HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-2012 * , Ci�nr oF �� � PLANNING COMMISSION March 6, 2012 WAS H I NGTON MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on 4he frst floor of Aubum City Hall, 25 V11est Main Street, Aubum,WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Ron Copple, Joan Mason, Dave Peace, and Yolanda Trout. Commissioner Ramey is excused.. Staff present inciuded: Flanning Director Kevin Snyder, Planning Manager Elizabeth Chamberlain, PlannerStuart Wagner, and Planning and DevelopmentSecretary Tina Kriss. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 7, 2012 Commissioner Baggett recommended the foilowing corrections be made: The word human on page three (3)and four(4) should be changed to Humane. Commissioner Peace moved and Commissioner Baggett seconded to approve the minutes from the March 6, 2012 meeting corrected. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 III. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no pubiic comments on any item not listed on the agenda for disucssion or public hear. IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Planning ManagerElizabeth Chamberlain let the Commission know the Aubum Environmental Park is near completion and wilf have a grand opening April 5th, 2012; Ms. Chamberlain will update Commission on the time when it has been selected. Ms. Chamberlain explained tfie King County Housing Aufhority 'is refur6ishing the exterior and interior of their units off M Street; construction will take place tHrough the summer. V. PUBLIC HEARING A. Interim Sign Controls=Real Estate Signs Planner Stuart Wagner reviewedthe current proposalto Aubum City Code Section 18.56.025 on Real Estate Signs. On April 18,2011 the Aubum City Council passed Ordinance No. 6360 that established one(1) year iriterimzoning corrtrols pertaining to the real estate signs to promote and market new developments in the area. Those interim sign coMrols haye been in affect for about a yeac The ordinance provided forwork sessions to discuss these signsaswe have done here previously at Planning Commission meetings. One key purpose was to assist loql economic develapmeM associated with the sale and deyelopment of real estate. Staff feels the current economic situation warrants these signs and continued flexibility. The real PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 6, 2010 estate indusVy is important for the C�y ofAubum as a job creator provision for additional property tax, real estate excise tax and development impact fees. In balancing that staff has received cancems by local residence which were included in the packet. Staff proposes the regulations be effedive urrtil April 13, 2013 unless extended by the City Council. Mr. Wagner described the handouts provided tonigM to Commissioners (emails and letters in favor of and against the changes to the real estate signs as uvell as Affidavits of Publication). Wrthin the handout he also provided an emaiUletter provided from the Washington State Depa�tment of Transportation (WSDOT) reminding us of the ReVised Code of Washington RCW 47.42.080(5) explaining signage regulations on state highways. Commission and staff discussed the City's monitoring ofthese signs by code enforcement and street department staff emphasizing the goal is to make sure there are no safety issues and the signsare in compliance Hrith zoning code. Mr. Wagner expiained additional regulatioris are built into the permit approval and review process. Commission membec Copple recommended staff change the word exercise to excise tax on page three (3) of six (B) under G1. Commission and staff discussed the state Scenic Vista's Act enaded in 1971, RCW 47.42.080(5). Washington State Department of TransPortation retains control on approving the locations of signs in the state on public right-of-way. If it is City owned public right-of-way or private property the City will be looking at issues of safety hazards, sight-distance interterence, and other issues that could cause damage to other persons or property. .° ° Chair Roland opened the publiahearing at 7:17 p.m, to receive comments about proposed amendment to Sedion 18.56.025- Real Estate Signs, of the Auburn City Code. Rich Faires, Lakeland Home Owners Associations HOA, 5801 Lakeland Hills Way, Auburn, WA 98092. Mr. Fa"iresdiscussedwith Commission the various signs in the area of Lake Tapps Parkway and Kersey Way. Mr. Faires stated most of the signage that is seen going up the hill is on Lakeland property which is a Planned Unit Development established with n]les to uphold property values not sell homes. The Lakeland HOA is fighting to uphold the values of homes. Commissioner Baggett asked if special provisions were in the governing documents of the Lakeland HOA for the deyel,opment allowing the builder certain flexibilities regarding advertising for'ttieir products until they are built out. Mr. Faires-answered; yes there are proyisions for their particular properties and the signage. Commissioner Baggett asked if the provisions provide the ability to have that type of signage in the locations on the roadways and everything. Mr. Faires ansinrered yes fortheir property and builders; The HOA isn't entirely against other parties' signs but the quantity, size and overabundance is of concern. Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 6, 2010 Commissioner Baggett understands what the Lakeland HOA is going through but there are certain things that seem to be contained in these documents that allow certain rights until the deve�opment is fully built out. Commission,staff and Mr. Faices discussed the location of the signs and the responsibilities of the City to provide.regulations in maintaining the City's public right-of-way. DirgctorSnyder clarified the Gity can approve signs within the public right-of-way and on private prbperty with property owners authorization. The Gity has authorized and approved the signs through the permit approval process on Lake Tapps Parkway and Kersey Way through various City departments with public safety in mind. The City can't legally authorize signs plac.ed outside the right-of-way unless a property owner in Lakeland or other owners of record authorize the instillation. Absent of that authority we could not approve a sign permit. In Lakeland the majority of the streets are public right-of-way owned by the City of Auburn. Chair Roland thanked Mr. Faires for his comments. Ron Rutherford, Lakeland HOA board member, 5619 Highland Drive SE, Aubum, WA. Chair Roland and staff discussed the public hearing procedures with Mr. Ruthertord. Mc RuEhertord expressed his thought that the proposed amendmerit had changed from the previous amendment adopted by City Councii on April 18, 2011 (Mr. Rutherford referenced a document with strikeouts and underlines). Director Snyder clarified staff is not recommending mod�cation to the language approved by Council last year and no changes to that speafic language are being proposed. Mr. Ruthertord stated he and his wife moved to the Lakeland Hilis because of the strong sense of community; he emphasized understands 4he importance and impad of real estate signs to developers, residence and the City. If the City is exploring an extension he asks the City to not limit one developer or another, over another but rather the City level the play'ing feld among the developers. In the ordinance he suggests defining what"similar purposes" means. Mr. Rutherford also expressed his concem that temporary may mean another yearbut asked if it means six (6) to 12 months or even five (5) years; are we going to do this every year. Does temporary mean six (6) months, 12 months or five (5) years? While the City expiores ways to bring in new residence it would be helpfui 'rf 4hey would piease take into consideration the residence that they already have. Thank you. Chair Roland thanked Mr: Rutherford. With no other parties to come forvvard for public tes;imony Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. Commissioner Baggett pointed out that the preponderance of emails in the packet supplied by staff we�e from Lakeland Hills' residences. Most were negative and asked that the signs be restricted. Commissioner Baggett stated, if he understands the issue corredly, the signs Lakeland home owners are complaining about are mostly on private property and not necessarily in the public right-of-way and the City Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETMGMINUTES March 6, 2010 has no jurisdiction over those signs. Commissioner Baggett suggested the HOA or property managers deal with 4he developers to work out these issues. Commissioner Peace stated he is tom between weighing out the bigger preponderance of the signs being an eyesore wRh the current economic fadors and hopes the City sees the extension as temporary. Commissioner Peace recommends the City reduce the quantity and size in the relative near term and emphasized "ff there are no corrtrols on the City and a builder wants a sign don't always say yes, maybe we can make a compromise with builders and reduce the number of signs°. Commissioner Mason stated she would like to see beginning and ending dates and requests a temporary extension for only one year. Commissioner Chapman moved and Commissioner Chapman seconded to move the forward to Council proposed amendments Aubum Gity Code Section 18.56.025 on Real Estate Signs for one more year. MOTION APPROVED—&1 VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Proposed Amendment to the P-1, Public Use District Planner Stuart Wagner stated the City of Aubum Gity Council has previously authorized a contrad with the Auburn Valley Humane Society for the provision of a public animaf shelter services at 4910 A Street SE, a Gity owned property. This property is currently zoned Public Use (P-1). Current zoning regulations for the P-1 zoning distrid do not specify public animal shelter services as a permitted use in this zone. In order to support the intended public animal shelter services at this property staff has determined the need to amend the Au6um City Code. At the previous meeting Commission asked if shelters were public or private so staff added public to the language with the intent that the P-1 zoning district be publicusesfor public purposes only. Commission and staff discussed the review process for all impacts and the services provided by the contract between the Aubum Valley Humane Society; a ceR�ed 501-3C non-profd institution. Commission recommended.staff darify within the d�nkion or language the animal shelter is for dogs and cats verses a varie.ty of animals or household pets. Director Snyder stated staff will add clarifying language. Staff stated a public hearing will be held on this item at the next meeting tentatively scheduled for March 20"'. B. Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to ACC Section 18.31.200 related to Architectural and Site Design Review Standards and Regulations Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberfain stated the City has architectural and site design standards in effed that apply to three distinct geographical areas of the City and another set that apply throughout the errtire City based the specific land use type. The purpose of thesearchitectural and site design standards is to provide an � Page 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 6, 2010 administrative process for evaluating the design and arrangemeM of buildings and site developmerrt to ensure quality design of the buift environment. The authority for the architedural and site design standards (Design Standardsj were previously adopted by the City Council and are consisteM with, and implement the poliaes of the Comprehensive Plan. The Design Standards applicable to each geographic area is unique and found in a separa4e documenY that applies onfy to that area or type of land use project. The requirement for implementation of the Design Standards is found in various sedions of the zoning code. As these Design Standards were adopted at different times and over a period of years there is not uniformity in the set of regulaHons to administer the Design Standards. The Design Standards themselves are not proposed to change but provide uniformity by bringing them all together: Ms. ChambeAain and Commi§sion discussed the ways the amendments to code would benefit the City. Staff will be bring this item as well as the proposed amendments to the P-1, Public Use Dis4rict to pubiic hearing on March 20'" or the first meeting in April. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjoumed the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Page 5