HomeMy WebLinkAbout541 ~--:.~.- .. ~- .. ~ .... , ordinance ~G.5~1. A\~ ORDll\A:t~CE, a]?JrQVing and confirming tIle assessment and the assessmentrol-l cer~itied to the City Council, on the 2nd day .t seJtember,1924,bY tne streets anc1 Al-leys Committee and City J1ng1- neer f~r the costs ot the improvement in Local Imprevement :Dis- trict ~Q.70 in the City of AUburn, in pursuance of Ordinance ~.. 514 passed. March -l8,'1924,and prQVic11ng fer trle disJesition of men- eys cGl.lected. en said assessment.. Whereas due notice haS been given tbat objections to the as- sessment and assessment rol-l. hereinafter ment10ned weulc1 be heard and. cons1d.ered bY tIle C1ty Oeunc1l at the Oity Ha-11,AUburn,WaSh- ington,on the 7th day of october,1924,at a, olclock p.lL..at Which t1me tIle City Council would meet to hear ap}>>eals and Objections fif any and all ]Jersons c.J.a1ming to be aggrieved by sa1d assess- ment; and Whereas the time tor fi11ng object1ons or tak1ng an a:@Jeal has passed and no Objections thereto have been so tiled; and Whereas the 0 i ty Oouncil has caretu-l-ly examined and considered such assessment and assessment roll and is now ful'ly adv1sed 1n the premises; ~OW, T.J:mRJ:FORJ1, TH:J: CITY OOtJ's;'IOIL OF !rHB: eIrY OF AUBUit.\.1 :10 OR- :DA.r~1 AS FOLLOWS: sect1on~. That the assessment anc1 assessment roll cert1fied te t11e Oity Oouncil en the 2nd day ot se:ttember,'1924, by the streets and Alleys Oomm1ttee and C1ty :Engineer fit the City ot AUburn t.r the costs .t the 1mprovement .t all that port1on ot ~ street ~... in the C1ty ot AUburn situate between Ma1n street :last and leeend street ~.~. by grad1ng,Jav1ng and curb1ng said :portion of ~ street ~.E. and. bY constructing 1n said :portion of ~ street ~.~.,en both sides thereof, concrete anc1 cement S1dewalkS,and bY the do1ng ot -.. other work incidenta'l thereto,constitut1ng Local: Improvementl\~.~ 70,in the C1ty ot AUburn, in pursuance of Ordinance ~G.51~ ot sa1d Oity ot AUburn passed Maroh '18,'1921J.,and the levy and cbarge ot tIle cost ot said 1m])rovement as Sl10WIl upon said assessment ro'l-l and therebY apportimed upon the adjoining, cont1guouS and aJproxi- mate lots and :parcelS ot .land speciallY benet1 ted, 1n accordanoe with tneJars ot the state of WaShington an(\ ordinance 1\e.51Jf. or tIle City ot AUburn,are hereby all:Proved and confirmed in all re- spects,an(\ tIle city !rreasurer 1S hereby directed. to COllect said ass~ssmant Which may be pa1d without interestJJena~ty or CGsts w1tllin 30 dayS after due not1c,9 Shall 11B.ve been given to the lRn- erS of the property w1thin sa1(\ assessment district by pUb~1oati.n 1n the manner prOVided bylaW', and 1f sa1d assessments be not ,aid w1 tllin sa1d 30 daYS fr(iiID. the oats ot the first ,Ub-lioation ot said not1oe the same Shall bear interes t thereafter at the rate .t 7 :per cent ]ler annum. section 2. Tl'le moneys collected upon said assessment, approved bY thiS ordinance,are hereby or1ere(\ to be placed in Local ImJr.ve- mant FUnd,Distr1ct ~o.70,the spec1al fund created by Ordinance ~o. .514, and all warrants drawn and bon~ issued for t:ne payment of said 1miJrovement s:nall be 1ssued on an(\ payable only Qut of said im- Jrovement fund. section 3- !rhiS ordinance s:nall take &a effect &1(\ be in force five days trom and after its passags,approval and pUb~1cation as ... .. - 4 ~..~ ... J~' ~. ... . . required by laW. Introduced october 7t~924. passed OctGber 7 t 192&1-. APproved. October 7 t '192lf.. Attest: Mayor. 1/ , , to ity Clerk. APproved as to tor.m. PUb11shed October 9,'1924. ,---,City Attorney. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J ~. . , I, ___ddd~~__Q.!d~~~~J!'_<!___d__d_' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the Conntyof King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the roregoingisa-.~~~- full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o.__Q4J.___, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDINANCE, _ewrDxir:&_and_Jl.unfirrning the assessment and th e assessment roll certified to the City . _ _Co llncil_Dn _ the. _ 2nd _ day _ _uf_ _~e D t~b~~ ~ _ _19 2-4. _ by_ _ the. _ s_t:r ~J3_~ ~_ _CJ.t).d Alleys Committee and City ~ngineer for the costs of the _ _ _ i mp.l'-ove- ment- -i-R- L9B&1- -I-mp-t'-O v ~ li..e-nt- ni.st.-r i-e-t -11-0 ~ - -7-0- -in- _the - -<:2i t Y of Auburn, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 514 passed March 18, . _ _ -19-24, - -and- - pl"-O-vi-di-ng--f.Q.:12-t.hQ-. d.-i-s p-osi ti on. -of - In onaya _co.lleJl.ted on said assessment." " ---------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I fm:tlwl' certify that said Ordinance No. d~.41._d was duly passed by the . Council and~ approved by the Mayor of the said rrhe City of Auburn, and pub- ~-)ish.e~:~s-;jJ..I~~ided _by law in The d!~_~J.!lJ~~.?_~_9_~~p~_~~~_~~_ndun a weekly news~f published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the_~~~-~~-=-?Ell-n.---dd-d- day of ___ ~~~_O_~~:__._dd.__n_n__' A. D., 19_:~_: "V~tne8s rny hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ___d___n__ ____d~~!1d~___ day of d~_O_y~l1!.~Eg'dd____' A. D., 19_?.1! (Signed)