HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 7-PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS 2003 Final Budaet Proaram Improvements SECTION VII: PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS AS PROPOSED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS This section of the budget presents, in detail, the program improvements that have been recommended by the Mayor in this preliminary budget. They are presented in the format originally proposed by the departments. These program improvements are presented in a consistent format, which consists of the following: 1. Title: The name of the improvement as proposed by the department. 2. Priority: The priority assigned by the department for each project amonq onlv all the proiects proposed bv the Department (e.g. first priority among all public works proposals, not first priority among all city improvements). 3. Cost: Estimated cost by the department to implement the proposals originally proposed. 4. Person Responsible: The department director who would be responsible for the proposal's implementation. 5. Dept: The Department responsible for implementation. 6. Description: A brief summary of the character of the proposal. 7. Alternatives: This portion of the proposal describes potential alternatives to the proposed program or improvement to assist in evaluating the proposal's merits. 8. Advantaqes of the Proposal: The advantages of the proposal relative to the alternatives. 9. Implications of Denial: A description of what will occur if the proposal is not approved. 10. Resources Required and Source of Funds: A budget or distribution of the costs of the proposal by line item or source of revenue. The last portion of each proposal (Conclusion) was added after the proposal was approved to summarize the manner in which the proposal was approved. Page 195 2003 Final Budaet Proaram Improvements 2003 Proposed Program Improvements By Department The following program improvements are included in this 2003 preliminary budget. The recommended levels of funding are indicated on the table below. Within departments, they are in priority order. Finance Video Conferencing/Govt Access TV $ 350,000 $ 350,000 197 Finance Accounting Specialist 61,200 61,200 198 Police SCBA Acquistion 24,000 24,000 199 Police Video Analysis System 22,000 22,000 200 Fire SCBA Replacement 12,500 12,500 201 Fire Mobile Data Computers 25,000 25,000 202 Fire Two Aid Units 330,000 330,000 203 Fire Ladder Truck 650,000 650,000 204 Fire Pumper Truck 380,600 380,600 205 Public Works Water Division Manager 86,830 86,830 206 Public Works Hydraulic Modeler 81,000 81,000 207 Public Works Sidewalk Cleaning Equipment 60,000 60,000 208 Public Works Emergency Vehicle Mechanic 124,450 124,450 209 Public Works Traffic Signal LED Conversion 80,000 80,000 210 Parks Cemetery Mini-Van 30,000 30,000 211 Parks Rebuild Golf Course #12 Fairway 170,000 170,000 212 Parks West Beverly Park Development 200,000 200,000 213 Parks Upgrade Golf Course Equipment 80,000 80,000 214 Parks Veterans/Ballard Park Playground Impr 100,000 100,000 215 Parks Turf Mower 50,000 50,000 216 Total $ 2,917,580 $ 2,917,580 Page 196 2003 Final Budaet Proaram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Video Conferencing and Government Access TV I p. 1 I FY:2003 C p< biT non y: a a Illes Cost: $350,000 I Person Responsible: Shelley Coleman I Dept: Finance Description of Improvement: Research, recommend and implement video conferencing and cable TV co po bilities. Video conferencing research will encompass desktop video, correctional/Court systems, inter-City facilities, and remote communications for meetings and training opportunities. Implementation scope will be recommended based on research. This project will leverage potential cost savings by combining requirements for video conferencing and cable TV production. Project will also include upgrade of sound and presentation systems in Council Chambers. Initial research, recommendation and implementation will be provided by consultant. Ongoing maintenance and programming of Government Access TV channel and video conferencing systems will require staffing which will be determined during the consulting phase. We are currently working with AT&T (ComCast) to support $145,000 worth of GATV hardware, software and installation. This would lower the City participation to about $200,000 or less depending on recommendations. Current cost estimates: Sound System $50,000 Consulting Services $20,000 Video to Yakima $20,000 InterCity Comm $44,400 Remote Video Conf $25,000 GATV $150,000 Alternatives: Advantages of Approval: Implications of Denial: Per State Law, we must implement video conferencing capabilities in order to support housing in out of County jail facilities. Initial Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Phone Staffing & 10% Computer ($2,500) ongoing Consulting & maintenance costs $ 110 ,800 Hardware $ 350,000 Furniture Total Cost $ 350,000 Vehicle Total Cost $ 110 ,800 Source of Funds: General fund $ 208,000 Source of Funds: AT&T $ 142,000 General fund $ 110 ,800 Proprietary funds II Conclusion: Funding of $350,000 is included in the 2003 Finance General Fund budget. Page 197 2003 Final Budaet Proaram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Accounting Specialist I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $61,200 I Person Responsible Shelley Coleman I Dept: Finance Description of Improvement: Add an Accounting Specialist position to the utility Billing Division of the Finance Department. This position would be a "refuse-billing specialist" and be responsible for resolving inquires and complaints from customers and/or the contractor regarding the service level, routing and billing information. This position would also prepare and analyze the monthly reporting of commission to the contractor. Alternatives: 1) Continue to have existing staff absorb additional workload, which decreases the overall level of customer service with longer hold time and return messages. 2) Franchise the garbage collection. Advantages of Approval: 1) Maintain level of customer service while accommodating the increase in garbage related inquires and concerns. 2) Allows for cross training and back up to other utility billing related inquires. 3) Free up utility Manager's time to do higher level work and return to assisting with financial reporting and budgeting. Implications of Denial: 1) Customer service levels and availability will continue to decrease. 2) Reduced manpower will take away from implementing new projects. Initial Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step N04/7 Pay Grade/Step N04/7 Wages $ 44,525 Wages $44,525 Benefits (28%) $ 12,475 Benefits (28%) $ 12,475 Supplies Supplies Phone $ 200 Phone $ - Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) $ 2,500 Computer ($2,500) $ - Furniture $ 1,500 Furniture $ - Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ 61,200 Total Cost $ 57,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund Solid Waste fund Solid Waste fund 434 $ 61,200 434 $ 57,000 Conclusion: New position 1/1/03 funding of $61,200 is included in the 2003 Solid Wast Fund bud et. Page 198 2003 Final Budaet Proaram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: SCBA Acquisition Cost: $24,000 Dru fund Description of Improvement: Currently the Clandestine Lab Team is using SCBA gear from the Fire Dept. This would allow them to outfit themselves in appropriate OSHA/WISHA approved equipment. This also allows communication between lab members while wearing the mask. Person Responsible: Chief Jim Kelly FY:2003 Alternatives: Use Fire Department equipment Advantages of Approval: The Lab Team would have their own equipment, and would not have to rely on Fire. Also, this equipment can be paid from the Narcotic Seizure fund. This would give quick response, and equipment set up to the individual team member. Implications of Denial: Continued use of Fire equipment, which may not be available, and is a burden to the Fire budget. Worst-case scenario, there are not SCBA units to allow members to go in and process a lab, which may necessitate calling in an outside agency and incur additional expense. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies & Equip $ 24,000 Phone Phone Cellphone Cell phone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 24,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund Drug Forfeiture Proprietary funds Fund 11 7 $ 24,000 Conclusion: Funding of $24,000 is included in the 2003 Drug Forfeiture Fund budget. Expenditures are contingent upon receipt of additional forfeited funding. Page 199 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Video Analyst System I Priority: 8 I FY: 2003 Cost: $22,000 I Person Responsible: Chief Jim Kelly I Dept: Police Description of Improvement: Purchase of a video analysis system that would enable viewing recording, magnification, enhancement, editing, and printing of videos. This will enable detectives to view, enhance, magnify and print from video surveillance tapes from crime scenes, create our own training and recruitment videos, edit our in-car video tapes for training, convert our current VHS tapes to DVD to enhance storage. Consists of monitor, stand-alone computer, training and one year of maintenance. Alternatives: Continue to utilize outside video equipment for viewing and editing of surveillance tapes for crime analysis. Advantages of Approval: Increased investigative capabilities in viewing surveillance tapes and printing suspect photos, enhance our training and recruiting efforts. Implications of Denial: Inability to publish photos of suspects for intelligence or court purposes, delay in viewing crime tapes while arranging for outside equipment. Initial Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies & Equip $ 22,000 Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 22,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund Drug Forfeiture fund Proprietary funds 117 $ 22,000 Other fund Conclusion: Funding of $22,000 is included in the 2003 Drug Forfeiture Fund budget. Ex enditures are con tin ent u on recei t of additional forfeited fundin . Page 200 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Replace ESP's with Clear Command Communication S Cost: $12,500 Person Responsible: Chief Johnson Description of Improvement: Replace the current SCBA mask mounted electronic speaking projectors with a significantly improved model called the Clear Command. The current models have been documented to have failed during emergencies. The manufacturer has redesigned the units and allowed us a one time below cost purchase. The manufacturer has agreed to supply us with the new Clear Commands for 1/3 of the current retail the price. These Clear Commands allow for effective and consistent communications while wearin self contained breathin a aratus durin emer encies. Alternatives: Continue utilizing the existing electronic speaking devices and mitigate the lack of communications during fire firefighting operations. The current units have caused missed communications and have caused supervisors to have to walk outside to communicate with other supervisors. Mitigating the loss of communications would be very difficult. Advantages of Approval: This one time opportunity to purchase a much more effective and safer system will greatly improve our ability to relay information including tactics, hazards, and instructions to firefighters. Communications on the emergency scene are critical and the Clear Commands are a si nificantl more reliable s stem. Implications of Denial: The current system is not consistently able to deliver clear communications during emergency operations. They have failed on numerous occasions and have stopped working all together on over 30 occasions. This presents a safety concern during emergency operations. The factory will only replace these units at the negotiated price this one time. To replace the units in another fiscal year would cost an additional $25,000. FY: 2003 Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Small Tools/Equip $ 12,500 Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 12,500 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund $ 12,500 Proprietary funds Proprietary funds Conclusion: Funding of $12,500 is included in the 2003 Fire Department General Fund budget. Page 201 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Mobile Data Computers I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost: $25,000 I Person Responsible: Chief Johnson I Dept: Fire Description of Improvement: Install laptop in front line and back-up Command vehicle for pilot test. Each laptop/workstation will integrate into Valley Com's CAD system for exchange of critical data in real-time, automate pre-incident plan retrieval and connect via Internet to hazmat chemical product data. Goal is to phase in installation of 17 vehicle mounted computers to include cost of hardware, software, implementation, training and lJ2 FTE for IS in the future. Alternatives: Continue to use hard copy pre-incident plan binders. Advantages of Approval: Enhance firefighter safety, efficiency and effectiveness by reducing overloaded radio-to-radio air time. Eliminate cost of printing hard copy of pre- incident plan binders that contain critical information on high hazard occupancies saving $5,000 annually. Implications of Denial: Increased loading of air time causing delays in retrieval of critical information. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Capital Outlay $ 25,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 25,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund $ 25,000 Proprietary funds Proprietary funds Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $25,000 are budgeted in the Finance 2003 General Fund bud et. Page 202 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Replace two Fire Department Aid Units I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $330,000 I Person Responsible: Chief Johnson I Dept: Fire Description of Improvement: Two 1991 Ford Aid Units are twelve years old, and have out lived there seven to ten year service lives. They were/are due to be replaced, one in 2001 and one in 2003. Alternatives: Have the department mechanic continue to attempt to maintain them in a serviceable condition. Advantages of Approval: Worn out emergency response apparatus will be replaced with new apparatus which require far less maintenance costs and will be much more reliable. Units will have newest technology for safety and efficiency. Implications of Denial: Higher maintenance costs and having to rely on emergency response apparatus which are undependable. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle (2 aid units) $ 330,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost (2) $ 330,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: Cap. Improvement General fund fund 328 $ 330,000 Proprietary funds clusion: Capital expenditures of $330,000 are included in the 2003 Capital ement Fund bud et. Page 203 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Replace Fire Department Aerialscope I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $650,000 I Person Responsible: Chief Johnson I Dept: Fire Description of Improvement: The 1971 Mack Aerialscope (ladder truck) is permanently out-of-service and replacement parts are unavailable. It will have to be replaced with a new ladder truck. Alternatives: 1) Have the aerial mechanism removed from the chassis, rebuilt and placed onto a new chassis. 2) Attempt to locate a demo or used ladder truck, which will meet our specifications. Advantages of Approval: Continue to provide rescue and master stream capabilities and meet the requirements of the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau in order to maintain our Fourth-class insurance rating. Implications of Denial: Continued loss of ladder truck service and possible loss of Fourth- class insurance rating. Higher risk to firefighters without operational advantage of an elevated master stream and rescue ladder. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies $50,000 Phone Phone Cellphone Cell phone Computer ($2,500) Furniture Computer ($2,500) Vehicle Furniture Total Cost $ - Vehicle $600,000 Total Cost $650,000 Source of Funds: General fund Source of Funds: Proprietary funds Capital Improvement fund 328 $ 650,000 Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $650,000 are included in the 2003 Capital Improvement Fund budget. Page 204 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Replace one 1984 Fire Department Pumper I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $380,600 I Person Responsible: Chief Johnson I Dept: Fire Description of Improvement: Replace the 1984 Mack Fire Pumper with a 2003 Pumper. This apparatus is nineteen years old and has been rebuilt once. It was due for replacement in 2002. Alternatives: Have the department mechanic continue to attempt to maintain the apparatus in a serviceable condition. Advantages of Approval: An old emergency response apparatus will be replaced with a new apparatus which will require far less maintenance costs and will be much more reliable. New pumper will have the newest technology in safety and efficiency. Implications of Denial: Higher maintenance costs and having to relay on an emergency response apparatus which is undependable. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Wages Benefits (28%) Supplies Phone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Furniture Vehicle Total Cost $ Pay Grade/Step Wages Benefits (28%) Phone Computer ($2,500) Furniture Vehicle $ Total Cost $ 380,600 380,600 Source of Funds: Capital Improvement fund 328 $ 380,600 Source of Funds: General fund Proprietary funds Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $380,600 are included in the 2003 Capital Improvement Fund budget. Page 205 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Cost: $86,830 Person Responsible: Dennis Dowdy Description of Improvement: Create a position to manage the maintenance and operations section for the City's Water Division with emphasis on administrative functions, organizational requirements, records, reports, budgets and regulatory activities. Alternatives: 1. Continue to rely on the Water Division Supervisor to measure performance, attend meetings, write reports, monitor safety, conduct field inspections, collect data, handle personnel issues, guide water quality program, answer phones, prepare budgets, assign tasks, ensure compliance with external regulatory agencies and monitor field operations. 2. Utilize professional services contracts to audit and to update the administrative as ects of the water utili on an as needed basis. Advantages of Approval: FY: 2003 Title: Water Division Manager Implications of Denial: 1) Lower level of supervision provided for field employees. 2) Reduced manpower available to respond to internally and externally generated workload. 3) Increase reliance on consultants and contractors for water program management. 4 Increase robabilit of safe violations. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step NO 8/ 7 Wages Wages $ 63,500 Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) $ 17,800 Supplies Supplies $ 930 Phone Phone $ 200 Cellphone Cellphone $ 200 Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) $ 2,500 Furniture Furniture $ 1,700 Vehicle Vehicle n/a Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 86,830 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund Proprietary funds Water fund 430 $ 86,830 Conclusion: New position 1/1/03 funding of $86,830 included in the 2003 Water Fund bud et. Page 206 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Hydraulic Modeler I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost: $81,000 I Person Responsible: Dennis Dowdy I Dept: Public Works Description of Improvement: This program improvement in engineering would support and maintain the three utilities hydraulic models (Water-WaterCad 4.5, Sanitary Sewer-MOUSE and Storm-XP SWMM) for the design and construction of public works projects. Perform system wide check of the existing models vs. the GIS system using the City's available GIS data. This position will also perform modeling analysis of Developer and Miscellaneous City projects submitted to the City for utility review and approval. Verify compliance with City design and construction standards. Ensure utility models are properly calibrated. Make recommendations regarding software updates. Alternatives: l. Continue to rely entirely on consultant services to maintain and support hydraulic models. 2. Train and reassign existing qualified staff to fill position requirements. Advantages of Approval: l. Eliminate a portion of the utilities budget each year paid to consultants. (2003 draft budget: Storm 432.535.100.41, # 12 = $10,000; sewer 431.590.1 00.65, # 1 0 = $20,000; water 430.534.100.41, #5 = $75,000) 2. Maintain regular infrastructure updates to the models as needed. 3. Expedite the FAC process where modeling is required to support staff recommendations. 4. Reduce model run costs to customers. 5. In-house computer support for the three utilities in reviewing projects for approval. Implications of Denial: Continued reliance on consulting services. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step NOE/7 Wages Wages $ 59,200 Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) $ 16,600 Supplies Supplies $ 2,500 Phone Phone $ 200 Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) $ 2,500 Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 81, 000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: Water (430) $ 40,500 General fund Sewer (431) $ 20,250 Proprietary funds Storm (432) $ 20,250 Conclusion: Professional services budgets will be reduced by $105,000 and new position 1/1/03 costs of $81,000 are included in the 2003 Water, Sewer, and Storm bud ets. Page 207 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Sidewalk Cleaning Equipment I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $60,000 I Person Responsible Dennis Dowdy I Dept: Public Works Description of Improvement: The City, in partnership with the ADA, wishes to implement a program to clean City sidewalks and infrastructure within the Business Improvement Area (BIA). Public Works has evaluated 2 Riding Sweeper/Scrubbers and a High Pressure Disc/Steam Cleaning Unit and a Riding Sweeper Scrubber. Public Works is recommending the purchase of the High Pressure Disc and Steam Cleaner. Pros: Cleans sidewalk surface much better than Riding Sweeper. Removes gum, heavy stains, hydrocarbons, skateboard wax, graffiti, algae, moss, bird droppings, debris, paint stripes (if necessary), snow and ice. Cleans curbs, gutters, tire marks, water fountains, playground equipment, statuary, signs, walls, litter cans, park benches and almost any horizontal, vertical or irregular surface, and can also be used to kill weeds. This feature will reduce or eliminate herbicide use, eliminate need for staff hazard material certification and assist City in meeting ESA, NPDES, and executive order 13101 requirements. Unit can also be used for hazardous spill decontamination. Cons: Cleans horizontal surfaces at approximately 1/6th the speed of a Riding Scrubber. Unit includes trailer, water tank, waste water tank, vacuum, vacuum hose, steam hose, high pressure water hose, high pressure water disc, high pressure water wand, steam wand, generator, high pressure water/steam generator, hose reels, accessories. Cost: $60,000. Lease option not available. Alternatives: 1) Have business owners and residents continue to be responsible for cleaning their sidewalk area. The City may need to introduce an ordinance outlining methods used in order to comply with ESA and NPDES guidelines. 2) City could contract for sidewalk cleaning with a firm having special capability at the amount that ADA can afford. Consider using the" Alternatives to Incarceration" work crew once the program is established by the Police Department to perform those cleaning tasks that are labor intensive and mechanical equipment generally cannot perform (scraping gum residues and paints from sidewalk surfaces). Advantages of Approval: Minimizes amount of roadway debris entering the system. Eliminates or reduces herbicide use. Beautification of BIA area and infrastructure. Improved relations between City and ADA. Possible increase in citizen traffic and commercial activity in downtown area. Uniform cleaning. Elimination of current patchwork effect. The High Pressure Disc and Steam Cleaner is very versatile and could be used by the City for areas and tasks outside the BIA. Implications of Denial: BIA sidewalks and infrastructure cleanliness will remain as is. Initial Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Pay Grode/Step Pay Grode/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle $ Vehicle $ 60,000 16,496 Total Cost $ 16,496 Total Cost $ 60,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: Capitol $ Capitol $ 60,000 16,496 Improvement Improvement Fund 328 Fund 328 II Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $60,000 are included in the 2003 Capital Improvement Fund II budqet. Page 208 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Emergency Vehicle Mechanic I Priority: I FY: 2003 Cost $124,450 I Person Responsible: Dennis Dowdy I Dept: Equipment Rental Description of Improvement: Hire a Fire Department Mechanic as a civilian employee. This position will replace the current firefighter/specialist mechanic position. This restructure will provide the staffing needed to comply with N FP A 1710, the fire service industry standard for safe and efficient staffing of fire department suppression operations. This position requires specialized training in diesel engines, fire pumps, small engine repair, complicated electrical systems for vehicles, and experience with the many facets of emergency operations vehicles. This program improvement provides for the specialized position, required tools, and training for other M&O staff that could serve as backup fire mechanic. Alternatives: Appoint another firefighter/specialist mechanic or contract the maintenance out. Advantages of Approval: Lower cost to the City to have an EVT certified mechanic available rather than being subject to an outside vendor's schedule and list of priorities. Because of the nature of Fire Department business, it is imperative that emergency response apparatus be maintained, and necessary repairs be completed, in a timely manner 24/7. In order to do this, a City of Auburn employee needs to be available or on/call. Implications of Denial: Higher cost to the city to maintain the fire department equipment and loss of efficiency in maintenance of equipment and apparatus. Longer down time and out-of- service time for apparatus. Initial Setup Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: to be to be Pay Grade/Step determined Pay Grade/Step determined Wages $ 50,000 Wages $ 50,000 Benefits (28%) $ 14,000 Benefits (28%) $ 14,000 Supplies $ 50,000 Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone $ 450 Cell phone Computer Computer Furniture Furniture Training $ 10,000 Training Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ 1 24,450 Total Cost $ 64,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: Equip Rental fund Equip Rental fund 550 $ 1 24,450 550 $ 64,000 Conclusion: New position 1/1/03 funding of $124,450 is included in the 2003 Equipment Rental Fund budget. Page 209 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Traffic Signal LED Conversion I Priority: I FY: 2003 Moderate Cost: $80,000 Per I P R Obi D . D d I Dept: Public Works Y f 2 Y erson esponsl e: ennls ow y ear or ears Description of Improvement: The City has approximately 60 signalized intersections, 20 of which have been converted to LED lamps in 2002. The Transportation section is proposing completing the conversion by installing LED lamps at approximately 20 additional intersections for each of the next 2 years. Currently, City Staff replaces lamps in the signal sections as they burn out. The cost of sending a technician to a signal (sometimes after business hours and sometimes accompanied by a police officer in order to flag the intersection) is significantly more than the cost of the lamp. The conventional incandescent lamp typically costs -$3.00 and lasts approximately 2 years. The LED lamps have a life expectancy of 8-10 years, use between 75% and 85% less power and are more reliable than the conventional incandescent lamps, which means the number and frequency of after hour call-outs will be significantly reduced. The LED lamps will also provide the public a more reliable system with less frequent outages. LED lamps cost significantly more than the conventional incandescent lamp, however the savings in the power costs will offset the material costs and will show a savings to the City in the forth year the LEDs are in use. The Transportation section proposes to schedule replacement of the LED lamps every 8 years. PSE also encourages Cities to use the LED lamps and has a rebate program to help subsidize their costs. Alternatives: 1) Implement a re-Iamp program to change all of the incandescent lamps on a regular cycle. Incandescent lamps typically last 2 years. 2) Make no change to the City re-Iamp practices. Advantages of Approval: LED lamps would result in 75%-85% less power consumption for traffic signal heads. Power costs for a typical intersection is approximately $1 ,050/year. LED lamps would reduce the annual cost to between $1 70 and $260 per year. Implications of Denial: No reduction in current power consumption. City will spend a significant amount of staff resources changing lamps as they burn out. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies $ 80,000 Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 80,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund $ 80,000 Proprietary funds Proprietary funds Conclusion: Funding of $80,000 is included in the 2003 Engineering General Fund budget Page 210 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Mini Van I Priority: 1 I FY: 2003 Cost $30,000 I Person Responsible Daryl Faber I Dept: Cemetery Description of Improvement: Passenger mini-van to transport families around cemetery grounds to show and sell property. Also, is used to escort funeral processions and to transport staff to off-site events. Alternatives: Keep 1991 Ford AerostarVan. Advantages of Approval: This van is also a rolling billboard for the cemetery and a promotional tool. It should be presentable. Implications of Denial: The annual cost to maintain the 1991 van is beginning to increase with age. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cell phone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle $ 30,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 30,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund Cemetery Endowed Proprietary funds Care Fund 604 $ 30,000 Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $30,000 are included in the Cemetery 2003 budget. Page 211 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Rebuild # 12 Fairway I Priority: 1 I FY: 2003 Cost $170,000 I Person Responsible: Daryl Faber I Dept: Golf Course Description of Improvement: Re-contour # 12 Fairway for surface and sub-surface drainage. Install a drainage system, an irrigation system, and fairway bunkers. Cap the fairway with eight inches of sand. Seed and fertilize the fairway. Alternatives: Continue with the present issue. Advantages of Approval: Improvement would solve a 32-year winter drainage issue and make the hole manageable throughout the year and conducive to play. Implications of Denial: Less revenue during the late fall to early spring and more equipment damage (from reels). Continued complaints by patrons from late fall to early spring. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Pay Grade/Step Wages Benefits (28%) Wages Supplies Benefits (28%) Phone Supplies Cellphone Phone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Furniture Computer ($2,500) Improvements $ 1 70,000 Furniture Total Cost $ 1 70,000 Vehicle Total Cost $ - Source of Funds: Golf Course Source of Funds: Fund 437 $ General fund 170,000 Proprietary funds Other fund Conclusion: Capital expenses of $1 70,000 are included in the Golf Course Fund 2003 budget. Page 212 2003 Final Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: West Beverly Park Development I Priority: 1 I FY: 2003 Cost: $200,000 I Person Responsible Daryl Faber I Dept: Parks and Recreation Description of Improvement: In late 1997, 1.89 acres of the West Beverly #4 development was dedicated as a "future park site". The development is now substantially complete, featuring over 130 lots. This single-family development contains no neighborhood parks. The city is receiving increasing pressure to develop this site to meet the growing demands of the family neighborhood. The 1.89 acres will feature a playground, picnic area, sport court as well as territorial views. The potential also exists to link to the city owned watershed for limited trail access. Alternatives: Postpone the development of the West Beverly Park Site or develop in phases. Advantages of Approval: New park will provide park space to this park deficient neighborhood. The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan recommends the development of 4.8 acres of neighborhood parkland in 2003 to meet our need. Implications of Denial: Provide no park space to the West Beverly Community. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Pay Grade/Step Cost of Program Improvement: Wages Pay Grade/Step Benefits (28%) Wages Supplies Benefits (28%) Phone Supplies Cellphone Phone Computer ($2,500) Cellphone Furniture Computer ($2,500) Vehicle Improvements $ 200,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 200,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund Capital Proprietary funds Improvement Fund Other fund 328- REET 2 $ 200,000 Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $200,000 are included in the 2003 Capital Improvement Fund budget. Page 213 2003 Preliminorv Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Upgrade Golf Course Equipment I Priority: 2 I FY: 2003 Cost $80,000 I Person Responsible Daryl Faber I Dept: Parks and Recreation - Golf Description of Improvement: Upgraded Maintenance Equipment whose life expectancy has expired: Tri-King 84" Lawn Tractor $24,000 2 Greens Mowers $43,000 Bunker Rake $13,000 Alternatives: Advantages of Approval: This will replace equipment whose life expectancy has expired. Implications of Denial: Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Equipment $ 80,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 80,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: Golf Course General fund Fund 437 $ 80,000 Proprietary funds Conclusion: Funding of $80,000 is included in the Golf Course Fund 2003 budget. Page 214 2003 Preliminorv Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Veterans Park and Ballard Park Playground I Priority: 2 I FY: 2003 Improvements Cost $100,000 I Person Responsible Daryl Faber I Dept: Parks and Recreation Description of Improvement: The play equipment and surrounding park amenities at Veterans park and Ballard Park are old and do not meet the new Consumer Safety Product Guidelines. The sand surfacing materials do not meet National Playground Safety Standards for fall absorption. The areas surrounding the playgrounds are also in need of major improvements including benches, fencing and trash receptacles. Alternatives: Each play area will cost approximately $50,000. Approve one in the 2003 budget and one in 2004. Advantages of Approval: New park equipment will bring the playground areas up to approved safety standards as well as provide park amenities that meet the current demands of these parks. Implications of Denial: Continue use of old equipment and safety surfacing that does not meet current standards. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies $100,000 Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Vehicle Total Cost $ 100,000 Total Cost $ - Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund Capital Proprietary funds Improvement fund 328-REET 2 $ 100,000 Other fund Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $100,000 are included in the 2003 Capital Improvement Fund budget. Page 215 2003 Preliminorv Budqet Proqram Improvements REQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Title: Large Turf Mower I Priority: 3 I FY: 2003 Cost $50,000 I Person Responsible: Daryl Faber I Dept: Parks and Recreation Description of Improvement: Addition of large Turf Mower (11 ft. cutting width) Alternatives: Reduce frequency of cuttings or eliminate selected park sites. Advantages of Approval: Ability to schedule much needed 3rd mowing crew to cut new properties, Le. Lakeland Hills, Lakeland Linear, etc.). Staff could continue high quality of turf care. Implications of Denial: Reduce quality of care, frequency of mowing, bunching of grass, etc. Initial Midyear Cost of Improvement Subsequent Annualized Cost of Improvement Cost of Program Improvement: Cost of Program Improvement: Pay Grade/Step Pay Grade/Step Wages Wages Benefits (28%) Benefits (28%) Supplies Supplies Phone Phone Cellphone Cellphone Computer ($2,500) Computer ($2,500) Furniture Furniture Vehicle Equipment $ 50,000 Total Cost $ - Total Cost $ 50,000 Source of Funds: Source of Funds: General fund General fund $ 50,000 Proprietary funds Proprietary funds Conclusion: Capital expenditures of $50,000 are included in the 2003 Parks Department General Fund budget. Page 216