HomeMy WebLinkAbout688 -- '~~i"'l/ .;' "'. iiI . , (>no V(jU _ R D I ~ A . C E ,: 0 . ~ J' r l\i.t ()RrllJP,.,,-rCE relati~1~ to locc.l !rll~~rOV'JlY~\3nts 1 I:' t:19 Ci t:l of ,Auburn, .L:,ro- V"i1ing for the fcr~closur'3 ofiel n-luent assessments fur such 10c5.1 im- l=rov",:ments, snd reyo:8-lin:~ Drdinance No. 680 and all ctl:er ()rlinances &n1 parts of or1inances in cunflict therewi tho T:~E CITY CaUi'WIL OF TEE CITY)T fl.rJ8 URl'T DO ORDAIN 1\8 FOLLO\!/S: Section 1. All locsl iffiprovement assessments becoming a lien on June S, 1'_ ,-7, or t:lsreafter, shall ':>3 foreclosed in the manner l~rovided ~y Ch~~ter ~75 of the Laws of t~e etate cf Was~ington, of tte year 192? !C,'henever on the first 5.r",y::Jf Janue.ry C7.' any yea,r two installments of any such assef'!",r:,ent shall '::8 '.l:lirh,..uent or t::e final instaJ Iment of any such aSSeSSl'fient or t:-_8 entire assessD.ent vv!':sre >aya::le on the "itnmed- ; at.:> y"....ywiont ,-1....n" shal' '\.., ve ',..,p,~-""'l,,,; in''''p''Vlt f("r ""or"" +C."-'1~ r'l'e y""'- -' y 1......0.. AJ.""" l..........~ , ........ ...L ..lC;~, ~"",vJ.':' ..,,,,.~JJ.......... '--.:.u.~.... "oJ,u.. ..... o.JJ.~cl...J. '..J.. .....c.....L-) tl:.e Cit:r TreEjSUrer shall, on or berore the first :':uy of Noven,ber of sue::. :re&.r, proc6si wj.t~: tJ~e foreclosure (~f 3UC~ asse9sn~ent O~ installments tl:Jsreof j.n Z.''Jcor.'l8.Dce ~Nit s:;..i,:;~ C::.s..l....tsr 275 of tlle TJaYi9 of tl:e ~,tc:.te of s1-':i:~,~~to'n., of t:'le year 19'37, t:-~e lQ\Ns of said. State S1l:)~~'.len1:~l1tar;l thereto <:;.rr:en\e.tory t1-~'3reof. Seeti'::L 2. All 100<:.1 imrroverr.ents 1:)ecomin~ 8. lien prior to June -, 1927, shalJ_ ~9 foreclcse6. in the ffiarlner rrovidel i~l C~lspt8r 275 of the Laws of tl~e State of Was1:i11~tcn cf tje year 1927, ~n1 tte laws cf the said State sup;;,lerr:snt!lry thereto a:;d amendatory thereof, but i:~g to any such .t:rcpeTty ~'urch~sed ';)y the said Ci ty of Auburn at sUc~ forecloS'uro; tile same 3haJl '::;(3 }',i31d and 801:-1 by said City under and pursuant to tl:e lJrovi sions of law in force and effect l....rior ~''; to-kiuc( effect ot' sciid Chactcr :,7:, lu.:':s oi' '927 O\+l' +'\0'8 Qt",,-I-e nf W"S"l'",.rct,-v"" nY'" +'\-,e 10'\"S' Q-,f ~~'1e QtQt"'e'-'7 WeB il'l>2_,'t'v'n ....... ) . \J ,,"; 4' ~_" "'-- u _ ()... J, .l....l'::', 1.,1., c."'..\,....... \..i ,... __\004 Y ......... 1....,;' Co'-' "_... ,...._'. .... _ ~ s"J.prl ement&l'Y t:.ereto and amencla tory thereof. Section 3. That Oriinance ~o. 680 of the Ordinances of the Citi of _~u'-urn, entitled "An Ordin2nce relating to Joc81 improvements in the City cf lUGurn, rroviding ror thE.; foreclosure c,r delinq,uent assessm~nt'3 r<::>r sueh lo,::al improvements r;ind rapealing Ordinance No. 619 and all other Ordinar.,ces and Tarts of ordinarcces :1l-1 conflict therewith", be an::i the same is hereby repealed, )rovided., however, that such r8:;,e2.1 shall in no way effect or impair the velidity cf any proceeding heretofore had or taken by tr,e City (;f .Auburn for the sal e 0 f ~~:rop erty sub j eet to del inq,uent 10C8.1 i{~1~~)roven'1ent 3~SSeS8r[~erlts or iIlstt::.;,lJll'.er:t~;, t;:ereof. ( ;.:: '\ '~~.>'" 0 \, ) ,~.~y v Section 'L 1'.i8 Grciin8.l1ce s",all t2k'2 froll. c'.Dei after its }:asS2tgs, a-:.:;"t:;roval effect and be in fcrce five anct'l icc',t ion 2.S re,r.:li red >~~/ 121VV". Introduced f..~)?rcved 1--::V'I~ 0.;...';'""" 1:8..8 sed October / 'i:L, 1829. October /J::f-. 1929. -' / ../} ~~/.~ . . / /' ' Attest. ' /; (/-.--P2<t/fff Clt\r C...srk J i - ~v~ C./~ ~. .- . / fO). .'7._ , . C'~" ,-~J ~/ Iila,yor .---- Approved as to form ?ubl i S[18('. /7) k f~ 3ut ~ __d /f~'f. -_._..,,----I-..~ ~/) a~ <::'>1.-(' .", c:<' '-b t7J~ City At t orney--- ---