HomeMy WebLinkAbout724 , . . .., 724 (IlDINlNCE. NO. ..l3...1i.- AN (JlDDlA:JCE prOT141ngfor "1\. low*rmg of 'tihe .sta.blfshe4 grade of "D"8'tl'e.t. 8. m. 111 theClt1()fA:Q.b_~ It.... t4.~18ht.of- wa7 :of the lforthemP&el~lo Rail...,. OO.trepeal1Dg or41naXlo. NO.. 21~>d of the ord1l1aJ1oes of t,heOltl of Auburn insofar al5..14oH1.rla.Do.~.~,~',> 2~6 effeots the grade o:r "D", . street s. E... at _.' 14. po1:tt..',. >.:ana.. ..801.. m.. .:,ft.'.!Ii';' ana. "'..der1ng..fue,a bluepr. .., m. t mar. ked 'BPJ:. .... b;l.t "J.1Tpr.e.~.ed..,.........~i';lr_. '."". .'. : Engineering Depe.rtment of said raIlway oompany tl.tl4erdate ot'Jl&y 24, 1932,show1ng prOp,Oaedgll&<<. rev1slon Of "l''' SVEtet 8.E. be.t~een 6th and 4th street. S. B. WFm&BlS 1t lsnow proposedtouten4"C'"Str..'t s..~, the .01tyofA:u.b~ aoros. the rlght-ot-w..,., of'_. :lort_n Pao ~,~. Ra11W8.7 co. and 'to...,. ea14"C"S't;re.t 8...1 '.uti . l'.IlfBUU saldlforthern Pao1floRaU-.y Co. ~Op08..tO 1,"'1' lts.. traoks aDdbr~e8 O"f'erthe .tr.......t ... 4......... of _14"1)11 ~.. .... ... Jf. ana.ot -.14. ~C" It~e.. et . S. E., 1"_. '.1D<<. 1'8 u:ia'1D6br:l4ge '&lid. ~il" . b_tl1s of euoh br14gectrer thegraA.. 01...14 "''D" 'Street 8. 1I..P~.1- mate17 two feet:an4 .... . WHDtElB .,uDh lowering of .1d tr60ks..a br14gee d".t4 . Northern Paottie Rallwat 00. are d..me4 t~. be.fpubl1Q .int.eat .ant tor a publio iQrov8lllea't: aM . .' WID!BEAS11 1. 4.,..4 11eo. saar)" t1*t. ~he Q lea.ranoe on ea14., "n" Str.... t.. .S.E'. tm.. 4&!t. t.b. ..,.... b.rt4ge...... O....f..... the..lfOt'.. '.' .... '.'.. ft. ..efM.... ....'J!a. '0.lt18. Ra i1. _. 100_.. ' aorosB.~ ftD" !'treet. .;,J:;., ~~.r SQ.oh br1a.,e eJh8,11h.:,.e lIeu,<lower.a.. shall be... grea.t &8 "Mol_ranee '.'tth. pr's8nt tatl' . I'OW ,TKatuoa:a. THE CI!J!.Y COO'I'(lIL OI~D Cln ~'.AU,BURlf,1)~l ORDAIN AS FOLLO'RS: 81ot1O'11 l~ lnat.tlu! existlngsr-de. of"D" streetS-,ll. ...tJt theel ty of Aub'U1'n ,.heft the same .,eea:uM.8..the pre..nt(1I'.'llJ..n l).q~1cb~1~ ~o~o.. ...:1.4 ".tr..... shall b. ani. the." hereb7'. -..... 1"''''.4 twO'. f.,.'" "...,1. .I....h .P1'OP. ...lOW._.... ....... ;-_.f. '.i,.th...' .~...Ae ot_1d.~r..~.. ~1at.l'h01"h',_ s.mm....tat.17$0ub: th'~"9t tQoontO!'m wltl1.0li lowering O'f "'wote.... i' . .', ,: leot10n 2. !hat !n$otar a8 this ora.t~tlQ.t.1n OOfJ.:O.lIt" wlth the prOTisl0l18.of or41na.noe .0'.816 of the ora.s..no.,. at. 'heel" i of J:a.burn p&...a.'antary 6. 191' J .14 Ol'd~n()elo. 21& "ea_the . sam. hereby- i. repealed. . Atte.'.~8 ......4../ '/ .../~,' ..' , . LA/;It1/ ~~.tv I S8Otion 3. !battba'lQuta1nblue pr1ntJ~ked Exh1.b1t.';'~ff prel*rK'by th"~~'DB 4'~f..t Of th....,.JIUn.qt(~o...,...,. Co. at seattle 'tmd. ~at. Of lfay t4 t 1911. .....OIJ..,'proP.~..:_.. ....' 1'&...1.10J1 Of "D"fI1;r..t 8.,11. 'between 5th ..atr.etS.. 1:. .... '''fl,.',., ........' s.l. onaaoajntot tutll!'. . lower1ng ~ ..... tn.. rn_aU. 10 traot .t"j.'tI1111ra'; WashingtOll be and the __ hereby ls approved ana. orAered ftleA .1'11' . the Oity Olerk of the Oity of Auburn. . !Hts ORDINlNC..ll tak.eUeot and 'ein :torQef1'V..(Gl.~~ from anc1.atter its passage. approval anI. Pl1blioat1on &8 r'lui:t"M__J'_~i ,,' ,- ;. c"" ,'. " ',",J"f',:,' D!Nl ootrOD .J'tU1e 'I ..19S1 PASSED '. J'Ul1e '1,,"1988. APPROVllD .... .J'1;Lne ''I, 191~. .. .' . .... .' . . ........ ..... .' . .~.,..... ~. ". '" '. .... ......... ".~ ..~............~. .................~.....'~.................;-. . 'Tor ..:.; . City . Clerk. . . ' [. I j'or the' ...' . . .~~~~~~~".;:..~~:;:;;~~~ -.... .,:,:",,{, - AflIPe'tltl a8 t.o forti ~~. V.....<..... .' ..... .~. . ..' .... Y.l. . .,. .... ..... ~ "J.lII'I' Publ1sh",'ue 9.1932. '~t;2;";,.I:i::; .,i;,~<:,:"r' t: . STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, } .s. ~ I, __m_____Y'-.___R~___13_~j,M~~---------.-----------n---nn----mm-m-m-' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, f-~ ~ ;1 " true and correct copy of Ordinance Noo___2Un_nm__, of the ordinances of the said The City of Ii...:.. .~ Auburn, entitled "AN ORDIN ANCE np.~_~.~~~__f.9.~__J~m~.-Wt~-~>>-8-.9.-f--~~---~~~~:b-U~~n grade ot'])'Sj~* 8.&.1n theCi.",.t AubU1'Jl across t-he ri.ght-of-way of the northern Paoifio Railway Company, repaalillg Ordinanoe no. 216 of the ordinanoes of -. the- -aTtY- . o-t--Aubiiriin In80 far --aii' 'salir--O-:i'd:fnano-e-l~o -~-- -216'-e-tfeo-ts -- the --grade-' 0 j' --- ---- 'D' Street S.E. at sald polnt, and approvl!lg and ordering filed a blue print ifUU'ked--EXhlbl-t--t"A"---preparea- 'b"1-..the- -Engil1~Elrtng--Depart!lent--o"f-- sata'-- -ratlway-- oompa~ under date of May 24, 1932, showing pro}JOsed grade revision of tDt Street G.E. between--5th--and--41;h--stre-ets-- -S.-E.-- -- ----------- --- .- --.. ---- --- -- - -- - -- ----- ----.- -.- --- --- - -..- - -- --. -- -- - -- -- -.- - --- -- - -- - - - -- -. - - -.- -. _ _ ~.. _ _ _ _ __... _. _ _M _____. __ ____._ ------ -------~-.-._-- ----- -- -- --- --- -.. ... - -- --. -- - ---~ - -- - ~~~ - -~ ~~ - - - - - --~ - -~- -. - -~ -- -~- + ~~... - - -.. ~ - --+ - - ._+~ - -.. - - - -~ - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -~ -.. - -- - -.. -- - - -. - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -- - - - - ~ - --. - - -.. - ~ - - - -. - - - -. - - - - - - - -. - - - - -. - -. - -. - - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -. - -. ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - -- - - ~ I further certify that said Ordinance No. ____724______00_ was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said The City of Auburn, and published as provided by law in The Aubur.n__Glo_be!'"'Republ.ioan.-noo.-oo-m-oo--.m--m-oooo--oo-m' a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the .___oonoo_.oo_9_th____moo__________oom_m__day of - --_:___.____-_:____,~~~__n___._moomoo___oo.___________._, A. D., l@.nno Witne.s~ my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this n_______________n__________n_.____nn_n__ ....:./ '- - .... ... ..=:."n:i.3rd..-....nm... day of ......Jw:JSm..:.7..//7mm.... .., A. D., 1!ll3...... (SIgned) ____oo__oo~ct/--d-, ____ _. .__ __ ---- .- - _________n______nn_n__ City Cler of the City of Auburn. L.l:.SLIE PUBLISHING co., &.20.1:8-2150