HomeMy WebLinkAbout699 ~ , . .. .'- - - _.. ~ - - ...-._~ o E Ii r :~ A IJ C E Ii 0 . t 1f - f)J DE:cr:TP~JCE vacating all that )ortion of C Street d. E. as sr;O/Vll anci l.lattel in 3e;.lL:.rd 1 s Cono.ict Ld.di tion to AUQurn, les3 a. si~teen faot alley.acr~as 8ai~ e~ree~ in the mid~l~ of ~lcck, .an~ a. trlangular tract 1.,.L C btr'::~3t ~;. 1-1,) lying 't'.est o! Lot Elght \8) 111 Block Two (2), Jacob :,.ogg's J.d,iition to the City of Auburn, and East of the East line of the ne'Nly established ~ Street ~~. E., and providing that the ti tIe to all of the v~.icated area shall vest in the owners of the abut+ing fxoperty; V"HFBEAS, her 'Stofore, to-V'/tt, on the 7 tl: day~ f August, 1938, Ra.lph H. Moon, C. E. Allerdice, p~ J. Brockoff, Annie Myer Brockoff, I.Irs. Ellen Je~lsen a::..ncl J, D. Jensen cf.iused to be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Auburn their petition in writing u.dc.Lressed to tile :":'uyor and tJ'"e C1 ty Council of the C"ty of .Auburn praying tLat all that portion of C Street J, E. as sLown and platted in the Bc..llardl s Condict A.dJition to Jluburn, less a. sixteen foot alley acrOS2 said str''':'3t in middle of block, ani a triangular tract of C Street N. E. lying West of Lot Eight (b) in Block Two (8), J;;,;.cob ;iloggTs AdUtion to the City of Iuburn and East of the East line of the newly estElblished C Street N. E~, ~e vacated; and that th~ title to all such areas 30 proposed to be va- cated 'be awarded and mu.:ie to vest in the owners of the abutting :~ro'(erty; b.nd WHERE.AS, her",tofor'3, to-wit, on the 17th d~3Y of Decerr.ber, lS2B, ut a reS:..1lar meeting of the City Council of the City uf l~ubu.rn, held en said. day, it W:J.S rr,ade to appear to the satisfaction I,).f the City Council tLat t}~e said petitioners, Ra.lph H. Moon, C. E. Allerd.ice, P. J. Btock- eff, Annie Myer Brockolf, ~rs. Ellen Jensen and J. D. Jensen,were tho G'NnerS of four-fifths (475) of al::' t::9 yrivato ::r arty abutting upon <:""'.-'1", ,..(,""tionq i,f' C ~tr~"'t N E sr' "lC::U0'''ht to '" v"c;<to(i a~'d tY, said. o~~v...... J:'" ...)_10. ..,_........1. ....., '..1'_' . .. '"" _ -' ~...... 1ooJ.~ '""'" - , ~.... .~-'" City Council did then a.nd there: '.::.:T r3so1l.Jticn, fix and designate 1'U38- day evening, ,January 21, 1930, at 8 o'clock? d., at t:::.e City Hall in t'>'le City of Auburn, King County, '\VasLi tCT_, as the time and Tilace when cly:d NJler~ said fetition wO:.ll.:i be heard and d.etc-:;rYilined; and ':::;;;Tn;'f~2, uI':=;uant to t';:: :.:I'Gvision~3 of 8:=.1d reSOlution, the City C f C ' .p ~ 'I ' ., t ' ~ t d 4. ' " " " /' ,... Jlerk 0 the lt~r 0... ,LU,)Urn ()'lCl nereal sr 2..1'1'" on "ne ~jrCl (lay 0;' ,1,;ecel1l- ':'~I', 1929, and rLcr"~ tr:an twenty (20) days r,rior to t~lZ dE</ fixed for ::j1JC;l ;1c~c.ring <:is ;;ifor288.id, du.:'y sive tvvsnty (20) days notice of the pendency cf said petition by a written DGtice set u~ in ttree of the lliost . ubI 1c ol",-ced in the C1 ty of f\uburn, and alike not ice in a consp icucus ~i~l3..ce c; the rorti()n 0f said C Street ;:. E. so sought to b'3 vec::lted, which TlOtice,V2..3 sii~ned by t:1S City Clerk of t'.e City cf J\uburn, and contained a staten,ent tJ-iat a petition had been filed to vacate the particular rcrtion of C Street ~. E. in the City cf Auburn her~inafter particularly described, tha.t sa:1.~.p~1.t i,Qn wa.i~p.:ngi:Qg.;ft9- that Tue 8d8.Y eye!1!D8'.L.q.AnllR~" 8J.dJ 9'7.('\ ~.~,.t . s;J.l 't~ 'I ()[' k '~.,~:1 ~~ t '+.I...~~.s:'-6 1;:", 'w-. ~..'.." _J.:~, Ii il'~[_ClJ;,"~1~'ihea.3;j~_\i1l'~~~,~,,:~ na1J1!ing on,',Ill;:l,;.l. ~ ~ ~ as~.. ~; .' netition; and ~~,' it of +'-'8 'Dosting and setting up of said W.HtcPF.'II.!=l "roof by a!.!l::laV \J., 1 f tbe ('l't.., Cl~rk of _.~".,k:~...~ '. ' . ~(' t"'e office 0 v 1" w notices as aforesa3.1 18 now on flle.... -. the City c,f Auburn; and . , .., . ",'J' '," n 1 to be heard by sa<id. Oi ty l1'HER~t,C', said 'cetltl--:.ll ;;J,l..e on r~t2,U.l.(;1,rkYp q at the City da-ll IV .. . '- ., 0 'YJ t 8 0 Tel 0 c '. ,.J. . -.'.. . Council on said Januar:r'7~1,~.. ',a 'r"sl'i"Ywton ( t[~ot being tL.e t::-rfl8 ana. of tLe Cit~r ofAuburn',':l~Z vO~~:Y~_Q:.,t\~z)r, and no written o~jec~~~n~,to , "l. "" -fl' x""d -'s aforesalCt for sc;.....1 .,-",r .'< ' , . 'tt~d to tte C1ty vv...;l'h,ll p.l.;;;~c..,... J c;.. 'd tition havinr.:: beur. suoru1 .... the g!'anting of sa~. pe (""l "" - . f'lorl '"1''''' t1,r.' \'''It'JT_d.erK) 'NnC1 cr. ~ '-' .. ~, ~.. ,.- !J .....-..,.. f .. ,.-ol .. ,~- .. FJ.'2 it l~as bc? n made to ap,G8r to t:13 s:~tisL,cticn of the Cit,r Council of t','t> Ci+y of Auburn t'(;",... ....'...t .1-'-...t.1.....' of r. C"tre~t \1 E'" ..1 . '-'" ..... d , ..~ \,J l..J "',' ~ ,) ........J. ) ,,) L ~ ..'.........- e: ;"\1. - '* so SQu~ht to b~ vucated is of no use to the City of Auburn or to the "lie for e1 tr.er street or a~ley furr:,oses; 3.n(l vise ~_,': of t. 1''I-IEH'S.~, ~ the City Counc 11 of the City ofh1cl1rn, be 1ng fu11~r a.d.- of the f",cts an-l the law in the premis2s, ordered the preparation s ordinance; 'Ten'i, TEER1<~FORE, Tm~ CITY CO'.::TCIL OF' Tr'T<' CITY ()'i' f' l ~ r"~) T-1 L c),.,' (""I : -- DO ORDlII!;' Section 1. Tl:s..t aLL th::;;.t portion of C etreet :.J. E, in the Ci ty of r"ubu::on, 3.3 s:~cvr::. arlG. rlatted. iL B;:;,l1.ardl:3 Ccndict Add.i tion to .Auburn, less a sixteen fco": alley across 3i),ic~ street in u.iL'.le of block, and a tricnQ"ular tr~ct of C Etre..;t :.;, E., J.vin;" "est of lot eLtht (8) in Block T,,vo (::;), J:1cob ~,:OQ',}IS l~dlition to t.c"Citv uf PUburn, i::l.r.d East of t::-le East line of t () newly'"'sst5.blished C StrsGt 1r. "E., all in tile City~ uf J.ubt.1.rn be and. t:.c same h0reby is vacated, En that the portion of said street 80 vaca +, 9.1 ~)'1alll bel ani; tot ::l(~ abut: ing property owner s, one-hal f to e8c~, as provided by law. 2ectioll 2, That five days from and after by 1[3.vv. t'.,i s ordinc..l1ce sLall take ef feet and be in force its passc..gc, apI~rovo.l and I:lJblication, 2..G re.i'cire.:J Introduced January ~l, 1930 ?u.ssed Jam1ary ;.21, 1930 Jlpprcved ~ar;' 21, 1930 ~f(i.ff:;:---~----- ,.--.~~. ._~ f..}T.JroveJ. as to form J9.nuary 21, 1930 __ tP~. 6t. 1Q~__ Ci ty f\ttorney ?Ubl1She~/~~2.? Zf/ ffJo. ,~ ., ,r ,iliUm'. . [:"Ill.. IJi!.J mI!IJiUll"1l-",2:<i$",,",::':;:;;!l!if\'2""c" ' I, .!~u_~.E.~~~:-.~:__m___~u____.__..mum__wm"hu_uum..m' the duly elected. nll:l1~fipn "" . rt!L__ ,...., .. .-:......... !!Inn !lpti,.,N " /' ::- ~ - . - '- -< --... ~ - . / ST A TE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, } ss. // /