HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-2011 � ��* PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF -�' /� vSeptember 20, 2017 , WASHINGTON SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roiand called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Aubum City Hall, 251Nest Main Street, Aubum, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman,. Bob Baggett, Ron Copple, Joan Mason, and Wayne Osbome. Commission Members Excused: Dave Peace. Staff present included: Planning DiredorKevin Snyder, Principal Pianner Jeff Dixon and Planning & Development SeoretaryTina Kriss. II. OTHER BUSINESS A Amendments to Chapters 3, 8 and 14 of!he Comprehensive Plan pertaining to Priorkization of Indust�ial'and Manufaeturing Land Uses Planning & Development Director Kevin Snyder provided the staff report on Chapters 3, 8 and 14 of the Comprehensive Plan AmendmeMs. Annually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan. The City processes both, Ciry—initiated amendments and private-initiated amendments. In response to the public notfication of the time period for applications, the City received two private—initiated comprehensive plan amendments; one combined text & map amendment and one map amendment. The docket was reviewed by the Gity Council's Pianning and Community Deveiopment Committee at their June 27, 2011 meeting and introduced and briefly discussed by the Planning Commission a4 their July 6, 2011 meeting. The Planning Commission at its September 7, 2011 mee4ing discussed Work Session Group 2 items. The proposed amendmerits corrtained in P/T 8 forCfiapters 3, 8 and 14 of the Comprehensive Pian are part of4he second group of Comprehensive Plan amendments. Planning Director Snyder reviewed group two of the 2011 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments; Commission provided fhe following feedback: CHAPTER 3, LAND USE: o Commission would like staff to provide a parcel based map showing existing warehouse/distribution. o Prior to the Public Nearing Commission would like staff to contact the public to obtain feedback: Rlanning Commission Meeting Minutes September 20, 2011 o Commission would like staff to discuss potential changes and impacts with the Ports of Tacoma and Seattle. o Commission would like staff to explore designa;ed areas for warehouse distribution districts. o Commission asked if an incerrtive could be developed for specific or unusual uses'having a Iarger number of employee§. Planning Director Snyder stated manufacturing indus4rial use buiidings generally provide higher property tax revenues than waretiouse distribution buildings with less impad to our roads providing an overall ben�t to the City. Planning Director Snyder also emphasized that distribution warehouses are usuallyadestina;ion not origin, creating a loss of revenue. The underlying issues with wareFiouse distribution are loss of revenue and sign�cant Vuck traffic. It has not been shown that the benefit mitigates the impact to the City. CHAPTER 8, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: o Commissioner Osbome expressed concem in removing incentives after a five year period. If the owner is unable to bring a tenaM to take over the building _ _ he loses the incerrtive and there is no occupation of the building. Director Snyder understood thie concem and statetl we are writing the policy for today but if circumstances arise and change is ne,cessary staff can seek recommendations from the Commission to implement changes. o Commission recommends an annual review of the effectiveness of the implemeMation of the amendmerKs. CHAPTER 14, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP: o Commission requested a parcel layer map. B. Amendments to Comqrehensive Transportation Plan Planning & Community Development Director Kevin Snyder provided the Comprehensive TranspoRation Plan amendments background. Commission and staff reviewed the propo§ed amendments to the City's Comprehensive Transportation'Plan. These amendmeMs are proposed to reflect the recommendations of the City of Au6um Bicycle Task Force. Commission provided the following recommendations and feedback: o Commission recommended bicyclists contribute to the costs of implementing the bicycle transportation changes in some manner and also expressed concem for bicyblists,coriiplying with traffic lauirs: , , 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September20, 2011 o P3-11 No. 3, Commission is concerned with the location of the bike boxes listed in the "pilot program" and feels the locations will not be successful. Commissioner Osbome suggested having the bike box on R Street and M Street. Directoc Snyder stated he will bring Commission's concems to the Pu61ic 1Norks Committee for discussion. Commission suggested making the changes in stages and educating the public along the process. o Commissioner Chapman asked why so many north/south corridors were being shown on,Figure 3-5 and suggested that it migMbe better to have few number of corridors, perhaps two to three, to funnel bicyclists to. Planning DirectorSnyder explained the Bicyole Task Force was considering corridors which provide access,to many areas of Aubum rather than a selec4 few. Fewer corridors proVide less assess ability and the BicyGe Task Force determined it would not be realistic and would limit accessing the broader areas of Aubum. o Commission recommended removing the references to specific businesses, bicycle clubs or any other spec�c names. Planning Diredor Snyder stated he will make thos.e changes. o Commission requested making a map larger so it would be easier to read. Principal Planner Dixon stated the Public Hearing on these items will be October 18, 2011. 111. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjoumed the meeting at 9:41 p.m. 3