HomeMy WebLinkAbout0766 q THO e. E. AGE E PHONt .2 ........ I. B. K N I C K I: R II 0 eKE R LAW OFFICES OF KNICKERBOCKER & AGEE ...UlIlURN NATIONAL IlANK flLDO. AUBURN, WASH. To the Honorable City COWloll of the City of Auburn Gentlemen: I am herewith returning ordinanoe No. 766 of th!l ordinanoes of the city of Auburn, without my approval, I have vetoed this ordinanoe. Ny reasons for vetoing Etlome are that it levies taxes for the year 1936, for several funds, in exoess of the amounts speoified in the mayor's prel1m1naJy bUdget on file with the City Clerk. Dated at Auburn, Washington, October 12, 1935. ,?!#. ~~ ~or "7( . '. , tA ,.r \. " ~ .",,., ~, "'~. ~ " CRDL.,ArCE :'0. 766 An Ordinance fixin:; the l".mounts ef tu..-..: levies neces~.ry to raise the amolUlts ef the estimated er.pentitures of the Cit~ of Lublwn for the ye2.r 1936, less the total of the esti'1:'.tec. revenue frcI:! sources other than taxe.tien, incluP 1ncavail!'.ble surplus, and such expenlitures as are to be met frem, bonds and warrant issres, loca.l imprevEment -""\UU'anty fund, and the expenditlITeS for salaries ana wages, maintenance, oper~tion a.nd capitr.l outlay of an":" for the ;;>ublic librt'.ry ef the City cf t.rn urn, ell for the y.ear 1936. ':!hereas, the City Ceuncil of the City of :"uburn l12.s heretofere, pursuant te the prOVisions of Chapter 158 ef tre Sassier> Iavis of' the state of ~':ashingten for the yee.r 1923, ani the laws of sail'. sta.te sU>l,le,"ental thereto and amene.e.tory thereof, C.1UY fixed en€. "..etermined separt':.tely each item of the budget of the Jity of Al.burn for the year 1936, r.nc', by or.lifr.'Ill.ce duly adopted sai~ budGet as sO fixed ant c.eter~inee.: and ::hereas, the Ceunty Assessor of KinG County, "!e.shireten, has duly certified that the total assessed valuation of all of the property sitl~te within the present corporate limits of the City of \iliurn, cs equali:3eCl ani'. fixe,- by the COlL'1ty ani: str,te Boorils of ETl:.?lizatien for the, yea.r 1935, is ~1,546,968.00: and ~hereas, said bua$et heretofore fixed 2.nd determined ~n~ adopted by ordinance as aforese.id. proviiles for the follev:in;,:: expen.:!.itures dlITinG the year 1936, viz: As ~laries ani'. \'aces, maintenance ant opere. tion, an:. capite.l out1e.y of an' for th'e public library of the -<}j.t,y.of..,~b~ll'n -- -- -- -- -;- -- -,. --: 82,329.80_ from \'Ihich there is to be d.ec.ucted estimc.ted receipts from fines, etc. -- 10.80 leavine to be raised by taxation aeainst !.'.11 of the tay.!.'.ble property of the ci ty of Auburn, the sum of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (:2,319.00 As interest and. sinking fund fer mli-'1icipal build- in~ bonds -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4,792.60 all of TIhich is to be raisei by taxation against all ef the t~~ble preperty of the city mf Almurn: As interest and redemption flmd and surplus fer ~rk bonds - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- ---- 1,1700.60 all of \1hich is to be raised by tmcation ac;ainst all ef the ta:mble proJerty of the City ef Auburn: POI' city property !.'.ssessment redempt iOn fund, 10c81 assessments and interest ani!. surplus -- ---- 773.00 all ef \1hich is to be raised by taxation against all of the taxable p~operty of the City of Auburn; As current expend it\ITes of tIle' Cit Y of Arb urn. fer and as salaries, waees, rnaintmance and operation and capital outlay, after deducting therefrem the estirnateil revenues frem sources other than taxation, inCludinG available surplus, the SQm of -- -- -- 19,170.40 all of which is to be raised by taxation a~inst all of the kxable pro,erty ef the ci t~, of :Alll urn; POI' local imprevement guaranty fund, sums neces~.ry to neet fil12.nc ial req1.i1re'1lents of local improvement {';unranty lexl, principal, interest ant!. surplus -- all ef vlhich is to be raised by taxation against all of the taxable proPerty of the eity of AubUD2; 927.60 Herr, THEREFORE, the City <Jeuncil of the Jity of :"uburn ;'.0 ordain as follCi~S: . I i ~/'-" -'..t."t '. ~' ...." .. J ..... ,;, I..... Section 1. Thet in or('.er to rr.ise sai" StU'1 of - [; ,719.00 fer the support of the public libr!'..ry of the City of Auburn, an" for aapital outlay for such libr~ry, there be an~ is hpreby levie~ upon 0.11 of the real and personr.l property ~ithin the prese~t corpornte li~its of the City of Auburn, as shoTIn upon the assess~ent rolls of ~i~ County, ":ashinr:ten, fOr the yer.r A. D. 1935, a tax of one p.nd 5/10 (1.5) mills On ee..ch and every dollar of the el~ualized assesse' val' ?tion thereof. Section 2. That in 01'->1' to raise ~iil. sum of 4,792.60 ro.s interest anI; releM})tion fun? for r'unic ip?l buil?ine bont,s, there be r,nil. is hereby leviell upon all of the reel an~ personal property vithin the 2resent corperate limits ef the vity ef Aub\un, as eneTIn upon the assess- ment rolls of Kine Ceunty, T~shin~ton, for the ye~r L. D. 1935 as equalized and fixed by the Jounty an;;' State .3oares of Equalization, an alditional tax of three ana 1/10 (3.1) mills on each ant every ~ollar of the eq\mlized assessed valuation there0f. Sectien 3. That in oraEll' to raise said sum of ,)1,700,60 as interest and redemption fund and st11'plus en park bonds, there be and is hereby levied upen all of the rea~_ an.:!.. )ersene.l property lqithin the pres- ent cerporate limits ef the City of ~lDuxn as shovn upon the assessment rolls of KinG County, :;ashint;t on, an r,,;:.i'. it ielli'.l tax of one ana 1/10 (1.1) mills On eaoh an~ every dollar of the equalized assessed val\mtion thereof. Sectien 4. Tht'.t in order te r!'..ise saU sum of :'773.00 r.s and for city property assessment rel:enpt ion fund, there bJl eni' is hereby levied upon all of the real r.ni'. personal I'rerert" \'Ii thin the present corporate limits of the city of J..",--,-bum as she\"n upon the assessment rells ef Kine County, ~;.ashincton, an an.itional tax of five- tenths (.5) of a mill on each ant every dollar of the equalized assesse~ valuation thereof. . Section 5. That in ore.er to raise said sun of ;"19,170.40 to assist in meetinf the current expenses ani expenditures of the City of Auburn for the year 1936 there be cn~ is hereby levied upon all of the rer.l and personal property Y!ithin the corporate limits of the city of Auburn as shovlll upon the assessment rolls of :::ing County, ':ashin~ten, for the year .\. D. 1935, an adC.itional kx of 12.4 Mills on each an:'. every dollar of the equalized assessei'. valuD,tion thereo:~, Section 6. '2hEtt in or.~,er to rai...e sn.in. sum of .'927.60 to meet the financ i~l requirements of the lecal improvement .":uaranty law paoseil. in 1927, as o.mend.ei, there be and is hereby levied upon eo 11 of the real and perl:P nal property l"'ithin the pre sent corporate limits of the 0ity of Auburn as sho\'In upon the King County assessment rolls for the year A. D. 1935, o.n allditienl'.l tax of six-tenths (.6) of e. mill on each and every dollar of the equalized assessed valuation thereof, Section 7. ~hat the tet21 levies hereinbefore fixe~. amotmt in the aecreeate to nineteen ani 2/10 (19.2) mills. ~ ! ~ V Attest: 'J ~ ~ D;,;!RODUCED October 9, 1935 P'.SSED Octob er 9, 1935 APrR OVE!) Octeb er 9, 1935 l':\yor City Clerk Approve" 1:.S to Form , City:.ttomey // I,J published ctober 11, 1935. ~: ~ .... . A '" "" j . SUBSrITUT.r'~ ORDINANCE NO. 766 ....,... --"~ AN GWINA.NCE fixing the amounts crt tax levies neoes.ry to raise the amounts of the estimated expenditures crt the City crt Aubum for the year 1936, less the iotal of the estimat ed revenue from souroes at her than taxation. including avaUable strplus. and Slch ex;penditures as are to be met from bonds and warrant issues, locaJ. im}rovenm t guaranty fund. and the expenditures for salaries and wa.ges, lIIl.intmance, opem. t ion and oapital outlay of and for the publio library of th8' City of Aubu.rn. all for the year 1936. Whereas, the City Couno U crt the City of A'tburn has hereto- fore, pursU\nt to the .provisions of Chapter 158 of tha Seeion :raws of the state of Washington for the year 1923, and the lawa of said state SUllplementa1 thereto and amendatory thereof. duly fixed and determined separate1y eaoh item of the budget of th!l City of Auburn for the year 1936, and by ordinanoe duly adopted Mid budget as SO fixed and determined: and Whereas. the County Assesso r of King County, Washington, has duly oertified th&t the total assessed valUktion of' all of the property situate within the present oorporate limits of tha City of Amurn, as equalized and fixed by the County and state Boards of m.:ual1zation for the year 1935, is $1,546.968.00; NON, THEREIi'ORE, in order to raise by general taxation the mon~8: as provided for in said budget adopted by ordinance aa aforesaid. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOOS: Section 1.' ~t there is hereby levied Upon aJ.l. at the real and personal property situate within the pmsen.t oQr'porate limits of the City of Auburn, as shown u,pon the a BSeSl'Jllel1 t rolls of King Ccnnt y. Wash- ington. for thee yearcA. D. 1935, as equalized and fiXed by Ua County and state Boards of D:.!.ua.lizat1on, taxes for the following funds as follows: (a) HUNICIPAL BUILDING. INTEREST AND SINKING' FUND. Fer- prinoipal, interest and sinking fund for munioipal buUding bonds -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- t 4,746.a! (b) PARK BaroS FUND For redemption, interest and surplua - -- -- -- -- -- -- $ 1.66a.~~ (0 ) LOCAL mPROVEMENT OOARANTY PUND fo meet the finanoia1 requirements ~ tar 100a1 improvement guaranty law passed in 1927, as amended - -- $ 9581M (d) ll'RD PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND Por salaries and wages -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $ 1,360.00 "or maintenanoe and operation - -- -- -- -- 490.00 Por oapital outlay'-- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- 479.80 Total -- -- -- ~ 2.329.80 Less estimated receipts from fines, eto. -- 1~.~8 $ 2,195.!~ (e) CITY PROPnlTY ASSESSMENT REDnrPTION FUBD. Por looal assessments. interest and so.rp1us -- -- -- -- $ '126...62 t . ..... .. ~ . .. .:J t, .~. :: (:t) CmmENT ElCPENSE FUND lor salar1es and wages.~ ~~ -- ~- -- -- -- $". ghO'QQ For ua1ntena.noe and .operat1on ~ -- -- - -~ ~'!l6. li'or oap1tal outlay ~~ -~ -- -- -- -- -- -- -, ~uo.oo Por 1934 emergency ord1nanoes - - -- -- -~ 334.50 Total -- -~ -- --"') P.4 R4'7 ~ Less est1ma.ted reoe1pts frGm souroes ather · than taxat10n and est1ma.ted oash balanoe January 1, 1936 -- ~- -- -- ~- -~- ~- -- ~~ A b.~ &.A.~ $ 18 .567 -t.2. ~eotlon 2. That the total taxes here1n lev1ed amoo.nt in the aggregate to ,_ 28,832.90 . and that the total m1llage levy 10 order to ra1se same 1s hereby fixed at eighteen and sts.tv-~e ~thR (18'. 65) mUla on eaoh and every doll&r of thaaesess ve:rw;non of all the real and personal property of the C1ty of Auburn. INTRODUCED October 12. 1935. - PASSED Oct41 er 12. 1935. APPROVED Ootober ..It. 1935. 5(/1 ;m L ~'" Attest: W1r!t APPROVED AS TO FORM ~~..J . . orney Published October 18. 1935. 1 ~TON. I