HomeMy WebLinkAbout0757 . ~. I. r. 757 mDINANCE NO. II ~ '"'7, '157 AN ~DINA.NCE declaring a pulil10 emergency to exist requ,1ring the expen4iture from the Current Es:pense Funi. Sanitation De~rtment. of the oity of Auburn for the repair of the sewer locate.. on H Street N.W. in eaiG. 0 ity. of moneys not proviiei for in the buAget of the year 1934, estilIating the amotmt of money-s requ.1rel to meet suoh emergenoy. and direoting that suoh re~1r of sewer be male, ani that emergenoy warrants be drawn upon the current expense fun4 of the oity of Auburn in payment therefor. THI!: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO amAIN AS J1'OLL<mS: seotion 1. That the follOWing are faots: The buiget of estilmte4 expen4itures from the Sanitation De~rtment of the general fun.. of the oity of Auburn during the year 1934. which bu4get was duly a4optel, by the city cotmon of the city of Auburn in October. 1933, oontains the following i1;ems; "salaries and wages Jla1ntenanoe ani operat1Q11 Capital outlay $2370.00 3030.00 500.00" and no othlr items for, or whioh were inteniei to inaluie repairs. maintenanoe or operatiQl1 in the rsanitatiQl1 iepartment. Sinoe sail buiget was aloptei. it was i1scoverei that the sewer on H street !I.W. in saiG. oity has Caved in: that sail sewer in.ins that portion of the streets of the 0 i ty lying west of the Northern Pao if10 Ra 119ay r 19ht- of..-tm.y ani south of _in street West: that the neoessity for sooh rela1r oould not have been reasonably foreseen in October. 1933. when the 01ty buiget for the year 1934 Was a4opte4. By reason of the foregoing faots. an emergemy- exists requiring the upenl1ture luring the year 1934 :frOl:l the Current Eltpense Fu.nl of the city of Auburn for labor, lint !lll!i.titrials in repe.1ring the sewer above mant10nel in the sum of approx1me.te1y Eight Huntrel Dollars Ct800.00) over ani ab OVe maintenance ani operat1Q11 expenses authorizei in the buiget. Seotion 2. That emergency warrants ba drawn upon the currant expense tunl of the c1 ty of Auburn in :payment for tha re~1r of sail sewer in the oity of Auburn in the sum or sums not exoeeiing in the aggregate the swm of Eight Hundred DOllars ($800.00). Introiuoel June 5, 1934:. Pasee4 unanimOUSly by the affirmative vote Of all oouncilmen preserit. June / r ,1934. Approvei June I.l::. 1934:. ~ Jlayor Approvei as to form ~;.~ ty Attorney Publ1shai June /,5 . 1934.