HomeMy WebLinkAbout547 .... /'- .~--- c""~'I' . OUI-'11O:I 1~O.547. . -" -. -. -. -. . .. . . . . A1:.1 ORDIY\A~QE: Jroviding for the improvement of that JE>rtien of :Ii' street ~.W. situate between Main street west and the south b.~ &try 'lin.e of Let -~3 in BloCk A of LunnJ S Garden ~racts t Q AUburn washington, all in the City of AUburn, by the grading"aving and ' cUrbing of all of said portion ot said street,and the doing at Such other work as Shall be necessary, all according to the ~lanS and sJecifications on file with the City C-lark and in accortUlnee wi th the resolution er!intention Jroviding for Loca'l Improvement District ~o.&l; a,prov1ng and adopting said ~lans and sJecitica- tiens; creating Local Improvement >>istrict $O.&l; creating Lo~l Improvement JUnd,~istrict ~G.8~; providing for the assessment sf the oost and expense of suCh improvement upon the ,roperty ot said district; and providing tor the payment thereot by bondS at said district. The City Council ot the City ot AUburn do ordain as followS: Section -1. nlat all that :portion of :Ii' street l\'\.W. situate be- tween l~in street west and the south boundary line of Lot -13 1n Block A of LunnlS Garden Tracts to AUburn,all in the City at Au- burn. be imprfaved. by the grading, }laving and curbing ot allot said Jortion ot F street ~.W.,and the doing at such other work as Shal~ be necessary to ~}roJerly complete said 1Irrprovement ;all accordinc to the plans and specifications for said improvement prepared by the City :mngineer and now on tile in the ottloe of the City a-lerk, and in accor~nce with the resolution of intention Jroviding tor Local Improvement >>istrlot $0.&1- passed by the City Counci-l on SeJ- tember -16.:1924. Secti&n 2. ~t the ~lans and sJecitication ffir said 1mJlrQV~ ment :prepared. by the City :lng1neer and now on tile in the oftice of the City Clerk be.and the same hereby are, approved and adopted. Section 3. That the cost and expense et said imJrove.ment,ine1Ud- ing all necessary and incidental expenses) Shal-l be borne by and as- sessed against the :property included in the assessment district here- after created according to -laW. The City ot AUburn Sball not be -l-i- able in 8.Jty manner for any portion at the cost and expense of said improvement except as herein :provided.. section 4. ~nat there is hereby estab~ishe1 a local improvement district to be called Local ImJrQVement >>lstr1ct ~o.~1.Which said district is described as foll.wS: "All ot tl~ property between the termini of that Jortion ot said. street Jroposed to 1)e improved as aforesaid and on eaCh sid9 thereot,abutting UJon,a1jacent,vicinal or proximate t. such portion at said street to a distance back from the mar- ginallinesthereof as provided by -law. U section 5. That said improvement Sball be made by the City of AUburn under the supervisien of the C1 ty Council thereet er SUGh cQmffiittee or Jersone as the City Council may desigllate. Section 6. That there is hereby establishe1 in the treasury Gt the City of AUburn a tund to -De known as "Local Improvement Fund, District "'f.\o. 8-1 " ; that all moneys Jaid into the treasury of the . City of AUburn on account at the cost and expense of improvements in said 1istrict Shall be paid into and cre1ited to said fUnd,and that all warrants drawn or issued by the City ot AUburn in payment tor improvements in or expenses against said district Shall be drawn upon and payable from said :t'und. Section 7. :Eayrnent for said improvement Shall be made in the .#' 1'", ~ .. .: ~ " 111 .. ..... .. - -, ~ first instance by warrants drawn upon said -local 1m]lrovementtund, Whicl1 warrants Shall bear interest at tIle rate of eight per cent :per annum. Bonds bearing interest at. the rate ot seven per cent per an- num payable on or l)efore twelve years from the CIa te of issuance Shall be issued in payment of the cost and ex~ense ot said im:prove- ment, whiCll bondS Shall be redeemed by tile collection of sJecia!: as- sessments to be levie1 and assessed upon the Jroperty within sald district,payable in ten equal annual installments, with &Ia inte~est at the rate of seven per cent per annum, under the mode ot ItPaym.ant by BondS" as defined bylaw.. Section 8. The City Treasurer Shall, upon receipt of an assessment rol~ theretor,JubliSh a notice in the official nswSJaJer of the Oity ot AUburn tor two consecutive weekly issues that such roll is in his hands tor col'leotion and that any assessment there&n or any portion of any assessment may be paid at any time within thirty days from tIle date of tIle first pUbJ.ication at said notice, without ~ interest,penalty or cost,and that unless }tayment be made with1n such time tiLe sum remaining unpaid thereafter may be ,aid in equal a:nn:u.- al installments, the number ot W'nich annual installments Shall be two less than the number of years said bQ1.dS are to run, with inter- est on the Whole unpaid sum so Charged at the rate of seven Jer cent per annum, payable annualJ.y,and eaCh year thereafter one e.t such instal-lments, together with the interest dUe thereon and on all in- s tallments thereafter to become dUe Shall be COll':-'cted in tIle man- ner ~rovided by -law,and unless paymanl be made at the t1me,sUCh1n- stallment or installments Shall bear interest at the rate of seven Jer cent per annum and may be COll.:ected and tIle lien thereGf enforc- ed in the manner provided bylaw.. Section 9. Further proviSiQn Shall be ma1e by the City oounc11 for tIle levy and col-l-ection at the assessments herem provided ter and for the issuance ot said bondS in ~ayment at the cost and ~ pense of said im:provement, SUCh provision to 1)e rna1e trom. time to time by ordinance. Section -10. T~lis ordinance Shall take eI'fect and be in torce five days from and after its Jassage,apJro~al and pUb-1lcat10n as required. bylaw.. Introd.uced OctOber 7,.-l924. }BBSed OctOber 7,-1921f-. A~proved Oc ober 7,2924. a -/7 /:/ Attest: :Mayor.. Blblisl1e1 Clerk. AP~rove1 as to toJ:11... ~rl A\~.~. .. ~ Ie t'ti1l ~" .. -~ october 9,192-. ___,City Attorney.