HomeMy WebLinkAbout588 ~., .. ",.~ ~' ~-. ... -L ... ~- -' o R DIN ~ N C E n o. _.Ji. '. ~' " 0 ~ t) (, 0 juT OI1DII:'..:ilTC~: l'rovidin,g fOl~ tl'10 iSS11211ce of Fifteell Thousa.nd (:;15,000.00) D')llars of :~eneral indebted.ness bOEcls, [~utLorized at a sGecial election teld in the Ci t;/ of A11burn, ~Iarch II, 1924, under alld IiD.l'Sttant to Ordinance Ilo. 305 of Said. Cit;,', l:roviO.ing for the form arjd cletai1s of such bond.s ane!.. the ;j~lturi ties, and dates of s11cb b:)ILd~l, and ratifying the sale thor0of. 'iiII'::I(3AS, Lt a special election held in cmc.l for the City of Auburn on lEurch 11, 1924 ,~',11rsue"nt to Ordinance no. 505 of said City, passed January 21, 1924, more than three-fifths of the qualified voters of said Ci ty V)t ing <.?.,t s':dd Sl)ecial ole ctioL voted. in flvor of the is- suance und sale bZ7 said Ci t~! 0 f it s newt iable general inc.1c bteJnosD bonds in the Sl1:'n of Fifteen Tho:lsecnd (:~15,OOO.OO) Dollars for tbe pur- pose of raising Ill'J eys v/ith ',\Thich to acquire, improve, and beautify a public l1ark in the Cit;)T of Auburn; Alm,WILC:;:l.SAS, Lfter notice dul:..: giv(~n as required by the Laws of the st::.t (: of WasJ'}ie ton ani the OrdinaLces of the City 0 f Auburn, tlie bid 0 f Geo. II. Burr, Co::~r&d & Broom, Inc., for the l)Urcha~Je 0 f said bonds bco..riYl:~ iL'~cTest at the rute of four and three-fourths (4:1}0) per cent. pel' ammll at~nOO.432 o..;J:1(l accrued int(;::rest ::01' each (;;100.00 par value of said boY'..Qs \Vi:~S the bighest and best bid received for said b02:~ds; nO't!, therefore, The City Coui,ci1 of t1:e City of Auburn do ordain as follows: Section 1. That tbe lEa;yor and City Clert: of tho City of .A.u- buri;; be an~" they (J,re hercb;'l a:lthorizecl and directed. to issue general ne'SotiDb1e coucon bonds of said Cit'. in the sum of Fifteen Thousand (~i5,OOO~OO) nb11ars in denomination; of Five Hundred (0500.00) Dol- lars ec.ch, dated I.1a-;; 1,1925, nu.be:rul fro:n one (1) to thirty 050) in- clusive, "bearin8 in~cc:'est at the rate 0: four and three-f::nlrths (4-~}S) l)cr cent. pGl~ al'.m:un Ilc.y;:,ble scmi-annlL),11y on the 1st day of hIay and lTovcmoer of each :.roar :i::'ctu.:.:'ing as follows: BOND no. ,_.J?~1TE oPM ~IV {\\ 1'1' 1 I,:ay I, 19 27 v 2 Hay 1, 1928 3 I\Iay 1, 1929 ., 4 LIa.Y 1, 19 ~:'D " 5 11 Ll;/ 1, 1931 6 lr~"l'T 1, 1932 .J.,.v..~ 7 l;lay 1, 1933 8 May 1, 1934 9 8: 10 Hay 1, 1935 11 & 12 May 1, 1936 13 (,; 14 I.Ia:1 1, 1937 15 & 16 I~I a~l 1 1938 -'-, 17 " 18 11 ~~~ ~T 1, 1939 cc 19 & 20 Hay 1 1940 , 21 & 22 Lla:)T 1 1941 -'-t 23 8.; 24 Hay 1, 1942 25 Be 26 IjIay 1, 1943 27 & 28 May 1, 1944 ')0 &; 3Ci Hay 1, 1945 ,-,,,, -1- .. "f ~ ".~-' - .. ...- - . - ." - and all of said. boncls, princil)a1 and interest, being payable out of the sinking fund. create,i IJroviding for the )aymcnt the:reof and being pay- able at tbe office of the tre,;.surer of said City, or at t'ce fiscal agency of the state of Washington in the City of New York, at the option of the 11 0 ld e r . Section 2. That the bJi1rls herein authorized to be issued. shall be ill substantially th e fa 110wi118 form: UlUTED STI.TES OF LIJERIC./;\ STATE OF WASITINGTOE City of Auburn $5:)0.00 lTO. City Park Bond of 1925. znow ALL BY Tffi~SE PltBSl::,TS, That the City of Aubl1rn, a ~unicipa1 corporation and a city of the third class situate in the Count:? of l:ing, in the state of WashiLgtot:, acknovlle{18cs itself to owe and for value received promises to })a~7 to bea:;::er the sum of Five Hun- dred (:;;500.00) Dollars on tile fi11st ds:! of May, 19_, together 'Hith interest thereon fl'OLl date hereof until pr.id at the rate of four and three -fourths (4-2-%) gel' cent. pe r annum, payub1e serGi -annually on the first days of Ma" and Hovembc11 in each year as evicle~:ced b~I and u::)on presontation nnd" sl,1xrendel" of tl:e armexed interest coupons~ as t,:ey severa11:v become due, both principal and interest }Jayable in gold coin of tLe United states of Arnerica of ,Lescnt staLdard of \Jei"\l1t 8.nd fine- ess at the office of ,the treasurer~of said City or at the-fiscal aGency of the state of 0ashington in the City of lieIT York, at the option of the ho 1(181' llereo f. For the lJl'Om}Jt pa~Tmc nt 0 f this bOl:d, lJO th rL.cipa1 and interest, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are here- by irrevocabl:/ pledged. This bond is a nart of an is:::mc of bonds LL tl18orinci<Jal sum of Fifteen Thousand (~lf;,6oo.00) Dollars vlnich said bonds ;re is~ued for a strictly ::mnicip'll purpose, to-',vi t, for the lJurjJosc of raisi:c.g n:mevs ',vi tb which to acquire, L:Drove and beautifv a ;Jublic na.rk in the City 0 f Auburn, all as lll"ovided by OrcLtnance Iro. 505 of said Ci t:7 pa~;sed Je.nuary 22, 1924, aIld this IJo:nd is issued Dursuant to and in full co:n!,liance '.7i tb the ordinances of said Ci t:7 ~:,l1d tl,e Constitution and Laws of the State of Hashington. It is hel"eb' 1'8 ci t sd, cert ifi cd. sx.d declarecl th t all acts, condi t ions and. things re quired by the co:c.st itu t ion and laiis 0 f the State of Washington and the Ordinances of ss.id Cit~l to exist and be done precedent to Llnd. in the issuance of this bond, hc;.ve existed and been done in due and regular form, time and :Janner, as re quired by law, and. that the entire inde-btedness 0 f said City, including this bond does not exceed any 1imite.tions prescribed by the constitution or 1aNs of the State of Washington. IN WITHESS,HEREOF The Ci t;] of Auburn, WashL::lgton, has caused this bond to be signed b:; its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and the interest ooupons attached to be signed and sealed with the 1i thograIlhed sign.a- tures of said officers, ani the seal of said City, this first day of IiIay, 1925. -2- ""'il'f?\....~'l'. :f .. .Of ".. _ " ..,.. .. ,.- .. ... . .. ..- ., ," ... CITY O:b' AUBURN By ITS-U.iiYOR ATTEST: , ITS CITY CLERK. Interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be in sub- stantially the following form except as to da~es of pay~ent. lTO. DJTElmST COU1'JOH $11.88 On the first da:'l of ,,19, the Cit~7 of Au- burn, Washington, ~ill pay to bearer, ai-the office of the City Treasurer of said Ci t;y, 01. at the fi scal il38LC:/ 0 f the st at e of Washinston, in the Ci t:. of Hew York, the Lm:n of elc'v'en and eighty-eight/100 (:;'11.88) Dol- lars in gold coin of the Unitel States of A::lerica, suc}: SU];1 beLlS the scmi-a"rrur'.l intcl.est due that elate on its generul municipal pc:lrk bond. dated May 1, 1925, no. . CITY OF AUBUHH BY ---ITS ~LAY5R. fiTTEST: I Ts-'cffTY CLEPJf.- Section 3. All of said bonds shall be signed by the Llayor and attested by the City Clerk uncl.er the seal of the City of Auburn~ and 0,11 of s:Ctid Llterest COU')Ol1S shall be signed \vi th the facsimile of tl-:e sLsnature of srdd officel's c,Ed attested '~/i th the :fac~irhi1e ,Jf said seal, and such facsimile i),nd seal shall be bindins to all intents and jjurpJ ses u'~Jon said City of Auburn. Section 4. That the bid of Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc., for said bonds in which they agree to pay $502.16 and accrued interest for each $500.00 of the par value of said bonds, such bonds to bear in- +e-.c.st q..L 1-'1"e -.a'+e 0.(' JJ'''tl-'' ""ld ~-1')"['A",-f'o'lr~''hs (421.) 1)er cent r al1YJUffi 1I J.. C..\. LJ u... J. u ..L..1.. '"" _ <.Hi... lJ ..... ..... ...... t.:. oJ- L U..L..;i. ,~;o".l; -~. · ~, is hereb:- ,;,cC81)ted b~r tLeCit:l of Auburn und the Ci t:i Clerk is hereby au tnori zecl arld directed after tl:e execut ion 0 f said boncls, as 1181'8 in nrovided, to deliver said bonds to said purchaser upon payment of the amount so bid for said bonds. Section 5. This ordinance shall t~(e effect and be in force five days f1'O::1 and aftc l' it s pasci:;,ge, uDproval and publicat ion as re- quired by 1a'l!. Introduced: tIay 19 ~ 1925 Passed: Hay 19 t 192;~ -3- 7""-"....... -,:-cc ',,,,,,,,,~ . '. c_ ........- ..'-4" -'~''''''' . .;',.." ~ r --:,~ ... f r; )". " -4 . '1 - , filii- .... , ~. .. .. . APprove~ --.'- 1:;1 A Y 0 R -' ATTEST;;)Afr /#' ;J. , ~ C~t;;i Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, ~~(r~~'-J , City Attorney Published May 21, 1925. - - STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J A. C. Ballard I, -------------___ .,. __________________, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in --1heCol1l1t) (}f-KiTlg, State of WalShington, dQJwreby certifythaLtb&fQJ.:egQing.is a____ full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o._~~~_.__, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDIN ANCE ~_~~_~~!_~~~~_~_o_~__~~~__~:~_~an c e of Fifteen Thousand ( $15,000.00 ) Dollars of general indebtedness conds, autho!'A~~1._~~__~_!l_l?~.9_!~~_~!-_~q~_~~!l__~~!~__!!1__~~e _ City 0 f j~uburn, .March 11, 1924 under and pursuant to Ordinance lto e--505--of--sa.Td-1rfty-;-providi ng for the form and details of such bonds and the maturities, and dates of --~--------~----------------------~--------------------- ----------------------- such bonds, and ratifying the; sale thereof." 1- . - - "- -.- - - - -' - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- ~ " I ' -"-,_:::_--"".::::-.:._,---- ------- --------- ------ ---- ------ -------- -- -- -- -- --------------_." ,,< I fllrtller certify that said Ordinance No. ~~~______ was duly passed by the Cou~lci~_,~d 'approved by the Mayor of the said rrhe City of Auburn, and pub- -li~~aas---pl'o~i.~~bylaw in Then_____.?~_~~~!!~~_____=~=_n___n__::n a weekly - newspaper' Pliblished in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the -------.?-~~ji------____,___ day of --~------________u___n__' A. D., 19_~~_~ Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this n____n____ 18th June. 25. --------------- day of ______n__n____ _un' A. D., 19__ _. (Signed)