HomeMy WebLinkAbout640 640 vRD IliAHCE NO. 6~O ATT .1.\ O.rWIl;.l..~.C.l;; .b.. u. 1928. adopting a budget for the ~ity of Auburn for the year THE Clj;Y COUnCIL OF 1':'& CFry OF AUBU1\1i ,.)0 OlW.s.IH AS .v OLLO\JS: SECTION 1. ~hat pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 158 of the LaVIs of lIashington of the year A. J). 1923 the llayor of the City of Auburn has heretofore duly co~pleted and placed on file with the Ci ty vlerk of the vi ty of i..ub-u.rn a prelLliYlary budget for the year 1928; that notice was thereupon dul;y pu'olished as required by law, stating that the I.J.a~70r had completed and placed on file such prelim- inary budget and that a copy 'liould be furnished to any tax: payer who would call therefor at the office of the vity vlerk and that the Council of the Ci ty of Auburn would meet on the first .i....onda;y of vcto- ber, 1927, at.8 o'clock P. ~., for the purpose of fixing the final budget and making the tax levys and that any tax payer might appear at such meeting and be heard for or against any part of such budget, designating the place of such meeting at tbe City uall in the City of Auburn, A.ing vounty, i/ashington; that the mayor of the vity of auburn duly provided a sufficient number of copies of said detailed and preliI:linary budget to meet the reasonable de:nands of the tax payers therefor; that the City Council of the Jity of ~uburn duly met at the tL1e and place designated in said n.]tice on the first ;,.J.onday in October, 1927, and. that any and all tax payers 0 f the City of Auburn were given full opportunity to be heard for or against such budget; that such hearing ~vas concluded on such first J..J.onday in vcto- ber, 1927, that at the conclusion of such hearing said City vouncil duly fixed and determined each item of said budget separately; and that the items of expenditures so fixed and determined are now here adopted by this urdinance and are as follows, to-wit: IlrTl:iJ;\l:.;S:J.' Al:J SIlhGIJG .b'UIlD FOR GEHER1U, hEFUl:.DIHG BOliDS. Interest on ~2500. for 6 mos. -------------------~68.75 Interest on ~1000. for 6 mos. ------------------- 27.50 ~.edemption of bonds---------------------------- 2500.00 Total --------------------------------------------------- $ 2.596.25 (To be raised by taxation on property in old liillits) IJUIHCIPAL .BUIL..JIliG BOUD.:.> , nJTEhEST .AHD SINKInG lmlW Interest on ,30,000. at 614 per cent per annum ;;~1575.00 .i..eserve for debt redemption ----------------- 430.36 Total --------------------------------------------------- .~ 2,005.36 (To be raised by taxation on all property uithin city limits) Pl>...RK BOlWS, J.lJli'EiiliS 2 1.0...0 .JBBT' l\.L.:.JEJ..J::": 101: Intere st 011 ,~14 t 500. 6 mo s. at 4 3/4 per cent 344.38 1:J e r annurn ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - -.. - - OJ_;' Interest on::'14,000. 6 mos. at 4 3/4 percent per annllill ----------------------------------- 332.50 Hedecnption of Bond ':';0. 2 --------------------- 500.00 Total --------------------------------------------------- 9 1,176.88 (To be raised by taxation) -1- .~ , 1 <<, " ,. LIBfiliRY jJ1UJ:;D Salaries and wages -------------------------- ~1820.00 Maintenance and operation ------------------- 450.00 ~apital outlay ------------------------------ 1479.39 Total --------------------------------------- J3749.39 Jeduct estiwa'~ei receifts for fines, etc.,--- 240.00 To be raised by taxation ------------------------------- q 3,509.39 .r I{I~.~iJ:{Y ~:I ;-"Ji.II:rl~~EI,:i~IJ CE :b1Ul-J D Salaries and wages -------------------------- ~~2000.00 Maintenance and operation ------------------- 810.00 Total __________________________________________________ : 2,810.00 (.t'rovided for by estL1ated cash on hand c) anuary 1, 1928, '1500.00, and etitirnateri receipts from state of ,Jashington during year 1928, ",1310.00) NA~'~R ':PUND Maintenance and operation ------------------- ;~8500.00 Capital outlay ------------------------------ 8450.00 Interest and ..:;ond redemption ---------------- 12250.00 Total _______________________________~__________________ ~29,200.00 (All to be provided for by revenue from municipally o',l\fned wate r system) CURRBF'J: ~x.PEl:SE ~'Ulm Finance Officers and ~ccounts. ~tate Examiner ------------------------------ ~ City Treasurer, salary ---------------------- (Balance of ~ity ~reasurerls s~lqry to be paid from water fund) Office expense including premium OIl official bond ~----------~---------------------------- Office of City vlerk Salary -------------------------------------- Advertising and printing D..lld office supplies and expense --------------------------------- necording ordinunces ------------------------ .Dle ct ions . t . 1 1 r'-t; ~egls-ratlon c er: -------------------------- 0 General Expense ----------------------------- vffice of vity Attorney Salary ---------------------------------- --- Office expense ------------------------------ vapi tal outlay 1[ e" street 1.: .J;;. i...,onder;1..'1at ion Fees, special counsel in garbage case ------- vourt costs, garbage case ------------------- ]'ees of special counsel and court costs Kirsch damage suit -------------------------- Office of City Engineer Salaries and wages ---------..---------------- rrivate surveys, offset by receipts --------- Office and miscellaneous expe~se------------- Capital outlay ------------------------------ -2- 250..00 v GOO.OO....... v 100.00 950.00 1.( .:,(1800.00...... 400.00v' 100 .00/ ~ 2,300.00 50.00 if 50.00/' d1: 'if 100.00 900 . 00 v' 60.00....... 600.00'/ 150.00"'/ ? 5 . 00 v 125.00 v .~ 1,900.00 '\P1200 .00 ./' 500 . 00 ,/ 150.00....... 45.00 V' ~ 1,895.00 , , .Police Cou:l.'t uUdgers fees ---------------------------~--- JUdge's eXJler1se ....---..-....------ -- ---- - - -----.... nitness fees ------------------------------- Officer's fees ----------------------------- City Duilding Janitors salaries -------------------------- Janitors' supplies and expense ------------- Fuel --------------------------------------- ~igbt -------------------------------------- Insurance ---~-----~------------------------ Repairs rold upkeep ------------------------- vapital outlay ----------------------------- ~olice ~epartment ualary of vhief ---------------------------- ualary of policeman ------------------------ ualaries of special police ----------------- Gasoline, oil and flash-light batteries----- Incidental expeLse l-:l.Ha. inve st igation -- - - --- Prisoners' board and other jail expense----- ~nspection Department Bnilding inspection ------------------------ Sidewalk inspection ------------------------ Sewer inspection --------------------------- (Offset by receipts) ~ .vI:RE Department ualaries and wages ------------------------- volunteer pay roll ------------------------- nydrant rental ----------------------------- Alarm system ~nd phone --------------------- APparatus expense (truck, etc.) ------------ vhemical recharges ------------------------- Laundry ---------------------------------~~- New Dedding -------------------------------- Accident insurance ------------------------- l.dscellaneous expense -...-------------------- Capital outlay, new hose ------------------- vapital outlay, truck ---------------------- Uapi tal outlay, miscellaneous neVI e quipcnent - uealth Jepartmeut valary. he~lth officer ---------------------- t Quarantine and o":;l:er expense -----:---------- Sanitation Department storm and hjanitarv Sewers " Repair on seW0rs, upkeep ------------------- Expense of sewer upkeep -------------------- Use of city water -------------------------- Labor on septic tank, upkeep --------------- septic tank expense ------------------------ Labor, street cleaning --------------------- Miscellaneous expense street cleaning ------ Highway Jepartmeut Labor on streets and roads ----------------- ~ruck expense ------------------------------ Miscellaneous expense ---------------------- Advance expense for L. I. D.'S 7 -;u- Il; 400.00 v' i( 50.00""- 50.00 ,/ 50.00"/ " 550.00 .jjl '*. 750.00....... 'w 125.00v 500.DO/ 225. ~O/ 150.00,,/ 150.00 150.00 v f, 2 , 050 . 00 .j;> ;;p1800 .00 ~ l500.00/, 50 . 00 100 .00 ...........- 250.00------ 125.00/ ,~ 3,825.00 'ill J'> 375.00v 'ill ~OO.OO~ ('- 9'75.00 ;),)0.00 ''Ii .;i1500 .00 /" 900.00 ...-' 2351.74 .....- 25.00/ 200. Ou"'/ 50..jO............. '75.00.............- 50.00 -- 250.00'--- 50.00""""- 500.00"" 800.00~ 200.()Ov .~ 6,951.74 180.00 /~ ,. 50. 00 ,;~ 230.00 .;p 600.00-/ 200.00 V"'" 540.00/ 660.00v 200.00A/' 2500.00 v 150.00 t/ J'\. 'iP 4,550.00 $ 800.00/ 400.00/ /' 150.00 -/ Payroll assessments ------------------------ ~ uefunds -----------------------~------------ Library paving assessments ----------------- ReL;bursing current expense fund for L. I. u. ~0.9l, expense -------------------- Sewer asse~;s;len t s --?; -- -- - - --------- -- -- - --- ot?~r as~essrne~,ts~~ purchasing lands suoJec'tJ iJO dellIlquent assessments ---------- Other miscellaneous expense ---------------- Total expenditure s from Current expense }j'und -:-:::-:-:-::-::-: - -- 'rt~ ~hat the est imated" 0 f -all moneys to be paid into the current expense fund of the City of l~ul,;u:rn during tbe 0'ear 1928, from sources other than taxation, and the estim&:t;ed sur- plus in said current enpenee fund on .January 1, 1928, are as follows, to-wit: f. " ~ (a) Engineer's salary ---------------- (b) Engineer's expense --------------- (c) Advertising and printing ---------- Street lighting ---------------------------- Park ~epart=_aent vity rark, salaries and wages -------------- ~ Expense and. Maintenance -------------------- vity water --------------------------------- Capital outlay ----------------------------- Miscellaneous General ":;;xpense '" Licerlses _________________w_________________ Fines -------------------------------------- Building per:ni'tJs ------------ -------------- Miscellaneous permits ---------------------- Interest on deposit ------------------------ .l:iling fees and certificates, cler~Js office irivate surveys ---------------------------.. ~ewer inspection --------------------------- Sidewalk inspection ------------------------ rt J icld ai'lQ b rid g e fund. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Ad.vance expense, ~. L. D.'S ---------------- Refunds ---------~-------------------------- r . ;~) 350.00 "'<,/ 75.00 v. '/5.00/' 3200.00 / ,~ 5,050.00 700.00......... 250.00........ fiO .00"""'- 50 0 . u 0 ..,/ .$ 1,500.00 250.00 ../ 7;) . 00 ./ ,." 8.4/' 0'::;. . 303.64/' 1000.00y' 500.00'/> 97.52v ;~ 2,290.00 ~35,116.74 1Y 350.00/ 1000.00/ 375.00/ 10.00/ 250.00J 15.00 / 500.00/ 500. .oo/'/ 100.00./ 500 . v J'/ 500.UO~ 75.00"/ 7 i) . 00 5450.00 utter miscellaneous ------------------------ .csstill1ated cash OIl fland vanuar;'l 1, 192.8 ----- Estiuated receipts from L.i.D. ~o. 90 to cover cost of collection ------------------- 2j55.00 10tal estimated receipts and surplus ---...-......---..............-- .1.2,055.00; And thclt it will the:cefu:ce be necessary to raise the sum of -.;23,061.'74 by general taxation against all of tLe taxu:ble propert~7 situate within the present corporate limits of the vity of imburn with vlhich to pay the current expenditures of said city for the year 1928. .J..ntroduced October 4, 192.'7 ~asseQ vctober 4 1927 APproved OctaD 4, 1927. Attest; '", f// I ,~ I 'j /J ,/1 . --:? '/ / //',;., , _/~/ ./ - '- ..J.- . Glerl~ -- Ci t~7 .c-.' .< l,J.ay 0 r