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Al~ ORDrL\A11C:I: providing for the im])rovement ot that "Oortion of C street 11.W. situate between Main street West and ril1rd street 11.W..)ot tnat port1on of :J street ~.W. s1tuate between :Ma1n street West and Th1rd street ~.W.,and ot that portion of Th1rd street ~. \V.situate between the west mariinal11ne of the Tacoma-Beatt1e r1gl:1t ot way of t:r~e \':orthern !e.c1t1c Ra1lway OomJany and :D street :si.W.,al;l in the City ot AUburn,bY t11e grad.1ng,pav1ng and curb1ng of all of said portions or said streets,and the doing ot SUch oth- er work as Shall be necessary,all accord1ng to the plans and s:pec- 1t1eat1.118 on file with the G1ty Cl.erk a.nd 1a a.G~ordanOe with the resolution of 1ntention providing tor Loeal ImJrovement Jl)istr1ct :sio..80; approving and adopting sa1d plans and spec1fications; crea- ting Local ImJrovement JUstr1ct ~o.80 and Local Improvement :&'U.rl4. ~istr1ct ~o.80; provid1ng tor the assessment of the cost and ex- Jense ot SUCh improvement upon the property ot said distr1et;: and providing tor the ~a~nent thereof by bondS ot said' distr1ct. The City Council of the C1ty ot AUburn do orc1a1n as tolloWS: section ,1. That all tnat portion ot C street ~.W. situate be- tween Main street West and !h1rd street ~.W.)all tnat portion ot >> street ~.W. s1tuate between Main street West and Th1rd street ~.W.)and all tnat portion ot Third street ~.w. situate between the west margin.a111ne ot the Tacoma-seattle right ot way ot the ~orthern pacit10 Railway Company and :J street ~.W.,all in the City ot AUburn, be im:preved by gradlng"aving and curb1ng said Jortions et C street ~.W.,>> street ~.W. and Third street ~.w., and the doing ot SUCh other work as Shall be necessary to proJ:- er-ly comJlete said 1mprovement; all according to the ,-lanS and sJec1t1cations tor said 1mJrovement :preJared by the C1ty :Jq1- neer and now on t11e in the ott1"e ot the Oity '''lark.and 1n ac- oordanc,g with the rese-lut1on ot intentlon Jrov1ding tor Local Improvement :Jistr1et ~o.80 passed by the C1ty Qounc1.1 on sept__ ber -1-6,a.(]2Jf.. sect10n 2. ~t the ~l-ans and specit1oat1ons tor said 1mJre"8- ment JreJared by the 01 ty :In&1neer and now on tile in the .Utee et the Oity (J-lark be,and the same hereby are,aJJreVed and adoJt- ed. Seot1on ,_ That the cost and ex:pense or sa1d imJreTem.ent,1ne-l1a4- 111& all neeessary and 1noldenta-l 8X}en8es. Sball be borne by and assessed acainSt the Jro,arty ineluded 1n the assess.nt d1str1et here1natter created according to -laW. The C1ty ot AUburn Shal:J; not be -llable in any m;a:rm-er tor any :port1on ot the cost and ex,pense ot sa1d 1IQrGvement 8XCeJt as here1n :prov1ded.. Section Jf.. ~t there 1S hereby estab11shed a Loca-l Im:r;rovement lustr1et to be called Loca.l Improvement >>1str1ct ~o.8G. Wh1ch said d1str1ct is descr1bed as t.J;~: "Allot the Jro,erty between the termin1 ot those ,or- t10ns ot said streets Jro,posed to be 1mlroVed as atore- sa1d and on eaCh s1de there.t ,abuttlng UJon,adJaoent. V1- cinal or Jraximate t. suCh ,ort1ons ot sa1d streets to a distancs back trem the marcina-l -l1nes thereot aa Jrov1ded bY 'law." ie-otlen ;'. 'mat said 1InJrovement sbal.-l be made by the 01ty ot AUburn under the sUJervision ot the 01ty Oouno1-1 thereof or sueh committee or Jersons as tile City Cwno1-l may des1gnate. section 6. That there is hereby estab-11shed 1n the treasury .r tIle City ot AUburn a tund to be known as "Local ImJrovement :ruM, Jaistrict ~G.80u ;tnat all moneys pa1d 1nto the treasury ot the 11ty ~ e"t AUburn on account ot the cost and expense .t 1m;prevements in r .,,-' 'iJfT 7" 'lIIIIIf ~ said district Sbal-l be :paid into and credited t. sa1d :tUn4.an.d tl1at al.l warrants uaWtl er 1ssued by the Oity or AUburn in lay... ment tor 1mJrevements in or 8XJ8nses against said district snaux be drawn upon and :payable tr.m said tund. Sect10n 7. The Oity Treasurer Sbal-l,uJon rece1pt et an. assess- ment roll theretor,Jub11sh a not1ce in the ett1cial newsJa)er ot the City .t AUburn tor two censecut1ve weekly 1ssues that SUOh roll is in his handS tor c.l~eeti.n and that any assessment there- en ~r any portien &t any assessment may be }aid at any time w1thin thirty days trom the date ot the t1rst JUb-11cat1on ot ,aid netic., without 1nterest,penalty or c.st,and that unless payment be made within such time the sum rema1ning unJaid thereatter may be ,aid in equal annual installments, the number ot Wh1ch annual 1nsta-J:J..- ments ShS.ll two -less than the number et years said bondS are t. run, with interest on the Who-le unJa1d sum so c:narged at the rate et seven per cent per annum. payable annual-1y,and each year there- atter one of SUCh 1nstallments,together w1th the 1nterest due thereon and on all 1nstallments thereatter to become dUe ShaJ.-l be collected in the manner llrov1ded bY law,and unless :payment be made at the time. SUCh installlnent or installments Shall bear interest at the rate of seven Jer cent per annum and may be collected and the lien thereot enforced in the manner ;prov1ded by .law. Sect10n 8. J:Qyment for said improvement Shal-l be made 1n the first instance by warrants. drawn upon said Le~ Im)roVement JU.nd, WhiCh ,varrants Shall bear interest at the rate ot ei~~t per cent Jer annum. BondS bearing interest at the rate ot seven per cent per annum payable on or betore twelve years from the date et issu- ance Sball be 1ssued in }Ja;yInent ot the cost and ex,ense ot said improvement) WhiCh bondS Shall be redeemed by the col-lection ot special assessments to be levied and asseSSed upon the property within said distr1ct.,ayable in ten equal annual 1nstallments, with interest at the rate of seven ~er cent per annum, under the mOde ot "payment by BondS" as detined bylaw.. S9ction 9. Further ~rovision Shall be made by the City Oounc11 for the levy and COllection ot the assessments herein Jrovided tor and tor the issuance ot said bGnds in payment ot the cost and ax- Jense of said improvement. SUCh prov1Si&n to be made from time te time by ordinance. n section 10. This ord1ance Shall take effect and be in torce fi V(~ days from and attet' 1ts passage, approval and ;pub11catiGn as required by law.. IntrodUced OCt&ber 7t~924. Bassed octOber 7,192~. A~ber 7.~92~. ~ . ~ ~~ . Mayor. / ~. ~,City Clerk. ~ Attest Publislled A~proved as to torm. ~~~'J October 9,"1.924. . L .Oity Attorney.