HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-2018 Minutes City Council Meeting � ���� �c Fe.brua_ry 5, 2018 - 7:00 PM City CITY OF�-�'_,�--„��� Hall Council Chambers ,,. MINUTES � .� Watch the meeting LIVEI # WASHINGTON watch the meeting yideo Meeting videos are not available until 72 hou�s after the meeting has I. CALL TO ORDER A: Ple.dge ofAllegiance Mayor Nancy BacKus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in 4he Council Chambers of Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street and led those in attendance in the Pledge ofAllegiance. B. Roll Call City Councilmembers present: Deputy Mayor Bob Baggett, Larry Brown, Claude DaCorsi (via telephone), John Holman, Bill Peloza, Yolanda Trout- Manuel, and Largo Wales. (Councilmember DaCorsi left the Council meeting at 8:48 p.m. and immediately prior to Council Reports,) Mayor Nancy Backus was in attendance, and the following department directors and staff members �re present: City Attomey Daniel B. Heid, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Police Commander Dan O'Neil, Ass.istant pirector of Engineering Services/City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, AssistaM Director of Community Development Services Jeff Tate, Director of Administration Dana Hinman, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam, II. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PROCLAMATIONS,AND PRESENTATIONS A. GoodwillAmbassadorProclamation Mayor Backus to proclaim the de.signation of Whitney Van Vleet, Miss Aubum 2018, and Olivia Thomas, Miss Aubum's Outstanding Teen 2�18, as "Goodwill Ambassadors for the City of Aubum". Mayor Backus read and presented a proclamation designating Miss Aubum 2018 Whitney Van Vleet and Miss Aubum's 2018 Outstanding Teen Olivia Thomas as Goodwill Ambassadors for the City of Aubum. Both young women spoke about their platforms and fhanked fheir sponsors for th.eir support. They also thankgd Mayor Backus and the City 6ouncil for their support. III. APPOINTMENT$ A. Auburn Arts Commission Page 1 of 9 City Council to corfiirm the appointments of ttie following to the Aubum Arts Commission for a new three year term to expire December 31, 2020: • Anne Baunach • Eydie Leighty • Sirichanh Sisavatdy Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Councilinembe� Holman seconiied to confirm the appointment of Anne Baunach, Eydie Leighty, and Sirichanh Sisayatdy to the Arts Commission. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 B. Tourism Board City Council to confirtn the appointment of Carina Saucedo to the Aubum Tourism Board for a new three year term to e�ire December 31, 2020. Councilmember Brown moved and C.ouncilmember Peloza seconded to confirm the appoiMment of Carina Saucedo to the Tourism Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANINIOUSLY. 7-0 IV. AGENDAMODIFICATIONS There was no change to the agenda. V. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE A. Public Hearings -(No public hearing is scheduled for this evening.) No public hearing was scheduled for this evening. B. Audience Participation This is the p/ace on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue: Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. Bill Boyer, 1032 U St NW,Aubum Mr. Boyer lives in the Jomada neighborhood situated above the Aubum Police firing range. He e�re.ssed concem about fhe amount of noise from the range. Mr. Boyer stated that residents of the neighibofiood expressed their concems about the amount of noise from the firing range at a neighborhood meeting. Mr. Boyer urged the Council to approve a budget prdposal for noise mitigation at the firing range. Jason Berry, 1620 Perimeter Road SW,Aubum Mr. Berty spoke on behalf of the Aubum Human Services Committee. He acknovuledged several members of the Committee in the audience this evening. He spoke in support of Resolution No. 5348. He tHanketl Mayor Backus and the City Council for 4he opportunity to serve the City on the Human Services Committee: Page 2 of9 Bob Zimmerman, 33029 46th Place South,Aubum Mr. Zimmertnan shared his concems regarding a concrete wall on his neighbor's property. Mr: Zimmerman contends the wa�l was built without footing or foundation and is unsafe.Mr. Zimmerrnan stated the wall does not meet minimum seismic standards. Rollyn Kidd, 210 13th Street SE,Aubum Mc Kidd ezpressed concem wi4h perpetual yard sales in the city. He urged the Gouncil to limit the number of yard sales and control signage for 4he yard sales. C. Correspondence 1, Gorrespondence from Mike Carr received January 15, 20t8 Mayor Backus acknowledged correspondence received from Mike CaR on January 15, 2018. VI. COUN6ILAD HUC COMMITTEE REPORTS Council Ad Hoc Committee Chairs may report on the status of their ad hoc Council Committees' progress on assigned tasks and may give their recommendation to the City Council,rfany. Councilmember Brown reported on behalf of the Finance ad hoc committee. Councilmemb.er Brown reported he and Councilmember Holman reviewed claims vouchers in the approximate amount of $1.6 million and seven wire transfers in the amount of approzimately $760,000.00 and payroll checks in the approximate amount of $517,000.00 and electronic deposits in the approbmate amount of $1.9 million. Counciimember Brown repoRed all payments were in order, and the committee recommends approval of claims and payroll vouchers. Gouncilmember DaCorsi reported the Street Projects ad hoc committee will meet on February 14th. Deputy Mayor Baggett reported ttie ad hoc committee to determine the seating of the Council at 4he dais attempted to meet. Deputy Mayor Baggett moved to suspend the Council rules for requiring an ad hoc committee to determine the Council seating at the dais and allow the Council as a whole determine 4he seating. Councilmember Holman seconded. Deputy Mayor Baggett advised the ad hoc committee discovered that dialogue had occurred with other members of the Council tHat could have created a violation of the Open Public Meetings Act. Gity Attomey Heid spoke regarding a "serial" meeUng. A serial meeting is conducted through a series of communications by individual mem6ers or Page 3 of 9 I less-than-a-quorum groups, ultimately involving a majority of the Councilmembers. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 VI1. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed on the ConsentAgenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. A. Minutes of the January 16, 2018 Regular Council Meeting B. Claims Vouchers Voucher 447410 through 447606 in the amount of$1,580,798.00 and 7 wire transfers in the amount of$760,560.58 dated February 5th, 2018. C. Payroll Vouchers Payroll checknumbers 537748 through 537768 in the amount of$516,608.44, electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of$1,928,306.84 for a grand total of $2,444,915.28 for fhe period covering January 11, 2018 to January 31, 2018. D. Public Works Project No. CP1710 City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 5 to ConVact No. 17-17 in the amount of $7,622.23 and accept construction of Project No. CP 1710 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Improvement Councilmember Peloza movetl and Councilmember Holman seconded to approve 4he Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 VI II. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Council Seating at Dais Councilmember Holman moved to accept the cuRent seating arrangemerrt. Deputy Mayor Baggett seconded, Councilmember Wales objected to the motion and asked to be seated near the Deputy Mayor. Councilmember Trout-Manuel spoke in favor of Councilmember Wales' request. Councilmember Peloza suggested the seating arrangement right after 4he election of Deputy Mayor. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE CURRENT SEATING ARRANGEMENT FAILED. 3-4 Gouncilmembers DaCorsi, Peloza, Trout-Manuel and Wales voted no. Page 4 of 9 Councilmember Wales moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to ' _ _ _ _ retum to the previous seating arrangemerrt following election of the current Deputy Mayor. Co.uncilmemberHolman requested clarification of the motion. Councilmember Wales described the seating arrangeme.nts from right to left as viewed from the audience: Councilmember Peloza, Councilmember Trout-Manuel, Counciimember Wales, Deputy Mayor Baggett, Co.uncilmember Holman, Councilmember Brown, and Councilmember DaCorsi. MOTION CARRIED. 5-2 Deputy Mayor Baggett and Councilmember Holman voted no. IX. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. X. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6673 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, rezoning one parcel, 7500 square feet in size, from R-7 Resideritial to DUC Dowrrtown Urban Center,to implement the Co.mprehensiye Plan and amending the Ci4ys Comprehensive Zoning Map Councilmember Holman moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 6673. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY,. 7-0 B. Ordinance No. 6676 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, amencJing Section 2:36.030 of fhe City Code relating to number of inembers for the Aubum Human Services Committee Councilmember Trout-Manuel moved and Councilmember Holman _ _ _ seconded to adopt Ordinance 6676. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 XI. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 5341 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aubum,Washington, ac.lmowledging clarifying revisions and reformatting of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and reaffirming the previous adoption of that plan as revised Page 5 of 9 Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5341. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 B. Resolution No. 5348 A Resolution of the City Council of the City ofAubum, Washington, accepting and approving the funding priority recommendations from the Fluman Services Committee Councilmember Wales moved and Counciimember Holman seconded to _ _ _ _. adopt Resolution No. 5348. Human Servioes Manager Joy Scott provided a staff presentation with the use of a PowerPoir�t. On January 22, 2018, staff presented ir�formation on the curtent funding priorities for human servic.es General Fund funding and future funding priorities. Manager Scott stated the function of the funds is to build a system of support that meets a range of community needs antl support a variety of programs to serve the needs of Aubum residerrts. The January 22, 2018, Council study session and Human Services Special Focus area was the beginning of discussion to develop a set of revised recommended priorities. The five priorities in Resolution No. 5348 represent a process that included input from the Council study session on January 22nd, from City of Aubum staff, and from the Human Services Gommittee members. The five priorities include: 1. Services that address basic and emergency needs, including food, shelter health and dental care. 2. Programs that prevent homelessness and support housing stability 3. Job training and educational programs that provide economic opportunity for Aubum residents 4. Programs that promote the well-being and safety of individuals and familie.s in the community 5. Programs that support positive relaUonships wi4h families, neighborhoods, and communities Manager Scott recommended any large funding shifts should be data driven to ensure effective outcomes rather than assumptions about what the community needs. Manager Scott stated staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 5348 as presented in the agenda packet, which includes the funding priorities recommended bythe Human Services Committee. Manager Scott explained the proposed revised resolution would make the Page 6 of 9 following programs ineligible for human serrices funding: eariy childhood education, family support for survivors of sexual assault, job training, and other education programs. Councilmember Wales moved to amend Resolution No. 5348 per the revised resolution distributed prior to the meeting and dated February 1, 2018. Councilmember Trout-Manuel seconded, Councilmember Wales stated she served on 4he Human Services Committee in 1998 and the Committee worked from the same priorities. Since that time, services are available tFirough the veterans levy, 4he Affordable Care Act for medical services, mandated special education servic.es from birth to 22 years of age, the McGleary decision, summer lunch programs, summer school for free, the Aubum Foundation, Aubum Communities and Schools, PTA`s, and Best Starta for Kids. Councilmember Wales stated the City needs to get away from duplication of serVices. Councilmember Wales stated the He.alth and Human Services Special Focus Area proposed areas where no care is provided: homelessness prevention and housing stability, food access, and healthcare. Mayor Backus explained 4he Counc'il sets the policy/priori.ties. The Human Services Committee reviews all applications for funding and identifies those agencies eligible for fuiiclirig based on the established priori4ies. The Human Services Committee forwards its recommendations for _ _ _.. funding to the City Council forfinal approval. Councilmember Trout-Manuel stated the three priorities outlined in the revised resolution 4aere §u6mitted to 4he previous human service.s managerand more recentlyto Human Services ManagerScott. In response to a question from Councilmember Holman, Human Services Manager Scott stated the staff recommendation is to adopt the original version of ttie resolution,which is included in 4he agenda packet. Manager Scott expressed conc.e.m about gaps in services that could exist if the priorities are narrowed to the focus a�eas outlined in the revised version of the resolution. In response to a question from Co.uncilmember Wales, Human Services Manager Scott stated duplication of services is always a valid concem. Manager Scott stated part of wFiat the funding does for the communityis to ensure programs, such as eady childhood education, family support programs, programs for survivors of sexual assault, job training programs, educafion programs fo.r adults and youth in the community, counseling and support groups, are available to Auburn residents. She stated that while such programs exist generally in 4he county, fhey may not be available or easily accessible to Auburn residents without Aubum funding. In response to a question from Councilmember Trout-Manuel regarding duplication of servi.ces from the Human Services Committee's priorities 4 Page 7 of 9 and 5, Human Services Manager Scott, steted the school system may provide similar services to those families with school age chiidren but those witFiout scho.ol age children would not be eligible for services except through the City's human services programs. Councilmember Holman suggested adopting the Human Services Committee recommendatiorrforfunding priorities. Councilmember Wales stated the priorities established tonight will be used for funding priori4ies for the next iwo years: Councilmember DaCorsi stated funding priorities must be measurable. Human Services Manager Scott stated the majority of cities in the county use broader language thffi speaks to categories of programs.. In thei� funding applicafion, the service provider outlines projected outcomes and metrics they are responsible fo� reporting on. The Human Services Committee reviews the applications to ensure the applicani's proposed outcomes are measurable and realistic. Councilmember Brown stated he served on the Seattle-King County Workforce Development BoarcJ where he revieVwed grant requests. Counc'iimember Brown asked if fhe application process provides measurables and quantifies outcomes. Human Services Manager Scott responded in the affirmative. Additionally, staff monitor agencies on a regular basis to ensure they are meeting the outcomes included in their applications. Councilmember Peloza suggested combining the provisions of the two resolutions. Councilmember Peloza moved to amend the Resolution to add Section 1 from the January 31, 2018 resolution and the three bullet points in the revised Resolution as a new'Section 2 with a lead in statement of"The City Council further identifies the following to clarify 4he funding priorities in Sec4io.n 1, above" Councilmember Holman seconded. MOTION TOAMEND CARRIED UNAN�MOUSLY. 7-0 MOTION TO AMEND CARR(ED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 MOTIONASAMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0 _ XII. MAYORANDCOUNCILMEMBERREPORTS At this time the Mayor and Cify Council may ieport on significant items associated with theirappointed positions on federal, sfate, regional and local org8nizations. A. From the Council Deputy Mayor Baggett repofted on his attendance at the fifth anniversary celebration for the Auburn Valley Humane Society. As a member of Medic Page 8 of 9 One Emergency Medical Service Levy Task Force for King County, Deputy Mayor Baggett attended their first finance subcommittee meeting to plan strategies and rate stnictures for the 2Q20 levy. Councilmember Brown reported on his attendance at the Association of Washington Cities' Cities Day in. Olympia along with Deputy Mayor Baggett and Councilmember Peloia. Councilmember Brown also reported on his attendance at 4he Sound Cities Association newiy-elected Councilmembers orierrtation workshop. Councilmember Pelo.za reported on his attendance at the King Gounty Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee meeting. Councilmember Peloza also reported on liis attendance at the Water Resouroe Inyentory Area(WRIA)9 Management Committee meeting. Councilmember Peloia reminded the Council and the audience the Aubum Intemational Farmers Market will temporarily move to Les Gove Park this summer: Councilmember Peioza also reminded of the availability of the National League of Cities prescription discount program, which began in 2009 and has saaed Aubum citizens more than$184,000.00 over the last eight years. B. From the Mayor Mayor Backus reported on the following meetings, activities and events: a tou� of the Boeing Job Fteadiness Center along wi.th Deputy Mayor Baggett and Councilmembers Brown and Peloza•, the funeral service for Pierce County Deputy McCartney where the Aubum Police Department Honor Guard participated and Aubum Police DepartmeM motorcycle officers proviiled escort; the Miss Aubum Scholarship Program; a meeting of One Tabie with King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin; a meeting with King Gounty Prosecutor Satterberg to discuss the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program; the quarterly meeting with the Master Builders Association; a Regional Transportation System Initiative meeting; a ribbon cutting ceremony for LA Fitness, and the River Mobile Home Park"PJ" Party. XIII.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. �- APPROVED this .�A�'day o�� ,2018. ANCY US, MAYOR Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Agendas and minutes are availab/e to the public at the City C/eik's Ofice, on the Cify website (httpJM!wwaubumwa.gov), and via e-rriail. Complete agenda packets are availab/e forreview at the City Clerk's Office. Page 9 of 9