HomeMy WebLinkAbout0761 ~ - ( 1 _ -:..~'l- ,-- . ....~.... . 761 7~_ . " caDB~...\:"'C:: ~O. AU ORDnr.\IrCE ftxinF, the amounts of tax levies necessary to raise the amounts of the esti~ted expenditures of the City of Aubl11'n for the year 1935, less the total of the estimated revenue from SOl11'Ces other than ta:::ation, includ me availr.ble surplus, and such expenditures as are to be met :from bonds end v:l\rrant issues, nnd the expenditures :for salaries and TIaGes, ~.intenance, operation ana ca~ital eutlay of end for the Public Library of the City of ~uburn, all for the year 1935. IThereas, the City Council of the City of Aubl11'n has hereto- fore, pursuant to the :provisions of Chapter 158 of the Session La\,,'s of the State of ';7eshincton for the year 1923, an:~ the laws of said state supplemental thereto and. r..menC'.atery thereof, ihuy fixed and deter- mined separately each item of the budeet of the City of Auburn for the year 1935, and by ordinance dul:' adopted gaid budget as SO fixed nr_d determined: and Whereas, the County Lssessor of King County, ~r.shin:ton, has duly certified that the tomal assessed valuation of all of the property situate within the present corporate limits ef the City of Auburn, as equalized and fixe~ by the County and state Doards of ~ualization for the year 1934, is \ 1.463.205.00 : and ~hereas, said budeet heretofore fixed ~nd determined and aclopted by ordirw.nce as afores!'.id provides fer the fOllo\7inc expenditl11'es durin.:; the year 1935, viz: As salaries and \7[tCeS, mainte.r_~.nce, operation and cE'.pital outlay ef and for the Public Li- brary of the city of ll.uburn -- -- -- -- -- -- :::2,354.00 from vlhich there is to be deducted estinnted receipts from fines, etc. - -- -- -- -- -- -- 160.00 leaving to be raised by ta:xs.tion a,':ainst all of the taxable property of th~ cit~' of :'ubl11'n, the su~ ef -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . ~. 2 ,194.00 As interest and sinking fund. for municipal buildinc bonds -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- all of which is to be ro.ised by toxo.tion aeainst all of the taxable pr oporty of the 0 i ty of 1mb urn: As interest and redemption fund and surplus for park purposes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- all of \'Ihioh is. to be raised. by tn=tion aee.mst all of the taxable property of the c it~' ef 1,uburn: Prom city property asseSsment rea.enpt~on fund -- -- -- all of which is to be raised by taxatiOn ~eainst all of the taxable pI' operty of the 0 ity of ,',uburn: As current expend i tures of the city af Auburn for and as S!'.lar ies !:'.nd \7aees, maintemnce and epera.t ien, and capital outl~y, after deduotine therefrom the estil".c.ted revenues from sources other than to.xo. t ion, includ me _A' available surplus, the sum ef -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- 18,799.507 4,681.00 2,048.00 950.00 !CO::, T:1J!:REPOR~, the Jity Council of the City of Auburn do oril.!:'.in as follm'ls: Section 1. Thn.t in order to ro.ise so.iC sum of :)2,19<Z.OO for the support of the public library of tr.e city of \uburn, and fer' oa)ital eutla.y for such library, there be and is hereby lev ied 11pon all of the real and. perseool IJl'Operty within the present corporr.te lbits of the city of Auburn, t'.s shmm upon the assess::ent rolls of Kin,,: County, ','Jashin,.;ton, for the ye!J.r!.. D. 1934, a tax of one t'.nd 5/10 (1.5) mills On eaoh and every dollar of the eQualized assessed valUAtion thereof. ., r . I >t ~-!""~ ,"~.- ~. ! ... ... -::... Seotion 2. That in order to raise said sum of ::4 ,601.00 as interest anc redemrtion fund for municipal buildin~ bonds, thero Je and is hereby levied upon all of the real and persow.l property VJithin the present corporate limits of the cit~' of 1.uburn, as shovm upon the assessment rolls of Kine: County, :.nshin.:;ton, for the year A. D. 19301, as e~ualized an~ fixed by the county ~nd state TIoards ef Equalization, en additional tax ot three e.n,1 2/10 (3.2) mills on er,ch e.nd every dolL'1.r of the equalized assessed valuation thereof. Section 3. Tl:1r.t in or1er to r::.ico s~.id. sum of (2,040.00 as interest and redeMption fund and surplus on p~rk bends, there bo and is hereb~' levied upon all ef the rea.l and I'erson.~.l ?roPerty \7ithin the present corporate limits of the city of Auburn, a.s 51o'm upon the nssessment rOlls of KinG Oounty, ~:t'.shinc1;on, l'.n additio!l",l tax of one and 4/10 (1.4) mills On each and every dollar of the equalized assessed v~h.~tion thereof. Section 4. TIJ.".t in order to rr.ise said. sum of (950.00 'lS and fer oity property assessment redem~tion fund, there be and is hereby levied upon all of the real a.na persoMl property within the present oorporate 11nits of the city of Auburn as shov:n u?en the assessment rolls of Kin': County, '7ashin::t on, an add itional tax of siY.:ty-f1ve hundredths (.65) of a mill on each and every dollar of the eQ~~lized assessed valuation thereof. Section 5. That in or,ier to raise said sum of .~a6 ,799.55 to assist in meeting the oilI'rent expense!! and expeni1itures of tre oity of Auburn for the year 1935 there be ~nd is hereby levied v~on all of the re<1.1 and personal property 1;';ithin the oorporf'.te 11,."its of the city of Auburn, as shown upen the assessment rolls of Kin/! County, ::ashin::ton, for the year L. D. 1934, an ad.ditional tax of tuelve and 85/100 (lZ.85) mills on each and. every dollar of the e~ualized assessed val~tion there- of. Section 6. That the tetal levies hereDlbefore fixed amount in the aggre~te to nineteen and 6/10 (19.6) mills. I:;:~RODUO:::m Oct 00 0r 2, 1934 :P,'.S s:m Ootober ~,1934 '.:?l'R OIJ:D Ootober 2, 1934 -~70r .'_ttes2~~ ~ c~ .\pproved ".s te porm ~~'.t~,t~, 1 t orney 0 Published October 5, 1934.