HomeMy WebLinkAbout5343 RESOLUTION NO. 5 3 4 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2018 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO INGLUDE A COPY OF THE PROGRAM PLAN IN THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM WESTERN. WASHINGTON PHA8E II MUNICIPAL STORMWATER PERMIT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2017 TO THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHEREAS, the Washington State Department df Ecology issues a Nafional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal stormwater systems; and WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated under 4he Na4ional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Westem Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and WHEREAS, fhe National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Pertnit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Program Plan; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit require.s the submittal of the Stormwater Management Program plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 5343 January 19, 2018 Page 1 Section 7. The Stormwater Management Program Plan is approved for implementation in the City of Aubum in substan4ial conformity wi4h the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Mayor is autho�ized to implement such ofher administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of the Stormwater Management Program Plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Section.3: This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatu�es hereon. � Dated and Signed this /q�day of��, 2018. CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: ANN�CY�BA S, MAYOR ,�@�rr ��C� Danielle E: Daskam, City Clerk APPRf�7ED ORM: Daniel B. Heid, i Attorney _ Resolution No. 5343 January 19, 2018 Page 2 Resolution No. 5343 Exhibit "A" CITY OF AUBURN 2018 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN City of Auburn, WA March 2018 * .1r�/ CITY OF * �`"� * ; ��- * WAS H I NGTON Tahie o(Contents City of Auburn 201 B SWMP Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Regulatory Background...................................................................................................................................1 1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area........................................................................................................................2 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities..........................................................................................................2 1.5 DocumentOrganization...................................................................................................................................2 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ...........................................................................4 2.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................4 3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ..................................................................................................................5 3.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................5 4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION ......................................................................................................7 4.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................7 4.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................7 5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION...........................................................................................5 5.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................8 5.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................8 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT,AND CONSTRUCTION SITES..10 6.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................10 62 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................11 7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................12 7.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................12 72 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................13 8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS ............................................................14 8.1 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................15 9. MONITORING..........................................................................................................................................................16 9.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................16 9.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................16 APPENDIXA...............................................................................................................................................................17 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1.2018 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan......................................................4 Table 3-1. 2018 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan ..................................................................................6 Table 4-1.2018 Public Involvement and Participation Work Plan...........................................................................7 Table 5-1.201 B Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan...................................................................8 Table 6-1.2018 Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work Plan.......11 Table 7-1.2018 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Work Plan ....................................................................13 Table 8-1.2018 Compliance with TMDL Load Requirements Work Plan.............................................................15 Table 9-1. 2018 Water Quality Monitoring Woric Plan...........................................................................................16 ��� STORMWAT � - ' aAM PLAN 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 .1 Overview This document presents the Ciq�of Aubum's S[unnwacer Management Pco�x'am (S��'MP). Prcpaxaciun and maincennnce oE ehis S�C\'IP Plan is �eyuiced by� [hc\w'ashiogt�ro State Dcpaa�nent of Ecolob,y (Eeolobn�) as a eondition oE the��'estem �C�:nshingcon Phase II M�micipal Stocmwatec Pecmit (thc Phase II Pcrmit). The Phasc ll permit eovers diseh:irg�es from regulared small monicipal sep;iram srorm seweL sysu.-ms (�1�tS4s). The SWMP Plnn is inte�ded to inlnrm the public of the planned J'WMP aceivities for the upcoming year. The permi[to discharge srorin�vater is dcsi�,med to reduce the dischar�e of pollutants,protea �cater yuaLi[�•, and meet the requirements of the federal Clean\X�'arer Act. Appendix A indudes acronyms and definitions trom the Pcrmit ro hclp the reader undecs[and the Cit}'s Stormwater blanagemene Progxam. 1.2 Regulatory Background The National Pollucant Discharge Elimination Spstem (\PD6S) pemiit program is a reyuirement of the federal Clean�t7ater Ac[,which is intendcd ro protect and resture wate��s for"fishable, swimmaUle" uses. Thc fedE�al Enviro�mental Protcetio� Agenc�• (EP,�) has delegated permit authorie� [u sta[e em ironmental ageocies,and [hese agencies ean sei permit conditions in accordance with and in additio� to the minimum federal requirements. In IX'aslvngcon, the NPDES-dele�ared permit audiorin is the`�'ashinRron Stare Deparrmcnt of Lcology(E'cologg). ln\t�ashington,municipali[ics with a popularion uf uver 1(111,0f10 ace dcsikmared ns Phase I communities 2nd must complp with Emlo�'s Phase I NPDES Municipal Scounwatec Pcrnvt. Auburn's population is Uelow the 10U,000 direshold, so thc Ciq�must comply with rhe Phase Il Municipal Stori��warex Permic Aboue 1U0 other murvci�aGeics in\`�'ashing�un must ulso complc wi[h [he Phase Il Pcrail[,ns uperazors uf small municipal separaa storm sewer s�•srems (MS4s). Ecolo�'s Phase Il �lurilciPal Srorm�varer Permi[is svailaUle on Ecolog�'s u�cbsitc at h�s � " �-� 1 >„� �r. .�� �� R �"uFiru�n.-P ���nu«,'Pcrmii�-ccrntli�irn�n..'Jt��rim�•aicr „cncral-��rrmirc/\Iunicin.�I- a ,r� i�c� . .r-��_�ic- I ncrniiu�VC c.a�rn-AA.i�hi���t��mf'h.i,��-I I-.Alunici�+.il.>n�rm�r.n-�I The Permit allows municipalities to dischnrge sturmwster runoff Yrom municipal drninage sysrems into the sta[e's warer bodies (eg.,streams, �iccrs, lakes,wed:inds,nnd ayuiCers) as long as municipali[ies implemene p�ograrru to piot�ecc water qualin-bc reducing thc discharge e�h"non-point source" pollutants to the "maaimum ertenc practicable" (RIEP) c6rough applicauon ��f Vermit-specified"best mananeme�t pLactices" (BMPs).Tl1e BMPs specified in the Permir are collcctivelv rrfcrred tu as die Stormwater Management Progcam (S�'hIP) and gruuped under rhe tollo��ink Progrnm components: • Public Education and Outceach • Public Invoh�ement and Pactici�ation • Illici[Dischnrge Derection and Hliminatiun 7 1:Introduction City of Aubum 2018 SWMP Plan • Coi�trollin�Runoff trom Nrw Developmcnt, Redevelopment,and Construcuon Sites • Municipa] Opera[ions and biaintenan�c In addition to the 5���[P componen[s che Permit contains special condi[ions co��ering: ` ComPliantt with Total Dlazimum D.ul}' Lond requiremcnts • Moniroring and Assessmeot • Reportia�;Requircments The Pennic issued b��Ecoloy„�� became effecdve un Auk.ust 1, 2013,�eas modified )anuar�• 16,2014 and espires un �uh� 31,ZO18. Ecology has decided to extend the Perntit for one year as they prepaze the new permit conditions. In accordance with WAC 173-226-220(3),the cuttent (2013—2018) permit will remain in effect during the extension. The Permic cequires chr Cit}' m sub�nit an annual ieporc no later than Mcircl�31^°ot ench yenr c�n progxess in Slt/MP impleinentazion. The Perinit als•o requires submitenl of a SW'1�iP Plan n�hich describes pr��posed S�t�'1b1P activities for thc currrnt calendar ye2r. The SWMP Plan is to be updated :tnnuallp and be induded in [he s'ubmitral of the previous vear's annual report. 1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area The\Vesrern�Vashin},*con Phase II Permit 1p�lies to operarors of regulaeed small MS4s [hat discharge s[ormwatee to watees oE Washin�,*con Staee located wese of the ccest of 2he Cascade Ran};e (west of the eastern boundaries of Whatcom,Skn�,rir,S�ohomish, I�ing,Pierce, Lewis and Sl;amania counties). Poc cities, the Permit requimments extend tn those aceas of each City thu[diain co �SS4s. btust of Auburn drains �o MS4s• that ultimare:Iv discharge intu the Green Rlver,the��!'hire Ri�-er,oc Mill Creck. Io addition,some portions of the Cin�dr.iin to pubGc infiltmtion tacilines whcrc [hc storm�vater soaks inro the ground. 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities The Utilitics Engineering Di��ision in the Communiec Developmene and Publie��'orl:s Department eoordinates the oveLall adminisecation of efforts eo eomplc with Permit requimments'. The wudc plan eables in each Chspter piocide [hc Iracl dcparcments for thc associated cask. Othcr major dep�rtmrnts/cli��sions induded in [hc 2018 S��IIP implcmentauon arc �faintcnance and Operations (�f&O), Human Resources (HR),Development Engineerin�, Permit Center, lnnovauon and TechnoloG�' (1'i), and Parks. 1.5 Document Organization The con[ents oFthis documr��t sre based upon Perntic requirements and Ecolo�'s"Guidaace for Citc and Counq•:\nnu:J Repora for\�'estern �C'ashingron,Phase II�lunicipal Stormwarer General Permits."The program components of chis 5\X-�1P are or�anized as listed in the Permit • Section 2.0 addresses administering che City's Srormwacer b(ana};ement Progra�n. • Section 3A addressrs public education nnd outreach. • Section 4.0 addresscs puhlic im�olvement and pardcipation. • Section SA addresses illicir discharge detecrion and elinunation. • Section 6.0 addresses connolGng runoff Erom ne�c de�•clupmen[, rede�elopmene, and construcdon sites. • Section 7.0 addresses municipal operations and maincenance. • Section S.0 addmsscs coenpliance wi[h TN1ll1, requiretnenG�. 2 1:Introduction Ciry of Aubum 2018 SWMP Plan • Scction 9A addresses moniroring. Each seccion includes a summan•of ehe rcic��ant Permit requiremenrs and a table showing the planned acucicies fuc ZU16. This documcnt also inclodes acron}'ms and definitions in Appendix A for easc reference. ' 3 2 . STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION This section of ehc S\X'i�IP describes Permit requicements �elated to uvccall Sromiwatex binoa�;ement Progxam administration,and planned cumpfinnce activiues for 2018. 2.1 Permit Requirements The Peimi�(Secuon SS.A) reqwres che Cit} ro fulfill the following actions duiing che 5-year Permic cycle: • Devclop 1nd implement a Stormw�atcr hlanagement Program (S��tiIP) ancl prepare wxitten doaimcneation (S�K/l�YP Plan) f�r submittal ro Ecolugy b�� Nlacch 31 of cach y�cac. 'Cl�c purpose oE the S��i'MP is to reduce the discharge uE pollutan[s from the municipal stormwamr system ro the maximum estent pracucable and thexeby protrer wareL qu2liry. The S\w'MP Plan is imm�ded to inEorrn the public of die pl2nned S\t'VIP naivities for the upcoming cale�dar year, induding an}�actions to meet the requirements of S' Com�liancr with'Pocal i�taximum Dail��I,oad Requuemcnts, and SS Monitoring. • Imple�nent a progrmn Eor gathering, tracking, mainttining,and using information to evaluate S�`1bIP development, implementauon and permix compliance and eo set priorives. • Coordinate widi other peimittees on seocmwater related poGcies pro�ams, and projects wichin acljacent or shared areas. • Coordinnte V�enveen Cin'de�artments ro eliminate batriers to compliance with ti�e cerms of the permit. 2.2 Planned 20'18 Compliance Activities Aubum has positioned itself ro maintain mmpliance.Tabte 2-1 presents the proposed work plan for the 2015 SVG'IoIP administration acticities. � � Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Revise and update the Ciry's Stormwater Utilities The SWMP submittal is due SWMP-1 Management Prog2m Plan(SWMP Plan)to identify Engineering by March 31st oi each year. planned SWMP activities for 2018. Utilities Mnual Reporting is due by SWMP-2 Track program element implemenWtion. Engineering March 31"of each year. 4 3 . PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH This section dcscribes tlze Permit ceyuirements related to pubiie edueatio�and ouereach, aoci planned compliance ac�icicies Eor 2018. 3.1 Permit Requirements The Permit(Section S7.C.1) requires thc Cin•tu fulttl] the folluwing acrions during the �-ycar Pennit c��cle: • Priori�ize and earget education and e�utreach acci��ties ro specified audiences, includin�d�e general public,businesses, residents/home��wners,landscapers,prupertv managers, e��ineers,contracrors, deaelopers,and land use planncrs ro build ge�exal awarenes's and eo effect behavioc change�vith d�e incent to reduce or eliminare behaviors and practices thar cause or contribure to adverse storm�cater im�aees. • Hnce an outrcach piogram thxt is desi�med to impro�-c the earget:mciiencc's understanding of the problem and what rhec can do to solve it. • Creare and/or Pattner w�ith cxistin};or�anizlvons to encourake residents to participate in scewardshi�� opporrunitirs. • N(ensurc thc undcescanding and adoption of d�e targeted bch�viors foc at Ieast onc. tar�*et audience in at least onc subject area. Use d�c resulting measurements co dirrer educanon and outreach rcsources most cffecti�cly. • Track and maintain records ot pubGe educanon and ouneach activities. 3.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities The City plans to continue che pro};ram eltac has been developecl ovcr tl�e permit cycle. T'he [arget audiences include: • The generul public • Businesses (induding home-bascd and mobile busincsscs) • Residena/homeownecs • Landscapers • Pcopertv manaKers • ESngineers, contractors',developers and Innd use planners 5 3: Public Education and Outreach Ciry of Aubum 2o16 SWMP Plan T'able 3-1 presents [hc wurk plan for the 201R 5��/VIP public educauon and outre;ieh activines. i • Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Continue collaboration with other NPDES municipalities through Stortnwa�er Outreach for Utilities EDUC-i Regional Municipalities(STORM)and Puget Sound Engineenng Starts Here efforts to promote regional education and outreach ro rams. Refine education and outreach sirategy to supplement existinq education activities.An example would be Utilities EDUC-2 evaluating the current pet waste cieanup education Engineering sirategy to determine whether more frequent outreach Refinements to existing is re uired. public eduwtion and Implement new or modify existing eduwtion and Utilities outreach activities are on- EDUC-3 outreach activities. An example would be adding the Engineenng going. new school classroom education ro ram. Staff training related to Surface Water Management Manual ImplementationRechnical Standards: Community • Permitting Development EDUC-0 • Plan Review and Pubiic • Site Inspections Warks • Maintenance Standards. Department Educale select city staf(and elecled officials to Community develop a common level of knowledge related to Low Development EDUC-0a Impacl Development stormwater management and Public Ongoing techniques. Works De artmem Educate the general pu6lic and developers to develop Community a common level of knowledge related lo Low Impact Development EDUCAb Development stormwater management principles and and Public Ongoing techniques. Works De artment Inform public employees,businesses and ihe general Utilities E�UGS public of ihe hazards associated wifh illegal Engineering Ongoing discharges and impmper disposal of waste. Provide stewardship opportunities such as planting Environmental Ongoing EDUC-6 native plants and invasive species removal at the Services Aubum Environmental park. 6 4 . PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION This secuon describcs ehe Pcrmit rcquirements relaecd to public involvement and paxtieipauon,and planned compliance activines for 2(118. 4.1 Permit Requirements "I'he Pexmit (Section S�.C.2) requires the Ciq�to fulfiLl die tollouiag actions durin};[he 5-}'�I Pecmit rycle: • Procide onKoing upporcunines for public im�olvemrnt and participation throu,�h adcison-boards or commissions,public hearin�,watershed committees,public parnciha[ion in de��eloping rare structures und budgets,or odier similar acti��ities. The public must be able �o participace in t6e decision-mal:inK processes, indudinK dc��elo�ment,implementation,and updare of the ti�X':�iP. • titake the S\`G'htP Plan and l�nnual Complinnee Report acailable ro the public,bv posting on the Cit�'s website. blakc any other documents reqaired ro bc submitted ro�colo�,� in response to Permit conditions nvailable ro ehc �ublic. 4.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities 7'he Cin�oE Auburn has a histon ot including the public in decision malun�. Table 4] below presents che work plan tor die 201$$\�',\IP public invol��emcnt and participadon acti�-iries. Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe p� � Pmvide publlc involvement opportunities for annu�l Utillties publlc irnolvemeN SWMP update. Engineenng oPPortunities will be available Make SWMP document Repod available to public by Utilities before the March 31.2018 P��Z posting on lhe Ciry website. Engineenng su6mittal. 7 5 . ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION This seetio� descxibes rhe Permic requirements eela�ed ro illicit discharge detecuon and elimination (IDDE), and planned coi�ipliance activiues for 20l S. 5.1 Permit Requirements The Pecmit(Section SS.C3) requiees the Citv co Eulfill the Eollowing acnons ducing d�e 5-year Pexmi[c}cle: • lmplemene an ongoing progrnm eo detect and xcmove illici[cGscharges,connccrions,and impiopex disposal,including anv spills ineo the murucipal sepuace scoem sewers owned or opexamd bp d�e City�. • blain[ain a storrn se�ver system map,have ordinances that prohibit i]licit discharges, and implement an ongoing program to detect and addresz illicit dischatges. • PubGcl�� list and pubGcize a horli�e ox other loeal telephone numbex for public ceporting of spills and othex illicie ciisehaLges.Tcadc illicit dischaTge reparts and aetions caken in msponse [hrough dose-oo[, inclucling enforcement lcrions. • Inform public employees, husinesses and dte grneral public ot hazards associated with illegal discharges and impeoper disposal of�vaste. • Train scaff o� propc�1DDE responsc SOPs and train municipal field scaff[o recognizc and rep��rc illicie dischaxgcs. • Summarize;ill illicir discharges and conneceions reported ro the Ci2p aod response actioos takeq i�cludina cntorcemei�t accio�s, i� che i�nnual Complia�ce Reporr, identifp an}' updates ro che S\Wi�IP. �.� �Ranu�2�i 2�1$ �e�a�ngs�ea�n�e .�,�tivi�ies Table 5-1 presenrs the�vark pLan for 2018 SW'1�'IP ilGcit clischaxge detection and elimination ncd��ties. 7�'� Y�: �J� Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Conlinue�o implement City-wide ID�E Program and develop any necessary supplemental IDDE activi�ies. IDDE-1 Enforce ACC 13.48210 using education and technical Utilities pngoing supporl as a frst action and escalating code Engineering enforcement as needed. Publicize a phone number for ublic re ortin of s ills and illicit dischar es. IDDE-2 Continue to review and update storm system map to Utilities Ongoing address data gaps and Permit requirements. EngineenngllT 8 5:Illicit�ischarge Detection and Eliminalion City of Auburn 2018 SWMP Plan IDDE-3 Provide IDDE training to new hires in Utility Utilities Ongoing Engineering and Maintenance&Operations. Engineenng Perform IDDE field screening of a�least 12%of MS4 Utilities IDDE-4 annually. Engineering and Ongoing M&0 s � � : � � � ' � � - , i 4 _ � 6 . CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION SITES This secdon describes the Pecmic requiremeots related to controlling runokf from new development, redevelopment, and consnvctio� sices, and plaaned complianee ac[ivities for 2018. 6.1 Permit Requirements The Permit(Section SS.C.4) reqwres che Cicy�to Eulfill �he follo�ving actions diving rhe 5-}'ear Perrzvt cycle: • Implement, anci enforce a program co reduee pollutanes in stormwatex rimoff(i.e.,illicic discharges) [o the municipal separare storm se�ver s}'stem from ne�v development, rede�elopment,and construcnon site activiues.The program musr aPph�[o both privare and public hrojects, including roads, and address all consm�crion/development-associated pollutant sources. • Have adopted regulaeions (codes a�d smndards),plan review,inspecdon, and escalating enforceme�t SOPs necessare to implemcne ehe program in accorclance u�ith Pernu[condiUons,ineluding the ininimum mchnical requixements in Appendis 1 of the Pexmit by December il, 2076. • Re�ie�v, revise and make etfective local development-related codes, rules, standards,or other enfoxce26Le doazmenrs ro incorporate and require I.o�c Impact Developmene(LID) piri�ciptes and I,ID best management practices (BNfPs) wirh the i�tent of making LID the prefexred und commonly- used approach ro site dcvelopmen�by Dece�nbex 31, 201G. • Parucipare in watershcd-scale stormwatcr planniag undcr condition SS.C.4.c of[he Phase I Municipal Sroxmwacer General Permi�if required. • Have adopced regulauons (codes and sca�dards) and processes to veriEy�adequare long-terin operations and maintenance of new post-consttuctio��permanent srormwarer facilities and BMPs in accordance with Permit conditions,including an annual inspection Erequencp and/or approved alternnti��e inspection Erequencp ancl maintenance standards for privare diainage s}stems as prorecdve as those in Chaptex 4 oF Volume V oE the 2012 Gcology Stocmwarer Management Manual for Wesrern Washingron by December 31,2016. • Peovide copies of x6e Notice oE Inren[(NOI) Eox conscruction ox indus�rial acriviues ro repeesencatives of the proposed new development and redevelopment. • Provide training�o s-cafE on the new codes, srandards, a�d SOPs and creatc public educadon and outreach marerials. • Recoed and maintain recards of all inspections and enforcemenc actions b}' sx2fY. • Summarize annual acrivi[ies For the "Con[rolling Runott' componenx of the Annual Compliance Reporc; idenuEv a❑p updams ro che S��'NIP. �o 6:Controllinq Runoff from New Development,Redevelopment and Construction Sites City of Auburn 2018 SWMP Plan 6.2 P�anned 2018 Compliaroce Activities The City has a progxam co help ceduce stonmvacer mnoff Erom new development and consvuction sires. "I'abLe 6-1 pecsents the worl:pinn for 2018 S�'MP activities celated ro runoff control Eoe new development, xedevelopmenc,and cons[ruc�ion si[es. . � . ,.� i � ��._ Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Track and report construction,new development,and planningl Permit CTRL-1 redevelopment permits,inspections and enforcement Center On-going actions. Prior to clearing and construction,inspect all permitted CTRL-1 a development sites that have a high potential for Constmction On-going sediment transport. CTRL-1b Inspect all permitted development sites during Construction On going consimction. Inspect all permilted developmenl sites upon CTRL-1 c completion of wnstmction and prior ro inal approval Constmction Ongoing oroccupancy. Inspect all permanent stormwater treatment and Flow wntml BMPslfacilities and catch basins in new CTRL-1d residential developments every six months until 90% Construclion Ongoing of the lots are consUucted or construction has stopped antl site is fully stabilized. Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and Flow Utilities CTRL-2 control BMPslfacilities(olherthan catch basins)—i.e., Engineering Ont�oing private systems. Provide copies of the"Notice of Intent for Construction CTRL-6 Activity"and copies of the"Notice of In�ent for permit Center Ongoing Indusirial Activity"to representa�ives of pmposed new development and redevelopment. Enforce local ordinances controlling runoff from sites Constmction CTRL-7 that are also covered by stormwater permits issued by and Code Ongoing Ecology. Enforcement �� 7 . MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE This sectiun desciibes the Permir ccc�uircmrnts related ta municipal operacions and m;tinten:3nce, and planned eampliance acti�ities for 2018. 7.1 Permit Requirements The Permix(Secrion Si.CS) requires che Cin� ro fulfill the follou�ing acuons during the 5-}'eax Permic c}•de: • Implement an O&bI progcam,with the ultimam goal of pre�•enting or reduein�;pallutant runoff from atunicipal separate stormw��ter svsmm and munieipal O&b1 actiaitics. • implement maincenlnce s[andards for the nwnicipal separate stormwaeer svsrem diat axe at least as proeecnve as dlose speciticd in rl�c 2012 Stormwarex Management Manunl for Wesrern CG'ashington as amended in 2014. • Conduct annual inspec[ion ot:dl municipnll}�o�cned or operared rerm�ncnr stormwa[ex trcarment and flou-eonzrol B'_�IPs/facilities and rerfnnn maintenance as needed to comply with maineenanee standards. • Inspect all catch basins and inlets owned ur operared b�� die Ciq�at least oncc no latcr xhan August 1, 2017 and even nvo�•ears diereafcec Clcan the catch basfns if inspecrions indicace cleaning is needed ro eomplt�«�th mainrenance standards. • Check trea[me�t and t]ou�control E:tcilities afrex major srorms and perfucm repairs as needed in aceordaace wi[h adoptcd m:iinecn:mce st�ndards. • Have SOPs in place to recluce stormwacer impaccs assotiated with runofE from municipal O&bI acurities, includi�g but not limieed to streecs,Parl;ing lots, roads,or highwavs owned or maintained bc the Ciry, and [o reduce pullutants in dischne,Ges from all lands uwned or maintained bv the Cig�. • 'I'�2in smFf ro implemenc the S(�Ps and documeot tl�e training. • Prepare Srormwater Pollution Prevrncion Plai�s (SWPPPs) for all heacy ec��upment maioteoance or srorage yards idenufied for�•earruund facilities ar}'ards,and mntcrial storage facilities owned or operated bv die Citp. • Summaxize annual activities fur the"Polludun Prevention ;md Operations and D9aimm�xnce for Nlunicipnl Operadons" comPunert of thc Annual Complianec Report;identifi� �n�� updates ro che S��'ivTP. '12 7.Pollution Prevention and 0&M for Municipal Operations City of Aubum 2018 SWMP Plan 7.2 Planned 20'18 Compliance Activities Table �-1 presents the�vo�k plan for 201�3 S\�1'IP acticities rclared [o municir;d nperatinns 2nd main[enance. . . Task ID Task Description Responsible Schedule Notes Conduct annual inspection of all treatment and flow Community MOM-1 control(other than catch basins)in the public system Development and Onyoing and perform maintenance as triggered by the Public Works maintenance standards. De arlment Continue catch basin inspections at a 2te that MOM-2 ensures all catch basins are inspected every two M&0 Onyoing years. MOM-2a Clean calch basin as needed based on inspection M&0 Ongoinq results. Perform street sweeping to reduce the amount of MOM-3 street waste that enters ihe storm drainage M&0 Ongoing conveyance sys�em. M&0 MOM-4 Implement SWPPPs at M&0,Parks-GSA,Cemetery Parks Ongoing Cemelery Community Impiement Low Impact Development maintenance Development and MOM-5 standards,levels of service and inspection Public Works, Ongoing procedures adopled in 2016. and Parks De aAments ' �3 8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS The fedcral Clean \k'acec Act reqwres ehac Ecolo�.y est261ish "Toeal D{nsimum Dailv Loads" (TMDI.) for rivers, streams,lakes,and marine�vaters that don't meet watcr qualitv s'tandards. A TMDI.is a calculauon of the masimum amount of n pollutant that a wat�r bod��can receive and still meet�vater qualirv standards. .�f[ee the'I"1�IDL has been calculared Fur a given�vater bodc, Ecolo�-derermines how much eaeh souice must reduce its discharges of the pollutant in order brinK the w-ater body back into mmpliance with die water qualin�standards. TMDI,requirements are included in the srorm�rater NPDLS permits for discharges inco affecred w�ater bodies. StormwareL discharges covered undcr this Permit aec required to implement aetions necessazp to achieve die pollucant reductions called for in applica6le TtilllLs. Applicable ThIDLs are those appro�-ed by thc EP�1 before the issuance dare ot the Permi[or which ha��e been approvcd bc the EPA prior ro the issue daee of die Permie ur die clare Ecolog}' issues eovera�e under the Pcrmit,whichevet is latcr. Infoxmadon on Ecolo},ry's "I`MDI,pio�am is a�-ailable on Heolo�,�'s website at hn��v,!!eculu«cu�u.�uc/AA�:ucr tih�,relines�AC�arer� yuahn iAA:t[rr-i;nnn,�c�mcni 7���cil AI ivmum I��iilc-I ,��id �,�� ccc. . In acmrcllnce with Pcrmit cnnditiun ti7 Compliance with'1'utal Maximum llaih� Load Reyuirements [he City must comply�wirh the fulluwing TDIllL. Name of TNIDL Pu �allu \�'ntcrshed Waeer Quali[v lm rovement Project Document(s) foc Prq�a/(nf�1Z�i�rr lG"'atrrrbrd Frcn/ColiJomi ToGa/�6lminunn Dni/p L.oad— If"'atcrQunliry 'I'�1D1, Dnf�rorrmerrR RrfimY anA6riP/rir�ent�rtin�i Plau, �une 2011, Eeologp Puhlication No. 11-]0- U4U. hu�si ltuin�ssn�.i. ��>��;��r� ��uhlic:vir�nsitiumnr.in�Pa=ca'l l lu�i-}n.hrml Location of Pu}'A11up Riccx 16?12, ?�1J8,A�hitc Rivec 1G711, 16708, 16709,Clcnc Cccek 7501, Ociginal 303(d) Swan Creek 7514,Boise Creel: 1 G7Q( Lisrins;s Area �Vhexc TMDL Reyuirements appl}� in all arcas regulamd �ndcr the Permitree's mnnicipal � Requiremenes s[ormw:tcer�ermir and dixchacging to wate�bodies listed wid�in the specifie A lv ee uirement in this T�tDI.section. Parametec Fecal ColiEorm GPA Approval September 2011 Date btS4 Pcrmittrc Phase I Permit Ivn�*Counts, Pierce Counh� Phasc II Pcrmic: .�ubum, Ed*cwood, Enumdaw, Purallu�,Samncr 14 8.Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements City of Auburn 2018 SWMP Plan Acuons cequired ot the Cit}� uadex d�is T'N[DI, inelude: • Beginning no lamc than October 1,201i, conduct nvice monthh�w�ec w�eacher s2mpling of stormwarer discharges ro the�9�i[e River a[A�bum Riverside High Scl�ool[o deternune if s-peciftc disehu��;es from Aubum's bIS4 esceed the water quaGcvi ceiteria Eor teeal coliform 6actecia. o Data shall be coLlectcd for onc we[scason. o Dacn shall be colleaed in accordance�vid� an Ecolo�vy-approved QAPP. o Data collreted sincc EPA T:�IDI.appro��al can be uuud [o meet chis myuirement. Thcse actinns h�vc becn u�m�lered. • Por anv of rhe outFalls monitored,showing discharqes that escecd u�ater qualitc cri[eria for primar�� contact recrcation: designate thosc arr.0 clischnrgins;via thc bIS4 of concem as hi,t;h priorinr areas for illieit disehnege detection and diminaeion efforts etnd implement �he sehcclules and activities idennflecl in S�.C3 ot[he�\�ester� �Vashin�;ton Ph:�sc II permit Eor res�onse to�nc illicit discharges fou�d beginning no latcr than.�lugust I,21I1�F. This- action has bcen complered. • Ins'tall and mainmin pet waste educa[inn and cnllection staeions at munieipal parks a�d od�er Pecmie[ce uwned a�d opexnted lands adjacenx to strcams. Focus nn lucations whem people commonlp wall; thcir dugs. 8.1 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities Table 8-1 pxes'ents the work plan for 20I8 S�'1`iP acticieies celated ro'I'11DI,rrquicement compGsmce. : . � a . ,��,. i �� ,.: � -�:: .�: �� :�. Task ID Task Description Responsible Schedule Notes Include summary of aciivities conducled in TMDL Utili�ies TMDL-7 area to address TMDL parameter(fecal co�iform)wilh Engineenng March 31.2018 annual repoR to Ecology. Maintain pet waste education and colledion slations parks TMDL-2 at municipal parks and other pu6lic lands adjacent to Department Onyoing �he White River and its�nbutanes. 15 �� i i ° 'vi H _IGi: Kfv � ! �I G STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 9 . MONITORING This section describes [he Permit requirements relamd to water qualite monitoring, and planned compliance activiries for 2018. 9.1 Permit ttequirements The Permic(Sectioo S3) requires cl�e Ciry to either conduct S[acus ai�d 1'rends Moniroring, and EEfecci�reness Studies,or pap annuall��inco a tollec�ive fund co implemeiit mo�utoring dirough the Regional Stormwatei 1�fonirociog Ptogram (RSMP). The RSMP was renamed in 2017 and is ao�v called S;1M (Stormwacer Action Monirocing�,ochec'than a ne�v name the progcam remains che same. The Ciry commi[ced in 20'l3 to pay �45,096.00 annually inro die collecdve RSMP monitoring fu�d for both Stacus and Trends Monitoxing a�d L^,fFecticeness Stuclies. All permittees are reqaued ro pay ioto the RSMP to implement the RSMP Source Identificadon InfoemaCion Repository(SIDIR). Aubuxn's annual pa��ment will be$2,614.00. Duri�g the one}'car permit ctteosion thesc paymen[s will remain the same a�d are due ro che Depactment of Ewlog}�by rlugust 15'�' eacli year. The Ciry is iequired ro procide che following moniroring and/oi assessment daca in each anm�nl reporc • A descrip[ion oY an}'stormwater monitocing or srudies conduc[ed by [he Cicy during[he repor[ing period. If scorm�c�ater monitoring was cnnducted on behalf of the Cit}',or if sxudies or im�es[igations conducred bv other entities were ceported ro the City,a brieF description oE[he rype oEinEocmadon ga[hexed oi�received shall be included i� the ann�tal repor[. 9.2 Planned 2018 Compliance Activities Table 9-t presents the work plan for 20(8 SWN(P mooitaring activieies. i � Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Pay$47,710.�0 annually inlo ihe RSMP collective MNTR-1 fund for implementation oF StaWs and Trends Utilities Annual payment due by Monitoring,Effecfiveness Studies,and the Source Engineenng Aug�st 15'". Identification Information Repository. 16 APPENDIX A Acronyms and Definitions Thc following definitions and aa�o�yms are cake� dicectl}'from the Phase II Permit and are reproduced here for the reader's con�enience. 40 CFR means Tide 40 oE the Code of Fcdecal Re�alations,wl�ich is tl�e codificarion of the general and permanent niles pubGshed'u� the Fedexnl Rct�stes by cLie executi��e deparunents and agencies oE d�e federal government. AKART mea�s all �:nown, availablc, and reasonablc ineehods of pcecenuon, co�trol 2nd treatmeat. See also Staee��'¢eet Pollution Conexol Act, ehapter 9f1.43.010 RC��/ and cl�apcer 90.48.520 RC1�'. All l:nown, available and reasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment refers ro che Stare ��'ater Polludun Contxol Ac[, diapter 90.48.010 RC�X and c6apter 90.48.520 RC\�'. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL which has been appeoved by EPA on or beEore the issuance date oE ttiis Pcrmit, or prior eo rhe date that Ecolog��issues co�exage under this Pccmit,�vhichever is later. Benefieial Uses mcans uses of�vaters of the state which include but are no[limited to use foc domescic, scocl:waterin�,i�dust�ial,commercial, �griculcural, irrigacion, mining, fish :md wildlifc inaintenanec and enhancement, eecTcation, oc�etation ot elecaic power and pmservation of environmen�al and acscheric vaLues, and all o�hei uscs compn�ible with che enjopmenr of rhe public warexs of the state. Best Management Pcactices .ice the sd�edules oE activities, prohibitions of prac[ices, maincenance piuccdures, a�d seructural and/or managerial praetices approved by flcology tha�,when used singly or in co�nbinntion, piecent or red�ee[he ielease of pollata�ts a�d other adveise impacts to waters of Washington Sliue. BMP means Bcsc Management Practice. Bypass means [hc cGversion oE stoxmwaYer froin any pocrion of a stormwatex tmatmea[ facility. Census defined urban azea means Urbanized ;irea. 17 Cimuit means n parrion of a NiS4 dischacging ro a single poin[or scrving a<Gscxete ama dc[ecmined by ccaffic volumes,land use,topogxaphy or the configura[ion uf t1�c bIS4. Component or Program Component means aa element of che Scormwater Managemenc Program lisced in SS Stormwater Management Pro�am Eor Cities,Towns, and Counties oc S6 Sroemwarer l�fanagetnent Program Eoc Seco�datc Permiteees,S7 Compliance with Total Maximum Dail}'Load Requiremenes, or S8 IVlonicoring of�his permi[. Conveyance system means that porcion of rhe municipal separate srorm se�ver system designed or used for conve}'ing stormwater. Co-Permittee means an owner oe opecacox of an M54 which is in a coopexauve agreement with ac least one od�er applican[for coverage undex this permi[. A Co-Pexmit[ee is a�owner or opeiator of a reJnila[ed IbfS4 locaced within or in pcosimit}•to anod�ee regulaced MS4. A Co-Permictee is onl}• responsiUle for permit condicions relating to discharges from t6e MS4 d�e Co-Permittee owns or operaces. See also 40 CFR 122.26(b)(1) CWA means Clean Wa[er Ac[ (formerly reFerred to as t6e Federal Wa[ex Pollution Con[xnl Act ox Fedexal Water Pollution Con�rol Act Amendmcnts oE 1972) Pu6.L. 92-500,as amended Pub. L. 95-217,Pub. L. 9�576, Pub. L. (6-483 and Pub. L. 97-117, 33 U.S.C. 1251 etsec�. Director means [he Direccor of che�C'ashingto�Scace Departmenc of I:cology, or an auchorized representative. Dischatge Point mcans d�c location w�hcrc a discharge Icaves the Ycrnut[ec's MS4 xhiough thc Permitree's ��[S4 facilines/B'�SPs designed to intilcrate. Entity means n govemmental bodv, or�public or privare organization. EPA ineans che U.S. Nnvironmental Proteccion Agency. General Pettnit mcans a permit which covers mulnpJc c$schac�crs of a poin[ source catc�orv wichin a desi�ma�ed geogxaphical axea,in Geu of i�dividua] permits being issued co each discharger. Ground water mcans watcr in a s'anirared zone or stratum bcneath the surface of the land nr below a suiface water body. Refer u.�chapter ]73-200 WAC. Hazardous substance means any liquid, solid,gas,or sludge, induding any marerial, substance,product, commodity,or�vas[e,regardless oE quannty, that exhibits any of die pli5�sical,chemical,or biological peoperties described in ��'AC 173-303-090 or W'AC 173-303-100. Heavy equipment maintenance or storage yard means an uncovexed area where an��heavy cquipment, such as mowin�equipment, excavators,dump crucks, backhoes,or bid�dozecs are washcd or maintained,ox where at leas[Erve pieces of heavic equipment are srored on a long- eerm basis. Higl�way means a main puUlic xoad connecung rowns and ciries. Hydraulically near means mnoEf from the sice dischacges to [he sensiuve fearure without signiYicane natuial atte�uauon ot Ilo�rs el�at allows for suspended solids removal. See Appendix 7 Deterinining Conscrucno� Sice Sedimen�Damage Poten�ial for a moie detailed detinition. Hyperchlorinated meaus waret thac concains more chaii 10 m�;/I.icei chlorine. Illicix connecxion means an}'infrastrurnixe connection to the MSd that is �ut intended,permitted ox used for collec[ing and conveying s�ormwater or non-scorm�vater discharges allo�ced as speciEted in this 18 permit (SS.C3 and tiG.D3). Esamplcs indude sanitary sewer cunoecnons, flooc dc�ains, channcls, pipeGnes, conduits, inlets,or outlets thnt are connected direcdy co che MS4. Illicit discharge means- any discharge ro a i�fS4[hat is no[composed en[irelv oE srorm�vater or of non- cxormwaeer discharges allo�ced as' speciFied in this' penni� (SS.C3 and S6.D3). Impervious surface meaos a non-vegetaced surface arca that cidzcr prcvents or retards the entr}'of�vater in�o �he soil mande as under natural conditions priar to development. A non-vegezared curface area w-hich causes warer�o run off the suxface in�aeater 9uantiries or at an inoreased cate oE tlo�v Fxom the flow prese�t under natural condi[ioas prior co developmenc. Common impervious suxfaces incl�de, but axe not limit�ed ro, eooF rops,walkways,patios-,driveways,parking lots or stormwa[er areas, concrete ox asphale �nving,gravel roads, pncked earthen materials', and oiLed, macadam or other surtaces�vhich similarlv impedc the natural infiltration �f stormwnrer. Land disturbing activity means anp acvvir�� chac resid�s i� a cl�an�e in the esisring soil covec (both vegetauve and non-vegetative) and/ar[he existing soil ropo�raphc. Land diseurbing acti�-ities iiiclude, buc 2ce not limited ro clearutg, grading tilling and excavation. Compactio� that is associaced wich stabilizadoo of suucmces and road consu-uction shall also be considered land dismrhing acti��ty�. Vegetauon maintenance pxacrices, incloding landscape mauitenance and gardening, are not considered lanci disturbing acdcitp. Stormwater facilitp maintenance is not considexed land dist�bing accivin if conducred according to established standards and procedures. LID means Low Impact Developmeat. LID BMP means lo�r imract decetopment best managc�nent practiccs. LID Pcinciples means land use man3gemen[ strare�ies t6at emphasize conservanon, use of on- sice nacural features,and site pla�ning to minimize impen-ious sw-faces,native vege[ation loss,and stormwacer runofY. Low Impact Development means a storm�vlrer and land usc management strategc that scrives to mimic pre-distuibanee h}'<<«�logic processes of intiltracion, filcra[ion, s[oragq evapontion and [�anspica[ion by� empt�asizing cunscrcarion, use oE on-site na��ural feztures, site planning, and diseiibuted stoimwami mana�;emenc practices chat xrc intcgcated into a project design. Low impact development best manageinent practices means dis-triUuted stnnnwarer managemenr pracrices, inre��ra�ed into a projecc design, eh1[emphasize pre-dis�urbance hydroio��c processes of infiLtrauon, filtrauun,storage,evapoxatio� and n�anspiration. LID BndPs incLude,buc are not limieed �q bioretention, rain gardens,permcable pavements, cuof do�vnspouc conttols, dispersion,soil q�,ialitc and dep[h,vcgetated roofs, minimum escanation fnundations, and watcz re-use. Material Srorage Facilities means a�� u�uovered area whcre hull: matexials (liquid,solid,granular, etc.) are srored in piles, b:u'rels, canlcs, bins, craces,or other means. M�ximum Extent P�acticable ieEexs to paraGc:tph 462(p}(3)(B)(iii) of ehe federal C1ean A�/ater Act which reads as Follows: Pexmits far disch2r�es h�om mu�ticipal seocro sewers shall re9uue coi�uuols to xeduce the discharge of pollutants [o the masimum extent pracricable,induding management pxacrices, con[rol tecLini9ues,and svstem, desi�,*n,;tnd enginecxing methods, :t�d o�hex sucti provisions as the Administcator or the St2te determines nppxopxi�re for d�e control of suc6 pollutants. MEP means Maximum E�tenc Pcactic2ble. MS4 means municipal separate storm se�cer sysrem. 19 Municipal Separate Storm Sewet System means a concecance,or svstcm of mm•cyanecs (including roads with drainage svs�ems,municipll screets,catch Uasins,curUs,gutters,ditchcs, m2nmadc channcls, or srorm drtins): (i) Owned or operared h� a sta�e,cin,town, borough,counn,parish,districc,association,or other public bodp(crea[ed by or pursuant co scace law) ha�-ing jurisdiction o��er disposal of wasres, stormwater,ar o[her was[es',induding special districts under State law such as a sewer discrict, flood conn�ol district or drainage district, or similar entin',or an Indian r.ribe or an auehorized Indian ttibal urganization, or a designated and approved management agency under section 208 oF[he C\�';\ that discharges to�eaters of\t�ashin�[on S[ate. (u) Designed or used foc collecring ox convet�ing stormwarec. (iii) 1x'hicl� is not a combined se�cer; (iv) VG'hich is not parc c�t a Publidy O�vned Treatmenc Works (POTW� as dcfined at 40 CP�R 122.2.; and (v) ��/hich is detined as `9nrge"o�� "medium"oe"small"or othecwise designatcd b�� H:calu,qy pursun�r to 4(1 CFR 122.26. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the nntional �ro�,*ram for issuin�;, modift�ng, revoking, and reissuin};, renninating, monironng and enforcin�permin,and imPosiny,and enfnrcing precreaur�cnt reyuireinencs,undez sections' 307,402,318,aad 405 ut the Federal Cleu�Water Act, foz the dischar�;e of pullutants to sucface wa[ecs of the state from point s-ources. `Chcse permi[s are referccd ro as NPDFS permics and,in Washin�,Kon State,are ndministcred bc rhe�Vasl�in},rtnn State Depnr[mcnc��f 1�?cnln�n-. Native vcgetation mcans ve�etation mmprised ot plant spccies,other th2n no�ious�ceeds, thae are indigenous to the coastal re,�ion of the Pacific Nord��cest and which reasonablr could hlve been expecred to naturallc occur on the sim. P.x:unples indude vees such as Douglas I'ir,�vestern hemlock, �vestern red cedar,alder, bi�-leaF inaple;shrubs such as u-illom, elderberrc,salmonbern�, and salal; and herbaceous plants such as s��•ord fern, foam flower,and hreweed. New development mea�ts land dis[uzbing accivines,including Class IV Gencr:d Forest Pracuces [hac are coneersio��s from dmber land to other uses; struccural developmen[,includin�;construcrion or installation of a buildin�;or o�her scruaure;creauon of hard surfaces; 1nd subdivision, shurt subdivis-ion nnd binding sire plans,as detined and applied in chapmr SS.l7 RC��'. Projects meeung the defininun of redevelopment shall not be considered ne�c development Rcfrr to Appendix I for a defmition uf hard sur[aces. New Permittee me�ns a citt', enwn, or county-that is subject to the 6Er.rdrni ll'n,rfiirrqlaw �6Guuci/�al,i'<onrni�nh�r'GeitrralPrmdt and u�as noc subjcet to the permix prior to Au�vst l, 2013. New Secondary Pcrmittec i�ic2ns � Semndan�Permittce that is covcred undcr a municipal srnrmwnter,�;en�ral permit and was no�covered by che permit pcioi to /�ugust 'L,20'I3. NOI mea�s Nuuce of Intent. Notice of Intent mumc the appGcauon for,oi a request for coverage under a Gencral Permic pursitan[ co lC'AC 173-226-200. Notiee of Iutent foz Construction Acuvity ineans d�e application Eorm tur co��erage under rhe 20 Cort.rhxtrtimt��tnrnnurrtrr Gcimrnl Peiriri!. Notice of Intent fot Industrial Activity means the applicadon form foc coverage under the Grurra!Pio»ii1 fbr S'to�rui�;afri�Di.rrbar�e.r.-l.rmcrated witfi LrclurtixalAtkr�itir.r. NPDES mcans [�ational Ppllutant Dischacge Elimination Scs[em. Outfall means a hoint source as defined bt�40 CFR 122.2 at che point���here a discharGe leaves the Permittee's MS4 and enters a surface recei�-ing�aarerbod}-or surface receicing w�aters. Outfall does not include pipes,mm�els, oc other com-e}'�nces u�hich connect se�,anents oE thc same stream or other surface waters and are used tn cnnvev primarilv surkace watets (i.e., culaeres). Pcrme:tble pavement menos pervious concrete,porous asPhalt,permeable pavcrs or other forms of pervious ur porous pa��ing mateiial intended ro allow passag�e of water throu,�*h the pavemenc secrion. It often includes an ut�ce�,nre base chat provides structural support and atts as a stormwacer reservc�ir. Permittee unless tithenvise nored, thc term "Permittce"includes ciry, [o�vn, or counr}'Permirtec,Co- Permit[ec, New Permiteee, Secondary Permi�tee, and Ncu�Secondary Pe[mitmi';. Pl�ysically Intcrconncetcd means rhat one MS4 is connected co anodier scorm sewcr sy�stem in such a way that it allu�as fur clirece clischacges' [o the second system. For example,xlie roads with drninn};e sysrems and municipnl srrcers of one entiry are physically connected direcdy to a storm sewer sysiem belonbring tr> annther enricy. Project site menizs chat portiot�oF a propern�,properues,or right-of-�va}'s subject ro land disturbing activitics, new hard surfaces,or replaced hard surfaces. Refcr to Appendix 1 for a defioieion ut hard surEaces. QAPP means Qu:ilitc Assurance Project Pl:ui. Qualified Personnel mcans somrune whu has had profession�l tctining in the aspccts of stnrmwarer managemenc 6,c�chich thec are respunsible and are under che funetionnl e��atcol of the Permittee. Qualitied Pers�mne( mn}�be statt members,con[ractors, or��olunreers. Quality Assurance Project Plan mcans a document chat describes rhe objecoves of an encironmencal seudc and thc procedures ro be followed to achieve those objeetives. RCW mcnns nc� Reciscd Code oE��'ashing[on Statc. Recciving waterbody or reeeiving waters means naturallp and/or reconstructed namrall��occurring surEace �vaver bodies, such as eieeks, stceams, rivers, lakes, �vedands, esmaries, nnd marine waters, ��r�,Rnund �citcr, [o which infil[ration b4S4 dischar�cs. Redevelopment means, on a si�e dta�is alread}�subsranriall}�de.�eloped (i.c., has 35"/�or more of e�isvng hard surface coverage), the exention or addicion of hacd surtaces; tlle expansion of a buildiq�,footprint or addition or replacement of a s-u-ucmre; structural development indudiny�construction, installation or expansion oY a buildin�;c'>r rxhex srructure; replacemen�of hnrd suefnce that is not part of a routine maiotenance activie�; aud land dis[urbing acnv�cies. liefer to Appendir 1 tor n definition of hard surfaces. Regiooal Srormwater Monitoring Program means, Eor all nf wes�em \X':�shingcon,a stoimw,iter- focuscd iiionituring:ind �ssessment pco��am consis[ing oE d�ese components: st:atus :md trends moiveuring in sinall sa'eams and inarine nearshorc arcas, stonnwater management prq�ram e£Fecci��cness snidies,and a soucce identificarion informauoo repositoi} (SI1�IR).'Che priorides and 21 scope foz thc RSb(P are set by a formal s[akeholdec�,�roup. Fur[his permit rerm, RSVIP sta[us ancl tcends monicorin�;uiLl be co�duered in [he Puget Sound bnsin unly. Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewet System means a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System which is automaticall� designated fnc indusion in the Phase II stunrowntec pexmitting program b}'��s L�c2cion within an Urbanized Acea,o�by desi�,matiun by Lcol��g� and is noc eligible Eor a wai�-er or cxemprion under S1.C. RSMP means Regional Srormwarer Moniroring Program. Runoffis watec chat tracels 2cross the Iancl surface �nd dischac�es eo w�ter bodies ri[her dixccdy or through a collecnon and convcyancc syscem. See also "Scocmw�acer." Secondary Peanittee is an operator r�f a mbnilared small bfS4 which is noc a city, ta��-n ot counte. Secondary Permiceees indudc special puLpose districts and other public entities that meet che criteria in SI.B. Sediment/Erosion-Sensitive Feature means an area subject to si��ificant degradauon due to che effect of cu�scruttioo runoFf, or azeas reyuiring special pro[ection [o prevent erosion. See ,�ppendi� 7 Decerminink Construcnon Sirc Srdiment Transporr Potencial tor a more detuled deYinition. Shared water bodies means watcr bodies,including downstream scgmenes, lakes nnd estuaxies that receive discharkcs from more th;m nne Permittcc. SIDIR means- Suurce Identification lnfonnation Repository. Significant contributor mean, a discharge chac con�ribums a loacling of pollucancs considered to be sufficie�[eo cause ur e�acerbate die deterioration uf receivi�g water qualiq�or instream habitat conditions. Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System means an I�SS4 that is not definrd as `9arge" or "medium" pursu:mr ro 40 CFR 122?G(b)(4) & (7) �,r desinnated under 40 CFR 122?6 (a)(1)(c). Soutce conttol BMP means a s�ructure or operatiem tha[is in[ended to prevent pollutants krom cnming intn contact wich stormwaccr through physical seplration of arcas rtt careful manakemene of activities that are sources of pollutanes. 1'he.41.e�1[lldt'Ik'separaces source conn'ol BNCPs into two t}'pes. Sememral Source (:nntrol Bi�1Ps are phpsical,st�rucniral, oc mechnnical devices, or faeilides that are inccoded co prevcnt pollutanes Erom cn[exing storm�r��er. Operatiunal B1�iPs ace non-structucnl pracnces chat pre��ent oc reduce �nllucants From enrern�sn�rm�r;irer. See Volume 1\' oE the S'6E`AU(6Y�1�Y:'(3012) foc de�ails. Stormwater menns runotif durinK and Following precipitariun an�l snr�wmelt events, including sucfaee runofE,draimiKe or incextlo�v. Smrmwarer Associated�vith Industrial and Construction Actiuity means die dischazge from an�� cuocccaner�chich is used tor colJeeun�and com�cyin;,r s�orm�vazer,which is direcd�� relared ro manufacturin�, processing or raw marecials sroragr areas at an industrial plane,or associaced�cich eleaxing,gradin};and/oc cxcavucion,and is rec�uired to bave an NPDES permit in acco�da�ce with 40 CFR 1222G. Stormwarer Management Program means 1 sec of accions and aceivitics desi�,mcd co reduce �he discharge of pollu[ants Erum ehe b4S3 eo the D4EP and to protecc water quaGtt, lncl eomprisi�g the components listcd in S� (foc ciues, rowns and coun[ies) oc S6 (for Secondaii}' Pccmi[rees) of this Permic and any 22 addi[ional actions nccessact�to mccc chr requiremcn[s uf applieablc T�IDLs pursuant to S7 Complinurr u�iXG T.II DL. Krquirrmr�rGr. and SR ,ll aiitnn�m a�rd.-9 u�:r.rmrnt. Stormwater'I'reatment and Flow Control BMPs/Facilities means derencion facilitics, tre�m�ent Iii�4Ps/Eacilicies, binretention,vegetated rooEs, and permeable pavements tl��t hrlp meee Appendix l blinn�num Reyuirements #6 (tce2tment),#7 (flow cnnttoL), or hnth. SWMMWW or Stormwarer Management Manual for Westem Washington mcans S'torniwa;er d 1 unq�rniml.'�f�rnem(/i�r Ik"e.rlear 6I'u.rGing/nn /ar aniended in 20%-1 f. SWMP means Stormwater M�nagemene Prograin. TMDL mcnns Total :�laximum Dailc L.oad. Total Ma�cimum Daily Load means a�carer deanup plan. ;\T�(DI,is a calculatiun of die masimum amount ot a pulluca�t [ha[a�vater bod�•can recei��e a�d sn1l meet watec qualit��standards,and an alloeano�ot rhnt amoont to d�e pollutant's sourc�s. A Tb4DI,is thc sum of e6e allowable loads of a single polluranr from all contriUurin�point and nonhoint sources. Thc calculntion must indude a margin of safety ta cnsure that thc wa[ez body can be used for the purposes che stare has desi�maced.The calculacion musc also accounc for seasonable variation in water yualit�•. �Uarer quali[c standards are set b�•scares, rerritorics, and tribcs.Thec idcntif� the uses for each water body, for esample,drinkii�g watex supply,cunrna recrear�ion (swimminp�, and nyuatic life support (fishinn�, a�d thc scicnufic critcein to support eh:nt usc.T'hc Cican ��'�tec Act, scction i113,estaUlishcs the water qualin�standards and TbIDL programs. Tributary conveyance means pipes,ditches,cn[ch basins, and inlets owned oi opera�ed b}�the Permittee nnd desi�ned or used for collecdng and conveying s�ormwarer. UGA mcans Urban Growch Area. Urban Growth Area mesns diusc areas designaccd by a counc��pursuant to RC��'36J0;\.I 10. Urba[uzed Acea is a fedecallt-desi�,mated land arca cumpeising une or m��re places and the adjacent dcnselp setded surroundin,q eccn thnt togethec havc a cesidential pupidadon of at Icast 50,000 and an overall E�opulaciun dcnsie��oEae least 1,00p peuplc pci squtire milc. Orbanizcd ilreas acc desi},mated b��che U.S. Census Liureau based on elie aiose recent decennial census. Vehiele Maintenance or Storage Facility means :in uncucemd area where anp vchidcs are ce�,n�larl}� �rashrd or maintaincd,or�cherc ar Icast 10 c-chidcs are storcd. Warer QuaHry Standards means SurFlce��'ater OuaLiR'Scandards, chaprer 173-201 A�','1C,Ground ��'acer Q�alicc Standards, chapeer '173-200�UAC, and Sediinent vlsmaRement Seanda�rds, chap[er 173-204\Y';AC. Waters of'the State includes rhase�raters as detined ns "u�ace�s ot the L�nired Stams" in 40 CFR Subpart 122?witivn rhe t;cograpl�ic boundaries of\��ashin},�ton State and "waters oY the scnee" ns dedned in ehapter 90.4£i RCV�G'which includes lnkes,rivcrs,�>onds, stteaais, inl�nd w�tccs,undei��round warexs, snit waters and all od�er surface watexs and watec courses u-iehin die jurisdic[inn of the State of \t'ashington. Wateis of the United States refcrs m �he defini[ion in -l0 CFR 122?. 23