HomeMy WebLinkAbout705 '7:'~;~~Y:""\' .,,'-',' ? ""It'. l!-P"':"(;.'~'."= ""\'1',..""""".-. '-~?.;;\ 'S"~f~~ S"~"iw;'1f'.....,. "...r?"""'..... 'l..:.".:..'''''..''.''''.....:~~. .... m'~.- .......... '''!T(' '-"v, - . " 'L,~Y~) '/.'.~0....CJRJ5..1'ZlJ.. --,~. '- , - ~ '" ,~- .-4 _ ~ ~ .'-':-_....-<- rl05 o R DIN A N C E NO. 70Jr AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of all that portion of C street N. E.I from Main Stree~ East to the interseotion of said C Street N. E. with Auburn Avenue, by the grading and temporary grav- elling the full width thereof, exolusive of any existing sidewalks, and the doing of suoh other work as may be neoessary in oonneotion therewith, all aooording to plans and speoifioations on file with the Ci ty Clerk and in aooordanoe with the Resolution providing for Looal Improvement Distriot No. 98; approving and adopting said plans and speoifioations; oreating Looal Improvement Distriot No. 98 and Looal Improvement Fund, Distriot No. 98; providing for the assessment of the oosts and expenses of sucr. improvement upon the property in said distriot; and providing for the payment thereof by bonds of said dis- trict. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That all that portion of C Street N. E., from Main Street East to the interseotion of said C Street N. E. with Auburn Avenue, be improved by the grading and temporary gravelling the full width thereof, exolusive of any existing sidewalks, and the doing of suoh other work as may be necessary to properly oomplete said improve- ment, all aooording to plans and speoifications for suoh improvements prepared by the City Engineer, under the direotion of the Street Com- mittee of the City Council of the City of AUburn, and now on file in the offioe of the City Clerkl whioh plans and speoifioations for such improvement are in aooordanoe with the Resolution providing for Looal Improvement Distriot No. 98. Seotion 2. That the plans and specifioations tor suoh impt6~e- ment, prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the offioe of the City Clerk be and the same hereby are approved and adopted. Seotion 3. That the oosts and expense of said improvement, in- oluding all neoessary and inoidental expenses shall be borne by and assessed against the property inoluded in the assessment distriot here- inafter oreated aocording to law. The City of Auburn shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of the oosts and expense of sa.id improvement exoept as herein provided. Seotion 4. Tnt there is hereby established a local improvement distriot to be oalled Looal Improvement Distriot No. 98, whioh said distriot is desoribed as follows: "All of the property between the termini of that portion of said C Street N. E. proposed to be improved as afore- said and on eaoh side thereof, abutting upon, adjaoent, vioinal or proxiU'.u.te to sUOh portion of said C Street N. E. to a distanoe baok of t~e margina,l lines thereof as pro- vided by law. Seotion 5. That said improvement shall be made by the City of Auburn under the direotion of t:t,e City Counoil thereof or suoh oommittee or persons as the City Counoil may designate. Seotion 6. That there is hereby established in the Treasury of the City of Auburn a fund to be known as "Looal Improvement Fund, District No. 98". That all moneys paid into the City Treasury of the City of Auburn on aooount of the costs and expense of improvements in said distriot shall be paid into and credited to said fund, and that all warrants drawn or issued by the City of Auburn in payment for im- provements in or expenses against said district shall be drawn upon, and payable from said fund. ," f ? -{. ~ '! ,...- ~ '"* -'"., r- I Section 7. Payment for said improvement shall be made in the . first instance by warrants drawn upon said Looal Improvement Fund, wlloh warrants shall bear interest at the rate of seven per oent per annum. ! Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per oent per annum payable ! ~~! on or before twelve years from the cate of said issuanoe shall be issued ! . :~ in payment of the costs and expenses of said improvement, which bonds , . . shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be livied \: :.:, ,,2 I and assessed upon the property with in said di strict, payabl e in ten ~. equal annual' installments with interest at the rate of seven per oent ..~ ci per annum, under the mode of "Payment by Bonds" as defined by baw. 2 ~ Such bonds shall be sold and redemption of warrants made in oash. ('.J L-.:...i <I) >- co Seotion 8. The City Treasurer shall, upon reoeipt of an assess- ment roll therefor, publish a notice in the offioial newspaper of the City of Auburn for two oonseoutive weekly issues that suoh roll is in his hands for oolleotion and that any assessment thereof or any portion of any assessment may be paid at any time within thirty days from the date of the first publioation of said notioe, without interest, penalty or cost, and that unless payment be made wi thin suoh time the sum re- maining unpaid thereafter may be paid in equal annual installments, the number of which annual installments shall be two less than the number of years whioh said bonds are to run,' with interest on the whole unpaid sum so oharged at the rate of seven per oent per annum, payable annu- ally, and eaoh year thereafter, one of suoh installments, together with the interest thereon due and on all installments thereafter to be00J11e due shall be oollected in the manner provided by law, and unless payment be made at the time, such installment or installments shall bear interest at the rate of seven per oent per annum and shall be oolleoted and the lien thereof enforoed in the manner provided b~ law. Seotion 9. Further provision shall be made by the City Counoil for the levy and oolleotion of the assessments herein provided for and for the assuanoe of said bonds im payment of the ooat and expense of said improvement, suoh provision to be made from time to time by Ord- inanoe. Seotion 10. That tt~is Ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in foroe five days from and after its passage, approvel and pUblioation as required by law.. U;i~ _ . c~ Published k~ 1930. ~ntroduoed ~::-",Ma.y 20, Passed ~3"W;~" AJ9-, APprove~, ~ Mayor 1930. 1930. 1930 . ;.:t'i. - ,",,~ , I;. Approved as to form May. 30, 1930. ?t ~ r CZ c; CU/iL City Attorney---