HomeMy WebLinkAbout718 "",""',,, ','':. """'-""'~':',."-,, '," ........, _r,"'_ _~,t..""",_.,_, ' '. ',':'" . 1'."."., ~ r ' "; !. -,.,... '''L~ ,-~. ..... -~",. ~::'~~!,~>~~~-":,,~-'--x.c;,'''~~r.~~i~~-:-'''-:''''- t .. -.'" ;..-:" ---~..... .4 ,. r ~ SECTION ....1::;:=-~........._..._._. ! l' "r"I\Piro 1 //,..._h\)l.. : !3 ,~:o _.,. ..."1:::..'1:::: )7 718 ORDIllAlJCE ITO. II~ AN ORDPTATTCE DIP..ECTllTG the bringing and prosecution of a.ctions in the Su:perior Court of the state of '7ashington, for the County of King, to foreclose the liens of certain delinquent local iml')rovement assessments or installments or installment thereof levied by the City of Auburn. ' f"<"""~"'---T\..' year 1927 ~~~S/a;~e t~:g~~;~;::; ~~ ;~~d S~~~~e 0~p~~~~~~~0:~nA~~ the \ \ ! (being Chapter 275 of ~Ghe Fashin{--;ton session Laws of 1927) providing, I.... l,. \ I., among other ~hings, for the foreclosure of loca.l improvement assess- ! ~:'" ~!.1...' ments by~.Y!~J~~efined method of proc.edure, and req1?-iring each city I : '.' ; I or town on ~ :J:J.rst day of Jan1J.ar~,r of any year two 1.nstallments il)f i :" ~i i. any loc~ improvement 8.GSeSSElent shall be delinq,uent, or the final t \ 1 'tit installment thereof ~",r;' 'i '12ve been delinQuent for more than one I j.. .11 year, to institute an a.ctiOn on or before the first day of March of l~. '. 1 such year or on or be,foresuch other day in such year as ma;:,r be -lfixed by general ordinance in the proper Superior CODTt to foreclose lsuc11 delinQD~nt assessments or installments thereof; and t ,"_w._"._~J ''TJ.{Ii]lE.t\.S) such an action, to-wit, an omnibus L. I. D. fore- closure suit was instituted by the Cit;:,r of Auburn in the year 1929 and prosecuted to final judgment aritconsiderable property was sold pursuant to the judgment of the court rendered therein; and l'J1D:mEl'-;'SJ no such action Vias instituted. by the City of Auburn in the year 1930 orhas as yet been instituted by the city in the year 1931; and \~iHEREA.S/ this City Counc il is of the opinion that to in- stitute such an action at this time, dUTing the latter part of the year 1931, and to institute another such action on or before :VTarch 1, 1932, would be an unnecessary duplication of expense to the City of Auburn and, in view of the general world wide financial depression, would not be for the best interest of said city or those holding local improvement bonds issued by said city; Now, Therefore, THE CITY comrcIL OF ~1H:IT: crey OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLI,OWS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer of the City of Auburn be, and he hereby is, instructed and directed to, on or before the 1st day of March, 1932, initiate proceedings on behalf of said city in the manner provided by Section 9386 of Remington's Compiled statutes of Washington, 1922, as amended by Section 5 of Chapter 275 of the laws of TIashington of the year 1927, to foreclose the liens of all local improvement assessments of the City of Auburn upon property upon which two or more installments thereof shall be d.elinquent on the 1st day of January, 1932, or upon which the final installment thereof shall be d.elinquent for more than one year on the 1st day of Jal11J.ary, 1932, or upon which the entire assessment when paJ-aole ullder- the "immediate payment plan" shall be delinCluent for more than one year on the first day of January, 1932, and with such legal assistance as the City Council may provide, to proceed vJith such foreclosure in the manner provided by said Section 9386 as amended as aforesaid. Section 2. That the City 1Teasurer of the City of Auburn also be, and. he hereby ~18o is, instructed and directed. to, on or before the 1st day of Harch, 1933, and annually on or before the 1st; day of Harch of each ';)rear thereafter, institute proceedings on beha1f of said city, in the manner provided by Section 9386 of Remington's Compiled statutes of '7ashington , 1922, as amended by Section 5 of Chapter 275 of the laws of Washington of the year 1927, to foreclose 7 7-..........", '~""....'" , ..- -"'';~~,~.../r,.~"~~.,~,,,,:,,,,,~!:.:~~.',~;r~~~-'~'~'" '~:~[ ~ "- ; " . .. ~",-' -.:I '1 ,... the liens of all local improvement assessments levied by the City of Auburn upon property upon which two or more installments thereof shall be delinquent on the 1st day of January, next preceding the initiation of such proceedings, or upon which the final installment thereof shall be delinquent for fibre than one year on the first day of January next preceding the initi&tion of such proceedings, or upon which the entire assessment when payable under the "immediate payment plann shall be delinquent for more than one year on the first day of January nex.t preceding the initiation of such proceedings, and with such legal assistance as the City Council may provide, to proceed with such foreclosure in the manner provided b~r said section 9386 as amended as aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. ..lJ~-'''',,''' Introduced: September 15, 1931. W- Passed: ll~/l, 1931. /J c:T Ar)proved:~/~t0-v /7 -, 1931. T , ~~. =:cz;/ - ""'/~_/ tnyor ~a' ~ /~k A PFR OVEn AS ~' 0 1;10RM ~A<'~. , , torney. /, ~ ;?~ lief /f3/ S'