HomeMy WebLinkAbout0762 .0-::", . ~ (';~ ., I,. r .. ,.- i ORDINANCE NO. 762 AN ORDINANCE ieclar1ng certain acts, particularly relating to slaughtering ani keeping of certain animals, to be nuisances ani mislemeanors, making violations thereof unlaw:ful ani prescribing penal ties. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO omlIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Coo.noil of the City of Auburn ieem the passage ani enforoement of this ori1nanoe eXpeiient to main. tain the peaoe, gooi government ani welfare of the City c:l Auburn ani its traie, oommeroe ani manufactures, ani necessary as a proper sanitary ani health regulation. Seotion 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, oo.partnership or oorporation to kill or slaughter or oause to be killel or sla.ughterei any animal or anillBls, the flesh of whioh it is inteniei to be soU or offerel for sale, within the oorporate limits of the oity of Auburn)~ to keep or oause to be kept any oatt~e, sheep, swine or other animals, for sale or exohange, o~_to be shippel or slaughterei, in any ye.ri, pen, oorral, stable, structure, enolosure or premises within the oorporate limits of the oity of Auburn a.A ..1l1.-4J] eo ilate.nce of feet frem the :r-1e.ee vI r...,l:iellUg l1ee.ra~t thereto of D~Y nthD~ persel1. Seotion 3. That it shall be unlaw:ful for any person or persons, firm, oo-partnership or oorporation to keep, use or maintain or oause to be kept, usei or maintainet within the corporate limits of the oity of Auburn any yari, pen, oorral, stable, structure, enclosure or premises in such a manner as to be nauseous, foul or offensive or annoying to any ne1ghborhooi, family or person. Section 4. That all or any of the aots or omissions leolarel to be unlawful by the provisions of Seotions 2 or 3 of this oriinanoe are ani is hereby ieclarei to oonstitute public nuisances or a publio nu1 sano e . seotion 5. That any pers;ln or persOns, firm, oo-partnership or corporation who or whioh shall be fount guilty of violating any of ~ ~:i: ~- .. ,! :t1 ~) ..'j '. , ~.; po . " the provisions of this ori1na.noe shall be hemel go.ilty o~ a misiemeanor ani. shall be finel in any sum not exceeting $ s--- 0 ~<> . .... Seotion 6. That 1:f any of the provisions of this orl1mnce shall be helt tobe invalit by any cOurt of competent jurisi1otion, such inval1lity shall not effect the other provisions of this ori.1nanoe. INTRODUCED may 7~--1935. PASSED Jl'ay 7, 1935. APPROVED May 7, 1935. ~~ , , Atte~ 1 . . ;;::.- APPROVED AS TO FORM ;:--:::: ... ~ - ,~I~ , ~orney. Publ1shel !By la, 1935. / i I