HomeMy WebLinkAbout4810 R D I ~? A-~T 0 1,~ 0 . AI~ ORD~TTA.~T$'~ vaeatln~ that portion of B Street S.V;. In tl~e City of Au~rn situate betwee~ Ylrst s~reet said Ci~ and Drovidln.~ tha+ +~e title ~o all ~f~ the vatted ar~ s~a]-~, vest in the ~ers of the a~tt~ prouerty situate on terly side of such~ vacated ~1t~A$ heretof.ore, to-wlt: on the 't7th day o~ A'n-,,'~.'~:. A ~ .~a~ +~ ~or~Hern ~clflC ~llwa~ ~omoanv. a cor~o a ~ ~. the ~ty Clerk o~ the ~lty o2 Auburn their pe~ltl~ ~n ~tlng, ad~e~- ed to the ~yor and $ity $ouncit- of the $1ty of ~bu~,p:~ylng al-t that uor~lon of B Street S.~. (former~ cml'led ~i.lrcad Street), herei~fter particu~r.~ b~nded and described, be vacated, mhd tha ~ltte to m~'0f such ar~ so proposed to be vacated be awarded made to vest in the o~ers of the abutt~g property situate on the east~.ly side of ~ch vacated area, and giving a particular description of the per,ion of the stree~ so proposed to be vac~ed~ mhd ~Z~3 heretofore, to-wit: on ~he .lyth ~y of ~rZt,A.,D.19~3~at re~Z~ meeting of the ~Ity $~noll of the $1~y of ~bu~z ~eld on .'; said ~y, lt ~s lade to app~r to the s~tlsfac%ion of said $1ty ~oun- oil. t~t said petitioners,the 2Torthe~ ~cific ~lt~y $(~pa~,a cor- poration,, L.R. Abral~, W. ~.~ster, ~ erie A.Sw~t, ~fie S to'liker and ~.~ wez'e the o~ers of all of the ~ irate proper~y abutting upon such per,ion of B Street S.~. so sou~t to be vatted, anaL said $o~cll did th~ and there,by resolution,fix and desi~ate ~es~y evening,~y -tSt~,t923, at 8 o,ol~k P,~.,~t the $ity ~1.1 In t~e of ~3~_~,Klng $~nty, Wash~gton, as the time and place ~en and ~ere said petition Should be heard and dete~ed; V~t~S ,pursuant to the provisi~s of said resolution~the gterk of the $1ty of ~rn did tl%ereaf~r ~%d ~ the ~ 0~ day Aorit,t925, and more than twenty (20) d~ys prior to the ~,y fixed for such h~rl~ as aforesaid, duly give ~ tw~ty (20) ~ys notice of the pend~cy of said petition Dy a written notice set up In t~ee of the ~st public pi-aces of the $1ty of ~bu~. and ~ tike notice a conspl~ous p~ce on the portion of said B Street S.W. so sou~t ~e_ vacate~,w~gh~notice~~$~ $1ty $1erk of ~he $1ty ~uou~ ~d c~a~ed aM~' ~E %~Tlled to vacate the partlou- · ~r port, on or B s~ree~ $.~. In the ~ty of ~bu~ nerel~fter par~lc- utar~ described, that said petition ~s pendlng,~d that May aZ 8~ o,cloo~ P.M.,at the $1ty ~tl- In the $1ty of ~bu~,Klng ~s~ton,.~d be~ fixed as t~e ~ime and p-~ce for hearl~ of said petition; and '~S p~ ~y affidavit of ~e posting ~d set~i~ up of said notices as aforesaid is now on _fits In the office of the $1ty of tt~e $ity of A~U~ ; ~d WE~t~AS said petition came on rei3~ularly to be heard by said $ity $ouncil on said wy tSth,-t92~,at 8 o,cl~k P.M.,at the $1ty H~t-1 the $1ty of ~,King $ounty, Wa~lngton, (that ~elng Z~e ~lme ~d pl~e fixed as aforesaid for t~e hearing upon said petltion),and no writt~ o~Jeotions to the granting of said petition ~vlng bern% ~D- mitt~ to the $ity $ounoit or filed with the $1ty $1erk,~d the l~ upon said petition ~ving be~ concluded; and V;EEP~TAS said petition stated that it was the purpose and intention of said petitioners,other than the Northern i~clflc Railway eompany,a corporation, if said portion of B street S.W. be vacated, to convey and cause to be conveyed tothe $1ty of Auburn, for street purposes,Icrc '5 and ~ in Blocl~ ~-and Zots ~ and ~ in Block 9 of the T own of Slaughter, Eing ¢ounty, w.T. (Bal. lard,s 0rigin~l Plat),or such portions of said :fo~r Acts as the City Council' of the ¢lty of AUbUrn mist de~d for street purposes; and v~P~ the ~lty $ounol-1 of the $1ty of Auburn has determined to demand that,.as a consideration for and in consideration of the vaca- tin~ of the ~ortlon of B street S.V~. in the $1ty of Auburn hereinafter partlcular~y~descrlbed,~lere be conveyed to the $1ty of AUburn, for street purposes, by good and sufficient Written deeds of conveyance, the east fifty (50) feet of~Zots ~ and ~ lnBlock $ and ~ots '3 and'$ in Block 9 of the Town of Slaughter, King Sounty, W.T..(Bal~l. ard,s O~lgln~l- Plat~,s~d that the ~antors in such written deeds off conveyance ~r- nish ~licles of In~ra~e executed by ~e V~shingt~ Title In~ce So~a~ ~d insuring the $1ty of ~rn a~inst m~ defect In the ti- tle to the property so conveyed and a a~nSt a~ ~C~brances there- on exc~ lOCal assesmuen~s of ~he $1ty of ~ (if a~M),~d $~t ail .l~al assessments (if ~y) against said property so to be convey- ed ~st be first ~1~ paid by the grantors in suohwrltten deeds o2 conve~noe;' and E~.~A$ the Sity $ou~ ~1 of the $1ty of AUburn, beingful, lyadvised of the f~ots ~nd the law in t~e premises,ordered the preparation of thi~ Ordinance; Now, therefor~ ~ $ity $ounoll of t~ $1ty of Aubttrn do ordain as follows: Section -~. That all that portl~ of B street S.W~ '(fo~er~ly ca,led lt~llroad Street )~ the $1ty of ~burn, F~lng $ounty,~W~shlnEton, situate between the northerly 'line of Third Street S.W. (formerly called ~'ourthL street ) ~ro~uced westerly tothe rl~j~t of way of the Northern - Pacific P~llway $omDarA¥ and the southerly .line of ~irst street S,W. (formerly Cal. led ~cond Street ) produced westerly to the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway $ompa~y be,and the same hereby is, vac-at ed.. ~ection 2. That, intouch as such~acated are~ is bounded on the west side thereof by ~h~?~M~It~q_f~y~. the ~r$~ern P~i~c ~i'l~y Aubu~ t~t ~ll of'~ch vacated ~re~ Should become attached to the ~'. prints property a'outtlng upon such vacated ar~ on the easter~ thereof ~d should belo~ to the~o~ers of such proDerty abuttl~ ~p- on the easter~ side of such vaca~e~ ar~,~d i~c~ as the grantors of the o~ers off the privmte oro~erty abutting upon such vacated on the ~ster.~ side thereof were the orlg~ml- o~ers of sucB pr'i~te pr~erty and such vacated area ~nd platted ~ch private property ~d vacated ~ea at the s~ae tlme,~ all that port~o~ of B street $.W.~ In ~e ~y of ~b~,K~g $~nty,~sh~gton,~ezeln vac~ted, s~ll ~e tached to ZoSs n~bered ~ ~d ~ in SliCE $ ~d Zot~ n~bered_~ m~ in BloCk 9 of the ~E ~ Slaughter,King $ounty, W. 2. (~l-lard'~s l~l ~m$) ms t~e s~ne appemr on the recorded ~mt thereof now of rec- ord in ~e Sounty Auditor, s off~e of Eing Softy,Washington, and s~l-1 belo~ to the o~ers of said four Section ~3. T~t this ordinance s~tl tmke effect and be ~ forge five da~ after its pass,ge, approval and pu~lc~ion as re~ired ~y law, and i~e~ate~ after good and suffioen~ v~rrmnSy deeds of con- vey~ce,for stre~ pu~oses, to the $ity of ~,st~ll have ~de, ex~uted and delivered to the $i~y of ~bu~,conveying the fifty (50) fee~ of said Lots 3 and $ in Block $ mhd of said. Lots 3 and ~ In Block 9 of ~he ~e~ of $1~ter,Klnz $ounty,W. 2.,acco~led by oolicieS of title insura~oe ~ecuted $ ~e ~Shi~to~ ~lt~l~ In~r- a~c~ $o~a~y and i~sur~E tDe $1ty of ~urn a~lnst a~ defect in the titles to ~e proper~y so c~veyed m~ aEmlnSt any m~c~brance t~ere- on exc~t unoai~ ~oom~ a~sess~tS (if a~y) of the $1tv of immediately afte~ a~ ~a.tm -1.coal assessmmm, ts ~'l~ ~a~ly) of the of AUbUV~ amat~st the property so eonv?y~d' ~T"-fbe l~-~-~ pa~ m, Attest: Passed ~ay 21,'19~5. APproved Hay c~ / .t923. lpprov~ as to fem. , Hayer.  , C. ity Attorney. ...... PUblished Nay 25,'1'923. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, I, A.C. Ballar~i .......... = ......................... , the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify'that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No.__4_8__1_ -, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburu, entitled "AN ORDINANCE v$c~tt.r!g that _Porti on of B Street S.W. in the City of Auburn situate between ~irst ....................................... ~ such vacated a~e~". - ........................................ I further certify that sahl Ordinance No. __~____ was duly passed by the 0ounci[ and approved by the ~ayor of the said The City of Auburn, ~] pub- lished as prodded by la~v in The Aub~n G lobe-Republic~ ...................................... a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, cud of ~enerul c[rculati9~ therein, on ~itness my h~d and the offiei~ seal of the Ci~y of Auburn, this 28th =uly 25. ............... day of City Clerk of the City of