HomeMy WebLinkAbout545 , : ~ - r . .. ~. , 4_ .-.,. o R :D I -~ A ~ OJ: 1"\ 0 . .54.5. ..-.---.-.-.-.-.-. ........ A-;j ORDI1\K~1C:B::,roviding tor the laying ott, opening, extend1ng &ld establiShing ot Second street S.~. between :D street S.~. and o street S.ll.,all in the city 01' AUburn; prOViding for the condem,.. nation, appropriation, taking and <1a.m&cing of land and other :pr~- erty theretor,and tor the ascertainment and ,ayment of just com- lensat10n to be made therefor; and providing that the entire COlts ot said improvement, exce)t compensation tor legal serv1eeSShal.J; be })aid, on the immediate payment jtlan, by sJecial assessmen~s assess- ed upon property special-ly benefited, in the manner ,rovlded by -law., and reJeal1ng Ordinance ~o.531f.. WHER:B:AS,'PUblic neceSSity and convenience demand that the pro,- erty,property rights an.d }1rivtleges herein specit1ed be condemned, aJJroJr1ated, taken and. damaged tor the purgoses herein set torth, and Whereas, such improvement w11-1 be ot special benetit to said landS,premises and other Jroperty; ~ow, theretore, The City Oounc11 ot the City of AUburn do or~1n as tol-1ClWS: Section -1. That second. streft S.ll. in the city at AUburn,as the same is specit1ed. and defi.d by Ordinance -~o.38'" ot the or- dinances of the city of AUburn,passed and approved June 21,1920, as said 8econd street S.ll. now exists east at ~ street 8.11. in said city, be, and t11e same is hereby laid oft,opened"extended and establiShed tram :D street S.:I.. to 0 street S.ll.,all in the City of AUburn,;over, upon and across the tollowing described -lets, bl:GekS, tracts or parcelS otlandly1ng and being situated in the City .t AUburn,County ot King,State at Vvashingtan,and more Jart:Lcula:r~ described as tOllowa,to-wit: - Lot numbered torty-cm.e (11-1) in R1verview Addition to AUburn,King Caunty,Wash1ngton; Alao all that certain tract or parcel at land situate between 0 street S.ll. in the C1ty of AUburn and Lot numbered torty-one (4-1;) in Riverview Addition to Au- burn,King county, Washington,particularly bounded and describ- ed as tollows,to~t: beg1zUl1ng at the northwest corner of said Lot ~~;running thence westerlY along the norther-ly .line ot said -lot produced weat,er-lW to the easter-J.;y -line ot 0 street S .ll.;: thence south QO !f.0' 301t east along the easterly line ot 0 street S.ll. to an intersection with southerly line ot said Lot lIr-l preduced wester-J;y; thence easterly along said ,line prOduced to the southWest oor- ner of said Lot Jl.l-; thence norther-ly along the wi9ster-ly ,line at said Lot 1J..l to the point 01' beginn1ngts&ntQ!ii1:&8 8_ 21 t.,me:re or leI..... Seotion 2. ~at all thelandS,property"ro,erty rights, rights, privileges and other property described in section 1: hereet be. and the same hereby are,herebY declared necessary, and the same be, and tl1ey are, hereby o Qmdemned, appropriated, damaged and taken bY the City ot AUburn, tor the purlloses set forth in this ordinance. after just compensation having first been made or paid into OGurt tor the QWIler8 thereof.. section 3. That the entire cost ot the 1mJrovament, exceptcOJa- Jensation tor ~egal services,provided tor herein Shal~ be paid on tlle immediate payment plan and solely by s:.eo1a1 assessment upon the property speciaJ.;.1y benetited,1n tlle manner provided ~ -law, f r ~ - ~ '--'~----I .1.1 4f, ~.~ 41 A._ '. , and that no ]lart 01' SUOh cost Shal:l be paid from the genera-Jl tund or current eXJense tund ot the City ot AUburn, exce)t CGm- Jensation tor legal services connected therewith. seotion 4. ~t .the City Atturney be,and he 1s,herebY 1"u..J:lly autllOrize1 and directed to 1mgce the necessary st9JS tor SUCh oon- demnatlon,and to begin and proseoute the actions and Jroceed%niS in the manner 13rov1ded. by -lair) to condemn, take, approJr1ate and damage t11elands and other property,property rights,and Jr1v1'Deg- eS,necessar,y to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. ~\ \, Seot1on 5. That ordinance 1\0.534 ot the ord1ances ot the City ot AUburn,Jassed and aJproved Ju'ly -15,-1924, be and the same hereby is re,ea1ed.. section 6. Tha t this ordinance shall t~~~~t and be in torce tive days from and after its passage~ana' ,nb-l-ication as required. by .law. Att est: Introduoed OctOber 7l~924.. Passed octOber 7.'192lf-. ApJroved OctOber 7,~924. ~~~ t2tL ~ >/ / -( (l~ ._. ,. .-::7:?(~..Oity Olerk. . Dyor. A1?Jroved. as to tor.;. :\ 2 ~LCj .~~~I' 'j-~11:ri tt orney.' PUbliShed OctOber 9,'1'924..