comprehensive Plan.
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2. The Land Use Element.
3. The Housing Element.
4. The Capital Facilities Element.
5. The Utilities Element.
6. The Transportation Element.
7. The Economic Development Element.
8. The Parks and Recreation Element.
9. Comprehensive Plan Map.
Appendix A – Auburn Community Vision Report.
Appendix B – Auburn Housing Needs and Characteristics Assessment.
Appendix C – Auburn Housing Element Checklist.
Appendix D – Auburn Health Impact Assessment.
Appendix E – Auburn Public Participation Plan.
Appendix F.1 – King County Buildable Lands Analysis.
Appendix F.2 – Pierce County Buildable Lands Analysis.
Appendix G – Auburn Airport Master Plan.
Appendix H – Auburn Community Profile.
Appendix I – Auburn Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Appendix J – Parks, Arts and Recreation Open Space Plan.
B. Additional Documents of the Comprehensive Plan, That Are Incorporated by Reference.
1. Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
2. Capital Facilities Plan.
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3. Shorelines Management Program.
4. Comprehensive Water Plan.
5. Comprehensive Sewer Plan.
6. Comprehensive Drainage Plan.
7. Auburn Downtown Plan (May 2001).
8. Lakeland Hills Plan (1988).
9. Auburn Adventist Academy Plan (1991).
10. Auburn North Business Area Plan (1992). (Ord. 6612 § 1, 2016; Ord. 6329 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6172
§ 1, 2008.)
14.22.030 Early and continuous public participation.
A. The city of Auburn encourages early and continuous public participation in the
comprehensive planning process, and in other city-initiated planning programs that may be
carried out under the overall framework of the plan. This chapter contains procedures for the
consideration of potential amendments to any chapter or element of the comprehensive plan.
B. The director shall broadly disseminate information regarding the annual docketing and
amendment process and identify a deadline for submittal of applications for inclusion in the
annual amendment cycle. Applications submitted after the established deadline will be
considered during the following annual amendment process. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.040 Definitions.
A. “Amendment” means any change in the wording, context or substance of the
comprehensive plan or a change to the comprehensive land use map or any other map
contained or referenced within any plan chapter or element.
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B. “Area-wide map amendment” means an amendment to the comprehensive land use map
involving four or more contiguous or adjacent parcels under different ownership that would be
similarly affected by a proposed map amendment.
C. “City-initiated planning program” means a planning program begun by resolution of the city
council, or the planning commission, addressing a geographic sub-area of the city’s urban
growth area (such as a special area plan) or addressing a specific functional area (such as a
utility plan).
D. “Director” means the director of the department of planning and development or designee.
E. “Docket” means a list of suggested amendments to the comprehensive plan maintained by
the director.
F. “Planning commission” is an appointed group serving in an advisory capacity to the city
council as specified in Chapter 2.45 ACC. (Ord. 6532 § 23, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
The zoning, land division and other development codes contained or referenced within Auburn
City Code shall be consistent with and implement the intent of the comprehensive plan. Capital
budget decisions shall be made in conformity with the comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.060 Amendments and exceptions.
A. The comprehensive plan may only be amended pursuant to this chapter, no more
frequently than once each calendar year as part of the annual cycle established herein, except
as provided in subsection C of this section.
B. All amendments shall be considered concurrently so as to assess their cumulative impact.
C. Exceptions. Pursuant to Chapter 35A.70 RCW, under the following circumstances,
amendments may be processed separately and in addition to the annual amendment cycle:
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1. If an emergency exists, which is defined as an issue of community-wide significance that
addresses the public health, safety, and general welfare;
2. To resolve an appeal of a comprehensive plan filed with the Growth Management
Hearings Board or with the court;
3. To adopt or amend a shoreline master program under the procedures set forth in
Chapter 90.58 RCW;
4. The initial adoption of a subarea plan or new element to the comprehensive plan;
5. The amendment of the capital facilities plan may occur concurrently with the adoption
or amendment of the city budget;
6. Amendments of the comprehensive plan that are conducted in conjunction with an
annexation as set forth in Titles 35 and 35A RCW. (Ord. 6853 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 6172 § 1,
14.22.070 Periodic assessment.
A. The director will periodically monitor the comprehensive plan and development regulations
that implement the plan, assess the need for any amendments, and may add potential changes
to the docket as specified in ACC 14.22.080. The assessment shall be based on, at a minimum:
1. Whether growth and development are occurring at a faster or slower rate than
envisioned in the plan;
2. Whether the capacity to provide adequate services has diminished or increased;
3. The availability of land to meet demand;
4. Whether the assumptions on which the plan is based remain valid;
5. The effect of the plan on land values and housing is contrary to plan goals;
6. Whether sufficient change or lack of change in circumstances dictates the need for an
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B. The city shall complete a comprehensive review of the comprehensive plan and
development regulations in order to update it as appropriate and to ensure continued
compliance with the Growth Management Act pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130. (Ord. 6329 § 2, 2010;
Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.080 Docketing.
A. In accordance with RCW 36.70A.470, suggested changes to the comprehensive plan which
are not specific to any site may be submitted by any individual, organization or general or
special purpose government and shall be coordinated by the director. The director shall create
appropriate forms for such submittals that require the submittal to address the criteria
outlined in subsection C of this section. The list shall be known as the “docket” and is the means
to suggest a change or identify a deficiency in the comprehensive plan. An item may be
submitted to the docket at any time during the calendar year. There is no fee associated with
submitting an item to the docket.
B. Annually, the director shall review such suggestions with the city council and determine
whether to direct them to the planning commission for consideration. The city council may
decline to consider any item from the docket.
C. Proposed amendments on the docket may be considered appropriate for action if the
following criteria are met:
1. A proposed comprehensive plan text amendment addresses a matter appropriate for
inclusion in the plan;
2. The proposal demonstrates a strong potential to serve the public interest by
implementing specifically identified goals and policies of the plan;
3. The proposal addresses the interests and changed needs of the entire city as identified
in the plan;
4. The proposal does not raise policy or land use issues that are more appropriately
addressed by an ongoing work program approved by the city council;
5. The proposal can be reasonably reviewed and evaluated, given existing staff and
budget resources; and
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6. The proposal has not been voted on by the city council in the last three years. This time
limit may be waived by the city council if it is demonstrated that there exists either an
obvious technical error or a change in circumstances that justifies the need for the
D. Any item on the docket that is not determined to be appropriate for action may be
proposed under ACC 14.22.090, provided it is timely and properly filed. (Ord. 6532 § 24, 2014; Ord.
6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.090 Proposals for amendments.
A. Privately Initiated Amendments. A proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan, other
than docketing pursuant to ACC 14.22.080, may be submitted by any individual, organization,
corporation or partnership; general or special purpose government other than the city; or
entity of any kind; provided, that if the proposal involves specific real property, the property
owner has provided written consent to the proposal.
B. City – Initiated Amendments. The city council or the planning commission may initiate a
planning program or any type of amendment to the comprehensive plan, regardless of whether
site-specific or area-wide in scope.
C. Application. Except for city-initiated planning programs or individual amendments, all
proposed amendments shall be submitted to the director on an approved form, together with
required filing fees. An environmental checklist shall also be submitted if required. A proposed
amendment request shall include the following information:
1. Name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the applicant and contact person
and written consent of the property owner if the proposal affects specific property;
2. If the amendment concerns specific property, both a general description and legal
description of the property;
3. A description of the plan amendment being requested;
4. Written statements addressing the purpose of the amendment, why it is being
requested, and how it is consistent with the criteria listed in ACC 14.22.110;
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5. If the request is for an amendment to the comprehensive land use map, an indication
of what concurrent change in zoning is also being requested.
D. Department Report. The director shall prepare an assessment and recommendation on all
proposed amendment requests and include this within a report that evaluates all requests
concurrently. (Ord. 6532 § 25, 2014; Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.100 Public hearing required by planning commission.
A. The planning commission shall hold at least one public hearing on all proposed
amendments to the comprehensive plan. Notice of such public hearing shall be given pursuant
to Chapter 1.27 ACC and, at a minimum, include the following:
1. For site-specific plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10
calendar days prior to the date of public hearing;
b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within a
radius of 300 feet of the proposed map amendment request, not less than 10 calendar
days prior to the public hearing;
2. For area-wide plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10
calendar days prior to the date of public hearing;
b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within the
area subject to the proposed amendment;
c. Notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous locations in the area subject to
the proposed amendment not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the
public hearing.
B. Notwithstanding the above, the director may expand the minimum noticing provisions
noted above as deemed necessary.
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C. Planning Commission Recommendation. The planning commission shall conduct a public
hearing on all potential comprehensive plan amendments and shall make and forward a
recommendation on each to the city council. The planning commission shall adopt written
findings and make a recommendation consistent with those findings to the city council.
D. The city council, if it elects to amend the comprehensive plan, shall adopt written findings
and adopt said amendments by ordinance.
E. State Review. All comprehensive plan amendments considered by the planning commission
shall be forwarded for state agency review consistent with RCW 36.70A.106.
F. Any appeal of an amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be made in accordance with
Chapter 36.70A RCW. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.110 Decision criteria for plan amendments.
A. The comprehensive plan was developed and adopted after significant study and public
participation. The principles, goals, objectives and policies contained therein shall be granted
substantial weight when considering a proposed amendment. Therefore, the burden of proof
for justifying a proposed amendment rests with the applicant, who must demonstrate that the
request complies with and/or relates to the following decision criteria:
1. The proposed change will further and be consistent with the goals and objectives of the
plan and the plan will remain internally consistent;
2. Whether the capacity to provide adequate services is diminished or increased;
3. Assumptions upon which the comprehensive plan is based are found to be invalid;
4. A determination of change or lack of change in conditions or circumstances has
occurred since the adoption of the latest amendment to the specific section of the
comprehensive plan that dictates the need for a proposed amendment;
5. If applicable, a determination that a question of consistency exists between the
comprehensive plan and Chapter 36.70A RCW, the countywide planning policies for either
King and/or Pierce County, as appropriate, and Vision 2040: Growth and Transportation
Strategy for the Puget Sound Region;
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6. If the request is to change the land use designation of a specific property on the
comprehensive land use map, the applicant must demonstrate one of the following:
a. The current land use designation was clearly made in error or due to an oversight;
b. The proposed land use designation is adjacent to property having a similar or
compatible designation, or other conditions are present to ensure compatibility with
surrounding properties;
c. There has been a change in conditions since the current land use designation came
into effect. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
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Chapter 17.01
17.01.010 Introduction.
17.01.020 What is a subdivision?
17.01.030 How is a plat reviewed?
17.01.040 What are the criteria for approval?
17.01.050 What happens after a plat is approved?
17.01.060 What about a simple boundary line adjustment or elimination?
17.01.070 How do you modify an existing subdivision?
17.01.080 How do you change a recorded subdivision?
17.01.090 How do you eliminate a recorded subdivision?
17.01.100 Is there another process by which you can subdivide land?
17.01.110 Can you cluster lots within a subdivision?
17.01.010 Introduction.
This title contains standards, regulations and processes for the division of land and adjustment
of property boundaries within the city. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.020 What is a subdivision?
The process of dividing land into smaller lots is often generically referred to as a subdivision.
However, in this title, the term “subdivision” refers specifically to the division of land into five or
more lots, while the division of land into four or fewer lots is called a “short subdivision.” Most
of the regulations for subdivisions and short subdivisions are the same, but a short subdivision
is an administrative process where an application is reviewed and decided upon by city staff
whereas a subdivision is reviewed and decided upon by the city’s hearing examiner. A plat is
the drawing or map which shows the subdivision or short subdivision. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
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17.01.030 How is a plat reviewed?
The plat review process for a short subdivision, including the infrastructure improvement
requirements for approval, is set forth in Chapter 17.09 ACC. The plat review process for a
subdivision, from the optional pre-application conference to preliminary approval by the
hearing examiner, is set forth in Chapter 17.10 ACC. Chapter 17.16 ACC includes additional
requirements for planning and other studies to be submitted for review along with the
preliminary plat. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.040 What are the criteria for approval?
A plat must be laid out in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Chapter
17.14 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.050 What happens after a plat is approved?
Once the layout of a subdivision has been approved by the city, it is said to have preliminary
approval. Then the applicant must submit construction drawings of the infrastructure that was
proposed in the preliminary plat. Once these construction drawings are approved by the city
and the infrastructure has been built, inspected and accepted by the city, the plat has final
approval and can be recorded with the appropriate county. In the case of a subdivision, an
additional application, review and approval process is required for this final approval. This final
plat process is set forth in Chapter 17.12 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.060 What about a simple boundary line adjustment or
Other land adjustment tools are also outlined in this title, including boundary line adjustments
(Chapter 17.06 ACC) and boundary line eliminations (Chapter 17.08 ACC). Boundary line
adjustments are the movement of a boundary line that does not result in the creation of a new
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lot. Boundary line eliminations are the merging of two or more lots by eliminating one or more
lot lines. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.070 How do you modify an existing subdivision?
The applicant can request a modification of subdivision standards and specifications through
the process set forth in Chapter 17.18 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.080 How do you change a recorded subdivision?
After a subdivision has been recorded with the county in which it is located, any proposed
change to the subdivision is called a subdivision alteration. The alteration process is set forth in
Chapter 17.20 ACC. If the applicant proposes to make a change to an approved preliminary plat
before final plat approval and recording, then the applicant may request an adjustment to the
preliminary plat through the process set forth in ACC 17.10.100. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.090 How do you eliminate a recorded subdivision?
A plat may also be vacated, or eliminated, after recording. Chapter 17.22 ACC outlines the
process by which a plat may be vacated, and to whom the title to the vacated property shall
vest. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.100 Is there another process by which you can subdivide land?
The binding site plan process is an alternative form of land division. It may be used for the
division of land for commercially or industrially zoned property, or for certain types of
residential development. This process is set forth in Chapter 17.24 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
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17.01.110 Can you cluster lots within a subdivision?
The city of Auburn allows clustering of lots within a subdivision onto a portion of the site, while
maintaining the density of the residential zone. Clustering allows future development to occur
at an appropriate density for infrastructure services; it also protects environmentally sensitive
areas or cultural/historic features by clustering lots away from these areas. The standards by
which clustering is allowed are set forth in Chapter 17.26 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
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Chapter 18.59 ACC, Development Standards for Marijuana Related Businesses Page 1 of 9
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.59
18.59.010 Purpose.
18.59.020 Maximum number of marijuana retail businesses.
18.59.030 Required geographic separation.
18.59.040 Marijuana required to be grown in a structure.
18.59.050 Required odor control for marijuana related businesses.
18.59.060 First-in-time – Change in ownership, relocation and abandonment
for marijuana retail stores – Nonconforming uses.
18.59.070 Signage.
18.59.080 Security required.
18.59.090 Specific standards for marijuana producers, processors, research
and transportation businesses.
18.59.100 Pre-application conference meeting recommendedrequireded.
18.59.110 Public review meeting required.
18.59.010 Purpose.
The development standards contained in this chapter are intended to address the substantive
impacts that marijuana related businesses may have on all or a portion of the community by
providing clear and objective development standards that will reduce or mitigate said impacts
and provide, when appropriate, opportunities for public awareness and input prior to an
application being made to the city. In addition, the development standards will provide the city,
adjacent property owners (residential or nonresidential) and adjacent business owners as well
as the entire community the opportunity to be kept informed and aware through ongoing
reporting for those marijuana related businesses that successfully obtain appropriate
approvals and authorizations to operate in the city of Auburn. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
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18.59.020 Maximum number of marijuana retail businesses.
The total maximum number of marijuana retail businesses operating within the city at any
given time shall be limited to a maximum of four properly licensed and permitted stores. For
purposes of these regulations, these standards shall be considered in addition to the numeric
allowances on these businesses specified now or in the future by the Washington State Liquor
and Cannabis Board. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.030 Required geographic separation.
Marijuana related businesses operating within the city shall be geographically separated as
follows. For purposes of these regulations, these standards shall be considered in addition to
those geographic siting standards specified by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis
A. A marijuana retailer authorized by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board and
the city to operate within the city shall be sited a minimum of one mile from another similarly
authorized marijuana business.
B. A marijuana retailer business shall be sited a minimum of 1,320 feet from any properties
zoned and utilized for single-family residential or multifamily residential land uses.
C. All marijuana related businesses shall not be located within the distances identified for the
following uses or any use included in Chapter 314-55 WAC now or as hereafter amended:
1. Two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet for:
a. Elementary or secondary school that is existing or that is planned and has a
site-specific location identified in an adopted capital facilities plan;
b. Public or private playgrounds inclusive of those located within a multifamily
residential complex;
c. Public or private recreation center or facility;
d. Child care centers;
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e. Public or private parks;
f. Any game arcade; and
2. One thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet for:
a. Public trails;
b. Public transit centers;
c. Religious institutions;
d. Public libraries;
e. Transit center or park-and-ride facility operated by a sovereign nation on trust or
non-trust designated properties.
D. Measurement. All separation requirements shall be measured as the shortest straight line
distance from the property line or right-of-way line of the proposed business location to the
property line or right-of-way line of the use specified in this section. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.040 Marijuana required to be grown in a structure.
For all marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives, marijuana shall be grown in a
structure. Outdoor cultivation is prohibited in all instances. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.050 Required odor control for marijuana related businesses.
Marijuana odor shall be contained within the marijuana related business so that odor from the
marijuana cannot be detected by a person with a normal sense of smell from any abutting use
or property. If marijuana odor can be smelled from any abutting use or property, the marijuana
related business shall be required to implement measures, including, but not limited to, the
installation of the ventilation equipment necessary to contain the odor. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
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18.59.060 First-in-time – Change in ownership, relocation and
abandonment for marijuana retail stores – Nonconforming
A. Areas Where No Retail Marijuana Uses Are Located. If two or more marijuana retail
applicants seek licensing from the state and propose to locate within less than one mile of each
other, the city shall consider the entity that is licensed first by the State Liquor and Cannabis
Board to be the “first in-time” applicant who is entitled to site the retail use. First-in-time
determinations will be based on the date and time of the state-issued license or conditional
license, whichever is issued first. The director or designee shall make the first-in-time
B. First-in-time determinations are location-specific and do not transfer or apply to a new
property or site, unless the new site is within the same tax parcel.
C. Ownership. The status of a first-in-time determination is not affected by changes in
D. Relocation. Relocation of a retail store to a new property voids any firstin-time
determination previously made as to the vacated property. The determination shall become
void on the date the property is vacated. Applicants who may have been previously denied a
license due to a first-in-time determination at the vacated property may submit a new
application after the prior first-in-time determination becomes void.
E. Discontinuance. If an existing marijuana retail use is discontinued or abandoned for a period
of six months with the intention of abandoning that use, then the property shall forfeit
first-in-time status. For purposes of this section, discontinuance shall not mean a legal change
in business name or ownership or Washington State Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number.
Discontinuance of a licensed retail use for a period of six months or greater constitutes a prima
facie intent to abandon the retail use. Intent to abandon may be rebutted by submitting
documentation adequate to rebut the presumption. Documentation rebutting the presumption
of intent to abandon includes but is not limited to:
1. State licensing review or administrative appeal; or
2. Review of building, land use, other required development permits or approvals; or
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3. Correspondence or other documentation from insurance provider demonstrating an
intent to reestablish the use after either a partial or full loss or disruption of the use.
4. The director shall determine whether a retail use has been discontinued, abandoned, or
voided, whether in connection with an application for an administrative conditional use
permit or as otherwise appropriate.
F. Accidental Destruction. First-in-time status or cessation is not affected when a structure
containing a state-licensed retail outlet is damaged by fire or other causes beyond the control
of the owner or licensee; provided all necessary local, regional, state or other permits and
approvals are successfully obtained and redevelopment commences within 12 months from
the documented date of the accidental destruction or the licensee provides documentation
demonstrating why redevelopment cannot commence within 12 months; provided, that
redevelopment is completed within 24 months of the documented date of accidental
G. Marijuana related businesses that had lawfully obtained all state and local approvals prior
to the adoption of these rules shall be considered legal conforming uses even if the business is
unable to meet the standards for geographic separations and square footage requirements
outlined in this chapter. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.070 Signage.
All marijuana related businesses shall comply with applicable sign regulations and standards as
specified in Chapter 18.56 ACC (Signs) as may be amended. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.080 Security required.
In addition to the security requirements in Chapter 315-55 WAC, during nonbusiness hours, all
marijuana producers, processors, and retailers shall store all marijuana concentrates, usable
marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and cash in a safe or in a substantially constructed and
locked cabinet. The safe or cabinet shall be incorporated into the building structure or securely
attached thereto. For usable marijuana products that must be kept refrigerated or frozen, these
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products may be stored in a locked refrigerator or freezer container in a manner approved by
the director, provided the container is affixed to the building structure. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.090 Specific standards for marijuana producers, processors,
research and transportation businesses.
A. Marijuana production and processing facilities shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Marijuana production, processing research and transportation facilities shall be
ventilated so that the odor from the marijuana cannot be detected by a person with a
normal sense of smell from any adjoining use or property;
2. A screened and secured loading dock, approved by the director, shall be required. The
objective of this requirement is to provide a secure, visual screen from the public
right-of-way and adjoining properties, and prevent the escape of odors when delivering or
transferring marijuana, marijuana concentrates, usable marijuana, and marijuana-infused
B. Any marijuana producer or marijuana processors operating within the city (1) shall strictly
comply with all industrial, health and safety codes, including but not limited to WAC 314-55-104
and RCW 69.50.348, and (2) shall have at least 4,000 square feet of building utilized for its
individual business, and the total square feet of all marijuana producers and processors in the
city shall not exceed 90,000 square feet of building space; provided, that any such business that
was licensed and existing prior to August 1, 2016, that did not have at least 4,000 square feet of
building utilized for its individual business may continue operating, and shall be classified as a
fully legal conforming use at its current location even though it did not have at least 4,000
square feet of building utilized for its individual business. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.100 Pre-application conference meeting
A pre-application conference is available and encouraged prior to the submittal of a formal
business license. A minimum of one pre-application conference meeting with the city of
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Auburn and other relevant parties including but not limited to the Valley Regional Fire Authority
shall be conducted prior to the submittal of a formal business license application for all
marijuana related businesses within the city. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.110 Public review meeting required.
A. A minimum of one public review meeting shall be conducted by applicant for any marijuana
related business in the city. The purpose of the public review meeting is to allow adjacent
property owners (residential and nonresidential) and adjacent business owners an opportunity
to become familiar with the proposal and to identify any associated issues. The public review
meeting is intended to assist in producing applications that are responsive to the concerns of
adjacent property owners (residential and nonresidential) and adjacent business owners and to
reduce the likelihood of delays and appeals. The city expects an applicant to take into
consideration the reasonable concerns and recommendations of these parties when preparing
an application. The city expects these parties to work with the applicant to provide reasonable
concerns and recommendations. The requirements of this section shall apply to new
businesses as well as businesses that are seeking to relocate to a different tax parcel.
B. Prior to submittal of an application for any marijuana related business, the applicant shall
provide an opportunity to meet with adjacent property owners (residential or nonresidential)
and adjacent business owners within whose boundaries the site for the proposed marijuana
related business is located or within the notice radius to review the proposal. The applicant
shall not be required to hold more than one public review meeting provided such meeting is
held within six months prior to submitting an application for one specific site.
C. Public review meetings shall occur prior to submitting a formal business license application
to the city of Auburn.
D. Public review meetings shall occur after the required pre-application conference with the
city of Auburn.
E. The applicant shall hold a public review meeting in a publicly accessible location within one
mile of the proposed business site; provided, that if no such place is immediately available, the
applicant may submit a written request to the director proposing an alternate meeting location
and the director may approve said location, in writing. The meeting starting time selected shall
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be limited to a weekday evening after 6:00 p.m. or a weekend at any reasonable time and shall
not occur on a national holiday. The meeting shall be held at a location open to the public and
in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A portable sign at least 22 inches
by 28 inches in size with minimum two-inch lettering shall be placed at the main entrance of the
building where the meeting will take place at least one hour prior to the meeting. Such sign will
announce the meeting, subject matter of the meeting, and announce that the meeting is open
to the public and that interested persons are invited to attend. This sign shall be removed by
the applicant upon conclusion of the meeting.
F. The applicant shall send by regular mail a written notice announcing the public review
meeting to the director, property owners pursuant to the most current public records of the
King County assessor’s office or Pierce County assessor’s office within 1,320 feet on all sides of
the property involved in the anticipated application and to all current businesses registered
with the city of Auburn within 1,320 feet on all sides of the property involved in the anticipated
application. At the request of the applicant, and upon payment of the applicable fee, the city
will provide the required mailing lists for property owners and/or registered businesses.
G. Not less than 20 calendar days prior to the public review meeting, the applicant shall post a
notice on the property which is subject of the proposed application. The notice shall be posted
within 50 feet of an adjoining public right-of-way in a manner that can be read from the
right-of-way. The notice shall state that the site may be subject to a proposed marijuana related
business, the type of marijuana related business in sufficient detail for a reasonable person to
ascertain the nature and type of business, the name of the applicant and the applicant’s
telephone number and electronic mail address where the applicant can be reached for
additional information. The site shall remain posted until the conclusion of the public review
H. At the public review meeting, the applicant shall describe the proposed application to
persons in attendance. The attendees may identify any issues that they believe should be
addressed in the proposed application and recommend that those issues be submitted for city
consideration and analysis.
I. At the public review meeting, the applicant shall take notes of the discussion on the
proposed application.
J. To comply with this section, an applicant shall submit the following information with the
business license application:
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1. A copy of the notice sent to surrounding property owners pursuant to subsection F of
this section.
2. A copy of the mailing list used to send out meeting notices pursuant to subsection F of
this section.
3. A written statement and clear photographs containing the information posted on the
property pursuant to subsection G of this section.
4. A notarized affidavit of mailing and posting notices.
5. Copies of written materials and eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch size plans presented
at the public review meeting.
6. Typed notes of the meeting, including the meeting date, time, and location, the name
and address of those attending, and a summary of oral and written comments received.
K. If responses to the meeting notice were not received by the applicant and no one attended
the public review meeting or persons in attendance made no comments, the applicant shall
submit evidence as indicated above, with the notes reflecting the absence of comment,
attendance, or both.
L. Failure of a property owner or business owner to receive notice shall not invalidate the
public review meeting proceedings. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
Page 225 of 1151
Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 1 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.76
18.76.010 Purpose.
18.76.020 Process.
18.76.030 Definitions.
18.76.040 Permitted uses.
18.76.045 Uses requiring an administrative use permit.
18.76.046 Marijuana related uses.
18.76.050 Calculation of number of dwelling units.
18.76.060 Development standards.
18.76.070 Design requirements.
18.76.075 Landscaping and screening requirements.
18.76.077 Sign requirements.
18.76.080 Public infrastructure requirements.
18.76.090 Application for approval of major amendment to the PUD.
18.76.100 Phased developments.
18.76.110 Concurrence with subdivision regulations.
18.76.120 Administrative review of major amendments.
18.76.130 Hearing examiner review.
18.76.140 Findings of fact.
18.76.150 City council action.
18.76.160 Site plan approval.
18.76.170 Adjustments to the PUD.
18.76.180 Property owners’ association.
18.76.010 Purpose.
The comprehensive plan provides the Lakeland Hills South special area plan is intended to be
consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills South PDD (Pierce County
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Hearings Examiner Case No. Z15-90/UP9-70) as amended. The conditions of approval which
remain applicable are attached to Ordinance No. 5092 as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by
Auburn has accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an approved PUD. Therefore, this
purpose section shall apply to minor and major amendments to the Lakeland Hills South PUD.
The purpose of a planned unit development (PUD) district is to offer enhanced flexibility to
develop a site through innovative and alternative development standards. A PUD district also
allows for a greater range of residential development scenarios, provides for internal transfers
of density, and may result in more dwelling units than may be realized by using the existing
development standards. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the city will require the PUD
to result in a significantly higher quality development, generate more public benefit and be a
more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the use of standard zoning or
subdivision procedures.
In order for a PUD to be approved it will be the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate, to the
city’s satisfaction, that the proposed PUD achieves or is consistent with the following desired
public benefits and expectations in whole or in part:
A. Preservation of Natural Amenities. Preservation of desirable site characteristics such as open
spaces and the protection of sensitive environmental features including steep slopes, rivers,
creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views.
B. Pedestrian-Oriented Communities. Use of traffic management and design techniques to
reduce traffic congestion and increase the potential use of alternative modes of travel such as
mass transit, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
C. Land Use Efficiencies. Provide efficient and effective use of land, open space and public
facilities that result in lower development cost and make housing more affordable.
D. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Provide development that is consistent with the
goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. PUDs may also allow for a small amount of
development from other comprehensive plan designations if determined to be appropriate for
the PUD and its surroundings.
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E. Enhanced Design Features. Provide building and structural designs that complement
surrounding land uses and their environment. Design standards should reflect quality site
planning, landscaping and building architecture.
F. Creation of Public Amenities. Enhance parks and open spaces consistent with the
comprehensive park plan and nonmotorized plan.
G. Affordable Housing. Provide affordable housing options in accordance with Auburn’s
comprehensive plan. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.020 Process.
The approval process for major amendments to the Lakeland Hills South PUD is three steps.
The first step is a recommendation by the hearing examiner and final approval of the PUD or
major amendment by the city council using the process applicable to a rezone, Chapter 18.68
ACC. The second step is the approval of either a preliminary plat, a site plan, or a combination
of both. Where a preliminary plat has been proposed, the third step is the approval of a final
plat by the city council. Step two may be combined with step one.
A. Step One – PUD Major Amendment Approval. Approval of a major amendment to the Lakeland
Hills South PUD shall be applied by the rezone process as specified in Chapter 18.68 ACC.
Generally, a major amendment will be required because a specific proposal within a planning
area necessitates an amendment. For the proposal triggering the need for the major
amendment, the major amendment shall establish the land uses, density, number and types of
dwelling units, number and distribution of lots/units, any modification of plat development
standards, general street layout, street right-of-way widths, whether streets are public or
private, the amount, type, and location of open space and park land, phasing plans if any, and
the responsibilities of the owner/developer. If there is no specific proposal, the major
amendment shall establish these parameters to the extent possible. Application for PUD major
amendment approval shall be in accordance with ACC 18.76.090.
B. Step Two – Preliminary Plat/Site Plan Approval. For those major amendments to the Lakeland
Hills South PUD that consist of only single-family or duplex platted lots, a preliminary plat may
be filed pursuant to Chapter 17.06 ACC. For all other uses, a site plan must be approved by the
director of planning pursuant to ACC 18.76.160. Preliminary plat and site plan approval must be
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concurrent if a PUD requires both approvals. Preliminary plat/site plan applications may be for
all or a portion of a planning area. Applications for a site plan shall be in accordance with ACC
C. Step Three – Final Plat Approval. Final plats shall be approved pursuant to Chapter 17.10 ACC.
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.030 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter:
A. “Community center/recreation facilities” means a building with associated amenities
intended or designed to be used for community meetings and recreation and may include
facilities within and adjacent to the building for offices, kitchen, storage space, bathrooms, sales
and information, swimming pools, sportcourts, tennis courts, playgrounds, and an outdoor
B. “Density” means the maximum number of dwelling units per acre allowed within a given
C. “Department” shall refer to the city of Auburn department of planning and development.
D. “Gross area” (also referred to as “gross acreage” or “gross useable area”) shall be defined as
all of the area within the boundaries of the entire PUD site including all public and private
parcels, rights-of-way, open spaces, common areas, and dedications.
E. Lot Types. These definitions apply to dwellings on fee simple lots:
1. “Detached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot is set back from all the lot
2. “Zero setback lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback
from one of the interior side lot lines and is not attached to another structure on an
adjoining lot. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
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3. “Semi-attached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback
from one of the interior side lot lines and is attached to another structure on an adjoining
lot. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
4. “Attached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback from
either of the interior side lot lines and is attached to another structure on both adjoining
lots. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
F. “Net area” (also referred to as “net acreage” or “net usable area”) shall be defined as the
gross area minus the area designated as nonbuildable areas and nonresidential uses.
G. “Nonbuildable areas” include slopes that exceed 25 percent measured between each
25-foot contour line, wetlands delineated pursuant to the definition of “wetlands” contained
within ACC 16.06.030, or floodways as defined by ACC 15.68.100(Z). Slopes, wetlands, or
floodways that are allowed to be modified by the city may be considered buildable. Wetland
buffers are not considered nonbuildable areas. Nonbuildable areas for each planning area will
be determined following the completion of mining for the planning area pursuant to Pierce
County Permit UP9-70 as it may be amended.
H. “Official Lakeland plan map” is the final development plan for Lakeland attached to the
ordinance codified in this chapter as Exhibit “B-REV” as amended by Ordinance No. 5546 and
legally described in Exhibit “C.” Exhibits “B-REV” and “C” are incorporated herein by reference.
Exhibit “B” approved in Ordinance No. 5092 is no longer effective. It is replaced by Exhibit
I. “Open space” may include such features as landscaped areas, held in common ownership by
a homeowners’ association and part of a landscape plan common to the entire PUD, passive
and active recreation uses, natural features, environmental amenities such as wetlands and
their buffers, and storm water facilities that incorporate any or all of the above identified
features. Open space areas shall be required to be enhanced if not already an existing amenity.
Areas intended to be left in their natural state, including but not limited to wetlands and their
buffers and steep slopes, shall be considered an existing amenity. The open space must be a
permanent, integral, and functional amenity that is for the common good and enjoyment of the
residents of the entire PUD and not just to an individual lot or resident. Landscaped areas,
private parks, and improvements within open space areas shall be maintained by the
homeowners’ association. Open space for the Lakeland Hills South special area plan is shown
on the official Lakeland plan map and shall be provided in accordance with the First
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Amendment to Lakeland Annexation and Utilities Agreement as adopted by City Council
Resolution No. 2955.
J. “Planning area” refers to the areas referred to as residential, senior, commercial, community
center, school, and park/open space on the official Lakeland plan map.
K. “Private street” means any access easement, tract or street which is not a public street.
Driveways which are not part of an access easement, tract or street shall not be considered a
L. “Public street” includes all streets, highways, freeways, avenues, lanes, courts, places or
other public rights-of-way in the city held in public ownership and intended to be open as a
matter of right to public vehicular traffic.
M. “Senior housing and services” means living accommodations where at least one member of
the household is age 55 or over and all members of the household are at least 18 years of age.
Dwelling units may consist of independent living units comprised of attached and detached
single-family and multifamily dwellings where elderly individuals or families provide rooms,
meals, personal care, supervision of self-administered medication, recreational activities,
financial services, and transportation, and may include Alzheimer’s care and health care
facilities. For the purposes of this chapter, Alzheimer’s care facilities which have no more than
one congregate kitchen and dining area will be considered one dwelling unit. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010;
Ord. 5553 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.040 Permitted uses.
A. Residential.
1. Housing concepts of all types limited only by the density allowed in the official Lakeland
plan map. Examples include the following:
a. Single-family detached homes;
b. Condominiums, apartments, and townhouses;
c. Customary accessory uses and structures common to single-family homes or
multifamily dwellings;
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d. Home occupations authorized by and subject to the standards of Chapter 18.60
e. Storage or parking of recreational vehicles for residents of the individual
f. Nonresidential or municipal uses such as schools, churches, libraries, police, parks
or fire facilities as authorized in the PUD;
g. Home-based daycare;
h. Community centers/recreation facilities;
i. Senior housing and services.
2. Parks.
B. Nonresidential. Uses permitted outright by Chapter 18.26 ACC as authorized in the
development plan, except those uses requiring an administrative use permit under ACC
18.76.045. (Ord. 6269 § 25, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.045 Uses requiring an administrative use permit.
A. The following uses may be permitted throughout the PUD as specifically authorized by the
development plan and when an administrative use permit has been issued pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
1. Civic, social and fraternal clubs;
2. Mini-daycare and daycare centers;
3. Preschools or nursery schools;
4. Religious institutions;
5. Utility substations;
6. Municipal services:
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a. Police;
b. Fire;
c. Library.
B. The following uses may be permitted in areas of the PUD with a comprehensive plan
designation of “Light Commercial” as specifically authorized by the development plan and when
an administrative use permit has been issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
1. Automobile service stations;
2. Drive-through facilities, including banks and restaurants;
3. Brew pubs. (Ord. 6269 § 37, 2009.)
18.76.046 Marijuana related uses.
All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives shall not be permitted in any
residential or nonresidential portion of the planned unit development. (Ord. 6642 § 29, 2017.)
18.76.050 Calculation of number of dwelling units.
The maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a planning area is calculated in the following
A. Nonbuildable areas and land set aside for nonresidential land uses are subtracted from the
gross area of the site to determine the net usable area of the site. For the purposes of this
section, nonbuildable areas do not include public or private streets or driveways within a
planning area.
B. The number of acres of the net usable area of the planning area is multiplied by the
residential densities allowed in the official Lakeland plan map to produce the maximum
number of dwelling units. Any fractions may be rounded up to the nearest whole number as
long as the densities as outlined in subsection C of this section are not exceeded.
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C. Residential densities within each planning area allowed by the official Lakeland plan map
are as follows:
Allowable Residential Densities
Lakeland Hills South
Comprehensive Plan
Map Designation
Maximum Number
of Dwelling Units
Per Acre
Single-family 6 units per acre
Moderate density
14 units per acre
High density residential 19 units per acre
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.060 Development standards.
The following development standards will apply for each development within the planning
areas shown on the official Lakeland plan map. Except where modified by these standards, all
standards of the Auburn City Code apply. Front yard setbacks are measured from the edge of
the right-of-way for lots fronting on public streets and from the face of the curb, or the
midpoint if a rolled curb is used, for private streets.
A. Single-Family Planning Areas. Single-family planning areas are those planning areas with a
permitted density of one to four and two to six dwelling units per acre. Within these planning
areas, the following development standards apply:
1. Single-Family Detached – One (SFD-1).
a. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 65 feet.
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c. Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 20 feet to garage;
ii. Side: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 20 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
2. Single-Family Detached – Two (SFD-2).
a. Minimum lot area: 5,400 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 60 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 90 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 20 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 20 feet;
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v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
3. Single-Family Detached – Three (SFD-3).
a. Minimum lot area: 4,250 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 85 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 15 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
B. Moderate Density. The moderate density planning areas are those planning areas with a
permitted density of two to 14 dwelling units per acre. Within these planning areas, the
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following development standards apply in addition to those identified in subsection A of this
1. Single-Family Detached – Four (SFD-4).
a. Minimum lot area: 3,375 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 45 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 65 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 15 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
2. Single-Family Detached – Five (SFD-5).
a. Minimum lot area: 2,730 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 40 feet.
c. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
d. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
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i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: three feet;
iii. Side, street: six feet;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
e. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
3. Multifamily or Small Lot Detached – One (MFA-1).
a. Minimum lot area: 2,400 square feet.
b. Minimum site area per dwelling unit: 2,400 square feet.
c. Minimum lot width: 35 feet if detached; 20 feet if attached.
d. Building footprint coverage: 60 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet, except zero feet when attached and three feet if
detached single-family;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet or six feet if detached single-family;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
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f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
C. High Density. The high density planning areas are those with a permitted density of 12 to 19
dwelling units per acre. Within these planning areas, the following development standards
1. Multifamily – Two (MFA-2).
a. Minimum lot area: 1,800 square feet.
b. Minimum site area per dwelling unit: 1,800 square feet.
c. Minimum lot width: 20 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 60 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet, except zero feet when attached;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
D. Public. As required by Chapter 18.40 ACC, P-1 Public Use District.
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E. Commercial. As required by Chapter 18.26 ACC, Light Commercial District, except that the
required setbacks from streets may be averaged and that multifamily units shall be permitted
outright. The number and location of multifamily units shall be governed by ACC 18.76.170(A).
F. No recreational vehicle (RV) parking spaces will be required for multifamily complexes if
there are perpetual restrictive covenants or a similar instrument recorded against the property
that do not allow recreational vehicles to be parked in a multifamily complex. The language of
the restrictive covenants precluding the RVs shall be approved by the city of Auburn and shall
be recorded by the applicant prior to any certificates of occupancy issued by the city of Auburn
for the subject multifamily structure. An original recorded copy shall be provided to the city of
Auburn. Any subsequent amendments to the approved covenants regarding RV parking must
be approved by the city of Auburn and recorded. Any recreational vehicles within a multifamily
complex that are in violation of this covenant shall be considered a violation of this title and will
be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC, Civil Penalties for Violations. The
owner/manager and/or homeowners’ association responsible for the multifamily complex will
be the party responsible for complying with Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5534 § 1,
2001; Ord. 5397 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5364 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.070 Design requirements.
A. Open Space. The Lakeland Hills South PUD will provide a minimum of 153 acres of open
space in addition to public parks requirements. The open space is shown on the official
Lakeland plan map.
B. PUD Perimeters. Setbacks from the perimeter of the PUD shall correspond to the
requirements of the adjoining zoning districts. The city may determine a reduced setback is
sufficient due to the use of natural topography, earth berms, existing and proposed foliage, and
other features such as roadways, wetlands or natural waterways that would otherwise provide
sufficient buffering of adjoining parcels. Sight distance conflicts shall be avoided for motorized
and nonmotorized traffic.
C. Pedestrian Movement. A planning area shall provide public pedestrian access, which may
require appropriate easements, to parks, schools or uses that may attract a significant number
of pedestrians. Sidewalks or pedestrian ways must connect the required pedestrian system to
existing pedestrian systems on adjacent developments if adequate safety and security, which
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may include lighting, can be maintained. Convenient, barrier free, pedestrian access to transit
stops, when applicable, shall be provided.
D. Architectural Design Guidelines. The purpose of this section is to provide design guidelines
that will be utilized to insure the creation of high quality development that is internally
consistent and harmonious throughout the PUD. The following design guidelines are suggested
as a means to create a high quality, pedestrian-oriented community.
1. All residential buildings shall be designed and constructed to minimize visual intrusions
into windows and private spaces of adjoining developments.
2. Within single-family planning areas, all buildings shall be designed and constructed
consistent with approvals granted pursuant to the Auburn City Code.
3. Multifamily buildings within the moderate density planning areas shall incorporate
design elements that are reflective of single-family housing. These design elements may
include the use of pitched roof systems, limits on length of buildings and building massing,
a limited number of entrances as viewed from any particular elevation, varied setbacks to
avoid massing of buildings along setback lines of arterial and collector streets, and a
combination of landscaping and fences within setbacks to create private space.
4. Multifamily buildings within the high density planning areas shall also incorporate
design elements such as roof treatments and building articulation intended to minimize
building mass to insure compatibility with adjoining lower density development, parking
shall be clustered in locations that minimize visibility from public streets, or screened with
berms and landscaping, solid waste and outdoor storage facilities shall be limited to
enclosures that are architecturally compatible with the primary building, and pool and
recreation areas shall be located away from property lines of adjoining lower density
residential development.
5. Buildings located along the Lakeland Hills Parkway linear park or which front other
public parks shall incorporate landscape features that compliment the design of the public
park, in accordance with the approved master landscaping plan referenced in ACC
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6. Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a commercial or nonresidential site plan, a
design plan that incorporates the following elements shall be submitted to the planning
director for review and approval:
a. A consistent design theme compatible with the balance of the PUD.
b. Exterior facades shall be softened by modulation, landscaping adjacent to
buildings, and varied roof lines.
c. Buildings on the pads shall be designed to be compatible with the design of the
commercial structure.
d. Rooftop equipment visible from adjoining development shall be designed such that
it appears as an architectural feature and similar to the building with regard to color
and/or texture. The equipment shall be arranged or screened in a manner to minimize
visibility from adjoining development or public rights-of-way.
e. One or more buildings, such as buildings on pads, should be located adjacent to
the street frontage with parking located to the “rear” of the building.
f. Truck loading areas should be screened from adjacent properties and streets.
g. Trash disposal areas should be enclosed.
E. Fences. Fences shall comply with the regulations of Chapter 18.31 ACC except on those lots
that have two street frontages and abut Lakeland Hills Way, Evergreen Way, Lakeland Hills
Loop, 62nd Street SE, Lakeland Hills Parkway or other future arterial streets. In such cases a
six-foot-high fence may then encroach into the yard setback abutting the aforementioned
streets subject to the following: if a six-foot-high fence is proposed, it must be for all or a
majority of the street frontage the subject lots abut. Individual six-foot-high fences on
independent lots will not be permitted in the required setback area. A five-foot width of
landscaping is required between the fence and the back edge of the abutting sidewalk. The
homeowners’ association shall perpetually maintain the fence and the landscaping and the
developer shall provide evidence of such perpetual maintenance. The fence and landscaping
shall be installed prior to the occupancy of the home on the associated lot. The planning
director shall approve of the fence material, landscaping and evidence of the homeowner’s
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All fences shall be consistent with the sight distance requirements contained in Section 2.14,
Intersection Design Elements of the Design and Construction Standards Manual, as may be
amended. (Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5364 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.075 Landscaping and screening requirements.
A. Within 120 days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, a master
landscape plan shall be submitted to the city planning director for review and approval. The
master landscape plan shall designate the scope of the plan, plat material references, types of
landscaping including screens and buffers, and regulations by planning area.
B. The purpose and goal of the master landscape plan is to achieve a harmonious and
consistent appearance within the PUD area, including that of a well-planned residential area
and a theme that carries into the nonresidential areas. Consideration of transitional areas and
boundaries between different uses will be important. The city of Auburn landscape code shall
be used as a guideline in the development of the plan, although ACC 18.50.060(L) shall not
C. Until the master landscape plan in subsection A of this section is approved by the city
planning director, the city of Auburn landscape code (excluding ACC 18.50.060(L)) shall apply to
new development applications submitted to the city. The city planning director may approve
variances from the code for specific submittals. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.077 Sign requirements.
A. Within 120 days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, a master sign
plan must be submitted to the city planning director for review and approval. The master sign
plan shall designate the location and design elements, the use of common elements, the size
and scale of each type of sign, and the quality of materials to be used. The master sign plan
shall include the design elements intended for various monuments, including major entrance
monuments planned for major intersections, which may be similar in size and scale to the
major entrance monuments located at the intersection of Lakeland Hills Boulevard and A
Street, and secondary entrance monuments similar in size and scale to that planned for
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Lakeland Hills Way and Evergreen Way. The sign on the monuments shall be designed in
accordance with Chapter 18.56 ACC, however, the size of monument signs shall be governed by
the master sign plan. In addition, the master sign plan shall include the typical uses and
approximate location of temporary directional signs, model home signs, and A-boards.
B. Except as modified by this section, the requirements of Chapter 18.56 ACC shall be
applicable throughout the PUD until such time as the city approves the master sign plan. Upon
approval of a master sign plan, it shall control. Within each preliminary plat or site plan within
the single-family, moderate density, and high density planning areas, the following signs shall
also be permitted outright:
1. On-site directional signs.
2. Model home signs.
3. Monument signs at all plat entrances.
C. The signs referenced in subsection B of this section shall be designed and constructed
consistent with the examples shown on Exhibit D, attached to Ordinance No. 5092, and of the
size and scale of similar signs constructed within the King County portion of Auburn. In
addition, entrance monument signs shall be designed and constructed to be low in scale and
set in a landscaped bed. Monument signs shall be located on property that is held in common
by the homeowners’ association, and the homeowners’ association shall be responsible for
maintenance of the sign and landscaping on a private easement.
D. Within the commercial and nonresidential planning areas, signs shall be subject to Chapter
18.56 ACC except as follows:
1. Commercial areas within the PUD shall be limited to one pylon sign within each parcel.
All other signs shall be monument style or wall mounted.
2. Nonresidential development within the PUD shall be limited to monument or wall
mounted signs, except in subsection (D)(1) of this section.
3. Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a site plan for development within a
nonresidential area, a commercial sign master plan must be submitted to the planning
director for review and approval. The commercial sign master plan shall include a
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coordinated sign theme that is compatible with surrounding development. (Ord. 5092 § 1,
18.76.080 Public infrastructure requirements.
The applicant for the PUD must provide all necessary public facilities to include, as a minimum,
the following:
A. Dedication of Public Utilities. Public utilities being provided by the city must be dedicated to
the city unless allowed to be private by the city.
B. Water, Sewer and Drainage Facilities. All water, sanitary sewer and drainage facilities must be
constructed and installed in accordance with applicable city codes and standards, including
design criteria, construction specifications, operational criteria, and approved engineering
C. Underground Facilities. All public utilities must be placed underground except those that by
their nature must be on or above ground, such as streets, fire hydrants, power vaults,
telephone pedestals and open watercourses. The applicant is responsible for making the
necessary arrangements with the appropriate entities for the installation of such services.
D. Streets.
1. All streets must be constructed to the city’s standards. Variations from minimum
standards for pavement and right-of-way widths or other dimensional or construction
standards may be permitted when special design features of the PUD or topographic
considerations warrant the variation. The applicant must submit a written justification for
any proposed variation along with evidence that the minimal functional requirements of
the proposed street improvements are being met. The city engineer shall review the
proposed variation and shall determine if the minimal functional requirements are being
met and shall make a recommendation to the city council whether the variation should be
approved. The city council shall act upon the request and may require conditions of
approval to ensure the minimal functional requirements are being met.
2. Private streets may be permitted within the PUD, provided they meet the following
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a. Use of the private street is limited to those accessing property within the planning
area or immediately adjacent to the planning area and is not needed by non-PUD
residents to travel from one public street to another. The design of the private street
shall be such that it will discourage any through traffic that is not related to the
planning area itself.
b. The minimum pavement width for private streets shall be 28 feet; provided, that
on-street parking is allowed only on one side of the street or 20 feet for alleys. The
roadway section pavement depth for asphalt, crushed rock, and gravel base and the
material specifications of these materials shall be the same as Auburn standards for
public streets. Additional width may be required if determined to be needed to provide
adequate circulation for the residents of the PUD. Factors to be considered include but
are not limited to providing emergency equipment access, preventing conflicts
between pedestrians and vehicle traffic, on-street parking, number of units, the need
for sidewalks and bike paths. The pavement width and construction standards, to
include but not limited to, illumination, signing, storm drainage, curbs, gutters,
channelization, e.g., shall be determined by the city engineer at the time of preliminary
plat or site plan approval. Private streets and/or access tracts and shared driveways
that provide a second or additional access to lots/units shall be constructed to
standards, as determined by the city engineer, considered to be appropriate for the
situation. Factors to be considered include the number of units served, emergency
access and traffic circulation.
c. All sites served by a private street greater than 600 feet in length shall have at least
two access connections to a public street and provide for adequate emergency
equipment access.
d. A legally incorporated property owners’ association assumes the responsibility and
cost to repair and maintain the proposed private streets. If the association fails to
maintain the street, the by-laws of the association give the city the right to maintain the
street and charge the cost of the maintenance, including any administrative costs, to
the association members.
e. The by-laws establishing the association must state that if future owners should
request that private streets be changed to public streets, then the owners fully agree
that, before acceptance of such streets by the city, the owners will bear full expense of
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reconstruction or any other action necessary to make the streets substantially
consistent to the requirements of public streets, applicable at that time. (Ord. 6532 § 31,
2014; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.090 Application for approval of major amendment to the PUD.
A. Pre-Application Conference Recommended. Prior to filing an application for a major
amendment to the PUD, it is recommended that the applicant shall attend a pre-application
conference with the planning director and other interested department heads, or their
designees, regarding the proposed development. The conference attendees will shall review
the general outlines of the proposal, evidenced schematically by sketch plans and other
documents provided by the applicant. The applicant shallwill receive suggestions and
recommendations generated by the conference along with forms and guidelines for preparing
the PUD application.
B. Application Procedure. Following a pre-application conference, aApplicants must provide the
planning director seven copies of the following:
1. Application. Forms provided by the department that ask the applicant for the following
a. The name of the proposed PUD or planning area and a general description of the
proposed development requiring the major amendment, including descriptions of
buildings, and other site improvements;
b. A proposed schedule that includes submittal of the site plan, preliminary plat,
proposed phased developments, if any, and target dates for starting construction;
c. Proposed land uses including the type and amount or densities;
d. Number and types of dwelling units in the proposed development requiring the
major amendment;
e. Total amount of open spaces, the designated or proposed use, and the amount of
open space designated for public and private use;
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f. Plans for the perpetual maintenance and preservation of private spaces and private
g. Any requests for modifications to the street construction standards of the land
division ordinance including substantiating information as to why the modifications are
h. The gross acreage of the PUD or planning area, the net usable acreage, and the
acreage of any nonbuildable areas;
i. The name and address of the applicant. All land within the PUD or planning area
shall be under the ownership of the applicant. Applicants are defined as an individual,
partnership, corporation, or groups of individuals, partnerships or corporations; and
j. The name, address, stamp and signature of the professional engineer, professional
architect or professional land surveyor who prepared the site plan.
2. Environmental Checklist. Form and instructions provided by the Department in
accordance with Chapter 16.06 ACC, Environmental Review Procedures.
3. Conceptual Design of Public Facilities. Preliminary engineering plans and studies that
include the following:
a. A general description and location of the proposed improvements necessary to
properly handle the potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage and other
service needs within and adjacent to the proposed PUD.
b. In addition, for any major amendment to the PUD, the following:
i. Anticipated demand capacities for the proposed water distribution, storm
drainage and sanitary sewage systems.
ii. The estimated, tentative horizontal and vertical alignment of all proposed
streets and sidewalks and the estimated grade of any trails.
4. Site Plan.
a. Preparation. The site plan may be prepared by a professional engineer, architect or
professional land surveyor registered or licensed by the state of Washington. They
shall prepare and, by placing their signature and stamp upon the face of the planning
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documents, certify that all information is portrayed accurately and that the proposed
PUD complies with applicable standards and regulations.
b. Scale and Format. The site plan shall be drawn with reproducible black ink on mylar
or similar material. All geographic information portrayed by the plan shall be accurate,
legible, and drawn to an engineering (decimal) scale. The horizontal scale of a plan
shall be 100 feet or fewer to the inch, except that the location sketch and typical street
cross sections may be drawn to any other appropriate scale. The site plan shall be 24
inches by 36 inches in size. Each sheet shall be numbered consecutively. An index
sheet orienting the other sheets shall be provided. If necessary, the planning director
may authorize a different sheet size or scale.
c. Contents. The site plan must include each of the following:
i. Vicinity Map. A vicinity map sufficient to define the location and boundaries of
the proposed PUD relative to surrounding property, streets and other major
manmade and natural features.
ii. Existing Geographic Features. Except as otherwise specified, the following
existing geographic features shall be drawn lightly in relation to proposed
geographic features and developments:
(A) All existing property lines lying within the proposed PUD and all existing
property lines lying within 100 feet of the PUD.
(B) The location of all existing streets within the PUD, both public or private,
including the right-of-way widths, pavement widths and the names.
(C) Existing water features such as rivers, creeks, ponds, wetlands, storm
water detention basins, watercourses, floodplains and areas subject to
inundation or storm water overflow.
(D) Existing contour lines at intervals of five feet for average slopes exceeding
five percent or at intervals of one foot for average slopes not exceeding five
percent. Contour lines shall be labeled at intervals not to exceed two feet and
shall be based upon city datum, e.g., NGVD.
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(E) Location of any existing structures lying within the proposed PUD. Existing
structures to be removed shall be indicated by broken lines, and existing
structures not to be removed shall be indicated by solid lines.
iii. Proposed Improvements. The following proposed geographic features shall be
(A) The location of any public or private streets and/or storm drainage
(B) The general location of the types of uses or densities and general
distribution of lot types.
(C) The boundaries, dimensions and area of public park and common open
space areas.
(D) Identification of all areas proposed to be dedicated for public use,
together with the purpose and any conditions of dedication.
(E) Conceptual plans for pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems.
(F) The treatment proposed for the periphery of the site including setbacks,
fencing, the approximate amount, location, and type of any landscaping. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.100 Phased developments.
A. The applicant may propose a phased development.
B. Any phases being developed in the Lakeland Hills South PUD require a description of each
phase, including the size, uses or densities and schedule for implementing each phase and
corresponding public services. Phased sequences and intervals between scheduled phases
become a condition of the PUD approval.
C. Each phase must be able to stand on its own without reliance upon development of
subsequent phases. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
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18.76.110 Concurrence with subdivision regulations.
A. A preliminary plat may be processed concurrently with a major amendment to the PUD or a
site plan. A preliminary plat must be submitted in accordance with ACC Title 17.
B. Approval of a major amendment to the PUD or a preliminary plat application may allow for
the modification of the subdivision construction standards and specifications of Chapter 17.12
ACC. If modifications are proposed the request must be made part of the major amendment or
preliminary plat application. The applicant must also provide substantiating evidence as to why
the modifications are necessary. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.120 Administrative review of major amendments.
A. The planning director shall forward the major amendment to the PUD application and/or
preliminary plat or site plan application, together with copies of any appropriate accompanying
documents, to the director of public works. The director of public works shall review the
application(s) as to the adequacy of the proposed means of sewage disposal and water supply;
the conformance of the proposal to any plans, policies or regulations pertaining to streets,
storm drainage or utilities; and regarding any other issues related to the interests and
responsibilities of the department of public works.
B. The planning director shall solicit the comments of any other appropriate city department,
local utility provider, local school district, and any other appropriate public or private entity,
concerning the proposed major amendment to the PUD. For a major amendment to the PUD or
a PUD processed simultaneously with a preliminary plat, comments received in a timely
manner, as well as any written comments received in response to a notice of public hearing,
shall either be transmitted to the hearing examiner or incorporated into a report prepared by
the planning director and submitted to the hearing examiner, prior to the scheduled public
C. The planning director shall approve the site plan if it conforms to the approved PUD, the
submittal requirements of ACC 18.76.160(A), 18.76.060, and other applicable standards. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
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18.76.130 Hearing examiner review.
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2.46 ACC the hearing examiner shall conduct a public
hearing on all requests for a major amendment to a PUD. The examiner’s decision shall be in
the form of a recommendation to the city council. (Ord. 6442 § 29, 2012; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.140 Findings of fact.
Applications for a major amendment to a PUD shall only be approved if sufficient findings of
facts are drawn to support the following:
A. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for
open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes,
parks, playgrounds, or sites for schools.
B. The proposed major amendment to the PUD is in accordance with the goals, policies and
objectives of the comprehensive plan.
C. The major amendment is consistent with the purpose of this chapter, ACC 18.76.010,
provides for the public benefits required of the development of PUDs and does not result in
only increasing the number of units that would otherwise be attained through a development
using the existing zoning and subdivisions standards.
D. The proposed major amendment to the PUD conforms to the general purposes of other
applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the city council.
E. The approval of the major amendment will have no more of an adverse impact upon the
surrounding area than the approved Lakeland Hills South PUD as shown on the official
Lakeland plan map. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.150 City council action.
A. The city council may affirm, modify, or disaffirm the recommendations of the hearing
examiner in accordance with ACC 2.46.170.
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B. The majority of the city council shall instruct the city attorney to prepare an ordinance
reflecting its decision. The ordinance shall include formal findings of fact and conclusions
supporting the decision. If the decision is for approval with conditions, the conditions shall be
specified in the ordinance. The ordinance shall be recorded in accordance with ACC 18.68.060.
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.160 Site plan approval.
A. Pre-Application Conference Recommended. Prior to filing an application for a site plan
approval, it is recommended thatthe applicant shall attend a pre-application conference with
the planning director and other interested department heads, or their designees, regarding the
proposed development. The conference attendees willshall review the general outlines of the
proposal, evidenced schematically by sketch plans and other documents provided by the
applicant. The applicant will shall receive suggestions and recommendations generated by the
conference along with forms and guidelines for preparing the site plan application.
B. An application shall be required for the site plan approval of any portions of a planning area
except for those designed for detached single-family lots and shall include the following:
1. The ordinance approving the PUD, if previously done.
2. A site plan which shall illustrate the following:
a. Vicinity map;
b. Boundaries and dimensions of the PUD;
c. If partial approval, illustrate the proposal within the boundaries of the entire PUD;
d. Illustrate previous site plan approvals that may have occurred within the PUD;
e. Acreage of proposal;
f. Rights-of-way location and widths, the proposed name of each street or alley and
whether the right-of-way will be dedicated as public or remain private. The designation
of any fire lanes. Where final street grades are likely to exceed 10 percent in elevation
and the estimated tentative grades of such streets;
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g. Adjacent public streets;
h. Easements, existing and proposed including its purpose;
i. Location and size of all existing and proposed utilities including sanitary sewer,
storm drainage, and water lines lying within or adjacent to the PUD or the phase of the
PUD as appropriate;
j. Typical street cross section(s) including any pedestrian facilities;
k. Location of uses;
l. Location of buildings and structures, both existing and proposed, including
m. Location and layout of off-street parking, loading and unloading areas;
n. Location of walls and fences, around the perimeter of the PUD or phase of the PUD,
as appropriate, and an indication of their height and materials;
o. Location of any storage areas or refuse containers;
p. Location and size of signs;
q. Landscaping plan – conceptual;
r. Indication of height of buildings;
s. Proposed architectural treatment of structures;
t. Any covenants not previously approved;
u. Proposed final contour lines at intervals of five feet for average slopes exceeding
five percent, or at intervals of two feet for average slopes not exceeding five percent.
Final contours shall be indicated by solid lines (existing contours which are to be
altered shall be shown by broken lines). Contour lines shall be labeled at intervals not
to exceed 20 feet and shall be based upon city datum, e.g., NGVD. Contour lines
around proposed geographic features shall be drawn tightly around the proposed
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v. The site plan shall illustrate a north arrow, be properly dimensioned and drawn at a
scale not less than one inch equals 40 feet and on a sheet size 24 by 36 inches, more
sheets may be used if necessary. A reproducible mylar, or similar material, and seven
copies of the site plan shall be submitted at the time of application. An alternative scale
sheet size may be approved by the planning director;
w. The planning director may require the submittal of additional information in order
to thoroughly evaluate the site plan.
3. The site plan application shall be accompanied by a current (within 30 days) title report
which contains:
a. The legal description of the total parcel sought for final site plan approval.
b. Those individuals or corporations holding an ownership interest in said parcel all of
which shall sign the application for final site plan approval.
c. Any easements or restrictions affecting the property with a description of its
purpose and referenced by an auditor’s file number and/or recording number.
4. A signed certification that the site plan has been made with the free consent, and in
accordance with the desire of the owner or owners.
C. A site plan shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of ACC 18.76.120. The site
plan shall only be approved if it is found to be consistent with and implements the provisions of
the PUD and meets the submittal requirements of subsection A of this section. If necessary
conditions of approval may be imposed to ensure consistency with the approved PUD. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.170 Adjustments to the PUD.
A. The planning director may approve minor adjustments to the approved PUD. Minor
adjustments are defined as changes that do not affect permitted densities within a planning
area, basic character or conditions of the approved PUD or planning area. Adjustments are
considered minor so long as they do not increase or decrease the perimeter boundaries of a
planning area or the number of units indicated for that planning area as shown on the official
Lakeland plan map by more than 10 percent. School sites identified in a PUD may be adjusted
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as a minor amendment by condemnation or in accordance with an agreement executed by the
appropriate school district(s) and the applicant; provided, that if the director determines that
adjustment of schools would create significant park impacts or infrastructure requirements,
they may process the amendment as a major amendment.
Transferring multifamily units into the commercial area at the southwest corner of Lakeland
Hills Way and the Lake Tapps Parkway from a multifamily planning area may be a minor
adjustment. The total number of multifamily units in the commercial area cannot exceed 100.
Minor adjustments approved by the planning director must be in writing within 15 working
days of submittal of the application. The planning director must forward copies of the approved
adjustment to appropriate department heads and the applicant. The applicant may appeal the
director’s decision pursuant to ACC 18.70.050. If a minor amendment is approved which affects
the official Lakeland plan map, the map shall be revised. The director shall keep the current
map on file.
B. Adjustments that are not minor as defined in subsection A of this section are considered
major amendments and will be processed in the same manner as a new PUD application. If a
major amendment affecting the official Lakeland plan map is approved, the map and Exhibit B,
attached to Ordinance No. 5092, shall be amended to reflect the change. If a major amendment
changing conditions of approval is adopted, Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 5092, shall be
amended to reflect the change.
C. Any change in the exterior boundaries of the PUD or an increase in the total permitted
dwelling units above 3,408 shall require a rezone.
D. The following approvals require a comprehensive plan amendment:
1. An increase in the total number of permitted dwelling units above 3,408.
2. An increase in the permitted number of high density multifamily dwelling units (i.e.,
more than 850 units).
3. An increase in the acreage permitted for light commercial development (i.e., more than
20 acres).
4. A major amendment to the external boundaries of the medium density or high density
planning areas.
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5. A reduction in required open space (i.e., below 153 acres). (Ord. 5397 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092
§ 1, 1998.)
18.76.180 Property owners’ association.
If common open spaces or private streets are deeded to a property owners’ association, then
the applicant shall submit a declaration of the covenants and restrictions that create and
govern such an association as part of the site plan or preliminary plat approval. The provisions
must include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. The property owners’ association must be established prior to the final plat approval or the
approval of any occupancy permit related to the site plan.
B. Membership must be mandatory for each property owner affected by the common space or
private street and any successive buyer.
C. The association assumes responsibility for liability insurance, local taxes, and the
maintenance of common open spaces, private streets, recreational and other communally
owned facilities. A financial plan shall also be submitted that outlines the anticipated expenses
and revenues needed to implement the plan over a minimum of a 10-year period.
D. Members must pay a pro rata share of the association’s cost; the assessment levied by the
association can become a lien on the property. The association must be able to adjust its
assessment fees relative to changed needs and conditions. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
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Title 14
14.01 Purpose and Scope
14.02 Definitions
14.03 Types of Project Permit Decisions
14.04 Preapplication Conferences and Project Review Meetings
14.05 Applications
14.06 Notice of Determination of Completeness
14.07 Notice of Application
14.08 Project Review Determinations
14.09 Issuance of Single Report
14.10 Hearings
14.11 Notice of Final Decision
14.12 Optional Consolidated Project Permit Process
14.13 Administrative Appeals
14.14 Exclusions
14.16 Immunity from Damage Claims
14.17 Judicial Review of Land Use Decisions Made by Local Jurisdictions
14.18 Water and Sewer Availability Certificates
14.20 Mobile Home Park Closure
14.21 Repealed
14.22 Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 14.01
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14.01.010 Purpose and scope.
14.01.010 Purpose and scope.
The purpose and scope of this title is to establish standard procedures for all project permit
decisions made by the city of Auburn. The intent of the procedures is to combine the
environmental review process, both procedural and substantive, with procedures for review of
project permit decisions and, except for the appeal of a determination of significance as
provided in RCW 43.21C.075, provide for consolidation of appeal processes for permit
decisions. The goals are to allow for informed public participation, reduce redundancy in the
application, permit review, and appeal processes thereby minimizing delays and expense and
implementing the city’s goals as set forth in the comprehensive plan.
Any project permit application submitted on or after April 1, 1996, shall be processed as
provided in this title. If any requirements contained in this newly created Title 14 are in conflict
with provisions or requirements contained in other titles of the Auburn City Code, a request for
interpretation regarding applicability may be submitted to the director of the department which
has authority to administer the provision, code, regulation, plan, rule or manual. The
department director will provide a written response within 10 working days after receipt of the
request. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.02
14.02.001 Generally.
14.02.010 Administrative decision.
14.02.020 Closed record appeal.
14.02.030 Optional consolidated permit review.
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14.02.040 Development regulations.
14.02.050 Legislative decision.
14.02.060 Open record hearing.
14.02.070 Project permit or project permit application.
14.02.080 Public meeting.
14.02.090 Quasi-judicial decision.
14.02.100 Record.
14.02.001 Generally.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout
this title and the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.010 Administrative decision.
An “administrative decision” is one which is made by one of the city’s department heads or
designee. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.020 Closed record appeal.
“Closed record appeal” means an administrative appeal to the city council or any agency
thereof, as specified in applicable codes, of a decision or recommendation issued by the
hearing examiner following an open record hearing conducted by the hearing examiner on a
project permit application. The appeal is on the record with no or limited new evidence or
information allowed to be submitted. Argument of the appeal is allowed from the record; this
may include comments from the record or questions regarding the record. (Ord. 6184 § 1, 2008;
Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.02.030 Optional consolidated permit review.
“Optional consolidated permit review” means review and decision on two or more project
permits relating to a proposed project action, including a single application review and approval
process covering all of the project permits requested by an applicant for either all or part of a
project action. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.040 Development regulations.
“Development regulations” means the controls placed on development or land use activities by
the city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline
master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances (if permitted by city
code) and subdivision ordinances together with any amendments thereto. A development
regulation does not include a decision to approve a project permit application, as defined in
ACC 14.02.070, even though the decision may be expressed in a resolution or ordinance of the
city. (Ord. 6187 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5991 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.050 Legislative decision.
A “legislative decision” is one which is an action which affects broad classes of people of the
whole city. These actions include adopting, amending, or revising comprehensive, community,
or neighborhood plans or other land use planning documents or the adoption of area wide
zoning ordinances or the adoption of a zoning amendment that is area wide in significance.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.060 Open record hearing.
“Open record hearing” means a hearing, conducted by a single hearing body or officer
authorized by the city to conduct such hearings, that creates the city’s record through
testimony and submission of evidence and information under procedures prescribed by the
city by ordinance or resolution. An open record hearing may be held prior to a decision by the
city on a project permit, to be known as an “open record predecision hearing.” An open record
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hearing may be held on an appeal, to be known as an “open record appeal hearing,” if no open
record predecision hearing has been held on the project permit. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.070 Project permit or project permit application.
“Project permit” or “project permit application” means any land use or environmental permit or
license required from the city for a project action, including but not limited to building permits,
subdivisions, planned unit developments, conditional uses, shoreline substantial development
permits, site plan review, permits or approvals required by critical area ordinances, site-specific
rezones which do not require a comprehensive plan amendment, but excluding the adoption or
amendment of the comprehensive plan, subarea plan, or development regulations except as
otherwise specifically included in this subsection. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.080 Public meeting.
“Public meeting” means an informal meeting, workshop, or other public gathering of people to
obtain comments from the public or other agencies on a proposed project permit prior to the
city’s decision. A public meeting may include, but is not limited to, a scoping meeting on a draft
environmental impact statement. A public meeting does not include an open record hearing.
The proceedings at a public meeting may be recorded and a report or recommendation may be
included in the city’s project permit application file. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.02.090 Quasi-judicial decision.
A “quasi-judicial decision” is one where action is taken by the hearing examiner or city council
or any agency thereof, which determines the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties
and which may be contested. (Ord. 6184 § 2, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.02.100 Record.
“Record” means everything submitted by the city, applicant, public or outside agencies,
including but not limited to all testimony, exhibits, studies, information, and maps accepted by
the hearing examiner at the open record hearing. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.03
14.03.001 Generally.
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14.03.010 Type I decisions.
14.03.020 Type II decisions.
14.03.030 Type III decisions.
14.03.040 Type IV decisions.
14.03.050 Reserved.
14.03.060 Legislative nonproject decisions.
14.03.001 Generally.
Project permit decisions are classified into four types, based on whether a director, the hearing
examiner or the city council makes the decision and the process by which that decision is made.
(Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.010 Type I decisions.
Type I decisions are administrative decisions made by the city which are not subject to
environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) codified at Chapter
43.21C RCW. Type I decisions include, but are not limited to, the following project applications:
A. Building permit;
B. Plumbing permit;
C. Mechanical permit;
D. Utility permit;
E. Construction permit;
F. Land clearing permit;
G. Grading permit;
H. Floodplain development permit;
I. Public facility extension agreement;
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J. Right-of-way use permit;
K. Boundary line adjustment or boundary line elimination;
L. Home occupation permit;
M. Temporary use permit (administrative);
N. Administrative use permit;
O. Short subdivision (plat);
P. Mobile home closure plans;
Q. Extensions or minor amendment to an approved master plan;
R. Final plat. (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6385 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 2, 2003; Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
14.03.020 Type II decisions.
Type II decisions are administrative decisions made by the city which are subject to
environmental review and threshold determination under the State Environmental Policy Act
(SEPA) codified at Chapter 43.21C RCW. Type II decisions include, but are not limited to, the
following project applications:
A. Building permit;
B. Grading permit;
C. Land clearing permit;
D. Public facility extension agreement;
E. Administrative use permit;
F. Short subdivision (plat);
G. Floodplain development permit. (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.03.030 Type III decisions.
Type III decisions are quasi-judicial final decisions made by the hearing examiner following a
recommendation by staff. Type III decisions include, but are not limited to, the following project
A. Temporary use permit;
B. Substantial shoreline development permit;
C. Variance;
D. Special exceptions;
E. Special home occupation permit;
F. Preliminary plat;
G. Conditional use permit;
H. Surface mining permit;
I. Master plan; (Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6385 § 2, 2011; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184 § 3, 2008; Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
14.03.040 Type IV decisions.
Type IV decisions are quasi-judicial decisions made by the city council following a
recommendation by the hearing examiner. Type IV decisions include, but are not limited to, the
following project applications:
Site-Specific Rezone, Category 1. (Ord. 6779 § 5, 2020; Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184
§ 4, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.03.050 Reserved.
(Ord. 6654 § 1, 2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6184 § 5, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.03.060 Legislative nonproject decisions.
Legislative nonproject decisions made by the city council under its authority to establish
policies and regulations are not classified as a “type” of project permit decision. Legislative
nonproject decisions include, but are not limited to, the following legislative actions:
A. Amendments to the text and map of the comprehensive plan or development regulations.
B. Amendments to the zoning map (rezones) on a city-wide or area-wide basis. (Ord. 6654 § 1,
2017; Ord. 6295 § 1, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.04
14.04.010 Availability.
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14.04.010 Availability.
A. A preapplication conference is available and encouraged prior to project permit application
submittal. Preapplication conferences are optional, and are not a requirement for any
project permit type.
B. Project review meetings are available to applicants during the review process. The purpose
of the project review meeting is to assist the applicant in interpreting and addressing
outstanding City comments so that the project meets all City requirements and is approvable
by the City.
1. Project review meetings shall be scheduled within 14 days following the return of
comments from the second project permit review to the applicant.
2. If the responses to comments from the third submittal do not resolve outstanding
City comments for the submittal the City shall issue a decision of approval or denial of
the project permit application.
Chapter 14.05
14.05.010 Designation.
14.05.020 Submittal requirements.
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14.05.010 Designation.
Each applicant submitting a project permit to the city shall designate a single person or entity to
receive determinations and notices under this title. The applicant shall include the name,
current address, current email address, and current telephone number of the designated
person or entity. The applicant shall be responsible for immediately notifying the city of any
change of name, address, email address, or telephone number of the designated person or
entity. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.05.020 Submittal requirements.
A. The city shall specify submittal requirements, including, but not limited to, the type of
project permit application, detail required in application and application submittal process. The
city, at its sole discretion, may waive specific submittal requirements which it determines to be
unnecessary for review of an application. Applicants may obtain application materials from the
B. The city may require additional material from applicants, including, but not limited to, maps,
studies or models when the city determines such material(s) is needed to adequately assess the
proposed project.
C. Applicants seeking approval of permits must submit a complete permit application through
the application process defined by the city and comply with any requirements set forth in
applicable city ordinances, adopted codes and design standards. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.06
14.06.010 Notice to applicant.
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14.06.010 Notice to applicant.
A. Within 28 days after accepting a project permit application, the city shall provide a written
determination to the applicant or applicant’s designee that the application is complete, or
that it is incomplete and what is necessary to make the application complete.
B. The city’s determination shall identify other agencies with jurisdiction over the project
permit application, to the extent known by the city.
C. If the city does not provide a written determination within the 28-day period following the
city’s receipt of the project permit application as provided in subsection A above, the
application shall be deemed to be complete.
D. When additional information has been provided by the applicant following a determination
of incompleteness the city shall notify the applicant or the applicant’s designee within 14 days
whether the project permit application is complete or what additional information is necessary
to make the application complete.
E. If the city determines that the additional information submitted by the applicant is
insufficient, the city shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the procedures under
subsection D of this section shall apply as if a new request for information had been made.
F. An application is complete for purposes of this section when it meets the submittal
requirements established in the Auburn City Code, the ordinances of the city, the project permit
application, and is sufficient for continued processing, even though additional information
might be required or project modifications might be undertaken subsequently. The
determination of completeness shall not preclude the city from requesting additional
information or studies either at the time of the notice of completeness or subsequently, if new
information is required to complete the review of the application or if substantial changes in
the permit application occur or are proposed.
G. An application will be considered withdrawn if the city does not receive the requested
necessary additional information within 60 days of notice(s) to the applicant, or to such person
or entity designated in the applicant’s project permit application, that the application is not
complete, unless the city and applicant have agreed in writing to an extension of time. (Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.07
14.07.010 Notice to public and departments and agencies with jurisdiction.
14.07.020 Requirements.
14.07.030 Notice, when required.
14.07.040 Methods of providing notice.
14.07.050 Integration of permit procedures with environmental review
14.07.060 Exemptions.
14.07.070 Applicant deemed participant.
14.07.080 Administrative interpretation of city’s code and/or development
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14.07.010 Notice to public and departments and agencies with
The city shall provide a notice of application to the public and the departments and agencies
with jurisdiction as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.020 Requirements.
Within 14 days after issuance of a determination of completeness, the city shall provide notice
of the application which shall include the following:
A. The date of application, date of notice of completeness, and the date of notice of
B. A description of the proposed project action and a list of the project permits included in the
application and, if applicable, a list of any studies requested under Chapter 14.06 or 14.11 ACC;
C. Identification of other permits not included in the application to the extent known by the
D. Identification of existing environmental documents that evaluate the proposed project, and,
if not otherwise stated on the document providing the notice of application, the location where
the application and any studies can be reviewed;
E. A statement of the public comment period, which shall be 15 days following the date of the
notice of application together with a statement of the right of any person to comment on the
application, receive notice of and participate in any hearings, request a copy of the decision
once made, and any appeal rights. The city may accept public comments at any time prior to
the closing of the record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record
predecision hearing is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit;
F. If applicable and scheduled at the time of the notice of application, the date, time, location
and type of hearing;
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G. A statement of preliminary determination, if one has been made at the time of notice of
application, of those development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and of
consistency as provided in Chapter 14.08 ACC;
H. Any other information determined to be appropriate by the city. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.030 Notice, when required.
A notice of application shall not be required for project permits that are categorically exempt
under chapter 43.21C RCW, unless an open record predecision hearing is required. If an open
record predecision hearing is required for the requested project permits, the notice of
application shall be provided at least 15 days prior to the open record hearing. (Ord. 4835 § 1,
14.07.040 Methods of providing notice.
Unless otherwise required in the city’s code, the city shall use at a minimum the following
methods to give notice of application to the public and agencies with jurisdiction:
A. Mailing notice to owners of real property within 300 feet of the project site.
B. Requiring the subject property posted in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Chapter 1.27 ACC (for site-specific applications).
C. Publishing in a newspaper of general circulation of the area.
D. Mailing notice of application with information included in this section to each person who
has requested such notice and paid any applicable fee as established by the city. (Ord. 5811 § 2,
2003; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.07.050 Integration of permit procedures with environmental
review procedures.
A. If the city has made a determination of significance under Chapter 43.21C RCW concurrently
with the notice of application, the notice of application shall be combined with the
determination of significance and scoping notice. Nothing in this chapter prevents a
determination of significance and scoping notice from being issued prior to the notice of
B. Except for a determination of significance, the city may not issue its threshold
determination, or issue a decision or a recommendation on a project permit, until the
expiration of the public comment period on the notice of application.
C. The city shall issue its threshold determination at least 15 days prior to the open record
predecision hearing if the city’s threshold determination requires public notice under Chapter
43.21C RCW.
D. Any comments shall be as specific as possible. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.060 Exemptions.
A notice of application shall not be required for project permits that are categorically exempt
under SEPA, unless a public comment period or open record predecision hearing is required.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.07.070 Applicant deemed participant.
The applicant for a project permit is deemed to be a participant in any comment period, open
record hearing or closed record appeal. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.07.080 Administrative interpretation of city’s code and/or
development regulations.
An administrative interpretation of the city’s code and/or development regulations may be
obtained by submitting a written request to the director of the department which has authority
to administer the code and/or development regulations. The department director will provide a
written response within 10 working days after receipt of the request unless another time period
is agreed upon in writing between the parties. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.08
14.08.010 Required elements.
14.08.020 Determination of consistency.
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14.08.010 Required elements.
A. During project review, the city or any subsequent reviewing body shall determine whether
the following items are defined in the development regulations applicable to the proposed
project or, in the absence of applicable regulations, the city’s adopted comprehensive plan. At a
minimum, such applicable regulations or plans shall be determinative of the:
1. Type of land use permitted at the site, including uses which may be allowed under
certain circumstances, such as planned unit developments (if permitted by the city code)
and conditional and special uses, if the criteria for their approval have been satisfied;
2. Density of residential development in urban growth areas; and
3. Availability and adequacy of public facilities identified in the comprehensive plan, if the
plan or development regulations provide for funding of these facilities as required by
Chapter 36.70A RCW.
B. During project review, the city or any subsequent reviewing body shall not re-examine
alternatives to or hear appeals on the items identified in subsection A of this section, except for
issues of code interpretation.
C. Nothing in this section limits the authority of the city to approve, condition, or deny a
project as provided in its development regulations under Chapter 36.70A RCW and in its
policies adopted under RCW 43.21C.060. Project review shall be used to identify specific project
design and conditions relating to the character of development, such as the details of site plans,
curb cuts, drainage swales, transportation demand management, payment of impact fees or
other measures to mitigate a proposal’s probable adverse environmental impacts, if applicable.
(Ord. 6187 § 2, 2008; Ord. 5991 § 2, 2006; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.08.020 Determination of consistency.
A. A proposed project’s consistency with the city’s development regulations adopted under
Chapter 36.70A RCW, or, in the absence of applicable development regulations, the appropriate
elements of the comprehensive plan or subarea plan adopted under Chapter 36.70A RCW shall
be determined by consideration of:
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1. The type of land use;
2. The level of development, such as units per acre or other measures of density;
3. Infrastructure, including public facilities and services needed to serve the development;
4. Character of the development, such as development standards.
B. In determining consistency, the determinations made pursuant to ACC 14.08.010(A) shall be
C. For purposes of this section, the term “consistency” shall include all terms used in this
chapter and Chapter 36.70A RCW to refer to performance in accordance with this title and
Chapter 36.70A RCW, including but not limited to compliance, conformity, and consistency.
D. Nothing in this section requires documentation, dictates an agency’s procedures for
considering consistency, or limits the city from asking more specific or related questions with
respect to any of the four main categories listed in ACC 14.08.020 (A). (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.09
14.09.010 Consolidation.
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14.09.010 Consolidation.
A single report shall be issued stating all the decisions made as of the date of the report on all
project permits included in the consolidated permit process that do not require an open record
predecision hearing and any recommendations on project permits that do require an open
record predecision hearing. The report shall state any mitigation required or proposed under
the city’s development regulations or the city’s authority under RCW 43.21C.060. The report
may be the local permit. If a threshold determination other than a determination of significance
has not been issued previously by the city, the report shall include or append this
determination. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.10
14.10.010 Limitations.
14.10.020 Multijurisdictional hearings.
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14.10.010 Limitations.
Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, the city
provides no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal. (Ord. 4835 § 1,
14.10.020 Multijurisdictional hearings.
A. The city may combine any hearing on a project permit with any hearing that may be held by
another local, state, regional, federal, or other agency; provided, that the hearing is held within
the geographic boundary of the city. Hearings shall be combined if requested by an applicant,
as long as the joint hearing can be held within the time periods specified in Chapter 14.11 ACC
or the applicant agrees in writing to a different schedule in the event that additional time is
needed in order to combine the hearings. The city and all state agencies participating in a
combined hearing are authorized to issue joint hearing notices and develop a joint format,
select a mutually acceptable hearing body or officer, and take such other actions as may be
necessary to hold joint hearings consistent with each jurisdiction’s respective statutory
B. All state and local agencies shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the city in
holding a joint hearing if requested to do so, as long as:
1. The agency is not expressly prohibited by statute from doing so;
2. Sufficient notice of the hearing is given to meet each of the agencies’ adopted notice
requirements as set forth in statute, ordinance or rule; and
3. The agency has received the necessary information about the proposed project from
the applicant to hold its hearing at the same time as the city’s hearing.
C. Any public meeting or required open record hearing may be combined with any public
meeting or open record hearing that may be held on the project by another local, state,
regional, federal, or other agency, in accordance with Chapters 14.11 and 14.07 ACC. (Ord. 4835
§ 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.11
14.11.010 Time limits.
14.11.020 Exceptions.
14.11.030 Late issuance of final decision.
14.11.040 Distribution.
14.11.050 Weekends and holidays.
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14.11.010 Time limits.
A. Except as provided in ACC 14.11.020, the city shall issue a notice of final decision on a project
permit application within the following Type of project permit timelines after the applicant is
notified in writing that the application is complete as provided in Chapter 14.06 ACC. The time
period for the issuance of a final decision shall be the longest of the project permit application
time periods of all associated permits for the project.
1. Type I decisions: 65 days.
2. Type II decisions: 100 days.
3. Type III decisions: 170 days.
B. : The number of days shall be calculated by counting every calendar day and excluding the
following time periods:
1. Any period during which the applicant has been requested to correct plans, perform
required studies, or provide additional required information.
2. Any period during which an EIS is being prepared following a determination of
significance pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW. The city and applicant will agree in writing on
the time period for completion of an EIS.
3. Any period for administrative appeals of project permits, if an open record appeal
hearing or closed record appeal, or both, are allowed. The time period shall not exceed: (1)
90 days for an open record appeal hearing; and (2) 60 days for a closed record appeal. The
parties may agree in writing to extend the applicable time periods for appeal.
4. Any extension of time mutually agreed upon in writing by the applicant and city.
5. Any period after an applicant informs the local government, in writing, that they would
like to temporarily suspend review of the project permit application until the time that the
applicant notifies the local government, in writing, that they would like to resume the
application. A local government may set conditions for the temporary suspension of a
permit application.
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6. For quasi-judicial decisions by the Hearing Examiner, any period of time after staff
recommendations have been provided to the Hearing Examiner until such time that the
Hearing Examiner issues a formal written decision.
C. The time periods for a local government to process a permit shall start over if an applicant
proposes a change in use that adds or removes commercial or residential elements from the
original application that would make the application fail to meet the determination of
procedural completeness for the new use, as required by the local government under RCW
D. If, at any time, an applicant informs the local government, in writing, that the applicant would
like to temporarily suspend the review of the project for more than 60 days, or if an applicant is
not responsive for more than 60 consecutive days after the county or city has notified the
applicant, in writing, that additional information is required to further process the application,
an additional 30 days may be added to the time periods for local government action to issue a
final decision for each type of project permit that is subject to this chapter. Any written notice
from the local government to the applicant that additional information is required to further
process the application must include a notice that nonresponsiveness for 60 consecutive days
may result in 30 days being added to the time for review. For the purposes of this subsection,
"nonresponsiveness" means that an applicant is not making demonstrable progress on
providing additional requested information to the local government, or that there is no ongoing
communication from the applicant to the local government on the applicant's ability or
willingness to provide the additional information.
14.11.020 Exceptions.
A. The time limits established above do not apply to the following:
1. Project applications requiring an amendment to the comprehensive plan or a
development regulation;
2. Project applications requiring approval of a new fully contained community as provided
in RCW 36.70A.350, a master planned resort as provided in RCW 36.70A.360, or the siting of
an essential public facility as provided in RCW 36.70A.200; or
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3. Project applications that are substantially revised by the applicant, in which case the time
period shall start from the date at which the revised project application is determined complete
under Chapter 14.06 ACC.; or(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)B. Approvals relating to the use of public areas
or facilities, including the extension of public utilities and road facilities under a facility
extension agreement permit, are subject to a Type III review deadline.
C. Grading permit approvals that exclude the use or extension of public areas or facilities are
subject to a Type II review deadline.
14.11.030 Late issuance of final decision.
If the city is unable to issue the final decision within the prescribed time limits, the city shall
provide written notice of this fact to the applicant. The notice shall include a statement of the
reasons why the time limits have not been met and an estimated date for issuance of the notice
of decision. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.11.040 Distribution.
The notice of decision shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the
rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted comments on the
application. The notice shall be provided as specified in ACC 14.07.040. It shall include a
statement of any threshold determination and procedures for administrative appeal, if
applicable. It may be a copy of the report or decision on the project permit application. (Ord.
4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.11.050 Weekends and holidays.
Regardless of whether any period is minimum or maximum, when any permit review, notice or
decision time limit of this title terminates upon a weekend or city holiday, such time limit shall
automatically be extended to the first weekday following the weekend or city holiday.
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Chapter 14.12
14.12.010 Applicant option.
14.12.020 Hearing/appeal.
14.12.030 Public meeting.
14.12.040 Single report.
14.12.010 Applicant option.
A. An applicant may request an integrated and consolidated review and decision on two or
more project permits relating to a proposed project action. The city will provide a single
application review and approval process to cover all project permits requested by an applicant
for all or part of a project action. The city will provide a designated permit coordinator upon
request of the applicant.
B. If an applicant elects the consolidated permit review process, the determination of
completeness, notice of application and notice of final decision will include all project permits
being reviewed in the consolidated process. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.12.020 Hearing/appeal.
A. The consolidated review process shall include no more than one consolidated open record
hearing and one closed record appeal/hearing. If an open record predecision hearing is
provided prior to the decision on a project permit, the process shall not allow a subsequent
open record appeal hearing.
B. The consolidated permit review may combine an open record predecision hearing on one
or more permits with an open record appeal hearing on other permits. The project permits, if
any, which are subject to a closed record appeal are determined pursuant to Auburn City Code.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
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14.12.030 Public meeting.
Any public meeting or required open record hearing may be combined with any public meeting
or open record hearing that may be held on the project by another local, state, regional,
federal, or other agency in accordance with provisions of Chapters 14.07 and 14.11 ACC. (Ord.
4835 § 1, 1996.)
14.12.040 Single report.
The city shall provide a single report stating all the decisions made as of the date of the report
on all project permits included in the consolidated permit process that do not require an open
record predecision hearing and any recommendations on project permits that do require an
open record predecision hearing. The report shall state any mitigation required or proposed
under the development regulations or the city’s authority under RCW 43.21C.060. The report
may be the permit. If a threshold determination other than a determination of significance has
not been issued previously by the city, the report shall include or append this determination.
(Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.13
14.13.010 Administrative appeals.
14.13.020 Threshold determination appeals.
14.13.010 Administrative appeals.
Any administrative appeal of the project decision, combined with any environmental
determinations, which are provided by the city shall be filed within 14 days after the notice of
the decision or after other notice that the decision has been made and is appealable. In order
to allow public comment on a Determination of Non-Significance prior to requiring an
administrative appeal to be filed, this appeal period shall be extended for an additional seven
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days if the appeal is of a Determination of Non-Significance for which public comment is
required under Chapter 43.21C RCW or under county/city rules adopted under SEPA. For
threshold determinations issued prior to a decision on a project action, any administrative
appeal allowed by a county/city shall be filed within fourteen days after notice that the
determination has been made and is appealable.
14.13.020 Threshold determination appeals.
Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, the city
provides for no more than one consolidated open record hearing on such appeal. Any appeal
provided after the open record hearing shall be appealed to the superior court of the county in
which the property subject of the threshold decision is located. (Ord. 6184 § 6, 2008; Ord. 4835 § 1,
Chapter 14.14
14.14.010 Permit process exclusions.
14.14.010 Permit process exclusions.
A. The following project permits are excluded from the provisions of the integrated and
consolidated permit process, any time periods in development regulations and Chapters 14.06,
14.07, 14.11 and 14.12 ACC:
1. Landmark designations;
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2. Right-of-way vacations;
3. Other project permits which the city determines present special circumstances that
warrant a review process different from that provided in this subsection, including but not
limited to special permit applications for sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter, excavation
and floodplain development permits not subject to SEPA.
B. The following project permits are excluded from the provisions of the integrated and
consolidated permit process and the requirements of Chapters 14.07, 14.11 and 14.12 ACC:
1. Lot line adjustments;
2. Building and other construction permits or similar administrative approvals, including but
not limited to building, grading, land clearing permits and administrative temporary use
permits, which are categorically exempt from environmental review under Chapter 43.21C
RCW, or for which environmental review has been completed in connection with other project
permits. (Ord. 6295 § 13, 2010; Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.16
14.16.010 City liability.
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14.16.010 City liability.
Pursuant to the Regulatory Reform Act, Chapter 403, Section 421 of the Laws of the State of
Washington 1995, the city is not liable for damages due to the city’s failure to make a final
decision within the time limits established in Chapter 14.11 ACC. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.17
14.17.010 Requirements – Exceptions.
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14.17.010 Requirements – Exceptions.
Judicial review of land use decisions shall be brought pursuant to the requirements contained
in Chapter 36.70C RCW except for the following:
A. Judicial review of:
1. Land use decisions made by bodies that are not part of a local jurisdiction;
2. Land use decisions of a local jurisdiction that are subject to review by a quasi-judicial
body created by state law, such as the shorelines hearings board or the growth
management hearings board; and
B. Judicial review of applications for a writ of mandamus or prohibition; or
C. Claims provided by any law for monetary damages or compensation. If one or more claims
for damages or compensation are set forth in the same complaint with a land use petition
brought under Chapter 36.70C RCW, the claims are not subject to the procedures and
standards, including deadlines, provided in Chapter 36.70C RCW for review of the petition. The
judge who hears the land use petition may, if appropriate, preside at a trial for damages or
compensation. (Ord. 4835 § 1, 1996.)
Chapter 14.18
14.18.002 Purpose.
14.18.004 Property adjacent to city limits.
14.18.006 Definitions.
14.18.010 Preapplication conference meeting recommended.
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14.18.020 Water and Sewer Availability Certificates.
14.18.030 Public hearing.
14.18.040 Administrative review.
14.18.050 Hearing examiner.
14.18.060 City council review.
14.18.070 Findings of fact.
14.18.074 Conditions of approval.
14.18.080 Notice of decision to applicant.
14.18.090 Adjustments of an approved development agreement.
14.18.094 Compliance with this chapter and the terms of a development
14.18.100 Time limitations.
14.18.002 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that all development that occurs in unincorporated
areas, that receives either water or sanitary sewer from the city of Auburn, is consistent with
the development standards of the city of Auburn. In so doing the property at the time of
annexation will be consistent with city development standards making it is less likely that the
city will have to expend public funds to address a substandard development after annexation.
An additional purpose is to ensure the property is obligated to annex to the city at the
appropriate time as determined by the city. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.004 Property adjacent to city limits.
If the property that is requesting water and/or sanitary sewer service is adjacent to the Auburn
city limits, the subject property shall be annexed to the city prior to receiving water and/or
sanitary sewer from the city. If it is determined by the city of Auburn that it would not be
practical to immediately annex subject property due to constraints in providing adequate city
services or for other reasons that would make the annexation impractical, at the present time,
then a development agreement is required pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
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14.18.006 Definitions.
A. “Development” means any construction to include excavation, filling, grading, paving, new
construction or expansion of a building, structure or use or any change in the use of a building
or structure, or any change in the use of land.
B. “Development agreement” means an agreement between the city of Auburn and the
property owner(s)/developer(s) of land located outside the incorporated boundaries of the city
of Auburn. The development agreement shall be in a form as prepared by the city attorney and
shall contain provisions requiring the property owner(s)/developer(s) to conform to all
applicable city development standards. The development agreement shall also provide to the
city of Auburn a nonrevocable power of attorney that authorizes the city of Auburn to include
the subject property in an annexation at any time.
C. “Development standards” mean standards or comprehensive plan policies adopted by the
city of Auburn that regulate development of property and include but are not limited to those
related to zoning, subdivision, shorelines, utilities, streets, parks, land use, or sensitive areas.
(Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.010 Preapplication conference meeting recommended.
A preapplication conference is available and encouraged prior to project permit application
submittal. Preapplication conferences are optional, and are not a requirement for any project
permit type.
14.18.020 Water and Sewer Availability Certificates.
Application for water and/or sewer availability certificates shall be submitted to the department
of planning and development, shall be accompanied by applicable fees as established by
ordinance and shall include the following:
A. A completed application form.;
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B. Legal Description of the Property. Description must be described with a “metes and bounds”
legal description, unless the property is part of a recorded subdivision. Along with the legal
description, the parcel number (tax I.D. number) must also be provided;
C. Site Plan.
1. Seven copies of the site plan or plat map including the following information:
a. Vicinity map;
b. Boundaries and dimensions of property;
c. Adjacent public and private streets;
d. Easements, existing and proposed;
e. Location of all fire hydrants;
f. Location of building, including setbacks;
g. Topography of site and surrounding area.
2. If application is for development other than an individual single-family home, the
following additional information is necessary:
a. Boundaries and dimensions of any existing or proposed lots;
b. Proposed public and private streets with a typical cross-section and the proposed
grade of the street;
c. Location and size of all existing and proposed utilities;
d. Location and layout of off-street parking;
e. Any additional information required by the planning director that may be needed
to determine if the project is consistent with city development standards.
D. If, for some reason, the development cannot meet city development standards the property
owner(s)/developer(s) may request a modification to the development standard as it applies to
the particular development. The property owner(s)/developer(s) shall submit a letter to the city
planning director requesting said modification that describes the particular circumstance and
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the development standard that cannot be met together with an explanation of why it cannot be
met. The request for modification shall be considered as part of the public hearing required by
ACC 14.18.030 and cannot be granted unless it is consistent with the findings of fact as outlined
in ACC 14.18.070(B);
E. Filing Fees.
1. Individual single-family home: none;
2. All others: $250.00. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5147 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1,
14.18.030 Public hearing.
A. Upon determination of a complete application for development, other than an individual
single-family home, the director shall tentatively set a date for a public hearing to be held
before the city’s hearing examiner. Every hearing held for the purposes of this chapter shall be
open to the public, and a record of the hearing shall be kept and made available for public
B. Any notice of public hearing required by this section shall include the hour, date and
location of the hearing and a description of the property. The description may be in the form of
either a vicinity location sketch or a written description other than a legal description.
C. The planning director shall cause notice of the hearing to be given in the following manner:
1. Notice shall be published not less than 10 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of
general circulation within the county where the real property is located;
2. Requiring the subject property posted in accordance with the applicable requirements
of Chapter 1.27 ACC. (Ord. 6532 § 20, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5811 § 3, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1,
1999; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
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14.18.040 Administrative review.
The director shall forward to appropriate city departments and divisions one copy of the
application for water and/or sewer availability, together with copies of any appropriate
accompanying documents. The city departments and divisions shall review the proposal as to
the availability of water and sewer, the conformance of the proposal to any plans, city policies
or regulations pertaining to streets, utilities; and any other issues related to the interests and
responsibilities of the department or division. The application will then be processed in the
following manner:
A. Individual Single-Family Home. If upon review by city departments and divisions, it is found
that the single-family home meets all relevant city development standards, a development
agreement shall be prepared and signed by the city and the applicant(s). The development
agreement must be recorded by the county assessor’s office and returned to the city prior to
the issuance of the water and/or sanitary sewer availability certificates. If it is found that, for
any reason, the individual single-family home cannot meet city development standards, the
application shall be processed as an “other development” as described below.
B. All Other Developments. If upon completion of review by city departments and divisions it is
found that the development meets or is capable of meeting all relevant city development
standards, a development agreement will be drafted. If there are modifications to development
standards those modifications shall be reflected in the agreement. The agreement will then be
forwarded to the planning and development committee for a public hearing as outlined in ACC
14.18.030 and 14.18.050. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1,
14.18.050 Hearing examiner.
The hearing examiner, following the closure of the public hearing, shall recommend to the city
council that the city sign a development agreement with the applicant or to not sign a
development agreement with the applicant. The hearing examiner shall not recommend
approval of the development agreement unless it finds the proposal is in conformance with the
findings of fact as outlined in ACC 14.18.070(A). (Ord. 6532 § 21, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 4872
§ 1, 1996.)
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14.18.060 City council review.
A. Upon receipt of the hearing examiner’s recommendation, the city council shall, at its next
public meeting, approve, remand the recommendation to the hearing examiner or schedule a
closed record hearing. Any aggrieved person may request the council to conduct its own closed
record hearing. The council can only amend or reject the hearing examiner’s recommendation.
B. If the council holds its own closed record hearing on a proposed development agreement,
the council shall consider the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the hearing
examiner’s public hearing. After conducting its own closed record hearing the council may
approve, approve with conditions, reject or return the application to the applicant for
corrections or modifications.
C. When the council makes its decision on the development agreement, it shall pass a
resolution prepared by the city attorney. A resolution prepared under this subsection shall
include formal findings of fact and conclusions supporting the decision. If the development
meets all city development standards, the findings shall affirm that the development conforms
with all applicable city development standards. If the development agreement allows
modifications from some city standards, the modifications shall be specified in the resolution.
(Ord. 6532 § 22, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5785 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.070 Findings of fact.
A. The development agreement shall be recommended for signing only if findings of fact are
drawn to support the following:
1. The development is consistent with city development standards; and
2. The development is consistent with the city comprehensive plan; and
3. The property cannot be annexed immediately.
B. Modifications to city development standards may be granted only if findings of fact are
drawn to support the following:
1. That special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location or
surroundings of the subject property do not provide the owner with the development
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rights and privileges permitted to other similar properties in the vicinity and in the zoning
district in which the subject property is located; or
2. That, because of the special circumstances, the development of the property in strict
conformity with city standards will not allow a reasonable and harmonious use of the
property; or
3. When applying city standards will result in a distinct “discontinuity” with adjacent
development which was previously approved or constructed to county standards; or
4. When applying city standards puts the developer in a position where the county will not
allow that development to take place. (Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.074 Conditions of approval.
In order to ensure compliance with the terms of this chapter conditions of approval may be
required as part of the development agreement. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.080 Notice of decision to applicant.
A. Following passage of a resolution approving or rejecting a development agreement, the
director shall notify the applicant of the decision. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of
the passed resolution. If the resolution is to approve the development agreement, the notice
shall advise the applicant that the development agreement must be signed by the applicant and
recorded by the county assessor’s office. The development agreement must be returned to the
city prior to the issuance of the water and/or sewer availability certificates.
B. The development agreement must be approved by the city prior to any application, plans or
other submittals that are submitted to the county. Any such submittal shall be consistent with
the requirements of the development agreement. (Ord. 5785 § 2, 2003; Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord. 5170
§ 1, 1998; Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
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14.18.090 Adjustments of an approved development agreement.
A. Minor Adjustments. Minor adjustments may be made and approved by the planning director.
Minor adjustments are those which do not violate the terms of the development agreement.
B. Major Adjustments. Major adjustments are those which, when determined by the planning
director, violate the terms of the development agreement. When the planning director
determines a change constitutes a major adjustment, an amendment to the development
agreement is required and the process is the same as a new application. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999; Ord.
4872 § 1, 1996.)
14.18.094 Compliance with this chapter and the terms of a
development agreement.
The city of Auburn reserves the right to withhold or terminate water and/or sanitary service to a
development that does not comply with the terms of its development agreement and/or the
provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 5306 § 1, 1999.)
14.18.100 Time limitations.
A. A development agreement shall run with the title of the property.
B. Water and sewer availability certificates expire in one year, but are renewable. It is not
necessary to sign a new development agreement provided all of the terms of the original
agreement can still be met. (Ord. 4872 § 1, 1996.)
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Chapter 14.20
14.20.010 Purpose.
14.20.020 Scope.
14.20.030 Enforcement – Inspection.
14.20.040 Exceptions.
14.20.050 Penalties.
14.20.060 Liability.
14.20.070 Eviction notices for change of use or closure of a mobile home park.
14.20.080 Relocation report and plan.
14.20.090 Certificate of completion of the relocation report and plan.
14.20.100 Notice of provisions.
14.20.110 Administration.
14.20.120 Appeal.
14.20.130 Closure and government sponsorship.
14.20.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, and standards for
the closure or change of use of mobile home parks in the city, insuring that the public health,
safety, and general welfare of the city shall be promoted and protected; that orderly growth,
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development, and proper use of land shall be insured; and that conformance with provisions
set forth in the city comprehensive plan are followed. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.020 Scope.
This chapter applies to the closure or change in use of mobile home parks. This chapter shall
apply to all lands within the corporate boundaries of the city. Where this chapter imposes
greater restrictions or higher standards upon the development of land than other laws,
ordinances, codes or restrictive covenants, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. (Ord. 5746
§ 1, 2003.)
14.20.030 Enforcement – Inspection.
Regarding the closure of mobile home parks, it shall be the duty of the planning director to
enforce the applicable provisions of this chapter. The planning director and/or designee may
inspect any mobile home park in order to verify compliance with this chapter. Failure to make
such inspection shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this chapter. For
inspection purposes, the planning director and/or their duly authorized representative shall
have the right and is hereby empowered to enter any mobile home park. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.040 Exceptions.
Upon proper application by the affected property owner to the city’s hearing examiner,
pursuant to the provisions of the Auburn City Code (ACC), and following a public hearing on the
application, the hearing examiner may grant an exception from the requirements of this
chapter when undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with the
provisions of this chapter. In deciding any exception, the hearing examiner may prescribe
conditions that they deem necessary to or desirable for the public interest. No exceptions shall
be granted unless the hearing examiner finds that:
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A. There are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the
strict application of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of the reasonable
use or development of their land; and
B. The exception is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by
other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; and
C. The granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare
or injurious to the property in the vicinity. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.050 Penalties.
Any person, firm, corporation or association, or any agent of any person, firm, corporation or
association who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 for each such violation, or
imprisonment for a period not to exceed 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord.
5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.060 Liability.
This chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person
closing a mobile home park in the city for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in
person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the city or any agent thereof be held as
assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any
permits or certificates authorized herein. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.070 Eviction notices for change of use or closure of a mobile
home park.
A. Before a mobile home park owner may issue eviction notices pursuant to a closure or
change of use under Chapter 59.21 RCW, the mobile home park owner must first submit to the
planning and development department a relocation report and plan that meets the
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requirements of ACC 14.20.080. If applying for a change of use, the mobile home park owner
shall submit the relocation report and plan together with all other necessary applications. Once
the planning director determines that the relocation report and plan meets the requirements of
ACC 14.20.080, the planning director shall approve the relocation report and plan and return a
copy of the approved plan to the mobile home park owner. If the planning director determines
that the relocation report and plan does not meet the requirements of ACC 14.20.080, the
planning director may require the mobile home park owner to amend or supplement the
relocation report and plan as necessary to comply with this chapter before approving it.
B. No sooner than upon approval of the relocation report and plan, the owner of the mobile
home park may issue the 12-month closure notice to the mobile home park tenants. The
closure notice shall comply with RCW 59.20.080 and 59.21.030, as amended. No mobile home
owner who rents a mobile home lot may be evicted until the 12-month notice period expires,
except pursuant to the State Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act, Chapter 59.20 RCW. (Ord. 6287
§ 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.080 Relocation report and plan.
A. The relocation report and plan shall describe how the mobile home park owner intends to
comply with Chapters 59.20 and 59.21 RCW, relating to mobile home relocation assistance, and
with ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120. The relocation report and plan must provide that the
mobile home park owner will assist each mobile home park tenant household to relocate, in
addition to making any state or federal required relocation payments. Such assistance must
include providing tenants an inventory of relocation resources, referring tenants to alternative
public and private subsidized housing resources, helping tenants obtain and complete the
necessary application forms for state-required relocation assistance, and helping tenants to
move the mobile homes from the mobile home park. Further, the relocation report and plan
shall contain the following information:
1. The name, address, and family composition for each mobile home park tenant
household, and the expiration date of the lease for each household;
2. The condition, size, ownership status, HUD and/or State Department of Labor and
Industries certification status, and probable mobility of each mobile home occupying a
mobile home lot;
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3. Copies of all lease or rental agreement forms the mobile home park owner currently
has in place with mobile home park tenants;
4. To the extent mobile home park tenants voluntarily make such information available, a
confidential listing of current monthly housing costs, including space rent, mobile home
rent or other payments and utilities, for each mobile home park tenant household;
5. To the extent mobile home park tenants voluntarily make such information available, a
confidential listing of gross annual income for each mobile home park tenant household;
6. An inventory of relocation resources, including available mobile home spaces in King,
Snohomish, Kitsap and Pierce Counties, as well as mobile home age or size restrictions
each park may have in place;
7. Actions the mobile home park owner will take to refer mobile home park tenants to
alternative public and private subsidized housing resources;
8. Actions the mobile home park owner will take to assist mobile home park tenants to
move the mobile homes from the mobile home park;
9. Other actions the owner will take to minimize the hardship mobile home park tenant
households suffer as a result of the closure or conversion of the mobile home park; and
10. A statement of the anticipated timing for park closure.
B. The planning director may require the mobile home park owner to designate a relocation
coordinator to administer the provisions of the relocation report and plan and work with the
mobile home park tenants, the planning and development department, and other city and state
offices to ensure compliance with the relocation report and plan and with state laws governing
mobile home park relocation assistance, eviction notification, and landlord/tenant
C. The owner shall make available to any mobile home park tenant residing in the mobile
home park copies of the proposed relocation report and plan, with confidential information
deleted. Within 14 days of the planning director’s approval of the relocation report and plan, a
copy of the approved relocation report and plan shall be mailed by the owner to each mobile
home park tenant.
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D. The mobile home park owner shall update with the planning and development department
the information required under this section to include any change of circumstances occurring
after submission of the relocation report and plan that affects the relocation report and plan’s
implementation. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.090 Certificate of completion of the relocation report and plan.
No mobile home park owner may close a mobile home park, or obtain final approval of a
comprehensive plan or zoning redesignation until the mobile home park owner obtains a
certificate of completion from the planning and development department. The planning
director shall issue a certificate of completion only if satisfied that the owner has complied with
the provisions of an approved relocation report and plan, the eviction notice requirements of
RCW 59.20.080 and 59.21.030, the relocation assistance requirements of RCW 59.21.021, and
any additional requirements imposed in connection with required city applications. (Ord. 6287
§ 2, 2010; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.100 Notice of provisions.
It is unlawful for any party who is required to submit a relocation report and plan to the city
pursuant to this chapter to sell, lease or rent any mobile home or mobile home park rental
space without providing a copy of such relocation report and plan to the prospective purchaser,
lessee, or renter, and advising the same, in writing, of the provisions of ACC 14.20.070 through
14.20.120 and the status of such relocation report and plan. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.110 Administration.
The planning director shall administer and enforce ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120.
Whenever an owner or an owner’s agent fails to comply with the provisions of ACC 14.20.070
through 14.20.120, the following may occur:
A. The planning director may deny, revoke, or condition a certificate of completion, a permit,
or another approval;
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B. Any other city permits or approvals may be conditioned on the owner’s successful
completion of remedial actions deemed necessary by the planning director to carry out the
purposes of ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120. (Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.120 Appeal.
Any appeal from an administrative determination under ACC 14.20.070(A), 14.20.090, and
14.20.110(A) shall be filed within 14 days of the determination and shall be processed in
accordance with the procedures established for appeals of administrative decisions under ACC
18.70.050. (Ord. 6184 § 7, 2008; Ord. 5746 § 1, 2003.)
14.20.130 Closure and government sponsorship.
A. If an eminent domain action by a federal, state or local agency causes closure of a mobile
home park and the procedures set forth in the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 USC 4601 et seq., and the regulations of 49 CFR Part 24 or
the Relocation Assistance – Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of Chapter 8.26 RCW and the
regulations of Chapter 468-100 WAC are followed, the requirements of those acts and
regulations will supersede the requirements of ACC 14.20.070 through 14.20.120.
B. If a condemnation action of the city causes closure of a mobile home park, the city will be
responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the standards contained herein. If the city chooses
to follow portions of the state act and regulations and the planning director determine that
there is a conflict or redundancy between the portions of the state act and regulations being
followed by the city, and the standards contained herein, the state act shall take precedence in
such areas of conflict or redundancy. If the state act is followed in all respects, such act will
supersede the requirements of this section and the standards contained herein. (Ord. 5746 § 1,
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Chapter 14.22
14.22.010 Purpose.
14.22.020 Comprehensive plan adopted.
14.22.030 Early and continuous public participation.
14.22.040 Definitions.
14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
14.22.060 Amendments and exceptions.
14.22.070 Periodic assessment.
14.22.080 Docketing.
14.22.090 Proposals for amendments.
14.22.100 Public hearing required by planning commission.
14.22.110 Decision criteria for plan amendments.
14.22.010 Purpose.
The city of Auburn comprehensive plan establishes the principles, goals, objectives and policies
guiding future development of the city in compliance with Chapter 36.70A RCW, the Washington
State Growth Management Act. The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures and
review criteria for amending the comprehensive plan and to provide provisions for public
participation in the planning process. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
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14.22.020 Comprehensive plan adopted.
The city of Auburn comprehensive plan, as amended in April 1995 to comply with the Growth
Management Act and as may subsequently be amended thereafter, consisting of the following
elements, is hereby adopted by reference:
A. Chapters of the Comprehensive Plan.
1. Core Comprehensive Plan.
2. The Land Use Element.
3. The Housing Element.
4. The Capital Facilities Element.
5. The Utilities Element.
6. The Transportation Element.
7. The Economic Development Element.
8. The Parks and Recreation Element.
9. Comprehensive Plan Map.
Appendix A – Auburn Community Vision Report.
Appendix B – Auburn Housing Needs and Characteristics Assessment.
Appendix C – Auburn Housing Element Checklist.
Appendix D – Auburn Health Impact Assessment.
Appendix E – Auburn Public Participation Plan.
Appendix F.1 – King County Buildable Lands Analysis.
Appendix F.2 – Pierce County Buildable Lands Analysis.
Appendix G – Auburn Airport Master Plan.
Appendix H – Auburn Community Profile.
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Appendix I – Auburn Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Appendix J – Parks, Arts and Recreation Open Space Plan.
B. Additional Documents of the Comprehensive Plan, That Are Incorporated by Reference.
1. Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
2. Capital Facilities Plan.
3. Shorelines Management Program.
4. Comprehensive Water Plan.
5. Comprehensive Sewer Plan.
6. Comprehensive Drainage Plan.
7. Auburn Downtown Plan (May 2001).
8. Lakeland Hills Plan (1988).
9. Auburn Adventist Academy Plan (1991).
10. Auburn North Business Area Plan (1992). (Ord. 6612 § 1, 2016; Ord. 6329 § 1, 2010; Ord. 6172
§ 1, 2008.)
14.22.030 Early and continuous public participation.
A. The city of Auburn encourages early and continuous public participation in the
comprehensive planning process, and in other city-initiated planning programs that may be
carried out under the overall framework of the plan. This chapter contains procedures for the
consideration of potential amendments to any chapter or element of the comprehensive plan.
B. The director shall broadly disseminate information regarding the annual docketing and
amendment process and identify a deadline for submittal of applications for inclusion in the
annual amendment cycle. Applications submitted after the established deadline will be
considered during the following annual amendment process. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
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14.22.040 Definitions.
A. “Amendment” means any change in the wording, context or substance of the
comprehensive plan or a change to the comprehensive land use map or any other map
contained or referenced within any plan chapter or element.
B. “Area-wide map amendment” means an amendment to the comprehensive land use map
involving four or more contiguous or adjacent parcels under different ownership that would be
similarly affected by a proposed map amendment.
C. “City-initiated planning program” means a planning program begun by resolution of the city
council, or the planning commission, addressing a geographic sub-area of the city’s urban
growth area (such as a special area plan) or addressing a specific functional area (such as a
utility plan).
D. “Director” means the director of the department of planning and development or designee.
E. “Docket” means a list of suggested amendments to the comprehensive plan maintained by
the director.
F. “Planning commission” is an appointed group serving in an advisory capacity to the city
council as specified in Chapter 2.45 ACC. (Ord. 6532 § 23, 2014; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.050 Conformance and consistency.
The zoning, land division and other development codes contained or referenced within Auburn
City Code shall be consistent with and implement the intent of the comprehensive plan. Capital
budget decisions shall be made in conformity with the comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.060 Amendments and exceptions.
A. The comprehensive plan may only be amended pursuant to this chapter, no more
frequently than once each calendar year as part of the annual cycle established herein, except
as provided in subsection C of this section.
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B. All amendments shall be considered concurrently so as to assess their cumulative impact.
C. Exceptions. Pursuant to Chapter 35A.70 RCW, under the following circumstances,
amendments may be processed separately and in addition to the annual amendment cycle:
1. If an emergency exists, which is defined as an issue of community-wide significance that
addresses the public health, safety, and general welfare;
2. To resolve an appeal of a comprehensive plan filed with the Growth Management
Hearings Board or with the court;
3. To adopt or amend a shoreline master program under the procedures set forth in
Chapter 90.58 RCW;
4. The initial adoption of a subarea plan or new element to the comprehensive plan;
5. The amendment of the capital facilities plan may occur concurrently with the adoption
or amendment of the city budget;
6. Amendments of the comprehensive plan that are conducted in conjunction with an
annexation as set forth in Titles 35 and 35A RCW. (Ord. 6853 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 6172 § 1,
14.22.070 Periodic assessment.
A. The director will periodically monitor the comprehensive plan and development regulations
that implement the plan, assess the need for any amendments, and may add potential changes
to the docket as specified in ACC 14.22.080. The assessment shall be based on, at a minimum:
1. Whether growth and development are occurring at a faster or slower rate than
envisioned in the plan;
2. Whether the capacity to provide adequate services has diminished or increased;
3. The availability of land to meet demand;
4. Whether the assumptions on which the plan is based remain valid;
5. The effect of the plan on land values and housing is contrary to plan goals;
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6. Whether sufficient change or lack of change in circumstances dictates the need for an
B. The city shall complete a comprehensive review of the comprehensive plan and
development regulations in order to update it as appropriate and to ensure continued
compliance with the Growth Management Act pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130. (Ord. 6329 § 2, 2010;
Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.080 Docketing.
A. In accordance with RCW 36.70A.470, suggested changes to the comprehensive plan which
are not specific to any site may be submitted by any individual, organization or general or
special purpose government and shall be coordinated by the director. The director shall create
appropriate forms for such submittals that require the submittal to address the criteria
outlined in subsection C of this section. The list shall be known as the “docket” and is the means
to suggest a change or identify a deficiency in the comprehensive plan. An item may be
submitted to the docket at any time during the calendar year. There is no fee associated with
submitting an item to the docket.
B. Annually, the director shall review such suggestions with the city council and determine
whether to direct them to the planning commission for consideration. The city council may
decline to consider any item from the docket.
C. Proposed amendments on the docket may be considered appropriate for action if the
following criteria are met:
1. A proposed comprehensive plan text amendment addresses a matter appropriate for
inclusion in the plan;
2. The proposal demonstrates a strong potential to serve the public interest by
implementing specifically identified goals and policies of the plan;
3. The proposal addresses the interests and changed needs of the entire city as identified
in the plan;
4. The proposal does not raise policy or land use issues that are more appropriately
addressed by an ongoing work program approved by the city council;
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5. The proposal can be reasonably reviewed and evaluated, given existing staff and
budget resources; and
6. The proposal has not been voted on by the city council in the last three years. This time
limit may be waived by the city council if it is demonstrated that there exists either an
obvious technical error or a change in circumstances that justifies the need for the
D. Any item on the docket that is not determined to be appropriate for action may be
proposed under ACC 14.22.090, provided it is timely and properly filed. (Ord. 6532 § 24, 2014; Ord.
6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.090 Proposals for amendments.
A. Privately Initiated Amendments. A proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan, other
than docketing pursuant to ACC 14.22.080, may be submitted by any individual, organization,
corporation or partnership; general or special purpose government other than the city; or
entity of any kind; provided, that if the proposal involves specific real property, the property
owner has provided written consent to the proposal.
B. City – Initiated Amendments. The city council or the planning commission may initiate a
planning program or any type of amendment to the comprehensive plan, regardless of whether
site-specific or area-wide in scope.
C. Application. Except for city-initiated planning programs or individual amendments, all
proposed amendments shall be submitted to the director on an approved form, together with
required filing fees. An environmental checklist shall also be submitted if required. A proposed
amendment request shall include the following information:
1. Name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the applicant and contact person
and written consent of the property owner if the proposal affects specific property;
2. If the amendment concerns specific property, both a general description and legal
description of the property;
3. A description of the plan amendment being requested;
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4. Written statements addressing the purpose of the amendment, why it is being
requested, and how it is consistent with the criteria listed in ACC 14.22.110;
5. If the request is for an amendment to the comprehensive land use map, an indication
of what concurrent change in zoning is also being requested.
D. Department Report. The director shall prepare an assessment and recommendation on all
proposed amendment requests and include this within a report that evaluates all requests
concurrently. (Ord. 6532 § 25, 2014; Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.100 Public hearing required by planning commission.
A. The planning commission shall hold at least one public hearing on all proposed
amendments to the comprehensive plan. Notice of such public hearing shall be given pursuant
to Chapter 1.27 ACC and, at a minimum, include the following:
1. For site-specific plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10
calendar days prior to the date of public hearing;
b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within a
radius of 300 feet of the proposed map amendment request, not less than 10 calendar
days prior to the public hearing;
2. For area-wide plan map amendments:
a. Notice shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than 10
calendar days prior to the date of public hearing;
b. Notice shall be mailed by first class mail to all property owners of record within the
area subject to the proposed amendment;
c. Notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous locations in the area subject to
the proposed amendment not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the
public hearing.
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B. Notwithstanding the above, the director may expand the minimum noticing provisions
noted above as deemed necessary.
C. Planning Commission Recommendation. The planning commission shall conduct a public
hearing on all potential comprehensive plan amendments and shall make and forward a
recommendation on each to the city council. The planning commission shall adopt written
findings and make a recommendation consistent with those findings to the city council.
D. The city council, if it elects to amend the comprehensive plan, shall adopt written findings
and adopt said amendments by ordinance.
E. State Review. All comprehensive plan amendments considered by the planning commission
shall be forwarded for state agency review consistent with RCW 36.70A.106.
F. Any appeal of an amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be made in accordance with
Chapter 36.70A RCW. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
14.22.110 Decision criteria for plan amendments.
A. The comprehensive plan was developed and adopted after significant study and public
participation. The principles, goals, objectives and policies contained therein shall be granted
substantial weight when considering a proposed amendment. Therefore, the burden of proof
for justifying a proposed amendment rests with the applicant, who must demonstrate that the
request complies with and/or relates to the following decision criteria:
1. The proposed change will further and be consistent with the goals and objectives of the
plan and the plan will remain internally consistent;
2. Whether the capacity to provide adequate services is diminished or increased;
3. Assumptions upon which the comprehensive plan is based are found to be invalid;
4. A determination of change or lack of change in conditions or circumstances has
occurred since the adoption of the latest amendment to the specific section of the
comprehensive plan that dictates the need for a proposed amendment;
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5. If applicable, a determination that a question of consistency exists between the
comprehensive plan and Chapter 36.70A RCW, the countywide planning policies for either
King and/or Pierce County, as appropriate, and Vision 2040: Growth and Transportation
Strategy for the Puget Sound Region;
6. If the request is to change the land use designation of a specific property on the
comprehensive land use map, the applicant must demonstrate one of the following:
a. The current land use designation was clearly made in error or due to an oversight;
b. The proposed land use designation is adjacent to property having a similar or
compatible designation, or other conditions are present to ensure compatibility with
surrounding properties;
c. There has been a change in conditions since the current land use designation came
into effect. (Ord. 6172 § 1, 2008.)
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Chapter 17.01 ACC, User Guide Page 1 of 4
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 17.01
17.01.010 Introduction.
17.01.020 What is a subdivision?
17.01.030 How is a plat reviewed?
17.01.040 What are the criteria for approval?
17.01.050 What happens after a plat is approved?
17.01.060 What about a simple boundary line adjustment or elimination?
17.01.070 How do you modify an existing subdivision?
17.01.080 How do you change a recorded subdivision?
17.01.090 How do you eliminate a recorded subdivision?
17.01.100 Is there another process by which you can subdivide land?
17.01.110 Can you cluster lots within a subdivision?
17.01.010 Introduction.
This title contains standards, regulations and processes for the division of land and adjustment
of property boundaries within the city. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.020 What is a subdivision?
The process of dividing land into smaller lots is often generically referred to as a subdivision.
However, in this title, the term “subdivision” refers specifically to the division of land into five or
more lots, while the division of land into four or fewer lots is called a “short subdivision.” Most
of the regulations for subdivisions and short subdivisions are the same, but a short subdivision
is an administrative process where an application is reviewed and decided upon by city staff
whereas a subdivision is reviewed and decided upon by the city’s hearing examiner. A plat is
the drawing or map which shows the subdivision or short subdivision. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
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17.01.030 How is a plat reviewed?
The plat review process for a short subdivision, including the infrastructure improvement
requirements for approval, is set forth in Chapter 17.09 ACC. The plat review process for a
subdivision, from the optional pre-application conference to preliminary approval by the
hearing examiner, is set forth in Chapter 17.10 ACC. Chapter 17.16 ACC includes additional
requirements for planning and other studies to be submitted for review along with the
preliminary plat. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.040 What are the criteria for approval?
A plat must be laid out in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Chapter
17.14 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.050 What happens after a plat is approved?
Once the layout of a subdivision has been approved by the city, it is said to have preliminary
approval. Then the applicant must submit construction drawings of the infrastructure that was
proposed in the preliminary plat. Once these construction drawings are approved by the city
and the infrastructure has been built, inspected and accepted by the city, the plat has final
approval and can be recorded with the appropriate county. In the case of a subdivision, an
additional application, review and approval process is required for this final approval. This final
plat process is set forth in Chapter 17.12 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.060 What about a simple boundary line adjustment or
Other land adjustment tools are also outlined in this title, including boundary line adjustments
(Chapter 17.06 ACC) and boundary line eliminations (Chapter 17.08 ACC). Boundary line
adjustments are the movement of a boundary line that does not result in the creation of a new
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lot. Boundary line eliminations are the merging of two or more lots by eliminating one or more
lot lines. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.070 How do you modify an existing subdivision?
The applicant can request a modification of subdivision standards and specifications through
the process set forth in Chapter 17.18 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.080 How do you change a recorded subdivision?
After a subdivision has been recorded with the county in which it is located, any proposed
change to the subdivision is called a subdivision alteration. The alteration process is set forth in
Chapter 17.20 ACC. If the applicant proposes to make a change to an approved preliminary plat
before final plat approval and recording, then the applicant may request an adjustment to the
preliminary plat through the process set forth in ACC 17.10.100. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.090 How do you eliminate a recorded subdivision?
A plat may also be vacated, or eliminated, after recording. Chapter 17.22 ACC outlines the
process by which a plat may be vacated, and to whom the title to the vacated property shall
vest. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
17.01.100 Is there another process by which you can subdivide land?
The binding site plan process is an alternative form of land division. It may be used for the
division of land for commercially or industrially zoned property, or for certain types of
residential development. This process is set forth in Chapter 17.24 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
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17.01.110 Can you cluster lots within a subdivision?
The city of Auburn allows clustering of lots within a subdivision onto a portion of the site, while
maintaining the density of the residential zone. Clustering allows future development to occur
at an appropriate density for infrastructure services; it also protects environmentally sensitive
areas or cultural/historic features by clustering lots away from these areas. The standards by
which clustering is allowed are set forth in Chapter 17.26 ACC. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
Page 318 of 1151
Chapter 18.59 ACC, Development Standards for Marijuana Related Businesses Page 1 of 9
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.59
18.59.010 Purpose.
18.59.020 Maximum number of marijuana retail businesses.
18.59.030 Required geographic separation.
18.59.040 Marijuana required to be grown in a structure.
18.59.050 Required odor control for marijuana related businesses.
18.59.060 First-in-time – Change in ownership, relocation and abandonment
for marijuana retail stores – Nonconforming uses.
18.59.070 Signage.
18.59.080 Security required.
18.59.090 Specific standards for marijuana producers, processors, research
and transportation businesses.
18.59.100 Pre-application conference meeting recommended.
18.59.110 Public review meeting required.
18.59.010 Purpose.
The development standards contained in this chapter are intended to address the substantive
impacts that marijuana related businesses may have on all or a portion of the community by
providing clear and objective development standards that will reduce or mitigate said impacts
and provide, when appropriate, opportunities for public awareness and input prior to an
application being made to the city. In addition, the development standards will provide the city,
adjacent property owners (residential or nonresidential) and adjacent business owners as well
as the entire community the opportunity to be kept informed and aware through ongoing
reporting for those marijuana related businesses that successfully obtain appropriate
approvals and authorizations to operate in the city of Auburn. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
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18.59.020 Maximum number of marijuana retail businesses.
The total maximum number of marijuana retail businesses operating within the city at any
given time shall be limited to a maximum of four properly licensed and permitted stores. For
purposes of these regulations, these standards shall be considered in addition to the numeric
allowances on these businesses specified now or in the future by the Washington State Liquor
and Cannabis Board. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.030 Required geographic separation.
Marijuana related businesses operating within the city shall be geographically separated as
follows. For purposes of these regulations, these standards shall be considered in addition to
those geographic siting standards specified by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis
A. A marijuana retailer authorized by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board and
the city to operate within the city shall be sited a minimum of one mile from another similarly
authorized marijuana business.
B. A marijuana retailer business shall be sited a minimum of 1,320 feet from any properties
zoned and utilized for single-family residential or multifamily residential land uses.
C. All marijuana related businesses shall not be located within the distances identified for the
following uses or any use included in Chapter 314-55 WAC now or as hereafter amended:
1. Two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet for:
a. Elementary or secondary school that is existing or that is planned and has a
site-specific location identified in an adopted capital facilities plan;
b. Public or private playgrounds inclusive of those located within a multifamily
residential complex;
c. Public or private recreation center or facility;
d. Child care centers;
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e. Public or private parks;
f. Any game arcade; and
2. One thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet for:
a. Public trails;
b. Public transit centers;
c. Religious institutions;
d. Public libraries;
e. Transit center or park-and-ride facility operated by a sovereign nation on trust or
non-trust designated properties.
D. Measurement. All separation requirements shall be measured as the shortest straight line
distance from the property line or right-of-way line of the proposed business location to the
property line or right-of-way line of the use specified in this section. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.040 Marijuana required to be grown in a structure.
For all marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives, marijuana shall be grown in a
structure. Outdoor cultivation is prohibited in all instances. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.050 Required odor control for marijuana related businesses.
Marijuana odor shall be contained within the marijuana related business so that odor from the
marijuana cannot be detected by a person with a normal sense of smell from any abutting use
or property. If marijuana odor can be smelled from any abutting use or property, the marijuana
related business shall be required to implement measures, including, but not limited to, the
installation of the ventilation equipment necessary to contain the odor. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
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18.59.060 First-in-time – Change in ownership, relocation and
abandonment for marijuana retail stores – Nonconforming
A. Areas Where No Retail Marijuana Uses Are Located. If two or more marijuana retail
applicants seek licensing from the state and propose to locate within less than one mile of each
other, the city shall consider the entity that is licensed first by the State Liquor and Cannabis
Board to be the “first in-time” applicant who is entitled to site the retail use. First-in-time
determinations will be based on the date and time of the state-issued license or conditional
license, whichever is issued first. The director or designee shall make the first-in-time
B. First-in-time determinations are location-specific and do not transfer or apply to a new
property or site, unless the new site is within the same tax parcel.
C. Ownership. The status of a first-in-time determination is not affected by changes in
D. Relocation. Relocation of a retail store to a new property voids any firstin-time
determination previously made as to the vacated property. The determination shall become
void on the date the property is vacated. Applicants who may have been previously denied a
license due to a first-in-time determination at the vacated property may submit a new
application after the prior first-in-time determination becomes void.
E. Discontinuance. If an existing marijuana retail use is discontinued or abandoned for a period
of six months with the intention of abandoning that use, then the property shall forfeit
first-in-time status. For purposes of this section, discontinuance shall not mean a legal change
in business name or ownership or Washington State Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number.
Discontinuance of a licensed retail use for a period of six months or greater constitutes a prima
facie intent to abandon the retail use. Intent to abandon may be rebutted by submitting
documentation adequate to rebut the presumption. Documentation rebutting the presumption
of intent to abandon includes but is not limited to:
1. State licensing review or administrative appeal; or
2. Review of building, land use, other required development permits or approvals; or
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3. Correspondence or other documentation from insurance provider demonstrating an
intent to reestablish the use after either a partial or full loss or disruption of the use.
4. The director shall determine whether a retail use has been discontinued, abandoned, or
voided, whether in connection with an application for an administrative conditional use
permit or as otherwise appropriate.
F. Accidental Destruction. First-in-time status or cessation is not affected when a structure
containing a state-licensed retail outlet is damaged by fire or other causes beyond the control
of the owner or licensee; provided all necessary local, regional, state or other permits and
approvals are successfully obtained and redevelopment commences within 12 months from
the documented date of the accidental destruction or the licensee provides documentation
demonstrating why redevelopment cannot commence within 12 months; provided, that
redevelopment is completed within 24 months of the documented date of accidental
G. Marijuana related businesses that had lawfully obtained all state and local approvals prior
to the adoption of these rules shall be considered legal conforming uses even if the business is
unable to meet the standards for geographic separations and square footage requirements
outlined in this chapter. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.070 Signage.
All marijuana related businesses shall comply with applicable sign regulations and standards as
specified in Chapter 18.56 ACC (Signs) as may be amended. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.080 Security required.
In addition to the security requirements in Chapter 315-55 WAC, during nonbusiness hours, all
marijuana producers, processors, and retailers shall store all marijuana concentrates, usable
marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and cash in a safe or in a substantially constructed and
locked cabinet. The safe or cabinet shall be incorporated into the building structure or securely
attached thereto. For usable marijuana products that must be kept refrigerated or frozen, these
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products may be stored in a locked refrigerator or freezer container in a manner approved by
the director, provided the container is affixed to the building structure. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.090 Specific standards for marijuana producers, processors,
research and transportation businesses.
A. Marijuana production and processing facilities shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Marijuana production, processing research and transportation facilities shall be
ventilated so that the odor from the marijuana cannot be detected by a person with a
normal sense of smell from any adjoining use or property;
2. A screened and secured loading dock, approved by the director, shall be required. The
objective of this requirement is to provide a secure, visual screen from the public
right-of-way and adjoining properties, and prevent the escape of odors when delivering or
transferring marijuana, marijuana concentrates, usable marijuana, and marijuana-infused
B. Any marijuana producer or marijuana processors operating within the city (1) shall strictly
comply with all industrial, health and safety codes, including but not limited to WAC 314-55-104
and RCW 69.50.348, and (2) shall have at least 4,000 square feet of building utilized for its
individual business, and the total square feet of all marijuana producers and processors in the
city shall not exceed 90,000 square feet of building space; provided, that any such business that
was licensed and existing prior to August 1, 2016, that did not have at least 4,000 square feet of
building utilized for its individual business may continue operating, and shall be classified as a
fully legal conforming use at its current location even though it did not have at least 4,000
square feet of building utilized for its individual business. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
18.59.100 Pre-application conference meeting recommended.
A pre-application conference is available and encouraged prior to the submittal of a formal
business license.
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
18.59.110 Public review meeting required.
A. A minimum of one public review meeting shall be conducted by applicant for any marijuana
related business in the city. The purpose of the public review meeting is to allow adjacent
property owners (residential and nonresidential) and adjacent business owners an opportunity
to become familiar with the proposal and to identify any associated issues. The public review
meeting is intended to assist in producing applications that are responsive to the concerns of
adjacent property owners (residential and nonresidential) and adjacent business owners and to
reduce the likelihood of delays and appeals. The city expects an applicant to take into
consideration the reasonable concerns and recommendations of these parties when preparing
an application. The city expects these parties to work with the applicant to provide reasonable
concerns and recommendations. The requirements of this section shall apply to new
businesses as well as businesses that are seeking to relocate to a different tax parcel.
B. Prior to submittal of an application for any marijuana related business, the applicant shall
provide an opportunity to meet with adjacent property owners (residential or nonresidential)
and adjacent business owners within whose boundaries the site for the proposed marijuana
related business is located or within the notice radius to review the proposal. The applicant
shall not be required to hold more than one public review meeting provided such meeting is
held within six months prior to submitting an application for one specific site.
C. Public review meetings shall occur prior to submitting a formal business license application
to the city of Auburn.
D. Public review meetings shall occur after the required pre-application conference with the
city of Auburn.
E. The applicant shall hold a public review meeting in a publicly accessible location within one
mile of the proposed business site; provided, that if no such place is immediately available, the
applicant may submit a written request to the director proposing an alternate meeting location
and the director may approve said location, in writing. The meeting starting time selected shall
be limited to a weekday evening after 6:00 p.m. or a weekend at any reasonable time and shall
not occur on a national holiday. The meeting shall be held at a location open to the public and
in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A portable sign at least 22 inches
by 28 inches in size with minimum two-inch lettering shall be placed at the main entrance of the
building where the meeting will take place at least one hour prior to the meeting. Such sign will
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announce the meeting, subject matter of the meeting, and announce that the meeting is open
to the public and that interested persons are invited to attend. This sign shall be removed by
the applicant upon conclusion of the meeting.
F. The applicant shall send by regular mail a written notice announcing the public review
meeting to the director, property owners pursuant to the most current public records of the
King County assessor’s office or Pierce County assessor’s office within 1,320 feet on all sides of
the property involved in the anticipated application and to all current businesses registered
with the city of Auburn within 1,320 feet on all sides of the property involved in the anticipated
application. At the request of the applicant, and upon payment of the applicable fee, the city
will provide the required mailing lists for property owners and/or registered businesses.
G. Not less than 20 calendar days prior to the public review meeting, the applicant shall post a
notice on the property which is subject of the proposed application. The notice shall be posted
within 50 feet of an adjoining public right-of-way in a manner that can be read from the
right-of-way. The notice shall state that the site may be subject to a proposed marijuana related
business, the type of marijuana related business in sufficient detail for a reasonable person to
ascertain the nature and type of business, the name of the applicant and the applicant’s
telephone number and electronic mail address where the applicant can be reached for
additional information. The site shall remain posted until the conclusion of the public review
H. At the public review meeting, the applicant shall describe the proposed application to
persons in attendance. The attendees may identify any issues that they believe should be
addressed in the proposed application and recommend that those issues be submitted for city
consideration and analysis.
I. At the public review meeting, the applicant shall take notes of the discussion on the
proposed application.
J. To comply with this section, an applicant shall submit the following information with the
business license application:
1. A copy of the notice sent to surrounding property owners pursuant to subsection F of
this section.
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2. A copy of the mailing list used to send out meeting notices pursuant to subsection F of
this section.
3. A written statement and clear photographs containing the information posted on the
property pursuant to subsection G of this section.
4. A notarized affidavit of mailing and posting notices.
5. Copies of written materials and eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch size plans presented
at the public review meeting.
6. Typed notes of the meeting, including the meeting date, time, and location, the name
and address of those attending, and a summary of oral and written comments received.
K. If responses to the meeting notice were not received by the applicant and no one attended
the public review meeting or persons in attendance made no comments, the applicant shall
submit evidence as indicated above, with the notes reflecting the absence of comment,
attendance, or both.
L. Failure of a property owner or business owner to receive notice shall not invalidate the
public review meeting proceedings. (Ord. 6642 § 30, 2017.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
Page 327 of 1151
Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 1 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.76
18.76.010 Purpose.
18.76.020 Process.
18.76.030 Definitions.
18.76.040 Permitted uses.
18.76.045 Uses requiring an administrative use permit.
18.76.046 Marijuana related uses.
18.76.050 Calculation of number of dwelling units.
18.76.060 Development standards.
18.76.070 Design requirements.
18.76.075 Landscaping and screening requirements.
18.76.077 Sign requirements.
18.76.080 Public infrastructure requirements.
18.76.090 Application for approval of major amendment to the PUD.
18.76.100 Phased developments.
18.76.110 Concurrence with subdivision regulations.
18.76.120 Administrative review of major amendments.
18.76.130 Hearing examiner review.
18.76.140 Findings of fact.
18.76.150 City council action.
18.76.160 Site plan approval.
18.76.170 Adjustments to the PUD.
18.76.180 Property owners’ association.
18.76.010 Purpose.
The comprehensive plan provides the Lakeland Hills South special area plan is intended to be
consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills South PDD (Pierce County
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Hearings Examiner Case No. Z15-90/UP9-70) as amended. The conditions of approval which
remain applicable are attached to Ordinance No. 5092 as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by
Auburn has accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an approved PUD. Therefore, this
purpose section shall apply to minor and major amendments to the Lakeland Hills South PUD.
The purpose of a planned unit development (PUD) district is to offer enhanced flexibility to
develop a site through innovative and alternative development standards. A PUD district also
allows for a greater range of residential development scenarios, provides for internal transfers
of density, and may result in more dwelling units than may be realized by using the existing
development standards. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the city will require the PUD
to result in a significantly higher quality development, generate more public benefit and be a
more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the use of standard zoning or
subdivision procedures.
In order for a PUD to be approved it will be the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate, to the
city’s satisfaction, that the proposed PUD achieves or is consistent with the following desired
public benefits and expectations in whole or in part:
A. Preservation of Natural Amenities. Preservation of desirable site characteristics such as open
spaces and the protection of sensitive environmental features including steep slopes, rivers,
creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views.
B. Pedestrian-Oriented Communities. Use of traffic management and design techniques to
reduce traffic congestion and increase the potential use of alternative modes of travel such as
mass transit, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
C. Land Use Efficiencies. Provide efficient and effective use of land, open space and public
facilities that result in lower development cost and make housing more affordable.
D. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Provide development that is consistent with the
goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. PUDs may also allow for a small amount of
development from other comprehensive plan designations if determined to be appropriate for
the PUD and its surroundings.
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E. Enhanced Design Features. Provide building and structural designs that complement
surrounding land uses and their environment. Design standards should reflect quality site
planning, landscaping and building architecture.
F. Creation of Public Amenities. Enhance parks and open spaces consistent with the
comprehensive park plan and nonmotorized plan.
G. Affordable Housing. Provide affordable housing options in accordance with Auburn’s
comprehensive plan. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.020 Process.
The approval process for major amendments to the Lakeland Hills South PUD is three steps.
The first step is a recommendation by the hearing examiner and final approval of the PUD or
major amendment by the city council using the process applicable to a rezone, Chapter 18.68
ACC. The second step is the approval of either a preliminary plat, a site plan, or a combination
of both. Where a preliminary plat has been proposed, the third step is the approval of a final
plat by the city council. Step two may be combined with step one.
A. Step One – PUD Major Amendment Approval. Approval of a major amendment to the Lakeland
Hills South PUD shall be applied by the rezone process as specified in Chapter 18.68 ACC.
Generally, a major amendment will be required because a specific proposal within a planning
area necessitates an amendment. For the proposal triggering the need for the major
amendment, the major amendment shall establish the land uses, density, number and types of
dwelling units, number and distribution of lots/units, any modification of plat development
standards, general street layout, street right-of-way widths, whether streets are public or
private, the amount, type, and location of open space and park land, phasing plans if any, and
the responsibilities of the owner/developer. If there is no specific proposal, the major
amendment shall establish these parameters to the extent possible. Application for PUD major
amendment approval shall be in accordance with ACC 18.76.090.
B. Step Two – Preliminary Plat/Site Plan Approval. For those major amendments to the Lakeland
Hills South PUD that consist of only single-family or duplex platted lots, a preliminary plat may
be filed pursuant to Chapter 17.06 ACC. For all other uses, a site plan must be approved by the
director of planning pursuant to ACC 18.76.160. Preliminary plat and site plan approval must be
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
concurrent if a PUD requires both approvals. Preliminary plat/site plan applications may be for
all or a portion of a planning area. Applications for a site plan shall be in accordance with ACC
C. Step Three – Final Plat Approval. Final plats shall be approved pursuant to Chapter 17.10 ACC.
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.030 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter:
A. “Community center/recreation facilities” means a building with associated amenities
intended or designed to be used for community meetings and recreation and may include
facilities within and adjacent to the building for offices, kitchen, storage space, bathrooms, sales
and information, swimming pools, sportcourts, tennis courts, playgrounds, and an outdoor
B. “Density” means the maximum number of dwelling units per acre allowed within a given
C. “Department” shall refer to the city of Auburn department of planning and development.
D. “Gross area” (also referred to as “gross acreage” or “gross useable area”) shall be defined as
all of the area within the boundaries of the entire PUD site including all public and private
parcels, rights-of-way, open spaces, common areas, and dedications.
E. Lot Types. These definitions apply to dwellings on fee simple lots:
1. “Detached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot is set back from all the lot
2. “Zero setback lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback
from one of the interior side lot lines and is not attached to another structure on an
adjoining lot. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
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3. “Semi-attached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback
from one of the interior side lot lines and is attached to another structure on an adjoining
lot. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
4. “Attached lots” are lots on which the structure on the lot does not have a setback from
either of the interior side lot lines and is attached to another structure on both adjoining
lots. The structure is set back from all remaining lot lines.
F. “Net area” (also referred to as “net acreage” or “net usable area”) shall be defined as the
gross area minus the area designated as nonbuildable areas and nonresidential uses.
G. “Nonbuildable areas” include slopes that exceed 25 percent measured between each
25-foot contour line, wetlands delineated pursuant to the definition of “wetlands” contained
within ACC 16.06.030, or floodways as defined by ACC 15.68.100(Z). Slopes, wetlands, or
floodways that are allowed to be modified by the city may be considered buildable. Wetland
buffers are not considered nonbuildable areas. Nonbuildable areas for each planning area will
be determined following the completion of mining for the planning area pursuant to Pierce
County Permit UP9-70 as it may be amended.
H. “Official Lakeland plan map” is the final development plan for Lakeland attached to the
ordinance codified in this chapter as Exhibit “B-REV” as amended by Ordinance No. 5546 and
legally described in Exhibit “C.” Exhibits “B-REV” and “C” are incorporated herein by reference.
Exhibit “B” approved in Ordinance No. 5092 is no longer effective. It is replaced by Exhibit
I. “Open space” may include such features as landscaped areas, held in common ownership by
a homeowners’ association and part of a landscape plan common to the entire PUD, passive
and active recreation uses, natural features, environmental amenities such as wetlands and
their buffers, and storm water facilities that incorporate any or all of the above identified
features. Open space areas shall be required to be enhanced if not already an existing amenity.
Areas intended to be left in their natural state, including but not limited to wetlands and their
buffers and steep slopes, shall be considered an existing amenity. The open space must be a
permanent, integral, and functional amenity that is for the common good and enjoyment of the
residents of the entire PUD and not just to an individual lot or resident. Landscaped areas,
private parks, and improvements within open space areas shall be maintained by the
homeowners’ association. Open space for the Lakeland Hills South special area plan is shown
on the official Lakeland plan map and shall be provided in accordance with the First
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Amendment to Lakeland Annexation and Utilities Agreement as adopted by City Council
Resolution No. 2955.
J. “Planning area” refers to the areas referred to as residential, senior, commercial, community
center, school, and park/open space on the official Lakeland plan map.
K. “Private street” means any access easement, tract or street which is not a public street.
Driveways which are not part of an access easement, tract or street shall not be considered a
L. “Public street” includes all streets, highways, freeways, avenues, lanes, courts, places or
other public rights-of-way in the city held in public ownership and intended to be open as a
matter of right to public vehicular traffic.
M. “Senior housing and services” means living accommodations where at least one member of
the household is age 55 or over and all members of the household are at least 18 years of age.
Dwelling units may consist of independent living units comprised of attached and detached
single-family and multifamily dwellings where elderly individuals or families provide rooms,
meals, personal care, supervision of self-administered medication, recreational activities,
financial services, and transportation, and may include Alzheimer’s care and health care
facilities. For the purposes of this chapter, Alzheimer’s care facilities which have no more than
one congregate kitchen and dining area will be considered one dwelling unit. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010;
Ord. 5553 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.040 Permitted uses.
A. Residential.
1. Housing concepts of all types limited only by the density allowed in the official Lakeland
plan map. Examples include the following:
a. Single-family detached homes;
b. Condominiums, apartments, and townhouses;
c. Customary accessory uses and structures common to single-family homes or
multifamily dwellings;
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d. Home occupations authorized by and subject to the standards of Chapter 18.60
e. Storage or parking of recreational vehicles for residents of the individual
f. Nonresidential or municipal uses such as schools, churches, libraries, police, parks
or fire facilities as authorized in the PUD;
g. Home-based daycare;
h. Community centers/recreation facilities;
i. Senior housing and services.
2. Parks.
B. Nonresidential. Uses permitted outright by Chapter 18.26 ACC as authorized in the
development plan, except those uses requiring an administrative use permit under ACC
18.76.045. (Ord. 6269 § 25, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.045 Uses requiring an administrative use permit.
A. The following uses may be permitted throughout the PUD as specifically authorized by the
development plan and when an administrative use permit has been issued pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
1. Civic, social and fraternal clubs;
2. Mini-daycare and daycare centers;
3. Preschools or nursery schools;
4. Religious institutions;
5. Utility substations;
6. Municipal services:
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a. Police;
b. Fire;
c. Library.
B. The following uses may be permitted in areas of the PUD with a comprehensive plan
designation of “Light Commercial” as specifically authorized by the development plan and when
an administrative use permit has been issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
1. Automobile service stations;
2. Drive-through facilities, including banks and restaurants;
3. Brew pubs. (Ord. 6269 § 37, 2009.)
18.76.046 Marijuana related uses.
All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives shall not be permitted in any
residential or nonresidential portion of the planned unit development. (Ord. 6642 § 29, 2017.)
18.76.050 Calculation of number of dwelling units.
The maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a planning area is calculated in the following
A. Nonbuildable areas and land set aside for nonresidential land uses are subtracted from the
gross area of the site to determine the net usable area of the site. For the purposes of this
section, nonbuildable areas do not include public or private streets or driveways within a
planning area.
B. The number of acres of the net usable area of the planning area is multiplied by the
residential densities allowed in the official Lakeland plan map to produce the maximum
number of dwelling units. Any fractions may be rounded up to the nearest whole number as
long as the densities as outlined in subsection C of this section are not exceeded.
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C. Residential densities within each planning area allowed by the official Lakeland plan map
are as follows:
Allowable Residential Densities
Lakeland Hills South
Comprehensive Plan
Map Designation
Maximum Number
of Dwelling Units
Per Acre
Single-family 6 units per acre
Moderate density
14 units per acre
High density residential 19 units per acre
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.060 Development standards.
The following development standards will apply for each development within the planning
areas shown on the official Lakeland plan map. Except where modified by these standards, all
standards of the Auburn City Code apply. Front yard setbacks are measured from the edge of
the right-of-way for lots fronting on public streets and from the face of the curb, or the
midpoint if a rolled curb is used, for private streets.
A. Single-Family Planning Areas. Single-family planning areas are those planning areas with a
permitted density of one to four and two to six dwelling units per acre. Within these planning
areas, the following development standards apply:
1. Single-Family Detached – One (SFD-1).
a. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 65 feet.
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c. Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 20 feet to garage;
ii. Side: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 20 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
2. Single-Family Detached – Two (SFD-2).
a. Minimum lot area: 5,400 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 60 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 90 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 20 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 20 feet;
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v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
3. Single-Family Detached – Three (SFD-3).
a. Minimum lot area: 4,250 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 85 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 15 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
B. Moderate Density. The moderate density planning areas are those planning areas with a
permitted density of two to 14 dwelling units per acre. Within these planning areas, the
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following development standards apply in addition to those identified in subsection A of this
1. Single-Family Detached – Four (SFD-4).
a. Minimum lot area: 3,375 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 45 feet.
c. Minimum lot depth: 65 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 15 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
2. Single-Family Detached – Five (SFD-5).
a. Minimum lot area: 2,730 square feet.
b. Minimum lot width: 40 feet.
c. Building footprint coverage: 55 percent.
d. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
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i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: three feet;
iii. Side, street: six feet;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
e. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
3. Multifamily or Small Lot Detached – One (MFA-1).
a. Minimum lot area: 2,400 square feet.
b. Minimum site area per dwelling unit: 2,400 square feet.
c. Minimum lot width: 35 feet if detached; 20 feet if attached.
d. Building footprint coverage: 60 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet, except zero feet when attached and three feet if
detached single-family;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet or six feet if detached single-family;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
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f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
C. High Density. The high density planning areas are those with a permitted density of 12 to 19
dwelling units per acre. Within these planning areas, the following development standards
1. Multifamily – Two (MFA-2).
a. Minimum lot area: 1,800 square feet.
b. Minimum site area per dwelling unit: 1,800 square feet.
c. Minimum lot width: 20 feet.
d. Building footprint coverage: 60 percent.
e. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Front: 10 feet to porch, 15 feet to residence, 18 feet to garage;
ii. Side, interior: five feet, except zero feet when attached;
iii. Side, street: 10 feet;
iv. Rear: 10 feet;
v. Accessory structures and alley-loaded garages shall meet all the required
setbacks of the zone with the exception that the rear yard setback may be reduced
to five feet.
f. Maximum Building Height.
i. Main building: 30 feet;
ii. Accessory buildings: 24 feet.
D. Public. As required by Chapter 18.40 ACC, P-1 Public Use District.
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E. Commercial. As required by Chapter 18.26 ACC, Light Commercial District, except that the
required setbacks from streets may be averaged and that multifamily units shall be permitted
outright. The number and location of multifamily units shall be governed by ACC 18.76.170(A).
F. No recreational vehicle (RV) parking spaces will be required for multifamily complexes if
there are perpetual restrictive covenants or a similar instrument recorded against the property
that do not allow recreational vehicles to be parked in a multifamily complex. The language of
the restrictive covenants precluding the RVs shall be approved by the city of Auburn and shall
be recorded by the applicant prior to any certificates of occupancy issued by the city of Auburn
for the subject multifamily structure. An original recorded copy shall be provided to the city of
Auburn. Any subsequent amendments to the approved covenants regarding RV parking must
be approved by the city of Auburn and recorded. Any recreational vehicles within a multifamily
complex that are in violation of this covenant shall be considered a violation of this title and will
be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC, Civil Penalties for Violations. The
owner/manager and/or homeowners’ association responsible for the multifamily complex will
be the party responsible for complying with Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5534 § 1,
2001; Ord. 5397 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5364 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.070 Design requirements.
A. Open Space. The Lakeland Hills South PUD will provide a minimum of 153 acres of open
space in addition to public parks requirements. The open space is shown on the official
Lakeland plan map.
B. PUD Perimeters. Setbacks from the perimeter of the PUD shall correspond to the
requirements of the adjoining zoning districts. The city may determine a reduced setback is
sufficient due to the use of natural topography, earth berms, existing and proposed foliage, and
other features such as roadways, wetlands or natural waterways that would otherwise provide
sufficient buffering of adjoining parcels. Sight distance conflicts shall be avoided for motorized
and nonmotorized traffic.
C. Pedestrian Movement. A planning area shall provide public pedestrian access, which may
require appropriate easements, to parks, schools or uses that may attract a significant number
of pedestrians. Sidewalks or pedestrian ways must connect the required pedestrian system to
existing pedestrian systems on adjacent developments if adequate safety and security, which
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may include lighting, can be maintained. Convenient, barrier free, pedestrian access to transit
stops, when applicable, shall be provided.
D. Architectural Design Guidelines. The purpose of this section is to provide design guidelines
that will be utilized to insure the creation of high quality development that is internally
consistent and harmonious throughout the PUD. The following design guidelines are suggested
as a means to create a high quality, pedestrian-oriented community.
1. All residential buildings shall be designed and constructed to minimize visual intrusions
into windows and private spaces of adjoining developments.
2. Within single-family planning areas, all buildings shall be designed and constructed
consistent with approvals granted pursuant to the Auburn City Code.
3. Multifamily buildings within the moderate density planning areas shall incorporate
design elements that are reflective of single-family housing. These design elements may
include the use of pitched roof systems, limits on length of buildings and building massing,
a limited number of entrances as viewed from any particular elevation, varied setbacks to
avoid massing of buildings along setback lines of arterial and collector streets, and a
combination of landscaping and fences within setbacks to create private space.
4. Multifamily buildings within the high density planning areas shall also incorporate
design elements such as roof treatments and building articulation intended to minimize
building mass to insure compatibility with adjoining lower density development, parking
shall be clustered in locations that minimize visibility from public streets, or screened with
berms and landscaping, solid waste and outdoor storage facilities shall be limited to
enclosures that are architecturally compatible with the primary building, and pool and
recreation areas shall be located away from property lines of adjoining lower density
residential development.
5. Buildings located along the Lakeland Hills Parkway linear park or which front other
public parks shall incorporate landscape features that compliment the design of the public
park, in accordance with the approved master landscaping plan referenced in ACC
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6. Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a commercial or nonresidential site plan, a
design plan that incorporates the following elements shall be submitted to the planning
director for review and approval:
a. A consistent design theme compatible with the balance of the PUD.
b. Exterior facades shall be softened by modulation, landscaping adjacent to
buildings, and varied roof lines.
c. Buildings on the pads shall be designed to be compatible with the design of the
commercial structure.
d. Rooftop equipment visible from adjoining development shall be designed such that
it appears as an architectural feature and similar to the building with regard to color
and/or texture. The equipment shall be arranged or screened in a manner to minimize
visibility from adjoining development or public rights-of-way.
e. One or more buildings, such as buildings on pads, should be located adjacent to
the street frontage with parking located to the “rear” of the building.
f. Truck loading areas should be screened from adjacent properties and streets.
g. Trash disposal areas should be enclosed.
E. Fences. Fences shall comply with the regulations of Chapter 18.31 ACC except on those lots
that have two street frontages and abut Lakeland Hills Way, Evergreen Way, Lakeland Hills
Loop, 62nd Street SE, Lakeland Hills Parkway or other future arterial streets. In such cases a
six-foot-high fence may then encroach into the yard setback abutting the aforementioned
streets subject to the following: if a six-foot-high fence is proposed, it must be for all or a
majority of the street frontage the subject lots abut. Individual six-foot-high fences on
independent lots will not be permitted in the required setback area. A five-foot width of
landscaping is required between the fence and the back edge of the abutting sidewalk. The
homeowners’ association shall perpetually maintain the fence and the landscaping and the
developer shall provide evidence of such perpetual maintenance. The fence and landscaping
shall be installed prior to the occupancy of the home on the associated lot. The planning
director shall approve of the fence material, landscaping and evidence of the homeowner’s
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All fences shall be consistent with the sight distance requirements contained in Section 2.14,
Intersection Design Elements of the Design and Construction Standards Manual, as may be
amended. (Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5364 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.075 Landscaping and screening requirements.
A. Within 120 days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, a master
landscape plan shall be submitted to the city planning director for review and approval. The
master landscape plan shall designate the scope of the plan, plat material references, types of
landscaping including screens and buffers, and regulations by planning area.
B. The purpose and goal of the master landscape plan is to achieve a harmonious and
consistent appearance within the PUD area, including that of a well-planned residential area
and a theme that carries into the nonresidential areas. Consideration of transitional areas and
boundaries between different uses will be important. The city of Auburn landscape code shall
be used as a guideline in the development of the plan, although ACC 18.50.060(L) shall not
C. Until the master landscape plan in subsection A of this section is approved by the city
planning director, the city of Auburn landscape code (excluding ACC 18.50.060(L)) shall apply to
new development applications submitted to the city. The city planning director may approve
variances from the code for specific submittals. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.077 Sign requirements.
A. Within 120 days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, a master sign
plan must be submitted to the city planning director for review and approval. The master sign
plan shall designate the location and design elements, the use of common elements, the size
and scale of each type of sign, and the quality of materials to be used. The master sign plan
shall include the design elements intended for various monuments, including major entrance
monuments planned for major intersections, which may be similar in size and scale to the
major entrance monuments located at the intersection of Lakeland Hills Boulevard and A
Street, and secondary entrance monuments similar in size and scale to that planned for
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Lakeland Hills Way and Evergreen Way. The sign on the monuments shall be designed in
accordance with Chapter 18.56 ACC, however, the size of monument signs shall be governed by
the master sign plan. In addition, the master sign plan shall include the typical uses and
approximate location of temporary directional signs, model home signs, and A-boards.
B. Except as modified by this section, the requirements of Chapter 18.56 ACC shall be
applicable throughout the PUD until such time as the city approves the master sign plan. Upon
approval of a master sign plan, it shall control. Within each preliminary plat or site plan within
the single-family, moderate density, and high density planning areas, the following signs shall
also be permitted outright:
1. On-site directional signs.
2. Model home signs.
3. Monument signs at all plat entrances.
C. The signs referenced in subsection B of this section shall be designed and constructed
consistent with the examples shown on Exhibit D, attached to Ordinance No. 5092, and of the
size and scale of similar signs constructed within the King County portion of Auburn. In
addition, entrance monument signs shall be designed and constructed to be low in scale and
set in a landscaped bed. Monument signs shall be located on property that is held in common
by the homeowners’ association, and the homeowners’ association shall be responsible for
maintenance of the sign and landscaping on a private easement.
D. Within the commercial and nonresidential planning areas, signs shall be subject to Chapter
18.56 ACC except as follows:
1. Commercial areas within the PUD shall be limited to one pylon sign within each parcel.
All other signs shall be monument style or wall mounted.
2. Nonresidential development within the PUD shall be limited to monument or wall
mounted signs, except in subsection (D)(1) of this section.
3. Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a site plan for development within a
nonresidential area, a commercial sign master plan must be submitted to the planning
director for review and approval. The commercial sign master plan shall include a
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coordinated sign theme that is compatible with surrounding development. (Ord. 5092 § 1,
18.76.080 Public infrastructure requirements.
The applicant for the PUD must provide all necessary public facilities to include, as a minimum,
the following:
A. Dedication of Public Utilities. Public utilities being provided by the city must be dedicated to
the city unless allowed to be private by the city.
B. Water, Sewer and Drainage Facilities. All water, sanitary sewer and drainage facilities must be
constructed and installed in accordance with applicable city codes and standards, including
design criteria, construction specifications, operational criteria, and approved engineering
C. Underground Facilities. All public utilities must be placed underground except those that by
their nature must be on or above ground, such as streets, fire hydrants, power vaults,
telephone pedestals and open watercourses. The applicant is responsible for making the
necessary arrangements with the appropriate entities for the installation of such services.
D. Streets.
1. All streets must be constructed to the city’s standards. Variations from minimum
standards for pavement and right-of-way widths or other dimensional or construction
standards may be permitted when special design features of the PUD or topographic
considerations warrant the variation. The applicant must submit a written justification for
any proposed variation along with evidence that the minimal functional requirements of
the proposed street improvements are being met. The city engineer shall review the
proposed variation and shall determine if the minimal functional requirements are being
met and shall make a recommendation to the city council whether the variation should be
approved. The city council shall act upon the request and may require conditions of
approval to ensure the minimal functional requirements are being met.
2. Private streets may be permitted within the PUD, provided they meet the following
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a. Use of the private street is limited to those accessing property within the planning
area or immediately adjacent to the planning area and is not needed by non-PUD
residents to travel from one public street to another. The design of the private street
shall be such that it will discourage any through traffic that is not related to the
planning area itself.
b. The minimum pavement width for private streets shall be 28 feet; provided, that
on-street parking is allowed only on one side of the street or 20 feet for alleys. The
roadway section pavement depth for asphalt, crushed rock, and gravel base and the
material specifications of these materials shall be the same as Auburn standards for
public streets. Additional width may be required if determined to be needed to provide
adequate circulation for the residents of the PUD. Factors to be considered include but
are not limited to providing emergency equipment access, preventing conflicts
between pedestrians and vehicle traffic, on-street parking, number of units, the need
for sidewalks and bike paths. The pavement width and construction standards, to
include but not limited to, illumination, signing, storm drainage, curbs, gutters,
channelization, e.g., shall be determined by the city engineer at the time of preliminary
plat or site plan approval. Private streets and/or access tracts and shared driveways
that provide a second or additional access to lots/units shall be constructed to
standards, as determined by the city engineer, considered to be appropriate for the
situation. Factors to be considered include the number of units served, emergency
access and traffic circulation.
c. All sites served by a private street greater than 600 feet in length shall have at least
two access connections to a public street and provide for adequate emergency
equipment access.
d. A legally incorporated property owners’ association assumes the responsibility and
cost to repair and maintain the proposed private streets. If the association fails to
maintain the street, the by-laws of the association give the city the right to maintain the
street and charge the cost of the maintenance, including any administrative costs, to
the association members.
e. The by-laws establishing the association must state that if future owners should
request that private streets be changed to public streets, then the owners fully agree
that, before acceptance of such streets by the city, the owners will bear full expense of
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 22 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
reconstruction or any other action necessary to make the streets substantially
consistent to the requirements of public streets, applicable at that time. (Ord. 6532 § 31,
2014; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.090 Application for approval of major amendment to the PUD.
A. Pre-Application Conference Recommended. Prior to filing an application for a major
amendment to the PUD, it is recommended that the applicant attend a pre-application
conference with the planning director and other interested department heads, or their
designees, regarding the proposed development. The conference attendees will review the
general outlines of the proposal, evidenced schematically by sketch plans and other documents
provided by the applicant. The applicant will receive suggestions and recommendations
generated by the conference along with forms and guidelines for preparing the PUD
B. Application Procedure. Applicants must provide the planning director seven copies of the
1. Application. Forms provided by the department that ask the applicant for the following
a. The name of the proposed PUD or planning area and a general description of the
proposed development requiring the major amendment, including descriptions of
buildings, and other site improvements;
b. A proposed schedule that includes submittal of the site plan, preliminary plat,
proposed phased developments, if any, and target dates for starting construction;
c. Proposed land uses including the type and amount or densities;
d. Number and types of dwelling units in the proposed development requiring the
major amendment;
e. Total amount of open spaces, the designated or proposed use, and the amount of
open space designated for public and private use;
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 23 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
f. Plans for the perpetual maintenance and preservation of private spaces and private
g. Any requests for modifications to the street construction standards of the land
division ordinance including substantiating information as to why the modifications are
h. The gross acreage of the PUD or planning area, the net usable acreage, and the
acreage of any nonbuildable areas;
i. The name and address of the applicant. All land within the PUD or planning area
shall be under the ownership of the applicant. Applicants are defined as an individual,
partnership, corporation, or groups of individuals, partnerships or corporations; and
j. The name, address, stamp and signature of the professional engineer, professional
architect or professional land surveyor who prepared the site plan.
2. Environmental Checklist. Form and instructions provided by the Department in
accordance with Chapter 16.06 ACC, Environmental Review Procedures.
3. Conceptual Design of Public Facilities. Preliminary engineering plans and studies that
include the following:
a. A general description and location of the proposed improvements necessary to
properly handle the potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage and other
service needs within and adjacent to the proposed PUD.
b. In addition, for any major amendment to the PUD, the following:
i. Anticipated demand capacities for the proposed water distribution, storm
drainage and sanitary sewage systems.
ii. The estimated, tentative horizontal and vertical alignment of all proposed
streets and sidewalks and the estimated grade of any trails.
4. Site Plan.
a. Preparation. The site plan may be prepared by a professional engineer, architect or
professional land surveyor registered or licensed by the state of Washington. They
shall prepare and, by placing their signature and stamp upon the face of the planning
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 24 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
documents, certify that all information is portrayed accurately and that the proposed
PUD complies with applicable standards and regulations.
b. Scale and Format. The site plan shall be drawn with reproducible black ink on mylar
or similar material. All geographic information portrayed by the plan shall be accurate,
legible, and drawn to an engineering (decimal) scale. The horizontal scale of a plan
shall be 100 feet or fewer to the inch, except that the location sketch and typical street
cross sections may be drawn to any other appropriate scale. The site plan shall be 24
inches by 36 inches in size. Each sheet shall be numbered consecutively. An index
sheet orienting the other sheets shall be provided. If necessary, the planning director
may authorize a different sheet size or scale.
c. Contents. The site plan must include each of the following:
i. Vicinity Map. A vicinity map sufficient to define the location and boundaries of
the proposed PUD relative to surrounding property, streets and other major
manmade and natural features.
ii. Existing Geographic Features. Except as otherwise specified, the following
existing geographic features shall be drawn lightly in relation to proposed
geographic features and developments:
(A) All existing property lines lying within the proposed PUD and all existing
property lines lying within 100 feet of the PUD.
(B) The location of all existing streets within the PUD, both public or private,
including the right-of-way widths, pavement widths and the names.
(C) Existing water features such as rivers, creeks, ponds, wetlands, storm
water detention basins, watercourses, floodplains and areas subject to
inundation or storm water overflow.
(D) Existing contour lines at intervals of five feet for average slopes exceeding
five percent or at intervals of one foot for average slopes not exceeding five
percent. Contour lines shall be labeled at intervals not to exceed two feet and
shall be based upon city datum, e.g., NGVD.
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 25 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
(E) Location of any existing structures lying within the proposed PUD. Existing
structures to be removed shall be indicated by broken lines, and existing
structures not to be removed shall be indicated by solid lines.
iii. Proposed Improvements. The following proposed geographic features shall be
(A) The location of any public or private streets and/or storm drainage
(B) The general location of the types of uses or densities and general
distribution of lot types.
(C) The boundaries, dimensions and area of public park and common open
space areas.
(D) Identification of all areas proposed to be dedicated for public use,
together with the purpose and any conditions of dedication.
(E) Conceptual plans for pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems.
(F) The treatment proposed for the periphery of the site including setbacks,
fencing, the approximate amount, location, and type of any landscaping. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.100 Phased developments.
A. The applicant may propose a phased development.
B. Any phases being developed in the Lakeland Hills South PUD require a description of each
phase, including the size, uses or densities and schedule for implementing each phase and
corresponding public services. Phased sequences and intervals between scheduled phases
become a condition of the PUD approval.
C. Each phase must be able to stand on its own without reliance upon development of
subsequent phases. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 26 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
18.76.110 Concurrence with subdivision regulations.
A. A preliminary plat may be processed concurrently with a major amendment to the PUD or a
site plan. A preliminary plat must be submitted in accordance with ACC Title 17.
B. Approval of a major amendment to the PUD or a preliminary plat application may allow for
the modification of the subdivision construction standards and specifications of Chapter 17.12
ACC. If modifications are proposed the request must be made part of the major amendment or
preliminary plat application. The applicant must also provide substantiating evidence as to why
the modifications are necessary. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.120 Administrative review of major amendments.
A. The planning director shall forward the major amendment to the PUD application and/or
preliminary plat or site plan application, together with copies of any appropriate accompanying
documents, to the director of public works. The director of public works shall review the
application(s) as to the adequacy of the proposed means of sewage disposal and water supply;
the conformance of the proposal to any plans, policies or regulations pertaining to streets,
storm drainage or utilities; and regarding any other issues related to the interests and
responsibilities of the department of public works.
B. The planning director shall solicit the comments of any other appropriate city department,
local utility provider, local school district, and any other appropriate public or private entity,
concerning the proposed major amendment to the PUD. For a major amendment to the PUD or
a PUD processed simultaneously with a preliminary plat, comments received in a timely
manner, as well as any written comments received in response to a notice of public hearing,
shall either be transmitted to the hearing examiner or incorporated into a report prepared by
the planning director and submitted to the hearing examiner, prior to the scheduled public
C. The planning director shall approve the site plan if it conforms to the approved PUD, the
submittal requirements of ACC 18.76.160(A), 18.76.060, and other applicable standards. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 27 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
18.76.130 Hearing examiner review.
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2.46 ACC the hearing examiner shall conduct a public
hearing on all requests for a major amendment to a PUD. The examiner’s decision shall be in
the form of a recommendation to the city council. (Ord. 6442 § 29, 2012; Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.140 Findings of fact.
Applications for a major amendment to a PUD shall only be approved if sufficient findings of
facts are drawn to support the following:
A. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for
open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes,
parks, playgrounds, or sites for schools.
B. The proposed major amendment to the PUD is in accordance with the goals, policies and
objectives of the comprehensive plan.
C. The major amendment is consistent with the purpose of this chapter, ACC 18.76.010,
provides for the public benefits required of the development of PUDs and does not result in
only increasing the number of units that would otherwise be attained through a development
using the existing zoning and subdivisions standards.
D. The proposed major amendment to the PUD conforms to the general purposes of other
applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the city council.
E. The approval of the major amendment will have no more of an adverse impact upon the
surrounding area than the approved Lakeland Hills South PUD as shown on the official
Lakeland plan map. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.150 City council action.
A. The city council may affirm, modify, or disaffirm the recommendations of the hearing
examiner in accordance with ACC 2.46.170.
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 28 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
B. The majority of the city council shall instruct the city attorney to prepare an ordinance
reflecting its decision. The ordinance shall include formal findings of fact and conclusions
supporting the decision. If the decision is for approval with conditions, the conditions shall be
specified in the ordinance. The ordinance shall be recorded in accordance with ACC 18.68.060.
(Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.160 Site plan approval.
A. Pre-Application Conference Recommended. Prior to filing an application for a site plan
approval, it is recommended that applicant attend a pre-application conference with the
planning director and other interested department heads, or their designees, regarding the
proposed development. The conference attendees will review the general outlines of the
proposal, evidenced schematically by sketch plans and other documents provided by the
applicant. The applicant will receive suggestions and recommendations generated by the
conference along with forms and guidelines for preparing the site plan application.
B. An application shall be required for the site plan approval of any portions of a planning area
except for those designed for detached single-family lots and shall include the following:
1. The ordinance approving the PUD, if previously done.
2. A site plan which shall illustrate the following:
a. Vicinity map;
b. Boundaries and dimensions of the PUD;
c. If partial approval, illustrate the proposal within the boundaries of the entire PUD;
d. Illustrate previous site plan approvals that may have occurred within the PUD;
e. Acreage of proposal;
f. Rights-of-way location and widths, the proposed name of each street or alley and
whether the right-of-way will be dedicated as public or remain private. The designation
of any fire lanes. Where final street grades are likely to exceed 10 percent in elevation
and the estimated tentative grades of such streets;
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 29 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
g. Adjacent public streets;
h. Easements, existing and proposed including its purpose;
i. Location and size of all existing and proposed utilities including sanitary sewer,
storm drainage, and water lines lying within or adjacent to the PUD or the phase of the
PUD as appropriate;
j. Typical street cross section(s) including any pedestrian facilities;
k. Location of uses;
l. Location of buildings and structures, both existing and proposed, including
m. Location and layout of off-street parking, loading and unloading areas;
n. Location of walls and fences, around the perimeter of the PUD or phase of the PUD,
as appropriate, and an indication of their height and materials;
o. Location of any storage areas or refuse containers;
p. Location and size of signs;
q. Landscaping plan – conceptual;
r. Indication of height of buildings;
s. Proposed architectural treatment of structures;
t. Any covenants not previously approved;
u. Proposed final contour lines at intervals of five feet for average slopes exceeding
five percent, or at intervals of two feet for average slopes not exceeding five percent.
Final contours shall be indicated by solid lines (existing contours which are to be
altered shall be shown by broken lines). Contour lines shall be labeled at intervals not
to exceed 20 feet and shall be based upon city datum, e.g., NGVD. Contour lines
around proposed geographic features shall be drawn tightly around the proposed
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 30 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
v. The site plan shall illustrate a north arrow, be properly dimensioned and drawn at a
scale not less than one inch equals 40 feet and on a sheet size 24 by 36 inches, more
sheets may be used if necessary. A reproducible mylar, or similar material, and seven
copies of the site plan shall be submitted at the time of application. An alternative scale
sheet size may be approved by the planning director;
w. The planning director may require the submittal of additional information in order
to thoroughly evaluate the site plan.
3. The site plan application shall be accompanied by a current (within 30 days) title report
which contains:
a. The legal description of the total parcel sought for final site plan approval.
b. Those individuals or corporations holding an ownership interest in said parcel all of
which shall sign the application for final site plan approval.
c. Any easements or restrictions affecting the property with a description of its
purpose and referenced by an auditor’s file number and/or recording number.
4. A signed certification that the site plan has been made with the free consent, and in
accordance with the desire of the owner or owners.
C. A site plan shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of ACC 18.76.120. The site
plan shall only be approved if it is found to be consistent with and implements the provisions of
the PUD and meets the submittal requirements of subsection A of this section. If necessary
conditions of approval may be imposed to ensure consistency with the approved PUD. (Ord.
5092 § 1, 1998.)
18.76.170 Adjustments to the PUD.
A. The planning director may approve minor adjustments to the approved PUD. Minor
adjustments are defined as changes that do not affect permitted densities within a planning
area, basic character or conditions of the approved PUD or planning area. Adjustments are
considered minor so long as they do not increase or decrease the perimeter boundaries of a
planning area or the number of units indicated for that planning area as shown on the official
Lakeland plan map by more than 10 percent. School sites identified in a PUD may be adjusted
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 31 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
as a minor amendment by condemnation or in accordance with an agreement executed by the
appropriate school district(s) and the applicant; provided, that if the director determines that
adjustment of schools would create significant park impacts or infrastructure requirements,
they may process the amendment as a major amendment.
Transferring multifamily units into the commercial area at the southwest corner of Lakeland
Hills Way and the Lake Tapps Parkway from a multifamily planning area may be a minor
adjustment. The total number of multifamily units in the commercial area cannot exceed 100.
Minor adjustments approved by the planning director must be in writing within 15 working
days of submittal of the application. The planning director must forward copies of the approved
adjustment to appropriate department heads and the applicant. The applicant may appeal the
director’s decision pursuant to ACC 18.70.050. If a minor amendment is approved which affects
the official Lakeland plan map, the map shall be revised. The director shall keep the current
map on file.
B. Adjustments that are not minor as defined in subsection A of this section are considered
major amendments and will be processed in the same manner as a new PUD application. If a
major amendment affecting the official Lakeland plan map is approved, the map and Exhibit B,
attached to Ordinance No. 5092, shall be amended to reflect the change. If a major amendment
changing conditions of approval is adopted, Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 5092, shall be
amended to reflect the change.
C. Any change in the exterior boundaries of the PUD or an increase in the total permitted
dwelling units above 3,408 shall require a rezone.
D. The following approvals require a comprehensive plan amendment:
1. An increase in the total number of permitted dwelling units above 3,408.
2. An increase in the permitted number of high density multifamily dwelling units (i.e.,
more than 850 units).
3. An increase in the acreage permitted for light commercial development (i.e., more than
20 acres).
4. A major amendment to the external boundaries of the medium density or high density
planning areas.
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Chapter 18.76 ACC, Planned Unit Development District (PUD) – Lakeland Hills South Page 32 of 32
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
5. A reduction in required open space (i.e., below 153 acres). (Ord. 5397 § 1, 2000; Ord. 5092
§ 1, 1998.)
18.76.180 Property owners’ association.
If common open spaces or private streets are deeded to a property owners’ association, then
the applicant shall submit a declaration of the covenants and restrictions that create and
govern such an association as part of the site plan or preliminary plat approval. The provisions
must include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. The property owners’ association must be established prior to the final plat approval or the
approval of any occupancy permit related to the site plan.
B. Membership must be mandatory for each property owner affected by the common space or
private street and any successive buyer.
C. The association assumes responsibility for liability insurance, local taxes, and the
maintenance of common open spaces, private streets, recreational and other communally
owned facilities. A financial plan shall also be submitted that outlines the anticipated expenses
and revenues needed to implement the plan over a minimum of a 10-year period.
D. Members must pay a pro rata share of the association’s cost; the assessment levied by the
association can become a lien on the property. The association must be able to adjust its
assessment fees relative to changed needs and conditions. (Ord. 5092 § 1, 1998.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
Page 359 of 1151
OCTOBER 8, 2024
Department of Community Development
Planning ⚫ Building ⚫ Development Engineering ⚫ Permit Center
Economic Development ⚫ Code EnforcementPage 360 of 1151
•RCW 36.70B – Local Project Review
•Determination of completeness
•Notice of application
•Notice of decision
•Public hearing
•Final decision time periods
Page 361 of 1151
•SB 5290 passed by State legislature 2023
•Key provisions become effective January 1, 2025
•Amends RCW 36.70B Local Project Review
•City currently applies requirements of this RCW
through Auburn Municipal Code Title 14 Project
Page 362 of 1151
•Modifies timelines for specific permit decisions
•Penalties for exceeding timelines
•Permit Fee Refunds
•Additional project review measures
•Tracking and reporting (Department of Commerce)
•Streamline review process: Site Plan Review
Page 363 of 1151
•ACC 14.03 Types of Permits
•Type I – Administrative, not subject to SEPA
Environmental Review
•Type II – Administrative, subject to SEPA Environmental
•Type III – Quasi -judicial decisions made by the Hearing
Examiner (w/ staff recommendation)
Page 364 of 1151
•Currently 120 days for most projects
•Type I:
•Type II:
•Type III:
Page 365 of 1151
•Permit Fee Refunds
•80% of fee collected initially
•If timeline met: 20% fee can be collected
•If timeline exceeded (up to 20% of deadline):
10% of fees can be collected
•Type I (78-days) / Type II (120-days) / Type III (204-days)
•If review exceeded 20% of deadline: 20% of fee forfeited
Page 366 of 1151
•Annual report to Department of Commerce
•Number of applications
•Number of decisions issued before deadline
•Number of decisions issued after deadline
•Average processing time (and standard deviation)
•Online posting of annual report
•First report due March 1, 2025 (July 1st thereafter)
Page 367 of 1151
•Additional project review measures encouraged
•Ten measures identified in RCW 36.70B.160 (a)-(j)
•Offering expedited review
•ILA to share permitting staff/resources
•On-call permitting assistance budgeted
•New additional positions budgeted
•Post-review meetings with applicants
•Jurisdictions not meeting timelines > 50%
•Additional project review measures mandatory
Page 368 of 1151
•Prepare for annual report generation
•Currently tracking for required 2024 report
(Timeline compliance not required yet)
•Internal and External Education/Outreach
•Proposed adoption of optional measures
•Proposed Title 14, 17, & 18 Code Updates
Page 369 of 1151
•Proposed additional project review measures
RCW 36.70B.160 (a)-(j)
•(g) Adopt regulations for optional pre-application meetings
rather than required
•(h) Adopt regulations allowing permitted housing type uses
in all zones the housing type is permitted
•(j) Offer post review meetings with applicant
Page 370 of 1151
•Chapter 14.01 “Purpose and Scope”
•Minor revisions to punctuation and grammar correction
•Chapter 14.02 “Definitions”
•Update “Project permit or project permit application”
definition to be consistent with SB 5290 language
Page 371 of 1151
•Chapter 14.03 “Types of Project Permit Decisions”
•14.03.010 (Type I Decisions) – Updated to reflect current
construction permit types
•14.03.020 (Type II Decisions) - Updated be consistent with
SB 5290 language and revise for minor punctuation
Page 372 of 1151
•Chapter 14.04 “Pre-application Conferences”
•Revised chapter title to reflect proposed changes
•14.04.010 – Revised to reflect optional pre-application
meetings to be consistent with additional project review
•14.04.010(B) – Created project review meeting process
details to be consistent with additional project review
Page 373 of 1151
•Chapter 14.05 “Applications”
•14.05.010 – Revised to include email address as
application requirement
•14.05.020 – Revised submittal requirement language to
be consistent with current application process
Page 374 of 1151
•Chapter 14.06 “Notice of Determination of
•14.06.010 – Revised to reflect current application process
and clarify resubmittal notification for incomplete
•Chapter 14.07 “Notice of Application”
•14.07.030 – Updated language to be consistent with SB
5290 language
Page 375 of 1151
•Chapter 14.11 “Notice of Final Decision”
•14.11.010 – Updated to reflect new time limits consistent with SB
5290 language
•14.11.010 – Added new language for suspension and restart of
review consistent with SB 5290 language
•Timeline suspended when HE is considering decision
•14.11.020 – Added exceptions to clarify which timelines apply to
grading and facility extension projects
•14.11.050 – Relocated text from 14.15.010 for weekends and
Page 376 of 1151
•Chapter 14.13 “Administrative Appeals”
•14.13.010 – Revised to clarify timeline extension for SEPA
•Chapter 14.14 “Exclusions”
•14.14.010 – Revise to clarify language and remove public
facilities from being excluded from consolidated permit
process and established timelines
Page 377 of 1151
•Chapter 14.15 “Project Review Time Periods”
•14.15 – Removed to consolidate language with Chapter
•Chapter 14.18 “Water and Sewer Availability
•14.18.010 – Revised to reflect current process and pre-
application conference process as optional
•14.18.020 – Revised title to clarify purpose of section
Page 378 of 1151
•Chapter 17.01 “User Guide”
•17.01.030 – Revised to reflect pre-application conference
process as optional
•Chapter 17.10 “Preliminary Subdivisions”
•17.10.010 – Revise to reflect pre-application conference
process as optional
Page 379 of 1151
•Chapter 18.59 “Development Standards for Marijuana
Related Businesses”
•18.59.100 – Revised to reflect pre-application conference
process as optional
•Chapter 18.76 “Planned Unit Development District
(PUD) – Lakeland Hills South”
•18.76.090 – Revised to reflect pre-application conference
process as optional
Page 380 of 1151
Department of Community Development
Planning ⚫ Building ⚫ Development Engineering ⚫ Permit Center
Economic Development ⚫ Community Services ⚫ Code Enforcement
Page 381 of 1151
Agenda Subject:
Proposed Amendments to Title 18 (Teague)
September 19, 2024
Community Development
2024 Comprehensive Plan Memorandum
Attachment 1 - Title 18 Text Amendment
(strikeout-underline version)
Attachment 2 - Title 14 and 17 Text Amendment
(strikeout-underline version)
Attachment 3 - Title 18 Text Amendment (clean
vers ion)
Attachment 4 - Title 14 and 17 Text Amendment
(clean vers ion)
Comprehens ive Plan Pres entation
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrativ e Recommendation:
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:
See attached Memorandum.
Rev iewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember:Staff:Alexandria Teague
Meeting Date:October 8, 2024 Item Number:
Page 382 of 1151
To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members
From: Alexandria Teague, Planning Services Manager, Dept. of Comm. Dev.
Alyssa Tatro, Senior Planner, Dept. of Comm. Dev.
Date: September 20, 2024
Re: 2024 Comprehensive Plan - Code Updates
Each city and county in Washington state is required to conduct a periodic update of its
comprehensive plan and development regulations per RCW 36.70A.130 (The Growth
Management Act or GMA). In general, the purpose is to ensure consistency with the Puget
Sound Regional Council Vision 2050, the Countywide Planning Policies (for Auburn this means
both Pierce and King County), any changes in state laws over the intervening time, and to
respond to changing conditions within the local community.
City staff are in the process of updating various chapters of Auburn’s city code to implement the
goals, policies, and strategies identified in the draft Periodic Comprehensive Plan Elements that
Planning Commission provided a recommendation for city council adoption on July 16, 2024.
Most of the changes are related to the Land Use Element and Housing Element and are
required to comply with new state law. In particular, changes to the City’s Zoning Code (Title 18)
and Subdivision Code (Title 17) are necessary to implement concepts such as middle housing,
accessory dwelling units, and unit lot subdivisions. Other improvement changes include the
expansion of the Downtown Urban Center and the creation of districts related to the future
Auburn Downtown Plan Update.
The substantial changes are included in the following chapters:
18.02 General Provisions
18.04 Definitions
18.07 Residential Zones
18.23 Commercial and Industrial Zones
18.25 (New) Middle Development Standards
18.29 DUC Downtown Urban Center District
18.32 (New) Accessory Dwelling Units
18.50 Landscaping and Screening
Page 383 of 1151
18.52 Off-Street Parking and Loading
17.04 Definitions
17.27 (New) Unit Lot Subdivisions
Additional city code updates may be necessary to implement specific policies in the Climate
Element and addressed in the 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan package scheduled for
adoption in December 2024, though many of these code updates may be postponed until 2025
in an effort to direct staff resources to land use and housing related updates.
Feel free to contact Alexandria Teague, Planning Services Manager, at
ateague@auburnwa.gov or 253-931-3003 with any questions.
Included Attachments:
Attachment 1 – Title 18 Text Amendment (strikeout-underline version)
Attachment 2 – Title 14 and 17 Text Amendment (strikeout-underline version)
Attachment 3 – Title 18 Text Amendment (clean version)
Attachment 4 – Title 14 and 17 Text Amendment (clean version)
Page 384 of 1151
Chapter 18.02 ACC, General Provisions Page 1 of 18
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.02
18.02.010 Short title.
18.02.020 Authority to adopt code.
18.02.030 Purpose.
18.02.040 Applicability.
18.02.050 Minimum requirements.
18.02.060 Rules for administrative interpretations.
18.02.065 Methods of calculating density.
18.02.067 Units allowed per lot.
18.02.070 Establishment of zones.
18.02.080 Zoning map.
18.02.090 Zone boundary interpretation.
18.02.100 Zoning for annexed land.
18.02.110 Zoning for property influenced by Auburn Municipal Airport.
18.02.120 Permitted land uses established.
18.02.130 Neighborhood review meeting.
18.02.010 Short title.
This title shall be known as “the comprehensive zoning ordinance” of the city, which shall
constitute Title 18 of the Auburn City Code and shall hereafter be referred to as “this title.” (Ord.
6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.02.020 Authority to adopt code.
A. The city of Auburn comprehensive zoning ordinance is adopted by city of Auburn ordinance,
pursuant to Article XI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution, the State Growth
Management Act, RCW Title 35A, Optional Municipal Code, and Chapter 36.70B RCW. In
accordance with ACC 1.04.060.
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B. Notwithstanding any provisions otherwise, this title does not permit or allow any action, use
or conduct which is in violation of or prohibited by any state or federal laws, regulations or
codes. Any action, use or conduct which is prohibited by state or federal law is prohibited
hereby. It is provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection B do not apply to any
person or persons who has/have a valid, lawful license issued by the state of Washington to
produce, process or sell marijuana, marijuana concentrates, usable marijuana and/or
marijuana-infused products and is acting in full conformity with the requirements of the state
of Washington related to such license pursuant to RCW 69.50.301 through 69.50.369, and WAC
314-55-005 through 314-55-540. In such instances, the state of Washington, not the city, is the
permitting and licensing entity. It is provided, however, that this provision does not preclude
the city from taking enforcement action in instances where conduct or activity that is licensed
or permitted under RCW 69.50.301 through 69.50.369, and WAC 314-55-005 through 314-55-
540 occurs within the city of Auburn but is not in compliance with or violates the requirements
of such state licensing or permitting. For the purposes of this section only, the provisions of
RCW 69.50.325 through 69.50.369, and WAC 314-55-515 through 314-55-535 are hereby
adopted by reference and incorporated herein. (Ord. 6525 § 5, 2014; Ord. 6416 § 4, 2012; Ord.
6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.030 Purpose.
A. The purpose of this title is to implement the city’s comprehensive plan. This title will be used
to further the growth and development of the city consistent with the adopted comprehensive
plan and its implementing elements. This title will also further the purpose of promoting the
health, safety, morals, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare of the city’s
population and to prevent and abate public nuisances.
B. The specific zones and regulations set out in this title are designed to:
1. Provide adequate public facilities and services, including utilities, roads, schools, and
parks in conjunction with development;
2. Provide housing with essential light, air, privacy, and open space;
3. Facilitate the safe and efficient movement of traffic on the city’s streets;
4. Stabilize and enhance property values;
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5. Facilitate adequate provisions for doing public and private business and thereby
safeguard the community’s economic structure upon which the prosperity and welfare of
all depends; and
6. Through such achievements, help ensure the safety and security of home life, foster
good citizenship, and create and preserve a more healthful, serviceable and attractive
municipality and environment in which to live.
C. To most effectively accomplish these purposes, this title divides the city into zones wherein
the location, height and use of buildings, the use of land, the size of setback areas and other
open space, and the provision of off-street parking and loading are regulated and restricted in
accordance with the comprehensive plan for the city. These zones and regulations are deemed
necessary and are made with reasonable consideration, among other things, as to the
character of each zone and its particular suitability for specific uses, the need for such uses, the
common rights and interests of all within the zone as well as those of the general public, and
with the view of conserving and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the
city and to prevent and abate public nuisances. (Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1997; Ord.
4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.02.020.)
18.02.040 Applicability.
A. The provisions of this title shall apply to both public and private use of land within the
corporate limits of the city.
B. Hereafter, no use shall be conducted, and no building, structure and appurtenance shall be
erected, relocated, remodeled, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, unless in compliance with
the provisions of this title, and then only after securing all permits and approvals required
hereby. It shall be unlawful to build or use any building or structure or to use premises in the
city for any purpose or use other than the uses listed as being permitted in the zone in which
such building, land, or premises is located.
C. Any building, structure or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this title, although
not in compliance herewith, may continue as provided in Chapter 18.54 ACC.
D. No division of land shall occur unless in compliance with the provisions of this title and ACC
Title 17, Land Adjustments and Divisions.
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E. This title is not intended to regulate the public ways as defined in ACC 20.02.020. (Ord. 6799
§ 3 (Exh. C), 2020; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2,
1987. Formerly 18.02.030.)
18.02.050 Minimum requirements.
A. In interpretation and application, the requirements set forth in this title shall be considered
the minimum requirements necessary to accomplish the purpose of this title.
B. It is not the intent of this title to interfere with, abrogate or annul any easements, covenants
or other agreements between private parties. However, where this title imposes a greater
restriction upon the use of land and/or buildings or in general requires higher standards than
other ordinances, rules, or private agreements, the provisions of this title shall govern. (Ord.
6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.060 Rules for administrative interpretations.
A. The planning director shall be authorized to interpret the meaning of words, phrases and
sentences which relate to the determining of uses permitted in the various zones, approval or
disapproval of development plans, or other related zoning actions. Any interpretations
regarding implementation of this title shall be made in accordance with the intent or purpose
statement of the specific regulation and the comprehensive plan. Life, safety and public health
regulations are assumed to prevail over all other regulations.
B. The planning director may authorize uses in a zone other than those which are listed, if the
planning director determines the use is consistent with the intent of the zone and is of the
same general character of the uses permitted within the zone. Further guidance on
administrative interpretations of land uses can be found in ACC 18.02.120.
C. Administrative interpretations may be appealed to the hearing examiner as prescribed in
Chapter 18.70 ACC.
D. Administrative interpretations made by the planning director shall be documented, made
available for public review, and docketed for inclusion to this title, when consistent with the title
format and level of detail required. The city shall incorporate administrative interpretations
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upon approval of the legislative authority. (Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1997; Ord. 4229
§ 2, 1987. Formerly 18.02.040.)
18.02.065 Methods of calculating density.
For subdivision purposes, Tthe permitted numberpermitted number of dwelling units or lots
shall be determined as follows:
A. Gross Site Area. The gross site area shall be used to calculate both the minimum and
maximum number of allowed dwelling units or lots.
1. When calculations result in a fraction, the fraction shall be rounded to the nearest
whole number as follows:
a. Fractions of one-half or above shall be rounded up; and
b. Fractions below one-half shall be rounded down.
2. Calculating Base Density. Base density is calculated by multiplying the gross site area by
the upper limit of units or lots allowed within the zone. For example, in the R-5 zone, where
the density range allows up to five dwelling units per acre:
4.3 acres gross site area x 5 units per acre = 21.5 (rounded up to 22)
32. Calculating Minimum Density. Minimum density is calculated by multiplying the gross
site area by the minimum units or lots per acre lower limit of units or lots allowed within
the zone. For example, in the R-25 zone, 7 units or lots per acre are allowed: where the
density range allows as few as four dwelling units per acre:
4.3 acres gross site area x 4 7 units per acre = 17.230.1 (rounded down to 3017)
43. Each lot shall meet the requirements established in Chapter 18.07 ACC for lot area,
dimensions, setbacks, and other development standards.
54. Where a proposed area for subdivision cannot meet the minimum density due to
encumbrance by critical areas, critical area buffers, or other similar types of features that
preclude development, the applicant may seek to deviate from the minimum density which
will be reviewed as an administrative decision as part of the subdivision application. If the
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applicant seeks a variance from the development standards in Chapter 18.07 ACC the
variance shall be processed utilizing the provisions of ACC 18.70.010. Alterations of a
critical area or its buffer shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 16.10 ACC.
Compliance with the density requirements of the underlying zone shall not be used as
justification for alteration of a critical area.
B. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to short plats that are processed under
Chapter 17.09 ACC.
C. Bonus density, where applicable, shall be computed by adding the bonus units authorized
by Chapter 18.25 or 18.49 ACC to the base units computed under this section. (Ord. 6661 § 1,
2018; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.067 Units allowed per lot.
A. Applicability. The standards in this section apply to all residential uses in residential and
mixed-use zones.
B. Units. For the purposes of this section, “units” refer to dwelling units, including accessory
dwelling units (ADUs).
C. Base units allowed per lot. All lots in residential zones greater than 1,000 sf in area may be
developed with up to the number of units shown in 18.07.030(D)(1) when in compliance with all
other relevant standards of this chapter and ACC 18.25. Example: If 4 units are the base units
on a given lot, and a fourplex has been developed, no ADUs may be added.
D. Middle Housing Base units per lot allowed with transit or affordability bonus. Unit bonuses specific
to middle housing are required to comply with RCW 36.70A.635.
1. All lots in residential zones may be developed with up to the number of middle
housing units shown in 18.07.030(D)(2) under the following conditions:
a. The lot is within one-quarter mile of a major transit stop (as defined in ACC
18.04.597), or
b. At least two units on the lot are affordable housing meeting the requirements
of subsections (D)(2) through (D)(6) below.
Note: Bonus units for (a) and (b) above are not cumulative. Single-unit detached housing
lots are not eligible for bonuses and are not allowed as a component of the bonus
development. .
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2. To qualify for additional units under the affordable housing provisions, applicant shall
commit to renting or selling the required number of units as affordable housing.
3. Dwelling units that qualify as affordable housing shall have costs, including utilities
other than telephone, that do not exceed 30 percent of the monthly income of a
household whose income does not exceed the following percentages of median
household income adjusted for household size, for the county where the household is
located, as reported by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
a. Rental housing: 60 percent.
b. Owner-occupied housing: 80 percent.
4. The units shall be maintained as affordable for a term of at least 50 years, and the
property shall satisfy that commitment and all required affordability and income
eligibility conditions.
5. The applicant shall record a covenant or deed restriction that ensures the continuing
rental or ownership of units subject to these affordability requirements consistent with
the conditions in chapter 84.14 RCW for a period of no less than 50 years. The covenant
or deed restriction must address the following:
a. How affordability will be defined, managed, and controlled under scenarios for
both ownership and rental housing. The covenant must commit to renting or
selling the required number of units as affordable housing and, for rental units,
ensure the continuing rental of units consistent with Chapter 84.14 RCW.
b. Criteria and policies to maintain public benefit if the property is converted to a
use other than that which continues to provide for permanently affordable
6. The units dedicated as affordable housing shall:
a. Be provided in a range of sizes comparable to other units in the development.
b. The number of bedrooms in affordable units shall be in the same proportion
as the number of bedrooms in units within the entire development.
c. Generally, be distributed throughout the development and have substantially
the same functionality as the other units in the development.
E. Lot area per unit above base allowance. Additional units beyond what is allowed under
18.25.040(A) are allowed based on lot area above the minimum lot size threshold. One
additional unit is allowed above the base for each interval of the value shown in 18.07.030(D)(3)
up to the maximum number of units per lot (18.07.030)(D)(4), except for courtyard housing. For
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example: a lot with an area of 5,650 sf in the R-2 zone may have one additional unit above the
base of four because it is 1,250 ft larger than the minimum lot size.
F. Maximum units per lot.
1. Except for courtyard housing, the total number of units shall not exceed the value
listed in 18.07.030)(D)(4).
2. The maximum number of units for courtyard housing is two times the number of
units listed in 18.07.030)(D)(4).
18.02.070 Establishment of zones.
A. The city is divided into the following classes of zones:
1. RC, residential conservancy zone (one dwelling unit per four acres);
2. R-1, residential one unit per acre zone (one dwelling unit per acre);
3. R-52, residential low zone (five dwelling units per acre);
4. R-7, residential zone (seven dwelling units per acre);
45. R-310, residential moderate zone (10 dwelling units per acre);
6. R-16, residential zone (16 dwelling units per acre);
57. R-420, residential high zone (20 dwelling units per acre);
68. R-MHC, manufactured/mobile home community zone;
79. ROF, residential flexoffice zone, and RO-H, residential office-hospital zone;
8. R-NM, residential neighborhood mixed-use zone
10. C-N, neighborhood shopping zone;
911. C-1, light commercial zone;
12. C-2, central business zone;
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130. C-32, heavy commercial zone;
14. C-4, mixed-use commercial zone;
115. M-1, light industrial zone;
126. M-2, heavy industrial zone;
173. LF, airport landing field zone;
184. P-1, public use zone;
195. UNC, unclassified use zone;
1620. I, institutional use zone;
1721. DUC, downtown urban center – 125 districtzone;
18. DUC, downtown urban center - 75 District
19. DUC, downtown urban center - 55 District
20. DUC, neighborhood residential district
21. DUC, health and wellness district
22. DUC, residential-flex district
23. DUC, light commercial district
24. DUC, heavy commercial district
25. DUC, light industrial district
226. OS, open space zone.
B. The zones set out in subsection A of this section are established as the designations,
locations, and boundaries thereof as set forth and indicated on the zoning map.
C. The intent statement for each zone set forth in this title shall be used to guide the
application of the zones to all lands in the city of Auburn. The intent statements shall guide
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interpretation and application of land use regulations within the zones, and any change to the
range of allowed uses within each zone through amendment to this title. (Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A),
2022; Ord. 6677 § 1, 2018; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.080 Zoning map.
A. “Zoning map,” as used in this title, is that certain map, three copies of which are on file in
the office of the city clerk, labeled “Comprehensive Zoning Map of the city of Auburn,
Washington,” dated June 1, 1987, and adopted by Ordinance No. 4230 and signed by the mayor
and city clerk, along with all amendments thereto. The types of zoning map amendments are
listed in ACC 18.68.030(A).
B. Current copies of the zoning map are available for examination and/or purchase at the
community development department. The zoning map is adopted and made a part of the
comprehensive zoning ordinance, with the most current amended copy serving as the official
zoning map. (Ord. 6779 § 2, 2020; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.090 Zone boundary interpretation.
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zones as shown on the official zoning map,
the following rules shall apply:
A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways, or
alleys shall be construed to follow such lines;
B. Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as
following such lot lines;
C. Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following
city limits;
D. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed as to be midway
between the main tracks;
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E. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in subsections A
through D of this section shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the
official zoning map shall be determined by the scale of the map;
F. Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at a variance with those
shown on the official zoning map, or in other circumstances not covered by subsections A
through E of this section, the planning director shall interpret the zone boundaries;
G. When the city vacates a street or alley, the vacated property will be zoned consistent with
the adjacent property it is being vacated to. (Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.100 Zoning for annexed land.
Prior to any parcel of land being annexed to the city, the property may be zoned consistent with
the rezone requirements of this title and the comprehensive plan may be amended if
Application for the rezone and any necessary amendment may be done simultaneously with
the request for annexation.
For property that is not assigned a zone classification by the city of Auburn at annexation, the
property shall assume the UNC unclassified use designation upon annexation.
In such case, the planning director shall initiate an application to rezone from the UNC
unclassified use designation to a zone compatible with the comprehensive plan within six
months of the date of annexation. (Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5354 § 2, 2000; Ord. 5026 § 1,
1997; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.02.050.)
18.02.110 Zoning for property influenced by Auburn Municipal Airport.
Refer to Chapter 18.38 ACC to determine if property will be required to comply with additional
regulations that are associated with the airport. (Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009; Ord. 5026 § 1, 1997.
Formerly 18.02.060.)
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18.02.120 Permitted land uses established.
A. Categories of Uses Established. Chapters 18.07 through 18.44 ACC establish permitted,
administrative, conditional, and prohibited uses, by zone, for all properties within the Auburn
city limits. All principal uses in a given zone are one of four types:
1. Permitted use (see ACC 18.04.696);
2. Administrative use (see ACC 18.04.025);
3. Conditional use (see ACC 18.04.260);
4. Prohibited use (see ACC 18.04.752).
Uses which are incidental and customary to a principal use may be considered an accessory use
as defined in ACC 18.04.020.
Uses not specifically identified as principal uses or determined to be an accessory use shall be
classified utilizing the procedures outlined in subsection (C)(6) of this section.
B. Zoning Use Tables Established for Residential Zones. The zone use tables in ACC 18.07.020
and 18.09.020 establish whether a specific use is permitted in a zone and whether the use is
allowed as a permitted, administrative, conditional, or prohibited use. The zone is located on
the horizontal row and the specific use is located on the vertical column of these tables.
C. Interpretation of Zone Use Tables.
1. Legend. The following letters have the following meanings when they appear in the box
at the intersection of the column and the row on the zone use tables:
Symbol Description
P Permitted Use
A Administrative Use
C Conditional Use
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Symbol Description
X Prohibited Use
2. Other Requirements Applicable. The above uses are subject to the other application
requirements, citywide property development standards, and applicable overlay district
regulations specified in the zoning code, the project review procedures specified in ACC
Title 14, the building and construction standards of ACC Title 15, the environmental review
procedures and regulations specified in ACC Title 16, and the regulations for the division of
land in ACC Title 17.
3. Additional Use-Related Conditions. If a number also appears at the intersection of the
column and the row, the use is also subject to the additional requirements as listed in the
corresponding endnote immediately following the use table in the specified code chapter.
All applicable requirements shall govern a use whether specifically identified in the zone
chapter or not.
4. Accessory Use Interpretation. The planning director or designee may determine if a use
that is not specifically described as accessory is permitted as an accessory to a principal use
in a zone. Upon inquiry by an applicant, an administrative interpretation shall be made by
the planning director or designee to determine if a proposed use is allowed as an accessory
use within the zone utilizing the purpose and intent of the zone, comprehensive plan policy
guidance, and the definition of accessory use contained in Chapter 18.04 ACC.
5. Prohibited Uses. If an “X” appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the
row, the use is prohibited in that zone. Similarly, if a use is listed in one zone use table but
not another zone use table, it shall be considered prohibited in the zone use table in which
it is not listed. For example, a use listed in the industrial zone use table of Chapter 18.16
ACC, but not listed in the residential zone use table of Chapter 18.07 ACC, shall be
considered prohibited in the residential zones listed in Chapter 18.07 ACC even though the
land use does not appear with an “X” in the use table.
6. Unclassified Uses. Upon inquiry by an applicant, an administrative interpretation shall be
made by the planning director or designee to determine if a proposed use not specifically
listed in any zone use table is allowed within a specific zone utilizing the criteria in this
subsection. Should an interpretation be made that a proposed, unlisted use not be allowed
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in a specific zone, the planning director or designee shall indicate which zones, if any, do
permit the use.
a. Criteria for Unclassified Uses. In order to make a determination that an unclassified
use is permitted, administratively permitted, conditionally permitted, or accessory, the
planning director or designee must find that the use is:
i. In keeping with the intent of the zone, and consistent with Auburn
comprehensive plan policies; and
ii. Similar in nature to, and no more intense than, specifically listed permitted,
conditional or accessory uses; and
iii. Consistent with subsection (C)(4) of this section, if determined to be
permissible as an accessory use. (Ord. 6269 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
18.02.130 Neighborhood review meeting.
A. Purpose. The purpose of the neighborhood review meeting is for a developer/applicant of a
proposed project to hold a meeting with surrounding and adjacent neighboring residents,
property owners, homeowners’ associations, residents and businesses (hereinafter collectively
referred to as “neighbors”) prior to submitting an application to the city. The neighbors would
have an early opportunity to become familiar with either a residential subdivision, multifamily
or mixed development proposal of a certain size and scale early in the development review
process and to identify any associated issues. The neighborhood review meeting is intended to
assist in producing applications that are responsive to neighborhood concerns, and to reduce
the likelihood of delays and appeals. The city expects an applicant to take into consideration the
reasonable concerns and recommendations of the neighbors and other interested persons
when preparing an application.
B. Applicability. A neighborhood review meeting shall be required for the following types of
new land use application in any applicable zoning district within the city:
1. A residential subdivision project comprising 40 or more lots or units; or
2. A multifamily residential project comprising 40 or more units; or
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3. A mixed-use development project comprising 40 or more units.
C. Time Frames.
1. Prior to submittal of an application, an applicant shall provide an opportunity to meet
with neighboring residents, property owners, homeowners’ associations, residents and
businesses (hereinafter collectively referred to as “neighbors”) within the city-specified
notice radius to review the proposal.
2. The applicant shall not be required to hold more than one neighborhood review
D. Procedures.
1. The applicant shall select the meeting time and place. The starting time selected shall
be limited to a weekday evening after 6:00 p.m. or a weekend at any reasonable time and
shall not occur on a federally recognized holiday. The meeting shall be held at a location
open to the public and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The public
meeting shall be held within the Auburn city limits, at a location no further than two miles
from the project site, unless an alternate meeting location is approved by the planning
director. A sign at least 22 inches by 28 inches in size with minimum two-inch lettering shall
be placed at the main entrance of the building where the meeting will take place at least
one hour prior to the meeting. Such sign will announce the meeting purpose, that the
meeting is open to the public and that interested persons are invited to attend. This sign
shall be removed upon conclusion of the meeting by the applicant.
2. The applicant shall send by regular mail a written notice announcing the neighborhood
review meeting to the director of the city of Auburn planning and development department
and property owners within 300 feet of the property(ies) involved in the development
review application. The notice shall include the date, time and location of the meeting and
briefly discuss the nature and location of the proposal. The notice shall be mailed not less
than 20 calendar days prior to the meeting date. The mailing list shall be obtained by the
applicant and based on the most recent property tax assessment rolls of the King County
department of assessments or the Pierce County assessor-treasurer’s office, whichever is
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3. Not less than 20 calendar days prior to the neighborhood review meeting, the applicant
shall post a notice on the property which is the subject of the proposed application. The
notice shall be posted at the property in a visible and accessible location. The notice shall
state that the site may be subject to a proposed development and shall set forth the name
of the applicant and a telephone number where the applicant or applicant’s contact person
can be reached for additional information. The site shall remain posted until the conclusion
of the neighborhood review meeting. The city will not be responsible for posting of any
4. The sign at the building entrance under subsection (D)(1) of this section, the notices
sent by mail under subsection (D)(2) of this section and the site posting under subsection
(D)(3) of this section shall each contain the following statement:
The intent of this meeting is to facilitate an early informal discussion between the
project developer and the neighbors regarding the project. While required by the
City of Auburn, this meeting is not conducted by the City of Auburn and is in
addition to any future hearings or public comment opportunities available under
city development review processes.
5. At the neighborhood review meeting, the applicant shall describe the proposed
application to persons in attendance. The attendees may identify any issues that they
believe should be addressed in the application and recommend that those issues be
submitted for city consideration and analysis.
6. The applicant shall prepare and make available the following materials for review and
discussion at the public meeting:
a. Total number of dwelling units/lots expected to be built;
b. Conceptual site plan/plat layout showing buildings, road layout, landscape, parking,
topography and open space areas, and adjacent properties; and
c. Aerial photograph showing the subject property and adjacent properties.
7. At the neighborhood review meeting, a sign-in sheet shall be distributed to all meeting
attendees that specifies the date, time and location of the neighborhood review meeting
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and asks for the name, address, phone number and electronic mail address of each
meeting attendee.
8. At the neighborhood review meeting, the applicant shall take notes of the discussion on
the proposed application for eventual submittal to the city.
E. Submittal Requirements. The applicant shall submit the following information with the
submittal of a development application:
1. A copy of the notice provided to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the
proposed development site.
2. A copy of the mailing list used to send out meeting notices.
3. A written statement containing the information posted on the property.
4. An affidavit of mailing and posting notices.
5. A copy of the meeting sign-in sheet.
6. Copies of written materials and eight-and-one-half-inch by 11-inch size plans presented
at the neighborhood review meeting.
7. Notes of the meeting including a summary of oral and written comments received.
8. If responses to the meeting notice were not received by the applicant and no one
attended the neighborhood review meeting or persons in attendance made no comments,
the applicant shall submit evidence as indicated above, with the notes reflecting the
absence of comment, attendance, or both.
F. Notice.
1. All property owners who receive notice of the neighborhood review meeting shall be
eligible to receive a copy of the written city decision for the development proposal.
2. All neighbors receiving notice of or attending the neighborhood review meeting shall be
eligible to receive a copy of the written city decision for the development proposal through
a request made to the city.
G. Consideration. The city shall consider as part of the development review process the
concerns and issues raised by the neighbors and applicant at the neighborhood review
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Chapter 18.02 ACC, General Provisions Page 18 of 18
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
meeting, including any agreed-upon solutions or resolutions to outstanding issues or areas of
contention. The city, however, shall not be bound in its decision-making by any agreements or
understandings made between the neighbors and applicants. Nothing in this section shall be
construed to delegate design or project review decision-making authority to the participants in
the public meeting.
H. City Involvement. The neighborhood review meeting is intended to be a developer-
neighborhood interaction. City staff are not required to attend and/or participate in
neighborhood review meetings. There will be other official opportunities for residents and
neighbors to make comment during the development review process that would follow the
neighborhood review meeting. The director of the planning and development department or
designee shall be notified a minimum of seven calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the
neighborhood review meeting. Any city staff attendance at a neighborhood review meeting is
for informational purposes only, does not represent the city’s position on the merits of the
development proposal and does not constitute an approval or denial of an application, now or
submitted in the future. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6245 § 2, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
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Chapter 18.04 ACC, Definitions Page 1 of 74
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
Chapter 18.04
18.04.010 General definitions.
18.04.018 Accessory dwelling unit.
18.04.019 Accessible electric vehicle charging station.
18.04.020 Accessory use.
18.04.021 Accessory use, manufactured home community.
18.04.022 Repealed.
18.04.023 Accessory use, residential.
18.04.024 Repealed.
18.04.025 Administrative use.
18.04.027 Repealed.
18.04.030 Repealed.
18.04.031 Adult family home.
18.04.032 Repealed.
18.04.035 Agricultural enterprise.
18.04.036 Agricultural store.
18.04.039 Aircraft operations.
18.04.040 Airport, heliport or aircraft landing field.
18.04.050 Airport elevation.
18.04.060 Airport hazard.
18.04.070 Airport landing area.
18.04.072 Airport manager.
18.04.080 Airport reference point.
18.04.090 Alley.
18.04.100 Amusement device, mechanical.
18.04.105 Animal shelter, public.
18.04.110 Apartment.
18.04.115 Apiary.
18.04.120 Arcade.
18.04.125 Assisted living facility.
18.04.130 Automobile repair.
18.04.140 Repealed.
18.04.150 Automobile wrecking.
18.04.160 Automobile wrecking yard.
18.04.170 Automobile, trailer, equipment sales area.
18.04.171 Battery charging station.
18.04.172 Battery electric vehicle (bev).
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18.04.173 Battery exchange station.
18.04.175 Bed and breakfast.
18.04.180 Repealed.
18.04.185 Repealed.
18.04.190 Building.
18.04.192 Building and landscape materials sales.
18.04.194 Building contractor, heavy.
18.04.195 Building contractor, light.
18.04.200 Building height.
18.04.210 Building, main.
18.04.220 Repealed.
18.04.230 Building site.
18.04.235 Built green. Caretaker apartment.
18.04.236 Charging levels.
18.04.237 Chicken coop.
18.04.238 Chicken run.
18.04.240 Commercial use.
18.04.245 Commercial vehicle.
18.04.246 Commercial recreation facility, indoor.
18.04.247 Commercial recreation facility, outdoor.
18.04.248 Community retail establishment.
18.04.249 Communal residence.
18.04.250 Comprehensive plan.
18.04.260 Conditional use.
18.04.265 Condominium.
18.04.270 Conforming use.
18.04.280 Repealed.
18.04.282 Convenience store.
18.04.283 Crematorium.
18.04.285 Dangerous waste.
18.04.290 Daycare center, nursery school, preschool.
18.04.294 Designated accessible space.
18.04.295 Designated facility zone.
18.04.300 Density.
18.04.301 Density, base.
18.04.302 Density bonus.
18.04.303 Density, minimum.
18.04.310 Development standards.
18.04.318 Dripline.
18.04.320 Repealed.
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18.04.325 Domestic fowl and poultry.
18.04.330 Dwelling.
18.04.340 Dwellings, types of.
18.04.350 Dwelling unit.
18.04.351 Electric scooters and motorcycles.
18.04.352 Electric vehicle.
18.04.353 Electric vehicle charging station.
18.04.354 Electric vehicle charging station – Restricted.
18.04.355 Extremely hazardous waste.
18.04.356 Electric vehicle charging station – Public.
18.04.357 Electric vehicle infrastructure.
18.04.358 Electric vehicle parking space.
18.04.359 Emergency Housing
18.04.360 Emergency Shelter
18.04.36159 Entertainment, commercial.
18.04.3620 Family.
18.04.365 FAR Part 77 surfaces.
18.04.370 Fence.
18.04.371 Fence, opacity.
18.04.372 Fence, screened.
18.04.373 Fence, visibility.
18.04.374 Fence, 100 percent sight-obscuring.
18.04.376 Retaining wall.
18.04.380 Floor area.
18.04.390 Foster care home.
18.04.395 Fueling station.
18.04.400 Garage or carport, residential.
18.04.410 Garage, commercial.
18.04.411 Golf course.
18.04.412 Governmental facilities.
18.04.420 Grade.
18.04.425 Green building practices.
18.04.430 Gross floor area.
18.04.440 Group residence facility.
18.04.445 Growth center.
18.04.450 Guest cottage.
18.04.452 Hazardous material.
18.04.453 Hazardous substance.
18.04.454 Hazardous substance processing or handling.
18.04.455 Hazardous waste.
18.04.456 Hazardous waste storage.
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18.04.457 Hazardous waste treatment.
18.04.458 Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, off-site.
18.04.459 Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, on-site.
18.04.460 Home occupation.
18.04.465 Homeless encampment.
18.04.466 Horse riding, commercial.
18.04.470 Hospital.
18.04.480 Hospital or clinic, small animal.
18.04.485 Host agency.
18.04.490 Hotel.
18.04.495 Household pet.
18.04.496 Housing rehabilitation.
18.04.497 Impervious surface.
18.04.498 Incidental.
18.04.499 Intensity.
18.04.500 Junkyard.
18.04.510 Kennel.
18.04.515 Kitchen.
18.04.520 Landscaping.
18.04.522 Reserved.
18.04.523 Large domestic animal.
18.04.525 Leadership in energy and environmental design (leed).
18.04.527 Live/work unit.
18.04.530 Lot.
18.04.540 Lot area.
18.04.550 Lot coverage.
18.04.560 Lot dimensions.
18.04.570 Lot lines.
18.04.580 Lot of record.
18.04.590 Lot types.
18.04.595 Low impact development.
18.04.597 Major transit stop
18.04.600 Manufactured home.
18.04.610 Manufactured home community.
18.04.612 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Heavy intensity.
18.04.614 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Light intensity.
18.04.616 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Medium intensity.
18.04.617 Medium domestic animal.
18.04.619 Medium-speed electric vehicle.
18.04.620 Medical-dental clinic.
18.04.621 Middle housing
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18.04.622 Miniature goat.
18.04.623 Microbrewery or a small craft brewery.
18.04.625 Mixed-use development.
18.04.630 Mobile home.
18.04.635 Motor freight terminal.
18.04.640 Motel.
18.04.641 Multimodal transportation corridor.
18.04.642 Municipal park.
18.04.643 Museum.
18.04.643.1 Neighborhood electric vehicle.
18.04.644 Neighborhood recreation buildings.
18.04.644.1 Neighborhood retail establishment.
18.04.645 Neighborhood services.
18.04.648 Net density.
18.04.649 Nonelectric vehicle.
18.04.650 Nonconforming use.
18.04.660 Nursing home.
18.04.670 Occupancy.
18.04.672 Outdoor sales.
18.04.676 Outdoor storage.
18.04.676.1 Overlay zone.
18.04.677 Owner occupied unit.
18.04.678 Repealed.
18.04.680 Parking area.
18.04.690 Parking space or stall.
18.04.692 Parking structure.
18.04.694 Permanent supportive housing.
18.04.696 Permitted use.
18.04.700 Person.
18.04.710 Personal service shop.
18.04.730 Planning commission.
18.04.740 Planning director.
18.04.741 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
18.04.742 Potbelly pig.
18.04.744 Prerelease facility.
18.04.745 Print and copy shop.
18.04.746 Private country clubs and golf courses, excluding driving ranges.
18.04.748 Privately owned and operated parks and playgrounds.
18.04.750 Professional offices.
18.04.752 Prohibited use.
18.04.754 Public art.
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.756 Public recreational amenity.
18.04.760 Public use.
18.04.770 Quasi-public use.
18.04.779 Rapid charging station.
18.04.780 Recreational vehicle, camping trailer, travel trailer, motor home and truck camper.
18.04.790 Recreational vehicle park.
18.04.791 Regional retail establishment.
18.04.792 Religious institution.
18.04.794 Renting of rooms.
18.04.796 Repair services – Equipment, appliances.
18.04.800 Residence.
18.04.804 Restaurant, full-service.
18.04.805 Right-of-way.
18.04.806 Schools, elementary and middle/junior high.
18.04.807 Schools, secondary or high school.
18.04.808 Secure community transition facility.
18.04.809 Senior housing.
18.04.810 Setback.
18.04.811 Setback area.
18.04.812 Setback, front.
18.04.813 Setback, rear.
18.04.814 Setback, side.
18.04.815 Setback line.
18.04.816 Shop.
18.04.818 Shopping center.
18.04.820 Sign.
18.04.821 Site.
18.04.822 Site area.
18.04.823 Small domestic animal.
18.04.824 Social and service organizations.
18.04.825 Solid waste.
18.04.826 Solid waste processing facility.
18.04.827 Special events.
18.04.828 Sponsoring agency.
18.04.829 Store.
18.04.830 Repealed.
18.04.835 Special needs housing.
18.04.840 Repealed.
18.04.850 Reserved.
18.04.855 Small craft distillery.
18.04.860 Story.
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.870 Street, private.
18.04.880 Street, public.
18.04.890 Structure.
18.04.891 Supportive housing.
18.04.892 Sustainable design.
18.04.894 Tasting room.
18.04.895 Tavern.
18.04.896 Transmitting tower.
18.04.897 Unclassified use.
18.04.900 Use.
18.04.901 Utility facilities and substations.
18.04.910 Variance.
18.04.911 Walking distance.
18.04.91211 Wine production facility.
18.04.9121.1 Winery.
18.04.912 Wireless communications.
18.04.913 Work/live unit.
18.04.914 Work release facility.
18.04.920 Yard.
18.04.930 Yard, front.
18.04.940 Yard, rear.
18.04.950 Yard, side.
18.04.954 Youth community support facility.
18.04.960 Zone.
18.04.1001 Child care center.
18.04.1005 Marijuana or marihuana.
18.04.1007 Marijuana cooperative.
18.04.1009 Marijuana-infused products.
18.04.1011 Marijuana processor.
18.04.1013 Marijuana producer.
18.04.1015 Marijuana related business.
18.04.1017 Marijuana retailer.
18.04.1019 Marijuana researcher.
18.04.1021 Marijuana transporter.
18.04.1023 Public or private park.
18.04.1025 Public or private playground.
18.04.1027 Public or private recreational center.
18.04.1029 Public transit center.
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Chapter 18.04 ACC, Definitions Page 8 of 74
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.010 General definitions.
Except where specifically defined in this chapter, all words used in this title shall carry their customary
meanings. Words used in the present tense include the future, and the plural includes the singular, the word
“shall” is always mandatory, the word “may” denotes a use of discretion in making a decision, and the words
“used” or “occupied” shall be considered as though followed by the words “or intended, arranged or designed
to be used or occupied.” (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.018 Accessory dwelling unit.
An “accessory dwelling unit” is a self-contained residential unit that is accessory to a single-family
homesingle-unit detached housing or middle housing units located on individually owned lots, where the
accessory dwelling unit is located on the same lot. An accessory dwelling unit has its own bathroom, kitchen
facilities, living and sleeping areas, though it can share other features with the single-family homeprimary unit
including the yard, parking, storage or laundry facilities. The accessory dwelling unit may be attached or
detached to the single-unit detached housing or middle housing unit(s). An accessory dwelling unit excludes
accessory residential uses as defined in ACC 18.04.023. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5399 § 1, 2000.)
18.04.019 Accessible electric vehicle charging station.
“Accessible electric vehicle charging station” means an electric vehicle charging station where the battery
charging station equipment is located within accessible reach of a barrier-free access aisle (minimum 44-inch
width) and the electric vehicle. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.020 Accessory use.
“Accessory use” means a use, a building or structure, part of a building or other structure, which is subordinate
to and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building, structure or use on the same lot, including a
residential garage. If an accessory building is attached to the main building by a common wall or roof, such
accessory building shall be considered a part of the main building. Parking areas will not be considered an
accessory use under this definition. See related definitions for “Accessory use, manufactured home
community” and “Accessory use, residential.” (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.021 Accessory use, manufactured home community.
“Manufactured home community accessory use” is a subordinate use which supports the principal
manufactured home community use without displacing it. Manufactured home community accessory uses
include but are not limited to recreation facilities, clubhouses, park offices, and utility rooms to serve the
residents of the park only. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.022 Adult book and video establishment. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.023 Accessory use, residential.
“Residential accessory use” means a subordinate use which supports the principal residential use without
displacing it. The accessory residential use is typically located on the same lot occupied by the principal
residential use. Residential accessory uses include residential garage, guest cottage, recreation room, tool shed,
swimming pool, noncommercial greenhouse, private stable, barn, pen, coop, or similar structure. This use
excludes accessory dwelling units, as defined in ACC 18.04.018, and manufactured home community
accessory uses. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.024 Adult entertainment establishment. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.025 Administrative use.
“Administrative use” means a use permitted in a zone only after review and approval by the planning director
or designee. Administrative uses are those which typically have some potential for impacts to neighboring
properties, but which may be permitted within a zone following review by the city to establish conditions
mitigating impacts of the use and to assure compatibility with other uses in the zone. (Ord. 6269 § 27, 2009.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.027 Adult entertainment. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.030 Adult motion picture theater. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.031 Adult family home.
“Adult family home” means a residential home licensed by the state in which a person or persons provide
personal care, special care, room, and board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related
by blood or marriage to the person or persons providing the services. Adult family homes are not communal
residences. (Ord. 6560 § 1, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.032 Adult uses. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.035 Agricultural enterprise.
“Agricultural enterprise” means a business enterprise which is engaged in, or related to, farming or agricultural
production and other businesses and services supporting and promoting agriculture practices and the practice
of locally and regionally grown foods. The term shall include the following:
A. “Agritourism” means a business enterprise activity that includes operation of a working farm or any
agricultural or horticultural operation that, while not an exclusive function, is open to the public on a seasonal
basis for enjoyment, recreation, personal entertainment, or education.
B. “Agricultural entertainment” means any event or activity that allows for recreation, entertainment,
education and tourism associated with agricultural activities. (Ord. 6363 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.036 Agricultural store.
“Agricultural store” means a retail food establishment, housed in a permanent structure, whose primary
economic activity is the sale of local and regional agricultural products directly to consumers. An agricultural
store may also include the sale of sundries, prepackaged food, bottled or canned beverages and freshly
prepared food and beverages for consumption on site. (Ord. 6363 § 1, 2011.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.039 Aircraft operations.
“Aircraft operations” means the movement of aircraft operating in the airport traffic pattern or within sight of
the airport. A landing or takeoff is one operation. An aircraft that takes off and then lands creates two aircraft
operations. (Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021.)
18.04.040 Airport, heliport or aircraft landing field.
“Airport,” “heliport,” or “aircraft landing field” means any runway, landing area or other facility whether
publicly or privately owned or operated, and which is designed, used or intended to be used either by public
carriers or by private aircraft for landing and taking off of aircraft. This definition includes all necessary
taxiways, aircraft storage and tie-down areas, hangars and other necessary buildings and open spaces. This
definition does not include manufacturing, servicing or testing facilities located in the vicinity of any landing
area associated with the manufacturing or testing of commercial or military aircraft or activities associated
therewith. (Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.050 Airport elevation.
“Airport elevation” means the established elevation of the highest point on the usable landing area. (Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.060 Airport hazard.
“Airport hazard” means any structure, tree or use of land which obstructs the airspace required for, or is
otherwise hazardous to, the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the airport. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord.
4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.070 Airport landing area.
“Airport landing area” means the area of the airport used for the landing, taking off or taxiing of aircraft. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.072 Airport manager.
Airport Manager. See definition in Chapter 12.56 ACC. (Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021.)
18.04.080 Airport reference point.
“Airport reference point” means the point established as the approximate geographic center of the airport
landing area and so designated. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.090 Alley.
“Alley” means a public travel way or other public right-of-way under the jurisdiction and control of the city
and not designated for general travel and used primarily as a means of access to the rear of residential and/or
business establishments. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.100 Amusement device, mechanical.
“Mechanical amusement device” means any machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate,
disk, monetary bill or credit card, may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or
amusement, whether or not registering a score. It includes such devices as marble machines, pinball machines,
skill ball, mechanical grab machines, video games and all games, operations or transactions similar thereto
under whatever name they may be indicated to specify. “Mechanical amusement device” does not include pool
tables. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.105 Animal shelter, public.
“Animal shelter, public” means a facility that is used to temporarily house or contain stray, homeless,
abandoned or unwanted animals. The facility must be owned, operated, or maintained by one or more of the
following: an animal care and control agency; humane society, or society for the prevention of cruelty to
animals registered under Chapter 16.52 RCW, or another nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare,
protection, and humane treatment of animals, when such society or organization is then under contract with an
animal care and control agency. An animal shelter, public may provide supporting services, including medical
care. (Ord. 6407 § 2, 2012.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.1100 Apartment Bbuilding.
“Apartment Building” means:
(a) A building containing seven or more attached dwelling units, including a building containing nonresidential
units if the building also contains seven or more attached dwelling units, but excluding the following classes of
(i) Hotels and motels;
(ii) Dormitories;
(iii) Care facilities;
(iv) Floating homes;
(v) Middle Housing
(vi) A building that contains attached dwelling units that are each located on a single platted lot;
(vi) A building in which all of the dwelling units are held under one ownership and is subject to a
recorded irrevocable sale prohibition covenant;
(viii) A building with six or fewer units that is no more than three stories; and
(iv) A building with six or fewer units that is no more than three stories so long as one story is utilized
for parking, either above or below ground, or retail space.
18.04.115 Apiary.
“Apiary” (“apiaries”) means a place where honey bees (Apis mellifera) are kept; a collection of beehives.
“Beekeeping” is included under this definition. (Ord. 6600 § 1, 2016.)
18.04.120 Arcade.
“Arcade” means an entertainment venue featuring primarily video games, simulators, and/or other amusement
devices where persons under 21 years of age are not restricted. (Ord. 6642 § 14, 2017; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.125 Assisted living facility.
“Assisted living facility” means a combination of housing, supportive services, personalized assistance, and
health care designed to respond to the individual needs of those who need help with activities of daily living.
An establishment with a central or private kitchen, dining, recreational, and other facilities, with separate
bedrooms or living quarters, where the emphasis of the facility remains residential. An assisted living facility
is not a communal residence. (Ord. 6560 § 2, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6140 § 1, 2007.)
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
18.04.130 Automobile repair.
“Automobile repair” includes fixing, incidental body or fender work, painting, and upholstering, engine tune-
up, adjusting lights, installation/repair of electrical or electronic components, brakes, supplying and installing
replacement parts to passenger vehicles and trucks. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.140 Automobile service station. Repealed by Ord. 6433.
18.04.150 Automobile wrecking.
“Automobile wrecking” means the dismantling or disassembling of used motor vehicles or trailers, the storage,
sale or dumping of dismantled, obsolete, or wrecked vehicles or their parts, and the towing of such vehicles or
parts in connection with such activity. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.160 Automobile wrecking yard.
“Automobile wrecking yard” means any premises devoted to automobile wrecking. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord.
4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.170 Automobile, trailer, equipment sales area.
“Automobile, trailer and equipment sales area” means an open area, other than a street or alley, used for the
display, sale or rental of new or used automobiles, trucks, trailers or other equipment. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.171 Battery charging station.
“Battery charging station” means an electrical component assembly or cluster of component assemblies
designed specifically to charge batteries within electric vehicles, which meet or exceed any standards, codes,
and regulations set forth by Chapter 19.28 RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540.
(Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
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18.04.172 Battery electric vehicle (bev).
“Battery electric vehicle (BEV)” means any vehicle that operates exclusively on electrical energy from an off-
board source that is stored in the vehicle’s batteries, and produces zero tailpipe emissions or pollution when
stationary or operating. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.173 Battery exchange station.
“Battery exchange station” means a fully automated facility that will enable an electric vehicle with a
swappable battery to enter a drive lane and exchange the depleted battery with a fully charged battery through
a fully automated process, which meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations set forth by Chapter
19.27 RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.175 Bed and breakfast.
“Bed and breakfast” means a residential home maintained by an on-premises owner that provides no more than
six guest rooms which are used, rented, or hired out to guests to be occupied for sleeping purposes, and which
may also offer communal dining services. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.180 Boardinghouse. Repealed by Ord. 6477.
18.04.185 Brew pub. Repealed by Ord. 6368.
18.04.190 Building.
“Building” means any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls used or intended to be used for
the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property of any kind. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.192 Building and landscape materials sales.
“Building and landscape material sales” means a retail or wholesale establishment selling hardware, lumber
and other large building materials, plant materials, and other landscaping materials. (Ord. 6433 § 3, 2012.)
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18.04.194 Building contractor, heavy.
“Building contractor, heavy” means businesses relating to the heavy construction trades including but not
limited to: excavation work, highway and street construction; heavy construction, masonry and concrete work
and water well drilling. These types of businesses generally have heavy equipment that may be stored outside.
(Ord. 6433 § 4, 2012.)
18.04.195 Building contractor, light.
“Building contractor, light” means businesses relating to the building trades including but not limited to:
plumbing, heating, air conditioning; painting, paperhanging and decorating; electrical; carpentry and flooring;
roofing and sheet metal. These types of businesses generally do not have heavy equipment or building
materials stored outside. (Ord. 6433 § 5, 2012.)
18.04.200 Building height.
“Height of building” means the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the
roof for flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable,
hip and gambrel roofs. If a structure has none of the above features then the height shall be measured from the
finished grade to the highest portion of the structure. See Figure 18.04.200. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229
§ 2, 1987.)
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18.04.210 Building, main.
“Main building” means the principal building or buildings on a lot or building site designed or used to
accommodate the primary use to which the premises are devoted. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.220 Building official. Repealed by Ord. 6245.
18.04.230 Building site.
“Building site” means a parcel of land assigned to a use, to a main building, or to a main building and its
accessory buildings, together with all yards and open spaces required by this title. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord.
4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.235 Built green.
“Built green” means an environmental building program locally administered by the Master Builders
Association of King and Snohomish Counties which provides rating systems which quantify environmentally
friendly building practices for remodeling and new residential construction. The construction must qualify for
a minimum number of points in order to be certified as “built green.” Each building receives a one – to five-
star rating based on the builder’s ability to meet the sustainable design standards. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord.
6036 § 5, 2006.) Caretaker apartment.
“Caretaker apartment” means an accessory housing unit that is permitted in association with a commercial or
industrial use where no residential dwelling exists, for the express purpose of providing a housing unit for on-
site security or operations personnel. (Ord. 6433 § 6, 2012.)
18.04.236 Charging levels.
“Charging levels” means the standardized indicators of electrical force, or voltage, at which an electric
vehicle’s battery is recharged. The terms “1,” “2,” and “3” are the most common EV charging levels, and
include the following specifications:
A. Level 1 is considered slow charging.
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B. Level 2 is considered medium charging.
C. Level 3 is considered fast or rapid charging. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.237 Chicken coop.
“Chicken coop” means a building for housing and weather protection for domestic fowl. The chicken coop is
treated as an accessory structure. (Ord. 6600 § 2, 2016.)
18.04.238 Chicken run.
“Chicken run” or “chicken pen” means an area enclosed by fencing or netting which may or may not be
connected to a coop within which domestic fowl can move about freely within a limited portion of the property
or site. (Ord. 6600 § 3, 2016.)
18.04.240 Commercial use.
“Commercial use” shall mean any activity or use of land which involves the buying, selling, processing or
improving of things not produced on the land and having financial gain as the primary aim of the activity or
use; whether or not such activity or use be for hire or on account of the buyer, seller, processor, or improver.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.245 Commercial vehicle.
“Commercial vehicle” means semi-truck tractors and/or semi-trailers (over 26,001 pounds gross vehicle weight
rating) used in any commercial enterprise. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6019 § 1, 2006.)
18.04.246 Commercial recreation facility, indoor.
“Commercial recreation facility, indoor” means a private for-profit or nonprofit establishment offering
recreation or providing entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge and wholly
enclosed in the building. Typical uses include athletic and health club, pool or billiard hall, indoor swimming
pool, bowling alley, skating rink or climbing gyms. (Ord. 6433 § 7, 2012.)
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18.04.247 Commercial recreation facility, outdoor.
“Commercial recreation facility, outdoor” means a private for-profit or nonprofit establishment offering
recreation or providing entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge where any
portion of the activity takes place in the open, excluding public parks. Typical uses include: racetracks;
miniature golf; skateboard park; swimming and wading, therapeutic facilities; and tennis, handball, basketball
courts; batting cages, trampoline facilities. (Ord. 6433 § 8, 2012.)
18.04.248 Community retail establishment.
“Community retail establishment” means stores, shops and businesses either individually or in a shared space
setting serving a geographic area of the city that engage in merchandise sales. (Ord. 6433 § 9, 2012.)
18.04.249 Communal residence.
“Communal residence” is a business operated out of a single residential home without an owner occupant
residing therein, where the residential home, or portions thereof, is/are rented to more than one individual
through separate, unrelated lease or rental agreements. The fact that the individuals rent the residence or a
portion thereof through separate, unrelated lease or rental agreements shall be prima facie evidence that the
individuals are unrelated and do not meet the definition of “family” per ACC 18.04.360. Adult family homes,
foster care homes, group residence facilities, special needs housing, and supportive housing are not communal
residences. (Ord. 6560 § 3, 2015; Ord. 6477 § 10, 2013.)
18.04.250 Comprehensive plan.
“Comprehensive plan” means the comprehensive plan for the Auburn planning area, as now constituted, or
hereafter amended, or its successor. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.260 Conditional use.
“Conditional use” means a use permitted in a zone only after review and approval by the hearing examiner.
Conditional uses are such that they may be compatible only on certain conditions in specific locations in a
zone, or if the site is regulated in a certain manner in order to achieve the purposes of this title. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
2009; Ord. 6185 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.265 Condominium.
“Condominium” means a form of ownership in which individuals purchase and own individual units in a
multi-unit complex and jointly own and share financial responsibility for certain common areas. Residential
condominiums in Middle Housing and multifamily buildings differ from apartments in that each unit is
individually owned, and any land in the project is owned in common by all householders. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.270 Conforming use.
“Conforming use” means an activity the nature and type of which is permitted in the zone in which the
property on which it is established is located. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.280 Contract rezone. Repealed by Ord. 6245.
18.04.282 Convenience store.
“Convenience store” means a small retail establishment that offers convenience goods for sale, such as
prepackaged food items, beverages, tobacco, personal care items, and other household goods and often
characterized by 24 hours a day operations. These stores can be part of a fueling station or an independent
facility. (Ord. 6433 § 10, 2012.)
18.04.283 Crematorium.
“Crematorium” means a facility for the burning of corpses, human or animal, to ashes either as a principal use
or as an accessory use. Crematoriums do not include establishments where incinerators are used to dispose of
toxic or hazardous materials, infectious materials or narcotics. (Ord. 6433 § 11, 2012.)
18.04.285 Dangerous waste.
“Dangerous waste” means those solid wastes designated in WAC 173-303-070 through 173-303-103 as
dangerous waste. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
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18.04.290 Daycare center, nursery school, preschool.
“Daycare center,” “nursery school,” or “preschool” means any type of group daycare programs, for children or
adults, including nursery schools for children under minimum age for education in public schools, parent
cooperative nursery schools, playgroups for preschool children, covering afterschool care for school children,
and programs which provide organized learning and education experiences, provided such establishments are
licensed by the state and conducted in accordance with state requirements. For the purpose of this title the
following shall also apply to daycare center, nursery schools or preschools:
A. “Babysitting care” means a dwelling which provides occasional custodial care to children, for periods of
less than 24 hours, who do not reside within the residence of the person providing the care. Babysitting care is
not necessarily provided in exchange for compensation.
B. “Home based daycare” means a licensed daycare that regularly provides daycare for not more than 12
children or adults in the provider’s home in the family living quarters, for periods of less than 24 hours.
C. “Mini daycare center” means a place, other than the home of the provider, which provides regular
custodial care for one to 12 children, for periods of less than 24 hours.
D. “Daycare center” means a place, other than the home of the provider, which provides regular custodial
care for 12 or more children, for periods of less than 24 hours.
E. “Preschool/nursery school” means a place, other than the home of the provider, which provides regular
custodial care and/or organized learning and educational experiences for children. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord.
4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.294 Designated accessible space.
“Designated accessible space” means a required accessible parking space designated for the exclusive use of
parking vehicles with a state disabled parking permit, in accordance with WAC 51-50-005, the International
Building Code requirements for barrier-free accessibility. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.295 Designated facility zone.
“Designated facility zone” means a zone in which hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities are allowed
uses, subject to the state siting criteria designated in Chapter 70.105 RCW. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294
§ 2, 1988.)
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18.04.300 Density.
“Density” is a measure of population, housing units, or building area related to land area, and is expressed as a
ratio, e.g., units per acre or square feet of lot area per unit one dwelling unit per acre. See ACC 18.02.065 for
the methodology for calculating density. (Ord. 6661 § 2, 2018; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.301 Density, base.
“Base density” refers to the greatest number of dwelling units allowed without application of the bonus density
provisions of Chapter 18.25 or 18.49 ACC per land area in a specific zone expressed as a ratio. For example, in
a zone with a maximum density of four units per acre, the maximum number of housing units allowed on a
one-quarter-acre lot is one unit. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.302 Density bonus.
“Density bonus” refers to residential units allowed in excess of the base density of a particular zone. Density
bonuses may be granted to residential developers within a certain distance of a high capacity transit stop,
inclusion of affordable housing, or in exchange for recognized public benefits pursuant to Chapter 18.02 and
Chapter 18.25 or 18.49 ACC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.303 Density, minimum.
“Minimum density” refers to the least number of dwelling units or lots allowed per land area in a specific zone,
expressed as a ratio. For example, in a zone with a minimum density of 12 units per acre, development of a
two-acre lot would require a minimum of 24 units. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.310 Development standards.
“Development standards” means regulations pertaining to setbacks, landscaping, height, site coverage, signs,
building layout, site design and related features of land use. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.318 Dripline.
“Dripline” means an area encircling the base of a tree, the minimum extent of which is delineated by a vertical
line extending from the outer limit of a tree’s branch tips down to the ground. (Ord. 6387 § 2, 2011.)
18.04.320 District. Repealed by Ord. 6245.
18.04.325 Domestic fowl and poultry.
“Domestic fowl and poultry” includes all species of chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons or other fowl or
poultry of similar size and character. Roosters and peafowl are not included in this definition and are not
permitted. (Ord. 6600 § 6, 2016; Ord. 6369 § 5, 2011.)
18.04.330 Dwelling.
“Dwelling” means a building designed exclusively for residential purposes for occupancy by a person, family,
or unrelated group with one or more rooms for living and sleeping purposes, containing kitchen facilities and
rooms with internal accessibility, including single-familysingle-unit detached housing, middle housing,
apartments, two-family, multiple-family dwellings, and townhouse dwelling, and accessory dwelling units,s
but not including recreational vehicles, or hotels or motel units without kitchens. (Ord. 6565 § 1, 2015; Ord.
6477 § 3, 2013; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.340 Dwellings, types of.
“Types of dwellings” means:
A. Dwelling, Single-FamilySingle-Unit Detached. “Single-unit detached” dwellingfamily dwelling” means a
detached building, not connected to another building, designed exclusively for occupancy by one family or
communal residence and containing one dwelling unit that is permanently attached to the ground. A
manufactured home may be considered a single-familysingle-unit detached dwelling if sited per ACC
18.31.050. This dwelling-type was previously called “Single Family” and is synonymous with “Single-unit
detached housing”.
B. Dwelling, Dwelling, Two-Family (Duplex). “Two-family dwelling” or “duplex” means a building
designed exclusively for occupancy by two families or communal residence living independently of each other,
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and containing two dwelling units.Middle Housing. “Middle Housing” dwellings” includes the following
housing types:
13. “Townhouse” means a detached structurebuildings that contains threewo or more attached single-
family dwelling units that extend from foundation to roof and that have a yard or public way on not
less than two sides, each with its own front and rear access to the outside.
2. “Duplex” means a detached structure consisting of two individual dwelling units that is in a
horizontal or stacked layout, does not have interior openings between dwelling units, and which
dwelling units share common walls.
3. “Triplex” means a detached structure consisting of three individual dwelling units that is in a
horizontal or stacked layout, does not have interior openings between dwelling units, and which
dwelling units share common walls.
4. “Fourplex” means a detached structure consisting of four individual dwelling units that is in a
horizontal or stacked layout, does not have interior openings between dwelling units, and which
dwelling units share common walls.
5. “Fiveplex” means a detached structure consisting of five individual dwelling units that is in a
horizontal or stacked layout, does not have interior openings between dwelling units, and which
dwelling units share common walls.
6. “Sixplex” means a detached structure consisting of six individual dwelling units that is in a
horizontal or stacked layout, does not have interior openings between dwelling units, and which
dwelling units share common walls.
732. “Stacked flat” , means dwelling units in a residential building of no more than three stories on a
lot in which each floor may be separately rented or owned. Duplexes and triplexes may be arranged as
stacked flats.
3. “Townhouse” means buildings that contain two or more attached single-family dwelling units that
extend from foundation to roof and that have a yard or public way on not less than two sides.
844. “Cottage housing”, means residential units on a lot with a common open space that either: (a) Is
owned in common; or (b) has units owned as condominium units with property owned in common and
a minimum of 20 percent of the lot size as open space. Courtyard housing standards in 18.25.050
apply to cottage housing. This definition of cottage housing does not apply to “guest cottages” of ACC
59. "Courtyard apartments”. means a residential structure consisting of multiple attached side-by-
side and/or stacked dwelling units oriented around a yard or court on two or three sides.
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C. Dwelling, Multiple-FamilyApartment. “Multiple-family dwellingApartment” means a building means a
building designed for occupancy by three seven or more families or communal residences living independently
of each other, andeach other and containing seventhree or more dwelling units. Apartment units may be
located in a mixed-use development. This dwelling-type was previously called “Multiple-Family” dwellings.
D. Dwelling, Townhouse. “Townhouse dwelling” means a building designed exclusively for occupancy by
one family or communal residence, occupying space from the ground to the roof and not lying vertically under
or over adjacent units, and attached to one or more other dwelling units by common walls. (Ord. 6477 § 4,
2013; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6162 § 1, 2008; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.350 Dwelling unit.
“Dwelling unit” means one or more rooms designed for or occupied by one family or communal residence for
living or sleeping purposes and containing kitchen facilities. All rooms comprising a dwelling unit shall have
access through an interior door to other parts of the dwelling unit. An efficiency apartment, also known as a
studio apartment, constitutes a dwelling unit within the meaning of this title. (Ord. 6477 § 5, 2013; Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.351 Electric scooters and motorcycles.
“Electric scooters and motorcycles” means any two – or three-wheel vehicle or scooter or motorcycle under
state law that operates exclusively on electrical energy from an off-board source that is stored in the vehicle’s
batteries and produces zero emissions or pollution when stationary or operating. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.352 Electric vehicle.
“Electric vehicle” means any vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the
grid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board for motive purpose. “Electric vehicle” includes: (1) a
battery electric vehicle; (2) a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle; (3) a neighborhood electric vehicle; and (4) a
medium-speed electric vehicle. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.353 Electric vehicle charging station.
“Electric vehicle charging station” means a public or private parking space that is served by battery charging
station equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy (by conductive or inductive
means) to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle. An electric vehicle charging station
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equipped with Level 1 or Level 2 charging equipment is permitted outright as an accessory use to any principal
use. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.354 Electric vehicle charging station – Restricted.
“Electric vehicle charging station – restricted” means an electric vehicle charging station that is (1) privately
owned and restricted access (e.g., single-family home, executive parking, designated employee parking) or (2)
publicly owned and restricted (e.g., fleet parking with no access to the general public). (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.355 Extremely hazardous waste.
“Extremely hazardous waste” means those solid wastes designated in WAC 173-303-070 through 173-303-103
as extremely hazardous waste. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.356 Electric vehicle charging station – Public.
“Electric vehicle charging station – public” means an electric vehicle charging station that is (1) publicly
owned and publicly available (e.g., park and ride parking, public library parking lot, on-street parking) or (2)
privately owned and publicly available (e.g., shopping center parking, nonreserved parking in multifamily
parking lots). (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.357 Electric vehicle infrastructure.
“Electric vehicle infrastructure” means structures, machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to support
an electric vehicle, including battery charging stations, rapid charging stations, and battery exchange stations.
(Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.358 Electric vehicle parking space.
“Electric vehicle parking space” means any marked parking space that identifies the use to be exclusively for
the parking of an electric vehicle. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
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18.04.359 Emergency Housing
“Emergency housing” means temporary indoor accommodations for individuals or families who are homeless
or at imminent risk of becoming homeless that is intended to address the basic health, food, clothing, and
personal hygiene needs of individuals or families. Emergency housing may or may not require occupants to
enter into a lease or an occupancy agreement.
18.04.360 Emergency Shelter
“Emergency shelter” means a facility that provides a temporary shelter for individuals or families who are
currently homeless. Emergency shelter may not require occupants to enter into a lease or an occupancy
agreement. Emergency shelter facilities may include day and warming centers that do not provide overnight
18.04.36159 Entertainment, commercial.
“Entertainment, commercial” means spectator entertainment for commercial purposes. This use includes
theaters, concert halls, nightclubs, or comedy clubs, but does not include cabarets, licensed under ACC
5.20.130(B), and adult entertainment, licensed under Chapter 5.30 ACC. (Ord. 6433 § 12, 2012.)
18.04.3620 Family.
“Family” means a person living alone, two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or any other
analogous family union recognized under federal and/or state statute, as distinguished from a group occupying
a hotel, club, or communal residence. For the purposes of this definition, minors living with a parent shall not
be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. The purpose of defining family is to assist in the
regulation of occupancy standards within dwelling units and to define different types of structures; it is not
intended to interfere with the civil rights of individuals who establish relationships under the terms of state and
federal laws. (Ord. 6477 § 6, 2013; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.365 FAR Part 77 surfaces.
FAR Part 77 Surfaces. The Federal Aviation Administration’s Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77
surfaces are the imaginary airspace surfaces established with any relation to each runway of an airport. There
are five types of surfaces: (A) primary, (B) approach, (C) transitional, (D) horizontal, and (E) conical. These
surfaces are above and around airports and require protection from potential obstructions that might interfere
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with airport traffic and potentially create a safety risk to aircraft occupants and persons on the ground. An
object or structure with an elevation higher than the FAR Part 77 surface elevation is considered to penetrate
the FAR Part 77 surfaces and constitutes an obstruction to navigable airspace. “Navigable airspace” is defined
by the FAA pursuant to CFR Title 14, Part 77, imaginary surfaces. (Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021.)
18.04.370 Fence.
“Fence” means a masonry wall or a barrier generally composed of posts connected by boards, rails, panels, or
wire for the purpose of enclosing space, functional areas, or separating parcels of land. The term “fence” does
not include retaining walls or rockeries when a separate structure. The term also does not include hedges, trees,
or other natural growth. (Ord. 6884 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2022; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.371 Fence, opacity.
“Fence opacity” is the degree to which light or views are blocked. Opacity is measured perpendicular to the
fence for each fence section between supports.
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(Ord. 6884 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2022.)
18.04.372 Fence, screened.
“Screened fence” means a fence that is between 70 to 100 percent opaque, and provides a high degree of visual
buffering between two areas. A screened fence may consist of wood, vinyl, or metal. A chain link fence
interwoven with slats in every row or available space is considered a screened fence. (Ord. 6884 § 1 (Exh. 1),
2022; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.373 Fence, visibility.
A fence that is 50 percent or less opaque is generally considered to provide visibility. (Ord. 6884 § 1 (Exh. 1),
18.04.374 Fence, 100 percent sight-obscuring.
“One hundred percent sight-obscuring fence” means a fence that is 100 percent opaque, completely obstructs
view between two areas or completely obstructs view between two adjoining uses. A sight-obscuring fence
shall be constructed of solid wood, metal, concrete, or other appropriate material which totally conceals the
subject use from adjoining uses. (Ord. 6884 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2022; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.376 Retaining wall.
“Retaining wall” means a structure designed and constructed to hold soil, earth, or like material in place, or to
resist lateral pressure of materials to create or maintain a change in ground elevation. Such walls can be of
various types including gravity, cantilevered, anchored, or piling walls and can be comprised of various
materials including concrete, stone, or masonry units. The term “retaining wall” does not include fences. (Ord.
6884 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2022.)
18.04.380 Floor area.
“Floor area” means total floor area within the walls of all buildings on a lot or building site, except for the
spaces therein devoted to vents, shafts and light courts and except for the area devoted exclusively to loading
and unloading facilities and to parking of motor vehicles. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.390 Foster care home.
“Foster care home” means a home which provides regular care for up to four developmentally disabled adults,
or up to four adults who are recipients of state or federal financial assistance services, or up to four foster
children under the age of 18, or up to three expectant mothers in a residential structure of the person or persons
under whose direct care and supervision the people are placed. A foster care home is not a communal
residence. (Ord. 6560 § 4, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.395 Fueling station.
“Fueling station” means a retail business selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels primarily to passenger
vehicles. Includes alternative fuels and recharging facilities which are commercial facilities offering motor
vehicle fuels not customarily offered by commercial refueling stations (e.g., liquid propane gas) as well as
equipment to recharge electric powered vehicles. This classification includes customary incidental activities
when performed in conjunction with the sale of fuel, such as vehicle maintenance and repair, vehicle washing,
and electric vehicle battery swap-out, but excludes body and fender work or repair of heavy trucks or vehicles.
(Ord. 6433 § 13, 2012.)
18.04.400 Garage or carport, residential.
“Residential garage or carport” means a building or a portion of a building principally used for vehicular
equipment such as automobiles, boats, etc., in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or
buildings on the premises are stored or kept. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4304 § 1(1), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.410 Garage, commercial.
“Commercial garage” means any garage not a residential garage, and which is used for storage, repair, rental,
servicing or supplying of gasoline or oil to motor vehicles. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.411 Golf course.
See ACC 18.04.746, Private country clubs and golf courses, excluding driving ranges. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.412 Governmental facilities.
“Governmental facilities” means facilities of any unit of city, county, state, federal, or special district
government. Types of facilities include community centers, vehicle and driver licensing offices, public works
maintenance and operations facilities, courts of law, school support facilities, and other types of city, county,
state, school district, special district, or federal facilities. This definition excludes jails, municipal parks, transit
facilities, sewage treatment plants, schools, municipally owned airports, libraries, and utility facilities and
substations as defined in this chapter. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.420 Grade.
“Grade” means the average of the finished ground level at the center of all exterior walls of a building. In case
walls are within five feet of a public sidewalk, alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the
sidewalk, alley or public way. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.425 Green building practices.
“Green building practices” (as defined by the U.S. Green Building Council, Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design [LEED] Program) means practices that conserve resources, use recycled content
materials, maximize energy efficiency, and otherwise consider environmental, economic, and social benefits in
the design and construction of a building project. See ACC 18.04.525 for more information on LEED. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6036 § 6, 2006.)
18.04.430 Gross floor area.
“Gross floor area” includes all floor area within the exterior walls of the building including area in halls,
storage, and partitions, but excluding furnace and similar utility space used solely to maintain the building for
occupancy. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.440 Group residence facility.
“Group residence facility” means a facility licensed by the state and operated with full-time supervision for
housing resident persons who, by reason of their mental or physical disability, addiction to drugs or alcohol, or
family and social adjustment problems, require a transitional nonmedical treatment program for rehabilitation
and social readjustment. For the purposes of this title, a nonmedical treatment program consists of counseling,
vocational guidance, training, group therapy and other similar rehabilitative services but does not include drug
and/or alcohol detoxification. Monitoring the taking of prescription medication shall be permitted. The use of
medication by any resident shall be incidental to that person’s residence in the facility and shall not be a
criterion for residence in the facility. This definition does not include residential dwellings which meet all
other requirements of this title, that provide programs related to this definition or which provide services of a
nursing home as defined by ACC 18.04.660. A group residence facility is not a communal residence. (Ord.
6560 § 5, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4590 § 2 (Exh. A), 1992; Ord. 4304 § 1(2), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2,
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18.04.445 Growth Center
“Growth Centers” are walkable, pedestrian-oriented, compact, areas of the city and are the basis for achieving
neighborhoods where residents can meet more of their everyday needs within an easy walk of their home.
They are complete neighborhoods with commercial development (grocery stores, restaurants, markets, shops,
etc.), housing options, a variety of employment types, open space and parks, and other public gathering places.
They are located adjacent to the public transit network. Growth Centers allow for a mix of commercial and
residential uses in vertical or horizontal configurations, with the central core of a Growth Center.
18.04.450 Guest cottage.
“Guest cottage” means an accessory, detached building with bathroom, living and sleeping areas without
any kitchen facilities designed for and used to house transient visitors or nonpaying guests of the occupants of
the main dwelling. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.452 Hazardous material.
“Hazardous material” means a substance or materials in a quantity or form that may pose an unreasonable risk
to health, safety or property when stored, transported or used in commerce. For specific definitions of
hazardous materials see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, as amended; the International Fire Code, as
amended; and the Valley Regional Fire Authority General Hazardous Materials Guidelines, as amended. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.453 Hazardous substance.
“Hazardous substance” means any liquid, solid, gas or sludge, including any material, substance, product,
commodity or waste, regardless of quantity, that exhibits any of the characteristics or criteria of hazardous
waste as defined by Chapter 713-303 WAC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.454 Hazardous substance processing or handling.
“Hazardous waste processing or handling” means the use, storage, manufacture, production or other land use
activity involving hazardous substances. Hazardous substances processing and handling activities do not
include individually packaged household consumer products or quantities of hazardous substances of less than
five gallons in volume per container. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
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18.04.455 Hazardous waste.
“Hazardous waste” means and includes all dangerous (see ACC 18.04.285) and extremely hazardous waste
(see ACC 18.04.355). (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.456 Hazardous waste storage.
“Hazardous waste storage” means the holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period. Accumulation of
waste on the site of generation is not storage as long as the storage complies with applicable requirements of
Chapter 173-303 WAC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.457 Hazardous waste treatment.
“Hazardous waste treatment” means the physical, chemical or biological processing of dangerous waste to
make such wastes nondangerous or less dangerous, safer for transport, or amenable for energy or material
resource recovery. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.458 Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, off-site.
“Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility” means the treatment and storage of hazardous wastes
from generators on properties other than that on which the off-site facility is located. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009;
Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.459 Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, on-site.
“On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility” means the treatment and storage of hazardous wastes
generated on the same site. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4294 § 2, 1988.)
18.04.460 Home occupation.
“Home occupation” means any activity undertaken for gain or profit and carried on in a dwelling, or building
accessory to a dwelling. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.465 Homeless encampment.
“Homeless encampment” means an emergency homeless encampment hosted by a church or other
organization, which provides temporary housing to homeless persons. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6014 § 2,
18.04.466 Horse riding, commercial.
“Commercial horse riding” means a land use established for the purpose of providing equestrian trails or other
facilities for riding and keeping horses for a fee. This use includes bridle trails. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.470 Hospital.
“Hospital” means an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency services of a medical
or surgical nature to human patients and which is licensed by state law to provide facilities including overnight
accommodations and services in surgery, obstetrics and general medical practice. This definition does not
include small animal hospitals or clinics, or veterinary clinics, as defined in ACC 18.04.480. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.480 Hospital or clinic, small animal.
“Small animal hospital or clinic” means an establishment in which veterinary medical services and/or clipping,
bathing and similar services are rendered to dogs, cats and other small animals and domestic pets, not
including kennels. This definition does not include hospitals as defined in ACC 18.04.470. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
2009; Ord. 4304 § 1(3), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.485 Host agency.
“Host agency” means the owner of the property, being a religious institution or other organization, that joins a
sponsoring agency in an application for a temporary use permit for providing basic services and support to
homeless encampment residents, such as hot meals, coordination of other needed donations and services, etc.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6014 § 3, 2006.)
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18.04.490 Hotel.
“Hotel” means any building containing six or more guest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are
used, rented, or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by guests, and includes
additional amenities such as banquet halls and meeting facilities. Hotels include but are not limited to motels
and extended stay hotel accommodations. Hotels do not include renting of rooms, boardinghouses, or bed and
breakfast accommodations. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.495 Household pet.
Recodified to ACC 18.04.823by Ord. 6600. (Ord. 6369 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.04.720.)
18.04.496 Housing rehabilitation.
“Housing rehabilitation” means the renovation of an existing housing unit for the purpose of preserving
existing housing stock, often as a means to provide affordable housing within an established residential
neighborhood. See Chapter 18.49 ACC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.497 Impervious surface.
“Impervious surface” means a hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil
mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A hard surface which causes water to run off the
surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior
to development. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.498 Incidental.
“Incidental” means reasonably related, as determined by the planning director. One use is incidental to another
when it is reasonably related to another (i.e., a garage is incidental to the single-family dwelling unit). (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.499 Intensity.
“Intensity” refers to the level of development or activity on a site, in terms of both the nature of uses and the
concentration of those uses as indicated by residential density (dwelling units per acre) or floor area ratio. For
example, a site with a mixed-use complex with a commercial retail component and a high density multifamily
residential component would display a higher level of intensity than the same sized property with a low
density, single-family residential development. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.500 Junkyard.
“Junkyard” includes automobile wrecking yards and salvage yards or any premises devoted wholly or in part
to the storage, buying or selling of, or otherwise handling or dealing in, old rags, sacks, bottles, cans, papers,
metal, rubber or other articles commonly known as junk. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.510 Kennel.
“Kennel” means a place where four or more adult dogs or cats or any combination thereof are kept, whether by
owners of the dogs or cats or by persons providing facilities and care, whether or not for compensation, but not
including a small animal hospital or clinic. An “adult dog or cat” is one of either sex, altered or unaltered, that
has reached the age of four months. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.515 Kitchen.
“Kitchen” means any room or portion of a room designed to be used for cooking or the preparation of food,
having a kitchen-type sink and provisions available for an installed gas or electric stove or range. (Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009; Ord. 4304 § 1(4), 1988.)
18.04.520 Landscaping.
“Landscaping” means vegetative cover including shrubs, trees, flowers, seeded lawn or sod, ivy and other
similar plant material. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.522 Reserved.
Reserved. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5354 § 2, 2000.)
18.04.523 Large domestic animal.
“Large domestic animal” means horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, standard size goats, llamas, oxen, standard size
pigs, and other similar sized animals. (Ord. 6600 § 4, 2016.)
18.04.525 Leadership in energy and environmental design (leed).
“Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED)” means a national standard for developing high-
performance, sustainable buildings. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6036 § 7, 2006.)
18.04.527 Live/work unit.
“Live/work unit” means an integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single
household in a structure, either single dwelling or multi-unit dwelling, that has been designed or structurally
modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity, and which includes:and includes a
complete dwelling unit and working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the
dwelling unit. Within a live/work unit the “work” component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential
use. Live/work units are allowed within mixed-use developments.
A. A complete dwelling unit; and
B. Working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the dwelling unit.
The difference between a live/work unit and a work/live unit (defined in ACC 18.04.913) is that the “work”
component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential use, and may include only commercial activities
and pursuits that are compatible with the character of a quiet residential environment, while the work
component of a work/live unit is the primary use, to which the residential component is secondary. (Ord. 6433
§ 14, 2012.)
18.04.530 Lot.
“Lot” is defined in ACC 17.04.200. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.540 Lot area.
“Lot area” means the total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot; however, the area contained in
access easements, tracts or panhandles shall not be included in the lot area or any other lot size computation.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.550 Lot coverage.
“Lot coverage” means that percentage of the plot or lot area covered by all buildings including accessory
buildings and uses. Coverage is determined by measuring along a horizontal plane from the outermost edge of
eaves, cornices, overhangs, or areas covered by a weathertight roof. The first two feet of an eave overhang
will, however, not be used in the lot coverage calculation. See Figure 18.04.550.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.560 Lot dimensions.
A. “Lot depth” means:
1. If the front and rear lines are parallel, the shortest distance between such lines;
2. If the front and rear lines are not parallel, the distance between the midpoint of the front lot line and
the midpoint of the rear lot line. See Figure 18.04.560(A).
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B. “Lot width” means the horizontal distance between the lot side lines measured at right angles to the line
comprising the depth of the lot at a point midway between the lot front line and the lot rear line. See Figure
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.570 Lot lines.
“Lot lines” means the lines bounding the lot. For purposes of establishing a setback line for a lot, “lot lines”
shall also mean the limits of a private street, when such a street is located on the lot. See Figures 18.04.570(A)
and (B).
A. Front Lot Line.
1. For an interior lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts the street right-of-way.
2. For a corner lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts a street right-of-way and bests
conforms to the pattern of existing site development and/or the pattern of adjacent development, as
determined by the planning director.
3. For a through lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts a nonarterial street or from which
primary access is provided.
B. Rear Lot Line. The line opposite, most distant and most parallel with the front lot line. For a biangular or
gore-shaped lot, a line 10 feet in length within the lot and farthest removed from the front lot line and at right
angles to the line comprising the depth of the lot shall be used as the rear lot line.
C. Side Lot Line. All lot lines which do not qualify as a rear or front lot line.
D. Panhandle Lot Lines. For a panhandle lot, the lot lines shall be approved by the planning director. The lot
lines shall be most consistent with the adjoining lot lines and shall take into consideration any unique physical
characteristics of the property.
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Figure 18.04.570(A). Lot Lines
Figure 18.04.570(B). Lot Dimensions and Lot Lines for Gore-Shaped Lots
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6031 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4503 § 1, 1991; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.580 Lot of record.
“Lot of record” is defined in ACC 17.04.220. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4503 § 1, 1991;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.590 Lot types.
A. “Corner lot” means a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets.
B. “Interior lot” means a lot that is neither a corner or through lot.
C. “Through lot” means a lot other than a corner lot which abuts two streets.
D. “Panhandle lot” means a lot accessed from the abutting street by a narrow corridor of land within the same
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The area within the panhandle access shall not be included in any lot size calculation including lot area, lot
width, lot depth or lot coverage.
No buildings shall be erected within the panhandle access.
See ACC 17.10.120 for development standards for panhandle lots. See Figure 18.04.590.
Figure 18.04.590. Lot Types
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5543 § 1, 2001; Ord. 4503 § 1, 1991; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.595 Low impact development.
“Low impact development” means a stormwater management and land development strategy that emphasizes
conservation and use of on-site natural features integrated with engineered, small-scale hydrologic controls to
more closely mimic pre-development hydrology. The goal is to prevent measurable harm to streams, lakes,
wetlands, and other natural aquatic systems from commercial, residential or industrial development sites. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6036 § 8, 2006.)
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18.04.597 Major transit stop.
A “major transit stop” means:
(a) A stop on a high capacity transportation system funded or expanded under the provisions of
chapter 81.104 RCW;
(b) Commuter rail stops;
(c) Stops on rail or fixed guideway systems; or
(d) Stops on bus rapid transit routes.
18.04.600 Manufactured home.
“Manufactured home” means a single-family dwelling which:
A. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet
B. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or
similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and
C. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on site-built single-family
homes built in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC).
This definition does not include a mobile home as defined by ACC 18.04.630 or a recreational vehicle as
defined by ACC 18.04.780. A manufactured home may be considered a single-family dwelling if sited per
ACC 18.31.050. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6162 § 2, 2008; Ord. 4350 § 2, 1989; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.610 Manufactured home community.
“Manufactured home community” means an area of not less than five acres designed to accommodate
individual manufactured homes within the approved community boundaries. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229
§ 2, 1987.)
18.04.612 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Heavy intensity.
“Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – heavy intensity” means a facility accommodating manufacturing
processes that involve and/or produce basic metals, building materials, chemicals, fabricated metals, paper
products, machinery, textiles, and/or transportation equipment, where the intensity, scale, and/or characteristics
of operation and materials used have the potential to result in externalities or effects on surrounding land uses
or the community. Examples of heavy intensity manufacturing uses include, but are not limited to, chemical
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products manufacturing, paving and roofing materials manufacturing and glass products manufacturing. (Ord.
6433 § 15, 2012.)
18.04.614 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Light intensity.
“Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – light intensity” means a facility accommodating manufacturing
processes involving and/or producing: apparel; food and beverage products; electronic, optical, and
instrumentation products; ice; jewelry; and musical instruments. Light manufacturing also includes other
establishments engaged in the assembly, fabrication, and conversion of already processed raw materials into
products, where the intensity, scale, and/or characteristics of operation and materials used are unlikely to result
in externalities or effects on surrounding land uses or the community because they can be controlled within the
building. Examples of light intensity manufacturing uses include, but are not limited to, clothing and fabric
product manufacturing and food and beverage products. (Ord. 6433 § 16, 2012.)
18.04.616 Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – Medium intensity.
“Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – medium intensity” means a facility accommodating
manufacturing processes that involve and/or produce building materials, fabricated metal products, machinery,
and/or transportation equipment, where the intensity, scale, and/or characteristics of operation and materials
used are greater than those classified under “Manufacturing, assembling and packaging – light intensity,” but
where externalities or effects on surrounding land uses or the community can typically be reduced or avoided
when appropriately located and developed. Examples of medium intensity manufacturing uses include lumber
and wood product manufacturing and stone and cut stone product manufacturing. (Ord. 6433 § 17, 2012.)
18.04.617 Medium domestic animal.
“Medium domestic animal” means potbelly pigs, miniature goats, miniature horses, and other similar sized
animals that are larger than a small domestic animal and smaller than a large domestic animal. (Ord. 6600 § 5,
18.04.619 Medium-speed electric vehicle.
“Medium-speed electric vehicle” means a self-propelled, electrically powered four-wheeled motor vehicle,
equipped with a roll cage or crush-proof body design, whose speed attainable in one mile is more than 25 miles
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per hour but not more than 35 miles per hour and otherwise meets or exceeds the federal regulations set forth
in 49 CFR 571.500. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.620 Medical-dental clinic.
“Medical-dental clinic” means an establishment for treatment of outpatients, and providing no overnight care
for patients. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.621 Middle Housing.
"Middle housing" means buildings that are compatible in scale, form, and character with single-unit detached
dwellings and contain two or more attached, stacked, or clustered homes including duplexes, triplexes,
fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, cottage housing, and
accessory dwelling units.
18.04.622 Miniature goat.
“Miniature goats” include species of goats commonly known as pygmy (Capra hircus hircus pygmy) or
Nigerian dwarf (Capra hircus hircus nigerian dwarf). (Ord. 6600 § 7, 2016; Ord. 6369 § 6, 2011.)
18.04.623 Microbrewery or a small craft brewery.
“Microbrewery or a small craft brewery” means a production facility that manufactures beer. A microbrewery
may sell beer of its own production at retail for on – and off-premises consumption, and may act as a
distributor for beer of its own production. (Ord. 6368 § 2, 2011.)
18.04.625 Mixed-use development.
“Mixed-use development” means a single unified development that incorporates the planned integration of two
or more different land uses consisting of some combination of office, light industrial, hotel, retail,
entertainment, public uses, along with residential uses. Mixed-use development may be vertically oriented in
one or more buildings, or horizontally distributed on a development site. When horizontally distributed, the
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different uses may be constructed concurrently and in separate phases, and should incorporate common and/or
complementary features and/or elements such as pedestrian walkways, access driveways, parking areas,
architectural themes, or other techniques that provide integration between uses on the site. (Ord. 6644 § 1,
2017; Ord. 6253 § 2, 2009.)
18.04.630 Mobile home.
“Mobile home” means a factory-constructed residential unit with its own independent sanitary facilities, that is
intended for year-round occupancy, and is composed of one or more major components which are mobile in
that they can be supported by wheels attached to their own integral frame or structure and towed by an
attachment to that frame or structure over the public highway under license or by special permit. This
definition does not include a manufactured home as defined by ACC 18.04.600 or a recreational vehicle as
defined by ACC 18.04.780. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6162 § 3, 2008; Ord. 4350 § 2, 1989; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.635 Motor freight terminal.
“Motor freight terminal” means a facility with more than one dock per 5,000 square feet of warehouse, storage,
or related use and used for either (A) the loading, unloading, dispensing, receiving, interchanging, gathering, or
otherwise physically handling freight for shipment or (B) any other location at which freight is exchanged by
motor carriers between vehicles. This includes but is not limited to cross-dock operations and does not include
a package delivery service. Excludes buildings with six or fewer loading docks. (Ord. 6433 § 18, 2012.)
18.04.640 Motel.
“Motel” or “motor hotel” means a group of buildings containing individual sleeping or living units, designed
for use by automobile tourists or transients, with garage attached or parking space conveniently located to each
unit. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.641 Multimodal transportation corridor.
“Multimodal transportation corridor” refers to a transportation route that accommodates and contains facilities
for more than a single form or mode of transportation. Multimodal corridors provide opportunities for travel by
automobile, transit, and nonmotorized transportation and include relevant infrastructure improvements, such as
dedicated bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and transit stations and shelters. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.642 Municipal park.
“Municipal park” means a parcel or tract of land provided by a unit of government to meet the active and/or
passive recreational needs of people. This definition includes associated playgrounds and active recreation
areas. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.643 Museum.
“Museum” is a cultural facility established and used for the education and enjoyment of the public through
exhibits and displays of historical, cultural, or other related subjects. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.643.1 Neighborhood electric vehicle.
“Neighborhood electric vehicle” means a self-propelled, electrically powered four-wheeled motor vehicle
whose speed attainable in one mile is more than 20 miles per hour and not more than 25 miles per hour and
conforms to federal regulations under 49 CFR 571.500. (Ord. 6433 § 1, 2012; Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011. Formerly
Code reviser’s note: Ordinance 6365 adds these provisions as Section 18.04.643. The section has been
renumbered to avoid duplication of numbering.
18.04.644 Neighborhood recreation buildings.
“Neighborhood recreation buildings” means facilities owned and managed by a neighborhood homeowners’
association for recreational and community gatherings. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.644.1 Neighborhood retail establishment.
“Neighborhood retail establishment” means stores and shops serving the immediate surrounding neighborhood
in which they are located, including but not limited to a beauty shop, laundry and dry cleaning, sales of retail
goods and such others of a similar nature. (Ord. 6433 § 19, 2012.)
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18.04.645 Neighborhood services.
“Neighborhood services” as listed herein are intended to include commercial establishments that provide goods
and services that are considered to be basic to the needs of a local neighborhood, and the provision of which
would typically be primarily within the local market area. For the purposes of Chapter 18.49 ACC,
neighborhood services establishments include: bakery and pastry shops (products made must be sold at retail
on the premises); produce markets; retail grocery stores; delicatessens, restaurants or sandwich shops, limited
to a seating area of 25 seats; hardware stores; retail banks or bank branches; pharmacies; daycare facilities; or
other services subject to the approval of the planning director. See Chapter 18.49 ACC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.648 Net density.
“Net density” is a measure of the net site area as defined in ACC 18.02.065. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.649 Nonelectric vehicle.
“Nonelectric vehicle” means any motor vehicle that does not meet the definition of “electric vehicle.” (Ord.
6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.650 Nonconforming use.
“Nonconforming use” means a use which when commenced, complied with use regulations applicable at the
time when such use was commenced, and which does not conform to the existing use regulations of the zone
where the use is now being conducted or carried on. The term “nonconforming use” shall be applicable to uses
of buildings, structures, and land. This definition does not include those uses existing in the zone, prior to the
adoption of this title, which would now require an administrative or conditional use permit to operate in the
zone. Any expansion of the space, volume or area of the use would then require an administrative or
conditional use permit as this title may require. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.660 Nursing home.
“Nursing home,” “rest home,” “convalescent home,” “guest home” and “home for the aged” mean a home
operated similarly to a boardinghouse but not restricted to any number of guests or guest rooms, the operator
of which is licensed by the state or county to give special care and cure to their charges, and in which nursing,
dietary and other personal services are furnished to convalescents, invalids and aged persons, and in which
homes are performed no surgery, maternity or any other primary treatments such as customarily provided in
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hospitals, and in which no persons are kept or served who normally would be admitted to a mental hospital or
to a group residence facility. This definition does not include group residence facilities as defined in this title.
A nursing home is not a communal residence. (Ord. 6560 § 6, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4304 § 1(5),
1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.670 Occupancy.
“Occupancy” means the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used. The term shall also
include the building or room housing such use. Change of occupancy is not intended to include change of
tenants or proprietors. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.672 Outdoor sales.
“Outdoor sales” means an open area used for the display, sale, or rental of goods and/or materials that are
actively marketed and readily available for general public consumption. This does not include storage areas of
materials that are sold elsewhere on the premises or junkyards as defined by ACC 18.04.500. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.676 Outdoor storage.
“Outdoor storage” means the keeping of materials, supplies, equipment, machinery and vehicles which are not
currently licensed or capable to operate on public streets or highways, in an open, uncovered yard or nonwalled
buildings. This definition includes junkyards as defined by ACC 18.04.500, but excludes outdoor sales as
defined by ACC 18.04.672. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.676.1 Overlay zone.
“Overlay zone” is supplemental to the underlying zoning district and may establish additional or stricter
standards and criteria for properties in addition to those of the underlying zoning district. (Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh.
A), 2021.)
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18.04.677 Owner occupied unit.
“Owner occupied unit” means a dwelling unit in which the owner resides on a regular, permanent basis. (Ord.
6477 § 11, 2013.)
18.04.678 Panoram or peepshow. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.680 Parking area.
“Parking area” includes an off-street parking area together with driveways and the access to a public street.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.690 Parking space or stall.
A. parking space” is any off-street space intended for the use of vehicular parking with ingress or egress to
the space which is easily identifiable. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.692 Parking structure.
“Parking structure” means a single or multi-level structure intended for the use of vehicular parking, as
opposed to an uncovered surface parking lot. This definition includes both stand-alone parking garages and
structured parking as incorporated into a building, the primary purpose of which is not parking (i.e., rooftop or
basement parking areas). (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.694 Permanent Supportive Housing.
“Permanent Supportive Housing” is subsidized, leased housing with no limit on length of stay that prioritizes
people who need comprehensive support services to retain tenancy and utilizes admissions practices designed
to use lower barriers to entry than would be typical for other subsidized or unsubsidized rental housing,
especially related to rental history, criminal history, and personal behaviors. Permanent supportive housing is
paired with on-site or off-site voluntary services designed to support a person living with a complex and
disabling behavioral health or physical health condition who was experiencing homelessness or was at
imminent risk of homelessness prior to moving into housing to retain their housing and be a successful tenant
in a housing arrangement, improve the resident's health status, and connect the resident of the housing with
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community-based health care, treatment, or employment services. Permanent supportive housing is subject to
all of the rights and responsibilities defined in chapter 59.18 RCW.
18.04.696 Permitted use.
“Permitted use” means a land use that is allowed outright within a zone. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.700 Person.
“Person” means natural person, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, association, club, company,
corporation, business, trust, organization, or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee of any of
them. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.710 Personal service shop.
“Personal service shop” means premises devoted to hair styling, cutting or permanents, manicurists, custom
tailoring, and similar related uses. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.730 Planning commission.
“Planning commission” means that body created by Chapter 2.45 ACC. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.740 Planning director.
“Planning director” means the director of the Auburn department of planning and development, or its
successor, unless otherwise specified. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.741 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
“Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)” means an electric vehicle that (1) contains an internal combustion
engine and also allows power to be delivered to drive wheels by an electric motor; (2) charges its battery
primarily by connecting to the grid or other off-board electrical source; (3) may additionally be able to sustain
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battery charge using an on-board internal-combustion-driven generator; and (4) has the ability to travel
powered by electricity. (Ord. 6365 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.742 Potbelly pig.
Miniature “potbelly pigs” are that type of swine commonly known as Vietnamese, Chinese, or Asian potbelly
pig (Sus scrofa bittatus). (Ord. 6369 § 7, 2011.)
18.04.744 Prerelease facility.
“Prerelease facility” has the same meaning as “work release facility” for the purposes of this title. See ACC
18.04.914. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4590 § 3 (Exh. B), 1992.)
18.04.745 Print and copy shop.
“Print and copy shop” means a facility for the custom reproduction of written or graphic materials on a custom
order basis for individuals or businesses. Typical processes include, but are not limited to, photocopying,
blueprint, facsimile sending and receiving, and including offset printing. (Ord. 6433 § 20, 2012.)
18.04.746 Private country clubs and golf courses, excluding driving ranges.
“Private country club and golf course, excluding driving range” means an area designed and used for playing
golf, including all accessory uses incidental to the operation of the facility. This definition may include private
country clubs or golf courses open to the general public. This definition excludes other outdoor recreational
facilities such as driving ranges, municipal parks, or commercial horse riding and bridle trails. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.748 Privately owned and operated parks and playgrounds.
“Privately owned and operated park and playground” means a parcel or tract of land provided by a private
entity to meet the active and/or passive recreational needs of people. This definition includes associated
playgrounds and active recreation areas. This use excludes municipal parks. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.750 Professional offices.
“Professional offices” means offices maintained and used as places of business conducted by persons
engagedprofessionals including in health services for human beings, such as doctors and dentists, and by
engineers, attorneys, realtors, architects, accountants, clerical, and other recognized general office and medical
occupations. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.752 Prohibited use.
“Prohibited use” means any use which is not specifically enumerated or interpreted by the city as allowable in
that zone. Any use not specifically listed as a permitted, administrative, conditional, or accessory use is
prohibited, except those determined to be unclassified and permitted by the planning director pursuant to ACC
18.02.120(C)(6). Any prohibited use is illegal. (Ord. 6269 § 2, 2009; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.754 Public art.
“Public art” refers to works of art, regardless of medium, that are primarily designed for, and presented in, the
public domain, including work displayed in common areas of publicly accessible buildings. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.756 Public recreational amenity.
“Public recreational amenity” is any recreational facility that is incorporated into a development for public use
including but not limited to children’s playgrounds, tennis, basketball, or other sport courts or fields. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.760 Public use.
“Public use” means a use operated exclusively by a public body, such use having the purpose of serving the
public health, safety, or general welfare, and including uses such as public schools, parks, playgrounds, and
administrative and service facilities. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.770 Quasi-public use.
“Quasi-public use” means a use operated by a private nonprofit educational, religious, recreational, charitable,
or medical institution having the purpose primarily of serving the general public, and including uses such as
churches, private schools and universities, community, youth and senior citizen recreational facilities, private
hospitals, and the like. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.779 Rapid charging station.
“Rapid charging station” means an industrial grade electrical outlet that allows for faster recharging of electric
vehicle batteries through higher power levels and that meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations
set forth by Chapter 19.28 RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540. (Ord. 6365 § 1,
18.04.780 Recreational vehicle, camping trailer, travel trailer, motor home and truck camper.
“Recreational vehicle,” “camping trailer,” “travel trailer,” “motor home” and “truck camper” mean vehicular-
type units primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use, with or
without motive power, being of such size or weight as not to require a special highway movement permit and
licensed by the state as a recreational vehicle. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4350 § 2, 1989; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.790 Recreational vehicle park.
“Recreational vehicle park” means a parcel of land designed and improved to accommodate two or more
recreational vehicles on a temporary basis. Spaces are typically rented for overnight use, not to exceed 120
days. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.791 Regional retail establishment.
“Regional retail establishment” means a large-scale retail establishment intended to serve customers within and
outside the city. A regional retailer may accommodate a wide range of retail commodities (e.g., apparel and
accessories, consumer electronics, hardware, building materials, sporting goods and automotive supplies).
(Ord. 6433 § 21, 2012.)
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18.04.792 Religious institution.
“Religious institution” means an establishment that provides religious worship, religious services or religious
ceremonies as its principal use with the sanctuary or principal place of worship contained within a principal
building. Incidental and accessory uses that include chapels or subordinate places of worship, school rooms,
daycares, classrooms, kitchens, library rooms or reading rooms, recreation halls or offices are permitted in the
principal building or in separate buildings. Caretaker’s quarters or living quarters for employees are also
permissible as an accessory use. The following incidental and accessory uses to a religious institution are not
permitted unless allowed under a valid temporary use permit issued pursuant to ACC 18.46A.070: (A)
facilities for training of religious orders; (B) nonemployee rooms for rent, boarding rooms or similar facilities;
or (C) public showers or other public health services. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6014 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5550
§ 1, 2001.)
18.04.794 Renting of rooms.
“Renting of rooms” means the provision of rooms for lodging purposes to not more than two persons in
addition to the owner occupied unit, and/or family who lives in the residence. (Ord. 6477 § 7, 2013; Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009.)
18.04.796 Repair services – Equipment, appliances.
“Repair services – equipment, appliances” means repair of products, not to include vehicles or heavy
equipment. These uses include consumer repair services for individuals and households for items such as
household appliances, musical instruments, cameras, household electronic equipment, and similar uses. (Ord.
6433 § 22, 2012.)
18.04.800 Residence.
“Residence” means a building or structure, or portion thereof, which is designed for and used to provide a
place of abode for human beings, but not including hotels or motel units having no kitchens. The term
“residence” includes the term “residential” as referring to the type of, or intended use of a building or a
structure. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.804 Restaurant, full-service.
“Full-service restaurant” means a public eating place that is used, maintained, advertised and held out to the
public as a place that has a full dinner and/or lunch menu serving full course meals, daily prepared in its own
kitchen, that are typically served at a table or counter. Food prepared to go or for take-out is allowed as an
accessory use as long as the same menu and kitchen are used as for the full-service restaurant. This definition
excludes fast food, drive-in types of restaurants, which have characteristics including but not limited to a drive-
through window, counter-only service and no waiters or waitresses.
A. full-service restaurant may serve alcoholic beverages that are incidental and complementary to the serving
of food. A full-service restaurant may contain a lounge where the primary function is the sale, serving and
consumption of alcoholic beverages, but the size of this lounge may not exceed 30 percent of the total gross
floor area of the establishment. Any eating place that serves alcoholic beverages and does not meet the
requirements of this definition will be considered a tavern as defined by ACC 18.04.895. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009;
Ord. 5382 § 1, 2000. Formerly 18.04.805.)
18.04.805 Right-of-way.
“Right-of-way” is property in which the city has any form of ownership or title and which is held for public
purposes as provided for under ACC Title 12 and the city design and construction standards. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.806 Schools, elementary and middle/junior high.
“Schools, elementary and middle/junior high” are institutions of learning offering instruction in the several
branches of learning and study required by the education code of the state of Washington in grades
kindergarten through nine, including associated meeting rooms, auditoriums and athletic facilities. (Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009.)
18.04.807 Schools, secondary or high school.
“Schools, secondary or high school” are institutions of learning offering instruction in the several branches of
learning and study required by the education code of the state of Washington in grades nine through 12,
including associated meeting rooms, auditoriums and athletic facilities. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.808 Secure community transition facility.
“Secure community transition facility” means a residential facility for persons civilly committed under Chapter
71.09 RCW, Sexually Violent Predators, who are conditionally released under said chapter to a less restrictive
alternative (to total confinement or imprisonment). A secure community transition facility has supervision and
security, and either provides or ensures the provision of sex offender treatment services. Secure community
transition facilities include but are not limited to the facilities established pursuant to RCW 71.09.250 and any
community-based facilities established under this chapter and operated by or under contract with the
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5690 § 3, 2002.)
18.04.809 Senior housing.
“Senior housing” refers to housing stock, whether rental or occupant-owned, that specifically caters to
residents aged 55 years and older, either through age requirements or through the provision of specialized care,
such as nursing or dietary and personal care. This definition shall include, at a minimum, all facilities that
qualify as housing for older persons under the Fair Housing Act. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.810 Setback.
“Setback” means the distance between a lot line and the corresponding parallel setback line. (Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.811 Setback area.
“Setback area” means that area of a lot bounded on opposite sides by a lot line and the corresponding setback
line that is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward unless specifically permitted in this title. See
Figure 18.04.811.
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(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.812 Setback, front.
“Front setback” means the distance between a front lot line and the corresponding parallel setback line. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.813 Setback, rear.
“Rear setback” means the distance between a rear lot line and the corresponding parallel setback line. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.814 Setback, side.
“Side setback” means the distance between a side lot line and the corresponding parallel setback line. (Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.815 Setback line.
“Setback line” means a line which defines a setback as required by this title, which is parallel to but other than
a lot line, between which no building, structure, or portion thereof shall be permitted, erected, constructed, or
placed unless specifically permitted by this title. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.816 Shop.
“Shop” means a small retail establishment or a department in a large one offering a specified line of goods or
services. (Ord. 6433 § 23, 2012.)
18.04.818 Shopping center.
“Shopping center” means a series of unified commercial establishments which provide retail, business,
entertainment or professional services, share the same parking facilities and contain in excess of 100,000
square feet of gross floor area. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.04.810.)
18.04.820 Sign.
“Sign” means any visual communication device, structure, or fixture which is visible from any right-of-way
intended to aid the business establishment in question in promoting the sale of a product, goods or service
using graphics, symbols or written copy. It shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols or written copy that
is meant to be used in the aforementioned way. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.821 Site.
“Site” is an area comprised of one or more legally created lots or parcels used for a development proposal in
order to calculate compliance with the standards and regulations of this title. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.822 Site area.
“Site area” is the total horizontal area of a project site. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.823 Small domestic animal.
“Small domestic animal” means a domesticated animal of ordinary species that lives, or is commonly known
to be capable of living, within the confines of a residence such as dogs, cats, common rabbits, ferrets, or other
similar sized animals. Other indoor animals weighing less than 10 pounds, such as, but not limited to, caged
birds, small rodents, fish, and nonvenomous reptiles or amphibians, and not kept for commercial purposes, are
not regulated under this title. Any endangered or exotic species are prohibited. (Ord. 6600 § 8, 2016; Ord.
6369 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.04.495.)
18.04.824 Social and service organizations.
“Social and service organizations” refers to incorporated or unincorporated nongovernmental or private
associations of persons organized for social, education, literary or charitable purposes. This definition also
includes community meeting halls, philanthropic institutions, private clubs, fraternal or nonprofit
organizations, and social service organizations. This definition excludes religious institutions and government
facilities. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.825 Solid waste.
“Solid waste” means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited
to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, swill, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or
parts thereof, and discarded commodities. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4262 § 1, 1988. Formerly 18.04.023.)
18.04.826 Solid waste processing facility.
“Solid waste processing facility” means the management, collection, transportation, temporary storage,
treatment, utilization, and processing of solid wastes by means of pyrolysis, refuse-derived fuel, or mass
incineration within an enclosed structure. These processes may include source separation and recovery of
recyclable materials from solid wastes, the recovery of energy resources from such wastes or the conversion of
the energy in such wastes to more useful forms or combinations thereof. This definition refers to citywide or
regional scale operations and does not include solid waste handling which is accessory to an individual
principal use. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4262 § 1, 1988. Formerly 18.04.025.)
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18.04.827 Special events.
“Special events” means incidental use of a facility, which use is otherwise allowed or permitted in the zoning
district, as a venue for hire for social gatherings. Special events do not include marketing or promotional
events that are part of the normal operation of an agricultural enterprise or winery and directly related to
products sourced from that operation. (Ord. 6363 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.828 Sponsoring agency.
“Sponsoring agency” means an organization that joins in an application with a host agency for a temporary use
permit and assumes responsibility for providing basic services and support to homeless encampment residents,
such as hot meals, coordination of other needed donations and services, etc. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6014
§ 4, 2006.)
18.04.829 Store.
“Store” means a business establishment where usually diversified goods are kept for retail sale. (Ord. 6433
§ 24, 2012.)
18.04.830 Specified anatomical areas. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.835 Special needs housing.
“Special needs housing” is housing that meets the definition of nursing home, group home, or other housing
that meets the needs of special populations that need assistance or special accommodation in housing. See
Chapter 18.49 ACC. Special needs housing is not a communal residence. (Ord. 6560 § 7, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3,
18.04.840 Specified sexual activities. Repealed by Ord. 5835.
18.04.850 Reserved.
Reserved. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.855 Small craft distillery.
“Small craft distillery” means a production facility that manufactures distilled spirits that can contract distilled
spirits for, and sell distilled spirits to, holders of distillery licenses, manufacturer’s licenses and grower’s
licenses. (Ord. 6368 § 3, 2011.)
18.04.860 Story.
“Story” means that portion of a building, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor
next above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. If
the finished floor level directly above a usable or unused under-floor space is more than six feet above grade as
defined in this chapter for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter or is more than 12 feet above grade as
defined in this chapter at any point, such usable or unused underfloor space shall be considered as a story.
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.870 Street, private.
“Private street” means any street which is not a public street. For the purposes of this title a private street will
be considered as being a public street for determining setback provisions only. Driveways which are not part of
an easement, tract, alley or street shall not be considered a street. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.880 Street, public.
“Public street” is defined in ACC 17.04.370. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4304 § 1(6), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2,
18.04.890 Structure.
“Structure” is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work
artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, except benches, statuary,
planter boxes less than 42 inches in height, and fences 72 inches or under in height, or paved areas. (Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.891 Supportive housing.
“Supportive housing” means a multiple-family dwelling owned or sponsored by a nonprofit corporation or
government entity, designed for occupancy by individual adults that are either (A) homeless or at risk of
homelessness; (B) are experiencing a disability that presents barriers to employment and housing stability; or
(C) generally require structured supportive services to be successful living in the community; is permitted at a
greater unit density than otherwise allowed within a particular zone; and is intended to provide long-term,
rather than transitional, housing. Long-term housing is approximately longer than two years, whereas
transitional housing is no more than two years. Supportive housing is not a communal residence. (Ord. 6560
§ 8, 2015; Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6167 § 1, 2008.)
18.04.892 Sustainable design.
“Sustainable design” means design in which the impact of a building on the environment will be minimal over
the lifetime of that building. Structures should incorporate the principles of energy and resource efficiency,
practical applications of waste reduction and pollution prevention, good indoor air quality and natural light to
promote occupant health and productivity, and transportation efficiency in design and construction, during use
and reuse. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6036 § 9, 2006.)
18.04.894 Tasting room.
“Tasting room” means a location separate from, or on the same site as, the production/manufacturing site, that
allows customers to taste samples of wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverage and has a state of Washington
issued liquor license to operate a tasting room. In addition to sampling of alcoholic beverages, a tasting room
may include retail sales for off-premises consumption. (Ord. 6368 § 4, 2011; Ord. 6363 § 1, 2011.)
18.04.895 Tavern.
“Tavern” means an establishment operated primarily for the sale of wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages
that may or may not include the service of food as an accessory use. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5382 § 1,
18.04.896 Transmitting tower.
“Transmitting tower” means any freestanding structure whose primary purpose is the transmission and/or
reception of radio signals for personal or hobby purposes. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
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18.04.897 Unclassified use.
“Unclassified use” means a land use which does not appear in a list of permitted, conditionally permitted, or
accessory uses, but which is interpreted by the planning director as similar to a listed permitted, conditionally
permitted or accessory use, and not otherwise prohibited, pursuant to ACC 18.02.120. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.900 Use.
“Use” means an activity or purpose for which land or premises or a building thereon is designed, arranged,
intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained, let or leased. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.901 Utility facilities and substations.
“Utility facility and substation” is any utility facility or substation that is not included in ACC 18.02.040(E).
(Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009.)
18.04.910 Variance.
“Variance” means an adjustment in the application of the specific regulations of this title to a particular piece
of property. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.911 Walking distance.
“Walking distance” means an area without physical space impediments for a walkable pathway without ADA
18.04.912.1 Wine production facility.
“Wine production facility” means a production facility that manufactures wine. A wine production facility may
sell wine of its own production at retail for on – and off-premises consumption, and may act as a distributor for
wine of its own production. (Ord. 6368 § 5, 2011.)
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18.04.9112.1 Winery.
“Winery” means a facility licensed as a domestic winery under RCW 66.04.010 where fruit or other
ingredients are processed (i.e., crushed, fermented, blended, aged, and/or stored, bottled) and may include as
incidental and/or accessory to the principal use a tasting room, food and beverage service, places of
public/private assembly and/or retail sales area. (Ord. 6433 § 2, 2012; Ord. 6363 § 1, 2011. Formerly
Code reviser’s note: Ordinance 6363 adds these provisions as Section 18.04.911. The section has been
renumbered to avoid duplication of numbering.
18.04.912 Wireless communications.
A. “Alternative tower structure” means manmade trees, clock towers, bell steeples, light poles, buildings, and
similar alternative design mounting structures that are compatible with the natural setting and surrounding
structures, and camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas or towers so as to make them architecturally
compatible with the surrounding area pursuant to this title. This term also includes any antenna or antenna
array attached to an alternative tower structure. A stand-alone pole that that accommodates small wireless
facilities is considered an alternative tower structure to the extent it meets the concealment standards of this
B. “Antenna” means any device used to transmit and/or receive radio or electromagnetic waves such as, but
not limited to, panel antennas, reflecting discs, microwave dishes, whip antennas, directional and
nondirectional antennas consisting of one or more elements, multiple antenna configurations, or other similar
devices and configurations, and exterior apparatus designed for telephone, radio, or television communications
through the sending and/or receiving of wireless communications signals.
C. “Attached wireless communications facility” means a wireless communications facility that is affixed to an
existing structure other than a tower. Examples of attached wireless communications facilities include antennas
affixed to or erected upon existing buildings, water tanks, or other existing structures or replacement structures
(such as in the case of a replacement stadium/ballfield light pole or a parking lot light standard).
D. “Base station” means the structure or equipment at a fixed location that enables wireless communications,
licensed or authorized by the FCC, between user equipment and a communications network. By way of
example, a building, ballfield structure or a utility pole becomes a base station once wireless facilities are
permitted and attached. The term does not encompass a wireless communications tower as defined in this title
or any equipment associated with a wireless communications tower.
E. “Concealment” or “concealment design techniques” means that a wireless communications facility is
concealed or utilizes concealment when any measures are used in the design and siting of wireless
communications facilities intended to make the facility look like something other than a wireless tower or base
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station. For example, a wireless communications facility site utilizes concealment design techniques when it
(1) is integrated in an outdoor fixture such as a flagpole, or (2) uses a design which mimics and is consistent
with the nearby natural or architectural features (such as an artificial tree), or (3) is incorporated into
(including, without limitation, being attached to the exterior of such facilities and painted to match it, such as a
belvedere or a dormer), or replaces existing permitted facilities (including, without limitation, freestanding
light standards) so that the presence of the wireless communications facility is not readily apparent. The terms
do not include fencing and landscape screening that is used to enhance visual compatibility at ground level.
F. “Carrier” means a company providing wireless communications services, also referred to as a wireless
service provider.
G. “Co-location” means: (1) mounting or installing a WCF on a preexisting structure, and/or (2) modifying a
structure for the purpose of mounting or installing a WCF on that structure. Provided that, for purposes of
eligible facilities requests, “co-location” means the mounting or installation of transmission equipment on an
eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals for
communications purposes.
H. “Eligible facilities request (EFR)” means any request for modification of an existing wireless
communications tower or base station that was previously authorized by the local permitting jurisdiction and
that does not substantially change, as defined in this section, the physical dimensions of such wireless
communications tower or base station from the original authorization involving: (1) co-location of new
transmission equipment, (2) removal of transmission equipment, or (3) replacement of transmission
I. “Eligible support structure means an existing wireless communications tower or base station as defined in
this title and that has proposed alterations that meet the standards of an eligible facilities request.
J. “Equipment facility” means a structure used to contain ancillary equipment for a WCF which may include
cabinets, shelters, an addition to an existing structure, pedestals and other similar structures.
K. “Emergency wireless communications facility (EWCF)” means any structure not entirely within an
enclosed building or vehicle, including antennas, guy wires, microwave dishes or horns, structures or towers to
support receiving and/or transmitting devices, accessory buildings, i.e., equipment storage buildings, energy
power generating housing, and the leased or owned property surrounding the wireless communications tower
and any access or utility easements, that is used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves for
emergency communication purposes, operated by a local public agency responsible for providing emergency
L. “Existing” means a constructed tower or base station if it has been reviewed and approved under the
applicable zoning or siting process, or under another state or local regulatory review process; provided, that a
tower that has not been reviewed and approved because it was not in a zoned area when it was built, but was
lawfully constructed, is existing for purposes of this definition.
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M. “Microcells” are small wireless facilities consisting of an antenna that is either: (1) no more than four feet
in height and with an area of not more than 580 square inches; or (2) if a tubular antenna, no more than four
inches in diameter and no more than six feet in height.
N. “Monopole” means a single, freestanding pole-type structure supporting one or more antennas.
O. “Separation” means minimum distance required by city regulation between the base of towers.
P. “Site” for purposes of this chapter means, for wireless communications towers other than wireless
communications towers in the public way, the current boundaries of the leased or owned property surrounding
the wireless communications tower and any access or utility easements currently related to the site, and, for
other eligible support structures, further restricted to that area in proximity to the structure and to other
transmission equipment already deployed on the ground. The current boundaries of a site are the boundaries
that existed as of the date that the original support structure or a modification to that structure was last
reviewed and approved by a state or local government, if the approval of the modification occurred prior to
February 22, 2012, or otherwise outside of the Spectrum Act’s Section 6409(a) process.
Q. “Small wireless facilities” shall mean the definition contained in Chapter 20.14 ACC, including
microcells, and may be permitted either within or outside of the public way, in accordance with applicable law.
R. “Substantial change” for purposes of this chapter means a modification that alters the physical dimensions
of an eligible support structure if, after the modification, the structure meets any of the following criteria:
1. For towers other than towers in the public way, it increases the height of the tower by more than 10
percent or by the height of one additional antenna array with separation from the top of nearest existing
antenna to the bottom of the new antenna, not to exceed 20 feet, whichever is greater; for other eligible
support structures, it increases the height of the structure by more than 10 percent or more than 10 feet,
whichever is greater;
2. For towers other than towers in the public way, it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the
tower that would protrude from the edge of the tower more than 20 feet, or more than the width of the
tower structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater; for other eligible support structures,
it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the structure that would protrude from the edge of the
structure by more than six feet;
3. For any eligible support structure, it involves installation of more than the standard number of new
equipment cabinets for the technology involved, but not to exceed four cabinets; or, for base stations, it
involves installation of any new equipment cabinets on the ground if there are no preexisting ground
cabinets associated with the structure, or else involves installation of ground cabinets that are more than
10 percent larger in height or overall volume than any other ground cabinets associated with the structure;
4. It entails any excavation or deployment outside the current site as that term is defined in this section
except that, for towers other than towers in the public way, it entails any excavation or deployment of
transmission equipment outside of the current site by more than 30 feet in any direction. The site
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boundary from which the 30 feet is measured excludes any access or utility easements currently related to
the site;
5. It would defeat the concealment elements of the eligible support structure; or
6. It does not comply with conditions associated with the original approval of the construction or
modification of the eligible support structure or base station equipment, unless noncompliance is only in a
manner that would exceed the thresholds identified in subsections (R)(1) through (4) of this section.
For purposes of determining whether a substantial change exists, changes in height are measured from the
original support structure as it existed at the time the first eligible facilities request was approved for that
structure in cases where facilities are or will be separated horizontally; in other circumstances, changes in
height are measured from the dimensions of the wireless communications tower or base station, inclusive of
originally approved appurtenances and any modifications that were approved prior to February 22, 2012.
S. “Support structure” means a structure designed to support WCFs including, but not limited to, towers,
alternative tower structures, replacement poles, and other freestanding self-supporting pole structures.
T. “Toll” and “tolling” mean to delay, suspend or hold off on the imposition of a deadline, statute of
limitations or time limit.
U. “Tower” means any structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one
or more antennas for telephone, radio, and similar communication purposes, including self-supporting lattice
towers, guyed towers, or monopole towers. The term includes radio and television transmission towers,
microwave towers, common-carrier towers, cellular telephone towers, alternative tower structures, and the like.
The term includes the structure and any support thereto.
V. “Wireless communications” means the provision of any personal wireless service, as defined in the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, as amended, or wireless information services provided to the public or to
such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public via licensed or unlicensed frequencies;
or wireless utility monitoring and control services.
W. “Wireless communications facility (WCF)” means a facility used to provide personal wireless services as
defined at 47 U.S.C. Section 332(c)(7)(C); or wireless information services provided to the public or to such
classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public via licensed or unlicensed frequencies; or
wireless utility monitoring and control services. A WCF does not include a facility entirely enclosed within a
permitted building where the installation does not require a modification of the exterior of the building; nor
does it include an accessory wireless communications antenna, used for serving that building only and that is
otherwise permitted under other provisions of the ACC. A WCF includes an antenna or antennas, including,
without limitation, directional, omni-directional and parabolic antennas, support equipment, alternative tower
structures, and wireless communications towers. It does not include the support structure to which the WCF or
its components are attached if the use of such structures for WCFs is not the primary use. The term does not
include mobile transmitting devices used by wireless service subscribers, such as vehicle or hand-held radios
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or telephones and their associated transmitting antennas, nor does it include other facilities specifically
exempted from the coverage of this title. (Ord. 6799 § 4 (Exh. D), 2020; Ord. 6716 § 1 (Exh. A), 2019; Ord.
6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5645 § 1, 2002; Ord. 5020 § 1, 1997.)
18.04.913 Work/live unit.
“Work/live unit” means an integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single
household in a structure , either single dwelling or multi-unit dwelling, that has been designed or structurally
modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity, and which includes:includes a
complete dwelling unit and working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the
dwelling unit. Within a work/live unit the “work” component is the primary use, to which the residential use is
secondary. While the work component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential use. Work/live units
are allowed within mixed-use developments.
A. A complete dwelling unit; and
B. Working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the dwelling unit.
The difference between a work/live unit and a live/work unit (defined in ACC 18.04.527) is that the “work”
component of a work/live unit is primary use, to which the residential use is secondary, while the work
component of a live/work unit is secondary to its residential use, and may include only commercial activities
and pursuits that are compatible with the character of a quiet residential environment. (Ord. 6433 § 25, 2012.)
18.04.914 Work release facility.
“Work release facility” means a residential alternative to imprisonment, including work/training release and
prerelease programs which are under the supervision of a court, federal, state or local agency. This definition
excludes at-home electronic surveillance. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4590 § 4 (Exh. C), 1992.)
18.04.920 Yard.
See ACC 18.04.811, Setback area. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.930 Yard, front.
See ACC 18.04.812, Setback, front. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
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18.04.940 Yard, rear.
See ACC 18.04.813, Setback, rear. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.950 Yard, side.
See ACC 18.04.814, Setback, side. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.954 Youth community support facility.
“Youth community support facility” means a building, or a group of buildings within a campus setting, owned
and operated by a nonprofit corporation or government entity that provides supportive services to children and
young adults (under the age of 26) and families (with a child or young adult under the age of 26), who are
homeless, at risk of homelessness, at risk of exploitation, experiencing a disability that presents barriers to
employment and housing stability; or generally require structured supportive services to be successful living in
the community; by providing counseling and case management, transitional housing (housing for no more than
two years), temporary housing (i.e., limited to overnight stay), and daytime drop-in services (e.g., meals,
showers, counseling, etc.). This definition does not include facilities providing housing for criminal justice,
parole, or probation programs. Youth community support facilities are not stand-alone “supportive housing” or
“communal residences.” (Ord. 6688 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2018.)
18.04.960 Zone.
“Zone” means an area accurately defined as to boundaries and location on an official map to which a uniform
set of regulations applies controlling the types and intensities of land uses, as set forth in this title. (Ord. 6245
§ 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.04.1001 Child care center.
“Child care center” means an entity that regularly provides child day care and early learning services for a
group of children for periods of less than 24 hours licensed by the Washington State Department of Early
Learning under Chapter 170-295 WAC. (Ord. 6642 § 15, 2017.)
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18.04.1005 Marijuana or marihuana.
“Marijuana” or “marihuana” means all parts of the plant Cannabis, whether growing or not, with a THC
concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any
part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its
seeds or resin. The term does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or
cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed
of the plant which is incapable of germination. (Ord. 6642 § 16, 2017.)
18.04.1007 Marijuana cooperative.
“Marijuana cooperative” means up to four qualifying patients, as defined by RCW 69.51A.010(19), who share
responsibility for acquiring and supplying the resources needed to produce and process marijuana, including
tetrahydrocannabinols or cannabimimetic agents, only for the medical use of members of the cooperative and
not for profit. (Ord. 6642 § 17, 2017.)
18.04.1009 Marijuana-infused products.
“Marijuana-infused products” means products that contain marijuana or marijuana extracts and are intended
for human use. The term “marijuana-infused products” does not include usable marijuana. (Ord. 6642 § 18,
18.04.1011 Marijuana processor.
“Marijuana processor” means any person or entity licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis
Board to process, package, and label marijuana concentrates, including tetrahydrocannabinols or
cannabimimetic agents, in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 65.50 and 69.51A RCW and Chapter
314-55 WAC. (Ord. 6642 § 19, 2017.)
18.04.1013 Marijuana producer.
“Marijuana producer” means any person or entity licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis
Board to produce marijuana, including tetrahydrocannabinols or cannabimimetic agents, for wholesale to
marijuana processors and other marijuana producers pursuant to RCW 69.50.325. (Ord. 6642 § 20, 2017.)
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18.04.1015 Marijuana related business.
“Marijuana related business” means a person or entity engaged in for-profit activity that includes the
possession, cultivation, production, processing, distribution, dispensation, or sale of tetrahydrocannabinols or
cannabimimetic agents, as defined by the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 USC Section 812,
including marijuana retailers, marijuana processors, and marijuana producers, as defined herein. (Ord. 6642
§ 21, 2017.)
18.04.1017 Marijuana retailer.
“Marijuana retailer” means any person or entity established for the purpose of making marijuana concentrates,
usable marijuana and marijuana-infused products, including tetrahydrocannabinols or cannabimimetic agents,
available for sale to adults aged 21 and over. (Ord. 6642 § 22, 2017.)
18.04.1019 Marijuana researcher.
“Marijuana researcher” is a position licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board that permits
a licensee to produce, process, and possess marijuana for the limited research purposes set forth in RCW
69.50.372. (Ord. 6642 § 23, 2017.)
18.04.1021 Marijuana transporter.
“Marijuana transporter” is a position licensed by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board pursuant to
WAC 314-55-310 that allows a licensee to physically transport or deliver marijuana, marijuana concentrates,
and marijuana-infused products between licensed marijuana businesses within Washington State. (Ord. 6642
§ 24, 2017.)
18.04.1023 Public or private park.
“Public or private park” means an area of land for the enjoyment of the public or private parties, having
facilities for rest and/or recreation, such as a baseball diamond or basketball court, owned and/or managed by a
private for-profit entity, a nonprofit entity, a homeowners’ association, city, county, state, federal government,
sovereign nation or metropolitan park district. Public park does not include trails. (Ord. 6642 § 25, 2017.)
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18.04.1025 Public or private playground.
“Public or private playground” means a public or private outdoor recreation area for children, usually equipped
with swings, slides, and other playground equipment, owned and/or managed by a private business, a nonprofit
entity, city, county, state, or federal government or sovereign nation. (Ord. 6642 § 26, 2017.)
18.04.1027 Public or private recreational center.
“Public or private recreation center or facility” means a supervised center that provides a broad range of
activities and events intended primarily for use by persons under 21 years of age, owned and/or managed by a
private business, charitable nonprofit organization, sovereign nation, city, county, state, or federal government.
(Ord. 6642 § 27, 2017.)
18.04.1029 Public transit center.
“Public transit center” means a facility located outside of the public right-of-way that is owned and managed
by a transit agency or city, county, state, or federal government for the express purpose of staging people and
vehicles where several bus or other transit routes converge. They serve as efficient hubs to allow bus riders
from various locations to assemble at a central point to take advantage of express trips or other route to route
transfers. (Ord. 6642 § 28, 2017.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6904, passed February 21, 2023.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should contact the
city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company
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Chapter 18.07
18.07.010 Intent.
18.07.020 Uses.
18.07.030 Development standards.
18.07.010 Intent.
A. General. This section describes the intent for each of the city’s residential zones. These
intent statements may be used to guide the interpretation of the regulations associated with
each zone.
B. RC Residential Conservancy Zone. – One Dwelling Unit per Four Acres.
The 1. RC residential conservancy zone is intended primarily to provide for low-intensity
single-family residential uses with characteristics of an agricultural environment;
provided, that the agricultural uses are secondary to the single-family uses. These areas
allow for a lifestyle similar to that of rural areas that includes allowance of farm animals
and streets without sidewalks. This zone is intended to protect areas with significant
environmental constraints or values from impacts typically associated with urban levels
of development while allowing low-intensity development designed to minimize impacts
on the natural environmental features designated for conservation.
2. Public improvements required within the RC zone will be less than is normally
required for the higher intensity residential zones within the city and are not subject to
the city’s complete streets policies.
3. This zone shall only be applied in areas designated as residential conservancy on the
comprehensive plan. This zone shall allow one dwelling unit per four acres minimum lot
C. R-1 Residential Zone. – One Dwelling Unit per Acre.
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1. The intent of the R-1 residential zone is to provide areas for estate-type residential
development on large lots in areas that are intended to create an open space
separation between existing urban areas that are unique from each other and where
limited public utilities and transportation infrastructure are present. . This zone would
normally be located in the areas particularly suited for such development.
Appropriate development standards required of other urban areas shall be required to
serve this zone.
2. R-1 implements the Neighborhood Residential One comprehensive plan land use
D. R-2 Residential Low Zone.
1. The R-2 Residential Low zone is intended lower intensity residential development
consisting of single-unit detached houses, townhouse, duplex, triplex, fourplex, two-
story stacked flats, courtyard apartments, cottage housing on lot sizes typical of
suburban and urban development. This residential zone allows flexibility in the types
and densities of housing permitted while at the same time maintaining a desirable
family living environment by establishing minimum usable open spaces, maximum
impervious coverage, and maximum units per lot area with the character and scale of
traditional single-unit detached neighborhoods.
2. A related consideration of this zone is to provide a transition between low-intensity
residential development areas and higher- and lower-intensity designations. Small-scale,
community-based commercial development that provides services to the local
neighborhood will be considered through the administrative use permit process.
3. R-2 implements the Neighborhood Residential Two comprehensive plan land use
E. R-3 Residential Moderate Zone.
1. The intent of the R-3 Residential Moderate zone is to allow all residential and
commercial types and uses provided in the R-2 Residential zone, while allowing
additional intensity through allowing stacked flats up to three stories, fiveplexes, and
sixplexes. Single-unit detached houses are not permitted in the R-3 zone. Apartment
buildings and Mixed-Use development consisting of no more than 20 units and 3-stories
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per lot is permitted. Supportive Housing and residential care developments are
permitted in this zone to provide additional needed housing options but must still
adhere to the residential density and unit limitations established within this category.
Small-scale commercial development providing services to the area is encouraged in this
zone and implemented through the administrative use permit process.
2. R-3 implements the Neighborhood Residential Two comprehensive plan land use
F. R-4 Residential High Zone.
1. The R-4 Residential High zone is intended to maximize residential density
opportunities and is further intended as a residential zone primarily of Middle Housing
and multiple-story apartment and mixed-use development. This zone is characterized by
a more active living environment near transit, urban services and commercial uses. The
R-4 Residential zone allows for all uses allowed in the R-3 zone, plus apartment and
mixed-use development of more than 20 units and 3-stories per lot is permitted. Small-
scale commercial development providing services to the area is encouraged in this zone
and implemented through the administrative use permit process.
2. R-4 implements the Neighborhood Residential Three comprehensive plan land use
G. R-NM Residential Neighborhood Mixed-Use Zone.
1. The intent of the R-NM Residential Mixed-Use zone is to provide a flexible approach
that achieves a mix of dense residential development and light commercial uses in
either a vertical or horizontal configuration. Within this zone there will be a mix of retail,
office, middle housing, and multi-story residential uses, with attractive design and
accessible spaces for people to live, work, and visit. This zoning designation is served
primarily by a combination of transit, pedestrian, and/or bicycle facilities allowing people
to access amenities without needing a personal vehicle. Uses and densities allowed
within this zone will be consistent with the uses permitted in the C-1 Light Commercial
and the densities of the R4 - Residential High zone. New development and
redevelopment will incorporate a mix of residential and commercial uses. In addition,
parks and open spaces are encouraged and may be permitted through the
administrative use permit process.
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2. Street-level development is encouraged to be retail or higher traffic local businesses
or offices, and residential is encouraged on the upper levels of buildings. This zoning
district should walkable and bikeable to neighborhood commercial services and transit
facilities and have a high level of street activation and amenities.
H. R-F – Residential Flex Zone.
1. The R-F Residential-Flex zone is intended primarily to accommodate small-scale
business and professional offices, medical and dental clinics, salons and other personal
services, eating and drinking establishments, and banks and similar financial institutions
at locations where they are compatible with residential uses. Accessory retail may be
permitted if supplemental to the other uses allowed in the zone. This zone is intended
for those areas that are in transition from residential to commercial uses along corridors
serving lower density residential land uses. Conversion of residential uses to commercial
uses is geared towards encouraging adaptive reuse of existing single-unit structures that
continue to appear in accord with the single-unit residential character. New
development in the RF – Residential-Flex zone should not exceed two-stories or
footprint that is designed to maintain a character and a scale smaller than the R-NM
Residential Mixed-use Residential zone.
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D. R-5 Residential Zone – Five Dwelling Units per Acre. The R-5 single-family residential zones
are intended to create a living environment of optimum standards for single-
family dwellings. It is further intended to achieve development densities of four
to five dwelling units per net acre. This zone will provide for the development of
single-family detached dwellings and for such accessory uses as are related,
incidental and not detrimental to the single-family residential environment.
E. R-7 Residential Zone – Seven Dwelling Units per Acre. The R-7 single-family residential zones
are intended to create a living environment of optimum standards for single-
family dwellings. It is further intended to achieve development densities of five
to seven dwelling units per net acre. This zone will provide for the development
of single-family detached dwellings and for such accessory uses as are related,
incidental and not detrimental to the residential environment.
F. R-10 Residential Zone – 10 Dwelling Units per Acre. The R-10 residential zones are intended
to permit some increase in population density in those areas to which this
classification applies by permitting single-family dwellings and duplexes on a
minimum size lot while at the same time, by means of the standards and
requirements set forth in this chapter, maintaining a desirable family living
environment by establishing minimum lot areas, yards and open spaces. A
related consideration is to provide a transition between single-family areas and
other intensive designations or activities which reduce the suitability for single-
family uses.
G. R-16 Residential Zone – 16 Dwelling Units per Acre. The R-16 zone is intended to provide for
medium density multiple-family residential development as designated in the
comprehensive plan, and is further intended as a residential zone of single,
duplex and multiple-family residences, except as specifically provided
elsewhere in this chapter.
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H. R-20 Residential Zone – 20 Dwelling Units per Acre. The R-20 zone is intended to provide for
multiple-family residential development and is further intended as a residential
zone primarily of multiple-family residences, except as specifically provided
elsewhere in this chapter. A related consideration is to make it possible to
more efficiently and economically design and install all physical public service
facilities in terms of size and capacity to adequately and permanently meet
needs resulting from a defined intensity of land use.
I. Except as specifically provided in the city code, no business or commercial use shall be
allowed in a residential district of the city that does not have a city of Auburn
business license. (Ord. 6525 § 6, 2014; Ord. 6245 § 5, 2009.)
18.07.020 Uses.
Table 18.07.020. Permitted Use Table – Residential Zones
P = Permitted A = Administrative C = Conditional Use X = Not Permitted
Land Uses Zoning Designations
RC R-1 R-25 R-37 R-
A. Residential Uses.
Accessory dwelling units subject to the
provisions contains in Chapter 18.32
P1 P1 P1 P1 PX1 PX1 XP1
Accessory use, residential P P P P P P P
Adult family home P P P P P P1 P
Apartments (7 units or more) X X X P11 P P X
Bed and breakfast or short-term rentals P P P P P XP P
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Caretaker apartment X X X X X P X
Communal residence four or less
Duplexes; provided, that minimum lot size
of zoning designation is met and subject to
compliance with Chapter 18.25 ACC (Infill
Residential Development Standards)
Foster care homes P P P P P XP P
Group residence facilities (7 or more
Group residence facilities (6 or fewer
Keeping of animals4 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2
Multiple-family dwellingsMiddle housing
subject to the provisions in Chapter 18.25
(2 to 6 units)
Neighborhood recreational buildings and
facilities owned and managed by the
neighborhood homeowners’ association
A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 P P
Use as dwelling units of (1) recreational
vehicles that are not part of an approved
recreational vehicle park, (2) boats, (3)
automobiles, and (4) other vehicles
Renting of rooms, for lodging purposes
only, to accommodate not more than two
persons in addition to the family or owner
occupied unit8
Page 483 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 8 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
Residential care facilities including but not
limited to assisted living facilities,
convalescent homes, continuing care
retirement facilities
Single-unitfamily detached dwellings, new P P P PX PX PX P
Supportive housing, subject to the
provisions of ACC 18.31.160
Swimming pools, tennis courts and similar
outdoor recreation uses only accessory to
residential or park uses
Townhouses (attached) X X X X P P P
B. Commercial Uses.
Commercial horse riding and bridle trails A X X X X X X
Commercial recreation facility, indoor X X X X P P X
Commercial retail establishment, included
as part of mixed-use development and not
a home occupation in compliance with
Chapter 18.60 ACC
Convenience store X X X X P P X
Daycare, limited to a mini daycare center.
Daycare center, preschool or nursery
school may also be permitted but must be
located on an arterial
Grocery or specialty food store X X X A P P A
Home-based daycare as regulated by RCW
35.63.185 and through receipt of
Page 484 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 9 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
approved city business license
Home occupations subject to compliance
with Chapter 18.60 ACC
Marijuana cooperative X X X X X X X
Marijuana processor X X X X X X X
Marijuana producer X X X X X X X
Marijuana related business X X X X X X X
Marijuana researcher X X X X X X X
Marijuana retailer X X X X X X X
Marijuana transporter business X X X X X X X
Mixed-use development3, 10 X X X PX P P P
Personal service shop X X A P P P P
Nursing homes X X X X C C C
Private country clubs and golf courses,
excluding driving ranges
Privately owned and operated parks and
playgrounds and not homeowners’
association-owned recreational area
Professional offices, included as part of
mixed-use development and not a home
occupation in compliance with Chapter
18.60 ACC
Restaurant, café, or coffee shop X X A A P P A
Neighborhood retail establishment X X A A P P P
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Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 10 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
C. Resource Uses.
Agricultural enterprise:7
When 50 percent, or more, of the total site
area is dedicated to active agricultural
production during the growing season,
and with 52 or less special events per
calendar year
A7 X X X X X X
When less than 50 percent of the total site
area is dedicated to active agricultural
production during the growing season, or
with more than 52 special events per
calendar year
C7 X X X X X X
Agricultural type uses are permitted
provided they are incidental and
secondary to the single-family use:
Agricultural crops and open field growing
Barns, silos and related structures P X X X X X X
Commercial greenhouses P X X X X X X
Pasturing and grazing4 P X X X X X X
Public and private stables4 P X X X X X X
Roadside stands, for the sale of
agricultural products raised on the
premises. The stand cannot exceed 300
square feet in area and must meet the
applicable setback requirements
Fish hatcheries C X X X X X X
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Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 11 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
D. Government, Institutional, and Utility Uses.
Civic, social and fraternal clubs X X X X A A A
Government facilities A A A A A A A
Hospitals (except animal hospitals) X X X X X C C
Municipal parks and playgrounds A P P P P P P
Museums X X X X A A A
Religious institutions, less than one acre
lot size
Religious institutions, one acre or larger lot
Transmitting towers C C C C C C C
Type 1-D wireless communications facility
(see ACC 18.04.912(W) and ACC 18.31.100)
Eligible facilities request (EFR) (wireless
communications facility – See ACC
Utility facilities and substations C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5
Small wireless facilities (ACC 18.04.912(Q)) P P P P P P P
1 An accessory dwelling unit may be permitted with an existing single-family residence
pursuant to ACC 18.31.120.
2 Please see the supplemental development standards for animals in ACC 18.31.220.
3 Individual uses that make up a mixed-use development must be permitted within the zone.
If a use making up part of a mixed-use development requires an administrative or conditional
use permit, the individual use must apply for and receive the administrative or conditional use
approval, as applicable.
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Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 12 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
4 Proximity of pasture or livestock roaming area to wells, surface waters, and aquifer recharge
zones is regulated by the King or Pierce County board of health, and property owners shall
comply with the provisions of the board of health code.
5 Excludes all public and private utility facilities addressed under ACC 18.02.040(E).
6 Administrative use permit not required when approved as part of a subdivision or binding
site plan.
7 Agricultural enterprise uses are subject to supplemental development standards under ACC
18.31.210, Agricultural enterprises development standards.
8 An owner occupant that rents to more than two persons but no more than four persons is
required to obtain a city of Auburn rental housing business license and shall meet the
standards of the International Property Maintenance Code.
9 As component of Mixed-use developments and/or office ground floor uses permitted up to
5,000 square feet.
10 Commercial uses permitted outright, or allowed administratively or conditionally in this
table may be allowed as part of mixed-use development.
11 Apartment buildings and Mixed-use development consisting of no more than 20 units and
3-stories per lot is permitted.
(Ord. 6799 § 5 (Exh. E), 2020; Ord. 6642 § 4, 2017; Ord. 6600 § 9, 2016; Ord. 6565 § 2, 2015; Ord.
6560 § 9, 2015; Ord. 6477 § 8, 2013; Ord. 6369 § 2, 2011; Ord. 6363 § 3, 2011; Ord. 6269 § 3,
2009; Ord. 6245 § 5, 2009.)
18.07.030 Development standards.
Table 18.07.030. Residential Development Standards
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Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 13 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
Standard RC R-1 R-25 R-37 R-410 R-NM16 R-F20
A Base
(units per
net acre)
0.25 1 5 7 10 16 20
units or
lots per
acre (lot
area per
per net
acre)1, 5, 6
0 sf of
lot area
(43,500 sf
of lot
area per
(6,222 sf
lot area
per unit)
(3,630 sf
lot area
per unit)
8 16
(2,723 sf
lot area
per unit)
(1,452 sf
lot area
per unit)
(6,222 sf
lot area
per unit)
lot area per
unit size
feet) 8
lot width
(feet)2, 5, 8
125 125 5040 20 for
lots; 35
20 for
lots; 35
20 for
lots; 35
20 for
lots; 35
D Units
1 Base units
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Page 489 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 14 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
per lot7
2 Base units
per lot
with transit
y bonus7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 Lot area
per unit
above base
(B1 or B2
X X 1,250 750 N/A N/A 1,250
4 Maximum
units per
6 6 6 20 N/A N/A 6
E Minimum
1 Residence
35 35 10 10 10 10 10
2 Garage
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 unless
then 15
Page 490 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 15 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
from street
there are
20 feet
from any
3 Setback to
line for
stables, or
of large
For other
see the
for animals
in ACC
75 X X X X X X
4 Setback to
line for any
35 X X X X X X
Page 491 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 16 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
yard, or
arena for
For other
see the
for animals
in ACC
5 Interior
20 10 5 5 5 5 5
6 Street side
In all
zones, 20
street side
from street
35 20 10 10 10 10 10
Page 492 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 17 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
7 Rear
35 2035 1520 1520 1020 1020 1520
8 Rear
structure3, 9
In all
zones, 20
street side
from street
all zones,
20 feet for
street or
15 15 10 5 5 5 105
F Maximum
25 35 40 50 60 70 70
Page 493 of 1151
Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 18 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
area (%)
25 50 6575 7580 N/A90 N/A90 N/A75
35 35 35 4535 4575 4575 5045
HI Maximum
height of
354 35 2416 2416 2416 24N/A 24N/A
IJ Minimum
strip (feet)
N/A N/A N/A5 5 10 10 10N/A
JK Minimum
strip (feet)
N/A N/A 5 5 10 10 10N/A
KL Minimum
open space
N/A N/A N/A See
1 See ACC 18.02.065 for calculating density.
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Chapter 18.07 ACC, Residential Zones Page 19 of 19
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
2 All minimum lot widths, setbacks, and landscaping strips are subject to demonstration to the
satisfaction of the city engineer that all required utility infrastructure, access requirements,
and street elements can be accommodated in accordance with the design and construction
3 In addition to meeting setback requirements, all structures must meet sight distance
requirements in accordance with city design and construction standards.
4 Barns and other specialized structures used for agricultural purposes may exceed the height
5 Provision applicable to residential subdivision.
6 Does not apply to lots under 15,000 square feet.
7 See ACC 18.02.067 for calculating units allowed per lot.
8 Applies to new parent lots within a unit lot subdivision.
9 When abutting an alley, detached accessory dwelling units are allowed within the rear
(Ord. 6661 § 3, 2018; Ord. 6600 § 10, 2016; Ord. 6245 § 5, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6944, passed July 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by General Code.
Page 495 of 1151
Chapter 18.09 ACC, R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone Page 1 of 5
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Chapter 18.09
18.09.010 Intent.
18.09.020 Uses.
18.09.030 Development standards.
18.09.010 Intent.
The intent of the R-MHC manufactured/mobile home community zone is to provide a
residential zone of single-family unit manufactured homes exclusively within a planned
community. It is further intended that the R-MHC zone shall only be prescribed in those areas
that are bordered on, contain physical features, or shall be planned and designed as part of a
larger development incorporating other housing types in a manner which limits further
expansion into adjacent areas. (Ord. 6245 § 6, 2009.)
18.09.020 Uses.
Permitted Use Table – Residential Zoning Designations
Land Use R-MHC
A Manufactured/mobile home
B Residential accessory use P
C Manufactured/mobile home P
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Chapter 18.09 ACC, R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone Page 2 of 5
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Land Use R-MHC
community accessory use
D Keeping of not more than six
household pets. This limit shall not
apply to birds, fish, or suckling
young of pets.
E Home-based daycare P
F Daycare limited to a mini daycare
center, daycare center, or
preschool/nursery school
G Marijuana cooperative X
H Marijuana processor X
I Marijuana producer X
J Marijuana related business X
K Marijuana researcher X
L Marijuana retailer X
M Marijuana transport business X
P = Permitted Use
A = Use may be permitted in district when an administrative use permit has been issued pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC.
C = Use may be permitted in district when a conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to the provisions
of Chapter 18.64 ACC.
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Chapter 18.09 ACC, R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone Page 3 of 5
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
X = Prohibited
Also see ACC 18.02.120 for further rules on interpretation.
(Ord. 6642 § 5, 2017; Ord. 6269 § 4, 2009; Ord. 6245 § 6, 2009.)
18.09.030 Development standards.
Table 18.09.030. Development Standards
Development Standard1 R-MHC Zone
A Base density (units per net acre) 10
B Minimum density (units per net acre) 8
C Minimum lot area (square feet) 217,8002
D Minimum lot area per dwelling unit (square feet) 2,500
E Minimum average lot area per dwelling unit (square
F Minimum front setback (feet) Manufactured home community street: 8
Public or other private street: 20
G Minimum interior side setback (feet) Minimum distance between any manufactured
home and/or accessory building and the
manufactured home and/or accessory building
on the adjoining space: 10
H Minimum street side setback (feet) Manufactured home community street: 5
Public or other private street: 10
Page 498 of 1151
Chapter 18.09 ACC, R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone Page 4 of 5
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Development Standard1 R-MHC Zone
I Minimum rear setback (feet) Minimum distance between any manufactured
home and/or accessory building and the
manufactured home and/or accessory building
on the adjoining space: 10
Manufactured home community street: 8
Public or other private street: 20
J Accessory structure setbacks There shall be a minimum of 10 feet between
any two manufactured homes, between any
manufactured home and accessory building on
adjoining spaces, and between any other
accessory buildings on adjoining spaces
K Special setbacks for manufactured homes
structures that abut another zoning district
Setbacks shall be the same as provided for in
the adjoining zone. However, in no case shall the
setbacks be less than as prescribed in this
L Maximum building height (feet) Main building: 30 feet
Accessory building: 16 feet
M Fences and hedges A six-foot high screened fence shall be
constructed around the perimeter of the
For those community boundaries that abut a
public street the fence shall set back 20 feet and
the 20-foot setback area landscaped with Type
III landscaping (see ACC 18.50 for landscaping
N Supplemental R-MHC development standards See ACC 18.31.190
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Chapter 18.09 ACC, R-MHC Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Zone Page 5 of 5
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Development Standard1 R-MHC Zone
O Landscaping See Chapter 18.50 ACC
P Parking See Chapter 18.52 ACC
Q Signs See Chapter 18.56 ACC
1 All minimum lot widths, setbacks, and landscaping strips are subject to demonstration that all required
utility infrastructure, access requirements, and street elements are provided for in accordance with city design
and construction standards.
2 Minimum site area for development of the manufactured home park or community.
(Ord. 6245 § 6, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6940, passed April 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
Page 500 of 1151
Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 1 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
Chapter 18.21
18.21.010 Lea Hill overlay.
18.21.020 West Hill overlay.
18.21.030 Urban separator overlay.
18.21.010 Lea Hill overlay.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for additional development standards to
address the area commonly referred to as the Lea Hill annexation area, as annexed under city
of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121, and identified on the city of Auburn comprehensive
zoning map. While the intent is that the development standards for zones in the Lea Hill
annexation area will be similar to (if not the same as) corresponding zones in other areas of the
city, some variations are needed to recognize previous development allowed by King County
zoning. Unless otherwise provided for in this section, all other provisions and requirements of
this title shall apply to properties within the Lea Hill overlay.
B. Development Standards – Lots Previously Approved.
1. For any residential lot that had received final plat approval, final short plat approval, or
preliminary plat approval or that King County had received and determined the application
complete for a preliminary plat or short plat, prior to the effective date of annexation into
the city of Auburn, the development standards in the following table shall apply. The
property owner/applicant shall be responsible to provide to the city evidence of these
previous approvals.
2. Any further subdivision of any lot and its subsequent use must conform to the
permitted uses and standards referenced in the applicable zoning chapters of this title,
except as modified by this section. For farm animals, subsection E of this section or ACC
18.31.220 shall apply.
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Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 2 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
Min Lot
(Sq. Ft.)
Min Lot
Area (Sq.
Ft. per
Min Lot
Max Lot
Setbacks1* Building Height
R-1 8,000 N/A 35 35 20 5 5 10 35 35
R-252 2,500 N/A 30 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
R-273 2,500 6,000 30 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
R-3104 2,500 4,300 30 40 10 5 5 10 35 35
R-3165 2,500 2,700 30 55 10 5 5 10 35 35
R-4206 2,500 2,175 30 55 10 5 5 10 35 35
1* Garages and other similar structures with a vehicular access require a 20-foot setback from any street.
2 Annexed as R-5 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121.
3 Annexed as R-7 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121.
4 Annexed as R-10 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121.
5 Annexed as R-16 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121.
6 Annexed as R-20 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 5346 and 6121.
C. Prior King County Approvals. The city of Auburn will recognize the terms of any King County-
approved plat, PUD, conditional use permit, contract rezone or similar contractual obligations
that may have been approved prior to the effective date of the annexation of the subject
property. The conditions of any project that was approved by King County shall be required to
be fulfilled in the city of Auburn.
D. Planning Director Authorization. The planning director shall be authorized to interpret the
language of any King County permit, plat or condition thereof and effectuate the
implementation of same to the fullest extent possible. If there is a conflict between a previous
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Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 3 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
King County approval and the Auburn regulation then the most restrictive provision shall apply
as determined by the planning director.
E. Farm Animals.
1. For properties greater than an acre in the R-1, R-5 and R-7 zones, it is permissible to
keep farm animals (excluding goats and swine in the R-5 and R-7 zones); provided, there
shall not be more than one horse, cow, donkey or other similar large animal, or four small
animals such as sheep, or 12 poultry, rabbits, or similar size animals per each acre of
enclosed usable pasture or roaming area. This acreage requirement is in addition to the
minimum lot size requirements of the zone. Property owners of more than an acre in the
Lea Hill overlay may choose to apply these standards or the standards in ACC 18.31.220.
2. Shelters provided for farm animals shall be constructed no closer than 50 feet from any
adjoining lot and shall be 100 feet from any public street or alley. Any corral, exercise yard,
or arena shall maintain a distance of 35 feet from any property line. This excludes pasture
3. For those properties that do not meet the requirements of subsection (E)(1) of this
section, and farm animals were present prior to annexation, the farm animals may remain
as legal nonconforming uses. In such case the number of farm animals allowed may be the
same as what the county zoning provisions had allowed prior to the effective date of the
annexation of the subject property.
F. Lot Averaging – R-1 Zone. It may be possible to subdivide land in the R-1 zone into lots
smaller than 35,000 square feet if the property has a significant amount of nonbuildable land
due to steep slopes, wetlands or similar features that would be in the public’s best interest to
maintain. The following regulations shall apply in situations where lot averaging is permitted or
1. At least 50 percent of the subdivision must be set aside as open space. Critical areas
(i.e., steep slopes, wetlands) can count towards the 50 percent requirement. Maintenance
of the open space tract or easement shall be the responsibility of the property owner
and/or a homeowners’ association.
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Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 4 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
2. The number of allowable lots in a subdivision shall be determined by multiplying the
total number of acres in the subdivision by one. Any fraction shall be rounded to the
nearest whole number with one-half being rounded up.
3. The minimum size of any lot shall be 8,000 square feet. For lots less than 35,000 square
feet, the minimum lot width shall be consistent with the requirements of the R-5 zone
(Chapter 18.07 ACC). All other applicable development standards related to the R-1 zone
will continue to apply.
4. Lots within the subdivision shall be clustered so as to provide for continuity of open
space within the subdivision and, where possible, with adjoining parcels.
5. Each lot within a subdivision shall illustrate a building area within which the house,
accessory structures, and parking areas shall be constructed. The building area shall be
exclusive of setbacks, nonbuildable areas or any required buffers from the nonbuildable
areas. Any preliminary plat, final plat or short plat shall illustrate the building area for each
lot. Any future construction will be limited to the identified building area.
6. A native growth protection easement or similar device, which may include provisions for
the limited removal of vegetation and passive use of the easement, that perpetually
protects the nonbuildable areas must be recorded with the final plat or short plat.
G. All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives are prohibited land uses
within the Lea Hill overlay. (Ord. 6642 § 6, 2017; Ord. 6369 § 3, 2011; Ord. 6245 § 13, 2009.)
18.21.020 West Hill overlay.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for additional development standards to
address the area commonly referred to as the West Hill annexation area, as annexed under city
of Auburn Ordinance No. 6122 and identified on the city of Auburn comprehensive zoning map.
While the intent is that the development standards for zones in the West Hill annexation area
will be similar to (if not the same as) corresponding zones in other areas of the city, some
variations are needed to recognize previous development allowed by King County zoning.
Unless otherwise provided for in this section, all other provisions and requirements of this title
shall apply to properties within the West Hill overlay.
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Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 5 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
B. Development Standards – Lots Previously Approved.
1. For any residential lot that had received final plat approval, final short plat approval,
preliminary plat approval or that King County had received and determined the application
complete for a preliminary plat or short plat, prior to the effective date of annexation, the
development standards in the following table shall apply. The property owner/applicant
shall be responsible to provide evidence of these previous approvals/decisions.
2. Any further subdivision of any lot and its subsequent use must conform to the
permitted uses and standards referenced in the applicable zoning chapters of this title,
except as modified by this section. For farm animals, subsection E of this section or ACC
18.31.220 shall apply.
Min Lot
(Sq. Ft.)
Min Lot
Area (Sq.
Ft. per
Min Lot
Max Lot
Setbacks1* Building Height
R-1 8,000 N/A 35 35 20 5 5 10 35 35
R-252 2,500 N/A 30 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
R-723 2,500 6,000 30 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
* 1 Garages and other similar structures with a vehicular access require a 20-foot setback from any
2 Annexed as R-5 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance No. 6122.
3 Annexed as R-7 zone under city of Auburn Ordinance No. 6122.
C. Prior King County Approvals. The city of Auburn will recognize the terms of any King County-
approved plat, PUD, conditional use permit, contract rezone or similar contractual obligations
that may have been approved prior to the effective date of the annexation of the subject
property. The conditions of any project that was approved by King County shall be required to
be fulfilled in the city of Auburn.
Page 505 of 1151
Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 6 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
D. Planning Director Authorization. The planning director shall be authorized to interpret the
language of any King County permit, plat or condition thereof and effectuate the
implementation of same to the fullest extent possible. If there is a conflict between a previous
King County approval and the Auburn regulation, then the most restrictive provision shall apply
as determined by the planning director.
E. Farm Animals.
1. For properties greater than an acre in the R-1, R-5 and R-7 zones within the West Hill
overlay, it is permissible to keep farm animals (excluding goats and swine in the R-5 and R-7
zones); provided, there shall not be more than one horse, cow, donkey or other similar
large animal, or four small animals such as sheep, or 12 poultry, rabbits, or similar size
animals per each acre of enclosed usable pasture or roaming area. This acreage
requirement is in addition to the minimum lot size requirements of the applicable zone.
Property owners of more than an acre in the West Hill overlay district may choose to apply
these standards, or the standards in ACC 18.31.220.
2. Shelters provided for farm animals shall be constructed no closer than 50 feet from any
adjoining lot and no closer than 100 feet from any public street or alley. Any corral, exercise
yard, or arena shall maintain a distance of 35 feet from any property line. This excludes
pasture areas.
3. For those properties that do not meet the requirements of subsection (E)(1) of this
section, and farm animals were present prior to annexation, the farm animals may remain
as legal nonconforming uses. In such case, the number of farm animals allowed may be the
same as what the county zoning provisions had allowed prior to the effective date of the
annexation of the subject property.
F. All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives are prohibited land uses
within the West Hill overlay. (Ord. 6642 § 7, 2017; Ord. 6369 § 4, 2011; Ord. 6245 § 13, 2009.)
18.21.030 Urban separator overlay.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for additional development standards to
address the area designated as urban separator in the city’s comprehensive plan, as prescribed
in the interlocal agreement between the city and King County approved under city of Auburn
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Chapter 18.21 ACC, Overlays Page 7 of 7
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
Resolution No. 4113 and identified on the city of Auburn comprehensive land use map. Unless
otherwise provided for in this section, all other provisions and requirements of this title shall
apply to properties within the urban separator overlay.
B. Development Standards. For property located within a designated urban separator, lot
averaging shall be required. The regulations of ACC 18.21.010(F) shall apply in situations where
lot averaging is used.
C. All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives are prohibited land uses
within the urban separator overlay. (Ord. 6642 § 8, 2017; Ord. 6245 § 13, 2009.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6928, passed December 4, 2023.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
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Chapter 18.23 ACC, Commercial and Industrial Zones Page 1 of 26
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Chapter 18.23
18.23.010 Purpose.
18.23.020 Intent of commercial and industrial zones.
18.23.030 Uses.
18.23.040 Development standards.
18.23.050 Additional development standards for C-2, central business zone.
18.23.060 Additional development standards for the C-N, C-1, C-2, C-3, C- C-AG4, and
M-1 zones.
18.23.010 Purpose.
This chapter lists the land uses that may be allowed within the commercial and industrial zones
established by ACC 18.02.070 (Establishment of zones), determines the type of land use
approval required for each use, and provides basic and additional development standards for
sites, buildings, and associated improvements. (Ord. 6728 § 3 (Exh. C), 2019; Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
18.23.020 Intent of commercial and industrial zones.
A. General. This section describes the intent for each of the city’s commercial and industrial
zones. These intent statements are to be used to guide the interpretation of the regulations
associated with each zone. The planning director is authorized to make interpretations of these
regulations based on their analysis of them together with clear and objective reasons for such
B. C-N, Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone. The C-N zone is intended to provide areas
appropriate for neighborhood shopping establishments which provide limited retail business,
service and office facilities for the convenience of residents of the neighborhood. A
neighborhood shopping center is designed and located so as to minimize traffic congestion on
public highways and streets in its vicinity and to best fit the general land use pattern of the area
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to be served by the center. The protective standards contained in this chapter are intended to
minimize any adverse effect of the neighborhood shopping center on nearby property values
and to provide for safe and efficient use of the neighborhood shopping center itself.
C. C-1, Light Commercial Zone. The C-1 Light Commercial zone is intended for lower intensity
commercial adjacent to residential neighborhoods. This zone generally serves as a transition
zone between higher and lower intensity land uses, providing retail and professional services.
This zone represents the primary commercial designation for small- to moderate-scale
commercial activities compatible by having similar performance standards and should be
developed in a manner which is consistent with and attracts pedestrian-oriented activities. This
zone encourages a broad mix of small scale uses such as leisure shopping, office, eating and
drinking establishments, entertainment and assembly uses and provides amenities conducive
to attracting shoppers and pedestrians. Building height, size, and orientation are the primary
standards that will be used to maintain the smaller more pedestrian scale uses within this zone.
The C-1 zone is intended for lower intensity commercial adjacent to residential neighborhoods.
This zone generally serves as a transition zone between higher and lower intensity land uses,
providing retail and professional services. This zone represents the primary commercial
designation for small- to moderate-scale commercial activities compatible by having similar
performance standards and should be developed in a manner which is consistent with and
attracts pedestrian-oriented activities. This zone encourages leisure shopping and provides
amenities conducive to attracting shoppers and pedestrians.
D. C-2 Central Business District Zone. The intent of the C-2 zone is to set apart the portion of the
city proximate to the center for financial, commercial, governmental, professional, and cultural
activities. Uses in the C-2 zone have common or similar performance standards in that they
represent types of enterprises involving the rendering of services, both professional or to the
person, or on-premises retail activities. This zone encourages and provides amenities conducive
to attracting pedestrians.
E. C-23, Heavy Commercial Zone. The intent of the C-2 Heavy Commercial zone is to allow for
medium to high intensity uses consisting of a wide range of retail, commercial, entertainment,
office, services, and professional uses. This zone is intended to accommodate uses which are
oriented to automobiles either as a mode or target of the commercial service while fostering a
pedestrian orientation. The uses allowed can include outside activities, display, fabrication or
service features when not the predominant portion of the use. The uses enumerated in this
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classification may be larger in scale and building size and have more potential for impacts to
surrounding properties and street systems than those uses permitted in the more restrictive
commercial classifications.
The intent of the C-3 zone is to allow for medium to high intensity uses consisting of a wide
range of retail, commercial, entertainment, office, services, and professional uses. This zone is
intended to accommodate uses which are oriented to automobiles either as a mode or target
of the commercial service while fostering a pedestrian orientation. The uses allowed can
include outside activities, display, fabrication or service features when not the predominant
portion of the use. The uses enumerated in this classification have more potential for impacts
to surrounding properties and street systems than those uses permitted in the more restrictive
commercial classifications.
F. C-4, Mixed-Use Commercial Zone. The intent of the C-4 zone is to provide for a pedestrian-
oriented mix of retail, office, and limited multifamily residential uses. This classification is also
intended to allow flexibility in design and the combination of uses that is responsive to market
demands. The uses enumerated in this classification anticipate a mix of multifamily residential,
retail, and office uses that are coordinated through a site-specific planning process. The
multiple-family residential must be located in a multi-story building. Certain heavy commercial
uses permitted in other commercial classifications are not permitted in this zone because of the
potential for conflicts with multifamily residential uses, in order to achieve a quality of
environment that is conducive to this mix of uses.
C-AG, Auburn Gateway Zone. The intent of the C-AG - Auburn Gateway Zone is to provide for a
pedestrian-oriented mix of retail, office, middle housing, and multifamily residential uses in the
Northeast Auburn Special Area Plan and Auburn Gateway Planned Action area, as described in
Chapter 18.08 ACC. This classification is also intended to allow flexibility in design and the
combination of uses that is responsive to market demands. The uses enumerated in this
classification anticipate a mix of multifamily residential, middle housing, retail, and office uses
that are coordinated through a site-specific planning process. The multiple-family residential
must be located in a multi-story building. Certain heavy commercial uses permitted in other
commercial classifications are not permitted in this zone because of the potential for conflicts
with multifamily residential uses, in order to achieve a quality of environment that is conducive
to this mix of uses.
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G. M-1, Light Industrial Zone. The intent of the M-1 Light Industrial zone is to accommodate a
variety of industrial, manufacturing, commercial, and limited residential uses in an industrial
environment, and to preserve land primarily for industrial and commercial uses, and to
implement the economic goals of the comprehensive plan, and to provide a greater flexibility
within the zoning regulations for those uses which are non-nuisance in terms of air and water
pollution, noise, vibration, glare or odor. The industrial/commercial character of this zone is
intended to address the way in which industrial and commercial uses are carried out rather
than the actual types of products made. An essential aspect of this zone is the need to maintain
a quality of development that attracts rather than discourages further investment in industrial
and commercial development. While allowed, outdoor storage will be regulated in a manner
that mitigates visual impacts in a manner that takestaking surrounding uses and vehicular
corridors into consideration.
The intent of the M-1 zone is to accommodate a variety of industrial, commercial, and limited
residential uses in an industrial park environment, to preserve land primarily for light industrial
and commercial uses, to implement the economic goals of the comprehensive plan and to
provide a greater flexibility within the zoning regulations for those uses which are nonnuisance
in terms of air and water pollution, noise, vibration, glare or odor. The light
industrial/commercial character of this zone is intended to address the way in which industrial
and commercial uses are carried out rather than the actual types of products made.
The character of this zone will limit the type of primary activities which may be conducted
outside of enclosed buildings to outdoor displays and sales. Uses which are not customarily
conducted indoors or involve hazardous materials are considered heavy industrial uses under
this title and are not appropriate for the M-1 zone. An essential aspect of this zone is the need
to maintain a quality of development that attracts rather than discourages further investment
in light industrial and commercial development. Consequently, site activities which could
distract from the visual quality of development of those areas, such as outdoor storage, should
be strictly regulated within this zone.
H. M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone. The M-2 Heavy Industrial is intended to accommodate a broad
range of manufacturing and industrial uses. Permitted activity may vary from medium to higher
intensity uses that involve the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, or processing of raw and/or
finished materials. Heavy industrial uses should not be located near residential development.
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
While other uses may be sited within this zone, permits for such uses should not be issued if
such uses will discourage use of adjacent sites for heavy industry, interrupt the continuity of
industrial sites, or produce traffic in conflict with the industrial uses. (Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A),
2022; Ord. 6728 § 3 (Exh. C), 2019; Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
The M-2 zone is intended to accommodate a broad range of manufacturing and industrial uses.
Permitted activity may vary from medium to higher intensity uses that involve the manufacture,
fabrication, assembly, or processing of raw and/or finished materials. Heavy industrial uses
should not be located near residential development.
While other uses may be sited within this zone, permits for such uses should not be issued if
such uses will discourage use of adjacent sites for heavy industry, interrupt the continuity of
industrial sites, or produce traffic in conflict with the industrial uses. (Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022;
Ord. 6728 § 3 (Exh. C), 2019; Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
18.23.030 Uses.
A. General Permit Requirements. Table 18.23.030 identifies the uses of land allowed in each
commercial and industrial zone and the land use approval process required to establish each
B. Requirements for Certain Specific Land Uses. Where the last column in Table 18.23.030
(“Standards for Specific Land Uses”) includes a reference to a code section number, the
referenced section determines other requirements and standards applicable to the use
regardless of whether it is permitted outright or requires an administrative or conditional use
C. Uses Affected by the Airport Overlay. Refer to Chapter 18.38 ACC to determine whether uses
are separately prohibited by that chapter or will be required to comply with additional
regulations that are associated with the airport overlay.
Table 18.23.030. Permitted, Administrative, Conditional and Prohibited Uses by Zone,
Commercial and Industrial Zones
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Building contractor, light X X X P X P P
Building contractor, heavy X X X X X A P
Manufacturing, assembling
and packaging – Light
X X X P X P P ACC 18.31.180
Manufacturing, assembling
and packaging – Medium
X X X A X P P ACC 18.31.180
Manufacturing, assembling
and packaging – Heavy
X X X X X X A ACC 18.31.180
Marijuana processor X X X X X C C Chapter 18.59 ACC
Marijuana producer X X X X X C C Chapter 18.59 ACC
Marijuana researcher X X X X X C C Chapter 18.59 ACC
Marijuana retailer X X X C X C C Chapter 18.59 ACC
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Marijuana transporter
X X X X X C C Chapter 18.59 ACC
Outdoor storage,
incidental to principal
permitted use on property
X X X P X P P ACC 18.57.020(A)
Storage – Personal
household storage facility
X P X P X P P ACC 18.57.020(B)
Warehousing and
X X X X X P C ACC 18.57.020(C)
Warehousing and
distribution, bonded and
located within a
designated foreign trade
Wholesaling with on-site
retail as an incidental use
(e.g., coffee, bakery)
Commercial recreation X P P P P P A
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
facility, indoor
Commercial recreation
facility, outdoor
X X X A A P A ACC 18.57.025(A)
Library, museum X A A A X A X
Meeting facility, public or
Movie theater, except
Private school – Specialized
education/training (for
Religious institutions, lot
size less than one acre
Religious institutions, lot
size more than one acre
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Sexually oriented
X X X P X P P Chapter 18.74 ACC
Sports and entertainment
assembly facility
Studio – Art, dance, martial
arts, music, etc.
Apartment units, as part of
a mixed-use development2
X X X P P P X ACC 18.57.030
Apartments, stand-alone X X X X X X X
Caretaker apartment X P P P X P P
Live/work unit, as part of a
mixed-use development2
Live/work unit, stand-
Work/live unit, as part of a
mixed-use development2
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Work/live unit, stand-
Marijuana cooperative X X X X X X X
Multiple-family dwellings
as part of a mixed-use
X X P P P P X ACC 18.57.030
Multiple-family dwellings,
Nursing home, assisted
living facility
Senior housing2 X X A A X X X
Building and landscape
materials sales
X X X P X P P ACC 18.57.035(A)
Construction and heavy
equipment sales and rental
Convenience store A A P P X P P
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Drive-through espresso
Drive-through facility,
including banks and
A A A P P P P ACC 18.52.040
Entertainment, commercial X A P P X A A
Groceries, specialty food
Nursery X X X P A P P ACC 18.57.035(C)
Outdoor displays and sales
associated with a
permitted use
(auto/vehicle sales not
included in this category)
P P P P P P P ACC 18.57.035(D)
Restaurant, cafe, coffee
Community retail
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Neighborhood retail
Regional retail
Tasting room P P P P P P P
Tavern P P X P P P A
Wine production facility,
small craft distillery, small
craft brewery
Animal daycare (excluding
kennels and animal
A A A P A P P ACC 18.57.040(A)
Animal sales and services
(excluding kennels and
veterinary clinics)
P P P P P P P ACC 18.57.040(B)
Banking and related
financial institutions,
excluding drive-through
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Catering service P P P P A P P
Daycare, including mini
daycare, daycare center,
preschools or nursery
Dry cleaning and laundry
service (personal)
Equipment rental and
Kennel, animal boarding X X X A X A A ACC 18.57.040(C)
Government facilities; this
excludes offices and
related uses that are
permitted outright
Hospital X P P P X P P
Lodging – Hotel or motel X P P P P A A
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Medical – Dental clinic P P P P P P X
Mortuary, funeral home,
Personal service shops P P P P P P X
Pharmacies P P P P P X X
Print and copy shop P P P P P P X
Printing and publishing (of
books, newspaper and
other printed matter)
Professional offices P P P P P P P
Repair service –
Equipment, appliances
X A P P P P P ACC 18.57.040(D)
Veterinary clinic, animal
Youth community support
X P X X X X X ACC 18.57.040(E)
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Ambulance, taxi, and
specialized transportation
Broadcasting studio X P X P X P P
Heliport X X X C X C C
Motor freight terminal1 X X X X X X X See Footnote No. 1
Parking facility, public or
commercial, surface
Parking facility, public or
commercial, structured
Towing storage yard X X X X X A P ACC 18.57.045(A)
Utility transmission or
distribution line or
Wireless communications
facility (WCF) (See ACC
* * * * * * * *See ACC 18.31.100 for use
regulations and zoning
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P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
18.04.912(W)) development standards.
Eligible facilities request
(EFR) (wireless
communications facility)
(See ACC 18.04.912(H))
Small wireless facilities
(ACC 18.04.912(Q))
Automobile washes
(automatic, full or self-
X A X P P P P ACC 18.57.050(A)
Auto parts sales with
installation services
Auto/vehicle sales and
X A X P X P P ACC 18.57.050(B)
Fueling station X A A P P P P ACC 18.57.050(C)
Mobile home, boat, or RV
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
P – Permitted
C – Conditional
A – Administrative
X – Prohibited
Zoning Designation
Standards for Specific
Land Uses C-N C-1 C-2 C-23 C-
AG4 M-1 M-2
Vehicle services –
Repair/body work
X X A P X P P ACC 18.57.050(D)
Any commercial use
abutting a residential zone
which has hours of
operation outside of the
following: Sunday: 9:00
a.m. to 10:00 p.m. or
Monday – Saturday: 7:00
a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Other uses may be
permitted by the planning
director or designee if the
use is determined to be
consistent with the intent
of the zone and is of the
same general character of
the uses permitted. See
ACC 18.02.120(C)(6),
Unclassified Uses.
1 Any motor freight terminal, as defined by ACC 18.04.635, in existence as of the effective date of the
ordinance codified in this section, is an outright permitted use in the M-1 and M-2 zones. Any maintenance,
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alterations and additions to an existing motor freight terminal which are consistent with ACC 18.23.040,
Development standards, are allowed.
2 Any mixed-use development or senior housing project vested prior to Resolution No. 5187 (December 7,
2015) is an outright permitted use in the C-1 zone. Subsequently, if a nonresidential use within a vested
mixed-use development changes, then the nonresidential use shall maintain a minimum of 10 percent of the
cumulative building ground floor square footage consisting of the uses permitted outright, administratively, or
conditionally, listed under “Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly,” “Retail,” or “Services” of the C-1 zone.
3 Any stand-alone live/work units or stand-alone work/live units vested prior to the effective date of the
ordinance codified in this chapter are outright permitted uses.
(Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 6838 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 6799 § 6 (Exh. F), 2020; Ord. 6728 § 3 (Exh. C),
2019; Ord. 6688 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2018; Ord. 6644 § 2, 2017; Ord. 6642 § 9, 2017; Ord. 6508 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6433 § 26,
18.23.040 Development standards.
A. Hereafter, no use shall be conducted and no building, structure and appurtenance shall be
erected, relocated, remodeled, reconstructed, altered or enlarged unless in compliance with the
requirements in Tables 18.23.040A (C-N, C-1, C-2, C-23, and C-AG4 Zone Development
Standards) and 18.23.040B (M-1 and M-2 Zone Development Standards) and in compliance with
the provisions of this title, and then only after securing all permits and approvals required
hereby. These standards may be modified through either an administrative variance or
variance, subject to the procedures of Chapter 18.70 ACC.
Table 18.23.040A. C-N, C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-AG4 Zone Development Standards
Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
C- C-AG 4
Minimum lot area 2 acres None None None None1
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Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
C- C-AG 4
Minimum lot width,
None None None None None
Maximum lot coverage 55 percent None None None None
Minimum setbacks Minimum setbacks required for structures. See also ACC 18.31.070 for specific exceptions
to these setback standards.
Front 50 ft 20 ft None 20 ft 20 ft
Side – Interior None2 None2 None None2 None2
Side – Street 50 ft 15 ft None 15 ft 15 ft
Rear None2 None2 None None2 None2
Height limit Maximum allowable height of structures. See also ACC 18.31.030 (Height limitations –
Exceptions) for specific height limit exceptions.
Maximum height 30 ft 45 ft3 ACC 18.23.050 75 ft 75 ft
None None ACC 18.23.050 None None
Fences and hedges See Chapter 18.31 ACC
Landscaping See Chapter 18.50 ACC
Parking See Chapter 18.52 ACC
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Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
C- C-AG 4
Signs See Chapter 18.56 ACC
Lighting See Chapter 18.55 ACC
structures, land and
See Chapter 18.54 ACC
1 Residential uses: no minimum lot size; provided, that residential density does not exceed 20 units per gross
acre (this includes privately owned open space tracts but excludes dedicated public roads).
2 A 25-foot setback is required when adjacent to a residential zone.
3 Buildings within the Auburn north business area, as established by Resolution No. 2283, may exceed 45 feet
if one additional foot of setback is provided from each property line (or required minimum setback) for each
foot the building exceeds 45 feet in height.
Table 18.23.040B. M-1 and M-2 Zone Development Standards
Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
Minimum lot area None None
Minimum lot width, depth None None
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
Maximum lot coverage None None
Minimum setbacks Minimum setbacks required for structures. See also ACC 18.31.070 for
specific exceptions to these standards.
Front 20 ft 30 ft
Side – Interior None1 None1
Side – Corner 20 ft 30 ft
Rear None1 None1
Height limit Maximum allowable height of structures. See also ACC 18.31.030
(Height limitations – Exceptions) for specific height limit exceptions
Maximum height 45 ft2 45 ft2
Additional development standards None None
Fences and hedges See Chapter 18.31 ACC
Landscaping See Chapter 18.50 ACC
Parking See Chapter 18.52 ACC
Signs See Chapter 18.56 ACC
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The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Development Standard
Requirement by Zone
Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
Lighting See Chapter 18.55 ACC
Nonconforming structures, land and
See Chapter 18.54 ACC
1 A 25-foot setback is required when adjacent to a residential zone.
2 Buildings may exceed 45 feet if one foot of setback is provided from each property line (or required
minimum setback) for each foot the building exceeds 45 feet.
(Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 6728 § 3 (Exh. C), 2019; Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
18.23.050 Additional development standards for C-2, central business
A. Maximum Building Height.
1. The maximum height of that portion of a building that abuts a street(s) shall be no
higher than the right-of-way width of the abutting street(s). Building height may increase;
provided, that the building is stepped back one foot (from the abutting street right(s)-of-
way) for each foot of increased building height.
2. If the building abuts more than one street and the abutting streets have different right-
of-way widths, then the height of the building allowed at any street frontage shall be the
average of the abutting street right-of-way widths.
3. The following rooftop features may extend up to 15 feet above the maximum height
limit: stair towers, elevator penthouses, and screened mechanical equipment.
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B. Minimum setbacks: none required, see subsection D of this section for specific building
orientation requirements.
C. Fences shall be decorative and relate architecturally to the associated building. Acceptable
materials are brick, wood, stone, metal, or textured concrete. Typical galvanized wire mesh
(chain link), barbed wire or razor wire are not permitted. For further information see Chapter
18.31 ACC.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to temporary fences required during construction
projects permitted by the city.
D. Building Orientation Requirements. The following requirements apply to the construction of
all new buildings or structures:
1. Existing buildings or structures, including facades, that do not have setbacks or
otherwise cannot comply are exempt from these requirements regardless of the amount of
improvements made to the building, structure or facade as long as any alteration does not
make the existing facade more nonconforming.
2. Existing buildings, structures, or facades that are set back and within 20 feet of a street
shall comply to the fullest extent possible as determined by the planning director, with the
following requirements when any cumulative structural improvements are made that
exceed 50 percent of the assessed value of the existing building, structure, or facade.
3. Any addition to an existing building, regardless of value, that will be within 20 feet of a
street shall also comply to the fullest extent possible, as determined by the planning
director, with the following requirements:
a. For each lineal foot of frontage a building has on a street, there shall be provided
an area(s) for pedestrian amenities at the rate of one square foot of ground area for
each lineal foot of building frontage. Pedestrian amenities shall consist of such
features as landscaping, benches, entryways with accents such as brick pavers,
artwork, or a combination of these or similar features. The pedestrian amenities shall
be located on the property between the street right-of-way and the building. The
planning director shall approve the amount and type of the pedestrian amenities.
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b. For buildings that have a street frontage that exceeds 50 feet, then at least 25
percent of the building’s frontage shall be immediately adjacent to the street right-of-
c. For buildings that have a street frontage that is less than 25 feet, then no
pedestrian amenities will be required and the building may be located at the property
line. There shall, however, be provided a landing in front of each door that opens to a
street that is large enough such that no part of any door will encroach into the street
right-of-way when the door is being opened or closed.
d. For buildings that provide additional setbacks, except as restricted by subsection
(D)(3)(b) of this section, the area between the street right-of-way and the building shall
only contain pedestrian amenities.
e. If a building has more than two street frontages, then at least two of the frontages
shall comply with subsections (D)(3)(b) and (g) of this section and contain pedestrian
amenities between the building and the street right-of-way. Any remaining frontages
shall either have pedestrian amenities, windows, murals, flat surfaced artwork or other
similar architectural features that would avoid large blank walls.
f. For new buildings that will infill between two other existing buildings, the new
building shall be set back no further than either of the adjacent buildings unless
additional setback is required to comply with subsection (D)(3)(a) of this section. The
proposed setback shall be reviewed by the planning director to ensure the setback will
maintain building continuity along the street.
g. Buildings shall have windows that encompass at least 60 percent of the first floor
facade and at least 40 percent of the facade of each additional floor. At least 50
percent of the area of the first floor windows of nonresidential buildings shall provide
visibility to the inside of the building. This subsection shall only apply to the facades of
new buildings with street frontage and shall not lessen the requirements of the
Uniform Building or Fire Codes.
h. The building’s principal pedestrian entrance shall be oriented to the street. If the
building is at a corner, either street or alley, then the principal pedestrian entrance
shall be at the corner unless a better architectural design is attained at another
location and approved by the planning director.
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i. Buildings that are at the intersection of either two streets or a street and an alley
shall provide for a sight distance triangular setback as required by Chapter 18.31 ACC.
These triangular areas may contain pedestrian amenities that satisfy the requirements
of subsection (D)(3)(a) of this section.
j. A site plan shall be prepared by the proponent which addresses compliance with
the requirements as outlined in subsections (D)(3)(a) through (i) of this section. The site
plan shall be approved by the planning director prior to the submittal of any building
k. For the sole purposes of this subsection D the term “street” shall include the right-
of-way of private and public streets. The term shall also include pedestrian walkways,
encumbered by an easement or similar means, that are used by the general public to
travel from one property to another.
E. Mechanical equipment on rooftops shall be sited and designed to minimize noise and
effectively screen the equipment from view from adjacent properties and rights-of-way. The
following methods, or a combination thereof, may be used:
1. Set back from the roof edge to obscure visibility from below;
2. Integration into the building architecture, using building walls, roof wells or roof
parapets to conceal the equipment;
3. Equipment enclosure or sight-obscuring fencing or landscaping;
4. Overhead trellis or roof to obscure visibility from above.
Materials used to screen mechanical equipment shall be the same as or compatible with the
design of the principal structure.
F. Stair towers and elevator penthouses shall be designed to be architecturally integrated into
the principal structure. This may include using the same building materials, repeating common
building forms, colors or elements, or incorporating the roof and wall of the stair tower or
elevator penthouse into the upper wall of the structure. (Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
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18.23.060 Additional development standards for the C-N, C-1, C-2, C-3,
C-4C-AG, and M-1 zones.
A. Loading and unloading docks shall not be visible from the street.
B. Mechanical equipment on rooftops shall be sited and designed to minimize noise and
effectively screen the equipment from view from adjacent properties and rights-of-way. The
following methods, or a combination thereof, may be used:
1. Set back from the roof edge to obscure visibility from below;
2. Integration into the building architecture, using building walls, roof wells or roof
parapets to conceal the equipment;
3. Equipment enclosure or sight-obscuring fencing or landscaping;
4. Overhead trellis or roof to obscure visibility from above.
Materials used to screen mechanical equipment shall be the same as or compatible with the
design of the principal structure. (Ord. 6885 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 6433 § 26, 2012.)
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Auburn City Code. Users should
contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
City Website: www.auburnwa.gov
Hosted by Code Publishing Company, A General Code Company.
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Chapter 18.25 ACC, Infill Residential Development Standards Page 1 of 8
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Chapter 18.25
18.25.010 Purpose and intent.
18.25.020 Applicability.
18.25.030 Procedures.
18.25.040 Middle housing types.Infill residential standards.
18.25.050 Calculating parking requirements.
18.25.060 Accessory Dwelling Units.
18.25.070 Middle housing design standards.
18.25.080 Usable open space.
18.25.090 Courtyard housing standards.
18.25.0100 Lot splitting.
18.25.010 Purpose and intent.
The purpose of this chapter is to encourage the development of underutilized parcels in zones
which, through Auburn comprehensive plan goals and policies, have been identified as areas
where infill residential developmentmiddle housing should be encouraged. Middle hHousing
shall be compatible in scale, form, and character with single-familysingle-unit detached houses
that are allowed within the underlying zoning designation. This chapter identifies the standards
for middle housing development. conditions under which infill development is supported and
relaxes certain development requirements in those instances in an effort to promote the
construction of infill development in appropriate areas of the city. (Ord. 6245 § 14, 2009.)
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18.25.020 Applicability.
A. Eligibility Criteria. This chapter may be applied to development or redevelopment that meets
all of the following criteria:
1. The lot is within one of the following zones: RC, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-NM R-5, R-7, R-10, R-
16, or R-20.
B. Exceptions. This chapter may be applied to development or redevelopment, except for the
following below:
1. Middle Housing is not permitted within Urban Separators.
2. Middle Housing is not permitted in the R-HMC zone.
3. Middle Housing is not permitted on lots smaller than one thousand (1,000) square feet.
4. Middle Housing allowances shall not be used to justify alteration of a regulated critical
area per Chapter 16.10 ACC.
2. Adjacent properties abutting at least 50 percent of the nonstreet perimeter of the
subject property (i.e., side and/or rear lot lines) are developed with single-family dwellings
or higher intensity uses.
3. For lots located in the R-5 or R-7 zones, the development or redevelopment creates a
maximum of one new lot or dwelling unit.
4. For properties located in the R-10, R-16, or R-20 zones, the lot or parcel size shall be one
acre or less. (Ord. 6245 § 14, 2009.)
18.25.030 Procedures.
Development proposals desiring to utilize the middle housing infill standards of this chapter
shall be subject to one or more of the permit types found in ACC Title 14 and shall be processed
in a manner consistent with the underlying land use application pursuant to ACC Title 14. (Ord.
6245 § 14, 2009.)
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18.25.040 Infill residential standards.Middle housing types.
A. For the purposes of this chapter middle housing refers to all housing consisting of between
two and six units per lot, defined in ACC 18.04.340(B).
18.25.050 Calculating parkingParking Requirements.
A. Within one-half mile walking distance of a Major Transit Stop no on-site parking is
B. On lots that that are more than one-half mile walking distance of a Major Transit Stop,
(1) one on-site parking space shall be required for each dwelling unit.
C. On-site parking spaces shall include garage and/or driveway parking spaces.
D. When calculating parking relative to the above referenced lot sizes, the calculation shall
occur prior to zero lot line land divisions.
18.25.060 Accessory Dwelling Units.
A. An ADU is listed as a type of Middle Housing; each ADU that is proposed will be
considered a dwelling unit when calculating the number of units allowed on a lot or as part of a
development proposal.
B. ADUs must be an accessory to a principal middle housing unit.
C. ADUs cannot be used to supplement the number of dwelling units allowed under this
D. ADUs are subject to the standards contained in Chapter 18.32 ACC.
18.25.070 Middle housing design standards.
A. Applicability.
1. Standards in this section apply to all development between two and six units per lot.
2. For the purposes of this section, a “street” refers to any public or private street.
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3. These design standards do not apply to the conversion of a structure to a middle
housing type with up to four attached units, if the floor area of the structure does not
increase more than 50 percent
B. Purpose. The purpose of these standards is to:
1. Promote compatibility of middle housing with other residential uses, including single-
unit detached dwellings.
2. De-emphasize garages and driveways as major visual elements along the street.
3. Provide clear and accessible pedestrian routes between buildings and streets.
4. Implement the definitions of cottage housing and courtyard apartments provided by
state law.
C. Pedestrian access. A private, paved pedestrian connection that is a minimum of three feet
wide required between each middle housing building and the public sidewalk (or the public
street if there is no sidewalk). Driveways may be used to meet this requirement.
D. Vehicle access, carports, garages, and driveways.
1. Garages, driveways, and off-street parking areas shall not be located between a
building and a street, except when either of the following conditions are met:
a. The combined width of all garages, driveways, and off-street parking areas
does not exceed a total of 60 percent of the length of the street frontage
property line. This standard applies to buildings and not individual units; or
b. The garage, driveway, or off-street parking area is separated from the street
property line by a dwelling; or
c. The garage, driveway, or off-street parking is located more than 100 feet from
a street.
E. Landscaping. See ACC Table 18.50.040(A) “Minimum Landscape Requirements by Zoning
District” for landscaping requirements.
F. Entries. Each building shall incorporate a primary building entry or one or more private unit
entries, such as a covered porch or recessed entry. Each entry shall feature minimum weather
protection of three feet by three feet.
G. Windows and doors. A minimum of 15 percent of the area of the street-facing façade
elevation shall include windows or doors. Facades separated from the street by a dwelling or
located more than 100 feet from a street are exempt from this standard.
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H. Unit articulation
1. Applicability.
a. Each attached unit featuring a separate ground level entrance in a multi-unit
building facing the street shall include at least one of the articulation options
listed in subsection (I)(2) below.
b. Facades separated from the street by a dwelling or located more than 100 feet
from a street are exempt from this standard.
2. Articulation options:
Option 1. Roofline change or a roof dormer with a minimum of four feet in
Option 2. A balcony a minimum of two feet in depth and four feet in width and
accessible from an interior room.
Option 3. A bay window that extends from the façade a minimum of two feet.
Option 4. An offset of the façade of a minimum of two feet in depth from the
neighboring unit.
Option 5. A roofed porch at least 50 square feet in size.
Option 6. Change in wall color.
Figure 18.25.050(I)
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I. Middle Housing Design Review Submittal Requirements. In addition to any other
documentation required for submittal of a complete application for building permit or
discretionary land use approvals/permits, the following items shall be required for review of
building design:
1. Elevation drawings prepared by an architect licensed in the state of Washington of all
proposed construction including dimensional drawings at one-eighth inch equals one foot or
comparable scale showing the type of exterior materials, color, exterior finishes (including for
accessory structures, where applicable), articulation, fenestration details, and the location,
elevations, type, style and model of any exterior lighting fixtures (where applicable).
2. As applicable, a to-scale landscape plan consistent with Chapter 18.50 ACC.
18.25.080 Courtyard housing standards.
A. Applicability. Standards in this section apply to courtyard housing, which includes cottage
housing (detached units) and courtyard apartments (attached units).
B. Open space. Open space shall be provided equal to a minimum 20 percent of the lot size.
This may include common open space, private open space, setbacks, critical areas, and other
open space.
C. Common open space.
1. At least one outdoor common open space is required.
2. Common open space shall be provided equal to a minimum of 300 square feet per
unit. Each common open space shall have a minimum dimension of 15 feet on any side.
3. Orientation. Common open space shall be bordered by dwellings on at least two
sides. At least half of all units in the development shall abut a common open space and
have the primary entrance facing the common open space.
4. Parking areas and vehicular areas shall not qualify as common open space.
5. Critical areas and their buffers, including steep slopes, shall not quality as common
open space.
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D. Community building.
1. A courtyard housing development shall contain no more than one community
2. A community building shall have no more than 2,400 square feet of net floor area,
excluding attached garages.
3. A community building shall have no minimum off-street parking requirement.
18.25.090 Usable open space.
A. All middle housing development must include usable open space.
B. Usable open space must occupy at least 10% of the lot with a minimum dimension of at least
10 feet. Usable open space may be a single large space or several separate spaces. Unenclosed
porches, patios, and entries may count towards usable open space if contiguous with a space
that meets the standards of this section. Areas of usable open space with no unenclosed
porches, patios, and entries or other similar features may overlap with the required landscaped
areas within Table 18.50.040(A).
C. Driveways and parking areas may not count towards usable open space.
D. Where usable open space is located within the front setback, the open space must be
defined with a fence, hedge, or wall, at least 24 inches tall.
E. LID stormwater BMPs, like rain gardens, may be integrated in up to 25 percent of the
minimum required usable open space area.
F. Additions must not create or increase any nonconformity with this standard.
Figure 18.25.060 Usable Open Space
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18.25.100 Lot splitting.
Lot splitting as defined in ACC 17.04.221 is permitted as a means of creating separate
ownership of each housing unit. See zero lot line subdivision standards contained in Chapter
17.29 ACC.
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Chapter 18.29 ACC, DUC Downtown Urban Center District Page 1 of 16
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Chapter 18.29
18.29.010 Intent.
18.29.020 Scope.
18.29.030 Process.
18.29.040 Definitions.
18.29.050 Use limitations.
18.29.053 Uses/activities requiring an administrative use permit.
18.29.055 Uses/activities requiring a conditional use permit.Deviation from
development standards
18.29.057 Implementing districts.
18.29.060 Development standards.
18.29.070 Design standards.
18.29.010 Intent.
The downtown urban center zone is intended to create a distinct and strong identity for
downtown Auburn by establishing land use and design standards for review of development
proposals within the core area of the city of Auburn’s designated urban center, in order to
implement the city of Auburn downtown plan and the goals, policies and objectives of the
Auburn comprehensive plan. This zone is intended to produce a concentration and mixture of
commercial, office, medical, retail, residential and civic uses within the downtown area; to
encourage private and public investment, attract shoppers and visitors, and appeal to existing
and new residents; to provide a development pattern that supports pedestrian movement,
bicycles and use of public transit; and to provide opportunities to increase the city’s tax base,
thereby helping to fund public improvements and public services. (Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.)
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18.29.020 Scope.
A. The downtown urban center zone may be applied to any property designated as
“Downtown” on the Auburn comprehensive plan map.
B. Site plan and building design review and approval shall be required for all public and private
development activities requiring permits within the downtown urban center zone unless
exempted under subsection C of this section. The planning and development director is given
the authority to require building design and site plans consistent with the design standards
contained or referenced herein and to require revisions as necessary in order to ensure
development is consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
C. The following activities, as determined by the director, shall be exempt from the provisions
of this chapter if the property has frontage on a pedestrian street as defined in the downtown
urban center design standards:
1. Interior alterations that do not alter the exterior appearance of a structure or modify an
existing site condition;
2. Normal or routine building and site maintenance/repair that is exempt from permit
requirements; and
3. Any remodeling or expansion of existing single-family unit detached residences with no
change in use or addition of dwelling units involved.
D. The following activities, as determined by the director, shall be exempt from the provisions
of this chapter if the property does not have frontage on a pedestrian street as defined in the
downtown urban center design standards:
1. Interior alterations that do not alter the exterior appearance of a structure or modify an
existing site condition;
2. Site and exterior alterations that do not exceed 10 percent of the assessed valuation of
the property (building or land) per the most recent county records;
3. Building additions that are less than 10 percent of the existing floor area of the existing
building(s). Any cumulative floor area increase (from the adoption date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter) that totals more than 10 percent shall not be exempt; unless the
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director determines compliance with these standards would be unfeasible and/or
4. Normal or routine building and site maintenance/repair that is exempt from permit
5. Any remodeling or expansion of existing single-family residences with no change in use
or addition of dwelling units involved. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6230 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh.
A), 2007.)
18.29.030 Process.
A. Compliance with all development and design standards contained or referenced herein
shall occur in conjunction with any required permit process. The director shall provide
appropriate forms that shall accompany a permit application. The director may approve,
approve with conditions, or deny a building or site development permit application to ensure
compliance with these standards. Any decision regarding a permit application shall be set forth
in writing and contain findings of fact and conclusions that support the decision made.
B. The decision of the director shall be final unless the applicant or any affected party appeals
the decision to the hearing examiner. All appeals shall be in accordance with ACC 18.70.050(B)
through (E). (Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.)
18.29.040 Definitions.
These words shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this chapter:
A. “Canopy” means a cover over a sidewalk providing protection from the rain, which is
constructed of durable, permanent materials.
B. “Director” means the director of the Auburn department of planning and development.
C. “Green roof” means a roof designed with principles of environmental sustainability,
involving the use of vegetation and storm water collection and cleaning. It may or may not be
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D. “Health club” means a use that offers exercise and recreational activities for tenants and/or
the general public, either with or without a fee.
E. “Parking, below grade” means any portion of a structure containing parking that is located
below the average finished grade around a building.
F. “Parking, structured” means parking contained within an enclosed building, designed to
appear like it is part of the larger building complex, or a freestanding structure devoted
exclusively to above-grade parking.
G. “Performing space” means any interior or exterior area designated for live performing and
H. “Public art” means any form of painting, mural, mosaic, sculpture, or other work of art, so
long as it can be appraised as a work of art and its value as such documented, displayed on the
exterior of a building, at or near the pedestrian entrance, or on a public plaza, and visible to
users of the public right-of-way at all times.
I. “Public meeting room” means a space that can be used by the general public and having a
capacity of at least 50 people. It may operate under a reservation or nominal fee system and
must be easily accessible from a lobby or plaza.
J. “Public plaza” means an open space that is visible and accessible to the public at all times,
predominantly open to the sky, and for use principally by people, as opposed to merely a
setting for the building.
K. “Street level retail” means uses providing goods and services, including food and drink,
adjacent to, visible from, and directly accessible from the public sidewalk.
L. “Water feature” means a fountain, cascade, stream, fall, pond of water, or combination
thereof, that serves as a focal point, located outside of a building, publicly visible and accessible,
and active during daylight hours. (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.)
18.29.050 Use limitations.
Hereafter, all buildings, structures or properties may be used for any use, unless specifically
prohibited herein. Ground floor retail, restaurants and/or office use is required for all building
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frontages facing Main Street. All uses shall be subject to review and approval by the director.
The following uses are prohibited:
A. Sexually oriented businesses as defined in Chapter 18.74 ACC.
B. Taverns.
BC. All industrial uses as defined in the North American Industrial Classification System
(20221997 Edition), categories 48 – 49 (transportation), 31 – 33 (manufacturing) and 42
(wholesale trade).
CD. Outdoor storage of materials and equipment (except during active construction projects).
DE. New automobile maintenance and repair businesses.
EF. Work release facilities; secure community transition facilities.
FG. Wrecking yards.
GH. Solid waste transfer stations.
HI. Car washes.
IJ. New gasoline stations.
JK. Street-level ministorage.
KL. Outdoor sales of vehicles, boats or equipment.
LM. Drive-in/drive-through facilities with direct vehicular driveway access onto Main Street.
MN. All marijuana related businesses and marijuana cooperatives.
NO. New single-unit detached dwellings; except for DUC Neighborhood Residential District.
OOP. Other uses may be prohibited by the director if the use is determined to be inconsistent
with the intent of this zone or is of the same general character of the other prohibited uses
listed in this section. (Ord. 6642 § 10, 2017; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.)
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18.29.053 Uses/activities requiring an administrative use permit.
The following uses/activities may be permitted when an administrative use permit has been
issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
A. Expansions of existing automobile maintenance and repair businesses;I
B. Expansions of existing gasoline stations;
C. Animal daycare businesses that feature outdoor exercise areas and/or kennels;
D. Wine production facility; small craft distillery; small craft brewery; and a tasting room is an
outright allowed use in the DUC zone. (Ord. 6368 § 8, 2011; Ord. 6269 § 32, 2009.)
18.29.055 Deviation from development standards. Uses/activities
requiring a conditional use permit.
The following uses/activities may be permitted when a conditional use permit has been issued
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC:
A. Any development project that seeks to deviate from any development standard listed in
ACC 18.29.060 must be granted a variance pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.70 ACC .
(Ord. 6269 § 12, 2009; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.)
18.29.057 Implementing districts.Zones
Downtown Urban Center zone is intended to create a distinct and strong identity for downtown
Auburn by establishing land use and design standards for review of development proposals
within the core area of the city of Auburn’s designated urban center., in order to implement the
city of Auburn Downtown Plan and the goals, policies and objectives of the Auburn
Comprehensive Plan. This zone is intended to produce a concentration and mixture of
commercial, office, medical, retail, entertainment, residential and civic uses within the
downtown area; to encourage private and public investment, attract shoppers and visitors, and
appeal to existing and new residents; to provide a development pattern that supports
pedestrian movement, bicycles and use of public transit; and to provide opportunities to
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increase the city’s tax base, thereby helping to fund public improvements and public services. In
order to implement the city of Auburn Downtown Plan and the goals, policies and objectives of
the Auburn Comprehensive Plan, the zone is divided into the following districts:
A. DUC Downtown Core -125 DistrictZone. DUC-125 is implemented only in the Downtown
Urban Center and is subject to uses and development standards of this chapter and the
Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. DUC-specific development regulations, guidelines, and
design requirements as found in Appendix A - Downtown Urban Design Guidelines, this
Comprehensive Plan, and Auburn City Code. Development in the DUC Downtown Core – 125
districtzone shall not exceed 125 feet in vertical height and is subject to other applicable height
restrictions found in Chapter 18.38 ACC.
B. DUC Downtown Core -75 DistrictZone. The DUC Downtown Core – 75 zone is consistent with
the intents and requirements described in the DUC Downtown Core – 125’ except a maximum
75 vertical foot height limit shall apply.
C. DUC Downtown Core - 55 DistrictZone. The DUC Downtown Core – 55 zone is consistent with
the intents and requirements described in the DUC Downtown Core – 125’ except a maximum
55 vertical foot height limit shall apply.
D. DUC Neighborhood Residential. R-16 PlusR-2 uses per ACC Table 18.07.020 allowed, subject
to the development standards of this chapter and the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.
and DUC design guidelines
E. DUC Health and Wellness District. This district e RO-H designation is to be used exclusively
for the hospital area, located in the vicinity of 2nd Street NE and Auburn Avenue, and is
intended to be used for medical and related uses and those uses compatible with the medical
community. Residential may be included as part of vertical mixed-use development with
medical being the primary development use. This district is subject to the uses and
development standards of this chapter and the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.
F. DUC M-1 Light Industrial District. M-1 zone uses allowed per ACC Table 18.23.030, subject to
the development standards of this chapter and the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.
Consistent with M-1 standards but design guidelines apply
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G. DUC Flex-Residential District. This zone is intended to promote craft industrial/commercial
uses that are compatible with residential area (i.e., workshop, brewery, etc.). R-F zone uses
allowed per ACC Table 18.07.020, subject to the development standards of this chapter and the
Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. Promotes craft industrial/commercial uses that are
compatible with residential area (i.e., workshop, brewery, etc.)
18.29.060 Development standards.
A. Minimum lot area: none.
B. Minimum lot width: none.
C. Minimum lot depth: none.
D. Floor Area Ratio. Floor area ratio is the cumulative amount of floor area within a building as
a multiple of the lot area.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)1
Basic Allowable “As of Right” Maximum Allowable with Bonuses
Nonresidential2 Residential2 Nonresidential Residential3 Combined4
3.0 2.0 4.0 3.5 5.0
1 Floor area is measured to the inside face of exterior walls. The following shall be excluded from floor area
a All space below finished grade.
b Space dedicated to structured parking.
c Space used for any bonus feature listed in subsection E of this section.
2 Minimum required FAR is 0.75; basic allowable FAR is 1.0.
3 Hotels, nursing homes, assisted living centers, etc. shall be considered residential for the purpose of
calculating FAR.
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Chapter 18.29 ACC, DUC Downtown Urban Center District Page 9 of 16
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
4 Allowable FAR for nonresidential and residential uses may be added together within a project, for a
combined total.
E. Bonus Features Allowing Increased Floor Area Ratio.
Feature Additional Gross Floor
Area for Each Feature
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Chapter 18.29 ACC, DUC Downtown Urban Center District Page 10 of 16
The Auburn City Code is current through Ordinance 6912, passed July 17, 2023.
Feature Additional Gross Floor
Area for Each Feature
Street level ret