HomeMy WebLinkAbout0750 1, l' ..~, . . < .1 .... CRDm',:~,,;,: ;~o. 750 .' t.I: ORTII1L'.!!'.rs ;!i:dnr t.he amot1nt~ of tax levies !J()O:Js~...ry to raise the r.mQunts of the elltitnated e~:penititur&s of the J1t~' of :.urt'.rn for the year 19M, lel'>~ the tot~.l of the est.i.lJt'. tad revenue frOM oouroes other than tll.xct1on, 1nolud.inc Jl,wl1'-.blEl :rurpluz:, and st::)h exPenditu1'es as are to be miSt from blinds anil. ~r.r!'E'.nt issuec, and. thO a::::penditures for s::.lrl,riEls (' '1/1 ':m,':es, mL'1tenrmQ.o, opert~t1on !:.rul oc.pitt\l O\ttJ,r.,y. of ana for the Public Librr,ry of ~he ;;U:' of t.-cburn, nl1 for the yer.r 19Z4. Dhareas, the City Jwno11 of the City 0:; !.\'bwn r,a!! he1'"to- fore, purSUAnt to the provisions of Chapter 3.68 of tr.e sesn10n I,(!.\'!s of the state of ','o.shin,,":ton for the ye~r 1923, o.no, the lo.~'o, o:!'e~i.d state sUP.rlemental thereto f'.ni1\motJ.il.~tory t1tet'eof, d1:.l~' f1%e<1 l'.nd determined. se:.~rf'ttely each item of the b11il:['et of tha .C1ty of Auburn for the year 1934, and by o:!;'.1.Lnt\nOO il.u1:-- r..c.o:rpted c~ld bwl~ot r~n so f1%ea and aete~nineJ: an~ 1/ '.:harer-a, the Jaunty A3seasor Of K1~...~ C01Ulty, ,;!"_3hin"'ton, h"'\g duly oert ifieil. that the totc.l ",cllessed vall'!'. Hon of all of the :property situ.,,"'\te r;ith1n the :;:resent oorPQtl:.te 111!\1"ts of the C1ty of +'.uburn, as eqUB.lize.l ",nil. fixod b:r the Count;, r.n~ Stnte 1300.1'11.0 of :':Q~1i;!\at1on :Cor the year 1933, 1s,1 ,495 ,271.00: r.nd ~;here!\s, still bu,dget heretoZore f1%ed '\n~l detert1ined and. adopted by ord~.nce r.s aforesaid ;?rov1il.es for tlte i'ollocrin,: expend1tures durina the year 1934, v1z: . :'a ~.1l\r"1es and \irc"'eS ,!:lltt'ntem-Me, op~t1an c.n4 oapite.J ou.tll'.y of e.nd <:01' the Puhl10 Libl'1\ry_ofthe City of_:.u.burn -- -- -- -- .. 2,026.25 from uhieh th3re is to be ae~ucted eeti- ttl,ted r~ceipts from fines, etp. -- -- -- 16,:).00 ..~ leavinG to be re.isell by- to.X!".tion 1l$1nst r.ll of the tt.:rx:~le property 01: the C1tZr 01! Auburn the IlW1 of -- ...,- -- -- -- -- -- ~- -- -- ~- 1,866.25 1/ :"5 interest nn.d 8~in:: tunG, for .llU1l101p:\1 bulldinc bon,is -- -- -- .- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- :':~ ,553.66 1\11 of \thioh in to be l'cicc.1 by tt\:):!',Hon o..-:;t.11ot all of the to.::t1'.ble li'roPf.lrt:, of tl1e city &!. ~\u;,'-v:'n: As interest (.nd. -re.:emption i'\1nll D.n": surplus for pt:.r}c .fl":lI'!,o!!es -__ -- -- -.-. -- -- -- ,.- -- -. -- -- . '1 ,34':3. '70 all o:.~ ~!1;1oh is to ';)6 l'.:,isod 0:' t(\:.>;r,tion :,,"r'.1:tst 0.11 0:: the te.::able :'11'C1:e1't:< of the c it:' of ,\\.1.,JUrn; "'r~: city rrol'erty allsese;::-mt re,1eJ~,I}tion. f111l1\ - -- 1. ,016.10 ~ll o:r \ihioh is to b ~ I'!'.1110d 0" tt',:'tZ. tiOl! !\Cf'-1a:;t l\~1 of tho t:,::I".ble !It'o .'lrt~. 0:: tho 0 it.' 0:: '.l'hurn: >I ':.'111 !IS o\l.rrent expend it\'NlS of tr.o c it:" Qf;'.:uburr. for an.: ".8 c.;:.J,I".rios and "J['.-e:a, M,~nten:::'nlie ".n" orer--,t10n ,ut c~\~,ittl.: ou.t11.Y, H~tO:C' '0. 'Jllt1nc the.re:"ron tho<;! ~$tir;l'lt'e(l revep:u~s 1.'1'0'1'.... Ml1I'O~S otr~!' thtt'!l. t~..Xr.1"'i.o:.~ i1'lclul:ln,:: ~v~,ll:~ble n1;l!'.1\.-:.:. the a:;m ~.: ...,. -"'!" ~'~ .....0;.... -_ -- -... -- -- -. ,..:. -- -,. --- _.- -, l~ ,4,r.3.65; "' T"'C ,. ~~'::..:t\.~. ~, '''; ~-~:y .,:CC!\~:t 0 .!:~:-!.1 ~,I"'" r~.." 4 ~ ~",'~ '0 c:n,'.m J'..S "'CJ,T,C' '<:l: .. S~ot1on 1. T.h~.t in 01:'101' to rQ.1.~o vP ~U:' i4~ >~,S66.::-: '"o~"~ '.',--........t ~~ "'h"" '.u'-11c '1'~,.,.,,,, 0'" th~ ci"." 0" .,','.'n I' -- ..L.... ,:.....;..:J ,;).l.tZ'.:t:'i.1.",- V.,L. lJ 'V +~ .i.J'. _,,~ ~.."., ..L. .L. ~ ..... .... "P J . .<.. c, .;!it~.l outlr.y 101' s~h libri".r;r, t!,C!'3 be t,:tJ. i::; bt'3:J,' lcvi~.: u:'on all 0::: the rc~l .~'1.l ;>ersour.l l:rof':lr-::, r:iM,b th:. ~:':"€ ~C;l't o.:t:"~'Ol-:t te .( .j.:~ . J { ii ,~ ~ -, , 'i ~"""}. 'I' -,. " {f " " , ., a. .r .,. .1,1 .. -t. ~v , :).1!'1lits 0:: the oity of Lub1!l."nt (,E. 'O;\0\7l!. \1lVJn t;'''6 (,c~"S'"'J.lntrolls 0:;: "in'" "o~t1 ....~J ''''-+-on .~..... tha "o....!. " .l""'" . t".... ro<~ 0'1" ~,.~ .... ~.... . ,......v '.~ i,J ~ v.. <.I.. r...J., ......J. ;Tv'-l,... .......... '""""'" J............ ,t ~ on"..,.tr.r eel lit). pilie l)n e~.(Jh !".~.\ evtlry G.ollc,:, o' · ;'0 ::ltc'.J htlJ. r. o::acs3c.l va-Iv;. t ion thero 0:'. S6Qtlon 2.. ~h".t in Q,;".Ol;' to re.lse ::r:..UJ, ':lU"'! of "':4. ,55s.€'5 ':'8 interest will. :::'e(l.e~~)tlon i'und. -lor f:\unic1Pc.l builrl,~ "iJon"_G, thero be l...M hereby is lev1e.d. u:po::J t,ll of 'he :re:\l r.w: ile:rcorr-.l J,ro-pertr 1:1th1n the present o01.'p..oro.te l1:1its 0;; tIt" olt;)-. of J..ubUi'n" ~:J 9ho~n tJ"<m tho ',seesSJ"lent 1'011,8 of 1:10..0 :,;QU,l1.1,~r, ,;'r.:Sh1n:;tOn, ;'.:or tQ.e ye";r A.. D. :1.933, ::l.S equal1zee. :On". ;~i.""'ed bJ the oount~. ".nil stc.te EC:-.ra.o of ~~t::I.lizr.t1on, ~.:'1. r/,l1tfone.1 tr.x of thr~e r.nl'.. Uve-hundrel!,tho (3 15/1c')1 IT. ill 0 on :,,".<:11 ~nd every dolJ.c..r' of tho ~(~ualil>eG. a:;sesse,1 valu'i1;;ion "thereof. Section 5. TlW.t in order to' rdoe t"c.U SU~~ e~ ,:1 ,34t . "to l!..l'l interest 1'.tld. rede1l\:'tion fund r.r.,1 oUl'!'l1.ll3 on f'rr:::: bonds, there be !'.nt'. is hereby levied 'Won r.ll of the renl r.n<i per!3<:nal prop"'lr\;r ~i:th:.n -the present oor J?ort~t~ limits o:f the 0 ity oi' :.uburn, !'.!3 shO\.n u!'on the v l';ssessment:rolls of K~ Co'mt;r, 1.:::-.sh1r ~on,. '\'1: e.d,Ht1onal tax Qj~ n1net:r-h'tmll.red.ths (90/100) of c. m.iU On el'.oh rnt every doll:--.:' 01'. the e'W""lized e.sse:6od vnl1..':l.t1on t;lcr3of. I Section 4. T~t in. ?r,ler to r::.ise t~id sum 0!,1,o-~5.10:'le and fer oity 'Property Clssesa7~nt;re6..ernj}tion fund, tl1E~ro .be r.!'d is hereby levied. \lpon t\ll of the rer.l nn: personr.l PJ':'o?:,crty \';I.th1n the present o01.'"porc.te 11mUa of th~ oit.,. of :..u'oUl'n, e.n a.n<rn \'J'On th~ assessment rolll3 of I:in-:; Oaun'';:!, ~~~sMn:t~, a.n l"...: cUt 1ona.l tax 0:" ~eventy:..huridreaths ('10/100) 0'1 tI. {nill. On eMi}: ~..tlil. oter:' dollt'.r of the e'tWlolbed t.csesllell. vulu:.tion t'~e:l."eof. Section 5. 'J:!~t in QI'u.er to rll.ic(} cay SUI" of .:.19,483.6;; to assiErt. in rileet1ne l.he our rent e:qJonseS and. e!:!,enil1tl,tl'oaof the 01ty ot Allburn for the- year 1934, there be r.na. it! heJ;'coy levied. upon t~l1 o~ the :ret'.:!. f.nd perucna.l property uith1n the prosent Gorll<lI't.t.e 11l:l:l.ts ot thee-ity of Auburn,&B sho\~71 u,':'l-On tho l1.ssessn:nt rolls of X1:n..1 COlmt~" "~shin:,:ton, :for th.e yell.r A.D. 19S5, an al.dit1oIr'.1 tn~ of thlrtaen ~nd five-hundredths (l~ 5/100) n111s on e~ch ~nd every dolln~ of the eql~~1zed assessea vnl~at10n tp~reof. , . / Intl:o.luced Cctober "" 1933 Pr.ssed October 5, 19:33 A?proved October e, 1S33. ,', tteat : 1#/4~ ..y erk . AY1.:::'oved t;~,.~or ros to ?orm o ~ +tV .... ls' ' 'G~J."llcJl" Pub113hed Ootober 6, 19~5. . . " .. ~ '.