HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 2010A TY OF n ~ T* UBUI~I~I AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: January 2010 Financial Report Date: 3/8/2010 Department: Finance Attachments: January Monthly Budget Impact: 0 Report Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: The January 2010 status report highlights City revenues and expenditures and is based on financial data available as of February 22, 2010. Sales tax reported in January is for business activities that occurred in November 2009. Total General Fund revenues for the City at the end of January were $3,370,800 which is approximately of the annual budgeted revenues. Compared to budgeted year-to-date revenues, this is $581 K (14.7%) less due to timing of receipts for taxes and grants. Expenditures for the General Fund totaled $3,623,649 which is $607.6K (14.4%) under budget for the month. Most of the departments' expenses are typically under budget at the beginning of the year as some expenses such insurance and professional services are paid out in later periods. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport ® Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ® Municipal Serv. ® Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD ❑ Fire ❑ Planning ❑ Park Board ❑Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Staff: Coleman Meeting Date: February 15, 2010 Item Number: AUBURN* MUAE THAN YOU IMAGINED Monthly Financial Report January 2010 General Fund 2010 2010 YTD Bud get vs. Actual Summary of Sources and Uses Favorable (U nfavorable) Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Percentage OPERATING REVENUES Property Tax 12,357,309 45,500 27,735 (17,765) -39.0% Sales Tax (1) 14,255,000 1,213,024 965,532 (247,492) -20.4% Sales Tax - Annexation Credit 1,453,500 121,400 105,799 (15,601) -12.9% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,143,300 96,100 97,365 1,265 1.3% Brokered Natural Gas Tax 260,000 30,400 25,811 (4,589) -15.1% City Utilities Tax 2,140,200 172,100 182,308 10,208 5.9% Admissions Tax 400,000 98,900 67,953 (30,947) -31.3% Electric Tax 2,794,100 680,700 746,132 65,432 9.6% Natural Gas Tax 1,245,500 266,100 255,003 (11,097) -4.2% TV Cable Tax 676,300 170,900 - (170,900) -100.0% Telephone Tax 1,734,200 119,100 66,692 (52,408) -44.0% Garbage Tax (external) 100,000 6,000 8,657 2,657 44.3% Leasehold Excise Tax 80,000 - - - N/A Gambling Excise Tax 766,500 11,700 6,037 (5,663) -48.4% Business License Fees 200,000 6,300 3,945 (2,355) -37.4% Building Permits 700,000 69,800 88,175 18,375 26.3% Other Licenses & Permits 188,000 13,500 41,518 28,018 207.5% Intergovernmental (Grants, etc) 4,241,990 422,300 238,528 (183,772) -43.5% Charges for Services: General Government Services 113,000 22,700 7,812 (14,888) -65.6% Public Safety 244,000 15,400 14,606 (794) -5.2% Development Services Fees 857,000 89,800 39,755 (50,045) -55.7% Culture and Recreation 835,000 71,800 65,917 (5,883) -8.2% Fines and Forfeits 1,870,700 140,800 238,241 97,441 69.2% Interests and Other Earnings 170,000 31,400 8,194 (23,206) -73.9% Rents, Leases and Concessions 180,000 9,900 27,821 17,921 181.0% Contributions and Donations 12,000 1,000 3,247 2,247 224.7% Other Miscellaneous 46,200 6,100 3,959 (2,141) -35.1% Transfers In 17,000 17,000 17,000 - 0.0% Insurance Recoveries- Capital & Operating 25,000 2,083 17,057 14,973 718.7% Total Operating Revenues 49,105,799 3,951,807 3,370,800 (581,007) -14.7% Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 738,900 59,200 49,296 9,904 16.7% Municipal Court & Probation 3,055,280 219,000 187,045 31,955 14.6% Human Resources 736,150 63,000 53,703 9,297 14.8% Finance 1,146,360 90,300 66,418 23,882 26.4% City Attorney 1,710,650 141,600 116,808 24,792 17.5% Planning 3,743,970 368,000 310,380 57,620 15.7% Community & Human Services 632,800 15,000 5,770 9,230 61.5% Police 23,648,265 1,734,000 1,608,077 125,923 7.3% Engineering 3,111,010 298,800 184,615 114,185 38.2% Parks and Recreation 6,899,300 477,900 450,502 27,398 5.7% Streets 3,140,100 278,200 143,001 135,199 48.6% Non-Departmental 5,442,900 486,300 448,035 38,265 7.9% Total Operating Expenditures 54,005,685 4,231,300 3,623,649 607,651 14.4% (1) Sales Tax includes Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation N cable tax revenue is low due to timing of receipts; $193K revenue for the quarter was received in February. Page 1 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Overview This financial overview reflects the City's overall financial position for the fiscal year through January 31, 2010. The budgeted year to date revenues and operating expenditures are primarily based on the collection/disbursement for the same period of 2009. The table on the previous page summarizes the general fund revenues and expenditures. Revenues Taxes In January, the combined collection of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, and admissions tax represents 76% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides detail information on property and sales taxes. Property Tax January collection is $27,735 or 0.22% of the annual budget. Compared to 2009, the City collected $10,867 or 28.15% less. This is $17,265 less than the projected monthly budget. We will monitor our collections in future months to see if they are in line with the budget. Property Tax Revenue Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Jan 38,602 45,000 27,735 (10,867) -28.2% (17,265) -38.4% Feb 111,495 130,000 Mar 222,173 259,000 Apr 4,188,834 4,882,400 May 852,588 993,800 Jun 37,763 44,000 Jul 21,078 24,600 Aug 32,632 38,000 Sep 196,787 229,400 Oct 3,836,015 4,471,309 Nov 1,017,258 1,185,700 Dec 46,566 54,300 YTD Total 38,602 45,000 27,735 (10,867) -28.2% (17,265) -38.4% Annual Total 10,601,791 12,357,509 Page 2 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Sales Tax Sales tax received for January totaled $965,532 and is approximately $267.5K or 21.7% less than last year for the same period. Compared to the projected monthly budget, it is under by $247.5K or 20.4 % less. This shortfall is mainly due to the streamlined sales tax mitigation that is included in the 2009 actual amounts. This funding is received quarterly and is not included in the January 2010 revenue. When we receive the quarterly streamlined sales tax mitigation (SST) payment in March we will allocate January & February's portion and should bring this revenue source to be more in line with the budget. The total anticipated SST mitigation for 2010 is $1,966,775 but the amount the City will receive from the State is reduced by revenues received from companies that have voluntarily complied with the new destination based sales tax. Without the streamlined sales tax mitigation adjustment of $173,808 in January 2009, the difference would be $93,659 or 7.59% less. Sales & Use Tax Revenue Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Jan 1,232,999 1,213,000 965,532 (267,467) -21.7% (247,468) -20.4% Feb 1,279,532 1,372,300 Mar 1,059,642 1,085,700 Apr 1,041,972 1,066,300 May 1,161,471 1,249,400 Jun 1,098,038 1,144,900 Jul 1,152,738 1,180,300 Au 1,250,264 1,302,700 Se 1,148,525 1,147,700 Oct 1,254,457 1,200,400 Nov 1,197,153 1,175,200 Dec 1,065,935 1,117,100 YTD Total 1,232,999 1,213,000 965,532 (267,467) -21.7% (247,468) -20.4% Annual Total 13,942,728 14,255,000 The following table breaks out the City's base sales tax excluding Criminal Justice, Annexation Credit and Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation by major business sectors. Comparison of Sales Tax Collections by SIC Group Year to Date through January 2009 2010 Change from 2009 Component Group Actual Actual Amount Percentage New Construction 105,696 98,810 (6,886) -6.5% Manufacturing 26,161 28,667 2,506 9.6% Transportation & Warehousing 2,024 1,781 (243) -12.0% Wholesale Trade 80,639 105,837 25,198 31.2% Automotive 187,177 176,364 (10,813) -5.8% Retail Trade 455,195 299,232 (155,963) -34.3% Services 244,542 248,513 3,971 1.6% Miscellaneous 7,018 2,965 (4,053) -57.8% YTD Total 1,108,452 962,169 (146,283) -13.2% Page 3 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Intergovernmental Revenues in this category include Grants, (Direct & Indirect Federal, State and Local) State shared revenues and compact revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. January revenue is low compared to budget mainly due to timing of receipt of the Muckleshoot compact revenue of $368,231 for the quarter, which was received in February. Timing of grant revenue varies as they are processed on a reimbursement basis. Intergovernmental Year to Date through January Revenue 2009 Actual 2010 2010 Budget Actual 2009 vs 2010 % Change 2010 vs.Budget % Change Federal Grants - 500 246 N/A -50.7% State Grants - - - N/A N/A Interlocal Grants - 5,000 8,142 N/A 62.8% State Shared Revenue 333,410 319,900 327,504 -1.8% 2.4% Muckleshoot Casino Emerg. 323,222 226,400 - -100.0% -100.0% YTD Total 656,632 551,800 335,892 -48.8% -39.1% Annual Total 4,499,411 4,241,990 IYTD % 15% 13% 8% Total state shared revenues are less than 2009 for the same period due to the lower revenues from the Criminal Justice Sales Tax. Compared to budget, revenues are greater by $7,604 or 2.38%. Income from Criminal Justice-Special programs and State DUI were budgeted conservatively and contributed to the overall increase. State Shared Revenues Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Revenue Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 114,630 119,900 115,067 437 0.4% (4,833) -4.0% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 108,270 96,100 97,365 (10,905) -10.1% 1,265 1.3% Criminal Justice -Population 16,176 16,700 17,034 858 5.3% 334 2.0% Criminal Justice -Spec. Prog. 13,401 8,000 14,056 655 4.9% 6,056 75.7% State DUI 2,983 1,000 3,156 173 5.8% 2,156 215.6% Liquor Excise Tax 77,950 78,200 80,826 2,876 3.7% 2,626 3.4% YTD Total 333,410 319,900 327,504 (5,906) -1.8% 7,604 2.4% Annual Total 2,465,986 2,594,740 Page 4 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Fines & Penalties These revenue sources include traffic and parking infraction penalties, criminal (traffic, non traffic and costs) false alarm and shopping cart fines. This revenue source is $90,100 or 60.8% greater than 2009 for the same period and $97,440 or 62.2% higher than projected budget for the month. The overall increase is mainly due to the rise in the traffic infraction and photo enforcement revenues. Two new photo enforcement school zones were added in September 2009 with a month grace period; the City began receiving revenues from these additional zones in November 2009. Revenues net of operating expenses from the photo enforcement program are designated for traffic calming improvements. Fines & Forfeits by Month Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Jan 148,141 140,800 238,241 90,100 60.8% 97,441 69.2% Feb 153,213 145,600 Mar 168,348 160,000 Apr 165,420 157,200 May 174,475 165,800 Jun 168,280 159,900 Jul 159,112 151,200 Au 144,593 137,500 Se 163,212 155,200 Oct 143,517 136,500 Nov 167,497 159,200 Dec 212,349 201,800 YTD Total 148,141 140,800 238,241 90,100 60.8% 97,441 69.2% Annual Total 1,968,157 1,870,700 Fines & Forfeits by Type Year to Date th rough January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Civil Penalties 1,244 900 2,489 1,246 100.1% 1,589 176.6% Civil Infraction Penalties 39,503 28,600 63,541 24,038 60.9% 34,941 122.2% Red Light Photo Enforcement 73,432 101,000 134,182 60,751 82.7% 33,182 32.9% Parking Infractions 12,299 3,800 18,580 6,281 51.1% 14,780 388.9% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 7,233 8,500 5,726 (1,507) -20.8% (2,774) -32.6% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines 10,479 8,100 7,908 (2,571) -24.5% (192) -2.4% Criminal Costs 1,313 2,200 864 (449) -34.2% (1,336) -60.7% Non-Court Fines & Penalties 2,638 1,300 4,950 2,312 87.7% 3,650 280.8% YTD Total 148,141 154,400 238,241 1,246 0.8% 1,589 1.0% Annual Total 1,968,156 1,870,700 Page 5 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Photo Enforcement Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Jan 73,432 101,000 134,182 60,751 82.7% 33,182 32.9% Feb 62,632 91,900 Mar 67,543 93,300 Apr 70,057 91,600 May 78,746 103,000 Jun 76,980 100,700 Jul 79,382 103,800 Au 63,225 82,700 Sep 47,897 67,700 Oct 44,010 62,600 Nov 74,239 97,100 Dec 102,895 104,600 YTD Total 73,432 101,000 134,182 60,751 82.7% 33,182 32.9% Annual Total 841,038 1,100,000 Real Estate Excise Tax The Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is received in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. January 2010 revenue of $44,219 is $11,088 or 20% less than 2009 for the same period. This is $19.6K less than the budget for the month and reflects the decline in the housing market. Real Estate Excise Tax Revenues Year to Date through January 2009 2010 2010 2010 vs. 2009 2010 vs. Budget Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Jan 55,308 63,900 44,219 (11,088) -20.0% (19,681) -30.8% Feb 115,443 133,300 Mar 114,240 131,900 Apr 75,831 87,600 May 68,846 79,500 Jun 141,704 163,600 Jul 106,672 123,200 Aug 115,268 133,100 Sep 179,067 206,700 Oct 314,172 362,700 Nov 184,935 213,500 Dec 87,440 101,000 YTD Total 55,308 63,900 44,219 (11,088) -20.0% (19,681) -30.8% Annual Total 1,558,926 1,800,000 Page 6 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Enterprise Funds The table below provides an analysis of all City Enterprise funds and shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for each enterprise fund. OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services Rents, leases, and concessions TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration Operations & Maintenance Depreciation & Amortization TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue Other Non Operating Revenue TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS Contributions Transfers In Transfers Out TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 2010 ENDING FUND BALANCE, January 31, 2010 Water Sewer Storm Solid Waste Airport Cemetery Golf Comm. Retail 621,187 1,163,409 520,498 748,757 2,164 54,261 33,423 49,412 6,968 621,187 1,163,409 520,498 748,757 51,576 54,261 40,390 163,510 130,018 184,499 55,041 67,686 21,367 17,150 255,245 1,006,485 134,834 52,371 - 38,075 65,951 176,409 115,646 92,332 1,711 18,127 4,767 27,836 5,083 595,163 1,252,149 411,664 109,123 85,813 64,209 110,937 5,083 26,024 (88,740) 108,834 639,634 (34,238) (9,948) (70,547) (5,083) 1,839 2,229 1,177 248 262 254 54 125 - - - (25) 75 2,149 1,964 2,229 1,177 248 237 329 2,203 27,988 (86,511) 110,011 639,882 (34,001) (9,619) (68,344) (5,083) 59,000 (50,000) 39,149 (50,000) 40,670 (50,000) - 9,000 (10,851) (9,330) - 36,988 (97,362) 100,681 639,882 (34,001) (9,619) (68,344) (5,083) 58,580,941 64,391,028 39,320,492 1,576,387 9,687,653 1,114,074 5,501,774 1,473,941 58,617,929 64,293,666 39,421,173 2,216,269 9,653,652 1,104,455 5,433,431 1,468,857 Solid Waste operating expenses are low due to timing of invoices form Waste Management. January billing of $611,245 was posted in February. Page 7 of 8 Monthly Financial Report January 2010 Internal Service Funds The table below provides an analysis of all City Internal Service funds and shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for each fund. Information Equipment Insurance Facilities Services Rental OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for services 216,462 325,172 202,688 Rents, Leases & Concessions 27,718 - - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 244,180 325,172 202,688 OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration 1,304,105 - - 4,945 Operations & Maintenance - 133,170 226,239 47,160 Depreciation & Amortization - - 40,285 90,849 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,304,105 133,170 266,524 142,954 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (1,304,105) 111,011 58,648 59,734 NON-OPERATING REVENUES & EXPENSES Interest Revenue 516 100 984 1,242 Other Non Operating Revenue - - 2,024 529 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) 516 100 3,008 1,771 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS (1,303,588) 111,111 61,656 61,505 Contributions - - Transfers In Transfers Out (7,000) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & TRANSFERS - (7,000) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (1,303,588) 111,111 61,656 54,505 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, January 1, 2010 2,234,469 242,514 4,914,846 10,892,939 ENDING FUND BALANCE, January 31, 2010 930,881 353,625 4,976,501 10,947,444 The Insurance Fund expenses include $1,229,855 that is paid at the beginning of the year but will be allocated to other funds mid year when the statistical information is received from WCIA. Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about the report please contact us at kiesterPauburnwa.srov or scolemanPauburnwa.srov. Page 8 of 8 SALES TAX SUMMARY January 2010 November Receipts) NAiCS CONSTRUCTION 09TOTAL 09 YTD IDYTD YTD PIT NAICS AUTOMOTIVE 09 TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD YTD %Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 625111 50,913 33.162 -34.9% 441 Motor Vehicle & Pans Dealer 2,359.443 174,554 160,417 -8.1% 237 11 avy& Civil Coastmction 140389 7,660 22.578 194.8% 447 Gasoline Stations 189,621 12,623 15,940 26.3% 238 Specialty Trade Conlractea 602.216 47.123 43.069 -8.6% TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE $ 2,559,064 $ 187,177 $ 176,364 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 1,368,217 $ 105,696 5 98,810 Overall Automotive Change from Previous Year (510,8f3) -5.8% Overall Construction Change from Previous Year ($6,887) -6.5% YTD MANUFACTURING 09 TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD %Dift 311 Food Manufacuring 2677 414 69 -873% 317 Beverage.& TObaem Products 3890 302 224 -25.fi% 313 ToOle Mills 215 30 21 -32.6% 314 Tezr1i, Product Mills 354 150 116 23.1r, 315 Apparel Manufacluning 779 7,010 65 1% 316 1cather& Allied Products 61 1'l 0 -95.5`/ 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 3A.1 2,916 2.912 322 Paper Manufacturing 0.997 1 1 231 527% 323 PrinOng & Related Support 41.51 i 3A!,1 4.044 17.2% 324 Pelrolt- & Coal Produces 13 708 1111 182 -83.6% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 6905 484 362 2% 326 Plastic & Rubber Products 9.663 677 714 5.6"x 327 Non metallic, Mineral Products 15.270 -1.112 1.233 -210.8% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 592 17 -16 192.0% 332 Fabricated Metal Mfg Products 12232 656 2,311 2524% 333 Machinery Manufacturing 8.798 677 1036 531'6 334 Campuler& Flc3l.n;c Products 011" 426 833 958 338 LentncI uipmenL Appliances 7..2)9 71 73 2.9% 336 Transporlotion Equipmonl1 177.978 12.26' 10.795 -12.0% 337 Furniture& Related Products 12.137 471 1801 279.1% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 2/923 1.919 1653 -139°'0 TOTAL MANUFACTURING S 383,469 $ 26.167 S 28,667 Overall Manufacturing Change if Gal Previous Year 52,506 9.6% YTO TRANSPORTATION&WAREHOUSING 09TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD %Diff 481 Air Transportation 0 0 0 N41 432 Rail Transponaticn 8.577 474 121 -74.411, 484 Trur.P Transportation /.090 394 398 0.9% 485 TrBnsil and Ground Passengers 5 0 0 4DIV10I 488 Transportation Support 13.090 1,404 939 -331^0 491 Paslal Services - 190 46 18 NrA 492 Couuers&Messengers 1.114 C 0 kVi0' 49 3 Warehousing & Storage 726 -295 305 -203.5_°_x _ TOTAL TRANSP & WHSING $ 30,791 $ 2.024 $ 1,781 Overall Transportation Change from Previous Year ($243) -120% YTD WHOLESALE TRADE 09TOTAL 09YTD 10 YTD %Diff 423 Wins Trade-Durable Goods 919.970 67.853 95,953 414% 424 Wh!s Trade- Nondurable Good& 149.257 12.600 9733 -229% 425 Wholesale EoUsiic Markets 3744 186 152 -18.5°0 WHOLESALE TRADE TOTAL $ 1,072,965 $ 80639 $ 105,837 Overall Wholesale Change from Pr evious Year 525,198 31.2% NAICS RETAIL TRADE 09 TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD %Diff 442 Furniture& Home Furnishings 219.775 22,351 17,852 -21 443 Electronim&Appliances 131,716 163,744 8,719 -943% 444 Limping Material & Garden 358,226 25,313 35,898 41.8% 445 Food & Beverage Stores 352,401 31,561 29,428 -6.8% 446 Health & Personal Care 149,756 13,115 11,337 -116% 448 Clotnin9 & Accessar oc 781,336 71,385 68,816 -3.6% 451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books to'215 3,767 3,140 -16.6% 452 General Merchandise Stores 832.911 68.626 67,070 -2.3% 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 481.356 36,993 35,374 -44% 454 Nonstore Retailers 228.036 18,341 21,604 17.8% TOTAL RETAIL TRADE $ 3,580,729 $ 455,195 $ 299,232 Overall General Retail Chan ge from Previous Year ($155,963) -34.3% YTD SERVICES 09 TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD °G Diff 51' Information 456,586 33,131 33,542 1.2% 52` Finance& Insurance 82,939 3,883 5,443 402% 53' Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 304,200 25,098 22,614 -9.9% 541 Professional. Scientific, Tech 199.772 91564 12,891 34.8% 551 Company Management 470 32 12 63.4% 56- Admin. Supt, Reined Svcs 260.987 13,545 17,849 31.8% 611 Ed-honal Services 42.162 2,825 1,512 -46.5% fit' Heallh Care Social Assistance 61.157 41884 2,782 -43.0% 71' Arts &Emortainmenl 147,103 58,033 57,351 -1.2% 72' Accommodation&FOOO Svcs 027347 64,696 61,583 -4.8% 81 Other Services - 423.203 28,352 27,955 .1,4% 92' Public Administraliou 61.553 496 4,979 904.4% TOTAL SERVICES $ 2,867,488 $ 244,542 $ 240,513 Overall Services Ch ange from Previous Year $3,971 f.6% YTD MISCELLANEOUS 09TOTAL 09YTD 10 YTD %Diff 000 Unknown 272 13 0 -100.0% 111-115 Agrsuit e. Forestry . Fishing 1827 44 37 -17.1% 211-221 Mining & Utilities 27,452 1,106 1,236 11.7% 999 Unclassifiable Establishments 16,906 5,805 1,693 -70.8% MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL S 46,456 S 7,018 $ 2,965 Overall Miscellaneous Change from Previous Year (44,053) -57.7% YTD 09 TOTAL 09 YTD 10 YTD %Diff GRAND TOTALS $11,909,179 $1,108,452 $962,169 Grand Torsi Change from Previous Year ($146,283) -13.20% Page 1