HomeMy WebLinkAbout0765 .. . , ( ~l . SUBSTITUTI"'1. mDnTANCE NO. '165 , AN ORDINANCE adopting the budget tor the C:l:ty of Auburn for the year A. D. 1936. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWs: Sect10n 1. That pursuant to the provisions af Chapter 158 of the laws of Washington of the year A. D. 1923 and the laws af the State ot Washington s~p1ementa1 thereto and eznenda. tcry thereof, the JJa.yor ot the City crf Auburn has heretofore duly completed and placed on f Ue with the City Clerk ot the City ot Auburn a preliminary budget for tre year 1936: that notioe was thereupon duly. pub 11 shed as required by law stating that the J.t3.yor had completed and placed on tUe Blch preliminary budget and that a copy would be furnished to any taxpayer who would call therefor at the offloe ot the City Clerk and that the oouncil of the City of Aubum wOUld meet on the first l{onday in October, 1935 at 8: 00 o.olook F.U. for the PllrP Ose of f1:r:ing the t1nal budget and mak 1ng t he tax lev ies and that any ta:r:pe.yar might appear at such meet 1ng and be heard ter or against any part ot Sioh budget, des1gnat1ng the place cI. Sloh meet1ng at the oity hall in the City of Auburn, King County, Washington: that tb! DLyor of the Clty crf Auburn duly prOVided a Stlitab1e number af oopies of !Uoh detailed and preliminary budget to meet tha- reaslln&b1e demnds ot the ta:r:pe.yere therefor; that the clty counoll ot the Clty of Auburn duly met at the time and plaoe des1g.nated in said notioe on the first Yonday ln October; 1935, to-wit, on October '1, 1935, at 8: 00 o'olock P.Y. and tm t any and all tupayers ot the City of Auburn were given full opportunity to be heard for or against SUCh budget; that slUlh hearing Was from tlme to time adjourned and continued and has been finally ooncluded: that at the oon- olusion of slUlh hearing se.id olty oouncll duly f1:r:ed and determined eaoh ltem of sa1d budget separately and that the it811s of expenditures SO f1:r:ed and determined are now here adopted by this ordinanoe and are as follows, to-wit: IlUNlCIPAL BUILDING. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Bonde n'Wllbered 22 to 28, both inclus\. ve -- -- -- -- -- $3,500.00 Interest on $19,500.00 tor 6 months at ~ -- -- -- -- 511.68 Interest on 116,000.00 for 6 months at 5i% -- -- -- -- 430.16 Stl:r'plus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -. .- - -- -- -- .8.1.&..!8 Amount to be raised by tu;at1on -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- $4 ,74& .12 PARK BONDS, INTEREST AND REDl!:J!l'TION FUND Bond No. 10, serial -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --tl,OOO.OO Interest on $10,000.00 for 6 months at 4,3/.% ..- -- . 23'1.40 Interest on $9,000.00 for 6 months at 4 3/4~ -- -- -- 213.84 surplus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -.. -- -- -- --..- __-ll8'~ Amount to be raised by tu;at1on -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- $1,618." FREI!: PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND salaries and wages -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ue.1ntemnce and operation - -- -- -- -- -- -- ..- -- Capital outlay -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- Total -- -- -- Less estimated receipts from fines, etc. - -- -- Amount to be re.ised by taxation -- -- ---- - - -- $1,360.00 490.00 479.80 '2,329.80 ~ .- -- -- - $2 .196 .se . . ,. ,,", ~.. '. I- 1 .-~r CITY PROPERTY ASSESSJ.IP:1IIT REDEMPTION FtmD Loo~l assessments and interest -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .662.~~ Surplus -- -. -- -- -- -- -- -~ -- .- .- -. .- .- .-.- 63.B! .l.mOUnt to be raised by taxation -- -- -- .- -- .- -- -- -- - $ ~26.6e CURRENT l!I: PENSE FUND Salaries and wages -- -- -- -- -- -- .- .- - - -- -- $11.960.00 M!l.intenance and operation - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .l..2....Jli.2..M Capital ou.tlay -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~.UO 1934 >>nergenoy Ordinances -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- 334.50 Tota.1 -- -- -- -- $24.84'7.!,2 Estimated reoeipts M current expense :fhnd from souroes other than tamtion -- -- -- -- $3,00 0.00 Estimated cash balanoe on hand JantlB.!'y 1, 1936 .- ..- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 3.000.00 Total Reoeipts -- -- - t 6,280.00 Balanoe to be raised by taxation -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- $lB.56'7.iQ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT GUARANTY FUND SUms necesse.ry to meet financial requ1r8l181 te of looal improvement g'\l&ranty le.W pe.ssed in 1927 as amended, -- -- -- ..- ..- -. ..- ..- ..- -- - -- ..- -- $ 95S.,M To be raised by taxation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - $ 968.~ PRIMARY HIGHiiAY FUND Wages -- ..- -- -- ..- -- -- -- -.. -.. J1a1ntenanoe and operation -- -- -- -- -- - -- . -- $ 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 -- ..- -.. -- Tota.1 - Estimated oash balanoe January 1, 1936 -- -- -- -- $l,OOO.~ No Taxa t1on. SECONDARY HIGBWAY FUND Salaries and wages -- -- -- -- .- -- -- -- -. - Maintenanoe and operation - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - Total - -- -- . $ 3,800.00 1.971.16 $ 5,771.16 Estimated reoeipts from gasoline tax -- .- - -- - $ 5,'771.1'6. lio taxaticn. WATER FUND Salaries and wages ..- -- -- .- -- -- -~ .- .- -- - Jle.intenanoe and operation - -- -- .- -- -- -- -- - Capital. outlay -. -- -- -- -- -- .- -- - - -- -- -- Interest on bonds -- -. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bond redemption - ..- -- -- -- -- ..- - ..- -- - ..- . 5,580.00 2,600.00 4,900.00 8,432.50 '7,000.00 Total - -- -- $2B,512.50 (No taxation, all to be provided for by revenue from municipally owned water system.' ~. .' . .... I r... I "t 1: ~ ~~""? r INTRODUCED October 1]... ,1935 PASSED October 1.2.-. 1"05. APPROVED Ootober,'"1.. 1$5. ,:/f ~~ ~ ~ Mayor r APPROVED AS TO FORM ~~ .~ - - ~orney Published October 18. 1935. I ~, .~.:'-:::-- . -. " - ,.:") .~ ~=-< .;.'. CRJTI:LI~J::: I~G. 765 A:: CRD:::A:Y:JE 1O.(Optine e bui:-::et for the City of Awurn for the year 1. D. 1936. 'i':rs "':ITY ':;OC:CIL OF T':E ~ITv CF '.'3mr DO ORD:. '1: AS :'CIIC".s: Sect ion 1. That ;Jursmnt to tl:e :'rov isi ons of CIu:.pter 158 of the lc.t;s of ;7ashiIl/'t On of the year A. D. 1923 and the..1a.1;.;s .D!:tbe st$.t e of. ~ias::inGt en supplemental theret 0 and aroen.'.a tory thereof, the !'::.yer of the City of Auburn hzs heretofore duly completel an~ Placed en file cith the 0ity Clerk of the Jity of Auburn a -preliminary bud,~et for tl:e crear 1936; that notice vias thereupon duly published as require' by law statine; that the IJayor had. c ompleteiJ. und place,- on file such preliminary buc.:'et r.n," that a copy wOQl~ be furnished to any taxpayer who ~ould call therefor at the office of the City Clerk and th$, t the c ounc il ef the Cit y <i'. Auburn would neet on the first ::onc.ay in October, 1935 at 8: 00 o'clock P.::. for the purpose of fixing the final buCset and rnkine the tax levies :?nC. that any taxpayer might appear at 9lch neeti.ne; ani be heard for or a[p.inst a.ny ~rt of suoh budeet, designating the place of such meeting at the city hall in the City of l.uburn, King Ceunty, !7ashington; that the 1.::J.yor of the City of Auburn d.uly provided a suitable number of copies of such detailed and prelimine.ry buAget to fJeet the reasone.ble Celll'.nll.s of the taxpayers therefor; that the City CO\l.ncil of the City ef'Au~urn duly met at the time and. place <l.esi;::;nated in sai{l. notice on the first r.:ondr,y in October, 1935, to-v/it, On October 7, 1935, and that any and. all taxpayers of the City of Auburn ','Jere Given full opport\l.nity to be heard for or a(';ainst such bu.:leet; that after considering such bu.d(';et at considerable lene;th the City CO\l.ncil duly e.dj oUI'nei such meetine ani!. hearin.o; to October 9, 1935 at 7:ZIJ p.r:.; that at suoh ad.j ourned meet ing the hear ing UpoI4sUOh budget oo.s .resv.meil. ani was .. concluded. on suid Octeber 9, 1935; that at the conclusion or-suoh hearina said City Counoil duly fixed and ~eterminea. each item of said bulgetsepar- ately and that the items of expenditures, so. fixed and ~etermined are n~/ here adopted by this ordinance ani, are 'as.follows, to-wit: L"'Uli'TCIP.U BUILDTIW, TI-:TEREST AYD SIIlKING FUl'TD. , Bonds numbered 22 to 28, both inclusive', -- Interest on ~19,500.00 for 6 months 'at 51%' Interest On ..,16,000.00 for 6 menths at 5{%' Surplus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (,3,500.00 511.68 420.16 360.76 AmOunt to be raised by taxation -- -- ~;4 ,792.60 PARK BOI~DS, TITTEREST AND REDEEPTION ]'UND Bond No. 10, serial, -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .~ . / d ......-Interest_on.,..lO,QOO.O,O for.6 months atA 3 4,0 - Interest On ;,:9,000.00 for 6 months at 4 3/4% -- Surplus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- ~1,000.00 ---.2~ 'L.4_Q_ 213.84 249.36 Amount to be raised by taxation -- -- - 1,700.60 PREE PUBLIC LIBR<\RY FUlm S~laries and wages -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - l.;aintene.nce and operation - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Capital Outlay -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Tokl - Less estimateil. receipts from fines, etc. (.1,360.00 490.00 479.80 ;,,>2,329.80 10.80 Amount to be raised by taxatien -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,319.00 . .i..J,;;- . ~ o . Jl' . CITY PROPERTY ASSESST'ElTT REDE:?'i'IO!! Ft'lTD :662.77 110.23 Local assessments nn~ interest -- Surplus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~773.00 Amount to Je raise: by taxation - ':::URm;;:rT :FX?E"SE FU1TD --11960.00 12162.50 400.00 334.50 ',. 2:4857.00 Salaries ani'. TIages -- -- -- -- -- l:aintenance an':' operation - -- -- -- -- -- 0apital outlay -- -- - -- - -- -- -- }~~:': --1":'. lS34 .l!.'mer{'ency Orc..inanoE>3 - -- -- -- Tot!?~ - -- Estimated receipts of current expense fund from sources ether than taxation -- -- ('3,280.00 Estimated. cash balance on he.nt Jan. 1, 1936 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ,2,406.60 5686.60 Total receipts -- -- -- -- - Balance to be raisei'. by taxatien -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --19,170.40 LOCAL r: :mOVElt8IrT G1:ARAJ:"TY FmID Sums necessary to meet fine.ncial requirenent s of local improvemEn t 6U1!.re.nty l:::m passed in 1927 as amended, 927.60 927.60 Te be raised by taxation -- -- -~ -- -- -- -- -- -- .PR:L.:\RY HI'}1f'\'y n'l'm 500.00 500.00 (:1000.00 "101)0.00 ~e.ces -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- !<aintemnce an,: operation -- -- -- -- Total ~stimated cash balance Jan\~ry 1, 1936 -- -- -- -- :'0 tax!:!. t lone S~0L""J.4.RY ~:I1j.:r ,}l. "R'" :~l""~ ~. 3,800.00 1,971.16 5,771.16 5,771.16. Salaries anc ~ages -- -- -- 1:3. int enance an,- opere. t ion - -- T etal ":stirr.atei:. recei:pts fro:n '";asoline tax -- ::0 tr.xf'. tion. :..-......!.....'':''~ ,. ...-. ~"=' :_.;0 -j. '\.It- ~!.TER FUND salaries and wares -- -- -- ;:aintenance ~.nd operation - Capital outlay -- Interest On bents Bond re4eMption - Totc.l - ~ 5 ,580.00 2,600.00 4,900.00 8,432.50 7,000.00 --~t28 ,512 .50 (:;e t~.xation, all to be provided for by revenue from munic i~lly O\"med v:ater system.) PTTRODVCED October 9, 1935. Attest: / .l'ASS:sD October 9, 1935. A P?R <.'HD October 9, 1935. l'2.yor City Clerk .~:":?ROV'i]) AS T<.' :'ORH ~Qj0-u~~ , 'J~~ t orney. Published October 11, 1935. THO S. E. AGE E PHONIIl..a -... ,.,,-. J. B. K N tc K E "-R B 0 eKE R - .,,~ ~..; -.' LAW OFFICES OF KNICKERBOCKER 8< AGEE AUBURN NATIONAL BANK BLoa. AUBURN. WASH. To the Honorable City Counoil of the City of A.Uburn Gentlemen: I am herewith returning ordinanoe No. 765, pasS3d by the City Counoil on October 9, 1935 without my approval. I have veto- ed this ordinanoe. My obj ections to this ordinanoe are that by its prOVisions it requires more money to be raised by taxation, for several funds, than those speoified in the Mayor's preliminary budget, oontrary to the prOVisions of Seotion 9000-4 of Remington's Compiled statutes of Washington. Dated at Auburn, Washington, October 12, 1935. ?#. 7/l" ~ yor