HomeMy WebLinkAbout549 .. ~-_# .. '.,.-.- ORDI1:\Al~OJ: ~O..549.. . - __" _. _._4 . . . . . . A"fI ORDI~A1\Oll:, declaring a JUb-lic emergency to exist requiring tl the ex:,penc11 ture, trom the water :.rund of the City of AUburn, for the IurohaSe of 1ron water luain ,iJes,ot moneys not ~rovided tor in the bUdget tor the year -1924, ~st 1mat 1ng tIlE! amount of moneys re- qu1re1 to_ meet aucn emergency,and directing that BUCh ,vater mainS JiJes be ,LDurChase1. and tlmt emergency warrants be 1.ra.wn u190n th(l water tund of the City ot AUburn in payment theretor. The Oi ty Council ot the City ot AUburn do or1a1n as tollOW'S: section '1. Tnat the following are facts: that tIle budget of estimate1 expend1turea from the water fund ot the City ot Au- burn 1.uring the year '192lJ., which budget was d.uly adoJted by the City Counc1l 1n october,1923,conta1na tIle following item,vtz: HR~lac>?'ment ot nlainS- - *14l3.lJ.4",and tl1.B.t no other 1tem for or Which might include eXiJendi tures for iron '\Va tar pi:..;e mainS for the water workS system of tIle Oi ty of AUburn was includ.ed in SUCh budget; tl1.at it has become the fixed JOlicy of the City of AUburn,when a street or portion of a street in such city is about to be pa.ved an1. a wooden water main ot SUCll city is then in use in t:tle street or portion ot the street about to be ,aVed an'.! such :pavement woul'.! tJe over suCh wooden water ma1n to replace and SUb- stitute iron water mains for th.e old woo'.!an ,vater mains 1n the street or port"_on ot a street about to be paved; tllat When SUCh bu1.get was prelVar~d and adopted. it was est ima te1 by tIle ci ty o~- tic1als ot said city that a limited quantity of iron water luain pi,s waul'.! be purchased during the year -192JJ. tor the purpose of replacing worn out wood.en pi,e mains and wooden }lipe mains in str'?ets or portions of streets about to oe IJaVed; that recentlY petitions tor the imnediate paving ot a large number of streets in tile C 1 ty ot AUburn 11ave been file1 with tIle 01 ty C lark, WhiCh petitions are s1gnei by the owners of a major1ty of the property to be aftect9d. therebY and abutting upon the stre'.~ts proposed to bE! paved.,and tllat such petitions call tor the ,av1ng of streets in the City of AUburn, in W'tl.ich wooden water rna1ns are nowla1d and. 1n usa, over such wooden water ma1ns as nowl~cated,grea~~y in excess ot tItS 13aving oontem~lated at the time ot mal<ing such budget,and considerably in excess of tlle ~i!aving contemplated at the time When Ordinance ~0.520 of the ordinances ot ths City ot AUburn,1eclaring a JUb11c emergency to exist an'.! directing the purChaSi~ of 5000 feet o:t.Y1ron ,vater JiJe and. the isauance of energenoy warrants in Jayment therefor, was pass ad and a~Jroved; tlla t such new and unforeseen paving renders it ex,oo.ient that tile city at once purCbaSe,for use in its water main system" ( Cf () Q feet ot 14-" iron li,e and boo feet of 8" iron pile, in addition to tlH~ iron water :piJe hereinbetor9 provided tor; that tile necessary amount of the 8XJend1 tures tor the Jurc~E1 ~ ~~.~~ such add1tional ~ ~~Q9teet of iron wat'9r ma1n p1Je,,1a -l ~Oo.J' \) and that by reason of the foregoing facts a pUblic emergency new exists tl~t could not reasonably be foreseen at the time of ~ lng S'zlph bUdg. at, requiring the expend1 ture of th<>>~... estimated sum of t :t:.$(J 0 trom t11e water tund of sai'.! city for SUCh ~ SO c teet ot 1ron water ma1n ,1,e,~c\ ~ ~~I ~lIf"\#"~'_ Section 2. T"nat the "< b~() c, teet of 1ron watsr main ,iJe s,e~ ified in section 1 of thiS Or'.!inance be ordered and ,urchased by tIle City of AUburn,and that emergency warrants be drawn on the wa- ter tund of the C1ty. of Slburn 1n payment therefor,~.{ ~ t-'f~ ,~. ~t~ ~ t'I ~lfi'- ,~ , ~.. - -~-~..'......'.t +, . .... . .... ..4:'. .-t., _ " '. \~ . - -- -~. .__.-- - ~.,~ ~-~ .1JII!. Intro~uced October 7,1924-~ passed unanimously by tIle affirmative vote of all councilmen :present OCtober ~ ,-192lJ.. Attest: '" --J City Clerk. A~prove1 as to tor.m. :J:1J..J{ (~"., ). L ~J.( W~L~ I.. ~ ".' "'~: PUb11shed October *,.192lJ.. _, City Attorney. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 tSs. J ~":-:- ~-'--"'-J- I, -------~-"--9_.__~~_~~~t.:~____________, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o._~_~~___, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDIN AKCE ,--Q.s,-q,:b~R-~!?&._~_J2~?_~~~__~!!l_e_I.:- gency to axi st l"aquiring the exp ndi ture, fr om the Water Fund . - - -6 r-me- -Cl-ty - -or- -X1.IOUl"n; -~f o!'" -the- -pur-chas ~--o-f - -i-rfffl' -w-a-te.:r- -ma-i-n 'p i pes, of moneys not provided for in the budget for the year 1924, ---------------------------------------.--------------------------------------- estimate the amount of moneys required to meet such emergency, - - -a-nd- -d ir-a-gt--i-ng--tha-t.-sucl.1-- -wat.,aI' - mai a -pi1L~ s_ J2E1_.2 ~l'_Q)'}~_~ ~9. _ _~!.l~ _~ha t emergency warrants be drawn upon the water fund of the City of - AUDllrfC TfC l)a.yme n't"- ttrer-e-f-or- ."- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- r -------.--------------------------------- ------------------------ " I further certify that said Ordinance No. __~~_~___ was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said rrhe City of Auburn, and pub- - lished as provided by law in The --W..a.s.bi_n-f~j;._o_!}_C_Q.QP_~r?_~Qr_____ n__ a weekly . n~wBpapet published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on ~1e--;~~-~-~~~Q.----h--h---- day of _9~_~~!">_~~____._______________, A. D., 19_~_~~ vVitness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ____h______ -__~_q,~'!:1~_~_____ day of }!.?-":~~~~!'__h_h__' A. D., 19__~~~ (Signed) -h___h______________ _ ~_ ~ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.