HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 . . ,~- _. C'. . 1''''.~ ~~. "' -.--. ~-~. ~ ~".'i'~" ct- "' . '. .,' " ,- "Jf. -. .::, >:,..;. .... r'!" "'~-'}\....._...,..;.,- -:. .. ORDI-M'~ClI -~O. 529. .. :-:~:-:-: A~ ORDI'~A,:,c:i IJrovidil1g for th~ issuance of 'oonds of Loca'l ":cm- IJ rOVfml"l11t Dis:.rict -i\0~.66) fixing the amount of such bond issue and alSo th~ date~and denomination of such bondSland ordering delivery of SUCh bonds. ThE:! City Council of the City of AU'ourn do ordain as fo.llowS: ,..:;; i _ ct iOll -1". Tile. t local im:prov~morit bondS of Local Improvem~nt Dis~rict ~o.66 of the City of AUburn be issued in the manner and form IJrovided bY Ordinance ~o,26l of the Ordinanc~s of the City of AUburn relating to the issuanc'? of ,local improvement bonds)for and qn account of tlH~ cost and e:A.--pense of Inaking iInprovements IJro- vided for bY Or1inance "5'-0...4-9-1 of the ordinanc~s of thS.C i ty of "" AUburn cr~..ating Local Improvement District ~0.66 o.f said Ci tv # - ~ . " -"...."' i ect ion 2. T'na t tile total amount of said logal ilK.Qroil;;men,:t bondS,to be issued as in this Ordinanc9 provi4sd,iS her~bY fixed at the Sl.lln?f t.<'1<<i&,'17 ,.saidssum ~f .:l<lq~:"'7 ' being tIle amouy~t of tne cost and s:x.-penS8 of lnal<L.'16 the ~m:provements or,.dsred to be made by.tile provisions of said ordinance -~0.J+9'l r~ining unIJ8:id after June 1 ~- ,.1924-~ il"ction 3. That said bonds silall llB dated ~l~ I n .1924-, Shall bq in 19UominatiOi1S of .' ()O. 00 each ex~r6t num- be:ced of said bondS W11ich snaIl be in th8 sum of $.1-K-.!JL Shall' bear interest at the rate of sevsn (7) IJer cent p~r aunum,paya~~e aruJ.ua-l:l:-y) and 6h~11 r.tave at "cached thel'eto 1nt~r.os t coupons for e8n:.'1 in t'-'n',sA t :payment.'" .. '" = .... ....;--/ iection lI1.. Tl1at the City Clerk of the City of AUburn is r"erebY ordered and direct~d to caus~ to be printed such bonds of Local Improvement District i\0...66,and that, uIJon execution t:nerecf in the manner prescribed by .law and t:ne ordinancAs of said city, said City cl~rk be and is hereby authoriz~d to sell said bondS and dG- ,liver Sucl'l 'omds to tlv~ purChas~r or purCl1aSQrs thereof u}?on pay..,.. ment to said city of the amount or amounts of tile principal of SUCh bond or bands, together with IJr9milli~s and accrued interest; if any, and that trlereupon the Y\rarl~ants of said Local Im}?rOvement District -~0.66 -oe r.;tired,and that said City c'lerk be and is hel"e~ bY alSo, autrlorize1 to sell and deliver'] S9-1d 'ocnds at IJar and ac- crQ~d interest, if any,in exchange for and r~demIJtion of the war- rants d.ra\lV'n upon said Local ImIJrOVement ;g:kS:s.:t.2~~ FiU1d, District 1,S.0.66)rl:lmaining ullIJaid.. .9ction 5. Tl1a t t:niS ordir.tanca shall take ,effect and be: in forc9 five dayS from and after its passage,a~proval and pUblica- tion as requiraj by law. . . Introd.uced. and pa~se1 ~~A^"L/ ) 1 . 19?1J." APproved rA'r~} ) 1 ~ . ' . /7 _ /J ~_ . ~__2fd'--'/' Ma~"'r_: ~ AttQsJC,: "City C'lerk. , " ... '~ Agprov~d. as to form. ~.!' ~--,j .. ~ -' - - C1t~~. Attorney. IUb'l.i.s.r.1ed. ~ .1924-.. C/ - ~ ~ ) t - - .J