HomeMy WebLinkAbout07640, 764 Ah ORDIhA',.: establishing buildinr- districts in the Jity of Auburn and emending Section III - Building Districts, of Ordinance "o. 467 of the ordinances of the Jity of l.uburn. Hr, CITY COU -7C IL OF "_"LT CITY C"' 'X3ME' DO ORD , TII AS 7OLLO` S : Section. 1. That Section III - Building Districts, of Ordin^nee No. 467 of the ordinances of the city of Auburn entitled: "1I: MT)I'T creating the attice..of -Building ,Inspector for the,-cr of '.u',Uin, pro- vidin- for the a.-rointnent of such Buildin{; Inspector and defining his duties and fixinL, his compensation; establishin:r- built' in,- cistricts in s -id city; re ulatin the construction, ecuipment, alteration, removal ani repair, mrintenance and use of buildin,-s rithin the corporate Iii'lits of said city: providing- for the cW.emnation, taking d.=n and ranoval, under certain conditions, of badly tar: ,^ed buil'in,^s enc' bnilr7in-s four?.. to be unsafe; defining offenses nd proviein- penalties "or violation thereof; and repealing ordinances numbered 125, 129, 147 and 19£3 of the ordinances of the City of .uburn" be r.nk the sane hereby is amended so th_t as emended said Section shall read ^.s follo: s: S rticle 1. DIS''RI.1'5: :'or the Cr-ose of this Cr:°irr_nce the Jity o _uburn sha117e and is Gere: y ' ivi.ei into t: ree building- districts. i rticle 2. '317IIDI7' ')IS`PRI.T 'TO. I: Bt ilding District I:o. 1 s 11 em race en:. se all h^ t ;art of the City of : uburn conte.ined within the following- bou&e%ry lines: 3e-innin- r -t a point on the gest rnrt im.i l ine of J Street IT. F,. , which point is 110 feet north of the nortY. -.%rgiml line of .'cin Street Past, running thence westerly on e line .xra,llel TTith the north margintil line of Isin Street '-),St Lnd 110 feet distant t'ierefro-i to '.uburr_ venue, thence south-r.*esterly ccro3s '_uhurn aveni a to the east end of the center line of the alley entendin,- throu-h '3_0c; C of 3:..11erd's First '.ddition to the Torlr. of Slau,-hter, thence r+est3rly along the center lines of the alleys extendin* throe -h `I?ocl:s C, 1 an_ 2 of Ballard's First '.ddition to the Town of Slan;'hter r.rc acro3s Division Street ITorth and :, Straet IT. , to the e*sterly ^.r-inal line of 3 Street I', .;., thence southerly along the e -,sten. -,y rur.-innl ling of B Street I'. ;'. r.nd across I' in Street .:est en,' along the easterly ^ r-inal line of 3 Stre-It S. °% to an intersection r•ith the center line of the alley exten( irr- thsos^h floc,: 3 of the Torn of Slr.w-hter, thence easterly alon- the center lines of the alleys e-tendino- throat,h Blocks 3, 2 c.r_d 1 of the Town of Slr-u-hter and across . Street S. •., end Division Street South to the crest m.r ^inr..l line of A Street S. :I. , thence northeasterly to a point on the east mrgir:t:l kine of '. Street S. . , i^hichipoint is 110 feet south of the southerl-- rnr^inmal line of "-V,4street 3:st, thence easterly on a line r-.rallel r•ith the southerly mr,!ir_:l line of '':Un Street .1:st and 110 feet 3istant therefrom to the esterly rrrgim.l line of C Street S. E., thence northerly -,.lon{- the r•esterly marT;inal line of 0 Street S. r. , e.n? across "--in Street 1-st an-, alon the westerl,r ^a.r71nz1 line of C Street , , , , to thepointofbeginning. rticle 3. BLTILDMIG DISTRICT NO. 2: Buildin- District 11o. 2 shall--e-ml—race and include all that part of the City of Auburn not included and embraced in above described Building District No. 1, contained within the following boundary lines: Be. inning at the point of intersection of the center lines of M. in Street East with the center line of E Street N. E., runnin; thence northerly alon the center line of E Street N. E., to its intersection with the center line of First Street T:. E., thence westerly alone the center line of First Street E., to its intersection with the center line of 0 Street IT. ^., thence northerly alon- the center line of C Street N. E., to its intersection r,•ith the center line of Second Street N. E., thence westerly alone the center .lines of Second Street.. N. E., 2Ad SeOQnd $trgpt r. '.. to an intersection with the westerl;r marginal line of Lot 6 extended northerly in Block 4 of L. ::. Ballard's Par'K Addition to Slaunhter, thence southerly alon{* said extented line and along the westerly marc -anal line of said Lot 6 and the westerly marninal line of said Lot 6 extended southerly in a straight line to the north marginal line of First Street N. :7. , thence across First Street N. .7. and along the easterly marginal line of B Street N. T. and across Ml in Street Vest and along the easterly marginal line of B Street S. W. to an intersection with the northerly marginal line of First Street S. C., thence diagonally across First Street S. W. to the point of intersection of the southerly marginal line of First Street S. :7. with the easterly marginal line of B Street S. "'. as now established, thence southerly alonr the easterly mar;7inal line of B Street S. as no,,, established to its intersection with the center line of Second Str et S. :7., thence easterly along the center lines of Second Stree and Second Street S. E. to intersection with the center ine of A Street S. E., thence east- erly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the center line of Second Street S. E. with the center line of E Street S. E'., thence northerly alone the center line of E Street S. F. to the point of beginning. Article . BUIL^ING DISTRICT NO. 3: Building District ?'o. 3 shall embrace and include all portions of -the Jity of Auburn not hereinbefore included in Building District ::o. 1 or in Building District No. 2." Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Attest: L i ler L"TRODUCFD September 17, 1935. 1ASSED September 17, 3935. PPRGV7D September 17, 1935. 7- May -or 5X A?'"RCVB'D AS TC FOR" September 1", 1935 Published September 20, 1935.