HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-2018 Minutes City Council Meeting � �� March 5, 2018 - 7:00 PM CITY OF �� * City Hall Council Chambers `= � — r-- MINUTES � � �" � � ` Watch the meeting LIVE! ;�- � � ._ = � , � * � -_� �WAS H I.l�GTO N �tch the meeting video. Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Nancy BacKus called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street in Auburn and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call Councilmembers present: Deputy Mayor Bob Baggett, Larry Brown, Claude DaCorsi, John Holman, Yolanda Trout-Manuel, and Largo Wales. Councilmember Bill Peloza was excused. Mayor Nancy Backus and the following department directors and staff were in attendance: City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Finance Director Shelley ' Coleman, Director of Administration Dana Hinman, Assistant Director of Public Works Randy Bailey, Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Police Commander Mike Hirman, Utilities Engineering Manager Lisa Tobin; Storm Drainage Engineer Tim Carlaw, Economic Development Manager poug Lein,Assistant Director of Community Development Seryices Jeff Tate, Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber, and City Glerk Danielle Daskam. II. ANNOUNCEMEIVTS, PROCLAMATIONS,AND PRESENTATIONS There was no announcement, proclamation or presentation. III. APPOINTMEfVTS A. White River Valley Museum Board City Council to confirm the appointment of LeRoy Jones to the White River Valley Museum Board for a three year term expiring December 31, 2020. Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Councilmember Holman seconded to confirm the appointment of LeRoy Jones to the White River Valley Museum Board for a three yearterm expiring December 31, 2020. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 IV. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Page 1 of 7 There was no change to the agenda. _ _ V. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE A. Public Hearings 1. Public Hearing on 2018 Stormwater Management Program Plan (Gaub) City Council to hold a public hearing to accept comments on the draft 2018 Stormwater Management Program Flan. Mayor Backus opened the hearing at 7;02 p.m. No one in the audience requested to speak regarding the draft 2018 Stormwater Management Frogram Plan, and the hearing was closed. B. Audience Participation This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue. Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. Betty Grone, 2516 I Street NE,Aubum Ms. Grone spoke regarding homelessness and her efforts to find resources and housing for a woman named Bobbi. Demi Broncoso, 6210 Nathan Avenue SE,Aubum Mr. Broncoso requested an opportunity to meet with the Council within the next few weeks to discuss the impact of the City's inclusive city resolution. Darren Baptiste, 1424 58th Way SE,Aubum Darren Baptiste, member of Park 432 Webelo Den, and supported by his fellow Cub Scouts, urged the City Council to investigate the use of renewable energy, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and water turbines to power govemment buildings and to lessen Aubum's impact on the environment. Mary Miller, 1802 I Street NE #B,Aubum Ms. Miller spoke regarding litter in the city and eneouraged citizens to use trash bins and pick up after themselves. Bob Zimmerman, 33029 46th Place South,Aubum Mr. Zimmerrnan spoke a6out seismic and building code enforcement and the wall on his adjacent neighbor's property, which he believes is deficient. Derek Siver, 2 E Main Street,Auburn Mr. Siver spoke regarding the fire-damaged Heritage Building in downtown and his hopes that more types of business uses will be included in fhe structure 'that replaces the Heritage Building. He also spoke in favor of more aetivities in the downtown area and encouraged the City to allow food trucks in the downtown park. Mr. Siver also reported the street light on the Page 2 of 7 back side of Main Street is not functioning. C. Correspondence Mayor Backus noted the receipt of an email received from the Master Builders Association in supPort of Ordinance No. 6672 relating to public sidewalks. VI. COUNCILAD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS _ - _ _ Council Ad Hoc Committee Chairs may report on the status of their ad hoc Council CommitEees' progress on assigned tasks and may give their recommendation to the City Council, if any. Councilmember Brown, chair of the Finance ad hoc committee, reported he and Councilmember Holman reviewed elaims vouchers in the approximate amount of $1.1 million and payroll checks and direct deposits from February 15 to February 28, 2018; in the approximate amount of$2.5 million. Councilmember Brown reported all items were in order. Councilmember DaCorsi, cha.ir of the Street Rrojects ad hoc committee, reported the committee, consisting of Deputy Mayor Baggett, Councilmember Trout-Manuel and Councilmember DaCorsi, met wifh fhe City Engineer to review the 2018-2023 Transportation I mprovement Plan. The committee plans to meet with staff every two weeKs. VI I. CONSENT AGEiVDA All matters listed on the ConsentAgenda are considered by the Ciiy Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form lisfed. A. Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting B. Minutes of the July 25, 2016 and August 8, 2016 Study Session Meetings C. Claims Vouchers (Coleman) Claims vouchers 447802 through 447913 in the amount of$421,256.92 and six wire transfers in the amount of$717,336.70 and dated March 5, 2018. D. Payroll Vouchers (Coleman) Payroll check numbers 537793 through 537812 in the amount of$517;556.71 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of$1,960,136.46 for a grand total of $2,477,693.17 for the period covering February 15, 2018 to February 28, 2018. Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Councilmember Brown seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Page 3 of 7 There was no unfinished business. IX. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. X. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6670 (Gaub) An Ordinance of the City Qouncil of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Cenewal and amendment of Ordinance No. 6452 for Zayo Group, LLC, Franchise Agreement No. 12-41 for a telecommunications system Councilmember Holman moved and Councilmember Trout-Manuel seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 6670. MOTION GARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 B. Ordinance No. 6672 (Gaub) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, amending Chapter 12.12 of the City Code relating to public sidewalks Gouncilmember DaCorsi moved and Councilmember Holman seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 6672. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 G. Ordinance No. 6675 (Tate) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, approving the City-initiated Rezoning of four parcels totaling approximately 1.34 acres located east of C St. NW, between W Main Street and 3rd Street NW from DUC, Downtown Urban Center to M1, Light I ndustrial, and the City-initiated Rezoning of an approximately 0,9$- acre parcel on the south side of SE 310th Street,west of 124th Ave.SE from R-20, Residential Zone 20 units to the acre,to I, Institutional to implement the Comprehensive Plan and amending the City's Zoning Maps Councilmember Holman moved and Councilmember Brown seconded to _ _ _ adopt Ordinance No. 6675. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 D. Ordinance No. 6679 (Gaub) � An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, amending Sections 3.10.020, 3.10.025, 3,10.026, 3.12,020, 3.12.030, 3.12.060, 3.12.070 and 3.12.080 of the City Code and creating a new Section 3.10.060 of the City Code relating to Public Contracting Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Councilmember DaCorsi seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 6679. Councilmember Wales requested clarification of Section 2 of the ordinance relating to Aubum City Code Section 3.10.025 and the inelusion Page 4 of 7 of art among the description of professional and personal service contracts. Assistant Director of Engineering 9ervices Gaub explained the professional and Personal senrices contracts are not specific to public works but apply across the board for the city. Councilmember Wales stated she is not opposed to increasing the contract threshold from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 for public works projecis, but is c.oncerned with increasing the threshold for other service contracts. She spoke in favor of retaining the authority for approving such contracts with the City Council. City Attomey Heid explained the ordinance does not change the type of professional and personal contracts, but only changes the contract threshold level from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00. Councilmember Holman noted the ordinance does not authorize __ _. expenditure that is not already approved by the Counc'il and included in the budget. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 XI. RESOLUTIOiVS A. Resolution IVo. 5346 (Gaub) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, setting a public hearing to consider a franchise agreement with Olympic Pipe Line Gompany, LLC Deputy Mayor Baggett moved and Couneilmember Holman seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5346. (VIOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 B. Resolution No. 5349 (Gaup) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an I nteragency Agreement befinreen tfie City of Aub.um and the _ Auburn School Distriet relating to a project on South 316th Avenue between 56th Avenue South and W Street Northwest Councilmember Wales moved and Councilmember Trout=Manuel seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5349. MOTION CARRIED 11NANIMOUSLY. 6-0 C. Resolution No: 5350 (Hinman) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, approving the Lodging Tax Grant disbursements reeommended by the Aubum Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember DaCorsi seconded to _ . _ _ adopt Resolution No. 5350. � Fage 5 of 7 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 D. Resolution No. 5351 (Faber) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, authorizing the acceptance of a grant from King County and authorizing the Mayor and City Cler�k to execute the necessary contracts to accept said funds Councilmember Brown moved a.nd Deputy Mayor Baggett seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5351. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 E. Resolution No. 5352 (Gaub) A Resolution of the City Council of fhe City of Aubum, Washington, amending Section B, Engineering and Public Works Fees, of the current City of Aubum Master Fee Schedule, adding a new Subsection 15- Mitigation and I mpact Fees for Exempt Wells Councilmember DaCorsi moved and Couneilmember Holman seconded to adopt Resolution No. 5352. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 XII. MAYORAND COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS At fhis time the Mayor and City Council may report on significant items associated with theirappointed positions on federal, state, regiona/and local organizafions. A. From the Council Deputy Mayor Baggett reported on his attendance at the training for managers and owners of multi-family housing to leam about community improvement and crime prevention strategies. The training was provided by Aubum Police and Code Enforcement staff. Deputy Mayor Baggett also reported on his attendance at the Pierce County Cities and Towns Association meeting. The Pierce County Cities and Towns Association is an advisory association for Pierce County Council. Councilmember DaCorsi reported on his attendance at the King Gounty Regional Transit Committee meeting where discussion included such top'ics as transit fares, parking, and the Mefro Connect program. Councilmember Trout-Manuel reported on her attendance at the King County Domestic Violence Prevention Committee meeting. B. From the Mayor Mayor Backus reported she delivered the State of the City Address at the Auburn Avenue Theater on February 27th and thanRed everyone who attended. Mayor BacKus thanked staff inembers Jason Jones, Kalyn Brady, Sarah St. George, Jim Kleinbeck, Tamie Bothell, Antoinette Manthey, and Dana Hinman for their efforts and expertise in preparing the Page 6 of 7 program. Mayor BacKus also reported on her attendance at One Table, a task force to end hornelessness and headed by Seattle Mayor Durkan, King County Executive Constantine, and Mayor Backus, a retirement celebration for Gity employee Linda Ball who retired after 33 years of service, the Valley Regional Fire Authority awards and recognition banquet, the Terry Home benefit auction, and the Christ Gommunity Free Clinic fundraiser. Mayor Backus announced two upcoming events: the Regional Gang and Gun Violence Task Force meeting at Kent City Hall on March 7fh and fhe Annual Economic Forecasting Conference on March 8th. XI II. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:54 p,m., Mayor Backus recessed the meeting to executive session for approximately 20 minutes in order to discuss pending and potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). City Attomey Heid and Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub attended the executive session. Mayor Backus reconvened the meeting 8:15 p.m. 1. Executive Session At 7:54 p.m., Mayor Backus recessed the meeting to executive session for approximately 20 minutes in order to discuss pending and potential litigation pursuant to RGW 42.30.110(1)(i). No action was anticipated following the executive session. City Attomey Heid and Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub attended the executive session. Mayor Backus reeonvened fhe meeting at 8:15 p.m. XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. APPROVED this 19th day of March,2018. �� _ ANCY B S, MAYOR Danielle Daskam, Gity Clerk Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City C/erk's Office, on the City website (http://www.aubumwa.gov), and via e-mail. Comp/ete agenda packets are avai/able forreview at the City Cleric's Office. Page 7 of 7