HomeMy WebLinkAbout692 .,~-c-'_,~_ ~ ~ ?-4'-C.~Sl. ,,-,t~j ce~ ~4o CL'V',-l', ~~\\" ~\;'-j" CI-2(') eClI C'l \\"-l \\.L~ ,---b-l'if C R{) \ C(% r- r .. (' ro., '''' OJ~ o R DIN A :~ C E i'J () . I' ,~ n . ;:,,;: ft.:- nL~;\TCf relating to traffic \..i1: t~e :ubl 1c streets and high- W2.ys in the Citv of Auburn, G..ppolnting: scl:oc.'l L01ioe s.nd. amending certain ~Qc~ion3 ~f Ordinance ITa. 629. -- ~ -ni~~~~.' , T~F CITY COln;CIL OF TE" CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDHiJ 1.8 FOLLOrS: i VJ .. Section 1. It shall be "J..nlawful for any ~:8rson to drive a vehicle I I q" .~ reckless manner over and along the i,ublic street s of the 01 ty of Aub- ; ! ~-urri For th'" ..,-ur1'"'~s'" of ~i'i8 3eo+io,' +0 ,-<riv'::. i..... " r6,.,1.rln~:3 ","'''''1'''\'''"/" "'''''al' J ~". .....- l-- ....__-v....... . lJ.e.. , tW -..., V ~ ...... ......l.L ~ v....~ --;:), ...l'-........J........~_ ~:...,;. ...... f ..........:' "oe construed to mean to:merate a vehicle UDon the streets of the City of i j ~... Auburn in '3uc~: m[.tnner 5.:3 to endang-er or inconveni enC8 unnecessaril \.r other i f ~:>users Of2uch streets; failure o::"-tl:e rurt of t::e operator of any motor J ' v-el::.io:!.e, t.:.; excercise:i'J.8 care and ca":..:tion in con.l~liance V'ifit:1 all traffic , laNs ~Dd ordinances in passing a schoo:!. houss cn school iays, between Q ^ ,.f n-r,":::; P ., "'I'd a vio'atl"'.n ""f any '-:;ws of" ~\...'" C!t..;kO of" w~a""in('J'- :.", '.....i. ;"\. ...1.... c;...J.~\.4 ...,; _.. _....., ...... .1. ... \..J V ....;;..f",~i-.. 1-..1......_ '..-: c;...Li..... - ~..-'=L.. c- ~~ toh relating to tte operation of ~otor vehicles on the pu~lic highways. Section 2. T::.e :dayor of t::e C1 ty of Aub'J.rn shc,ll c...p:;oint special l~.':clic;3men, v:::(. shall 1,~:;3 ~j~esiā‚¬~nat;3d. 8.9 801'),001 ::olice, &!lcl_ s11all be apl:.oil1ted frOll, tl:3 studeYlt -OO::.:i3S Sif t:-:e l~uslio schoels cf t:-.8 City of l'uburn, and sh::111 be ~,,"...-rG1I1te: Ul)C11 tr.e r'3CQfLtC3r.ld..s:ticn of tl"le -~:.:..rirlCil)al of all)'" so~c.ool of t::a City cf Aub~rn, with tje consent of t~e par~nt cr parents of such l=ers.:;n 2..::~,Oil1t5i; :3t:.ii sc::oolFolice s~~all S:;:l've \vi tllout ~~.ay a::, sllall observe al: thi~ ~ules L~i frovisicns of t~e Police Depart~ent of tts City ir, 1.'.".",o1.'''::';'''>y ~:'C ...::-.ri'''r'~.''n r,-<=' -+-r,of'fl'" ,...,.., t'~~ ~treo-l-.., -0.4.1. "-.Jb- .._.........:~ \011....0... .. .::-_,-,,_..1..~'..J.J..V... --....:,.. v......... V U;.J. ..L......., j;;j """,\,,;,..,.. Pection 3. No driver of any vehicle shalf'ftiiT-tc st Cl):';~'ls'F~~ ~-~l:I 3~:Ewll !l()t 'o:r 3D.O!1 officer. 8.g~ ai n 3D lirected :c ~0 so ~ny 3c.:o~1 :ol~~s G!:l~?=) 1~;12,-ce :{O,8:~ vs' icle irl n-.lotion untiliirected t.~ ic 80 . , . 1C~? Section 4. Iny ;erson violating any of tte provisions of this Ordinance s~1aJ..l be deelT.ed gu~_l ty of a ll.isctem,eanor 1 and upon conviction t..~.qy'..."::...-;+' er: ..j, ',.c. _:-.;.,..,"""", ",. F....,'r ..."j' '"1"k 1 """.., -1-:,....,.. "~ 0(' 'lo-n '.'rr'" ....""an hOO 00' ...____~ __ o...-~..........__ ,~'__' .....l....d..;;;..w.. ~.J..c."VJ-.J-J ...:,J......;.. ..."'\..1.... .'....-v- ~~.~'"'~...J. -it'-<.V....,. ... ...:..~u.j,v -~ \.:,L... V,'.... . " and t~.:.e 1 :cense Q f t:~>3 0..1:'1 "=ler rr~a~r oe Sl.lS';," :3n\:.eCL fer a ":~':;rlOa. r~o-t~ t'J exceed six (\'0.....) Y>;nn.t"'...s. '-.r r2vo1T:=d 1....'.' +'.-,,,, ':." .~,...,..p~t.; .,~, '-'r~ ~',."" .T~,.:;c"~ .f t"..", Po,' ice OW" .u......;. _ '" _ ......~.....-..- i.;.I.._',.I \,,4...L .;Jv-4...., ... ..'-.... v 1,1-..... y -- _'-"o.t,:''''''' \..;- ..1,_..-..... C ou r t 0: ~;ection 5. Or,lin&nce :Jo. 689 of the Oi ty of P.uQurn is hereby am- erlc1.ecl ill S').Cll rr~Ct,nn3r DoS tG CCTlfCir!L tc t'}.-_:3 ::-rvvisic118 of" tl'lis Ord,inance, ~..r~6.. ';;..r;..y ~=--rGVi3ic)rls ....f sa:-: Jr.iil1E:1_nCe ,. 63S or ether cr~.iin~..rlc.es ()f tlle :::ity cf A~Jburn i::consistent 'Nitl-. t':1el._rovisions ef t: is (Jrdinanoe, are 11.ereby rel:GC':_led. 2,e':JtioY'.I- 6. Ti_is C,r(lil1bJ1Ce sl'lall taka effect b-l'li bs irj, force five ~icatiun ~3 re~~ired by I ~,_..J , ;:"' frCl'l~ an.,:1 L..fter its ~.>~'.,ssage, a:='~.:rcv::~l a!-:cl la~v 1& .Attest: :ntr2'o_":.J.ced - ltv-r~~-: /'f~i P~.~s~d - ~ eJ--- /9P-1 h.A j/! . A;orvve~~_ IfJ.j f/V7t/~i~~-bv~- Ltayvr .. .. Ap~rovel as to form: r~, it, \, f iO.;C\ H}L.V ~~.a,~~_ City Attorney P\.lbl i she'-l