HomeMy WebLinkAbout4570 RESOLUTION NO. 4570 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO INCLUDE A COPY OF THE PROGRAM IN THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM WESTERN WASHINGTON PHASE II MUNICIPAL STORMWATER PERMIT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2009 TO THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Ecology issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal stormwater systems; and WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Program; and WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Program is required to be updated annually; WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires submittal of an Annual Report which is to include a copy of the updated Stormwater Management Program. Resolution No. 4570 February 16, 2010 Page 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. That the updated Stormwater Management Program is approved for implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with the copy of the Program attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of the Program with the City's Annual Report to the Department of Ecology. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. ~ Dated and Signed this ~ day of~ , 2010. BURN ~J P`ETER B. LEWIS MAYOR A EST: i Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROV S TO FO a , )Rffy Attorney • Resolution No. 4570 February 16, 2010 Page 2 Resolution No. 4570 Exhibit "A" CITY OF AUBURN 2010 STORMWAIER MaivaGtiviENT PROGRAM , City of Auburn, WA March 2010 f4 "'~-.e.v1f'e~ . : -•1,=~~S~i''~'~.',~' . , ' ~;a.e sr.; ° f~t~' n"'~~' ~-~~1~t3!+1 YQLj I q ~t3 AtAG iN'~. ~ Table of Contents City of Aubum Compliance SVategy and Work Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS . ~ I 1. I NTRODUCTION 1-7 % 1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................1-1 ~i 11 Regulatory Background ...............................................................................................................................1-1 1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area ....................................................................................................................1-2 ; 1.4 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Compliance .........................................................................................1-2 ~ 1.5 SWMP Impiementation Responsibilities 1-2 . ; 1.6 DocumentOrganization 1-3 ~ 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION i 2-1 ; 2.1 PermitRequirements ...................................................................................................................................2-1 j 2.2 Current Compliance Activities 2-1 j 2.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Activities 2-2 ~ 3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 3-1 ' 3.1 PermitRequirements 3-1 3.2 Current Compliance Activities 3-1 3.3 Planned 2010 Compliance AcGvities 3-2 4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 41 I 4.1 PermitRequirements ...................................................................................................................................4-1 I 4.2 Current Compliance Activities 4-1 ' 4.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Ac6vities 4-1 5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION 5-1 ; 5.1 PermitRequirements 5-1 ; 5.2 Current Compliance Activities 5-1 5.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Actlvities 5-2 i 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION SITES 6-1 ( 6.1 Permit Requirements 6-1 6.2 Current Compliance Activities 6-2 ~ 6.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Activities 6-2 7. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS........... 7•1 7.1 Permit Requirements 7-1 : 7.2 Current Compliance Activities 7-1 ! 7.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Activities 7-2 ; 8. MONITORING 8•1 ' 8.1 Permit Requirements 8-1 ~ 8.2 Current Compliance Activities 8-2 ; 8.3 Planned 2010 Compliance Ac6vities 8-2 i . APPENDIXA ..............................................................................................................................................................A-1 r-~'rfl.°511`ACnii UrAlioiAS'&?dF'SlL1U l6 i itir`P"rA1UGYilimiLAv; . Table of Contents Ciry of Aubum Compliance Strategy and Work Plan Acronyms and Definitions from Permit .................................................................................................................A-1 ~ o.r.r_~i. .e,_....~u-S`hPlP90'i^.]'ILheil.d~. i i i LIST OF TABLES i ; Tabie 2-1. 2010 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan ............................................2-2 i Table 3-1. 2010 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan .....................................................................3-2 Table 4-1. 2010 Public Involvemen4 Work Plan .......4-2 1 Table 5-1. 2010 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan .......................................................5-2 ! Table 6-1. 2010 Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment, and ConsWction Sites Work Plan...... 6-3 i Table 7-1. 2010 Poliution Prevenlion and Operations and Maintenance Work Plan 7-2 ~ Table 8-1. 2010 Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan 8-2 I I i i I , i i i ~ ; I i ~ i i ; i I ~ :v .:plr :sF.'F~~.L„r~4 ~201C~>ubu:~gR~MF7.~~G7,1tCra`:=-s. CITY OF AUBURN 2010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 1. INTRODUCTION 9.1 Overview This document presents the City of Aubum's Stormwater Management Program (SV/MP). Pteparation and maintenance of this SWMP is xequired by the Washington State Depaztrnent of Ecology (Ecology) as a condition of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit (the Phase II Permit). T'he Phase II pemtit covexs discharges from iegulated small muniupal separate storm sewez systems (MS4s). Based on criteria outiined in [he Phase II Permit, Ecology considers the City of iluburn to be an opecatoz of a small MS4, and thereEore xequired to obtain pernut mverage. ~ Each muriidpality's pemut foz dischazging stormwater is designed ro reduce the dischaxge of pollucants, pcotect warer quality, and meet the xequicements of the fede=al Clean Water Act . Appendix A indudes acsonyms and defuutions from the Pexmit to help the reades undecstand the City's Stormwater Management Progxazn. 9.2 Regulatory Baclcground The Nadonal Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) permit pxogram is a requirement of the fedecaL. Clean Warer Act, which is intended to piotect and restore vratexs fox "fishable, swimmable" uses. The federaL Enviconmental Pxotection Agency (EPA) has delegated pextnit authoriry to state enviconmental agencies, and these agencies can set pesmit condidons in accordance with and in addirion to the minimum federal requixements. In Washingtoq the NPDES-delegated permit auchoriry is che Washington State Depaztment of Ecology (Ecology). Municipalities with a populadon oE over 100,000 (as of the 1990 census) have been designated as Phase I communides and must comply with Emlogy's Phase I NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit. With Auburn's 1990 census faLling below the 100,000 thzeshold, the City must comply with the Phase II Municipal Stormwater Pemut. About 100 othes municipalides in Washington must now comply with the Phase II PeLmit, along with Aubuzn, as operators of small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Ecolog}'s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit is available on Ecology's website at htro: / /www.ecy.wa.gov/oroaams hvqLtocmwater/municipal /ghaseIIww/wwphripermit.hunl The Pexmit allows muniupalities to dischazge stormwatet runofE Ftom municipal dtainage systeins into the state's watex bodies (e.g., stleams, rivers, lakes, wedands) as long as municipaliues implement pzograms to pmtect water qualiry by xeducing the dischaxge of "non-point source" pollutants to the "maximum extent practicable" (MEP) through applicadon of Permio-specified °best management pracdces" (BMPs). The BMPs specified in the Pennit aie collecdvely refecred to as the Stormwater Management Pcogram (S%VMI') and gzouped under the following Program componencs: ' • Public Education and Ouueach ° Public Involvement • Illici[ Discharge Detecrion and Eliminauon 1-1 H I,is Y.;RIV'%tltl .~'.orm'Hfn, i. If.ldrnir,Vq Wu :I::E:lqi 1. .:..w f Pe; .,d:9iCrn5.0a I ' 1: Introduction City of Aubum 2010 SWMP 0 Contiolling Runoff &om Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites • Pollution Prevention and Muniapal Operation and Maintenance i ° MOnitOxing , j The Permit issued by Ecology became effective on February 16, 2007, was modified on June 17, 2009 and j expues on Febmary 15, 2012. The Pemiit requices the Ciry to xeport annually (Much 3160 oE each yeaz) on 1 psogress in SWMP implementation for the pzevious yeaz. The Permit also xequites submittal of { documentation that describes psoposed SWNII' activities for the coming yeaz. This document contains the Ciry's pzoposed acuvides for 2010. Implementarion of various Permit conditions is staggeced thcoughout the 6ve-yeac Pennit term fxom February 16, 2007 through Februazy 15, 2012. The Pexmit will be xevised and ieissued at the end of this period. . ! 9.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area ; The Westem Washington Phase II Pemut applies to opeeators of iegulated small MS4s that discharge ~ stormwater to wafers of Washington State located west of the crest of the Cascade Range (wes[ of the eastem boundaries of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Lewis and Skamania counries). Foz ciries, the Pemvt xequirements extend to those azeas of each Ciry that drain to MS4s. Most of Aubum dzains to MS4s ~ that ultimately dischazge into the Green River, the White River, or Mill Creek. In addition, some poraons of I the City dLain to xegional infiltrabon basins. I,I 1.4 Total Maxemum Daily Load (TlVIDL) Compleance I The fedexal Clean Water Act requues that Ecology establish "Totat Maxunum Daily Loads" (I'NIDL) for ; rivers, streams, lakes, and marine waters that don't meet water quaGty standaxds. ATNIDL is a calculation of ' the maxtimum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standacds. ~ After the TNIDL has been calculated fot a given watec body, Ecology deteunines how much each soucce must xeduce its dischazges of the pollutant in oider bring [he water body back into compfiance with the water quality standazds. The Clean Water Act iequices that TIvCDL requirements must be icicluded in the NPDES ~ pemuts Eox dischazgeis into the affected water bodies. ' i Sroxmwatex dischazges covered under this permit aze iequired to implement actions necessary to acMeve the i pollutant reducuons called for in applicable'I'MDIs. Applicable TMDIs aie those appzoved by the EPA befoie the issuance date of the Pemilt oi which have been appsoved by the EPA prior [o the date the ~ Permittee's aPPhcadon was ceceived bY Ecolo$Y Informadon on Ecolo8Y's'I"NML ProBram is availa6le on I I Ecology's website ac www.ecy.wa.gov/oromams/wy/tmdl. i I The cuirent pemut does not contain any TTML requirements fox the Ciry of Aubum. However, Ecology ~ lias idenrified several water bodies that do not appeaz to meet the water quality standazds. If Ecology establishes T'NIDLs fox one ox moxe of these water bodies priox to 2012, the neact version of the Pexailt may contain addiuonal requixements specified in the 7'Mff>L. 1.5 SNi/MP /mp/ementation Responsibilities I The Utilides Engineenng Division in the Public l`Uoxks Depaitment cooxdinates the oveiall administrarion of `I eFForts ro comply with Peanit iequitements. The work plan tables in each Chaptu provide the lead depaztments foc the associated task. Other majoi depaivnents/divisions induded in the 2010 SWMPj unplementauon include Maintenance and Operations (M&O), Human Resoutces (HR), Development ~ EngineerinB, Peimit Center, Infonnation services (IS), and Parks. 'i I I 1-2 ' a F!,1 . v('I .1f'.I'c~~Jt rm If'Gf31f;'~Amut tr..m NYh~F51~1r ~.i ',~_i?r i r. AdP ~7 zii i.lzftdu; 1: InUoduction Ciry of Aubum 2010 SWMP 9.6 Document Organization The contents oE this document aze based upon Permit iequizements and Ecology's "Dtaft Guidance for City and County 1lnnual Reports for Western Washington, Phase II Munidpal Stormwatex Pemuts." The remainder oF this SWMP is or° ^i'ed similazly to the Peanir. ° Secrion 2.0 addresses Permit xequicements for administering the Ciry's Stoxmwater Management , Pzogzam for 2010. ° Section 3.0 addresses Pemut requirements for public education and outreach for 2010. • Section 4.0 addzesses Pemut cequiiements for public involvement and parncipadon for 2010. • Section 5.0 addcesses Pemut cequirements for illidt dischazge detecuon and elirxwiation for 2010. ° Section 6.0 addxesses Peimi[ requirements for controlling mnoff from new development, xedevelopment,-and construcrion sites for 2010. ° Section 7.0 addzesses Pemvt requirements for polludon prevendon and opexanons and maintenance for munidpal operarions for 2010. • Section 8.0 addzesses Permit requieements for the monitoring secnon of the Pezmit for 2010. Each secuon indudes a swnmary oE the relevant Pexmit ieqwxements, a description of current acdvides, and a table showing the planned acdvides for 2010. Tlils document also includes acronyms and deEuuuons from the Permit in Appendix A for easy reference. 13 .r~,l ~ Ifni ,.}ru_AuGuf-wlFiL;C'ttl j I ' CITY OF AUBURN 2010 ' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION I ~ , This secuon of the SWMP describes Pexmit xequitetnents related to ovecall Stormwater Management Progcam administration, induding de'saiptions of the City's cunent and planned compliance activities for I 2010. ! 2.1 Permit Requirements ~ ~ The Pemut (Secdon SS.A) zequires the City to: .I ° Develop and unplement a Stormwatez Management Program and pzepaze written documentation for I submittal to Ecology on March 31, 2008, and update the SWMP annually theseafter. The purpose of j the SWIvIP is to zeduce the dischaxge of pollutants fxom the municipal stormwates system to the i maxnnum extent psacucable and thexeby pxorect watex qualiry. • Submit annual compliance tepozts (foz the ptevious calendaz yeax) to Ecology on Mazch 31, beginning in 2008 that summarize the status of implementation and provide informadon fxom assessment and ~ evaluadon procedures collected during the reporting period. j • Coordinate with other petmittees on stormwatu telated poliues pcograms, and projects within j adjacent or shazed areas. j 2.2 Current Compliance 6lctivities i The Ciry has acuvides and programs that meet many of the Pemilt iequixements. The cuiient compliance acdvities associated with the Permit indude: i • The Ciry is on txack to comply with Ecology requirements fox submittal of SWMP documentarion by ~I Match 31, 2010. The Utilities Engineering Division is curxendy leading the development of the futute planned activities with input and support from several other departments. ' The City cteated an NPDES implementation managemen[ gxoup. The Ciry set up the sysrems Eor tracking tcaining. Trairung attendance is recorded and kept on file with Human Resouices. - ~ ! • The Ciry has defined its stsategy for cos[ tracking. Cost tracking is managed by staFf tecotding dme spent on Pentsst elements on theiu dmecazds using project coding numbets. Reports can be generated . by the Finance Department to determuie annual costs by elunent. i • The City has defined and unplemenreH a steategy for managing SOPs. SOPs axe available for staff use on the Ciry's Incranet. I ° The Ciry is pazticipating in a xegional education and ouueach consortium. StaEf has ensuced that the i City's educarion and outreach progxam will work in conceit with regional efFoits such as the Puget . Sound Starts Here caznpaign. ~ The City is on track to comply with Ecology's iequixements fot submittal of the third Annual i Compliance Report by March 31, 2010. I i z-1 P.L~~_~i, rl JC:I..,~fCm'b~'t31.Mrnlst a.-.a..F.,Fs?~7 tn Au'Vt i.uLrzf~':. 2. Stormwater Management Program Administration City of Aubum 2010 SWMP 2.3 P/anned 2010 Comp/iance Activities Aubum has positioned itself well to maintain compliance as Ecology phases in the future Permit deadlines. Table 2-1 pxesents the proposed work plan fox the 2010 SWMP adarinistcadon ac[ivities. ii ~ • ompli ce x sas: ID v Las, •Descnptio L~d~~ ~t,x Timefre Summarize annual activities for'Stormwater The $WMP and Annual SWMP-1 Management Program' component of Annual Repod; Utilities Compliance RepoA submittal - iCenliAi any updates to Pmgram d=ment Defir.e Enginsedng is due en or betere .^.darch process and rotes for annual updates for SWMP. 31st of each year. _ 2-2 rl ,.lj l :^m NFE I:. c~r;s ~,....'.~t.i ~C.P-.e0 J..u: ur t1:P i~ i r I;,^.e;; i ~ CITY OF AUBURN 2010 ; STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM i i 3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ~ I i This secdon describes the Pemut requizements related to public educaaon and ouueach, including ~ descxipuons of the City's cuaent and planned compliance acuviues for 2010. ; 3.1 Permit Requirements ; • 1 The Permit (Secdon S5.C.1) requires the City to: • Priontize and target education and outxeach acriviues to specified audiences, including the general I public, businesses, residents/homeownexs, landscapezs, propeLty managexs, engineexs, conuactoxs, i developexs, review staff and land use plannezs, and other City employees to reduce or eliininate behaviors and practices that cause ot contribute to advesse stormwatez unpacts. ~ • Have an outreach pxogram that is degigned to unptove the tazge[ audience's understanding of the ~ problem and what they can do to solve it. : i • Track and maintain records of public educauon and outteach ac[iviues. . ~ 3.2 Current Compliance Activities ~ The City has activiues and pzogzams that meet many of the Permit requirements. The cunent compliance activides associated with the Pexmit include: . Collaborauon with othec NPDES munidpalities thxough involvement in the Stoxmwater Outreach fot ~ Regional Municipalities (STORIV) integrated public education campaign, Puget Sound Sfarl.r Here. This cainpaign indudes pubGc service ads btoadcast locally and on cable tv and the website I~ www.pugetsoundstartshete.are/. I • Many of the cueient educarion and oucreach acdviues thai addcess stocmwater management aze ~j tazgeted at the general public, residents/homeoumeis, and some industries. Some of these pxograms aze listed below: ~ < Natuial yazd cace workshops i • Caz wash kits e Powexful Choices for the Environment : e Used motor oil and household hazazdous waste piogram i • Residential hazaxdous waste newslettex I • IGds day I e Watet Festival i • Gieen Schools progcam (district-wide) ~ • Household hazardous waste mobile i • Spring Clean-up (cucbside appliance pickup ) i I I 3-1 -!F•i!^c VR'L11j ph(E,slilv IFf,I51=?~irrn vi'SW~nF's7~1 sWPtYitpA.ii 96AF7,J'LOi 1 3: Public Education and Outreach City of Auburn 2010 SWMP • News lettet (quarterly or biannually) Eor business . • The City tracks its education and outreach effotts. . 3.3 P/anned 2010 Compliance Activities While the City has an existing stormwater public education and outreach program that meets most of the Permit cequiiements, some additiona] elements will be required. The Permit requixes prioritizarion of specific tazget audiences and subject azeas. The tazget audiences aze to include: " The genesal public ° Businesses (including home-based and mobile businesses) • Residents/homeownexs ° Landscapers ° Pzoputy manageLs ■ Engineers, contxactois, and developers ° City plan review staEf, land use planneis, add othex City employees. Table 3-1 pzesents the wotk plan fot the 2010 SWMP public education and outteach activities. ~ ~ • ~ ~ i : . ~ • y t • ;s, " _ s~~.~~,~~' Comp~l ance ; ;Task',I~D ~ ~Task;Descnption s, x~;'~'`~t~.. ` Tyi,meframe Continue collaboraUon with other NPDES Utilities EDUG1 municipalities to identify appropriate program Engineenng evaluationtechni ues. EDUP2 Refine educalion and outreach sVategy lo supplement Utilities exisling education activities. Engineering EDUC-3 Implement new or modify existing education and . Ulilities ouVeach activities. Engineering Staff training related to Surface Water Management Refinements to exisGng Manual Implementation(Techniral Standards public education and Permitting outreach activities are on- EDUC-4 • Plan Review Utilities • Site Inspections Engineering going. , • Maintenance Standards . Slaff training related to Low Impact Development EDUC-5 . WSU/PSP LID Technical Workshop Series Utilities WSU liD Certifcate Proram Engineering , EDUC-6 Develop strategy and process to evaluate Utilities . underslanding and adopGon of target behaviors. Engineering Summarize annual activities for'Public Education and The SWMP and Annual -EDUC-7 Outreach' component o( Annual Repod; identify any Utilities Compliance RepoR submitlal . updates to SWMP. Engineenng is due on or before Mamh . 31 st of each yeac 3-2 l°.II'.~ulr.:n!5' a..Lr...:'.' 1-00"FZ11 h.FZ0.re.,. D 3 2 ldGE i I i ~ CITY OF AUBURN 2010 , STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM ~ 4: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT I i ~ I' This section describes the Pemut xequirements related to public involvement, including descripaons of the City's current and planned compliance acdvities for 2010. 4.9 Permit Requirements The Peunit (Secuon S5.C.2) requires the City to: 2 Pzovide ongoing opportunities for public involvement thiough advisory boacds oz comailssions and watershed wmmittees, and public pudcipaaon in developing rare suuctures and budgets, stewazdship programs, environmental acrions, o= othei similu acdvides. The pubGc must be able to parridpate in the decision-making pzocesses, induding development, implemeatadon, and update of the SWMP. ~ • Make the SWMP and Annual Compliance Report available to the public, by posting on the Ciry's website. ~ Make any other documents required ro be submitted to Ecology in xesponse to Pemilt condiuons i available to the public. ~ i 4.2 Current Compliance Activities i The City has acuviries and pLOgxams relevant to the public involvement iequuement. These acuvides aze summarized below. The Ciry has defined a series of public involvement acdviries intended to meet the Permit reqtiremeats for public involvement in development of the Stormwatez Management Program. This pxocess involves I~ pxesenting the citaft SWMP to the Planning and Communiry Development.(PCDC) and Public Woxks (PWC) Committees. The City vrill then have a public hearing and pxesentarion to the City Council.. ' The City will make the Stormwatei Management Pxograzn document and Annual CompGance Report available ro the public on the City website. . ~ 4.3 Planned 2090 Compliance Activities j ~ The Ciry of Aubum has a history of including the public in decision malung. Table 41 below pxesents the ' work plan foi the 2010 SWMI' public involvement activities:. I ~ I ~ ~ ~ i ' I I 4-1 R:?us ?s.,a~:esls~.MdGrLSrnGinn a 1sN:A!Gi: I.;rra:R2o1e i u APiF2G :I .r.G.:lo; I 4: Public Involvement City of Aubum 2010 SWMP i i • i plia ce : Task ID Task • e.scKip n l.ead Go~ •Imeftame. PI-1 Provide public involvement opportunities for annual Utilities SWMP updafe. Engineering Public involvemenl Make SWMP document and AnnuahCompliance opportunities will be available PI-2 Report available to public by posting on the City Ufilities before 3/31/2010 submittal. website. Engineering Summarize annual activities for'Public Involvement The SWMP and Annual PI-3 and Participatiod component of Annual RepoA; Utililies Compliance RepoR submitlal identify any updates to SWMP. - Engineering is due on or before March 31 st of each year. . i. 42 ,..a., uAc,r,.ur i F.~i-_oF'1 Cni•,"a: I ; j ~ j CITY OF AUBURN 2010 ; STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM ~ ~ 5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION This secuon describes the Pemut re ' ~ quueme❑ts celated to illicit dischazge detecrion and elimination (IDDE), including descriptions oE the City's current and planned compliance activiues for 2070. i ; 5.1 Permit idequirements i The Pemvt (Secdon S5.C3) xequizes the City to: • Implement an ongoing progxun to detect and temove illiut dischazges, connecuons, and impioper disposal, including any spills into the murudpal separate storm seweis owned ot operated by the Ciry. ,I • Develop a stortn sewei system map, have ordinances that pcohibit illicit discharges, and czeate a i progxam to detect and addiess illicit dischacges. j ' Publicly list and pubGcize a hotline ox other local telephone numbec fox public zepozring of spills and ! othes illicit dischazges. Txack illicit dischazge ceports and acuons taken in response through dose-out, ' ~ including enfozcement acuons. ~ • Train stafE on propec IDDE xesponse SOPs and munidpal field staff to tecognize and ieport illicit j - dischazges. • Sumcnarize all illicit discharges and connecdons reported to the City and xesponse actions taken, including enforcement actions, in the Annual Compliance Repom, identify any updates to the SWMP. ; 5.2 Current Comp/iance Activities ; I The City cuirendy has activities and pzogtams that meet many of the Peimit requirements. The current ~ compliance acuvities associated with the Permit indude: - l • The Ciry has completed some of the mapping requited fox the Permit. The City also has an SOP fot ) keeping the municipal sepacate storm sewei system map and inventory up-to-date. :.1 • City codes and standatds already have secuons that address the tequued illicit dischuges and uvil ~ infcactions. i ° Citiiens can report illicit dischazges or illicit dumping using the published spill hotlirie numbes or any oE the phone numbers published by the Cicy. The calls aze routed ro Operauons and Maintenance : where they are cecorded and distributed to the appxopriate xesponse authority. ° The Ciry ttacks spills, illicit dischazges, and inspecdons. i • The City has chosen to use CazteGtaph as its issue tracking and resolurion system. I •"I'he City cxeated an IDDE cesponse and enforcement SOP. i ~ I . i ~ 5-t I"mmAj,.....nI..on6r2:0 UFur'tiA.GF,' .[ilGrett.d I 5: Illicit Discharge Detection and Eliminatlon Cily of Aubum 2010 SWMP 5.3 Ptanned 2010 Compliance Activities The City will need to update cucrent IDDE efforts in oxdex to maintain mmpliance as the Pemut zequirements take effect. Table 5-1 presents the work plan for 2010 SWIvfP illicit dischuge detecuon and eliminauon activities. % . . ~ ' ~ .r. ia: ~Tr s~ f;,~ , tiT~as KDescri tion " , ~ ~'Ti d IDDE•1Define~and implement City-wide IDDE Program and Ulilities Program development to be develop any necessary supplemental IDDE acGvities. Engineering completed by 8119/2011. Continue fo review and update slorm system map to Utilities Maps to be compieted by IDDE-2 address data gaps and Permit requirements. Engineering 02116/2011. Train all municipal field staff , which as part of iheir - ' nortnal job responsibili6es, mighl observe an illicit Utilities . Training must be conducted IDDE-3 discharge or illicit connection to recognize illidt Engineering, by 2/16/2010. discharges and connecfions and the proper HR rocedures for re ortin IDDE-0 Prioritize receiving waters for visual inspection Utilities By 2116/2010 Engineering . Complele assessment field IDDE-5 Conduct field assessmenis of three high pnoriry water Utilities work prior to 2/1612077 and . bodies Engineering then one high priority water body each year thereafter. Summarize annual aclivities for "Illicit Discharge The SWMP and Annual . IDDE-6 Detection and Elimina6on" component of Annual U6lilies Compliance Report submittal Report; identify any updates to SWMP. Engineenng is due on or before March . 31st of each year. 5-2 i:PJE:e/f:l i _ , ; , I CITY OF AUBURN 2010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ~ 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, I REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION SITES i This section describes the Pemut requirements related to controlling runoff &om new deve]opment, , iedevelopment, and'construcuon sites, including descripuons of ihe Ciws current and planned compliance ~ acdviues for 2010. I I 6.1 Permit Requirements I The Pemut (Secdon S5.C.4) xequires the City to: M Develop, unplement, and enforce a piogzam to zeduce pollutants in stounwater zunoff (i.e., illicit dischazges) to the municipal sepazate stoan sewer system from new development, redevelopment, and construcuon site acrivides. The pzogram must apply to both private and public pxojects, induding i xoads, and addzess all consuvcuon/development-associated pollutant sources. ~ • Adopt zeguladons (codes and standards) and implement plan zeview, inspecuon, and escalating enfozcement SOPs necessaty to implement the pxogxam in accozdance with Pemnt conditions, including the :nuumum technical requizements in Appendix 1 of the Pemuc . ~ • Pxovide piovisions and (plan review, inspecdon, and enforcemenc) SOPs to allow non-strucmcal i preventive actions and source zeducdon approaches such as I.ow Impact Development techniques, measures to minunize the crearion of impervious surfams, and measures to m,n,m,ze the disturbance of native soils and vegetation. Adopt ieguladdns (codes and standards) and provide pxovisions to verify adequate long-term I opexations and maintenance of new post-construcdon pecmanent stormwater facilities and BMPs in accoxdance with Pexmif condiuons, including an annual inspection fcequency and/or appioved al[ernative inspection &equeacy and maintenance standazds for private drainage sys[ems as pro[ective as those in Chaptex IV of the 2005 Ewlogy Stotmwatet Management Manual for Westem i Washington. . Provide copies of the Nodce of Intent (NOn foL construction ox industrial acrivides to representauves j of the ptoposed new development and cedevelopment. ' Pxovide training to staff on the new codes, standards, and SOPs and cieate public educadon and ; outreach materials. ° Develop and define a pxocess to tecord and maintain all inspecuons aud enEoccement actions by staf£ . ' Summarize annual acdviries for the "Controlling RuaofP' component of the Annual Compliance ~ Report; identify any updates to the SWMP. ~ i i ! ~ 6-1 f~iFUS VRl i~ii-1,`~-.:.qF~..iI~;~Cmn la'i54'iMFS/1 ....u1G .`.ur^$tvHPZOfN7l.•r2fi=s. 6: Controlling Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment and ConsWction Sites City of Au6um 2070 SWMP 6.2 Current Compliance Activities The Ciry has activities and pxogxams that meet many of the Pemut sequirements. The cunent compliance acuvides assodated with the Permit indude: ° The City has existing progams, codes, and standaxds that addiess many of the Pernut tequirements for management of stormwater runoEf from development, cedevelopment, and construcdon sites. The City ; reviews all stormwates site plans for pxoposed development • The City has a site planning piocess for BMP selecdon and design criteria. • The City inspects all permitted development sites during construction and afreL construction. • The City cleacly idendfies the pazry responsible for opexadons and maintenance (OW and requires long-term O&M of permitted facilities and BMPs. ■ The City tracks and secotds inspections and enfotcement actions by staff. • The City provides copies of Notices oE Inrent (NOn for consteuction and industrial activiues in the pre-application meeting with developexs. • Construcdon inspectots and mos[ building inspectois have the required erosion control uainuig. 6.3 P/anned 2010 Compliance Activities The Ciry has a pxogxam to help reduce stosmwater runofE fxom new developmrnt and construccion sites, but updates will be necessary to maintain compliance as the Pexmit requicements [ake effecc Table 6-1 presents the wozk plan for 2010 SXVMP activides xelared to xunoff conrsol for new development, xedevelopment, and construcnon sites. ' 6-2 . . . , .,i'h.iF':i:u1 „t.o2,L r;;t .;:ri~ :.0lif'r `b,".;~r i 6: Controlling Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment and Construction Sites Cily oi Aubum 2010 SWMP ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ i c p~ i s ~ s= s=tp{t n~: e Ti ef,an i Stormwater Manual adopted . , CTRL-1 Select new Stortnwater Manual and update necessary U6lities by 2/16/2010 induding codes. , Engineering updales lo codes and - standards. Create SOP(s) defining the Citys stortnwater Utililies SOPS completed by CTRL-2 permitUng, plan review, inspeclion, enforcemenl and Engineedng 2/16/2070. I record keeping pracesses. Conduct staff training and public education and Utililies Training completed by CTRL-3 outreach on implementing new Stormwater Manual Engineedng 211612010. and new Permit requirements Wlities Engineering, - Development ; Train staff responsible for implemenling the contrWling Engineedng CTRL4 runoff program Gom new development, ConsWCtion Training wmpleled by i Inspectlon, 2/1612010. .I redevelopment,.and construction sites. Stormwater i Inspec6on, I. Permit Center, HR I i ~ Track and repoR construction, new development, and Tracking of Inspections and ' CTRL-5 redevelopment pertnits, inspections and enforcement Planning/ Permit enforcement actions by ~ actions. Center 2/1612010. 1 Summarize annual activities for'ConVOlling Runoff The SWMP and Annual I CTRL-6 from New Developmenl, Redevelopmenl, and Utilities Compliance Repod submittal I Construdion Sites' component of Annual RepoR; Engineedng is due on or before March identify any updates to SWMP. 37st of each year. I ~ i i ~I 1 ~ 6-3 ' N'i,FI.IF N~L~:Ulill-.::5 rn'.IFfF.alf:4dinnl, _~~i.a1M1F& ,I. ~,,.r20-:'_ i r+S'JAP20..04iC.r..f.,c'; ' I i CITY OF AUBURN 2010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 7. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND OPERATION AND ' MAINTENANCE FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ` This section describes the Permit xequirements related to polludon pievenuon and opexadons and maintenance for municipal operaaons, induding desceiptions of the City's current and planned compGznce acdvities for 2010. 7.1 Permit Reauirements The Pemvt (Section SS.GS) xequixes the City ro: ° Develop and impletnent an O&M pxogxazn, with the ultimate goal of pceventing or reducing pollutant runoff ftom municipal sepatate storrnwatec system and municipal O&M activities. ~ ° Establish maintenance standards for che municipal separate stormwater system that aze at least as pzotecdve as those specified in the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Westem Washington. ° Perform requued inspection &equenry of stormwatex flow control and treatrnent facilities and catch - basins, unless pxevious inspection data show that a reduced frequency is jusrified. ° Have SOPs in place ro reduce storrnwater impacts associated with cunoff &om munidpal O&M activities, induding but not limited to stzeets, paiking lots, ioads, or highways owned or maintained by the City, and to ieduce pollutants in discharges from all lands owned or maintained by.the Ciry. • Train staff to implement the modified SOPs and document dhat training. • Prepase Smrmwater Pollution Prevenuon Plans (SWPPPs) for all heavy equipment maintenance os storage yards idendfied for year-round Eaciliues oi yards, and material storage faciliries owned ox operated by the City. • Summarize annual activities for the "Polludon Prevenuon and Operadons and Maintenance for Municipal Opeiauons" component of the Annual CompGance Repoxt; identiFy any updates to the SWMP. 7.2 Current Compliance .4ctivifies The City has acdviries and progcams that meet many of the Pemut requaements. The current compliance activides associated with the above Pexmit xequiremencs include: • The Ciry operates an O&M pxogram intended to minunize pollutant runof£ fxom municipal opexadons. ° The City conducts and cecords the necessary mainrenance operadons idenrified based on inspections of srormwater conteo] facilities. The Ciry gexforms spot checks oEpotennally damaged permanent ' treaunent and flow control facilides • M&O staEf involved with pesucides, pest management, and eiosion and sediment concrol, receive tiaining in these azeas. 79 . i~..::Jv..:.^ hf li ..notiC .i ov.~.F,;:..jl.'.:rh?YnJh.bi'n;f.;^F2~L:.i7 r.C.s~: I 7. Pollufion Preventlon and OdM for Municipal Operations Ciry of Aubum 2010 SWMP - i ' The City is wozking on a list of City-owned facilities that may need Sroxmwatee Pollution Ptevention . ! Plans. ~ 7,3 Planned 2010 Comp/iance Activifies ~ i Auburn performs many of the Permit required acriviues to limit stozmwater pollution potential related to its municipal O&M pzogxam. Howevez, updates will be necessary to maintain compliance as the Permit j xequicements take effect. Table 7-1 pxesrnts the wozk plan fox 2010 SWMP activities related to polludon j pxevendon and operations and maintenance for municipal opesacions. I ~ ~ i i • ~ e.j --~~ws~ • -~xr • ~ . _ - 1 ~+-r ~ , ~~~c . .as ID 'k Ta k•Des.cciptio , ,~,~'~s,ponsib~,~~~ Schuedule~Notes i Adopt and implement new Stormwater Manual UtiliUes Implement Stormwater PPOM-1 maintenancestandards. - Engineenng Manualmaintenance ~ standards b 02/76/2010. j PPOM 2 Ref ne dala management systems lo Uack Ulilities Tracking systems in place by { mainlenance activilles and inspections. Engineenng 02115/2010. ' i PPOM3 Create and implement Stormwater Pollution Ulilities Creat SWPPPS and implement SWPPP SOPS by i Prevention Plans for affected Ciiy facililies. Engineering 02/16/2010. I Develop and eslabllsh pollcles and procedures to ~ PPOMA reduce pollulants in siormwater dlscharges from lands Utilities Implement SOPs by avned or mantained by ihe City. Engineering , 0211612010. ~ Establish annual inspection program fw Cityowned PPOMS flow control and runoff treatment facilities and perfortn Utilities Implement annual inspection I identifed malntenancewithin prescri6ed Permit Engineering program b~0 211 6/2 01 0. ( timelines. . Summarize annual adivilies for'Pollulion Prevenlion The SWMP and Mnual 1 Utilities Compliance Repod submittal PPOM-6 and Operation and Mainlenance' componwt of Engineering is due on or before March i annual report; identify any updales to SWMP. 31st of each ear. I i I ~ I i i i~ I I ~ i I 7_p .;?q:,,rd.;rl)Iillle.SUr IFf~:Ir;.dTrJ,.t' . au.FRPS'2..1 ov1f~AP'•.2070 ubum ~`hM19F 2.07'1[;r.xtlGs CITY OF AUBURN 2010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM 8. MONITORING This secuon describes the Permit zequirements related to water quality monitoring, including descriprions of the City's cuaent and planned compliance activities for 2010. 8.1 Perrnit Requirements The Pemut (Secuon S8) does not require municipalities to conduct water quality sampling ox other testing dll[lllg L1715 IJCIIRIL TPSIIl, witn the iollowing excepliuns: ° Sampling or testing required for chaxacterizing illicit dischazges puxsuant to the SWNIl"s IDDE conditions. • Watec quality monitoring zequired for compliance with Total Maximum Daily L.oad (TMIJL) _ condiuons (watex quality dean up plans). The cuaent Permit does not requite that Aubuxn petform TNIDL-relared monitoring because Ecology has not established TIv1DLs for watex bodies that zeceive stormwater runoff &om the Ciry. _ • Pxeparing future compxehensive, long-texm water quality monitoring plan including two components: " _ 1) stormwater moniroring and 2) taxgeted Stormwater Management Pxogram effecdveness monitoring. - • By the 41' Annual Compliance Repart (Mazch 31, 2011), Auburn is required to identify two outfalls oc conveyances whexe permanent stormwater sampling stations can be installed and operated for fumse . monitoring. The Ciry is also zequired to develop plans to monitox stormwater, sediment, and xeceiving . wates for physical, chemical, and/or biological chaxacterisdcs. One outfall must represent high-density sesidential land use, and the othex commetcial land use. • To monitox SWMP eEfecuveness, the Ciry will need to identi£y two suitable Progiam questions and , sites wheTe taxgeted Piograzn effectiveness monitoxing can be conducted and develop a monitoxing plan for these quesnons and sites. The pxoposed effectiveness monitoring is xequited to answex the following types of quesdons: . • How effecrice is a specific tazgeted aclion or a narrow suite of acrions? • Is the Stoxmwates Management Pxogram achieving a taxgeted environmental outmme? In addition, the City is xequixed to pxovide the Eollowing monitoring and/or assessment data in each annual zeport: • A descripuon of any stoxmwater monitoring ox smdies conducted by the City duxing the reporting period. If stormwatex monitoxing was mnducted on behalf of the Ciry, ox if studies or invesrigadons conducted by other enudes were reparted to the City, a brief descripdon of the type of information - gathexed ox received shall be included in the annual repoxt , • An assessment of the appropriareness of the best management pracdces identified by the City for each . component of rhe SWMII'; and any changes made, ox anricipated to be made, to the BMPs that were : previously selected to unplement the SWMP and why. 8-1 P i . . . . . . i I 8: Monitoring City of Aubum 2010 SWMP ' 8.2 Current Compliance Ac#ivities j The City developed a map of the significant munidpal stormwatex outfalls, but has not yet developed a ~ compiehensive watu quality monitoting plan to implement future Permit water quality monitoring ~ ~ requirements. ~ 8,3 Pianned 2010 Comp/iance Activities ! Auburn vrill likely need to create a Watrs Quality Monitoring Program to maintain compliance during the I next Pexmi[ texm. Except for summarizing monitoring acrivities no acrions aze required unti12010. Table 8-1 ptesents the work plan Eox 2010 SWMP monitoring activities. I i 7recipate in regional and state monitodng forums uture legislalive actions in order to influence Ulilities e padicipation. lopment of feasible and effective altematlve Engineering I monitonng requiremenis. i i Identify two outlalls for future long term monitoring, Utililies i MNTR-2 one for high densiry residential and the other for Engineenng No later ihan 1 2131 /2 01 0 . i commercial land use Iden(ify two suitable Program questions and sites MNTR-3 were targeted Program effecGveness monitoring can Utllities No later ihan 1213712010 i py conduded and develop a moniloring plan for these Engineenng ! uestions and sites. ; Summadze annual monitonng aclivities for the Annual 'I RepoA; identify any updates to SWMP inciuding The SWMP and Annual . . ~ MNTR -0. identifcation of sites selected for monitoring and a Utilities Compliance Repotl submittal . j summary of proposed quesiions for effectiveness Engineering isdue on or before March i monitorin , ur ose, desi n and methods. 31st of each year. I •I ; i i i ; I i I i e-z =1'u 1 I<~ ,i .a_... JFG o itY-arri 5vJPFF'=2. .,1 .,h.°i0 YhEP?,2' / 11 r=C., APPENDIX A i Acronyms and Definitions from Permit i ' .I.,,l, ~i...~ri5s _..~oM,.FC?---I) a:tiFiF.ap.A..Llr h.f..c.:_i:.11 ;rtiLK~: . i j ~ Appendix A: Acronyms and Definitions Ciry o( Aubum 2010 SWMP The Eollowing de£uutions and acronyms aze taken directly fsom the Phase II Pemut and aze repcoduced hece foz the xeadez's convenience. AKAItT means all known, available, and ceasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment All known, availab(e and reasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment refexs to the State j Water Pollvuon Control Act, Chaptes 90.48.010 and 90.48.520 RCW. I i Basin Plan is a sueface watex management process consisting oE t}uee pazts: a scientific srudy of the basin's ~ dxainage features and their qualiry; developing acuons and xecommendations fos resolving any deFiciencies I discovexed during the study; and implementing the recommendauons, followed by monitoring. Best Management Ptactices ("BMPs") are the schedules of acdvides, pzohibitions of pracrices, , maintenance pxoceduces, and strucmxal and/or managerial pxactices appxoved by the Department that, when ~ used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the xelease of pollutants and other advexse impacts to watexs of Washington State. BMP means Best Management Practice. CFR means Congxessional Fedezal Regis[en . Component or Ptogram Component means an dement of the Stormwater Management Program listed in S5 Srormwates Management Progzam foz Cides, Towns, and Counries or S6 Stormwater Management j Pzogcam for Secondary Peixnittees of this peunit. ~ CWA means Clean Watex Act (formeely refened to as the Federal Water Polluuon Control Act or Federal ~ Water Pollurion Contcol Act Amendments of 1972) Pub.L. 92-500, as aznended Pub. L. 95-217, Pub. L. 95- 576, Pub. L. (6-483 and Pub. L. 97-117, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. i Dischatge fox the purpose of this pemut means, unless indicated othenvise, any dischuge fxom a MS4 owned or operated by the permittee. , . ' Ecology's Western Washington Phase I Municipal Stormwatec Permit regulates discharges from . municipal sepatate stortn secvers owned or opeeated by Clack, King, Pierce and Snohomish Counues, and the .I cities of Seattle and Tacoma. ~ Ecology's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit covers certain "small" municipal separate stormwatex sewer systems. ~ Entity means anothex governmental body, or public or pzivate organizauon, such as another pernuttee, a . I conservation district, or volunteer organization. ( Equivalent document means a technical stormwater management manual developed by a stare agency, local government or other entity that includes the Muvmum Technical Requuements in Appendix 1 of this Pexmit The Department may condirionally appzove manuals that do not include the Muilmum Technical " Requirements in Appendix 1; in general, the Best Management Pracuces included in those documents may be i applied at new development and redevelopment sites, but the Minimum Technical Requixements in Appendix 1 must still be met. ~I Heavy equipment maintenance or stocage yard means an uncovered area whece any heavy equipment, ~ such as mowing equipment, excavators, dump trucks, backhoes, or bulldozexs. are washed or maintained, or , whese at least five pieces oFheavy equipment are stored. ~ Illicit connection means any man-made conveyance that is connected ro a municipal sepazate storm sewer . ' without a permit, excluding zooFdrains and other sunilar type connecdons. Examples include sanitary sewer i I A-1 y.•yUC 1}5~~..-... -HPu~61FAurr rai.o.ti.S`Nlfh" tl~,,:J„P27'.:, i -F.'F_.:' I-~rziid:.: Appendix A: Acronyms and Def nitions Ciry of Aubum 2010 SWMP connecuons, Iloox drains, channels, pipelines, conduits, inlets, or outlets that aze connected dixecdy to the municipal sepuate stocro sewes system. . Illicit discharge means any dischazge to a municipal sepazate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of stoun water except dischazges pursuant to a NPDES permit (other than the NPDES pexmit fox dischazges fxom the munidpal separate storm sewex) and discharges xesulting fiom fixe Fighting acbvities. IDDE means Illicit dischazge detection and eliminarion. Low Impact Development (LID) means a. stoxmwater management and land development stcategy applied at the pazcel and subdivision scale that exnphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural featuxes integrated with engineered, small-scale hydrologic controls to mote closely inimic pxe-development hydrologic Eunctions. Major Municipal Separate Stoxm Sewer Outfall means a municipal sepzxate storm sewer outfaLl fxom a single pipe with an inside diameter of 36 inches ox moie, or its equivalent (dischaxge &om a single conveyance othex than ciuculu pipe which is associated with a dcainage aeea of more xhan 50 acres); ox for municipal . sepazate storm sewexs that receive stoixnwarer ftom lands zoned for industrial activity (based on comprehensive zoning plans or the equivalent), an outfall that dischazges fxom a single pipe with an inside diametec of 12 inches or more or from its equivalent (dischaxge from othes than a dccular pipe associated with a dcainage area oE 12 acxes or more). Material Storage Facilities means an uncovered axea where bulk materials (liquid, solid, granulaz, etc.) are - ' stored in piles, barrels, tanks, bins, crates, ox othec means. Maacimum Extent Piacticable (MEP) refers to paLagraph 402(p)(3)(B)(iu) of the fedexal Clean Water Act - which xeads as follows: Pemuts for dischaxges Erom municipal storm sewers shall requite conrtols to reduce the discharge o£ pollutants ro the maxirnum extent pracncable, induding management ptactices, contcol techniques, and systcm, design, and engineering methods, and other such provisions as the Administrator or the State detemunes apptopriate for the conteol of such pollutants. MEP means Maximum Extent Prac$cabie. , MS4 - see Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. MTRs means Minimum Technical Requirements. Municipal Sepatate Storm Sewer System (MS4) means a conveyance, ot system oE conveyances (including roads with dtainage systems, municipal stxeets, catch basins, cuibs, gutrers, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains): . (i) owned or oPexared by a stare, city, towq borough, county, parish, clistric[, associarion, or other public body (cxeated by or puzsuant to state law) having jurisdicuon ovex disposal of wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer disuict, tlood control district or drainage district, or similar endry, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian . tribal oxganizadon, or a designa[ed and approved management agency undex section 208 of the CWA tha[ dischazges to waters of the United States. - (u) designed ox used for collecting or conveying srormwatex. (iii) which is not a combined sewer; and (iv) which is not part of a Publicly Owned Tzeatment Woxks (POT1X/) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. A-2 '--IiB.? 1 t e zun Ui ..i:Cr.Fif S...F..'.DJI.,~, i:al _~.i 'euC ,r.(.0.;, i 'i Appendix A: Acronyms and DefinBions City otAubum 2010 SWMP . National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the narional program fox issuing, ~ modifying, xevoking, and xeissuing temvuating, monitoring and enfozcing pernzits, and imposing and ~ enfoxcing preueatment xequirements, undex secdons 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Wates Act, ~ fot the dischazge of pollutants to suxface watexs of the state from point souxces. These pemvts aze referred to i as NPDPS pennits and, in Washington State, aze admuvstered by the Washington Department of Ecology. ~ . . i Notice of Intent (NOI) means the applicatioa fox, or a zequest for covexage under t6is General Pemut ~ pursuant to WAC 173-226-200. I Outfall means point source as defined by 40 CFR 122.2 at the point whexe a municipal separate stoxm sewer dischazges to waters oE the State and does not include open conveyances connecting two municipal separate , storm sewex systems, or pipes, tunnels, or other conveyances which connect segments of the same stream or othex watus of the State and aie used to convey waters of the State. - f O&M means Opesarions and Maintenance. ~ I Petmittee unless othenvise noted, the term "Permittee" includes Pemuttee, Co-Pemuttee, and Secondary J Pemuttee, as defined below: (i) A"Pexmittee" is a ury, town, ar county owning or opetating a zegulated small MS4 applying and receiving a pennit as a single entity. 1 I (u) A"Co-Permittee" is any operator of a xegulated small MS4 that is applying joindy with another applicant ,j for coverage undei this Pemric Co-Permittees own or operate a xegulated small MS4located within or - ~ adjacent to another tegulated small MS4. . ~ ' (vi) A"Secondary Perntittee" is an opexator of xegulated small MS4 that is not a ciry, town, or counry. i ~ Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or Small MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances ~ foi municipalides having populations of less that 100,000 according to the 1990 US census. Such systems ~ include road dzainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, cutbs, guttexs, ditches, man-made channels, and/or storm dcains that axe: a. Owned or operated by a dry, town, counry, district, associarion or other public body cxeated pursuant to State law having jurisdicrion ovet disposal of sewage, indusfrial wastes, stormwates, or other i wastes, including special distxicts under state law such as a sewet districts, flood control districts ox dtainage j disteicts, or similar enaty. . i i b. Designed or used for collecdng or conveying stormwater. i c Not a combined sewei system, d. Not part of a Publicly O.vned Treatment Works (P011X) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. ' e. Not defined as "lazge" or "medium" puisuant to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(4) &(7) or designated undex . 40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v). - ii Small MS4s include systems similar to separate storm sewez systems in municipalides such as: univezsiries, large publicly owned hospitals, prison complexes, highways and other thocoughfares. Stozm sewer systems in ' very discrete areas such as individual buildings do not zequire coverege undes this Permit. . ~ Small MS4s do not include storm dcain systems operated by non-governmental entities such as: individual 1 buildings, private schools, private colleges, private univexsities, and industrial and commexcial enuues. i ` i i i a A3 - u~IR nI.,,Jhl-.s~uC dFf .,I?ai~r a..41Ps 2 i ,I 'c,+,vi i N.PI,L3L✓iICrML.~t Appendix A: Acronyms and Defnitions City of Aubum 2010 SWMP , Stormwater means runoEf during and following pTecipitation and snowmelt events, including sueFace runoff and diainage. Stormwatet Associated with Industrial and Construction Activiry means the dischazge from any conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying stoImwater, which is direcdy related to manufachuing, pxocessing or zaw materials storage azeas at an indusuial plant, or assodaxed with clearing grading and/oz excavauon, and is eequiced ro have an NPDES peunit in accoxdance with 40 CFR 12226. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington means the 5-volume technical manual (Publicauon Nos. 99-11 through IS for the 2001 vecsion and Publicadon Nos. 05-10-029-033 for the 2005 version (I'he 2005 version xeplaces the 2001 vexsion) prepared by Ecology for use by local goveinments that contains BMPs to pcevent, control, or txeat polluuon in stoxm water. Stormwatet Management Program (SWMP) means a set of actions and activities designed to xeduce the dischazge of pollutants from the xegulated small MS4 to the maxiinum exrent pracdcable and to pzorect watet quali:y, ar.d comptising the compeneats lis!ed'u: SS ox c6 of ttis Pemut and anp additional acaons necessary to meet the requuements oF applicable. . Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a calculadon of the maxisnum amount oE a pollutant that a . watesbody can teceive and still meet watex quality standards, A.4